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>   Letters from the Guardian
Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, stating that not being reappointed to Bahá'í committees gives people more opportunity to engage in the teaching work, and expressing pleasure at the Bahá'ís' lack of prejudice towards minority group members.

Letter to Marzieh Gail

Shoghi Effendi


Oct. 24th, 1942

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your welcome letter of July 24th arrived recently with the snapshots you enclosed, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was delighted with all the good news you conveyed to him, and most happy to hear that you believe the friends are now fully roused to service in the teaching field in order to accomplish the Seven Year Plan.

He very strongly feels that you must not be at all discouraged by not being put on committees where in the past you have served with such devotion. On the contrary you should regard it as an opportunity to launch out more actively than ever in the teaching field through speaking, writing, and personal contact. We should never for a moment consider our election or non-election to Bahá'í bodies as indicative of the good pleasure or otherwise of God, as it may be due to any number of different reasons, all of them purely human.

He was happy to see that the friends are associating with love and complete lack of prejudice with their fellow-Bahá'ís of negro and Japanese origin. The believers cannot be too careful, at a time when the whole world is consumed with hatred, to keep their hearts untainted and their passions uninvolved.

He wants you to know that he will certainly pray for the way to open for you and your husband to render the Cause many wonderful services in these last years of the Plan. His loving thoughts are with you, and he is always pleased to hear from you.

With warm Bahá'í love,
R. Rabbani

Dear and valued co-worker:

Your many and valuable services, past and present, should encourage you in your efforts for the promotion of our beloved Faith. The friends, far and near, appreciate the value of these services, and you should not feel depressed or discouraged. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart. Persevere, be happy and confident.

    Your true brother,

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