Partial scans of the 478 translated tablets and other English documents from the archive of American collector Dwight Barstow.
See also Contents, Index, and Compiler's Notes. See also the Emma Maxie Jones Collection.
1. Image Scans (not complete)Some pages missing.
2. Excerpts from tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá and some letters from Shoghi Effendi, prepared by Brett and Nicole Zamirwhich have been translated into English but for which no Persian original copy has yet been found nor has the translation been authenticated. Also includes a few letters from the Guardian. Compiler's notes to this section: Note: I seem to be missing a full copy of this one (although it appears this is already on-line at http://www.bahai-library.org/provisionals/burying.html according to the Barstow index at http://bahai-library.org/archives/barstow.html . However, the one page I do have corresponding to this on-line version has a little bit more information not included there. For example, the phrase under the version translated by Ali Kuli Khan (though otherwise similar to the Barstow version) states “image, and will of necessity, be finally effaced. They preserve his...” whereas the Barstow version states “image, and shall of necessity, be finally effaced. Nay, rather, they preserve his...” and “even though he be a stone, a tree, or a place of clay; how much more then, the body of man...” is “even though it be a stone, a tree, or clay; how much more the body of man...” and “to the immediate disintegration of the body” should be “to the immediate disintegration of the body of a friend, father, mother, brother, or dear children. This is the requirement of affection. {new paragraph} Thus the ancient Egyptians mumified the body, in order that it should continue and remain forever; and they supposed that the longer it is preserved, the nearer it will be to that Divine Mercy.”
The paragraph beginning “But the brahmins...” should instead be:
The paragraph beginning “Another point remains...” should be: Given the number of typographical errors here, I imagine the first page may also have errors as well. BC#0 Translated by M.A.U. Chicago, Oct. 1, 1902.
Through Mirza Ameen
O thou who art gazing at the Kingdom of God! (Sig) Abdul Baha Abbas
BC#1 (not labeled as such in my copy) Extract From Tablet
On Palmistry
As an example take the body of man, in which all the particles, limbs, parts and muscles are joined with each other by perfect communication. For instance, the heat of the lungs is discovered by the tint of the cheeks, and the hidden diseases of the internal organs are determined by the appearance of the eyes, and other ailments are discovered by the pulse. So now we cannot be surprised if some proofs are discovered by the lines in the palms of the hands which tend to unfold the facts of the present and the future.
But, O maid-servant of the Merciful! Ask God that thou shalt be strengthened through the breezes of the Holy Spirit, so that thou mayest become free from all the empirical methods, proofs, and powers, because those breezes are the powers which control the truth of things, and are of such effect that they quicken the dead, give sight to the blind, and hearing to the deaf. That is to say, the breezes tend to guide the ignorant souls to the river of the Knowledge of God, and to give a conscience to the soul-less. The breezes change gloomy darkness into a splendor of light, and crown the head of the ignorant with knowledge. This is the power of the Spirit and the influence of the Word of God. Entreat God that you may partake of and be truly benefitted by this great bounty and manifest prosperity.”
ALREADY PUBLISHED - see http://bahai-library.org/writings/shoghieffendi/ba/3/sec-40.html
ALREADY PUBLISHED - see http://bahai-library.org/writings/shoghieffendi/ba/3/sec-40.html BC#2 Through Anton Haddad, New York. To the Maid-servant of God Henriette Emogene Hoagg. He is God! O thou who art rejoiced at the Glad Tidings of God.
I received thy last letter in which thou showest thy wistful consent to the good pleasure of God, thy resignation to His Will, and thy evanescence in the Wy of His Wish.
Forget not, O maid Servant of God! the words of advise I have given thee in Haifa! Verily these words are more beneficial to thee than the treasures of the whole earth. The earthy treasures are perishable, but this most great happiness is eternal.
O maid-servant of God! How excellent is that sentence thou hast written in thy letter. “It behoveth me to eliminate self (or egotism) so that I will not desire anything but the Will of God.” How good is this prayer, and how beautiful is this invocation. Aught else besides this makes it impossible for man to be confirmed by the abundance of the Gift of God; neither will he succeed in becoming an humble and submissive servant or laborer in His Great Vineyard.
My salutations and praise be upon you.
Received in 1903 BC#4 (there is none)
(not a letter of the Central Figures) Nov. 21, 1935
“He wishes me in particular to express his appreciation .... He trusts that this circular will serve to promote greater unity and deeper understanding among the believers, and that through this medium the friends and sympathizers of the Cause will also receive a chance to deepen their knowledge of the teachings and to familiarize themselves with the activities of the Movement.
BC#6 Haifa, Dec. 6 My dear George!– Your kind letter has been received and I am so grateful to you for it. I hope, dear brother, that the hopes of the the Beloved and His marvellous repeated promises concerning you in your parents tablets will be one day fully realized and that you may become the radiant and resplendent George that the Master wishes you to become. How we miss you and particularly do I miss you in the presence of the Beloved. I have read your notes on ‘H’, and I enclose it confirmed. I have exposed fully to the Master the call of your mother and His answer is this:– “I ever pray on her behalf and beg from God His divine remedy and healing. As in this dispensation consultation with expert doctors is highly advisable and actingin in accordance with their prescriptions obligatory it is well for her to undergo an operation if deemed necessary by such doctors. I am enclosing two pictures for you and your dear father. I send you also the copy of the Beloved’s talk which I promised you.
With a love that is ever strong and burning,
The substance of Abdu’l Baha’s explanation was: He pays this once, then there is no more Huquq to be paid on that sum. It is finished. Next year he will pay on the amount he has left over in his possession after hi expenses have been deducted, and after the amount he paid Huquq on the previous year has also been deducted. For example at the end of the first year a man has one thousand piastre left after all his expenses are paid, then 190 piastres are taken as Huquq at the end of the next year after all expenses are determined, he may have 200 piastres left. As he has already paid Huquq on a thousand piastres the previous year this sum is deducted from the 2,000 and he pays Huquq on 1000 piastres, or 190 piastres. The third year the net amoun tof what he own may be 2500 piastres, he deducts 2000 piastres from this amount and pays 19% on 500 piastres or 95 piastres. If at the end of the fourth year he has 2500 piastres, no Huquq is taken. G.A.L. Question: In the deduction of our necessary expenses, are contributions to the Mashriqu’l Adhkar, Teaching and other activities of the Cause considered as part of Huquq or should they be taken separately? BC#7a 2.
A.B. replied that Huquq was separate and independent of these and came first. After that had been determined then the other affairs could be looked after. He smiled and said when Huquq is given Abdu’l Baha will ascertain how much of it is for the Mashrqiu’l Adhkar, how much for teaching and how much for the needy, etc. (This of course does not mean that the friends should stop helping all their activities but should continue to the utmost in their assistance to the Cause along all lines.) G.A.I.) Two points stand out clearly in this matter, the first that the basis is 19% and not 1/19th; and the second, that it is levied on one’s wealth and not upon one’s income. The justice of this law is that man, who receives all his bounties and belongings from the Creator, should render in return to Him a portion for the Cause of God.
(In the handwriting of the True Brother, Shoghi Effendi.)
Another example,
Year 1920
Year 1921 BC#7b Tablet to Henrietta Emogene Hoagg Received at Milano Italia in 1899
This tablet was shared with me by
Dec. 7th 1946 By Vira J. Paxton
“May God’s love now hover o’er us As a dove with out-stretched wings. While His peace that flows around us To each heart sweet comfort brings. May we now receive His spirit. And its radiance shed afar Now and here in Love abiding In the Realms of EL-ABHA. BC#9 A story Abdul Baha told
Upon him be Bahá’u’lláh El Abhá!
O Thou Almighty! O Thou Forgiver! The servant of Thy Threshold Windust, turns his face toward the Kingdom of Abhá and begs for his Father - Thy Grace and Bounty. (A copy of part of a Tablet by Abdu’l Bahá to Mr. Albert R. Windust, from Star of the West, Vol. XI, No. 10, Page 319.) From Tablets of the Divine Plan, section 12, to the Western States BC#12 To the maid-servant of God, Miss Mary Lesch, Chicago, Ill. Upon her be Baha’O’llah El Abha! HE IS GOD!
O thou maid-servant of God! In accordance with the Kitabul Akdas, which is the supreme Authority and the Kitabul Ahd, which is the last Book of the Blessed Beauty written by His Supreme Pen, all are addressed in a clear and explicit manner. First He addresses the Aghsans, then the Afnans and then the relatives and finally the rest of the friends and bids them turn their faces toward the Center of the Covenant. And the verses which have been revealed in the Kitabul Akdas ordering all to turn after His ascension to Him who is branched from the pre-existent root are explicitly recorded in the Kitabul Ahd as having for their object the Center of the Covenant. And in another special Tablet, the authenticity of which is admitted by everyone, it is recorded that if the Center of Violation, whose proper name He mentions deviates the least from the shadow of the Cause, he at once loses the station of Brotherhood. How could it be more explicit? Now it must either be said, that the Blessed Beauty has done wrong and has led the people to error, for He ordered them to obey a person who ought not to have been obeyed, or on the other hand, it must be said that the least deviation from the Covenant and Testament entails deprivation from the Bounties of the Luminary of the world. One of the two alternatives must be true and there is no third one to it. In fine, Bahai unity cannot be preserved save thru the Covenant of God. Today the stirring power in the body of the world is the Covenant and if this Covenant is made ineffective, what power will be able to stir It? The statement which is made orally by His Holiness Christ to Peter: “That thou art the rock and upon this rock I shall build My temple”, this declaration rpeserved for a thousand years Christian unity. After the lapse of a thousand years due to political questions, dissensions happened. Now, if this Word of Christ has preserved the Unity of Christendom for a thousand years, consider what will be done by the Kitabul Ahd which has been revealed by the Supreme Pen? But superficial, restless souls who at first were firm in the Covenant and have written epistles with reference to their firmness and detachment from violators and have considered them as outcasts from the Threshold of the Almighty - and these epistles are still extant- These persons like unto Judas Iscariot, have for personal interests and finantial motives, deviated from the Covenant. They follow the people of craft and stained their hands with the blood of Christ. Be admonished, O ye who possess intelligence!
If at all thou art firm and steadfast in the Covenant, strengthen and ofrtify thy relationship with the Convention, and form whomsoever thou inahlest the odor of violation avoid his company and keep aloof, that thou mayest remain safe and protected under the protection of the Covenant and like unto a candle be ignited with the light of steadfastness. I am kind to all people and do not attack anyone. I pray on behalf of all that may gather under His Divine Protection. This Covenant and Testament have been entered into the Blessed Beauty and I have not taken any such part. Let them answer Him and I have no objection. My duty is to be kind to everyone; vengeance is reserved for the Blessed Beauty and not for Myself. As I am kind to everyone, I mention only the good characteristics of a person and if a word is written the intention is the setting forth of Truth and the preservation of the Religion of God, so that Bahai unity may be preserved. If any person desires to upset this unity, they are free and let them present their answers to the Blessed Beauty in the Abha Kingdom, should He address them as follows:– ”O ye my friends! Have I thru My Supreme Pen and the explicit verses of the Kitabul Akdas commanded obedience or disobedience? have I not ordered the Center of Violation to obey and turn his face (towards Him) or have ye turned away from My manifest and irrefutable Center? I have given the command to turn your faces towards Him, how have ye turned away? Why have yet upset Bahai unity? What will they answer?” The friends must be very attentive and then what ever they deem advisable, they may preform. I have nothing to impose. In America no doubt whatever call is proclaimed, ambitious and thoughtless souls will be found to support it for a time. Even at Green Acre, it has been remarked that one of the inhabitants of Malta was summoning men to excessive hunger and use to receive pay for it. Notwithstanding this, some souls gathered around him and from hunger they seemed dead and would pay to that man. Do not grieve for thy dear brother, who has ascended from this mortal world to the Eternal Realm and do not feel depressed. That drop has hastened to the limitless ocean and that wandering bird has flown to the shelter and nest of the Supreme Concourse. Thou shalt find him at the Effulgent gaterhing in the Kingdom of Mysteries. As to the dream thou hadst had that thy brother appeared dressed for the street:– Clothing is the ornament of man and that is the Bounty of the Merciful. As to the bundle he had in hand, it is his benevolent deeds, and his serious look denoted his purpose to make thee realize the following fact:– “Consider to what bounty I have attained! Praise be to God, that I am safe and well and have on me the garment of piety and carry in my hand the bundle of my deeds. I am alive and not dead. Consider closely; I am living and have not passed away, be thou attentive!”
Upon thee be Baha El Abha!
Translated by Shoghi Rabbani,
Against that flawless gold it stands forth in conflagrating Fire..Its rays are illuminating and consuming the old heavens and earths, quenching the sparkling of their stars. This ineffable Glory imprinting Itself upon the face of that New Heaven and earth and the Source of their effulgence, is the Greatest NAME of GOD. It is the NAME of Creation and Resurrection. It is the foundation of the New Holy City (Rev. 3:12) which is built upon the proportions of the twelve. (Rev. 21:16) “And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as alrge as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.” It is that NAME the manifestation of which holds “within the hollow of His Hand” Existence, Being, Immortality, Perfection. This Greatest NAME of GOD, vocalized, is ALLAH’U’ABHA, and is of the Arabic tongue. Its Divine expression, none save the soul who truly receives It “can understand”. The greatness of this NAME consists not in the giving or in the receiving, but in the use. That use confers Life. The neglect of IT destroys Life. (Rev. 2:17, “the hidden manna”– “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”) When Its Utterance is laid upon the soul, that soul has received its Great Gift, and its equal responsibility. By Its use the Doors of the Kingdom of GOD open, illumination is vouchsafed, and Divine Union results. It is the Name which is written in a white stone (Rev. 2:17); the “White Stone” symbolizes the perfect Wisdom. It is the Father’s Name written in the forehead (Rev. 14:1, also 22:4), “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on Mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Fahter’s Name written in their foreheads.” “And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads;” symbolizing spiritual understanding. It is the NAME of our GOD, (Rev. 3:12).
ALLAH, interpreted, signifies GOD.
Every Arabic letter possesses two values; one numerical, the other Spiritual. ABHA is composed of the following Arabic letters:
Alif equals 1; Ba 2; Ha 5; Ya 10. The total sum equals 18, and 18 equals 9 (1 plus 8 equals 9). BC#14A Spiritualy, Alif (or one) signifies GOD, the unmanifested Essence, the “Causeless Cause”. Ba signifies the Primal Will, or Creation. “Be, and it is!” It symbolizes the breathing forth of the Spirit. Ha means GOD in perfect Manifestation. Its numerical value is 5. This is the number of perfection in the human temple; of man united with GOD. Ya signifies the end. “For all the promises of GOD are in him, yea, and in him Amen, unto the Glory of GOD by us.” (2nd Cor. 1:20). Also, “Alif” signifies the beginning, and “Yea” the end of a cycle or period. “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” The use of the Greatest NAME, and dependence upon It, causes the soul to strip itself of the husks of mortality and to step forth, freed, reborn, a new creature, redeemed from the Law, and At-One with its Creator in the union of that Love which has its origin in Heaven. The Arabic “one” is “Vahid” and its numerical value is 19. This is the unmanifested Essence of GOD. The square of 19 (19x19 equals 361), represents the macrocosm or Manifested Universe. Upon this planet, man, the microcosm, is born. The individualized human soul is the seed of GOD, the potentiality of immortality. Upon this planet this seed must germinate, sacrificing itself to become a Tree of Spirit. This is the Union with GOD: the AT-ONE-MENT. Te daily morning use of the Greatest Name repeated 95 times is a Command revealed in Kitab-El-Akdas. By this devotion “the heart of man may be illumined with the Lights of Baha’u’llah.” Ninety-five is the numerical value of the word “Lellah” (for the sake of GOD). Each “L” equals 30; “H” (or Ha) equals 5. The Greatest NAME should be found upon the lips in the first awakening moment of the early dawn. It should be fed upon by constant use in daily invocation; in trouble; under opposition; and should be the last word breathed when the head rests upon the pillow at night. It is the NAME of comfort, protection, happiness, illumination, Love and Unity. “The Greatest NAME saved Adam when he fell from Paradise, from utter destruction. It saved Noah from the flood. It saved Moses from the burning bush. It has saved all, and now It has manifested Itself for all.” The “Hosanna” (Save us, we pray) of the past centuries has ascended unto the universal “Alleluia” (Praise the Lord) of Perfection. (Compiled by Isabella D. Brittingham, 1903.)
Paris France
Through Mrs Isabel Fraser
O thou my beloved! Be not unhappy. Let not thy thoughts be scattered Man under the circumstances of tests must be patient, must be firm, must be steadfast. Thou must withstand these events with the power of thine heart. Know thou of a certainty that these events are ephemeral. They are not permanent. Like unto flitting shadows they shall vanish. Therefore let thy trust be in God for He is the Eternal and the Everlasting. Live thou in the station of resignation and contentment so that thy heart and soul may obtain peace and serenity. Do thou ever possess the immensity of heart so that it may never be contracted. Be thou stirred with the Divine Glad-Tidings so that thou mayst hold in thy grasp the chalice of imperishable happiness and discover the brilliant star of age-abiding felicity and rest! May thy heart be happy. (Sig) Abdul Baha Abbas
Trans by M Ahmad Sohrab,
Through the maid-servant of GOD, Mrs. Brittingham. To the maid-servant of GOD.................... (Upon her be Baha’u’llah!).
(signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas.
Question asked Abdul Baha by I.D. Brittinghma in a letter to His Presence, 1902. “Are the planets or stars the many mansions in heaven of which Christ spoke, telling the disciples that He went to prepare a place for them?” Answer; containned in a Tablet from Abdul Baha to I.D. Brittingham, translated by Mirza Ameen Ullah, Chicago Aug. 15th, 1902. “As to thy question regarding the stars: Know that these brilliant stars are numberless and their existence is not void of wisdom both useful and important (i.e., their existence is of great importance.) “Rather they are worlds, as this world of ours. But they differ in their bodies, by the difference of elements, from this earthly body. They differ in (their) formation. The beings existent upon these bodies are according to their formation. “As to the worlds whereunto Christ (unto whom be the great glory) referred: They are spiritual, divine, heavenly, single, unlocated; neither the imperfect mind can commprehend them, nor the shining soul can know them. But, verily the sights of the people of the Kingdom of El Abha perceive them and the intellects of the people of the Supreme Concourse apprehended them.”
(End of quotation from Tablet)
1st Question: “Some think that this teaching has been incorrectly translated and Abdul Baha teaches that the souls upon leaving this earth do go to the planets or stars, and that they progress in their spiritual development through living upon one after another of these bodies. Is any of this teaching true?” Abdul Baha: “No”. 2nd Question: “Were the souls dwellers upon any planets or stars before coming to the earth?” Abdul Baha: “No”. 3rd Question: “Were the souls created as individuals before they entered the physical bodies of this world?” Abdul Baha: “They existed before coming to this world, but not as we know personality upon this planet.”
BC#17 To his honor, Mr George O. Latiner, unto him be the Glory of God, the Most Glorious.
O thou who art firm in the Covenant. Today the glances of the favor of His Holiness Baha’o’llah is directed to those souls who are full of the love of God, detached from self and passion and reflecters of purity and piety. April 9, 1921
BC#18 The first paragraph after “He is the Most Gracious!” and “O ye friends of God!” is published in Bahá’í World Faith, pp. 412-413 at http://bahai-library.org/compilations/bwf/bwf9.html The second and third paragraphs are published in “Bahá’í World Faith”, pp. 373-374 at http://bahai-library.org/compilations/bwf/bwf8.html This is then followed by: “Unto ye be the glory of Abha!” and “(Signed) Abdul Baha Abbas”
Tranlsated by Azizullah S. Bahadur
Received by Roy C. Wilhelm,
Upon thee be Baha’u’llah El Abha!
The father and grandfather went to Persia from the regions of Taif, and the inhabitants of those regions are all, with very few exceptions, descendants of the posterity of Ishmael.
BC#20 Haifa, Palestine, December 17, 1918.
____________ ** “The Beloved’s health is excellent and he reveals these days different tablets to Persia, Europe and America.” (Note: Extract from letter of S. Rubbani, Haifa, to Captain Tudor-Pole, sent to me from Cairo December 22, 1918. Received January 18, 1919. Claudia Coles).
BC#21 (Attributed to be in Los Angeles in October 1912) "We are on the even [sic] of the Battle of Armageddon referred to in the sixteenth chapter of Revelations. The time is two years hence, when only a spark will set aflame the whole of Europe. The social unrest in all countries, the growing religious scepticism antecedent to the millennium, and already here, will set aflame the whole of Europe as is prophesied in the Book of Daniel and in the Book (Revelation) of John. By 1917 kingdoms will fall and cataclysms will rock the earth.".
(as online at http://bahai-library.org/documents/imbrie.3.html )
The following is as quoted in the Barstow papers: Prophecy of War. by Abdul Baha. Given in America in 1912
"We are on the eve of the battle of Armageddon refered to in the 16th chapter of Revelations. The time is only two years hence, when only a spark will set aflame the whole of Europe. The social unrest in all countries, the growing religious skepticism antecedent to the Millennium, already here, will set aflame the whole of Europe as is prophesied in the 1st of Daniel and in the Book of John. Before 1917 Kingdoms will fall and cataclysms will rock the earth.".
BC#23 is the same as BC#9 BC#24A, B attributed to Martha Root from Baha’i Magazine, vol. XXI, p. 54. Portion of “Letter of Love” from Abdul-Baha Abbas to the “Beloved” in America.
The people who are confirmed therein are indeed glorified by the Supreme Concourse, the angels of the Heaven and the dwellers in the Kingdom of El-ABHA. But, if the hearts of the people become void of the Divine Grace–THE LOVE OF GOD–they wander in the desert of ignorance, descend to the depths of ruin and fall to the abyss of despair where there is no refuge. They are like insects living in the lowest plane.
This is the Path of El-Baha. Greeting and praise be upon ye! (SIGNED) ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS
BC#26 not sacred writings BC#27, 28 Los Angeles, Califronia. To the maid-servant of God, Mrs. F.B. Beckette, upon her be the Glory of God the Most Glorious. HE IS GOD. O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God! Thy letter written Aug., the 3d, 1920 has been received. Praise be unto God, the friends at Los angeles have proved successful in their trials and the false impressions of the negligent souls did not make them waver; nay rather, they became firmer in the Covenant. And when Mr. George Latimer arrived a meeting was held at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Cline where the rays of the favor of His Holiness, Bahaullah poured upon that gathering. Conseuqently they were confirmed to establish a ‘House of Spirituality’. It is my hope that this assembly (House of Spirituality) will be bestowed with a new spirit; that it will go on to serve the oneness of the world of humanity, giving life to those who are dead and cuasing the viiolators to dry up. The unity meeting. (nineteen day feasts) you should celebrate splendidly, and with one another you should be exceedingly kind and affectionate so that this may astonish the people of that city. In the meeting you should speak of the teachings of His Holiness, Bahaullah, deal with their details and explain the fruits they produce, which results have generated such great earthquakes in the East (Spiritual regeneration). You should explain how the different hostile religions which were thirsty for one another’s blood have been brought together by them (teachings of Bahullah) under the pavilion of uniformity, that is, the oneness of the world of humanity! The heavenly maid-servants of God, Mrs. Platt and Miss. Clapp are verily self-sacrificing and they have no desire, save nearness to the Kingdom. Convey My (?) respectful greeting to them! The class of the Junior Bahaia at Glendale is important and his honor Mr. Beckette is a revered teacher to the children, deserving the favor of the Kingdom. Though Abdul-Baha is not present in these splendid meetings in body, yet in spirit and soul he is present and is (your) associate.
Upon thee be the Glory of Abha!
Oct. 10, 1920, Translated by ‘Azizullah S. Bahadur, Mount. Carmel. Palestine.
To the friends and maid-servants of the Merciful in Los Angeles and the other cities of California, c/o Mr. and Mrs Beckett; Upon them be Bahaullah-il Abha. HE IS GOD. (The next two paragraphs are from: Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, pp. 210-213 at http://bahai-library.org/writings/abdulbaha/swab/185.html ) “O ye friends and maidservants of the Merciful! From the Spiritual Assembly of Los Angeles a letter hath been received. It was indicative of the fact that the blessed souls in California, like unto an immovable mountain, are withstanding the gale of violation, have, like unto blessed trees, been planted in the soil of the Covenant and are most firm and steadfast. The hope is entertained, therefore, that through the blessings of the Sun of Truth they may daily increase in their firmness and steadfastness. The tests of every dispensation are in direct proportion to the greatness of the Cause, and as heretofore such a manifest Covenant, written by the Supreme Pen, hath not been entered upon, the tests are proportionately more severe. These trials cause the feeble souls to waver while those who are firm are not affected. These agitations of the violators are no more than the foam of the ocean, which is one of its inseparable features; but the ocean of the Covenant shall surge and shall cast ashore the bodies of the dead, for it cannot retain them. Thus it is seen that the ocean of the Covenant hath surged and surged until it hath thrown out the dead bodies--souls that are deprived of the Spirit of God and are lost in passion and self and are seeking leadership. This foam of the ocean shall not endure and shall soon disperse and vanish, while the ocean of the Covenant shall eternally surge and roar....” Then there is the following: Consider then that Christ in order to preserve the unity of Christendom, said to Peter;– “Thou art the rock and upon this rock I shall build my Temple.” This word has secured every one’s submissiveness and allegiance and has preserved for a thousand years the unity of the Christian world. Notwithstanding the fact that this declaration was not a command to obey and to follow and (?) was verbally delivered, yet it has proved to do away with any form that might appear on the surface of the ocean of Christ and to cast shore any dead body that sought the vanities of this world. At present His Holiness Baha-ullah, through His Supreme Pen, has written the Book of the Covenant and has called it the “The Book of the Covenant” and has entered with every one into a Covenant and a testament. He first addressed the Aghsans, then the Afnans and then the relations binding them to turn their faces to the Center of the Covenant and has then in accordance with the explicit text of the Most Holy Book, (the Book of laws) made of the Center of the Covenant the Expounder of the Book. The next paragraph is also from: Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, pp. 210-213 at http://bahai-library.org/writings/abdulbaha/swab/185.html )
From the early days of creation down to the present time, throughout all the divine dispensations, such a firm and explicit Covenant hath not been entered upon. In view of this fact is it possible for this foam to remain on the surface of the ocean of the Covenant? No, by God! The violators are trampling upon their own dignity, are uprooting their own foundations and are proud at being upheld by flatterers who exert a great effort to shake the faith of feeble souls. But this action of theirs is of no consequence; it is a mirage and not water, foam and not the sea, mist and not a cloud, illusion and not reality. All this ye shall soon see. BC#30 The following Tablet was available on-line and taken from: http://bahai-library.org/provisionals/ab.star.of.west.1a.html
Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab.
To the maidservant of God, the revered ____________________, America.
To Mrs. S.-- Brooklyn.
(Signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas.
BC#34 To be read every morn and eve: HE IS EL-ABHA! Glory be unto Thee, O my God! I beg of Thee, by the Lights of Thy Beauty, the Exalted, the Supreme, and by the Appearance of the Might of Thy Dominion betwixt the heaven and earth, and by the Baha of Thy Face, whereby the denizens of the cities of Eternity are illumined, not to withhold me from the wonders of the Sun of Thy Knowledge, nor to deprive me from entering the Sanctity of Thy Meeting. Verily Thou art the Powerful in that which Thou willest. Verily Thou art the Mighty, the Powerful. O my God, I am he who has turned away his Face from the faces of all the created beings and has turned unto the face of the Holiness fo Thy Oneness; and he has fled from himself and from all else save Thee, and sought shelter in the shadow of the Tree of Thy Singleness. Therefore, O my God, leave me not to myself nor to anything of what is created betwixt the Heavens and earth. Then cause me to enter, O my God, into the Tents of Thy Nearness and the Pavilions of Thy Love. Then disclose to me, O my God, that which is concealed from the sight of Thy servants and that which is veiled from the Knowledge of Thy creatures. Then grant, O my God, that I may be of such as have entered the Fortress of Thy Assistance and abided in the neighborhood of Thy Mercy. Verily Thou art the Doer of whatsoever Thou willest and Ruler over that which Thou desirest. Then protect me, O my God, from my enemies and from all that is not loved by Thy good pleasure. Then cause to descend upon me from the Heaven of Thy Generosity that which may sever me from all the creatures and may cause me to reach unto Thyself, the Supreme, in this most pure and brilliant Garment.
Consider what was revealed in Kitab-el-Akdas:
The Commands of Our Blessed MASTER, ABDUL-BAHA, as revealed in Tablets and Instructions for the beloved in America. __________________
To live the life.
Fear not any trouble, persecution or calamity which may befall you, for it is said that when the flag of the truth appears it will be cursed by the people of the east and west; just as it was in the past, so it will be now without the least difference. Every soul is commanded by God to deliver the Truth and work out His Cause, and those who comply with His High Command should, FIRST, characterize themselves with the best characteristics, and THEN try to deliver the Truth to the people, who undoubtedly, under such circumstances, be attracted by the words of such teachers, if those be truth-seekers. Otherwise his words will not have the least effect in the hearts of the worshipers of God. God, the Forgiving, the Merciful, also teaches you that those who do wrong and oppress others, and at the same time command the people to be just, will, by the words coming out of their mouths, be accused of lying and declared to be liars by the people of the Kingdom, and by those who go about the Handsome Throne of Thy Lord. Oh, ye people, commit not what will make you lose your honor, dignity, and the sanctity of the Cause before the worshipers. Be careful not to come near anything shunned by your minds. Fear God and follow not the unmindful. Do not be unfaithful to the property of the people. Be faithful and honest on this earth. Do not deprive the poor people, or exclude them from what was given to you from the Bounty of God, and He will give you double of what you have and possess, for He is the Donor, the Bestower and the Generous. Say! We have pre-ordained the delivery of the Truth through eloquence and demonstration; therefore beware not to dispute or argue with anyone, and he who wishes implicitly and sincerely to receive the Truth for the sake of the Face of his Lord, will be confirmed by the Holy Spirit and inspired with what will enlighten the heart of the world, how much more the hearts of the seekers! Oh, people of Baha! Make submissive the Cities of the Hearts with the Sword of Wisdom and Explanation; and those who argue in accordance with own desire and wish, they are in obvious wrong. Say! The Sword of Wisdom is stronger than the summer and sharper than the Sword of Iron, if ye are knowing. Draw out that Sword in My Name and Power, then invade with it the Cities of the Hearts of those who are fortifying themselves with the fortification of Desire, also, ye were commanded by your God, El-Baha, while He was sitting under the swords of the disbelievers, that if ye know of nay sin or wrong committed by others, do not make it public, and do not reveal it to others in order that He may not reveal you, for He is the One who veils often–the Possessor of the Great Bounty. Oh rich people! When you see a poor man, do not grow proud and haughty and despise him, but think from what you were created, for each one is created from despised water. Be truthful and sincere to Him and your temples will be decorated and your names elevated and your posi- BC#37A tions grow higher and higher among the people, and you will have before God The Truth, a great reward. A TABLET TO GUIDE THE GUIDES. He who wishes to deliver the Cause of his Lord must at first deliver it to himself, and then to others, in order to have their hearers attracted to what they say. Otherwise, their words will not have the least effect in the hearts of the truthseekers. O people! Beware of being of those who command OTHERS to be righteous, and at the same time they forget themselves, for that which comes out of their mouths will declare them liars. Not only that, but they will be accused of lying by the facts of things, and by the angels who are near. But if it happens that the words of such guides do take effect in the hearts of any certain ones, it is not in reality from them, but from what was pre-ordained in the words by the Almighty, the Wise. Such guides will be likened unto a lamp from which the worshipers received light while it burns in itself, and at least is burned out. O ye people! Commit not what will make you lose your honor and dignity, and the sanctity of the Cause before the worshipers. Be not sowers of discord, and be careful not to come near anything shunned by your minds. Turn aside sin and avoid iniquity, for it is forbidden by God in the Book, which could not be touched by any but by those whom God has purified from corruption and made them pure. Be just to yourselves, then to other people, so that the traces of Justice will, thro (?) your actions and deeds, appear before the sincere worshipers. Do not be unfaithful to the property of the people. Be faithful and honest amongst them and do not deprive the poor people of what was given to you from the Bounty of God, and He will give you the double of what you have and possess. There is no God but He, and in Him is the Creative Power and Command. He gives to whom He wishes and forbids whom He desires. He is the Donor, the Bestower, the Invincible, the Generous. Say, oh people of Baha! Give the word of God, for God has commanded that it is the duty of every soul to deliver His Word, and it is the best thing and the greatest thing to do; as no soul will be accepted unless it knows God, the Almighty, the Powerful. It is pre-ordained to deliver the Truth through explanations and demonstrations and not otherwise. It is also commanded by the Power of God, the Supreme, the Wise, not to argue or dispute with any soul, but remind that soul with good explanations and admonitions. If that soul is mindful, it is well. If not, leave, and do not argue. Do not argue about the world and its vanities, nor what was pre-ordained to anyone in this world, for God has left the world to its people, and He does not wish anything out of it but the hearts of the worshipers. It is also commanded by God, El-Bhaa, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, to have mercy upon yourselves, then upon those near you, and then upon the sincere worshipers of God. If you come in contact with a certain low and contemptible person, do not grow haughty and despise him, for the Sultan of Glory and Grandeur will pass near him in these days and nobody knows hom, but only the One whose will is the will of your Lord, the Almighty, the Wise.
By God, under this circumstance, the people of the High World will testify for you, pray for you, ask forgiveness for you, mention you and glorify you with pure, holy and eloquent tongues. Blessed is the learned man who does not boast of his knowledge and despise those who are under him. How good is the charitable man who does not ridicule the one who disobeys and who does not make public the faults commited by that man so his sins and crimes may not be unveiled by God, who is the Best Veiler. O people, be veilers and forgivers so that God may forgive you from His own Bounty, and overlook the trespasses of others, so that God may overlook yours and clothe you with the beautiful garment of Kindness. If any one of the believers asks you for protection, have him protected and do not deprive him of what he wants if you are able to do it, so that God may protect you in the shadow of His Mercy, on that day in which the bosoms heave, the hearts burn and the elements of all creations shake and tremble. Say, O people! Tell the pure truth always, for it is the thing which will decorate yourselves and elevate your names and make your positions high and supreme amongst all the people in this world; and in the world to come a great reward from your God, the Truth. Also advise those who have believed and admonish them; perhaps they will accept the advice given to them in the Book of God and come to the Right Path. The Kingdom of God is also likened unto the temple of man. We know very well that such temple is composed of many members which differ greatly in shape, form, action and office, and when these differenct members act in harmony with each other and have the real perfect affinity and attraction among them, they form together that temple which will be thoroughly ready to receive the Spirit - although so various and different. We cannot say that one member is preferred to another, or is of greater importance in the formation of the temple. No, we cannot say that, for each member has its own office and by the action of all in harmony and unison, a perfect result is produced. So is the case with the Kingdom of God, which Kingdom is composed of different members, and if these members, although differing in quality, ofrm, shapes and characters, act in harmony with each other and in perfect agreement, they will form the Kingdom of God and will be ready to receive the confirmation of His Spirit. But if disagreement falls among them, and each one wants to make himself greater than the other, thinking of his high office and importance, the Kingdom of God will not be formed of such members and they will never be ready or worthy to receive the confirmation of His Spirit. The Kingdom of God is also likened unto a garden of trees. We all know that a garden, in order to be beautiful, must contain a good number of trees, various in size and different in colors, flowers and fruits. Some of the trees are tall and some are short, some bear good and sweet fruits, some sour and some bitter, but all the trees are necessary to form a garden. No tree can say to the other, ‘I am the most important organ of the lot,’ or ‘I am more profitable than you.’ Not BC#37C so whatever. Because all of the trees in that garden are watered by the same Hand, having the same sun and the same breeze passing on them. If any distinction is to be made among them, such distinction must belong to the owner of the garden and not to the trees themselves. So is the Kingdom of God. He is the Owner and Lord of the Kingdom, and everything relating to the members of the Kingdom is in His Hands and belongs to Him only, although the members are not equal in everything, but different in size, disposition, quality, character, conduct, color and fruit. Yet, all of them are necessary to form the Kingdom, but they cannot make any distinction among themselves. High distinction belongs only to the Lord of the Kingdom. No one can prefer himself to others, because all are watered by the same Hand, having the same sun, etc. Therefore, they should be as one, loving and respecting each other and considering themselves as brothers and sisters and even more, for in spirituality, kinship is not to be considered whatever. Jesus Christ said, “He who hears my word is my borther, sister and mother.” Every man wishing to run (?) his face to the Supreme Horizon must purify his inside and outside, and abstain from what is forbidden in the Book of God, and do in accordance with what was descended in the vision, to-wit: ‘Say! He is God, then, in their ford let them play hopelessly.’ He ought to consider everythinng besides God as a handful of dust. Also, the Lights of the Cause on His Return has shown from the Horizon of Heaven in accordance to the will of God, the Almighty, the Invincible, the Bestower; and he who wishes to deliver the Cause of his Lord has to decorate his head with the crown of devotion and his body with purity and godliness. In another place, ‘Every guide has to overlook everything in his possession and in that of others, and look only to that which is in the possession of God, the Ever-lasting, the Unchangeable.” We have said, and what We say is the Truth, ‘It is not the calamity that I have been imprisoned and persecuted by My enemies, but it is caused by those who relate themselves to Myself, and at the same time commit what will make My Heart mourn and My Pen lament.’ (It is here plainly outlined that the greatest enemies are those who sow discord as believers, not those who are unbelieving opposers of Truth.)
It is not the calamity that I have been imprisoned and oppressed by the rebels of My subjects, but it is the action of those who attribute themselves to Me, the Oppressed, and who commit what will make them lose the honor of God amongst His creatures. They are nothing but sowers of discord and those who corrupt and do mischief on this earth, and who dispose of the property of people. I do not know them and will not unless they repent and come back to God, the Forgiving, the Generous, the Merciful. BC#37D To the members of the General Assembly of Los Angeles, Upon them be the Glory of the Most Glorious.
He is GOD!
(signed) Abdul Baha Abbas.
Haifa, Syria; March 27 1920.
TO their honors, Mr. and Mrs. Beckett, Glendale, Cal. U.S.A. Upon them be Bahullah’il Abha. HE IS GOD. O ye two faithful and assured souls! The letter was received. Praise be to God, it imparted good tidings. California is ready for the promulgation of the Teachings of God. My hope is that ye may strive with heart and soul that the sweet scent may perfume the nostrils.
Miss. Anna Greig, Mrs Alice Blackman, Mrs Kathrine Tiggar and Mrs. Dr. Ruth Newland were blessed souls and praise be to God they passed away firm and steadfast. They flew away from a narrow and gloomy world to a specious and illumined realm, they have been freed from every pain and affliction and have attained unto everlasting joy and gladness.
Those souls who during the war have served the poor and have been in the Red Cross mission work, their services are accepted at the Kingdom of God and are the cause of their everlasting life. Upon thee be greeting praise.
Translated by Shoghi Rabbani, BC#39 Tablet Translation 9
To the believers of God and the maid-servants of God
O ye who are attracted to the Kingdom of God!
Upon ye be Baha El Abha.
Tranlsated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab July 29th. 1914.
Through Mirza Ahmad Sohrab to Frank Beckett and Loretha Beckett. HE IS GOD!
O ye true, pure souls! Upon thee be Baha el Abha! (Signed) Abdul- Baha Abbas!
HE IS GOD! O ye friends and maid-servants of the Merciful!
From the spiritual assembly of Los Angeles a letter has been received. It was indicative of the fact that the blessed souls in California, like unto an immovable mountain, are withstanding the gale of violation, have like unto blessed trees been implanted in the soil of the Covenant and are in the utmost firmness and steadfastness. The hope is entertained, therefore, that through the blessings of the Sun of Truth they may daily increase in their firmness and steadfastness. The tests of every dispensation are in direct proportion with the greatness of the Cause and as heretofore such a manifest Covenant, written by the Supreme Pen, has not been entered upon, the tests are proportionately severe. These trials cause the feeble souls to waver while those who are firm are not affected. These agitations of the violators are no more than the foam of the ocean, which is one of its inseparable features, but the ocean of the Covenant has surged and surged until it has thrown out the dead bodies– the souls that are deprived of the Spirit of God and are lost in passion and self and are seeking leadership. In fine this froth of the Ocean shall not endure but shall soon disappear and vanish while on the other hand the ocean of the Covenant shall eternally surge and roar. BC#42A
(2) BC#42B
At present these insignificant viiolators will surely give away the Center of the Covenant for the large sum which they have begged by every subtle means. It is now thirty years that His Holiness Bahaullah has ascended and these violators have meanwhile striven with the utmost effort. What have they done so far? Under all conditions those who have remained firm in the Covenant have conquered while the violators have met defeat, dejection and disappointment. After the ascension of Abdul-Baha, no trace of them shall remain. These souls ignore what will happen and are proud of their own fancies. Upon ye be Baha’ilAbha. Original of this tablet signed by Abdul-Baha.
Translated by Shoghie Rabbani,
To those who say Jesus Christ came back to earth in his earthly body they should reflect that Jesus Christ was 33 years old at the time of His death. According to medical science it is established that His body had been completely changed at least three times. If it was the body of the third decade of his life which revived, what became of the other two?
BC#43A insect existing for onlyl a few days or hours belongs to it. Indeed many of the ancient philosophers involved this idea of reincarnation in order to fill a flaw in their doctinres. They believed this material existence was all for they had not attained, as we have, to the knowledge of the spiritual existence beyond; and they thought it was necessary for the sake of justice that a man should be reborn on this earth again and again. No infant is ever born bad - all infants are born alike good. But their education and surrounding and their individuality make them become what they afterwards are.
“Are the planets or stars the many mansions in heaven of which Christ spoke, telling His disciples that He went to prepare a place for them?” Answer: contained in a Tablet from Abdul Baha to I.D. Brittingham, translated by M.A. Fareed, Chicago, August 15, 1902
“As to thy question regarding the stars: Know thou those brilliant stars are numberless and their existence is not void of wisdom both useful and important (i.e., their existence is of great importance.)”
In July, 1912, New York City, this question was presented to Abdul Baha by I.D. Brittingham, and the following questions were asked, and again were asked Him in November, 1912.
BC#42B Extracts from Tablets of Abdul Baha on Immortality.
Concerning the condition of the human soul after its ascention from the material world; The essences of the human soul are clarified from material substances and purified from the embodiment of substantial things. It is exclusively luminous; it has no body; it is a dazzling pencil of light; it is a celestial orb of brightness. BC#43A entertained for any one will not be forgotten in the world of the Kingdom. Likewise, thou wilt not forget the life that thou hast had in the material world. O maid-servant of God Hold fast to the “Most Strong Handle” and be thoroughly attracted to the Kingdom of Abha, until thou mayest at every instant find a new confirmation and attain to a wonderful Gift, and become a cause for the guidance of souls.” “When the souls of the sincere depart (from this body), then their unreal vision (i.e., seeing) is changed unto a vision of reality. Even as man, when in the age of babyhood and imperfection, though he reacheth the world (or age) of perfection and becometh endowed with reasoning faculty and (the power of) discrimination and comprehension, then that vision of his is a vision (i.e., seeing) of reality and not the unreality. It is evident that the divine nearness is an unlimited nearness, be it in this world or the next one. This is a nearness which is sanctified from the comprehension of the minds. The more a man seeketh light from the Sun of Truth, the nearer he will draw. For instance, a clear body is near unto the sun, and a black stone is far from the sun. This nearness dependeth upon clearness, purity and perfection and that remoteness is due to density, dullness (or obscurity) and imperfection. “as to the qeustion whether the souls will recognize each other in the spiritual world; This (fact) is certain; for the Kingdom is the world of vision (i.e.,) things are visible in it, where all the concealed realities will become disclosed. How much more the well known souls will become manifest. The mysteries of which man is heedless in this earthly world, those will he discover in the heavenly world, and there will he be informed of the secret of truth; how much more will he recognize or discover persons with whom he hath been associated. Undoubtedly, the holy souls who find a pure eye and are favored with insight will, in the kingdom of lights, be acquainted with the mysteries, and will seek the bounty of witnessing the reality of the Beauty of God in that world. Likewise will they find all the friends of God, both those of the former and recent times, presen in the heavenly assemblage. As to the difference and distinction between Lazarus and that ‘rich man’; The first was spiritual, while the second was material. One was in the highest degree of knowledge and the other in the lowest depths of ignorance. The difference and distinction will naturally become realized between all men after their departure from this mortal world. But this distinction is not in respect to place, but it is in respect to the soul and conscience. For the Kingdom of God is sanctified (or free) from time and place; it is another world and another universe. But the holy souls are promised the Gift of Intercession.” “Be not grieved at the death of thy dear daughter. This divine bird flew away to the rose garden of the Merciful and that plant of humanity hastened to the garden of the Kingdom of El Abha. That drop returned to the Most Great Sea and that ray betook herself to the Most Great Orb. Be happy and thankful because thou wilt see her face shining in the divine Kingdom and wilt find her as a lamp amid an assembly in the spiritual heaven.” BC#43B Extract from a Tablet to one of the American believers. It hbehoveth him (Man) to seek only, Divine Bounties, and subjects, which lead to the Knowledge of the Invisible, (Word of God) through the mediation of the Holy Spirit. Then he will receive the Reality of the Triune powers in man, through his innate sight. For, verily, the signs of the triune powers which exist in mankind are spirit, Intellect and Soul. Spirit is the Power of Life, the Intellect (Mind) is the power which comprehends the realities of things; and the Soul is an intermediary between the Supreme Concourse (Spiritual World) and the lower (Material) Concourse; it has two phases. The higher aspires to the Kingdom of El Abha, and the Light of the Intellect, shines forth from that Horizon (Kingdom) unto its higher sphere. The other plan inclines to the Lower Concourse of the Material world and its lowest sphere is enveloped in the darkness of ignorance, but when Light is poured upon this phase, and if this phase of the soul is capable of perceiving it, then “Truth has come and falsehood vanished for falsehood is short duration”. Otherwise darkness will surround it from all directions and it will deprive it of associating with the Supreme Concrouse, and it will remain in the lowest depths. “As to the Voice?” i.e., There are two kinds of voices, One is the physical voice and it is expressed by atmospheric vibrations, which effect the nerve of the ear, the other is the Merciful Breath (of God), and this is a call which is continually heard from the Supreme Concourse, and cheers the pure and Holy Souls. May it be beneficial to to those who have heard this call” Know thou, verily, that the Ancient Light, and the Manifest Beauty (God) has sown seeds in the soil of existence, and hath irrigated them through His Spiritual Bounties. This soil will surely bring forth good plants of Divine gifts, the Leaves of this growth are Love and Union, and its stem is the Teaching of the True One and His Supreme Law and its grain pods are the Heavenly Blessings which give life to the Souls - Depend thou upon these” Depend thou upon these, Depend thou upon these. Abandon every imagination and be attracted to the Lights of Reality, and discover both the Divine Truths and the physical Truths. Also know thou, that he greatest spiritual and Divine chaplet (Talisman) is the word of God and the Sun of Truth which penetrates the reality of the created beings and attracts the entire soul of man in the world of existence, and which draws forth unto all horizons. Hast thou ever perceived a greater chaplet than this? No “By the splendor of Baha” Verily I yearn for the visit of those Souls who are cheered, dilated, moved by and attracted to the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. As to the critical period, through the confirmation of Baha;– nor is He dominated by any critical period; and as proof of this Abdul Baha has withstood all critical periods and great dangers since His earliest childhood, to the present day; through the assistance of the Supreme Lord. Upon thee be greeting and praise Abdul Baha Abbas Extract from Mr Hatcher s Tablet.
“But know thou, verily, that I associate with heart and conscience with firm friends, and speak with them without lip or tongue, and discuss with them the divine messages which are abiding in the heart and soul. Praise be to God that this interpreter is between us. Therefore be thou not said.” “Be silent in the crouds.” (?) BC#43C Extract from a Tablet of Abdul-Baha. Every soul who sacrificies his life (i.e., serves faithfully) in the service of the Cause of God, all the existing beings will come under his command, and confirmation will pour down upon him from every direction, so that he quickens the souls, tranquilizes the spiritis, and bestows prosperity to the bodies.
Words of Baha’o’llah.
O nightingale of paradise!
Words of Abdul Baha written by request, on the fly-leaf of two copies of the Ighan.
O thou who art seeking after the knowledge (of God)!
The remaining quotes are from the Kitáb-i-Aqdas....
His Holiness...Abdul Baha (Bahá’u’lláh?), has said to the children of the Spirit.
“I have manifested Myself before, and have sacrificed Myself for your salvation, to bring you intot he Kingdom of Our Fahter, with great glory. These are the days whereof I have promised you I will appear in the Kingdom of the FATHER, just as it was foretold by the Prophets and Messengers. Why do you turn from Me and take hold of some one else? Do you forget My COMMANDMENTS? By God, NO ONE WILL INRICH YOU BUT ME. NO ONE WILL MAGNIFY YOU BUT ME. NO ONE WILL MEDIATE FOR YOU BEFORE MY FAHTER, THE MERCIFUL BUT ME. Withhold from submitting yourselves to lusts and passions that you may see Me sitting in the chair of MIGHT and POTENCY. HE who denies Me first will deny Me in these days.
Come ye together Consecrate your spiritual forces, Arise with great fervor and enthusiasm, Show ye an united effort, Let a new attraction take possession of your hearts, Let a new spirit sweep over your temples, so that the Fire of the Love of GOD, which is enkindled in your holy of holies, may flame forth and set up a spiritual conflagration in the whole of Europe. To Ahmad: If thou couldst measure the heights and depths of the marvelous events which have transpired, and are transpiring, in this Cause, thou wouldst write down every word I utter with a pen of diamond upon a page of gold.
Extract from a Tablet written by Abdul Baha. BC#45 To the Maid-servant of God! Mrs. Josephine Cowles. Upon her be Baha’o’llah! HE IS GOD!
O thou who art cheered in soul by the Fragrances of God! Blessed art thou for thou hast received teachings from His Holiness, Professor Abdul Fazl, and hast visited His Honor Khan with all joy, happiness and fragrance. Verily, God shall surely confirm thee with the Spirit of Life, thou art in the Ark of Deliverance, and He shall chant unto thee the verses of steadfastness, that thou mayest keep firm at the violence of tests and against the power of trials. Verily, God hath already forgiven thy fortunate son who hath ascended to the Supreme Friend, and verily he addresses thee in the most wonderful explanation and says: “O my loving mother! O that my people would know that my Lord hath forgiven me, and made me of those who have attained.” As to thee! Know thou verily, the winds of tests shall surely wax violent in those regions, and will pull out (certain) trees from their roots. But the firm ones, their Lord will assist them with the greatest powers, and will stand trials even as solid mountains with-stand whirl-winds, hurricanes and storms. Know thou verily, every firm one will be well rooted through the Grace of thy Lord, and the Lord of the Kingdom will assist him with the hosts of His Holy Realm of Might and with the Angels of His Kingdom, from all directions.
I beg of God that thou mayest be of them (firm ones) and withstand every whirl-wind, shock, violence and calamity.
Translated by A.K’ Khan.
YA ALLAH EL MOSTAGHAS! (O, Thou God, from whom relief and help is sought most urgently or desperately). Quoted from ABDUL BAHA and translated by Mirza Ali Kuli Khan, January 30th, 1915.
Extracts from letters in Paris by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab to Miss Harriet Magee, New York City (May 1913).
BC#47 (Happiness-pp. 5.)
O thou Maidservant of God; Be not thou sad on account of past vicisitudes and troubles, neither be thou discouraged by hardships and difficulties. Be thou hopeful in the Bounty of the True One, and be thou happy and rejoiced in the love of God. This world is the arena of tests, trials and calamities. All the existing things are the targets for the arrows of mortalities; therefore one must not be sad or disheartened on account of troubles, or beocme hopeless over the intensity of misfortune and distress.
OLA-LOFTINESS, FASTING & PRAYER Prayer to be said during the Fast. Before using the Greatest Name 95 times.)
Cause us to drink from the River of the Kawther of Thine Eternity, O our GOD! -----9------ (Prayer used during the Fast. From Children of the Kingdom, Vol. IV, No. 2, P. 3 (?))
O GOD! As we are fasting from the appetites of the body and not occupied with eating and drinking even so Purify our hearts and lives from aught else save Thy Love, and Protect and Preserve our souls from self-passions and animal (?) traits. -----9------
BC#50 poem not from Central Figures Explanation of the Greatest Name. by Abdul Baha Taken from various Tablets and Talks.
“The interpretation of the ring is not the meaning of the letters of its form; the real meaning is a symbol from the Real Light. BC#51 A COMPILATION OF TABLETS AND WORDS PERTAINING TO COMPILED BY MRS. H. EMOGENE HOAGG. ____________ “The Orb of the Covenant”
Know thou verilyl, The Covenant is an Orb which shines and gleams forth unto the universe.
And do thou advise them and illumine their inmost part, and say: unto them–
O my friend! Verily, Baha hath commanded me to be forbearing and patient, to conceal (their doings), to forgive and pardon. Otherwise, I would have rent their covering, disclosed their sins, divulged their deeds, depicted their character and unveiled their manners. Verily thou art already inofrmed of some of their deeds and it is sufficient for you. (Signed) ABDUL BAHA ABBAS.
The documents between BC#52B and BC#77B, I have not entered in (though they could be entered in). (2) Each one must sacrifice his life and possession to the other, and each person be loving to all the inhabitants of the world, to rend asunder the curtain of foreignness and consort with all the people with union and accord. They must be faithful to the traitors and benevolent to the tyrant. They must recognize the enemies as friends, the unknown as known. These are the advices and exhortations of GOD! O ye friends! O ye maid-servants of the Merciful! In order to thank for this Most Great Guidance, consort with all the people with the utmost joy and happiness;–so that ye may become the recopients [sic] of the Glances of Providence. Become not sad on account of any calamity, neither be ye broken-hearted by any trials. Be ye firm and steadfast in order that the Beloved of hope become the Cup-bearer of the assembly and the greatest desire become realized. Blessing be upon ye by the Bounty of your Lord, the Merciful. Upon ye be Baha-El-Abha. (Signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas. Translated by M. Ahmed Espahani, Oct. 9, 1907, 10:p.m., Washington, D.C. Published by C.E. Sprague, 3502 Lake Ave., Chicago, Ill. BC#77B BC#78A-E - Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Abbas, vol. 2 (identical with the exception of a few notes and names omitted from the published version) Through Mirza Ahmed, to the Members of the Spiritual Assembly of Chicago and the Spiritual Assembly of New York. Upon them be Baha’u’llah-el-Abha! O ye two merciful Assemblies! Praise be to GOD, that, through the outpouring of Guidance India is rapidly becoming a rose-garden of ABHA, for many sould [sic] have lately embraced the Truth and are in the utmost attraction and enkindlement. Forward ye, as soon as ye can, a few copies of every Tablet and Epistle, which is translated into the English, and the books which are written by believers, in this language, to the merciful Assembly of Bombay and to his honor Aga Seyad Mostafa in Rangoon. O ye spiritual friends of Abdul-Baha! At this moment when danger is threatening to surround all directions, Abdul-Baha is attracted to the Fragrances of the Kingdom of ABHA, and, with infinite joy and happiness, is begging providence and favor from the Threshold of Oneness in your behalf. Now is the time of firmness and resolution and and [sic] the moment of steadfastness and constancy, and the period of showing forth divine power by the strength of proof, the solidity of argument, the eloquence of utterance and the grandeur of spirit. Upon ye be Baha-el-ABHA! (Signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas. Trans. by Mirza Ahmed Espahani, March 24, 4:P.M., 1908. Washington, D.C. Pub. by C. E. Sprague, 3502 Lake Ave., Chicago, Ill. BC#79 Revealed by Abdul-Baha Abbas. O friends of GOD! O spiritual companions! The Lord of the peoples of the world declares in the beneficent Koran: “And there is for you in the Prophet of GOD a good example; “That is to say, to follow His Holiness is a good example and to imitate that Real Leader is the means of acquiring success in both of the worlds. The followers of the Prophet (Mohammed) were commanded to follow Him in all affairs and manners, and when some individuals, having recognized this safe path as the Straight Road traveled therein they became Kings in the Land of the Righteous and the Kingdom of the Elect. And those in the Land of the Righteous and the Kingdom of the Elect. And those souls who tried to acquire comfort with ease, deprived themsevles of all bounties and perished in the lowest ditch of despair. Their days came to an end and their happiness terminated. Their bright morn became dark, and their transparent cup became full of dregs and rust. Their uprising star descended and their bright luminary set. But those pure souls who followed (in the footsteps of the Prophet shone in the Highest Horizon as the Stars of Guidance and arose from the Dawning-place of hopes with matchless brilliancy. They sat on the Throne of the Kingdom of Eternity and rested on the couch of Divine Success. Their traces are clear and their lights brilliant; their star is luminouus and their attendants are the armies of angels of the Heavens of Immortality. Their palace is firm and their edifice is strong. Their light is illumining the world and their heat is consuming the world. Now judge for yourselves: Those souls who followed in the wake of that Manifest Light acquired such bounties and stations! If we now follow in the footsteps of the Most Glorious Beauty (Baha’o’llah) and the most Exalted Majesty (the Bab) - may My Life be a sacrifice for those who suffered martyrdom in Their Path - what would be the result? His Exalted Majesty (the Bab) from the beginning of the arising of His Beauty to the day of the Greatest Martyrdom spent days and nights under severest trials, in the Path of GOD; He made His breast a target for thousands of arrows of calamities, and with a breast pierced and torn hastened to the Most Glorious Kingdom. The Eternal Beauty - the Greatest NAME - tasted of the poison of every calamity, drank of the cup brim full of all kinds of trials; made His breast a target for every arrow; made His neck indebted to every sword. He was incarcerated in a prison, and was bound in merciless chains. He was exposed to the derision of the crowds of enemies and became a butt for the stones of miscreants. He was subjected to chains and collars and was tightly bound with ropes and fetters. He was exiled from His native land and was carried to the land of Bulgers and Serbs. In the Most Great Prison He suffered inexorable calamities and His blessed days ended in this cruel prison, and dark dungeon while a prisoner of oppression and injustice, and He ascended to His Kingdom. Now, O faithful friends and companions of that Bright Countenance! Is it becoming that we should sit idle, even for one moment, practice delay, and seek ease and comfort, so that we be exposed to temptation and BC#80A indolence, be occupied with our own thoughts and lose our hearts to strangers and kindred? Nay, by GOD, we ought not to rest for one moment, day nor night; we ought not to pollute our pure hearts with the attchment to this world:– we must prepare Divine Assemblies, establish Feasts of Love, sing the melody of the Most Glorious Kingdom accompanied with stringed instruments and with drums and flutes; hasten, dancing and laughing with joy, to the altar of martyrdom, and offer body and soul, head and trunk, as a sacrifice! O friends, be loyal! O beloved ones, be firm and steadfast! O imploring ones, trust in GOD and rely upon HIm! O humble ones, be attached to GOD and cling to Him!
Let us encourage each other and set all in motion.
O dead one, who art without heart and soul! Become alive! Become alive! Tranlsated 1909 by Mirza Enayet ‘o’llah. BC#80B BC#492-500, 508-599 are non-existent? (according to Barstow)
Each child may memorize as much as he can from this supplication. ---------0---------
O my Lord! O my Lord! I am a child of tender years; nourish me from
the breast of Thy Mercy, train me in the Bosom of Thy Love; educate me
in the school of Thy Guidance and develop me under the shadow of Thy
Bounty; deliver me from darkness, make me a brilliant light; free me
from unhappiness, make me a flower of the Rose Garden; suffer me to
become the servant of Thy Threshold and confer upon me the disposition
and nature of the righteous ones; make me a cause of bounty to the human
world and crown my head with the diadem of Eternal Life. BC # 71
At the foot of Mt. Carmel, in the sacred neighborhood of the ìHoly Garden: (the tomb of the Bab). 9
Honorable Anayatíullah-Upon thee be the Peace of GOD:
He is God!
(2) BC # 72 B
istics of the final Day, the time of Judgement. They must take place.
Verily, in the heavenly Books, there is no subject which has received
greater emphasis than this; no greater prophecy is given. BC # 72C 15 9
dependent upon the propagation of Mohammedism, and that all nations
shall at least embrace that religion and believe in the Koran as the one
Book. Thus these two great nations point out the way to universal
peace. The theologians interpret all the Biblical prophecies to confirm
their view and ideas, and the learned in the Koran and traditions do
the same with their side. BC # 72D 1. (5)
After the declaration of the Oneness of GOD and the exhortation of
their followers they considered the giving forth of this prophecy and
this glad-tidings of the greatest importance. This, however, was
expressed in different and various terms. Once it was said: ìI will go
now, but will come again to tell you that for which you are not ready
now.î Again it is recorded: ìThe Great Spirit shall appear,î ìThe
Comforter shall come.î Yet again: ìThe Heavenly Father shall bless His
children by His Presence.î BC # 72E (6)
instance his holiness Isaih says ìIn the time of the end the Lord of
Hosts shall declare ëVerily I am the Lord and there is none beside H,í
etc.î In the Gospels it is stated: ìThe Heavenly Father will appear
and will say: Verily I say, and not, ëThus saith the Lord.î In the
Koran it is stated: ìWhen the Lordd appears the Unitarian believers
will attain the Meeting of GOD.î BC # 72F 18 (7)
the ìTime of the End,î ìThe Highest Firmament,î ìThe Greatest Name,î ìThe Sadrat El Montaha,î ìThe Great Judgement.î 19
BC#72H (9)
one united whole, one great nation, and the face of the earth shall
become the Paradise of Abha. Even so was it witnessed in the blessed
Day of Bahaíuíllah, when members of all nations gathered around His
bounteous table, the Sun of His Generosity shedding Its light upon all
equally, all basking in Its rays and heat. The clouds of His Mercy
showered upon the tender plants of the human souls, all growing in His
life-giving atmosphere. BC # 72I 21 (10)
revealment of the Sun of Unity is the religion of GOD and the law of the
Lord; the growth of the world and the education of the nations; the
security and peace of the country depend upon its ordinances and
commandments.î ìIt is the greatest means for the greatest attainment,
it confers the Chalice of Life, and endows one with Eternal Life and
Everlasting Blessing.î ìThe chief ones of the earth, especially the
manifestations of Divine Justice must exert their utmost endeavor in the
preservation, protection and elevation of this Station. Likewise they
must investigate the conditions of the subjects and exert themselves for
their welfare. The manifestations of power, usually the kings and
heads are requested to endeavor in order to remove discord from among
the peoples and let the light of unity shine. They must do that which
the Supreme Pen has recorded. Verily, GOD is the witness and the atoms
of existence declare that that which is a means of promoting, elevating
and education; protecting and training the people of the earth has been
mentioned. We ask GOD to confirm the servants. BC # 72J 22 (11)
Merciful that were there an expounder and utterer visible, I should not
have offered Myself as a target to the libelous (?) servants.î BC #72K
Praise, greeting and peace be upon the beloved of GOD who are firm and steadfast.
Mirza Assad Uíllah.
-oOo- Tablet revealed some years since: HE IS GOD ! O ye beloved of God ! Highway robbers are many and hypocrites are innumerable. The wolves clothe themselves with the shepherdís garments and thieves show themselves in the form of watchmen. Hereafter, if any Persian or Oriental come to those parts, even though he be from the very City of Akka. If ye find he does not possess a letter written by the hand and sealed by the seal of Abdul Baha, you must decidedly avoid him. In future, of course, certain people will come to you claiming faith. )Sig.) Abdul Baha Abbas. -oOo-
Cable from London to Wilhelmite, New York: -oOo-
Froma Tablet to Charles Mason Remey, Washington, D.C., translated by M.A. Sohrab, London, England, Dec. 29, 1912: -oOo-
Cablegram received February 3, 1913, from Paris to Wilhelmite, New York: BC # 73A
-oOo- -oOo-
Excerpt from Tablet to Mrs. Harriet Cline. Los Angeles, Calif. BC # 73B
From a Tablet to an American believer, translated by Ahmad Sohrab, Paris, March 4, 1913:
-oOo- -oOo-
Portion of a Tablet to Mr. C. M. Remey, translated in Ramleh, Egypt, ??? September 23, 1913:
In response to a letter detailing the circumstances attending the
arrival in San Francisco of two Persians from India ( via Honolulu),
without credentials, of their appearance at a Bahai meeting, of their
being advised to leave and return to their hotel, and of their being
entertained subsequently in the home of a believer, the following Tablet
was revealed by Abdul Baha :- BC#73C
4. BC # 73D
Tablet translated by M.A. Sohrab, Ramleh, Egypt, Sept. 30, 1913:
Cablegram to W. H. Hoar from Alexandria, Egypt, October 11, 1913:
Portion of a Tablet to Miss Juliet Thompson, New York City. Translated by M.A. Sohrab, Oct. 29, 1913, Ramleh, Egypt. BC#73E 6
flock; a thief ñ he has come to rob the house ñ like unto Taki Zade.
And whomsoever exhorts you to associate with them, no matter under what
title, do not at all accept from him, even if he gives unto them the
utmost praise. Write this to all the cities (Assemblies) of America, to
each and all, so that they may announce it amongst the believers. Is
it allowable to assist the wolf so that it may associate and consort
with the lambs, or to encourage the serpent and scorpion in order that
they may affiliate with the people? These souls are similar to them.
They are negligent of GOD and have no faith whatsoever. But with these
machinations they wish to cause your deviation from HIS HOLINESS
BAHAíOíLLAH and submerge you in the sea of superstitions. However, you
must exercise the utmost love toward your enemies, but not toward the
wolves. Through this, spiritual results will be obtained and the world
of morality will become illumined. -oOo-
Cablegram received by R. C. Wilhelm from Abdul Baha Abbas, June 29, 1914: -oOo-
Cablegram from Abdul Baha Abbas to Mirza Lotfullah Hakim, London, England, June 19, 1914:
Cablegram sent from London to Abdul Baha by Charles Mason Remey and George Latimer, June 29, 1914:
Several days later a cablegram came from Abdul Baha to Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper, London, England, as follows: -oOo-
Portion of a Tablet to Mrs. Noble, Cleveland, Ohio, translated in 1903 by A. K. Khan: -oOo-
From a Tablet revealed by Abdul Baha Abbas for a Chicago believer, translated by Dr. Zia Bagdadi, Sept. 2, 1913: -oOo-
TABLET TO A WOMAN IN CHICAGO (to be read to the Spiritual Assembly) Continued
and the Wise. That foul odor is that of violation. You should avoid i
??????? His Holiness Christ says that the owner of the garden does not
leave the dried tree, but certainly cuts it and throws it into the fire,
because the dried wood is worthy and deserving of fire. Again, His
Holiness Bahaíuíllah says: ìThen, O ye trees of the blessed garden of
My bestowal, protect ye yourselves from the poison of the treacherous
soulsÖ. so that the trees of existence, through the bounty of the
Worshipped One, be not deprived of the blessed breaths and breezes of
love.î Abduíl Baha:
ìÖ the brothers of His Holiness Christ came to Him and it was said,
ëThese are your brothersí. He answered that His brothers were those who
believed in God, and refused to associate with His own brothers. He
did not exercise despotism in the case of Judas Iscariot and His own
brothers, but they separated themselves. In short, the point is this:
ëAbduíl Baha is extremely kind, but when the disease is leprosy, what am
I to do? One must protect and safeguard the blessed souls from the
fatal spiritual diseases, otherwise violation, like the plague, will
become a contagion and all will perish. (Handwriting crossed off here) Abduíl Baha:
ìThou hast written that in view of the questions of violation thou art
perturbed. There is no occasion for perturbation, for the Blessed
Beauty (Bahaíuíllah) has closed all doors of error and doubt and has
entered into a Covenant and Testament. Will they (the teachings) be
promulgated through senseless words by those who pretend to be
philosophers, or through the doubts of the people of violation and lust?
Abduíl Baha: conít.
ìToday, every wise, vigilant and foresighted person is awakened, and to
him are unveiled the mysteries of the future, that nothing save the
power of the Covenant is able to stir and move the hearts of humanity.î
Ö.. PrayerÖÖ O God! Assit me with the hosts of the Supreme Concource and make me firm and steadfast in the Covenant and Testament. I am weak in the Covenat and Testament; confer upon me strength. I am poor; bestow upon me wealth from the treasures of the kingdom. I am ignorant; open before my face the doors of knowledge. I am dead; breathe into me the Breath of Life. I am dumb; grant me an eloquent tongue so that with a fluent expression , I may raise the call of Thy Kingdom, and quicken al of them in firmness to the Covenant. Thou art the Generous, the Giver, and the Mighty.î
Through Mirza Ahmed and Mr. Remey, BC # 75A
Convey respectful greeting to Mrs. ????? and say: ìI hope that through
the Breath of the Holy Spirit the mysteries may become disclosed to
thee, for without this channel it is impossible and unattainable. Turn
thine attention to the days of His Highness, the Christ; some people
imagine that without the Messianic Outpourings, it is possible to attain
to Truth; but this very imagination became the cause of their
deprivation.î BC # 75B
BC # 76
(SKIPPING MANY OTHERS) Extract from a letter written to America, by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, during Abdul Baha's stay in Paris during March, 1913. This morning the news of the American cyclone disaster again made the Master sad. I read to him the dispatches giving the detail of the tragic events and the appalling loss of life. His face was the embodiment of divine sympathy and spiritual consolation. Then he asked Mirza Mahmoud to chant the prayers of Bahá'u'lláh on behalf of these departed ones. As he chanted these blessed communes, all of us prayed from our hearts and souls for America at this hour of her misfortune and suffering. When the prayer was finished, the Beloved, as though coming from the world of light said:-- "Although Outwardly these disasters are hard to understand and to bear, yet there lies a great wisdom behind them which will appear later. All the visible material events are inter-related with invisible spiritual forces. The infinite phenomena of creation are interdependent as the links of a chain. When certain links become rusty, they are broken by unseen forces to be replaced by newer and better ones. There are certain colossal events which transpire in the world of humanity which are required by the nature of the times. For example the requirements of winter ae cold, snow, storm, hail and rain. But the birds and animals who live for 6 months enjoying a short span of life, not realizing the wisdom of the winter, chide and make lament and are discontent, saying "Why this awful frost, why this hail and storm? Why not the balmy weather? Why not the eternal spring time? Why this injustice on the part of the creator? Why this suffering? What have we done to be meted out with this catastrophe? However, these souls who have lived many years and have had much experience and have weathered many severe winters, realize that in order to enjoy the coming spring, they must pass through the cold of winter. The little bird of 3 months does not know there is a spring, but man knows that after the hard winter there is a spring time with its thousand viri-colored flowers and that after the velocity of the gale, the soul refreshing breeze will waft. After the sterility and apparent death and fertility and life will manifest - After the hurricane and storm, quietness and calm will reign. After the silence of the birds, they will break forth into joyous songs of spring. Now the wisdom of this American disaster is not known to many of those of this generation because they are too much absorbed in the immediate sufferings and hardships. When the cyclone has subsided and people shake off the temporary gloom, they will then realize that after the destruction there is construction, after this suffering there will be blessings, after this death, there will be life, after this loss, there will be profit, after this devastation, there will be upholding, after this havoc, prosperity, after this failure, success and after this war of elements, glorious peace and greater civilization." In the afternoon, a French poet came to see the Master. To him the Master said:-- Man must spend his talent in a cause the result of which is eternal. If we spend our talent in the cause of God, its outcome is everlasting, but if we waste it over worldly affairs, it is like drawing pictures over the surface of the water. For example, if one write a book, it may perpetuate his name for one or two thousand years; it will be forgotten afterwards. But he who breathes one breath in the path of God in this day, it will bring forth eternal fruits. Therefore man must engage his talents through those channels that are services to the kingdom of God. Consecrate thy poetic imaginations to the cause of God. The end of all the undertakings that you observe except service to the Kingdom of Abha is ruin. Every building that you construct will be destroyed except the palace of the cause of God. The palace built by Christ is and ever will be indestructible, likewise the works of his apostles. I desire that those mayest likewise lay the foundation of such a palace as will stand the attack of the accidents of all time, I am sure God will confirm and assist thee. The first day I met thee I observed in thy face, the signs of the love of God and I prayed in thy behalf. From God, I begged for thee assistance and confirmation so that in this city of Paris, thou mightest become a fruitful tree, the fruit of which may be enjoyed by all the people, that thou mayest become a fragrant flower, whose perfume may be inhaled by all the nostrils, that thou might obtain an illumined heart and a spirit rejoiced with the divine glad tidings and that thou mayest arise to serve the cause of God with the power of sanctity and holiness." Mr. Cobb asked if there would ever be any clergy in the Bahai cause. Immediatel ythe Beloved said, "No, In this cause there will never be any paid ministers, no appointed clergy, no ceremonies. A Clergyman assuming that he is ordained to his ministry may think that he knows more about God while the humble man in his congregation may in reality know more. This theological position makes many a clergyman proud and haughty. There is but one distinction in this cause. Some people may become greater than the rest - no through affairs but through the purity of their hearts, their unselfish deeds, their heroic sacrifice and their knowledge of God. Such illumined souls, like unto kind fathers or teachers will guide and teach those less fortunate. They are the elder brothers of the community family. They do not arrogate unto themselves any title or position. You will know them by their humility, sincerity, deeds, severance, knowledge, spirituality and attraction. In this world millions of ministers have been ordained but the majority of them have been useless and atrophied and left behind neither fruit nor trace except a few limited days walking in the path of their own egoes and self gratification, and at last bade barewell to this ephemeral world, leaving behind no treasury. But praise be to God that thou art confirmed. Thou hast hearkened to the call of the kingdom, thou art informed of the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. The doors of the kingdom are opened before thy face and eternal life hath become manifest. Therefore strive that in this world and in the world of the kingdom thou mayest deposit a treasury and leave behind a track and a result - so that day unto day thou mayest become more favored in the divine threshold and be classed as one of the most faithful and sincere servants of His Holiness, Bahá'u'lláh" Another question was asked about whether there would be any modifications in the marriage relationship. The Master said: "There are 2 kinds of relationship - real and unreal. The real relationship is based upon spiritual love and companionship and this relationship will forever remain the same and the other relationship which has no basis in reality will be done away with. Love between man and woman must be kept sacred and holy. Marriage is a command of God. It is necessary to the community, for humanity is continued through the practice of this law, but the family life should be pure, soul-elevating so that the children may breathe the uncontaminated atmosphere of sanctity. The love of their parents should be the great love example to them. Some one asked about divorce, Abdul Baha said: "When there exists incompatibility of temper and complete antipathy between man and wife then divorce is permitted. To live together under such stifling conditions is productive of hell. Another asked about the future of aviation and the Master promptly answered:- "The science of aviation will make great progress in the immediate future and people will travel in ease and luxury from one city to another without danger. Aeroplanes will become as popular as automobiles are now. Every well to-do person will have his aeroplane and riding through the air will be within the reach of all. A number of important Persians called and the Master discussed with them the fall of Adrianople as prophesied by Bahá'u'lláh 50 years ago. Mr. Cobb and a Turkish friend came and the Master spoke at length in the peculiar sect of Baktashi, pointing out the 2 distinctive point in this Oriental religion - one its friendly attitude toward all peoples and the other its great religious tolerance. Then he spoke on the uninterrupted descent of the grace of God, the eternal Creator. He dwelt on the fact that there is no suspension ever in His bounty and that He has always manifested in His Prophets. BC#93A-E Extracts from Tablet to Albert R. Windust. Chicago, Ill. Upon him be Baha U llah El Abha. HE IS GOD. Regarding the Spiritual Assembly (Board of Consultation, Working Committee, etc.), this is not the House of Justice. It is a purely Spiritual Assembly and belongs to spiritual matters, and that is to teach the Cause of God and diffuse the fragrances of God. If the believers arise in the accomplishment of this work, the existence of the Spiritual Assembly will not become absolutely necessary or obligatory. THE AIM IS TO TEACH THE CAUSE OF GOD. In California they have no Board, but the teaching of the Cause is being done. That which is the most important of all affairs in this day is to TEACH THE CAUSE OF GOD. You must engage in the diffusion of the Fragrances of God, so that ye may impart life to the worlds, illumine the dark regions, confer new existence upon these smouldering dead bodies, make intelligent and mindful these negligent hearts: thus they may free themselves from this nether world and soar toward the Universe of the Almighty. Convey the wonderful Abha greetings to al the friends of God. Upon thee by Baha El Abha. (Signed) Abdul Baha Abbas. (Translated by Ahmed Sohrab, Oct. 2nd 1913 Ramleh Egypt)
Part of a lesson given in parlor adjoining Corinthian Hall, Masonic Temple, Chicago, November 28, 1909, by Mr. Albert R. Windust. The Covenant and Testament, in its highest meaning, refers to "THE WORD MADE FLESH" - the Manifestation of God to man thro [sic] Man - in every epoch. Such were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, BAHA'O'LLAH. Adam made a Covenant and Testament that God would finish His work in six days and rest the seventh;*** the others confirmed that Covenant and renewed it, and in BAHA'O'LLAH (The Glory of God") it was fulfilled. He was the finished work of the Creator, a Perfect Man. He is called "The Blessed Perfection." There are other meanings to the Covenant and Testament which we will not mention today, and as the subject is deep and the time limited, we can only touch on what has been said regarding The Covenant and Testament is as a "golden thread" running thro [sic] the Sacred Scriptures, which, if followed, leads the seeker for Truth out of the maze of mystery surrounding the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Consider how the WORD OF GOD, speaking thro Adam, stated that the Creator would "finish His work" by making man in "His own image," as we have just stated. This divine "seed" of the WORD planted in the "soil" of mankind, which Adam "tilled," was the germ of the future Heavenly Man and the "promise" of the coming of His "Kingdom of Heaven" upon earth. The WORD thro Noah was this same "promise" renewed, embryonic still, seemingly an insignificant "kingdom" - as small as "a grain of mustard seed" - yet safe in the Ark (of the Covenant) although surrounded with the "flood of water" in the womb of this world. The WORD of Abraham is this same Covenant and Promise of - coming "child." Although he could not discern it, believing humanity "barren" of any spiritual attainment, yet before his "day" passed, signs of life of that kingdom were apparent, and Abraham greatly rejoiced. The WORD of "the law" thro Moses is likened to the firm, rigid bony structure of this developing "child" of the kingdom, destined "in due time" to "fill the whole earth." During this period alternating paroxysms of joy, sorrow, peace, hope and lamentation of the WORD came thro the Messengers and Prophets; thus David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, et al, confirmed the "life" of this "active child" soon to be "delivered." The WORD thro Jesus Christ proclaimed the "birth" of this "child" and we read for the first time in the sacred recrod of the "breath" of the Holy Spirit entering into the "little flook" who were to go forth into all nations and proclaim the Gospel (i.e., good news) of the "coming" of the Kingdom. Repreatedly He used the illustration of the "child", saying: "And the kingdom of heaven is like unto a little child."
BC # 133A The WORD thro Mohammed*** is likened unto the schoolmaster who disciplined this "youth" of the kingdom. The WORD thro Baha'o'llah is likened unto the full-grown man, the perfection of that hidden in the embryo of the "kingdom of heaven" planted on earth by Adam. It is the condition of maturity and the "day of judgment" and discernment. Concerning this simple plan of the ages - yet sublime in its simplicity - we will quote from the Tablets of Abdul Baha, Vol. III, page 497: "O thou servant of God! Unquestionably, thro the Manifestation of the Infinite Power in this glorious age, wonderful signs will appear in the world and great changes are seen in the present and promised in the future, for the WORD of God is like unto the Spirit, and the contingent world like unto the embryo in the womb of the mother. Through the power of the Spirit such various changes and metamorphoses become apparent, transforming them from one form to another." And on page 535, Vol. III: "The Cause of Baha'o'llah is the same as the Cause of Christ. It is the same Temple and the same Foundation. Both of these are spiritual springtimes and seasons of the soul-refreshing awakening and the cause of the renovation of the life of mankind. The springtime of this year is the same as the springtime of last year. The origins and ends are the same. The sun of today is the sun of yesterday. In the coming of Christ the divine teachings were given in accordance with the infancy of the human race. The teachings of Baha'o'llah have the same basic principles, but are according to the stage of the maturity of the world and the requirements of this illumined age." Next week we will continue this subject. ***It is well known that many of the sciences and arts enjoyed today were introduced into Europe, during the "middle ages," thro a Mohammedan seat of learning, Cordova, Spain. The Arabs and Moors were an industrious people, and the agriculture of Spain was in a most flourishing condition during their occupation of the country. They introduced plantations of sugar, rice and cotton. The Moors of Spain made the first paper manufactured in Europe; and their carpets and silks, their gold and silver embroidery, their manufactures in steel and leather were long unrivaled. We are indebted to the Saracens of Spain for the elements of many of the useful sciences, especially chemistry. They introduced the simple Arabic figures which we use in Arithmetic. They taught mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine, and were so superior in knowledge to the Christian nations of Europe that many Christians of all nations went to be educated in the Arabian schools of Cordova. *** *** *** BC # 133B (SKIPPING OTHERS)
Lesson on Adam and Eve and Garden of Eden, as recorded in Genesis. To begin, let it be understood that the Prophets or Messengers of God are holy souls sent by Him to lead us to a knowledge of God and establish laws and ordinances for the people, which will tend to their development both spiritually and materially, in order that they might reach the intended aim; but their revelation or message has ever been given in accordance with the limitations or receptivity of the people of their time or age, for as long as the understanding of men has not reached the point of maturity the Divine Manifestations give explanations in illuminated verses expressing their works in a sealed, hidden and symbolical way. The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is in reality an illustration of the development of man, or rather the evolution of the power of God in mankind, from its conception. By Adam is really intended the reality of the existence (or essence) of man, his five ranks or stations in his existence. First station, that of the body, the solid or mineral condition which is referred to as Eden. The term "Eden" in the Arabic language means place of living or residing. Second station, that of the growing condition of man, which is the development from the mineral to the vegetable, referred to as the Garden of Eden. The garden, as you know, is the place for plants to grow. Third station, that of the power of sensation, which condition is arrived at after leaving or developing from the vegetable to the animal, in which condition man begins to eat, drink, feel, etc., which sensations are referred to as the different kinds of fruits. Fourth station, that of mentality; in this condition or stage of development man is enabled to use his reasoning faculties, which is referred to as the station or tree of good and evil; in other words, man has, at this time, reached a condition where it is possible for him to distinguish between good and evil (human). Fifth station, that of the Kingdom of Faith in God, which condition depends upon one's attitude toward the Word of God. When man reaches the human station he is, at this time, held accountable for his actions, because he is then capable of comprehending the Word of God and making his choice as between good and evil. When man has passed through all of the above mentioned conditions or stations, he will have attained to the Paradise of Eden. The Tree of Life spoken of in this account refers to none other than the Manifestation of God in the human form, through whom God manifests His life-giving Spirit in the form of words, and whosoever partakes of the fruits of this Tree shall indeed attain everlasting life, in accordance with His Command. The four rivers spoken of refer to the four great powers which are manifested only in the Manifestations of God, as follows: River of Communes or Prayers, River of Interpretations, River of Doctrines and Precepts, River of answering difficult and scientific questions. Man has a dual nature - spiritual and material - the inclination toward good, referred to as the mind (Adam), and the inclination toward bad, referred to as the soul (Eve). These two powers are in equilibrium but usually like a balance, either up or down. The soul or material quality is ever in ambush to drag the mind or spiritual quality down and when one conquers, the other is obviously weakened; for example, mayor of city [sic.] about to do some good, knowing what is best, but is bribed into doing the contrary. The life of the mind depends upon the soul; if it does not come out (rib out of side), it will not be manifested. Take for illustration the gas and the light: the soul can be likened to the gas, the mind to the light. The light came from the gas, but the power of the light is much greater than the gas. The soul is great, for it is the throne of the mind, and the soul, if pure, is of great assistance to the mind. As God knew the mind to be the manifestation of Himself, He said, "O Adam, do not obey the evil suggestions of your soul or you will be destroyed." When He said, as recorded, to Moses: "Put thy shoes off thy feet, for the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground," this meant, cast away all lust and soul's desire. The mind has the power of Divine inspiration, but the soul, unless conquered, prevents it from soaring, keeps it back, and sometimes low. Let the soul be freed from the mind (spirit) and it will appear as one without clothes, as represented in the story; when the soul dragged the mind down or allowed the material to conquer, they discovered themselves as naked (devoid of the bounty of God). The serpent spoken of is the Tempter or Satan, whose outward appearance is attractive and beautiful but inwardly is a poison to the mind. The fruit of Satan attracted Eve (soul) and she in turn deceived Adam (mind), which caused their downfall. At this time Adam realizes his condition, his station lost by reason of his having yielded to temptation and begins to make excuses, which are referred to as the leaves of the tree with which he attempts to cover his body and seeks forgiveness. Then the light shines forth, he hears the voice of God: "Adam, where art thou?" and makes confession: "She (Eve) gave me to eat." Again he hears: "For this thou art cursed, and enmity shall exist between thee and the soul, etc." In other words, this struggle between the good and bad, spiritual and material, is ever taking place and it behooves us to be on guard constantly. Some people will say: "Why cut yourself from the world when God created it? What is the world for if not for our benefit and pleasure? Why should we not get all we can out of it? If what the Prophets say is right, why stay here?" By cutting ourselves from the world is intended avoiding things that hinder our advance toward God; this world is but a stepping stone for the world of spirit; besides, if all were to withdraw, this world would be destroyed. When in the embryonic world or condition, we do not realize the necessity of eyes and ears, but when we reach our present state, we then see the great need of them. Are not deaf or blind persons subject to our sympathy? And yet their conditions are but symbols of conditions in the next world. The spirit of the world is that of avarice, selfishness and envy, while that of the Kingdom is mercy, unselfishness and love. We can be likened to children who do not realize the great benefits of acquiring a good education until it is too late. When Moses appeared and taught sacrifice for sin, there were two kinds, one for evil deeds and the Daily Sacrifice (prayer). He admonished the people to subdue the promptings of Satan, but they did not understand. He, therefore, ordered them to pay tithes in order to conquer or hold them, but the Spirit of Religion disappeared - only the letter remaining. Material tithes are not accepted - only spiritual ones. Though one is holy, he needs to pray daily, because all are continually engulfed in sin. (#138A-#138E) To a Paris Believer. HE IS GOD!
O seeker of the Kingdom! Your letter has arrived and its contents became known. You asked: What is Truth? Truth is the WORD of GOD which gives life to humanity: it restores sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf; it makes eloquent those who are dumb, and living beings out of dead beings; it illumines the world of the heart and soul; it reduces into nothingness the iniquities of the neglectful and erring ones. Beauty, perfection, brilliancy and spirituality of this existence comes from or through the WORD of God. For all it is the supreme goal, the greatest desire, the cause of life, light, instruction. The road to attain to this Truth is the Love of GOD. When this light of the love of GOD is burning in the mirror of the heart, that flame shows the way, and guides to the Kingdom of the WORD of GOD. As to that which causes the growth of the Love of GOD -- know that it is to turn one's self towards God. As to progress after death: know that after death it is the Divine world. Progress is possible, but it depends upon the generosity of GOD, and not upon the efforts and struggles of man. In other words, progress becomes possible only through grace, because the progress from one rank to another depends entirely upon divine generosity, whereas, on the contrary, progress toward perfection is obtainable through man's effort. For example, the progress of a mineral reality to the rank of a vegetable is to be obtained only through generosity; likewise the passage of a vegetable reality to the rank of an animal reality to the rank of the human is also due to mercy and generosity; likewise the passage of a human reality to the world of the Kingdom depends entirely upon generosity. What I mean to say is that the passage from one rank to another depends wholly upon grace, whereas the acquiring of perfections is dependent upon man's efforts and struggles. Take mankind: GOD created man from the mineral enabled him to attain to his present station; now by his efforts and struggles he can acquire human perfections and seek to increase in virtue and purity. It is therefore clear that the passage from one rank to a higher rank depends entirely on generosity, whereas the acquiring of virtues is possible through effort and will power. In consequence, after the passage through this corporeal world into the Divine World, the traversing of ranks is possible, but only through the grace and bounty of GOD. As to the significance of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh: know that everything which belongs to the universal welfare is divine, and all that which is divine is certainly for universal good. If it is the Truth, it is for all, otherwise it is for no one. Therefore, a divine Cause for universal good cannot be limited to the Orient or to the Occident; because the flame of the Sun of Truth illumines the East and the West, and its heat is felt in the South as well as the North, -- there is no difference between the two poles. In the time of the manifestation of Christ, the Romans and Greeks thought that the Cause was especially for the Israelites; they thought that they had no need for it, because they saw that according to appearances they possessed a perfect civilization, and that they did not need the instructions of Christ. This false supposition was the cause of depriving many people from its grace. Also know that the principles of Christianity and the commandments of Bahá'u'lláh are identical, and that the roads are the same. But every day there is progress. There was a time when the divine institution was in an embryonic condition; then it became a newly born -- a child -- an intelligent adult. Today it has reached maturity; its capacities, its body is the same,- but today it is resplendent with the greatest beauty and brilliancy. This explanation is clear and sufficient. Happy is he who penetrates the mysteries, and who takes his share from the world of light. The sun could shine a hundred thousand years and shower its heat upon a stone or hard piece of earth; they would not become luminous gems, a ruby or a pearl. Thank GOD that you are a seeker of Truth, gifted with sight, hearing, judgment and penetration. I do not doubt but that you will arrive at understanding mysteries. Upon you be the Beauty of El-ABHA! (Signed) Abdul Baha Abbas (BC #139A-C [except for the first sentence and "You asked:" in the beginning and the last paragraph, all are from Bahá'í Scriptures, no. 953-955])From Book of Enoch. (NOT INCLUDED) From Ahmad Sohrab's Diary, Ramleh, Egypt, October 4, 1913. From BAHA'U'LLAH.
In the Name of the Wise, the Mighty! This is the day in which the Throne is amongst the tribes (of Israel); is calling for the inhabitants of the earth and is summoning to the glorification and the sanctification of the Almighty. This is the day in which the Angels of Heaven are continually descending with the Cups of Explanation and Goblets of Knowledge, and after being perfumed with the Holy and Sweet Fragrances, they are ascending. Proclaim: The Promised Lord saith: O ye concourse of the Jews. You have belonged to Me; from Me ye have appeared and to Me ye shall return. What has happened to you that now you are not recognizing Me,- enemies instead of friends,-and have abandoned the real Friend? This is the day in which the New Heaven hath appeared and the old earth is renewed. Should you look with sanctified vision, ye shall behold the New Jerusalem. Should ye listen with attentive ears, ye shall hear the Voice of GOD! This is the day in which all things call unto you and invite you to advance toward the Promised Lord: But alas! Ye are so intoxicated with the wine of haughtiness that ye are not aware of it for a moment. The ear is for the sake of hearing My Voice, and the eye is for the sake of beholding My Beauty. Hearken ye unto Me and detach yourselves from aught else save Me. The Tabernacle of the Lord through the Hand of Divine Providence is lifted up, and in the Cause of GOD hath become manifest. The time of the old things is rolled by and the cycle of regeneration hath come. The Lord hath so willed that everything be renewed. But the new vision is enabled to behold this transformation and the new intelligence is informed in this condition. The origin and the end were couched in one Blessed Word, and that Blessed Word hath appeared and stepped upon the arena of existence. It is the Spirit of the Divine Books and Scriptures. It has been from the beginning before which there was no beginning and it shall continue to the end after which there is no end. It is the Key to the Most Great Treasury of the Lord and the Concealed Mystery of GOD, which hath been hidden from eternity behind the Canopies of Celestial Infallibility. It is the Alpha and Omega prophesied by John. It is the first and the last, the manifest and hidden. O thou Abd-e-Hossein! GOD willing, thou shalt become confirmed in rejoicing the tribes (Israelites) with the prophecies which are revealed in former times in the Holy Books. This Glad Tidings is indeed like unto the Water of Life for the dead people of the world. Blessed are those who drink thereform, and woe unto those who reject. Declare: To-day the City of God hath appeared and become manifest, with the utmost adornment. Ponder ye over the words of John, who hath prophesied concerning the coming of the Holy and Glorious City of GOD, say: 'For the Lord GOD Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of IT. And the City hath no need of the sun; no light of the moon to shine in it.' (BC #141 [Cf. "Bahai: The Spirit of the Age" by Horace Holley, "The Bahai Message to Judaism", pp. 88-90, which has an additional paragraph and Tablet background, though it is missing two paragraphs, beginning with "O thou Abd-e-Hossein!"] Instructions given by Abdul Baha to Mrs. Thornburg Cropper. All prophets are messengers from God and all ways lead to Him and all have borne fruit. The great gift is unselfishness, and the loving wish to help others will guide us. There are seasons in the Revelation from God as in the natural year, and just as the Christ had realized the Spirit of God in the flesh and had helped the earth in His time, now the Message of Bahá'u'lláh was the medicine of which the world had much need. All reverence and gratitude should be given to the prophets of the past. If truth be rejected, it is a mistake for which we must be sorry -- not a sin; and the Mercy of God transcends all human error. That to accept the laws and Message of Bahá'u'lláh was the quickest way, but that everything done in sincerity and with a loving heart was accepted, and that the Mercy of God covers all. But Bahá'u'lláh had a larger Message on a greater number of subjects than any other, just as this was an age more fitted by a great spiritual advance made in the great kingdom of Knowledge to understand and benefit by His just Commands. That wherever we found good or heard of it, we were to rejoice and accept it; that all religions were of God. I asked, "How shall we judge? By the unselfishness of the life?" "Yes, the loving heart can never be concealed from man or Heaven." That He rejoiced greatly in the practical turn that spiritual problems were taking in the world; that He hoped to see them improved upon and carried out without any dissent, in absolute unity, and that He felt that when the waves of progress swept the shores of the East their effect would be immediate, because the Eastern mind was well grounded in philosophy and thought much on these subjects. That iron sight was very ordinary in Persia amongst the Sufis, and people who studied these questions. That you could not perfect yourself in it except by constantly turning your mind and heart in a spirit of loving demand that God would shower His Bounty, and that illumination was bound to follow. That each time we turned to God we received and showed forth radiance. That one does well in not relying too much upon the teachings of others, but to turn to the Holy Spirit for guidance. That the Christian Science movement was doing great good in America and in other parts of the world. That different minds need different experiences. That without splendid health you were incapable of doing your best and most useful work, while suffering and adversity had its lessons which we must all learn sooner or later. That we must always have a cheerful face because of the glad tidings in our hearts. That life and death were the same, there was little change; and as human beings helped each other on the earthly plane, they could still continue to show affection and give support to each other after the apparent separation. That the Heavenly Kingdom was in us now. That if the spirit of the departed entered the most heavenly Paradise without eyes to see its beauties and ears to hear the celestial music, they would hardly recognize they were there. That on earth you could either ascend or fall; that in Heaven there was no descent possible, only unbroken progress. That one should constantly turn to the Heavenly Father for guidance on all points. (BC #142 ["Mrs. Rutherford" signed at top of typed copy])To the servant of God Mrs. ISABELLA D. BRITTINGHAM. (Upon her be Baha'-Ullah') HE IS GOD.
Oh thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God. I have received thy letter dated Oct., 1st, 1903, and am informed of its contents. Know then, that sex--male and female--relates to the exigencies of the physical world, and has no relation (connection) with the Spirit. The Spirit and its world are purified from these conditions, and sanctified from all similarities to the bodies in the contingent world, but during ancient Cycles men were distinguished from woman because the physical powers were holding dominion over the spirits. But in this Glorious Cycle, as the power of the Spirit surpasses that of fore--distinction between males and females is abolished, and the effectiveness of the Spirit being manifest, man and woman are equal, for to-day there is no distinction or difference between males and females, who, under all conditions and circumstances, are in one station. Distinction and difference belong only to the one who is kindled by the Fire of the LOVE of GOD, informed by His Mysteries; who in arising for the service of His Cause, announcing the Message o fthe Manifestation of His Kingdom; from whom spiritual virtues are manifest, merciful and divine perfections are evident, and who is hearlding and proclaiming peace, concord, affection, love, harmony and union among the nations, such a one is the noblest of souls, and the most perfect being in existence, whether (that soul be) male or female. Regarding thy question as to the beginning of Creation: Know thou that the Truth (GOD) has eternally ever been, and so also have His creatures, for there is no beginning either for the Truth (GOD) or for the creatures. According to the bodies in this contingent world, the "beginning" mentioned in the Holy Scriptures means the beginning of the Manifestation, and "Creation" signifies the Second Spiritual Birth: as Christ says, "You must be born again." There is no doubt that the beginning of this Spiritual Creation was the Manifestation Himself, for such Manifestation of the Divine Manifestations is the Adam (of His time) and His first believer is Eve, while all the souls who are born of the Second Birth are His children and decendents. In the New Testament it is recorded:- "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit." Again in John first and thirteenth:- "Which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of GOD." Concerning the Universe, Creation and Existence, these are the exigencies of His Names and Attributes, for without His creatures the Creator could not be identified. There can be no provider (GOD) without there be some one to receive His provisions. There can be no Possessor without having something to possess; neither can there be a Sovereign without subjects. The monarchy of GOD is eternal, perpetual, and without end, and the dominion of such a real Monarch, His subjects, Glory and Beauty, is also eternal and everlasting. The meaning, then, of the "beginning of Creation" mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, is a Spiritual Creation, and the second Birth. Upon thee be greeting and praise. (Sig.) ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS. (Revealed Oct., 24th, 1903. Translated in the Holy City. Translation certified to by Mirza Fareed Ameen, Dec. 26th, 1903.) (BC #143 [The paragraph beginning "Regarding thy question as to the beginning of Creation" is essentially the same as that at BC #286C])HE IS GOD!
O Thou Seeker for Truth! Whatever thou hast heretofore heard was fancy, not truth; was tradition (or narration), not vision; for it was but an explanation concerning the rising of the Sun, and the explanation was during the night. In this Day, however, the Light of Truth has dawned and the world has become illumined; therefore, whatever thou (now) hearest concerning the Sun is on the authority of vision (or actual sight), not of tradition (or narrative). Consequently, open thine eye so that thou mayest witness the lights, and open the ear of thy soul so that thou mayst hear the Divine Voice. Be delivered from thyself, from imaginations and superstitions, so that thou mayst find Eternal Life. Recollect how many fancies (or imaginations) thou hast had during thy life. Now it has become evident that they were all superstitions not the truth. Walk now in the Path of Truth, so that the shining lights may encompass thee and thy soul find a new life. Be quit of the superstitions of the Pharisees, so that they may not prevent thee from believing in the Christ; for the Pharisees were heedless of the real meaning of the Pentateuch, they assailed His Highness, Christ. One said, "Christ must come from Heaven, and this person has come from the womb of Mary." Another said, "He must come from an unknown place, and we know that this one is from Nazareth." Another said, "Where is the Kingdom of the Messiah?" Another said, "Where is the iron rod?" Another said, "Where is the throne of David? How did the Messiah sit upon it?" Another said, "Where is the justice that was to come in the days of the Messiah, and the association of wild beasts, the wolf and the lamb, the leopard with the young goat, the asp and the suckling babe?" To be brief, as they did not understand the meaning of the Holy Scriptures, they did not approve of His Holiness, the Spirit of God (i.e., Christ). They opposed Him, avoided Him; nay, they even made Him an ornament of the cross. They took the liberty of treating Him with the utmost injustice. Now, too, (in this Day) the heedless ones are like unto the Pharisees; they are not informed (or, are ignorant) of the truth of the Holy Scriptures. Consequently they oppose the Blessed Beauty (i.e., Bahá'u'lláh) and are of the scoffers. Before long this great Cause will change the dust-bin of strife, conflict and warfare into the rosegarden of love, affinity, peace and conciliation. Upon thee be greeting and praise. (Signed) Abdul Baha Abbas. Translated by A. K. Khan, July 9, 1905. Cambridge, Mass. HE IS GOD
O ye illumined friends and maid-servants of the Merciful: When the darkness of ignorance, heedlessness concerning the Realm of Eternity, and bereavement (or deprivation) from the True One had encircled the universe, then the resplendent Luminary dawned, and the brilliant Light illumined the horizon of the East. Hence the Sun of Reality shone forth, scattering the sparkling lights of the Kingdom to the East and the West. Those who had the seeing eyes found the most great glad tidings, began to cry the call:--"Oh blessed are we! Oh blessed are we!" and have beheld the reality of things in themselves, and have discovered the mysteries of the Kingdom; they were released from superstition and doubts, perceived the Light of Truth and became so intoxicated with the cup of the Love of God that, wholly forgetting themselves and the world, while dancing, they ran with utmost joy and ecstasy to the City of Martyrdom, sacrificing their minds and lives upon the altar of love. But those who were blind became astonished, and on account of these joyous exclamations they were bewildered and began to cry:-- "Where is the light?" They said, "We do not behold any light. We do not see any rising sun. It is void of truth. This is pure imagination." However, they have hastened batlike, in the darkness below the ground, and according to their own thoughts they have found a little comfort and tranquillity. Nevertheless, it is yet the early dawn, and the strength of the heat and the rays of the Sun of Truth have not yet made their torrid and complete impress. When it reaches the middle of Heaven the heat will interpenetrate with such intensity that it will move and spur to the greatest velocity even the insects below the earth; although they are not able to behold the Light, yet the penetration of the heat will move and agitate all of them. Consequently, O ye friends of God, be ye thankful that in the Day of effulgence ye have turned your faces to the Orb of the regions and have beheld the lights, that ye have received a portion from the rays of truth and are endowed with a share from the everlasting outpouring. Therefore, ye must not rest one moment, but thank Him for this bestowal. Be ye not seated and silent. Diffuse the glad tidings of the Kingdom far and wide to the ears, promulgate the Word of God, and put into practice the advices and covenants of God. That is, arise ye with such qualities and attributes that ye may continually bestow life to the body of the world, and nurse the infant of the universe up to the station of maturity and perfection. Enkindle with all your might in every meeting the Light of the Love of God; gladden and cheer every heart with the utmost loving-kindness, show forth your love to the strangers just as you show it forth to your relatives, and be ye like unto faithful friends to the outsiders. If a soul is seeking to quarrel, ask ye for reconciliation; if he blame, ye praise; if he gives ye deadly poison, bestow ye an all-healing antidote; if he createth death, administer ye eternal life; if he becomes a thorn, change ye into roses and hyacinths. Perchance through such deeds and words this darkened world will become illuminated; this terrestrial universe will become transformed into a heavenly realm, and this satanic prison become a divine court; warfare and bloodshed will be annihilated, and love and faithfulness will hoist the tent of unity upon the apex of the world. These are the results of the divine advices and exhortations, and the epitome of the teachings of the Bahá'í Cycle. Upon ye be greetings and praise! (Signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas. Translated by Mirza Ahmad Esphahani, July 3, 1906; Washington, D.C.) (BC #145B [See Bahá'í World Faith, pp. 352-353 for essentially identical text, besides it lacking the closing and the words "and be ye like unto faithful friends to the outsiders"]) WORDS OF ABDUL BAHA "Now as to the coming of the Great Master: His appearance is dependent upon the realization of certain conditions. Investigate the Reality, and in whomsoever those conditions are fulfilled, know ye of a certainty that He is the Great Master.
Whenever you find these conditions realized in a human temple, turn to Him for guidance and illumination." (BC #146 [The numeric points and conclusion are present in Star of the West, vol. 7, issue 7, p. 56])Address by Abdul Baha on the Four Proofs of the Manifestations of God. Friday evening Feb. 14th, 1913, - 15 Rue de Greuze, Paris. Whenever the Holy Manifestations of God appear in this world they establish their validity with certain proofs. One of their proofs is the prophecies given by former Manifestations. The second is the wonderful traces which emanate from their personality. The third proof is their own deeds. The fourth proof is their teachings. The first proof which deals with the prophecies of the former Manifestations are only acceptable to believers. For example, it is recorded in Daniel that 70 weeks after the destruction of the Temple; according to prophetic reckoning when we turn these 70 weeks into days, we have 490 days. In accord with the scriptural idea every day is a year, therefore this makes 490 years, which date comes very near the date of the ascension of Christ. From this prophecy we understand that during the interval of 490 years Nebuchadnezzar came, destroyed the Temple, carried away many prisoners and toward the end His Holiness the Christ appeared, and after the period of His ministry He passed away. The evangelist will put forth a proof like unto this from the old Testament to establish the validity of Christ, and we who believe in Christ accept such a proof. Those who are not believers in Him will not accept or be convinced by this kind of proof. In short the prophecies which are recorded in the books of the former Manifestations are satisfactory proofs for the believers, especially the conditions which are explained in the former books concerning the subsequent Manifestations. For instance it is recorded in the Old Testament that the Messiah should come down from heaven, should reign as a king etc. Consequently those who are believers finding the fulfillment of these prophecies acknowledge the Prophethood of Christ. The second proof is the miracles of the Prophets. For instance the miracles which were performed by Moses. It is recorded in oriental history that His Holiness Abraham was thrown on a burning pile, but He was protected and was unhurt, and that Moses divided the sea into two, changed the rod into a serpent, and caused the descent of manna from heaven; under the smiting of His rod water gushed forth from the rock. This kind of proof is always for the believer. A Buddhist will not be convinced by these proofs, they are convincing as far as the orthodox Jews are concerned because they believe in Moses. On the other hand the miracles which are attributed to Jesus Christ are only proofs for the Christians. The Jews refute them as a whole. No one lives today who has seen these miracles performed by Christ, so that they may bear testimony to them. Likewise they attribute many miracles to Mohamed - these miracles are only accepted by the Mohammedans and not by the Jews and the Christians. This is to show you that these two proofs are not final. The third proof consists of the deeds of the Holy Manifestations. When we consider the deeds of the Founders of Religions we are confronted with certain irrefutable facts. For instance, His Holiness Moses founded a Cause singly and alone. No one else could have performed such a great feat. He appeared when the Jews were in the lowest depths of degradation and ignorance,- He caused them to ascend to the highest station of honor and knowledge. The Israelites were downtrodden in Egypt, they were captives and laborers. Their morality was in a degree of baseness to such an extent that they were considered worse than animals. His Holiness Moses through the Power of God was enabled to raise this ignorant and dark nation to the summit of light and knowledge. This is an evident proof of His prophethood because a single man cannot accomplish such a wonderful universal work, to exalt a lowly humiliated nation to the highest horizon of prosperity and success amongst all people. It is incontestable that this work is accomplished through the Divine Power, no just person can deny this. For instance, His Holiness Christ was quite alone, He was a Jew from among the Jews. At a time when the Israelites were under the yoke of the Romans Christ appeared. Those souls who believed in Him attained to the summit of everlasting glory. Through his Teachings the Chaledeans, the Syrian, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Egyptians became united. He renewed the world of humanity, it was transformed from one state into a higher state. He was able to accomplish this alone through the Divine Power. His Holiness Mohammed appeared among the tribes of peninsular Arabia. The Arabs were in the lowest degree of savagery and barbarism. Mohammed alone and without assistance educated these wild tribes and suffered them to attain to the acme of progress and advancement. One cannot accomplish such a mighty work through physical power. His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh appeared with an extraordinary supernatural power. At a time when the East was immersed in a sea of darkness and superstition, the people were in a state of hatred and ignorance, Bahá'u'lláh like unto the sun shone forth from the Eastern horizon. He flooded those regions with His Glorious Light. The oriental nations rose against Him and strove to extinguish His Light. Without any outward power or influecne He withstood their attacks. He willingly accepted every trial, vicissitude and tribution till His Banner was upraised and the banner of all the rest brought low. Under the chains He unfurled the flag of oneness of the world of humanity. In the prison He spread the principles of universal peace and brotherhood. From behind the barrack He wrote His famous epistles to the kings and rulers of the earth. Some of these sovereigns were arraigned severely, the fall of others was predicted, which came to pass a few years after. One of them was Napoleon, he did not answer the first epistle, so Bahá'u'lláh wrote again. These letters were printed and published in the book called "Surat Ul Hykl", 22 years ago in Bombay, India. In this letter He says: "I have written to thee an epistle, but thou didst not heed it, therefore thy dominion shall be uptorn, this earthly glory has made thee proud, but I see humiliation is hastening after thee, the foundation of thy sovereignty shall be shaken, and thou shalt be subject to great humiliation". Bahá'u'lláh wrote this from His prison. Likewise He wrote another epistle to the Sultan of Turkey Abdul Aziz saying: "Thou art become haughty through thy power, thou art relying too much on thy sovereignty, thou hast heaped upon us tribulation and persecution. Know thou of a certainty that the basis of thy dominion shall be destroyed. In Constantinople there will be great confusion and thy glory shall be taken from thy hand, and it shall fall into the hands of others". These events of today are clear proofs of the validity of these prophecies. This Tablet was printed in the above mentioned book before the downfall of Abdul Aziz. Likewisse He wrote an epistle to Naser-id Shah of Persia, saying: "Thy kingship has prevented thee from belief in this Movement. Thou art thinking that thy sovereignty is eternal. This sovereignty of thine shall be disturbed and in Teheran there will be a great constitutional movement. The pillars of the sovereignty of Persia shall be shaken as by an earthquake, and great commotion and agitation appear". For the last few years all these prophecies foretold by Bahá'u'lláh more than 40 years ago have come to pass. They are irrefutable. While Bahá'u'lláh lived in prison He carried Himself with the utmost majesty and independence. Before Him every one was humble. Everyone who presented himself in the presence of Bahá'u'lláh would come out impressed with His spiritual power and authority. Even His enemies bore testimony to this fact. They wrote after meeting Bahá'u'lláh "This is a miraculous personage, but we do not believe in Him, we are not following Him because he is against our ideas of religion. In brief the deeds and actions of the Divine Manifestations are their greatest proofs. The proof of the sun is its rays and heat. There is need of no further proof; the proof of this lamp before us is its brilliancy. Notwithstanding this there are many other proofs concerning Bahá'u'lláh, many miraculous deeds appeared from Him, but as they cannot be proofs for those who have not seen, therefore we do not mention them. For if the people of the present day had lived in the days of Bahá'u'lláh they would have been proofs for them, but if we mention them nowadays, some people might deny them, and others who have exceeding love may accept. The fourth proof of the Holy Divine Manifestations is the Teachings. For instance, the Teachings of His Holiness Christ are sufficient proof, there is no greater proof than these teachings, because they were the light of that century, and the spirit of that age. Everything that He said in those days was in accord with the need of the time. His teachings were peerless and unique and matchless. Consider His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh and His teachings. They are the spirit of this cycle, the light of this century, and they illumine the dark corners of humanity. Whosoever has heard them has confessed that these teachings are in accord with the spirit of this period. Those who deny the station of Bahá'u'lláh and likewise those who believe in His claim bear testimony to this fact. While in America and London I explained fully in my various addresses these teachings. Everyone praised them, and all acknowledged that the world of humanity is like unto a body and these Teachings are like the spirit animating that body. No one offered any contradiction, everyone believed that these principles are the remedy of every ailment, the balm for every wound, and the means of the prosperity for the world of humanity. Without the inculcation of these principles mutual understanding and conciliation between the nations will not be realized. For instance the greatest evil of this century is war. In the Bahá'í teaching war is prohibited. The greatest need of this century is universal peace. Bahá'u'lláh has instituted it. The most urgent need of humankind is the declaration of the oneness of the world of humanity, this is the first principle of the Bahá'í Teachings. That which will illumine the human world is love, the abandonment of dogma and the forgetfuness of religious and national hatred. These teachings are inculcated in the religion of Bahá'u'lláh. Therefore you observe that these Teachings are the greatest proofs of His claim. Such power appeared from Him, sufficient to convince the whole world - The proof of the sun is its light and heat. (BC #147F)Walking today in the gardens by the Hudson River in the early morning, I had the privilege of being with Abdu'l-Bahá, and I told Him how some people have tried to spread the untruth that the Bahá'ís teach free love. He answered: "The marriage bond is very important." He repeated it again: "Very, very important. Marriage must be strict and pure. You must all be very careful about this." He continued: "Women and men must not embrace each other when not married, or about to be married. They must not kiss each other. If women kiss women, that is not bad. If men kiss men, that is not bad. But men and women must not embrace. Such conduct is not taught in the Bahá'í Revelation and must not be done. It is not permitted. If they wish to greet each other, or comfort each other, they may take each other by the hand. Describe how you have seen the women of the East, as in Haifa. The Blessed Beauty directed that there should be great modesty in the women, that they should not bare the neck and bosom, and that the women in the East should wear a veil. The conditions are different in the West, but the women of the West must see the spiritual significance of this teaching. Do not distress them by saying that they should not have done this or that. They will see for themselves. Talk about this only, so to speak, one by one, with the friends, when you have the opportunity." From notes of a talk with Abdu'l-Bahá, New York City, June 7, 1912, recorded by A.M.B.; forwarded through Dr. Lathrop of Seattle by Roy Wilhelm. [See also https://bahai-library.com/guardian_easy_familiarity]On Psychic Forces by Abdul-Baha To tamper with psychic forces while in this world interferes with the condition of the body in the world to come. These forces are real, but not to be active on this plane. The child in the womb has its eyes, ears, hands, feet, etc., but these powers are not in activity. The whole purpose of the womb life is the coming forth into this world, so the whole purpose of this (BC #148A)matrix world life is the coming forth into the world of reality, where all these forces will become active. They belong to that world. (BC #148B [The latter is also published in Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era, p. 193])MARRIAGE
Portion of a letter written by Mirza Assad Ullah in September, 1905. A remarkable event that took place in the time of the trouble was the performance of the marriage ceremony uniting Mirza Anayet Ullah and Khanum Zeah. Mirza Anayet Ullah is a borther of Mirza Ameen, and Khanum Zeah is a descendant of the "King of the Martyrs" on the mother's side and of the "Beloved of the Martyrs" on the father's side. This marriage was contemplated, and the Master performed the ceremony on the night when nothing but trouble was expected. He said: "When in trouble we shall have our marriage, for in trouble do we have peace." The following is a copy of a Tablet revealed for Mirza Anayet Ullah and Khanum Zeah at that time: TABLET
"All the peoples hold their banquets at the time of peace, comfort and joy. They are merry and marry when in happiness and peace. But the people of God open the doors of joy in disturbance and in the time of trouble. At the time of calamities do they perform marriage ceremonies, and in the time of trouble are they in the Paradise of Abha. Joy and peace at the time of unexpected ordeal is a special sign of the saints, and inward happiness in oppression is the necessity for the people. "Therefore in these days the evil wishers have disturbed the peace of the people, attributed untrue desires to them, manfested their enmity, and sent reports to the Center of the Government (May God confirm it!), which caused great disturbance of the mind and tumults of the heart. Thus at such a time of trouble did we prepare our banquest and perform the marriage ceremony of the descendant of the two martyrs, so that it may be known that we seek only the Truth and severance from this mortal world, trusting in God and following the Independent Pathway! "O My God, My Hope and My Desire! Thou seest these, Thy servants and maid-servants in a great calamity and ordeal which was caused by the enmity of the opposers. They said of us that we oppose the Government, and seek corruption among the people! Thou knowest, O God, that our purpose is Thy Will alone, and that our desire is but obedience, for, verily, Thou hast commanded us in Thy blessed Book to obey every just sovereign and to follow his strict commands; and yet do they attribute to us such false statements and cause disturbance in Thy land. "O God! We are content with what Thou hast destined for us, and seek Thy good pleasure only! Our hearts are not disturbed in great ordeals, for, verily, they are in Thy Path! "We have performed, O God, the marriage ceremony of the daughter of a martyr to Thy servant Anayet, while in this great ordeal. "O God! O God! Bless this union through Thy Grace and Bounty, and make it a living unity, and of one spirit--a unity without separation, and bless them with good descendants, and confirm them in Thy Cause! ABDUL BAHA ABBAS.(BC #149) To Mrs. Rosa V. Winterburn. Upon her be Bahá'u'lláh! HE IS GOD!
O thou beloved maid-servant of God! Thy letter dated April 22, 1907, was received and its contents became known. In this most Merciful Age the ignorant prejudices are entirely removed, therefore the marriage of ____ to Mr. ____ is permissible, but Miss ____ must exert herself day and night so that, like the favored maid-servant of God, Mrs. Maxwell, she may guide her husband. She must not rest until she makes him her spiritual as well as physical partner in life. But the Bahai engagement is the perfect communication and the entire consent of both parties. However, they must show forth the utmost attention and become informed of one another's character, and the firm covenant made between each other must become an eternal binding, and their intentions must be everlasting affinity, friendship, unity and life. The bridegroom must, before the bridesman and a few others, say; Verily, we are content with the Will of God. And the bride must rejoin; Verily, we are satisfied with the Desire of God. This is Bahai matrimony. Regarding the marriage of Mr. ____ and Miss ____, that also, God willing, is blessed. The marriage of the Bahais means that both man and woman must become spiritually and physically united, so that they may have eternal unity throughout all the divine world and improve the spiritual life of each other. This is Bahai matrimony. Upon thee be Baha-El-Abha! (Signed) Abdul Baha Abbas. Translated by M Ahmad Esphahani, Explanation of the Greatest Name. By Abdul Baha. Taken from the various Tablets and Talks.
"The interpretation of the ring is not the meaning of the letter or its form; the real meaning is a symbol from the Real Light. "The word Baha or the form of this ring gives both ways alike the reality or significance of Baha, which means light. The Light of Truth. With this symbol this form of the ring,- one can remember the meaning of that Light which means Baha. When he looks upon the ring he remembers Baha. This is the cause of remembrance,- the form of this engraving on the stone. It can be read from four points the name,- Baha. One is the station or identity: second qualities or attributes; third, the name; and fourth, deeds,- because every thing contains identity, attribute, name and deeds, which is its fragrance. For instance, the sun has identity, qualities, name and function. Question - What is the reason that every one should mention every morning, ninety five times, the Greatest Name; i.e., Allah'u'Abha! "It is only for mentioning the name of God, for to comemorate His Holy Name causes us to advance toward Him and to be more vigilant." Question,- We find in the Scriptures that all kinds of
pronouns are applied and referred to GOD; namely masculine, feminine
and neuter. How is it? In reference to the New Name (spoken of in the Book of Revelation) Abdul Baha said that New Name has a spiritual and inward meaning, not an outward one; that it does not mean something that can be pronounced by the tongue, but it means that when a soul comes into the Great Kingdom of God, the "Attributes or "Names" of God light upon him, and by this he receives new consciousness and new understanding and he recomes a new man. Just as when in spring time the sun and rain revive the earth, all the trees and herbs spring up and bear new flowers. Man is, so to speak, in shadow; bit when the sun shines upon him all the shadows disappear." "The star is the symbol of mans body (Hykl). The Bab designed
the star and wrote 360 forms of the Name Bahá'u'lláh in the center.
These represented the Lights of the Perfection of God which could be
contained in the body of a perfect man. Manifestation ." Regarding the use of the Beads; The object lies not in the Beads, but in their number - ninety-five - for in reckoning the names of the numbers according to the customs of the Orient, One (Wahid) amounts to nineteen and the meaning of "Wahid" is the oneness and singleness of the Infinite Essence. The number of the name "Bab" is five; therefore, multiply nineteen by five and ninety-five is produced. The bab was one of the nineteen, the remaining eighteen being His disciples. Twelve being the number of the disciples of Christ, is held in reverence by the Christians, while the number thirteen is rejected as unlucky." ALLAH'U'ABHA!
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