Presented at "World Association for the Promotion of Bahá'í Libraries and Archives" session at the August, 2003 ABS Conference, San Francisco.
The Bahá'í World Bibliography Project is a global, cumulative,
useful, networked, and sustainable project to monitor referencing services for
the purpose of identifying and collecting significant citations relevant to the
Bahá'í Faith and making them available in a consolidated bibliography.
Where possible the full text of these references will also be collected, and made
available. The emphasis will be on academic materials (books, journal references
and theses), and significant references in media sources and official documentation,
such as government reports, legislation and policy documents, and legal documents
such as court judgements. The project will consist of volunteers who monitor designated
reference services, organizations and institutions, and contribute their findings
on the basis of an established schedule. The project will seek to ensure that
significant references and full text materials are contributed from each continent,
and to the extent possible, in a number of languages. Context and Rationale Scholarly literature on the Bahá'í Faith is appearing at an astounding rate. It is appearing in academic presses, in Bahá'í-sponsored or affiliated presses, in the media, and on the Internet. Systematic posting of essays on the World Wide Web is now widely regarded as "publication".1 The International Bahá'í Library is now online at http://library.bahai.org Significant references to the Faith appear in the literature of religious studies and the social sciences generally, as well as in current affairs literature. Source materials for Bahá'í scholarship are also becoming more accessible. Bahá'í literature has benefited from several bibliographic projects: beginning with early works by Braun, and later by Collins, Bjorling, and Winters/Stockman (and an unpublished project by Maceoin). However, a range of resources regarded as essential to Bahá'í scholarship remain hard to access: Bahá'í journals and out of print books, and much primary data. Despite the recent expansion of access there remains no central indexing system, no central clearing house. There is thus need for a systematic project to compile a Bahá'í bibliography on global scale. In the past decade such printed bibliographies have been bolstered by the emergence of internet-based projects such as bahai-library.com,2 H-Bahá'í, and the official site bahai.org. While these sites are energetic and admirable, they deliver a different aspect of the scholarly enterprise, they do not seek to provide a comprehensive bibliography. Did any of the scholarship lists note the testimony of the Bahá'í community to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission? (Cochrane 2000) There remains a need for a Bahá'í bibliography that is global, cumulative, useful, networked, and sustainable. That the reach of the project be global is desirable, necessary, and possible. It can be global in terms of geographic coverage, subject matter, and date. This will require considerable effort, as current information systems are dominated by western (northern hemisphere) activities and interests. It can be cumulative, because technology will allow for continuous addition to the bibliography with little regard to the size of the data collected. The bibliography must be useful to scholars and to other bodies, such as Bahá'í institutions. The rapid emergence of electronic information services is revolutionising access to information on the Bahá'í Faith. Electronic sources range from websites that are freely accessible, to journal databases and full-text books available only by subscription, to discussion groups that allow researchers to communicate back and forth. By combining these sources the researcher may learn not only of such traditional sources of scholarly info3rmation as books and academic papers, but of such other sources as news services and newspaper articles. Judicial and other official records such as those of the United Nations Organisation are also becoming available, as are book lists supplied by booksellers. A search at the on-line bookstore "Amazon.com", for example, found 264 references to "Bahá'í" in March 1999 and 304 references the following October. A CD ROM from Newsbank called REDEX has an "Index to UN Documents" which when searched in March 1999 yielded 209 references to "Bahá'í". A search in the EBSCO database, in the "World Magazine Bank" file, yielded 107 references. I find it extraordinary that I can search a database like FirstSearch and learn that author D.C. Lewis referred to the Bahá'ís among the Tartars of Tartarstan in an article that appeared in the journal Central Asian Survey in 1997.4 To find in America: History and Life a reference to an article in the Armenian Review quoting "newly discovered English-Language materials" of Dr Reuben Darbinian of Boston, which: Presents the concluding extract from the daily journals of Dr. Reuben Darbinian, the editor-in-chief of the Harenik publications of Boston; the entries from November 1931 through April 1932 cover daily life and thoughts on Bahá'í and foreign relations.5 It is now possible to keep track of references in print media through e-tracker, Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw, etc., and in discussion groups (eg through Dejanews); Full text retrieval of articles is available through such subscription services as "Expanded Academic" and such electronic libraries as Ebrary and Questia. It is possible monitor closely the activities of the Bahá'í International Community in the various agencies of the United Nations Organization; and it is possible to track the work of Bahá'í institutions, whether schools and institutes, individual scholars, scholarship portals (eg: Bahá'í Faith Index, Bahá'í Library), and associations for Bahá'í Studies. In sum, the search capacities currently unfolding present exciting opportunities for bringing together extremely diverse and seemingly esoteric but potentially crucial and invaluable information in the service of scholarship. Electronic sources are being supplemented both forwards and backwards in time. This means that older publications are gradually becoming indexed. Scope of the Bibliography First, the project must be systematic. By ensuring systematicity, the researcher can know that all possible references from a particular source, such as an indexed journal, have been included. The establishment of a "key portal" focused on Bahá'í bibliography will free countless researchers from the need to duplicate each others' searches. Similarly, the establishment of a "key portal" will provide a focal point for bibliography. It will become a place for deposit of new and previously undiscovered references. Prospective patrons of a bibliographic portal include Bahá'í scholars, both from the academy and the community, the media, and Bahá'í institutions. A remark on the boundaries of Bahá'í Studies The bibliography is interested in all subjects that include Bahá'í content, and in some cases material for which Bahá'í inspiration is known. One of the challenging aspects of the project is determining its boundaries. Should the bibliography limit itself to citations that include a reference to "Bahá'í"? What about significant works by Bahá'ís, on related themes - eg Frank Lewis' book on Rumi,6 or Andy Knight's works on the United Nations system and international order, or Danesh Sarooshi's works on international law. If Bill Huitt writes a Bahá'í-inspired encyclopaedia entry on "moral education" can it not be included?7 The question must be similarly asked about scientists whose work is "Bahá'í-inspired". There is also a question as to whether the extensive work being undertaken by development practitioners is "scholarship". Eg, the many presentations at the "Conference for the Americas" held each December in Orlando under the patronage of the Rabbani Trust. Small, incidental references A large number of "Bahá'í" references are in one sense "small" and inconsequential.8 Yet even the smallest inclusion of a reference can represent a significant shift on the part of an author. In addition to considering the scope of references in literature, the project will also have to define the parameters of media. Will it, for example, take an interest in the proliferation of software programs, and audiovisual materials. One notes the creation in recent years of such search facilities as Mars, Immerse, Bahá'í Library, and Ocean. Books, and even the historic periodical Star of the West, are now available on cd-rom: (2001). Sources The expanded use of and access to electronic data makes a global bibliography possible. But it also raises questions concerning what constitutes "publication", and therefore what is eligible for consideration for citing. Electronic sources range from academic and scholarly full text journals and books, to serial indexes and other reference services such as library catalogues; and a range of official documents. But electronic sources also include discussion groups on which some postings could be considered 'publication.'. for instance, "A Change of Culture", published by Moojan Momen on H-Bahá'í on 15th February 2003.9 Some electronic reference services focus on religious literature. A search in ATLA Religion Database + ATLAS on February 18, 2002 for the term 'Bahá'í' yielded 439 records. The database holds records from 1949 to July 2001.10 A search through Hein Online - the modern link to legal history on 4th August 2003 found Bahá'í references in 27 volumes. Many such indexing services exist in the social sciences and humanities. A search in the Periodicals Contents Index Web, 15 February 2002, described as "the most comprehensive index to journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences, a Chadwyck-Healey publication from ProQuest Information and Learning Company. http://pcift.chadwyck.co.uk yielded 25 references in English, German and Italian.11 The religious press now has dedicated websites and search engines, and such sources can track Bahá'í references at such events as, for instance, the Parliament of the World's Religions. Kung and Kuschel's report of Bahá'í participation in the signing of a "Global Ethic" at the World Parliament of Religions which met in Chicago in 1993 (Kung and Kuschel 1993) was reported in an article on "Women's multifaith perspectives on global child advocacy" in 2000 (Flake 2000). The third international meeting of the Parliament of the World's Religions, held in Cape Town in December 1999, was subject to articles exploring ecumenism: Ruether reports that there were probably more members of the Bahá'í and the Mormons than Methodists" present (Ruether 2000) (Gilmour 2000) Calame notes the participation of the Bahá'í community in an initiative to draft a charter for a "responsible, plural and united world" (Calame 2000). Library catalogues The Zetoc database provides an instance of a major library catalogue available on-line. The zetoc service, which provides Z39.50-compliant access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents (ETOC), contains details of approximately 20,000 current journals and 16,000 conference proceedings published per year: "With around 20 million journal and conference records, the database covers every imaginable subject in science, technology, medicine, engineering, business, law, finance and the humanities. Around 100,000 of the journals included are available for electronic data delivery (EDD) download. The database covers the years from 1993 to date and is updated daily. A list of journal titles covered by the database is available. Copies of all the articles and conference papers listed on the database can be ordered online from the British Library's Document Supply Centre in Yorkshire." Private Publication Increased access to technology, as well as to methods of communication and discribution, have encouraged more authors to publish their works privately, rather than through a commercial publisher. Such scholarly output is often from participant-observers, particularly in the form of histories and autobiographies.12 THESES AND ACADEMIC PAPERS Theses relevant to Bahá'í studies are produced at a number of levels: from undergraduate honours, through Master's Degrees, to Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Dissertations. Within academic environments, there are also departmental publications which have a low volume of circulation and minimal accessibility. Whereas theses are becoming more accessible through indexes, it is still possible to find unique citations in specific university catalogues. In March 2003, for instance, I found the hard-copy the Master's thesis "Bahá'í - a Study in Planned Syncretism" by Benson at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. (Benson 1956) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Official documents include statutes, court judgements, and very many other types of bureaucracy-generated documentation. It is even possible to obtain the full text of speeches of political figures, for instance Madeline Albright, or US Presidents and British Prime Ministers. A search on the Lexis database on January 24, 2003 (Commonwealth and Irish Cases, Combined - Grouped by Country - Bahá'í) yielded 85 references; numerous judgements from US courts have Bahá'í references; the findings of all Australian judicial environments are searchable over the internet (austlii.com.au), including refugee and immigration tribunals, which are a particularly fruitful source of information. A significant number of references in official documents at all levels of the US government can be found by searching firstgov.gov UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS United Nations Documents are a fertile source of Bahá'í references. The holdings of the United Nations Dag Hammarskj?ld Library are available through UNBISnet - Bibliographic Search13 ALERT SERVICES The British Library's "zetoc Alert" is an example of a current awareness service that can be requested to email alerts on specific keywords. It emails tables of contents of targeted journals or details of articles which match some pre-defined search criteria such as an author's name or keywords from the title. These email Alerts will be sent on the day the new data is loaded into the database. (see http://zetoc.mimas.ac.uk/about.html, accessed 8/8/2002 10:42 AM) Alert services are also provided by publishers, and by booksellers (such as Amazon, which can provide alerts on new and second hand books according to keywords). CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Web-published materials There is an increasing volume of scholarly information that is published on the web only. The Article by Arjomand, for instance, in Silk,14 or a Christian Science article such as (Tosto 2003). Databases Most internet-based databases are only available through subscription. Most databases are better described as 'portals' through which a far greater number of individual databases are made available. Some of these individual titles are accessible through a number of databases or portals, and quite a few commenced long before the Internet age. The database FirstSearch, for instance, includes a large subset of discipline-specific databases.15 A search on 21st March 2000 in the World Catalogue yielded 1939 records, including 37 for 1999. The database "Paper1st" yielded 13 papers; CWI - Contemporary Women's Issues on health and human rights - yielded 9 references; and Librarylit - Materials on libraries and librarianship - found 3 references. Intelligent Agents "Intelligent Agents" are designed to undertake customised internet searches and automatically return the results to the searcher. Some agents are available for free subscription, while those having more sophisticated capacities are available for purchase or subscription. A very useful tool is Copernic Agent, available at copernic.com, a meta-search tool that can retrieve searches in specialised areas of the internet according to a pre-set schedule. Organization To be successful, the Bahá'í bibliography project requires an efficient and adaptive administrative structure. This 'virtual consortium' will comprise a team of suitably qualified and motivated individuals and institutions. Potential patrons for the project include:
METHODS OF ACQUISITION. Information will be gathered through: notices placed on internet lists and websites; The search strategy will include such resources as:
PRESENTATION AND DISSEMINATION The Bahá'í World Bibliography may take the form of a database-driven website that can be interrogated, and added to.16 From the database reports can be generated periodically according to need, and documents created in Word can be easily disseminated, or prepared for further printing. FINANCE Resources for the project will be provided through normal channels:
The Bahá'í World Bibliography project is cousin to two other potential projects: the "Report on Scholarship", and "Bahá'í Deposit Libraries". Report on Scholarship The "Report on Scholarship" seeks to provide an annual survey of scholarly literature and activities pertaining to Bahá'í Studies. It brings together news of scholarship activities within the Bahá'í community and within the Academy. The first "Report on Scholarship" was first compiled for the year 1997. Subsequent reports appeared for 1998 and 1999 (all presented at Yerrinbool Institute of Learning, Australia).17 Deposit Libraries There are few repositories for Bahá'í materials - whether electronic, or hard copy - that are easily assessable other than to researchers who have access to collections at the Bahá'í World Centre, and at such major collections as the National Bahá'í Archives, Wilmette. While some archival material is available in scattered locations,18 the concept of the "Bahá'í Deposit Library" is to define a participating site on each continent which can serve as a "deposit library" for publications that have a predominantly Bahá'í content and interest. Participating agencies would include Bahá'í Publishing Trusts, Associations for Bahá'í Studies, and other Bahá'í-inspired agencies that produce scholarly material. Next Steps: Identification of project team The project team will comprise an editor or editors, and a team of participating scholars who agree to monitor developments in their respective fields. If you have an interest in participating in this project please send an email describing your ideas and your areas of expertise. Graham Hassall___________________ NOTES
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