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Title RIS type
1. 七谷书简GEN
2. ای مشتاق ملکوت ابهی - لوحی از آثار حضرت عبدالبھاءGEN
3. اندیشه های من در شب چهارم نوامبرGEN
4. امر بهائی و هنرGEN
5. آيات الهی جلد دوم گلچينی از آثار حضرت بهاءاللّه ٦ GEN
6. Комментарии к Пространной обязательной молитвеGEN
7. Zoroastrianism, Reference to, in All Things Made NewGEN
8. Zoroaster, Date ofGEN
9. YogaGEN
10. Ya Allahu'l-Mustaghath: Original Source, Correct Transliteration and TranslationGEN
11. Ya 'Aliyyu'l-A'laGEN
12. The Worlds of GodGEN
13. The World's EquilibriumGEN
14. The World's Current State of Disorder and ConfusionGEN
15. The World Order of Baha'u'llah: Study GuideGEN
16. A World in Travail: Understanding and Responding to the Events of Our TimesGEN
17. A World Baha'i Bibliography: Project Proposal and ProspectusGEN
18. Workshop Material for The Baha'i Writings on EconomicsGEN
19. Words of Wisdom (Asl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
20. Word Portraits of Abdu'l-BahaGEN
21. Wondrous Book (Kitab-i-Badi'): Tablet study outlineGEN
22. Women on the Universal House of JusticeGEN
23. Women on the House of Justice; meaning of UmumiGEN
24. Wives of Baha'u'llahGEN
25. Withdrawal of Administrative RightsGEN
26. Withdrawal from the FaithGEN
27. Wisdom of Burying the Dead in the Earth: Tablet of CremationGEN
28. Wills and InheritanceGEN
29. Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha: Study OutlinesGEN
30. Will and Testament Blank PreambleGEN
31. Will and Testament: Translation and CommentaryGEN
32. Why only Baha'is can contribute to the Baha'i funds: The political economy perspectiveGEN
33. Why freedom matters: Adding spirituality to Amartya Sen's interpretation on freedomGEN
34. Who Is Writing the Future?: Summary outlineGEN
35. Who are the Baha'is?: The Forgotten 4th Abrahamic FaithGEN
36. Whispers of Angels: PoemsGEN
37. Whilst He Was in Suleymaniah: Extracts and poems from the memoirs of Nabil ZarandiGEN
38. Whatever happened to the Double Crusade?GEN
39. What's New in Version 5GEN
40. What's New in Version 4GEN
41. What It Is to Be a Baha'i?: A Letter to the Baha'i Youth from Ruhiyyih KhanumGEN
42. What is there to grieve about?GEN
43. What is the Baha'i Faith?: History, overview, and more!GEN
44. What Is Baha'i?: World's Newest Major Religion GEN
45. What Do Baha'is Know About Dreams?GEN
46. Wealth, Redistribution ofGEN
47. The Waves of One Sea: A Compilation on Unity in the Baha'i WritingsGEN
48. Water as a symbol used in the Sacred WritingsGEN
49. Visiting the Baha'i World CentreGEN
50. Vision Statement / Mandate of the Baha'i Library OnlineGEN
51. Vision of the FutureGEN
52. Violation of Baha'i and Civil LawGEN
53. Views on HomosexualityGEN
54. Varqa and His Son: A Talk by 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
55. Various questions: Wordings in Promised Day is Come, Transliteration of vav, PluralizationGEN
56. Various questions: Psychic powers, Persepolis, portrait of Mulla Husayn, etc.GEN
57. Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-QarnaynGEN
58. Vaccination and Covid-19: Six Letters Regarding Issues of Vaccination in 2020 and 2021GEN
59. Vaccination: A CompilationGEN
60. Utterances of Abdu'l-Baha to Thomas Breakwell, Herbert Hopper, and Isabella D. BrittinghamGEN
61. The Use of the Masculine Gender in the Baha'i Writings: Extracts from Letters Written By aGEN
62. Use of Masculine Pronouns and ImagesGEN
63. Usage of the Word Negro in Writings of Shoghi EffendiGEN
64. Update of Additional Tablets by 'Abdu'l-Baha; Permanency of URLs on bahai.orgGEN
65. Unlocking the Power of ActionGEN
66. Universal Language, Adoption ofGEN
67. The Universal House of JusticeGEN
68. The Universal House of Justice Letter Dated 28 November 2023: A Study GuideGEN
69. The Universal House of Justice Letter Dated 28 November 2023: A Study GuideGEN
70. Universal House of Justice and the Principles of JurisprudenceGEN
71. The Universal CyclesGEN
72. The Unity of Religions in This Century, Jews and the Crucifixion, and the Sacrifice of IshGEN
73. Unique Features of Baha'i ServiceGEN
74. Unfoldment of World Civilization, The, interactive study guideGEN
75. Uncompiled LettersGEN
76. Two Statements from the GuardianGEN
77. The Two Parts of the Law of God: The Essential and the Secondary Teachings of the True RelGEN
78. Two brief pilgrims' notesGEN
79. Twin Pilgrimages of Nuru'd-Din MumtaziGEN
80. Twenty-six Prayers Revealed by 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
81. Twenty-four Questions and Answers in Baha'i AdministrationGEN
82. Twelve Table Talks Given by 'Abdu'l-Baha in 'AkkaGEN
83. The Twelve Steps: Baha'i Writings and recovery from substance abuseGEN
84. Turning Point for All Nations Study OutlineGEN
85. The True Foundation of All EconomicsGEN
86. Triumphing over our weaknessesGEN
87. Trial of the Bab: Mulla Muhammad Mamaqani's accountGEN
88. Trial of the Bab: Questions, rebukes, statements made during the interrogation of the BabGEN
89. Trial of the Bab: Answers given during the interrogation of the BabGEN
90. Trial of the Bab: Alim-i Hashtrud's accountGEN
91. Treatise on Leadership (Risaliy-i-Siyasiyyih): ExtractsGEN
92. Treatise on Leadership: IntroductionGEN
93. Treatise on LeadershipGEN
94. Traveler's Narrative, A Study Outline and Cross-ReferenceGEN
95. Tratado sobre gobernanzaGEN
96. Transsexuality and Sex-Change OperationsGEN
97. TranssexualityGEN
98. The Transliteration System Used in Baha'i LiteratureGEN
99. Transliteration of the Long Obligatory PrayerGEN
100. Translations of the Qur'an and Introductory Books on the Baha'i Faith, Recommendations ConGEN
101. Translations of the Bible Used by Abdu'l-BahaGEN
102. Translation, brief compilation onGEN
103. Translation of Key Baha'i TermsGEN
104. Translation of Authoritative Baha'i Texts into the Spanish LanguageGEN
105. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Bahaʼi LiteratureGEN
106. Translation and ReviewGEN
107. Translation and provisional translationsGEN
108. Training Institutes and Systematic GrowthGEN
109. Training InstitutesGEN
110. Training Institutes: Letter to an individualGEN
111. Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of FunctioningGEN
112. The Training Institute and the Main Sequence of CoursesGEN
113. Traductions par Adib MasumiamGEN
114. Towards the Summit of Reality: Table of Contents and BibliographyGEN
115. Topical Index of Articles, Editorials, and Reviews Published in World OrderGEN
116. To-Do List and Features RequestsGEN
117. To the Institute for Studies in Global ProsperityGEN
118. To the Believers in the Cradle of the FaithGEN
119. To the Believers in the Cradle of the FaithGEN
120. To the Baha'is in IranGEN
121. To the Baha'i YouthGEN
122. To Set the World in Order: Building and Preserving Strong MarriagesGEN
123. Time of Peril, Prospects for PeaceGEN
124. Three Talks in AfricaGEN
125. Three Tablets of Baha'u'llah to Áqa Yahuda, an Early Jewish Convert to the Baha'i Faith fGEN
126. Some Thoughts on the Lesser PeaceGEN
127. This is FaithGEN
128. Thief in the Night: IndexGEN
129. Theocracy and Separation of Church and StateGEN
130. That Promising Continent: Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, the Writings and LeGEN
131. Texts, Sacred, Permission to Distribute Electronic Copies ofGEN
132. Term Limits for Members of Spiritual AssembliesGEN
133. Temiar religions, 19942008GEN
134. Temas e Destinatarios da Epistola aos Reis (Suray-i-Muluk): Epistola revelada por Baha'u'lGEN
135. Television Address of Iranian President Mohammad KhatamiGEN
136. Teaching the Baha'i Faith and the Role of the InstitutionsGEN
137. Teaching Christians More Effectively: Handbook and SeminarGEN
138. Tattoos, Permissibility ofGEN
139. Takfir, declaration of unbelief: includes excerpts from Risaliy-i-SiyasiyyihGEN
140. Tablettes additionnelles, Extraits et Causeries: Tablettes supplementaires données par 'AGEN
141. Tablette du Paradis de la Justice (Lawh-i-Ridvanuʼl-ʻAdl)GEN
142. Tablette de la ViergeGEN
143. Tablette de la Médecine (Lawh-i-Tibb)GEN
144. Tablets to the KingsGEN
145. Tablets to Napoleon III: ComparisonGEN
146. Tablets of Pilgrimage (Suriy-i-Hajj): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
147. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 4: Compilation and Provisional TranslationsGEN
148. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 3: Compilation and Provisional TranslationsGEN
149. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 2: Compilation and Provisional TranslationsGEN
150. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 1: Compilation and Provisional TranslationsGEN
151. Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas: Information on Circumstances of RGEN
152. Tablets of Baha'u'llah: Cross-reference between Tablets of Baha'u'llah, the Leiden List, aGEN
153. Tablets concerning the Divine TestGEN
154. Tablets and Utterances of 'Abdu'l-Baha Quoted in Compilations and Letters of the UniversalGEN
155. Tablet to the Zoroastrians (Lawh-i-Dustan-i-Yazdani)GEN
156. Tablet to the Sultan [Nasiri'd-Din Shah]: Tablet study outlineGEN
157. Tablet to the Premier [Ali Pasha] (Lawh-i-Ra'is): Tablet study outlineGEN
158. Tablet to the Physician, or Tablet of Medicine (Lawh-i-Tibb): Tablet study outlineGEN
159. Tablet to the Kings (Suratu'l-Muluk): Tablet study outlineGEN
160. Tablet to the Cousin (Lawh-i-Pisar-'Amm): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
161. Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague)GEN
162. Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague)GEN
163. Tablet to Shah-Muhammad-Amin (Aminu'l-Bayan) (Lawh-i-Aminu'l-Bayan): ExcerptGEN
164. Tablet to Rada'r-RuhGEN
165. Tablet to Queen Victoria (Lawh-i-Malikih)GEN
166. Tablet to Nasiri'd Din Shah (Lawh-i-Sultan)GEN
167. Tablet to Mulla Muhammad Baqir-i Tabrizi: ExtractsGEN
168. Tablet to Jamal-i-Burujirdi (Lawh-i-Jamal-i-Burujirdi)GEN
169. Tablet to Ismael on Annihilation in God (Lawh-i-Ismael)GEN
170. Tablet to Ibrahim George KheirallaGEN
171. Tablet to Hasan-i-Shahabadi (Lawh-i-Hasan-i-Shahabadi)GEN
172. The Tablet to Hardegg (Lawh-i-Hirtik)GEN
173. Tablet to Haji Muhammad-Nasir-i-Qazvini (Lawh-i-Haji Muhammad-Nasir-i-Qazvini): ExcerptsGEN
174. Tablet to Haji Mirza Kamalu'd-Din (Lawh-i-Haji Mirza Kamalu'd-Din): ExcerptGEN
175. Tablet to FuadGEN
176. Tablet to AshrafGEN
177. Tablet to Amir Khan and Tablet of the Holy MarinerGEN
178. Tablet to a Physician (Lawh-i-Tibb)GEN
179. Tablet to a Physician (Lawh-i-Tibb)GEN
180. Tablet to 'Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyat (Lawh-i-'Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyat)GEN
181. Tablet Revealed by Baha'u'llah Commemorating His BirthGEN
182. Tablet on Understanding the Cause of Opposition to the Manifestations of GodGEN
183. Tablet on the Unity of Existence (Sharh Wahdat al-Wujud)GEN
184. Tablet on the Simple Reality, The (Lawh-i-Basitu'l-Haqiqih)GEN
185. Tablet on the Right of the People (Lawh-i haqq al-nas)GEN
186. Tablet on the Passing of Mirza 'Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani (Lawh-i-az Hadrat-i-'Abdu'l-Baha' GEN
187. Tablet on the Inmost HeartGEN
188. Tablet on the Debasement of PersiaGEN
189. Tablet on the Daystar of Divine BeautyGEN
190. Tablet on the Birth of the Greatest Name II (Lawh-i-Imawlud-i-'Ism-i-A'zam)GEN
191. Tablet on the Birth of the Greatest Name IIGEN
192. Tablet on Marriage (Lawh-i-Nikah)GEN
193. Tablet on Interpretation of Sacred Scripture (Lawh-i-Ta'wil)GEN
194. Tablet of [Mount] Carmel (Lawh-i-Karmil): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
195. Tablet of Wisdom (Lawh-i-Hikmat): Tablet study outlineGEN
196. Tablet of Wisdom (Lawh-i-Hikmat): Study GuideGEN
197. Tablet of Visitation for Vahid-i Darabi (Lawh-i-Ziyarat-i-Vahid-i-Darabi)GEN
198. Tablet of Visitation for the wife of the Bab, Khadijih BegumGEN
199. Tablet of Visitation for Imam Husayn (Lawh-i-Ziyarat-Namih-i-Imam Husayn)GEN
200. Tablet of VisionGEN
201. Tablet of UnityGEN
202. Tablet of the Waves (Lawh-i-Amvaj)GEN
203. Tablet of the VisionGEN
204. The Tablet of the True Seeker from the Kitab-i-Íqan (Book of Certitude)GEN
205. Tablet of the Temple (Suratu'l-Haykal): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
206. Tablet of the Temple (Suratu'l-Haykal): Tablet study outlineGEN
207. Tablet of the Temple (Suratu'l-Haykal): Study GuideGEN
208. Tablet of the Son (Jesus)GEN
209. Tablet of the Sacred Night (Lawh Laylat al-Quds)GEN
210. Tablet of the River [Tigris]GEN
211. Tablet of the Nightingale and the OwlGEN
212. Tablet of the Mist of the Unknown (Rashh-i-Ama)GEN
213. Tablet of the Manifestation, The (Lawh-i-Zuhur)GEN
214. Tablet of the Manifestation (Lawh-i-Zuhur)GEN
215. Tablet of the Maiden: Commentary on its translationGEN
216. Tablet of the Holy Mariner (Lawh-i-Mallahu'l-Quds): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
217. Tablet of the Holy Mariner (Lawh-i-Mallahu'l-Quds): Tablet study outlineGEN
218. Tablet of the Holy Mariner (Lawh-i-Mallahu'l-Quds): Study CompilationsGEN
219. Tablet of the Holy MarinerGEN
220. Tablet of the Holy MarinerGEN
221. A Tablet of the Greatest NameGEN
222. Tablet of the Gems of Unity, The (Lawh-i-Javahir-i-Tawhid)GEN
223. Tablet of the Garden of Ridvan (Lawh-i-Bagh-i-Ridvan)GEN
224. Tablet of The Desired One (Lawh-i-Maqsud): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
225. Tablet of the Deathless Youth (Lawh-i-Ghulamu'l-Khuld)GEN
226. Tablet of the CentennialGEN
227. Tablet of the Branch (Surih-i-Ghusn)GEN
228. Tablet of the Branch (Surih-i-Ghusn): Tablet study outlineGEN
229. Tablet of the Bell (Tablet for the Feast of Ridvan)GEN
230. Tablet of the Bell (Lawh-i-Naqus), also known as Tablet of Praised be Thou, O He (SubhanikGEN
231. Tablet of the 'Light Verse' (Lawh-i-Áyiy-i-Nur), also known as Commentary on the DisconneGEN
232. Tablet of the 'Light Verse' (Lawh-i-Áyiy-i-Nur), also known as Commentary on the DisconneGEN
233. Tablet of Splendors (Lawh-i-Ishraqat): Tablet study outlineGEN
234. Tablet of Shikkar Shikan ShavandGEN
235. Tablet of Shikkar Shikan (Shikkar Shikkan Shavand): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
236. Tablet of Ridvan (Lawh-i-Ridvan): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
237. Tablet of Ridvan (Lawh-i-Ridvan): Tablet study outlineGEN
238. Tablet of Patience, or Tablet of Job (Surih-i-Sabr or Lawh-i-Ayyub)GEN
239. Tablet of Patience, or Tablet of Job (Surih-i-Sabr or Lawh-i-Ayyub)GEN
240. Tablet of Nightingale of Separation (Lawh-i-Bulbulu'l-Firaq)GEN
241. Tablet of Medicine (Lawh-i-Tibb)GEN
242. Tablet of MaqsudGEN
243. Tablet of HolinessGEN
244. Tablet of Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah O Glad Tidings (Lawh-i Halih, Halih, Halih ya BGEN
245. Tablet of Firayjat (Lawh-i-Firayjat) / Tablet of Firaq (Lawh-i-Firaq)GEN
246. The Tablet of EmancipationGEN
247. Tablet of ConsolationGEN
248. Tablet of Blood (Suriy-i-Damm)GEN
249. Tablet of All Food (Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'am): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
250. Tablet of All Food (Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'am): Tablet study outlineGEN
251. Tablet of Ahmad, Arabic (Lawh-i-Ahmad): Analysis of Figurative Language in the Tablet of AGEN
252. Tablet of Ahmad, Arabic (Lawh-i-Ahmad): Tablet study outlineGEN
253. Tablet of Ahmad and Tablet of the Holy MarinerGEN
254. Tablet of Abdu'l-Baha to Shoghi Effendi: With Introduction by Zia BagdadiGEN
255. A Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Baha on the Relation between Science and ReligionGEN
256. A Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Baha Explaining Three Verses in the Lawh-i-HikmatGEN
257. Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Baha Concerning AriusGEN
258. Tablet Concerning Covenant-Breakers: ExcerptGEN
259. Tablet about Jonah and the WhaleGEN
260. Tablet 27 Feb 1913 to Graham Pole (Secretary General Theosophical Society)GEN
261. Table Talks at AccaGEN
262. Tabla de la MedicinaGEN
263. Tabla de FuegoGEN
264. Tabla de AhmadGEN
265. Tabla de 'Abdu'l-Baha a Amir KhanGEN
266. Tabla a los CristianosGEN
267. Surih of VisitationGEN
268. Surih of Admonition (Suratu'l-Nus'h): Revealed for Siyyid Ja'far-i-YazdiGEN
269. Surah of the Sacrifice (Suratu'dh-Dhibh)GEN
270. Surah of the Pen: Suratu'l-QalamGEN
271. Surah of the ArabsGEN
272. Surah of the Almighty (Surat al-Qadir)GEN
273. Supplications by Baha'u'llahGEN
274. Summons of the Lord of Hosts: Cross-Referenced to Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, the Leiden GEN
275. Summary of Baha'i Activities on Worldwide Computer Networks (1995)GEN
276. Suffering of the Exalted LettersGEN
277. Subud, Membership inGEN
278. Study of the Baha'i Faith, Issues Related to theGEN
279. A Study Guide to The Seven Valleys of Baha'u'llahGEN
280. Stem CellsGEN
281. SteadfastnessGEN
282. Statistical information on the Baha'is of the United States, 1979GEN
283. The Station of Baha'u'llah and the Significance of His RevelationGEN
284. Station of Baha'u'llah: Three LettersGEN
285. Statement on Mason Remey from the Western Hands of the FaithGEN
286. The State When Asleep: Dreams, Their Interpretation and WisdomGEN
287. Star of the West: Use of, in Electronic FormGEN
288. Sprinkling from a Cloud (Rashh-i-Ama): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
289. Sprinkling from a Cloud (Rashh-i-Ama): Tablet study outlineGEN
290. Springtime metaphors and spring-related imageryGEN
291. Spiritualization of the Baha'i Community: A Plan for TeachingGEN
292. Spiritual SpringGEN
293. Spiritual Institutions: The Foundation for OnenessGEN
294. Spiritual Growth, Essential Requisites forGEN
295. The Spiritual Foundation of Human Rights: A Baha'i PerspectiveGEN
296. Spiritual Citizenship: Putting Faith into PracticeGEN
297. Special Report on Baha'i Burial vs. Maori CustomGEN
298. The Sovereign Remedy: A Study of Baha'i SourcesGEN
299. Sources of Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llahGEN
300. Sourate de la Patience (Tablette de Job)GEN
301. Some Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed for His Female RelativesGEN
302. Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
303. Some Answered Questions: Study GuideGEN
304. Solace of the Heart: selected poemsGEN
305. Socrates in History and the Baha'i WritingsGEN
306. SocratesGEN
307. Social media and non-involvement in politicsGEN
308. Social Action, Public Discourse, and Non-involvement in Political AffairsGEN
309. Social ActionGEN
310. Site MapGEN
311. Sincerity: The Foundation Stone of FaithGEN
312. Sin-covering GazeGEN
313. Significant Events in Baha'i HistoryGEN
314. Significance of the Day of the Martyrdom of the BabGEN
315. Short Obligatory Prayer in ConlangsGEN
316. Share your time with GodGEN
317. Shah Abdu'llah and the Baha'is of Abadeh: An account of the persecution of Baha'is by follGEN
318. The Seven Valleys: Notes from a Deepening ClassGEN
319. Seven Valleys and Four Valleys: Interlinear Translation ComparisonGEN
320. Seven Valleys (Haft Vadi): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
321. Seven Valleys (Haft Vadi): Tablet study outlineGEN
322. The Seven ProofsGEN
323. The Seven Cities of Baha'u'llahGEN
324. Servants in the Households of Baha'u'llah and the BabGEN
325. Sermon of the Gulf (Khutbih Tutunjiyyih): IntroductionGEN
326. Sermon of Recognition with Luminousness (Khutbih-i-Ma'rifat bin-Nuraniyyat)GEN
327. Sermon of Glorification (Khutbat'ul-Iftikhar)GEN
328. Sequential Outline of the Kitab-i-Íqan: condensed versionGEN
329. Self-Defense, the Ungodly, Infallibility, and Sexual Violence and AbuseGEN
330. Self and Selflessness: A Personal Meditative BookletGEN
331. Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Baha': 3GEN
332. Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Baha': 2GEN
333. Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha: Study GuideGEN
334. Selections from the Baha'i Writings and from Shaykh Ahmad on the Seven Stages of CreationGEN
335. Selected Passages from Century of LightGEN
336. Selected Extracts from Letters on ScholarshipGEN
337. Secret of Divine Civilization Study questionsGEN
338. Secret of Divine Civilization Translation, Capital Punishment, and Other QuestionsGEN
339. Secret of Divine Civilization: Expanded outlineGEN
340. Second Tablet to Napoleon III (Lawh-i-Napulyun): Tablet study outlineGEN
341. Second Tablet of Salman (Lawh-i-Salman): Tablet study outlineGEN
342. Second ChanceGEN
343. Searchable online catalogues for US National Baha'i Library and Louhelen LibraryGEN
344. Scriptures of Previous DispensationsGEN
345. Science, Religion, and Development: Promoting a Discourse in India, Brazil, and UgandaGEN
346. Science and TechnologyGEN
347. Science and Sacred ScripturesGEN
348. Science and Religion, Quotations onGEN
349. Schools owned by Baha'is and Baha'i schools GEN
350. Scholars and the Administrative OrderGEN
351. Saying Nothing about No-Thing: Apophatic Theology in the Classical WorldGEN
352. Salmani's My Memories of Baha'u'llah, Publication ofGEN
353. The Sadratu'l-Muntaha: References to the Divine Lote Tree in Judaism, Christianity and IslGEN
354. Sadratu'l-MuntahaGEN
355. SacrificeGEN
356. Rumi: Quotations from the Mathnavi of Rumi in the Baha'i WritingsGEN
357. Ruhiyyih Khanum's Tribute to Shoghi Effendi at the Kampala Conference (Uganda) 26 Jan 1958GEN
358. Ruhi Institutes and the Five-Year PlanGEN
359. Ruhi Book 6: NotesGEN
360. RSS FeedsGEN
361. Role of the Universal House of Justice: Interpretation and ElucidationGEN
362. Role of the Local Assembly in Cluster GrowthGEN
363. The Role of Education in Building Material and Spiritual CivilizationGEN
364. Rock-n-Roll God: PoemsGEN
365. RIS Citation ExportGEN
366. Ridvan Message to the US National Spiritual AssemblyGEN
367. Ridvan Message from the US National Spiritual AssemblyGEN
368. Ridvan 2001: Study GuideGEN
369. Ridvan 2000: Study OutlineGEN
370. Ridvan 1996: OutlineGEN
371. Reviewing: Practice and Functions of Literature ReviewGEN
372. Revealed on the Day of Ridvan (Nuzzila fi al-Yawm ir-Ridvan): ExcerptGEN
373. The Return of Christ: Statements Relating to the Twofold Nature of ChristGEN
374. Resurrection of Christ and the BibleGEN
375. Resurrection and the World to ComeGEN
376. Results of the First Regional Baha'i Council ElectionGEN
377. Responding to the War in UkraineGEN
378. Request for Designation as Martyr of Alonzo TwineGEN
379. Reproduction and other Biological SubjectsGEN
380. Remembering Shoghi Effendi as InterpreterGEN
381. Remarks to Pilgrims to Haifa by Shoghi EffendiGEN
382. Religious Truth as Found in the Writings of Shoghi EffendiGEN
383. Religious prejudiceGEN
384. Relationship between two statements of Baha'u'llah regarding the calculation of Huququ'llaGEN
385. Reincarnation, The Return, and the Cycle of Life ChartGEN
386. Reincarnation, Rebirth and the Progress of the SoulGEN
387. Reincarnation and the Nature and Progress of the SoulGEN
388. Regional Baha'i Councils of the United States, Messages toGEN
389. Regarding Jaʻfar-i-Kadhdhab ('Jaʻfar the Liar')GEN
390. Regarding Economic LifeGEN
391. Reflections, at the centenary of the Tablets of the Divine PlanGEN
392. Reflections on the Ridvan 2009 MessageGEN
393. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative AgeGEN
394. Some Reflections on Questions and Baha'i StudiesGEN
395. References to the Holy Spirit in the Writings of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha: A MeditatioGEN
396. References to Christ in His Tablet to Pope Pius IXGEN
397. Recollections of Pilgrimage: Nine Days with the Guardian in 1957GEN
398. The Recollections of My Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Meeting the Beloved GuardianGEN
399. Recognition of the Next Manifestation of GodGEN
400. Rashh-i-'Ama: traduction en assonancesGEN
401. Rashh-i-'Ama: Les Nuages des Royaumes d'en-hautGEN
402. Ranks and Functions in the Baha'i CauseGEN
403. Random page: Sacred WritingsGEN
404. Rainn Wilson on His Baha'i Faith and Why His Success is Connected to His SpiritualityGEN
405. Qur'anic references in the Baha'i WritingsGEN
406. Qur'anic and Biblical References in the Kitab-i-Íqan: A Guide to Further StudyGEN
407. Quote from Ruhiyyih Khanum to Mrs. J.E. BollesGEN
408. Quinta Epoca de la Edad Formativa de la Fe, Anuncio de laGEN
409. Questions of Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali Muhammad occasioning the Revelation of the Kitab-i-IqanGEN
410. Questions and Answers on War and Related IssuesGEN
411. Question-answer session from Text and Context in the Baha'i Heroic AgeGEN
412. Qualities and Attributes of the Spiritually Learned: Excerpts from The Secret of Divine CiGEN
413. Qiblih, Determining the direction ofGEN
414. Qayyum-al-'Asma: Notes on JosephGEN
415. Qayyum-al-'Asma: Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
416. Purpose and Mission of the Manifestations of GodGEN
417. Publishing, Baha'i, Memorandum on: Materials to be Deposited with the Baha'i World Centre GEN
418. Publishing Letters from the Universal House of JusticeGEN
419. Public Address of Ruhiyyih Khanum to the 1953 Conference in WilmetteGEN
420. Psychology and Knowledge of SelfGEN
421. Provisional Translations, Policy ConcerningGEN
422. Provisional Translations of Selected Writings of the Báb, Baháʼuʼlláh, and ʻAbdu'GEN
423. Provisional Translations of Baha'i Writings and their PublicationGEN
424. Provisional Translation of the Persian Tablet of AhmadGEN
425. Prosperity of Humankind: An OutlineGEN
426. Prosperity of Humankind Study OutlineGEN
427. Proposed Changes for Version 6GEN
428. Prophecy of Daniel; Modifications of Baha'u'llah and the New EraGEN
429. The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Study GuideGEN
430. Promulgation of Universal Peace: Spreadsheet of TalksGEN
431. Promoting Entry by Troops: Study GuideGEN
432. Progressive Revelation: The Bible and Baha'u'llahGEN
433. Progress of the Faith in the United States and South CarolinaGEN
434. Programs for the Observance of Baha'i Holy DaysGEN
435. ProfessionsGEN
436. Proclamation of Baha'u'llah: Cross-reference to the Leiden List and Editable Wiki PagesGEN
437. Principles and Practices of Curriculum Design and DevelopmentGEN
438. The Principle of Succession in the Kitab-i-Aqdas: Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
439. The Principle of an International Auxiliary LanguageGEN
440. Primary Source Texts, Access toGEN
441. Primary Source Texts Related to the CovenantGEN
442. Prières supplémentaires révélées par Baha'u'llahGEN
443. Prières supplémentaires révélées par 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
444. Prières de 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
445. Prière révélée par Baha'u'llah le premier jour du JeûneGEN
446. Prière pour proteger des epidemiesGEN
447. Prieres et meditations: Choix de prieres et de meditations revelees par Baha'u'llah, compiGEN
448. Preuves baha'ies basees sur le CoranGEN
449. Prayers of Shoghi EffendiGEN
450. Some Prayers by Baha'u'llahGEN
451. Some Prayers and Tablets from the BabGEN
452. Prayers and Meditations: Study GuideGEN
453. Prayer Revealed by the Exalted Pen for Mirza 'Abu'l-FadlGEN
454. Prayer of the Bab God Sufficeth..., Two versions ofGEN
455. Prayer for the Dead, Recitiation ofGEN
456. Prayer for SteadfastnessGEN
457. Prayer for Shaykh Kazim Samandar (Munajat-i-Jinab-i-Samandari)GEN
458. Prayer for ProtectionGEN
459. Prayer and Devotional LifeGEN
460. Prayer Make me a hollow reed, Source ofGEN
461. Praise the King of Glory: New and Selected PoemsGEN
462. Potentialities and their Manifestation: A Selection of Passages from the Writings of Baha'GEN
463. Potential Calamities and Ensuring Sustainability of CommunitiesGEN
464. Possibility of a Woman Being Designated a Manifestation of GodGEN
465. A Portal of God's Grace: Passages on Life after Death in the Baha'i WritingsGEN
466. Politics and Engagement in the Life of SocietyGEN
467. Political Non-Involvement and Obedience to Government: Compilation by Peter Khan with CoveGEN
468. Poets, Guidance toGEN
469. Poems Often Enrich My SpiritGEN
470. Poems from a Misty IslandGEN
471. PoemsGEN
472. A Pocketful of Meaning: Compilation of Terms, Phrases and Symbols as Used in the Sacred WrGEN
473. Pledge of AllegianceGEN
474. Places Where the Manifestations of God Have Appeared; Equality of Men and WomenGEN
475. Pioneria Internacional en le Plan de Cinco AñosGEN
476. Pioneering, Language, Arts, Example of 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
477. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Part 1.1: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in AutobiograGEN
478. Pioneering or Education?GEN
479. PioneeringGEN
480. Pilgrims' Notes, Status ofGEN
481. Pilgrims' Notes OnlineGEN
482. Pilgrims' Notes from U.S. ArchivesGEN
483. Pilgrims' Notes: Considerations for SharingGEN
484. Pilgrims Notes and the CalamityGEN
485. Pilgrims NotesGEN
486. A Pilgrimage to Haifa, November 1919GEN
487. Pilgrimage to Haifa and Akka: Parts Two-ThreeGEN
488. Pilgrimage or Tourism at the Baha'i Gardens?GEN
489. Pilgrimage: Notes by LeRoy JonesGEN
490. Pilgrim's NotesGEN
491. Pilgrim's NotesGEN
492. Pilgrim's NotesGEN
493. Pilgrim's NotesGEN
494. Pilgrim Notes Recorded after the Nightly Dinner-table Talks of the Beloved Guardian, ShoghGEN
495. Pilgrim NotesGEN
496. Pilgrim NotesGEN
497. Pilgrim Letter of Hooper Harris to Mr. HoarGEN
498. Physical Discpline of ChildrenGEN
499. Physical disability preventing genuflections of Long Obligatory PrayerGEN
500. Photographs of Baha'u'llah; William MillerGEN
501. Photograph of Baha'u'llah on WebsiteGEN
502. Philosophical Statements by 'Abdu'l-Baha in Some Answered QuestionsGEN
503. Petition from the Persian ReformersGEN
504. Perspectives on Science and ReligionGEN
505. Personal Websites, Audiences, and Use of Language on the InternetGEN
506. Personal Teaching: A FlorilegiumGEN
507. Personal Remarks to the FriendsGEN
508. Personal Page: Dianne Bradford: Deepening and teaching materialsGEN
509. Personal Page: Ehsan BayatGEN
510. Personal Page: Gary FuhrmanGEN
511. Personal Page: Ralph D. WagnerGEN
512. Personal Page: Sen McGlinnGEN
513. Personal Page: Sonja van Kerkhoff: arts reviews, essaysGEN
514. Personal Page: Paula BidwellGEN
515. Personal page: Jonah WintersGEN
516. Personal Page: Brett ZamirGEN
517. Persian/Arabic Baha'i Books in the Library of Ahang RabbaniGEN
518. The Persian Manuscript of Nabil's History (Tarikh-i-Nabil)GEN
519. The Persian Bayan: Partial translationGEN
520. The Persian Bayan: From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translationGEN
521. Persian Bayan (Exposition): From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translationGEN
522. Persia and the Persian Question, endnotesGEN
523. Permission to Change Pronouns in Private PrayerGEN
524. Permissibility of Circulating Photographs of 'Abdu'l-Baha OnlineGEN
525. Permissibility of Chinese New Year Celebrations and Cultural ProstrationsGEN
526. Peace, Activism forGEN
527. Peace in the Baha'i ScripturesGEN
528. PDF SupportGEN
529. The Pattern of Baha'i LifeGEN
530. Passing of Abdu'l-Baha (Nov 1921)GEN
531. Passages uit de Kitab-i-Íqan (Boek van Zekerheid) in Bloemlezing uit de Geschriften van BGEN
532. A Passage from the Kitab-i-Badi' on Ostensible Contradictions in the WritingsGEN
533. Participation in Politics and Social ActivitiesGEN
534. Paroles Cachees: Essai de correction de traductions françaises antérieuresGEN
535. Paris Talks: Study GuideGEN
536. Parallel Hidden Words in English (Early and Authorised)GEN
537. Overview of Translations of Baha'i Texts on bahaiprayers.netGEN
538. Outposts of a World Religion by a Baha'i Traveler: Journeys Taken in 1933-1935, AccompanieGEN
539. An Outline for Study of Some Answered QuestionsGEN
540. Our Pilgrimage to HaifaGEN
541. Our Covenant with Abdu'l-BahaGEN
542. Ornaments (Tarazat): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
543. The Original Text of the Suriy-i-HaykalGEN
544. Orange Tree, Myth ofGEN
545. Oracion Obligatoria y el Ayuno, La Importancia de laGEN
546. The Opening of the Terraces (May 2001): Reflections of a ParticipantGEN
547. Open Letter to the National Spiritual Assembly re Gays in the Baha'i FaithGEN
548. The One Who Related the Existence of the QaʼimGEN
549. On the Meanings of the Terms 'Angels' and 'Jinn': Provisional translationGEN
550. On the Calamitous State of World Affairs and the Material Sustainability of CommunitiesGEN
551. On the Betterment of the World and the Countering of Negative and Disunifying ForcesGEN
552. On a Baha'i's Engagement with Society and Non-Involvement in PoliticsGEN
553. On Simplified English Translations of the Baha'i WritingsGEN
554. Ode of the Dove (Qasidiy-i-'Izz-Varqa'iyyih): Tablet study outlineGEN
555. Ode of the DoveGEN
556. Obligatory Prayer, Questions aboutGEN
557. Obligatory Prayer, Exemption fromGEN
558. Obligatory Prayer, Ablutions, and Repetition of the Greatest NameGEN
559. ObedienceGEN
560. O My handmaid! Concern not thyself with that which is outwardly apparent…GEN
561. Nuri, Mirza Abbas Buzurg: Complete Genealogy ReportGEN
562. Number of tablets revealed by Baha'u'llahGEN
563. Nudity in ArtGEN
564. NSA staff members answering correspondence; prayers of Abdu'l-BahaGEN
565. Notes to a talk given by Hand of the Cause Ioas in Pasadena CaliforniaGEN
566. Notes Taken in the Presence of Shoghi EffendiGEN
567. Notes Taken from a Visit to the Baha'is at Hawthorne CaliforniaGEN
568. Notes on Words of the GuardianGEN
569. Notes on the Twentieth CenturyGEN
570. Notes on the Thornton Chase PapersGEN
571. Notes on the Annual Baha'i ConventionGEN
572. Notes on St. John as explained by Our LordGEN
573. Notes on Shoghi Effendi's Table TalkGEN
574. Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa: April 15-23, 1957GEN
575. Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa: Parallel edition of five manuscriptsGEN
576. Notes on Letter from Shoghi Effendi re Parental Consent for MarriageGEN
577. Notes on CopyrightGEN
578. Some Notes on Baha'i Proofs Based on the Qur'anGEN
579. Notes on 1954 PilgrimageGEN
580. Notes of the Pilgrimage of Edith McLarenGEN
581. Notes of Shoghi Effendi's WordsGEN
582. Notes of Miss Ethel Rosenberg of London England, taken in Acca, January 1909GEN
583. Notes of Address in Ottawa, OntarioGEN
584. Notes from the National Baha'i Archives on the Chicago House of SpiritualityGEN
585. Notes from the 1933 ConventionGEN
586. Notes from a Talk about Visiting HaifaGEN
587. Notes and Mazandarani's 9 Styles of RevelationGEN
588. Notes and Commentary on the Tablets of Baha'u'llah: Wilmette Institute study materialsGEN
589. North American Indian PropheciesGEN
590. Non-Involvement in Partisan PoliticsGEN
591. Nineteen-Day Feast, Scheduling theGEN
592. The Nine-Pointed Star: History and SymbolismGEN
593. The Nine Year Plan and the Destiny of AmericaGEN
594. Nine Year Plan and the Destiny of America: Study GuideGEN
595. Night of the Passing of 'Abdu'l-BahaGEN
596. Nietzsche et les ecrits baha'is: Une premiere approcheGEN
597. New Religious Movements, Tolkien, MarriageGEN
598. A New Race of Men and the meaning of Tread UnderGEN
599. A New and Effective way to Study the Kitab-i-IganGEN
600. The Necessity for PrayerGEN
601. Near Death Experiences and the Baha'i FaithGEN
602. The Nature of God: Some Extracts from the Baha'i WritingsGEN
603. The Nature and Challenge of TestsGEN
604. NatureGEN
605. National Spiritual Assembly members who are women, Percentage of, 1953-2007GEN
606. National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formationGEN
607. The National ConventionGEN
608. Napoleon III and Queen Victoria, Responses to the Tablets of Baha'u'llahGEN
609. Names of GodGEN
610. Mystic Ramblings and DaydreamingsGEN
611. My Visit to Abbas-Effendi in 1899GEN
612. Music Lyrics, Singing, and Dancing at FeastGEN
613. Muhammad Musaddiq and the Baha'isGEN
614. Most Great Peace (a rap)GEN
615. Moral EducationGEN
616. Monogamy, Sexual Equality, Marital Equality, and the Supreme TribunalGEN
617. Moderation and the Art of TeachingGEN
618. Mirza Mihdi, Holy Family, Capitalization of Pronouns, Guardian's Use of EnglishGEN
619. Millennium ForumGEN
620. Migrants and Refugees in EuropeGEN
621. Mid-East History during the Islamic Period: Chronology and CommentaryGEN
622. The Metaphysics and Cosmology of Process According to Shaykh 'Ahmad al-'Ahsa'i: Critical EGEN
623. Message to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors on the Nine Year PlanGEN
624. Message to First Canadian National ConventionGEN
625. Message on World PeaceGEN
626. Message on the occasion of the opening of the 2014 World CupGEN
627. Message on clusters, institutes, and growthGEN
628. Message of the World Spiritual Crusade received from the GuardianGEN
629. The Message of The Quran: AppendicesGEN
630. Message from AccaGEN
631. Mental TestsGEN
632. Mental TestsGEN
633. MemorizationGEN
634. Memories of Talks with the GuardianGEN
635. Membership in the National Organization for WomenGEN
636. Meetings, Baha'iGEN
637. Meetings for women onlyGEN
638. Meditation, Prayer, and SpiritualizationGEN
639. Mazra'ih: A FootnoteGEN
640. May Knowledge Grow in our Hearts: Applying Spiritual Principles to Development PracticeGEN
641. Materials Provided by the Baha'i World Centre on Universal Auxiliary LanguageGEN
642. Materials Provided by the Baha'i World Centre on Gender in the Writings, and Matters of TrGEN
643. Mason Remey and Joel Bray MarangellaGEN
644. Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, Extracts on the Institution ofGEN
645. Mashriqu'l-AdhkarGEN
646. Martyrs of the Second Revolt at NayrizGEN
647. Martyrdom of the Bab: An Outline for ResearchersGEN
648. Marshall Islands population statisticsGEN
649. Marriage, Consent of Parents toGEN
650. Marriage and SexualityGEN
651. Marking the Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llahGEN
652. Mark of the Beast and Implanted Computer ChipsGEN
653. Manifestations of God and the Master: Representation of in Portraits, Photographs, and DraGEN
654. The Maid of Heaven: A Personal CompilationGEN
655. Mackenzie and Franklin Islands in the Tablets of the Divine PlanGEN
656. A Love of IranGEN
657. Lotus Temple, New Delhi: The Gates of GodGEN
658. Lot and His DaughtersGEN
659. Los Angeles, Living inGEN
660. Lontananza: Poesie, saggi e lettere (1955-2025)GEN
661. Long Obligatory Prayer: Printable, Foldable VersionGEN
662. The Long Healing Prayer: Original Arabic, Transliteration, and Authorized English TranslatGEN
663. Long Healing Prayer: an early provisional translationGEN
664. Little Badasht: Aids for the Study of Nabil's NarrativeGEN
665. Literatura Baha'i en EspañolGEN
666. Literary Style — TranslationGEN
667. List of useful published resources for Baha'i StudiesGEN
668. List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.orgGEN
669. List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.orgGEN
670. List of 350 Kindle Books in the Baha'i CategoryGEN
671. Links to Baha'i blogs, resources, organizationsGEN
672. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha: Study GuideGEN
673. Light and Mercy: Mental Health and Tests and DifficultiesGEN
674. Letters to Louise R. WaiteGEN
675. Letters to Grace Holley and Visalia LSAGEN
676. Letters to and from US Presidential ArchivesGEN
677. Letters to Alain LockeGEN
678. Letters of Shoghi Effendi, Arranged ChronologicallyGEN
679. Letters of Living, Dawn-Breakers, Quddus, TerracesGEN
680. Letters from Jessie RevellGEN
681. Letter to the United States and Canada on Racism, 1961GEN
682. Letter to the Portland, Oregon Spiritual Assembly: 1914 October 14GEN
683. Letter to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1998GEN
684. Letter to the Friends, Throughout the East and the West, through the Spiritual AssembliesGEN
685. Letter to the Ecole des Jeunes May Bolles Maxwell ConferenceGEN
686. Letter to the Believers in Portland, Oregon: 1914 June 1GEN
687. Letter to the Baha'is of Macy NebraskaGEN
688. Letter to Mrs. A. Schwarz, StuttgartGEN
689. Letter to Mrs A.M. Bryant re interment of the remains of The Bab on Mt. CarmelGEN
690. Letter to Marzieh GailGEN
691. Letter to Martha RootGEN
692. Letter to Lili Hermann re Abdu'l-Baha envisioning a break in the line of GuardiansGEN
693. Letter to Jinab-i-Áqa Mirza Badi'u'llah Khan of AbadihGEN
694. Letter to Grace HolleyGEN
695. Letter to Dr J. W. Freudenberg, Auckland, New ZealandGEN
696. Letter to Corinne True re Women on the House of JusticeGEN
697. Letter on responding to attitude changes on homosexualityGEN
698. Letter on Racism in the United StatesGEN
699. Letter of the Bab to His WifeGEN
700. Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1955GEN
701. Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1946GEN
702. A Letter from Bahiyyih Khanum: To the Friends of the Lord and the Handmaids of the MercifuGEN
703. Les religions et les philosophies dans l'asie centrale (continued)GEN
704. Les Quatre Vallees, publie dans The Call of the Divine Beloved (Centre mondial baha'i - 20GEN
705. Leiden List: Bibliography to the Tablets of Baha'u'llahGEN
706. Legislative Responsibilities of the Universal House of Justice Regarding Obligatory PrayerGEN
707. Legislating on MoralityGEN
708. Learning ProcessGEN
709. Le Retour d'un SoleilGEN
710. Le Livre de l'Alliance Kitab-i-'AhdGEN
711. Laymen vs. Scholars in Baha'i StudiesGEN
712. Laws of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Further Application ofGEN
713. Laws of the Bayan reflected in The Kitab-i-AqdasGEN
714. Laws Abrogated by Baha'u'llahGEN
715. Lawh-i-Hirtik (Tablet to Hardegg)GEN
716. Lawh-i-Dunya, Tablet of the World: Meaning of Urvatu'l-Vuthqa, Sure HandleGEN
717. Lawh-i-Abdu'r-Razzaq: Parallel Translation (English)GEN
718. Law, Application ofGEN
719. The Languages of Revelation of the Baha'i WritingsGEN
720. Language of Revelation and Status of Guardian's TranslationsGEN
721. La Raison dans les Ecrits baha'is: Son importance, sa fonction, son usageGEN
722. La Politique: Treatise on LeadershipGEN
723. La Moral del CoránGEN
724. L'islam, religion eternelle?: une approche baha'ie de la revendication à la completudeGEN
725. Krishna, historiography of; Meaning of QayyumGEN
726. Kitab-i-Íqan and the Qur'an: Quotations from the Iqan Compared with their Counterparts inGEN
727. Kitab-i-Íqan: The Book of Certitude, by Baha'u'llah: Interlinear PresentationGEN
728. Kitab-i-Íqan, The Book of Certitude: Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
729. Kitab-i-Íqan, The Book of Certitude: Tablet study outlineGEN
730. Kitab-i-Íqan, The Book of Certitude: Questionnaire and Answer KeyGEN
731. Kitab-i-Aqdas Research ToolsGEN
732. Kitab-i-Aqdas Questions and ConcordancesGEN
733. Kitab-i-Aqdas and the Expulsion of Covenant BreakersGEN
734. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Correlation of passages from the Synopsis and CodificationGEN
735. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Multilinear Translation project and GlossaryGEN
736. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
737. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Tablet study outlineGEN
738. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): The Obligatory PrayersGEN
739. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Questions and ConcordancesGEN
740. Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Notes on the choice wineGEN
741. Kitab-i-Aqdas: BibliographyGEN
742. Khatt-i-Badi' (The New Script): Transliteration and NotesGEN
743. Key Passages from the Kitab-i-Íqan (Book of Certitude) in Gleanings from the Writings of GEN
744. Kalimat Press and Distribution by Baha'i AgenciesGEN
745. Justice: The Best Beloved of All ThingsGEN
746. Justice and Equality a basis for change in our troubled worldGEN
747. Justice: A CompilationGEN
748. Juan Cole manuscript and book collection: Shaykhi, Babi, and Baha'i textsGEN
749. Journey of Broken HeartsGEN
750. John the Baptist and InterpretationGEN
751. Jews and the CrucifixionGEN
752. Jesus Christ, Resurrection ofGEN
753. Israel, Teaching the Faith inGEN
754. Ishraqat, Tablet of, Date of RevelationGEN
755. Ishraq Khavari's Books and PublicationsGEN
756. Iranian National Baha'i Archives (INBA)GEN
757. Iranian Believers Throughout the World, Message toGEN
758. Investing and FinanceGEN
759. Introduction to the Study of the Hidden Words Revealed by Baha'u'llahGEN
760. Introduction to a Statement on Race UnityGEN
761. Internet: Promoting the Baha'i Faith via Personal Web PagesGEN
762. Internet: Creation of the newsgroup talk.religion.bahaiGEN
763. Internet, the World Wide Web, and Electronic Discussion Lists: A perspective from the BahaGEN
764. Internet, Defending the Cause against Opponents onGEN
765. Internet Forums, Development and Monitoring ofGEN
766. Internet Discussions, Character ofGEN
767. Internet Communications; Virgin Birth; Encyclopedia; Administrative OrderGEN
768. The Internet and Literature ReviewGEN
769. International Youth Year, 1985GEN
770. Interlinear Editions of the Baha'i WritingsGEN
771. Inter-religious gathering in New Delhi, and Address to Pope John Paul IIGEN
772. Intensive Growth: 2004 letter to all Continental CounsellorsGEN
773. Intensive Growth ProgramsGEN
774. Intellectual life and the future of Baha'i studiesGEN
775. Institutos de Formacion y el Crecimiento Sistematico, LosGEN
776. The Institution of the Mashriqu'l-AdhkarGEN
777. Inheritance: Extracts from Four Tablets by Abdu'l-Baha Concerning the Question ofGEN
778. Information for Baha'is called to fill out the Questionnaire on military duty under the DrGEN
779. Informal Talk before the West Hollywood Baha'i CommunityGEN
780. Infertility and Medical Intervention, Station of Adoption, and Adoption and Parental ConseGEN
781. Infallibility, Omniscience, and the Decision-making Role of the Universal House of JusticeGEN
782. Infallibility and Knowledge of Abdu'l-BahaGEN
783. Indigenous Messengers of GodGEN
784. Indian Nations and National Spiritual AssembliesGEN
785. Indexes of Books, and Miscellaneous Sections of the Writings Not Yet Included Elsewhere OnGEN
786. Index to Ad'iyyih-i-Hadrat-i-MahbubGEN
787. Inayat Khan's meeting with 'Abdu'l-Baha in ParisGEN
788. In Vitro Fertilization and Related IssuesGEN
789. In the Presence of Shoghi Effendi in Haifa in April 1937GEN
790. Importance of and Guidance on Translating the Baha'i Writings into Indigenous and Other LaGEN
791. If Walls Could Speak: An eyewitness account of the Babis of NayrizGEN
792. Identity of Man Who Asked What is the object of life to a Baha'i?GEN
793. I Daniel: IndexGEN
794. Huququ'llah, Sixteen Questions aboutGEN
795. Huququ'llah Transactions, Examples ofGEN
796. Huququ'llah: The Right of GodGEN
797. Humor and LaughterGEN
798. Humanitarian Responses to Global ConflictsGEN
799. Human Rights in the Baha'i WritingsGEN
800. How to Study Shoghi Effendi's Writings: Some Notes on Study Skills and Study GuidesGEN
801. How Individuals Can Improve Their Understanding of the Baha'i TeachingsGEN
802. House of Baha'u'llah in Baghdad: Case before the League of NationsGEN
803. Hoofdlijnen van de Kitab-i-Íqan (Boek van Zekerheid)GEN
804. Homosexuality: Biological, or a Learned Behavior?GEN
805. Homosexuality, Baha'i Writings onGEN
806. Homosexuality, Advice onGEN
807. Homosexuality in Uganda, Non-involvement of Baha'is in repression ofGEN
808. Homosexuality and Civil RightsGEN
809. Homosexuality and Civil RightsGEN
810. HomosexualityGEN
811. The Holy MarinerGEN
812. Holy Day ObservancesGEN
813. Holocaust, the Greater Plan of God, and the Destiny of the Jewish PeopleGEN
814. Historical Context for the Prayer 'O God! Refresh and Gladden My Spirit...': Extract from GEN
815. Historical Background of the Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih, Tablet of the UniverseGEN
816. Hidden Words, also known as Book of Fatimih (Kalimat-i-Maknunih): ConcordanceGEN
817. Hidden Words, also known as Book of Fatimih (Kalimat-i-Maknunih): Wilmette Institute faculGEN
818. Hidden Words, also known as Book of Fatimih (Kalimat-i-Maknunih): Tablet study outlineGEN
819. Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah Course: Index of ReferencesGEN
820. Hidden Words: Training Course onGEN
821. Hidden Words: BibliographyGEN
822. Hidden Words: References of 'Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi EffendiGEN
823. Hidden Words: Allusion to Progressive Revelation in Persian HW #77GEN
824. Hidden Word #63; quote from Promulgation of Universal PeaceGEN
825. A Heavenly Feast: Some Utterances of Abdul-Baha to Two American Pilgrims in Acca, SyriaGEN
826. The HeartGEN
827. The Heart is a Little Bird that Longs to Soar: Impressions of Pilgrimage in Haifa, Bahji aGEN
828. He who knoweth his self hath known his Lord (Man 'arafa nafsahu faqad 'arafa Rabbahu): ComGEN
829. He hath known God who hath known himself: A Deepening Course on the Baha'i RevelationGEN
830. Haziratu'l-Quds and Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, Functions and Importance ofGEN
831. Hartmut Grossmann, Remarks of, Concerning the Timing of the Lesser PeaceGEN
832. The Harmony of Science and Religion: A Baha'i PerspectiveGEN
833. Handicapped facilities at the Baha'i World Center pilgrimage sitesGEN
834. Handbook for Childrens' Class CoordinatorsGEN
835. Haifa TalksGEN
836. Haifa Notes of Shoghi Effendi's Word: Volumes 1 and 2GEN
837. Haifa NotesGEN
838. Haifa NotesGEN
839. Haifa NotesGEN
840. Haifa NotesGEN
841. Haifa ImpressionsGEN
842. Guidelines for Economic Living: Messages from the Universal House of Justice Related to EcGEN
843. Guidance on the Use of Talks at FeastGEN
844. Guardianship, Anticipation of, in the Kitab-i-AqdasGEN
845. The Guardianship and the Universal House of JusticeGEN
846. Group Dynamics: Compilation, Study Guide, and WorksheetsGEN
847. The Greeting Allah-u-AbhaGEN
848. The Greatest Name and the 99 Names of God: CompilationGEN
849. Grammatical ClarificationsGEN
850. Goddess Religion, AncientGEN
851. God the All-HumorousGEN
852. God Passes By: Outline and cross-reference of chapters correlated with A Traveler's NarratGEN
853. God Passes By: Study GuideGEN
854. Goal of a New World Order, The, interactive study guideGEN
855. Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah: Study GuideGEN
856. Glad-Tidings (Bisharat): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
857. Give Me Thy Grace to Serve Thy Loved OnesGEN
858. Gitanos, Compilacion deGEN
859. Gertrude Bell Archive, excerptsGEN
860. George Ronald: A Bibliographic HistoryGEN
861. George and Phoebe Apperson Hearst papers, 1849-1926GEN
862. Genetic EngineeringGEN
863. Generation of Knowledge and the Advancement of CivilizationGEN
864. Genealogies of Baha'is on WikiTreeGEN
865. Gems of Mysteries (Javahiru'l-Asrar): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
866. Gathering Traces: Selected Poems 1975-2002GEN
867. Garden of Justice (Ridvan al-'adl)GEN
868. The Gaia ConceptGEN
869. Further extracts concerning the remains of the Bab in TehranGEN
870. Fundamental VeritiesGEN
871. The Function of InterpretationGEN
872. Fuego Arrasador: Las Artes Escenicas en los circulos de estudio Para Institutos de FormaciGEN
873. Fourth Dimensional ConsciousnessGEN
874. Four Valleys (Chahar Vadi): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
875. Four Valleys (Chahar Vadi): Tablet study outlineGEN
876. Foundations of World Unity Cross-Referenced to Other WorksGEN
877. Flowers Culled from the Rose Garden of AccaGEN
878. Five Year Plan, 2001-2006GEN
879. Five Year Plan (1974-1979) Statistical ReportGEN
880. First Use of the Title Baha'u'llahGEN
881. First Tablet to Napoleon III (Lawh-i-Napulyun): ExcerptsGEN
882. Firmness in the Covenant and Protection of the Cause of GodGEN
883. Fire Tablet (Lawh-i-Qad Ihtaraqa'l-Mukhlisun): Tablet study outlineGEN
884. Fire TabletGEN
885. Fire TabletGEN
886. Fire as a symbol used in the Sacred WritingsGEN
887. Featured UpdatesGEN
888. Featured PiecesGEN
889. Feast ProgramsGEN
890. Fear of GodGEN
891. Family LifeGEN
892. Falta de crecimiento y el cambio de cultura, LaGEN
893. Fadil-i-MazandaraniGEN
894. An Eyewitness Account of Baha'u'llah's AscensionGEN
895. Extraterrestrial LifeGEN
896. Extracts from the Guardian's Letter of December 19 1923 Addressed to the Baha'is of the EaGEN
897. Extracts from Notes Taken at AccaGEN
898. Extracts from Letters Written on Behalf of the Universal House of Justice on TranssexualitGEN
899. Extracts from Letters Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi Regarding the Absence of CGEN
900. Extract of a Letter to Leroy Ioas on the Duration of the Baha'i DispensationGEN
901. Extract from a Tablet Regarding PalmistryGEN
902. Exploring a Framework for Moral Education: An OutlineGEN
903. The Existence of Extraterrestrial Lifeforms in the Baha'i WritingsGEN
904. Exemption from Obligatory Prayer for the SickGEN
905. Excerpts of Notes during Pilgrimage to HaifaGEN
906. Excerpts from the Risaliy-i-DhahabiyyihGEN
907. Excerpts from a Letter from Ruhiyyih KhanumGEN
908. Excerpts from a letter from Bernard Leach after his visit to HaifaGEN
909. Evolution, Diagram Illustrating the True Story ofGEN
910. European Baha'i Youth Conference in InnsbruckGEN
911. European Baha'i Archives WorkshopGEN
912. Estudios y ProfesionesGEN
913. Establishment of Regional Councils: IntroductionGEN
914. Establishment of Regional Baha'i Councils in the United StatesGEN
915. The Establishment of Regional Baha'i Councils in Certain Countries, Their Characteristics GEN
916. EsperantoGEN
917. Eshraghieh and Mahmoud Rabbani CollectionGEN
918. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Wilmette Institute faculty notesGEN
919. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): The Lesser PeaceGEN
920. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Study GuideGEN
921. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Self-quotations from Baha'u'llah foundGEN
922. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf: A Study and Discussion CourseGEN
923. Epistle to Mihraban (Lawh-i-Mihraban): ExcerptGEN
924. Epistle of the Bab to His Uncles, Haji Mirza Siyyid Muhammad and Haji Mirza Siyyid AliGEN
925. Epistle of the Bab to Azal: Commentary and TranslationGEN
926. Episodes in the History of the Covenant (Waqay-i-Tarikhiyyih dar 'Ahd wa Mithaq-i-Ilahi)GEN
927. Enrollments and limited growth of the Baha'i communityGEN
928. English Translations of French Passages in God Passes ByGEN
929. English Translation of German Letters Published in The Light of Divine GuidanceGEN
930. English Sources and Authenticity of Fifteen Prayers in the Dutch Prayer Book Baha'i GebedeGEN
931. EncouragementGEN
932. Emma Maxwell (Maxie) Jones CollectionGEN
933. Eliminating Racial Prejudice and Activities of the Five Year PlanGEN
934. Elegibilidad de las Mujeres en la Casa Universal de JusticiaGEN
935. Electoral Process, Baha'i: Clarifications, and Three Way TieGEN
936. Electoral Process, Baha'iGEN
937. Elections, Baha'i: Defining a Minority for the Purpose of Resolving a Tie for Ninth PlaceGEN
938. ElectioneeringGEN
939. Egypt, Baha'i Community of, and Religious IdentityGEN
940. Effulgences (Tajalliyat): Tablet study outlineGEN
941. Education, Scholarship, and Global CivilisationGEN
942. Easy Familiarity, Explanations ofGEN
943. Early Baha'i Census in IranGEN
944. Eagle and Pillar over Shoghi Effendi's resting place, and his visits to ScotlandGEN
945. Dynamics of PrayerGEN
946. Dwight Barstow CollectionGEN
947. Dutch Library HoldingsGEN
948. Droits et libertes individuelsGEN
949. A Dress for Mona: Abridged one-act versionGEN
950. Dreams mentioned in Baha'i LiteratureGEN
951. Download Baha'i Library Online: database onlyGEN
952. Download Baha'i Library Online: offline archive of all filesGEN
953. Douze Conversations à Table à 'Akká par 'Abdu'l-BaháGEN
954. Double CrusadeGEN
955. Divine Virtues and Spiritual Qualities: A Compilation from Sacred TextsGEN
956. Distinguishing Personal Correspondence of Secretaries from Letters on Shoghi Effendi's BehGEN
957. Dissimulation by Iranian EmigrantsGEN
958. Dissidence and Criticism by Baha'is and ScholarsGEN
959. Dispensations of Time: Scriptural ReferencesGEN
960. Dispensation of Baha'u'llah: Study GuideGEN
961. Disintegration of Society and the Development of a New OrderGEN
962. Discussions between MacEoin, Cole, Hatcher, Afnan, Lambden, Momen, et al.: index and linksGEN
963. Discovering a Sacred Numerical Pattern from Baha'i ScripturesGEN
964. Directrices para la Economia de la Vida: Mensajes de la Casa Universal de Justicia relacioGEN
965. Directives from the Guardian: Cross-reference list of sources in U.S. Baha'i NewsGEN
966. Difficulty of teachings on chastityGEN
967. The Difficult Art of Translation: Selected Extracts From Letters Written By and On Behalf GEN
968. Dictionary Used by the GuardianGEN
969. The Diary of Ahmad Sohrab: Diary Letters and NotesGEN
970. Diacritics; meaning of Self-subsistingGEN
971. Diacritics and transliterationGEN
972. Devotional Meetings, Definition and Scope ofGEN
973. Devotional Gatherings, Selected Guidance concerningGEN
974. Demystifying Shoghi Effendi's Advent of Divine Justice: Condensed Text and DeepeningGEN
975. Demystifying Shoghi Effendi's Advent of Divine Justice: Condensed DeepeningGEN
976. Demystifying Baha'u'llah's Tablet of the Temple (Súratu'l-Haykal)GEN
977. Demystifying Baha'u'llah's Tablet of the Holy Mariner: History, Translations, InterpretatiGEN
978. Demographics of the United States National Spiritual AssemblyGEN
979. Democratization and the Baha'i Administrative OrderGEN
980. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year PlanGEN
981. Definition of the Word UngodlyGEN
982. Deepening and Compilation for Baha'i Youth Teaching ProjectsGEN
983. Declaration of the Bab (Poetic)GEN
984. Declaration of the Bab (May 1844): A Survey of Sources for ResearchersGEN
985. Declaration of Baha'u'llah in the Ridvan Garden in 1863GEN
986. Deaths of Two Iranian Baha'is, 1997GEN
987. De la Lettre Ba' à la Lettre Ha'GEN
988. De l'action socialeGEN
989. Days of Remembrance: SelectionsGEN
990. Dawn-Breakers: A Study Guide and OutlineGEN
991. The Dawn-Breakers: A SummaryGEN
992. Dating of Asl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr (Words of Wisdom)GEN
993. Dates in Baha'u'llah and the New Era: A response to Francis BeckwithGEN
994. Dancing in the Haziratu'l-QudsGEN
995. Cultural Reconciliation in Canada - questionsGEN
996. The Crucible: PoemsGEN
997. Criticism: Extracts from letters written on behalf of the Guardian to individual believersGEN
998. Creation and Evolution: A CompilationGEN
999. Creating an Inclusive NarrativeGEN
1000. Covid-19 Vaccination GuidanceGEN

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