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TAGS: Criticism and apologetics
Table of contents and links for a variety of published scholarly debates within Bahá'í studies, 1974-2013.

Discussions between MacEoin, Cole, Hatcher, Afnan, Lambden, Momen, et al.:

index and links

Denis MacEoin
Juan Cole
Moojan Momen


1. Published serial debate in Religion

  1. MacEoin, "The Babi Concept of Holy War," in Religion 12:2 (1982), pp. 93-129

  2. MacEoin, "From Babism to Bahá'ísm: Problems of Militancy, Quietism, and Conflation in the Construction of a Religion," in Religion 13:3 (1983), pp. 219-255 [removed]

  3. Afnan and Hatcher, "Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins," in Religion 15:1 (1985), pp. 29-41

  4. MacEoin, "Bahá'í Fundamentalism and the Academic Study of the Babi Movement," in Religion 16:1 (1986), pp. 57-84

  5. Afnan and Hatcher, "Note on MacEoin's 'Bahá'í Fundamentalism,'" in Religion 16:2 (1986), pp. 187-192

  6. MacEoin, "Afnan and Hatcher and an Old Bone," in Religion 16:2 (1986), pp. 193-195

2. Similar discussions (not published as a series or directly related)

  1. MacEoin, "Oriental Scholarship and the Bahá'í Faith," in World Order 8:4 (1974), pp. 9-21

  2. MacEoin, Letter, in Los Angeles Bahá'í Study Class Newsletter 34 (January 7, 1979), pp. 4-12

  3. MacEoin, "Problems of Scholarship in a Baha’i Context," in Baha’i Studies Bulletin 1:3 (1982), pp. 44–68

  4. Lambden, "Dr. MacEoin’s 'Problems of Scholarship...': Some Thoughts," in Baha’i Studies Bulletin 1:3 (1982), pp 69–80

  5. Momen, "A Response to MacEoin’s ‘Problems of Scholarship...’," in Baha’i Studies Bulletin 1:4 (1983), pp. 57–65

  6. MacEoin, "A Critique of Moojan Momen’s Response to My ‘Problems of Scholarship in a Baha’i Context’," in Baha’i Studies Bulletin 1:4 (1983), pp 66–80

  7. Cole, "Review of In Iran: Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 3," in Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies), 14 (1988), pp. 230-1

  8. MacEoin, "The Crisis in Babi and Bahá'í Studies: Part of a Wider Crisis in Academic Freedom?" in Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies), 17:1 (1990), pp. 55-61

  9. Cole, "'The Objectivity Question' and Bahá'í Studies: A Reply to MacEoin," in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 18:1 (1991), pp. 82-85

  10. MacEoin, "A Few Words in Response to Cole's 'Reply to MacEoin'," in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 18:1 (1991), pp. 86-87

  11. MacEoin, "Baha’ism: Some Uncertainties About Its Role as a Globalizing Religion," in Baha’i and Globalisation, ed. Margit Warburg (2005), pp. 287–306

  12. Momen, "Marginality and Apostasy in the Bahá'í Community," in Religion 37:3 (2007), pp. 187-209

  13. Stausberg et al., "Challenging Apostasy: Responses to Moojan Momen's 'Marginality and Apostasy in the Bahá'í Community,'" in Religion 38:4 (2008), pp. 384-393

  14. Dawai, "Bahá'í and Subud Dissent: Developments in the 2000s," presented at Center for the Study of New Religions (2011)

  15. MacEoin, "Making the Invisible Visible: Introductory Books on the Baha’i Religion," in Religion 43:2 (2013), pp. 160-177

  16. Many other documents by MacEoin, which are not part of the above series of debates, can be found at
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