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TAGS: * Báb, Writings of; - Poetry; He Whom God shall make manifest; Mullá Muhammad Báqir-i Tabrizi; Tablet to Mulla Muhammad Baqir-i Tabrizi; Tablets of the Báb to the Letters of the Living
Extract from a Tablet of the Bab to the 13th Letter of the Living, in reply to his question about Man yuzhiruhu'lláh, "He Whom God will make Manifest."

Tablet to Mullá Muhammad Báqir-i Tabrízí:


The Báb

Stephen Lambden, translator


About: Here is an extract from a Tablet of the Bab to the 13th Letter of the Living who became a Bahá'í, Mulla Muhammad Baqir-i Tabrizi (d. Istanbul, c. 1881). It is extracted from an Important Tablet in reply to his question about the Babi Messiah figure Man yuzhiruhu'llah ("Him Whom God will make Manifest"), for Bahá'ís, Bahá'u'lláh. The Tablet begins:
"In the Name of God, the Transcendent, the Most Holy. Praised be to God, no god is there except Him, the Mighty, the Beloved One. The Splendour (Baha') which cometh from God (al-baha'min Allah) — exalted be His Remembrance — be upon Him Whom God shall make manifest (man yuhiruhu'llah) — exalted be His command — and upon whomsoever is created through His command, for naught can be seen in Him except what God hath caused to be manifested unto Him, through Him, by virtue of His Utterance, `Verily, no God is there save Him, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.'"
Later there is a section which is apparently a eulogium of the Divine Qualities of Man yuzhiruhu'llah (i.e., Bahá'u'lláh). In the original Arabic it is hypnotic in its rhythmic intensity, for in each line there is a double repetition of ta`ali ("exalted be") followed by a Divine attribute. I have somewhat arbitrarily rendered ta`ali "exalted," then "elevated," and "lofty," in three fold patterns. The versification (paragraph numbers) given below is arbitrary. - Stephen Lambden
  1. And I say that He, verily, is the Qayyum ("Self-Subsisting"): that
    One is a Manifestation of One of those staunch through the unfolding
    of His Oneness.

  2. So exalted, exalted is His Remembrance (dhikr)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Rank (sha'n)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Depiction (wasf)

  3. So exalted, exalted is His Characterization (na`t)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Might (`izz[at])!
    And lofty, lofty is His Sanctity (quds)!

  4. So exalted, exalted is His Glory (majd)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Praise (hamd)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Love (hubb)

  5. So exalted, exalted is His Name (ism)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Tenderness (wudd)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Light (nur)

  6. So exalted, exalted is His Portrayal (rasm)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Proximity (qurb)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Splendour (baha')

  7. So exalted, exalted is His Radiance (diya')!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Sublimity (`ala')!
    And lofty, lofty is His Contentment (rida')

  8. So exalted, exalted is His Similitudes (imthal)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Glory (jalal)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Beauty (jamal).

  9. So exalted, exalted is His Activity (fi`al)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Excellence (fidal)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Justice (`idal)

  10. So exalted, exalted is Likeness (mithal)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Signs (ayat)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Exposition (bayan)

  11. So exalted, exalted are His Utterances (kalimat)!
    Then elevated, elevated are His Manifestations (zuhurat)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Elucidation (tibyan)

  12. So exalted, exalted are His Concerns (shu'unat)!
    Then elevated, elevated are His Glances (lahzat)!
    And lofty, lofty are His Allusions (isharat)

  13. So exalted, exalted is His Might (`azimat)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Mercy (rahmat)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Word (kalima)

  14. So exalted, exalted is His Guardianship (wilaya)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Magnificence (saltana)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Will (mashiya)

  15. So exalted, exalted is His Purpose (irada)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Power (qadr)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Decree (qada')

  16. So exalted, exalted is His Accomplishment (imda')!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Authorization (idhn)!
    And lofty, lofty be His Appointed Time (ajil)

  17. So exalted, exalted is His Book (kitab)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Knowledge (`ilm)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Discernment (hilm)

  18. So exalted, exalted is His Wisdom (hikma)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Justice (`adl)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Graciousness (fadl)

  19. So exalted, exalted is His Hearing [Ear] (sama`)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Sight [Eye] (`ayn)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Language [Tongue] (lisan)

  20. So exalted, exalted is His Generosity (mawhibat)!
    Then elevated, elevated are His Concerns [Enquiries] (masa'il)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Proofs (dala'il)

  21. So exalted, exalted is His Luminaries (masabih)!
    Then elevated, elevated are His Dimensions (maqadir)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Command (amr)

  22. So exalted, exalted is His Genesis (bad`)!
    Then elevated, elevated is His Nobility (sharaf)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Pre-existence (qidm)

  23. So exalted, exalted is His Dominion (mulk)!
    Then elevated, elevated is Kindness (minna)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Evidence (bayyina)

  24. So exalted, exalted is His Seat (maq`ad)!
    Then elevated, elevated is Place of Worship (ma`bad)!
    And lofty, lofty is His Being (kaynuniyyat) above whatsoever hath been
    raised up by anyone through His Directive.
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