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COLLECTIONPilgrims' notes
TITLEInayat Khan's meeting with 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris
AUTHOR 1Inayat Khan
ABSTRACTOne-paragraph recounting of Khan, the founder of "Universal Sufism," meeting with Abdu'l-Bahá in 1913.
NOTES See also a short overview of Khan in Cheyne's Reconciliation of Races and Religions.. Mirrored from
CROSSREFWikipedia article on Inayat Khan
TAGS- Interfaith dialogue; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Travels of (documents); France; Inayat Khan; India; Music; Paris, France; Sufism

... For some time there have been Eastern missions working in the West, among them Babism, which began in [Persia] and changed in time into Bahaism. Bahaism is an offspring of Sufism, its object being the bringing of nations and followers of different religions into closer touch, void of inner cult. Baha Ullah, after whom this sect has been named, had been kept a prisoner in the East because of his proclamation of prophetship. After him his son, Abdul Baha, carried on his mission.

I had the pleasure of meeting Abdul Baha when he was in Paris, who showed great interest in my music and with whom I had an interesting talk about our experiences in the Western world. During the conversation we had, he exclaimed, "There should be no secret, you must speak; either you know or you do not know." I answered, "The whole nature of things and beings has a secret; each thing and each being has a secret which reveals its nature and character and the life itself has its secret and it is the uncovering of its secret which is the purpose of life. Speaking out aloud does not prove a person to be the knower of the secret. Neither every occasion is a suitable occasion, nor is every person a person fitted for the truth to be spoken to." "You are also preaching the brotherhood of nations?" I said, "I am not preaching brotherhood, but sowing the seed of Tawhid, the unity of God, that from the plant of Sufism may spring up fruits and flowers of brotherhood." ...

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