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TAGS: - Chronology and timelines; Shoghi Effendi, letters of
1,500 messages by or on behalf of the Guardian not found in the various national collections such as Baha’i Administration, Messages to the Antipodes, Compilation of Compilations, or Lights of Guidance.
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Uncompiled Letters

Shoghi Effendi

Don Calkins, compiler


originally written or published


  1. Download zip file
  2. 1920s
  3. 1930s
  4. 1940s
  5. 1950s
  6. Date unknown
  7. Sources
  8. read-me.txt
  9. 2023 update: Letters of Shoghi Effendi, Arranged Chronologically

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  1. 192X-XX-XX to a distant cousin re handling correspondance
  2. 1922-02-06 to an un-named Persian re I wish to be known
  3. 1922-03-19 to un-named professor re position in Faith
  4. 1922-04-05 to Col Symes as Govenor of Phoenicia re leaving Haifa for rest
  5. 1922-12-16 cable on return to Haifa
  6. 1922-12-16 Ltr on return to Haifa
  7. 1922-12-16 to Col Symes Governor of Phoenicia re return to Haifa
  8. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of France on returning to Holy Land
  9. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of Germany on returning to Holy Land
  10. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of Great Britain on returning to Holy Land
  11. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of India on returning to Holy Land
  12. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of Mesopotamia on returning to Holy Land
  13. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of Switzerland on returning to Holy Land
  14. 1922-12-16 to the Bahais of Turkey on returning to Holy Land
  15. 1922-12-16 to the Persian Bahais on returning to Holy Land
  16. 1922-12-16 to unknown on returning to Holy Land
  17. 1922-12-18 to the Bahais of Italy on returning to Holy Land
  18. 1922-12-19 to Palestine High Commissioner on return to Holy Land
  19. 1922-12-29 to Chicago Bahais
  20. 1922-12-XX to Paris Bahais re hoping for election of LSA
  21. 1923-01-05 to Cleveland Bahais
  22. 1923-01-06 to a U.S. LSA re hopes for America
  23. 1923-01-07 to Berkeley Bahais
  24. 1923-01-08 To various Bahai Communities
  25. 1923-01-11 future of Russia
  26. 1923-01-23 awaken and quicken land of China
  27. 1923-01-XX to a U.S. local Assembly re whirlwind may destroy civilization
  28. 1923-01-XX to Hussein Afnan - I stand for absolute sincerity
  29. 1923-01-XX to London Bahais re competent assistant in my translation work
  30. 1923-02-03 to NYC Bahais
  31. 1923-02-03 to SOTW
  32. 1923-02-07 to Col Symes re Charity Ball for the poor of Haifa
  33. 1923-02-27 to the friends in Persia re participation in elections
  34. 1923-02-XX to editor of Indian Bahai News re following its progress
  35. 1923-02-XX to Swiss Bahais re Haifa News Letter
  36. 1923-02-XX to USNSA - Register all mail
  37. 1923-02-XX To Washington D.C. Bahais
  38. 1923-03-11 note on review
  39. 1923-03-18 To Pasadena CA Bahais
  40. 1923-03-XX To Brooklyn N.Y. Bahais
  41. 1923-04-21 to Delegates and Friends at U.S. Convention
  42. 1923-04-21 to High Commissioner re measures for stable organization of the Faith
  43. 1923-04-21 to USNSA re elect LSAs every Ridvan
  44. 1923-04-XX to editors of The Dawn [Burma] re may it advance towards destiny
  45. 1923-05-XX to Haifa Governor re Haifa Assembly to direct to affairs.
  46. 1923-12-XX to an American Assembly re inscrutable wisdom of God
  47. 1923-12-XX to unknown re the progress of our work
  48. 1923-XX-XX re specifying purpose of donations
  49. 1923-XX-XX to a local Assembly re foundation of constructive work
  50. 1923-XX-XX to High Commissioner in Baghdad re Baghdad House
  51. 1923-XX-XX to NYC LSA re turns helpful eyes towards America
  52. 1924-01-XX to unknown re bear our burden with steadfastness and fortitude
  53. 1924-01-XX to unknown re however dark the future may appear
  54. 1924-01-XX to unknown re let us arise to teach His Cause
  55. 1924-01-XX to unknown re our primary duty
  56. 1924-02-13 to Martha Root one of first letters to Martha
  57. 1924-02-23 Assemblies bedrock House of Justice
  58. 1924-02-XX to NYC LSA re info fm U.S.Assemblies being distrib to East
  59. 1924-11-27 to USNSA
  60. 1924-11-11 on the Chester Rasmussen memorial library
  61. 1925-01-01 to Martha whose travels make it difficult to keep track of
  62. 1925-02-06 Nayriz flood cable
  63. 1925-02-14 to Visalia CA
  64. 1925-02-XX to Col Symes re Haifa Charitable Fund
  65. 1925-03-03 persecutions in Iran
  66. 1925-03-06 to May Maxwell congratulations of activities
  67. 1925-04-01 Representation at Natl Convention
  68. 1925-04-01 to Zionist Executive in Jerusalem re unable to attend an event
  69. 1925-04-25 to Martha with appreciation for services
  70. 1925-05-03 re college teaching
  71. 1925-05-17 to Col Stewart Symes re decline to attend various public functions
  72. 1925-06-03 activities revolve around Natl Assembly
  73. 1925-06-08 to the NSA of Persia translated from Persian re promotion of learning
  74. 1925-06-15 to Sir Herbert Samuel near the end of his term
  75. 1925-06-XX re Youness Kahn in U.S.
  76. 1925-07-01 to Lady Blomfield re work in Geneva
  77. 1925-07-25 Temple building operations
  78. 1925-07-XX Bahai Archives commendable
  79. 1925-10-28 collecting copies of Tablets
  80. 1925-10-28 collection by NSA copies of Tablets
  81. 1925-11-04 verdict against Baghdad House
  82. 1925-11-20 cable on election of 1st Berkeley LSA
  83. 1925-11-24 on election of 1st Berkeley CA LSA
  84. 1925-12-25 to Keith-Roach District Commissioner re Christmas greetings
  85. 1925-XX-XX to a national Assembly re cornerstone of edifice of Divine Administration
  86. 1925-XX-XX to a national Assembly re prime requisite of every undertaking
  87. 1925-XX-XX to Montford Mills re customs and traditions of the past
  88. 1926-01-26 ideals of Spiritual Assemblies
  89. 1926-01-30 responsibilities of the members of the Spiritual Assemblies
  90. 1926-01-XX re Plan of Unified Action
  91. 1926-02-07 To Lady Blomfield re support for Geneva Bureau
  92. 1926-02-07 to Lady Bromfield re program supporting League of Nations
  93. 1926-02-19 To Corinne True re contribs to the Fund
  94. 1926-02-19 to Corinne True re ermarking contribs
  95. 1926-04-11 to Persian Bahais re- notice of Jahrum martydoms
  96. 1926-04-11 to Tehran re Jahrum martyrdoms
  97. 1926-04-12 to Tehran Bahais re further reactions to Jahrum martydoms
  98. 1926-04-24 Queen Marie work in Eastern Europe
  99. 1926-04-24 to unknown re Jahrum martydoms
  100. 1926-04-XX to Commissioneer of the Northern District re suffering of recent disturbances
  101. 1926-05-08 methods of improvement
  102. 1926-05-15 to Victoria Bedekian
  103. 1926-05-17 to May Maxwell re pilgrimage of Mary
  104. 1926-05-18 very glad to know that you that.hoping to enter Harvard
  105. 1926-05-28 Marion Carpenter engagement to Ali Yazdi
  106. 1926-05-28 to May Maxwell re Champney House in NYC
  107. 1926-05-28 to May Maxwell re Marys training & education
  108. 1926-05-29 to Martha Root re Queen Maries statement
  109. 1926-05-29 to Mountford Mills re Queen Marie
  110. 1926-06-30 to Hyppolyte Dreyfus-Barney re need for secretary to replace Esslemont
  111. 1926-07-10 to Dr. John Herman Randall
  112. 1926-07-10 to Martha Root re Queen Marie
  113. 1926-07-17 to Martha Root
  114. 1926-07-28 to Queen Marie
  115. 1926-08-10 to May Maxwell re take care of your health
  116. 1926-08-23 to Martha Root re Queen Maries ltr
  117. 1926-08-30 German not be omitted from any official report
  118. 1926-08-30 to unknown re poss formation of Secretariat in Haifa
  119. 1926-08-XX to Jean Stannard re functioning of Geneva Bureau
  120. 1926-09-10 re Green Acre Fellowship
  121. 1926-09-20 Tehran issue
  122. 1926-09-25 re Queen Marie in U.S
  123. 1926-09-XX fountain that is continually emptying itself
  124. 1926-09-XX to SOTW editors
  125. 1926-09-XX transcribing collecting & despatching Sacred Writings
  126. 1926-10-16 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  127. 1926-10-16 re Baghdad case
  128. 1926-11-01 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  129. 1926-11-16 Teaching the Cause of God is possible under all circumstances
  130. 1926-11-24 activities with sanction of National Assembly
  131. 1926-11-28 on behalf of to an individual believer re youth education
  132. 1926-12-02 circumstances of Mr. and Mrs. Randall
  133. 1926-12-02 to Mary Maxwell encouraging studying social sciences
  134. 1926-XX-XX Correspondence with the Guardian
  135. 1926-XX-XX to a U.S. non-Bahai youth leader re spirit of the Cause
  136. 1927-01-08 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  137. 1927-02-02 To Corinne True re community membership
  138. 1927-02-04 to Martha Root re gift fm Khurasan
  139. 1927-02-20 encourage individuals and groups
  140. 1927-02-24 Mountfort Mills to States
  141. 1927-02-26 Passing of Afnan Mirza Mohsen
  142. 1927-02-XX to Col Symes re Egypt situation
  143. 1927-03-23 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  144. 1927-03-24 to Martha Root re Queen Marie
  145. 1927-03-XX assuring Martha of prayers wherever she goes-Scandinavia Central Europe etc
  146. 1927-04-17 to Martha Root re contacts with Queen Marie
  147. 1927-04-27 to Dr Forel re persecutions
  148. 1927-04-XX re inter-racial amity
  149. 1927-04-XX to National Convention
  150. 1927-05-05 to newly elected NSA
  151. 1927-05-09 Banish racial prejudice
  152. 1927-05-25 concentrate on Plan of Unified Action
  153. 1927-06-28 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  154. 1927-06-29 to Martha Root hoping will meet Maries relatives
  155. 1927-07-22 to Queen Marie on death of King Ferdinand
  156. 1927-08-16 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  157. 1927-08-19 to Martha Root re Maries response to condolences
  158. 1927-08-25 re Aqdas & Temple interior
  159. 1927-09-11 to Martha re poss of war is remote
  160. 1927-09-29 to Treasurer re Plan of Unified Action
  161. 1927-09-XX to unknown re magnitude of the work
  162. 1927-10-18 petty details of Bahai administration
  163. 1927-10-27 to Martha re stones for Marie
  164. 1927-10-28 economic problems
  165. 1927-11-XX to unknown re condition of Mansion at Bahji
  166. 1927-12-01 to May Maxwell re hopes for daughter Mary.
  167. 1927-12-14 to Mary Maxwell emphasize social studies over sciences
  168. 1927-12-30 to Martha re Ileana & ringstones
  169. 1927-XX-XX re clean break with past required.
  170. 1927-XX-XX re Plan of Unified Action
  171. 1927-XX-XX re Publicity Bureau
  172. 1927-XX-XX sustaining the budget
  173. 1927-XX-XX to delegates to 19th Universal Congress of Esperantists
  174. 1927-XX-XX to United Esperantist Assoc introducing Bahai representatives
  175. 1928-01-15 to treas re Plan of Unified Action
  176. 1928-01-27 to Persian NSA re Bahais charged in Turkey
  177. 1928-01-28 to Ismat Pasha re imprisonment of Stamboul & Adana Bahais
  178. 1928-02-29 Tablet of Ahmad
  179. 1928-03-07 to Emeric Sala on his declaration
  180. 1928-04-06 Vienna must become a great Bahai centre
  181. 1928-04-11 to Sir Ronald Storrs for Queen Marie
  182. 1928-04-24 to Natl Convention
  183. 1928-04-30 to Convention delegates
  184. 1928-05-02 re delegates response
  185. 1928-05-05 to Martha re his activities re Marie
  186. 1928-05-07 Natl Teaching Committee
  187. 1928-05-09 to Scheffler re NSA & Convention
  188. 1928-05-31 sufferings serve to invigorate spiritual life
  189. 1928-06-02 reaction to Convention to Wilhelm
  190. 1928-06-07 Justice and mercy both attributes of God
  191. 1928-06-22 to Ishqabad LSA re nationalization of Temple
  192. 1928-06-22 to Moscow LSA re nationalization of Ishqabad Temple
  193. 1928-08-30 role of House of Justice on IAL
  194. 1928-09-XX to Martha Root re situation in Russia
  195. 1928-10-12 Vienna a very important centre
  196. 1928-10-14 to Mary Maxwell re friends suicide
  197. 1928-10-31 admiration & gratitude for the heroic constancy of Louis Gregory
  198. 1928-12-11 to Azizullah Khan Azizi
  199. 1928-12-21 on death of Hippolyte Dreyfus Barney
  200. 1928-12-21 passing of Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney
  201. 1928-12-21 second telegram on death of Hippolyte Dreyfus Barney
  202. 1928-12-21 to Laura Dreyfus Barney condolences on death of Hippolyte
  203. 1928-12-22 pioneer work in central Europe is difficult
  204. 1928-12-XX to Martha Root re ring she had sent
  205. 1928-XX-XX re Literature presented to Emperor and Empress of Japan
  206. 1928-XX-XX the Matter of Teachers Expenses
  207. 1929-01-24 to Laura Dreyfus-Barney requesting photo of Hippolyte
  208. 1929-01-24 to Mme Paul Meyer-May re passing of Hippolyte
  209. 1929-01-XX to the believers in the East translated from Persian re elements of education
  210. 1929-02-12 passing Harry Randall
  211. 1929-02-13 Manifestation source of inspiration
  212. 1929-02-14 to an Afnan work on Shrine of the Bab begun
  213. 1929-02-15 rights of CB
  214. 1929-02-15 to Caswell re news fm Portland
  215. 1929-02-27 formation new Assemblies
  216. 1929-02-27 re passing of Harry Randall
  217. 1929-02-27 re Ruth White
  218. 1929-03-12 to Laura Dreyfus-Barney re receipt of Hippolyte photo & tribute
  219. 1929-03-XX completion of Plan to be land-mark
  220. 1929-03-XX Petition regarding Bahaullah House
  221. 1929-03-XX prayers for Wilmette Assembly
  222. 1929-03-XX Wilmette re funds
  223. 1929-04-25 donating rug from Shrine of Bahaullah
  224. 1929-04-25 insights into world problems
  225. 1929-04-28 Message to the Convention
  226. 1929-04-28 Shipping rug from Shrine
  227. 1929-05-01 re meetings in Foundation Hall
  228. 1929-05-07 to Mayor of Haifa re prevention of mendicancy
  229. 1929-05-25 Greeting to Convention
  230. 1929-05-29 to incoming Assembly
  231. 1929-05-29 to Mary Maxwell re occupation
  232. 1929-05-29 unfortunate case when parents and children differ
  233. 1929-05-31 to May Maxwell re disharmony in NYC Sohrab situation
  234. 1929-06-12 sending Martha Root to Federation of Educational Association conf
  235. 1929-06-XX SOTW improving
  236. 1929-07-08 Preserved Tablet
  237. 1929-07-29 Central American teaching
  238. 1929-08-01 encourage economy
  239. 1929-08-20 collecting and publishing the Tablets
  240. 1929-09-10 to Sir John Chanallor re outbreak of trouble in Palestine
  241. 1929-09-20 collecting Abdul-Baha Tablets
  242. 1929-09-20 on behalf of to an individual believer need for broad outlook
  243. 1929-11-01 re his birthday anniversary
  244. 1929-11-24 response to report fm Nayriz
  245. 1929-11-29 cooperate with others
  246. 1929-11-XX lull in funds for Temple
  247. 1929-11-XX response to Plan
  248. 1929-12-03 to Queen Marie with invite to pilgrimage
  249. 1929-12-05 to unknown re progress of work on Bahji
  250. 1929-12-06 re Bahai World
  251. 1929-12-12 can sell rug from Shrine to non-Bahais
  252. 1929-12-31 re Sohrab
  253. 1929-12-XX Persian ltr of intro for Martha Root
  254. 1929-XX-XX great and manifold services OF SOTW


  1. 193X-XX-XX Laws of Aqdas
  2. 193X-XX-XX Lou Eggleston _ re 1st Year of LouHelen
  3. 1930-01-01 re Mrs.Chanler
  4. 1930-01-02 Russia will become a delectable paradise
  5. 1930-01-26 to Coswell re teaching work
  6. 1930-01-30 re attending History Society meetings
  7. 1930-01-31 fervent plea German Bahais for unity
  8. 1930-01-XX Bahais in Holy Land contribute to Temple Fund
  9. 1930-01-XX response Temple Fund status
  10. 1930-02-03 to May Maxwell re 19 distinguished Western Bahais
  11. 1930-02-15 to Alaine Locke re translation of Iqan
  12. 1930-02-15 To Editor of The Palestine Bulletin
  13. 1930-03-01 response to NYC LSA cable re Chanler
  14. 1930-03-01 to Blomfield requesting come to Haifa
  15. 1930-03-08 to Queen Marie invited her to pilgrimage
  16. 1930-03-26 to Queen Marie renewing invitation to pilgrimage
  17. 1930-03-29 thanks for Tablets
  18. 1930-03-XX to Mr Roa for SE re trans BNE into French
  19. 1930-04-02 to Martha re situation with Queen Marie
  20. 1930-04-02 to Martha Root deserves honors have been ill
  21. 1930-04-23 to May Maxwell re photos of early blvrs
  22. 1930-04-XX financial questions that confront the Cause
  23. 1930-04-XX resumption of construction of Temple
  24. 1930-05-11 to Martha encouraging to return to Germany & Balkans
  25. 1930-05-23 to May Maxwell re situation with Sohrab argument for administration
  26. 1930-05-25 Convention greetings
  27. 1930-05-30 instructions re BW Vol III
  28. 1930-05-30 to Alfred Lund re New History Society & Sohrab
  29. 1930-05-30 watch Sohrab
  30. 1930-05-XX to May Maxwell re choice of distinguished early blvrs
  31. 1930-06-30 re Kitab-i-Iqan
  32. 1930-07-04 to Blomfield re her help with his translating
  33. 1930-07-05 to Alaine Locke re translation of Iqan
  34. 1930-08-30 for Shoghi Effendi to a National Spiritual Assembly
  35. 1930-08-30 response to individual re History Society
  36. 1930-08-30 to Alfred Lunt re Sohrad & New History Society
  37. 1930-08-XX passing of Bourgeois
  38. 1930-08-XX re New History Society
  39. 1930-09-19 to Nancy Bowditch primary purpose of Assemblies
  40. 1930-09-19 to Nancy Bowditch re services in Boston
  41. 1930-09-30 to Blomfield re translation of Dawnbreakers
  42. 1930-10-19 to May Maxwell re Chanler & Sohrab
  43. 1930-10-24 appeal to blvrs re Historical Society situation
  44. 1930-10-24 re Ruth White
  45. 1930-11-04 to Blomfield re translation and publication of Dawnbreakers
  46. 1930-11-30 participation in the Inter-Religious Congress
  47. 1930-11-30 politics of Fellowship of Faiths
  48. 1930-11-XX greetings to Emperor of Japan via Martha Root
  49. 1930-12-07 all letters approved
  50. 1930-12-30 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa
  51. 1930-12-XX effect of progress of Temple
  52. 1930-12-XX to Indian Asian Womens Conf re profound interest
  53. 1930-XX-XX Concerning the corner-stone
  54. 1930-XX-XX the example of Master in teaching
  55. 1930-XX-XX to Tudor Pole re effect of Ruth White campaign
  56. 1930-XX-XX to unkown re Shoghi Effendis station
  57. 1931-01-08 necessity of unity
  58. 1931-01-14 Commends BW Vol III
  59. 1931-01-19 To Blomfield re Dawnbreakers
  60. 1931-01-30 re upcoming Bahai World volume
  61. 1931-01-XX Passing of Consul Schwarz
  62. 1931-02-07 vigilance regarding Orientals
  63. 1931-02-11 prevailing distress in America
  64. 1931-02-XX passing of Francis William Breed
  65. 1931-03-03 to Martha Root re the work Dawnbreakers entailed.
  66. 1931-03-09 association with Orientals
  67. 1931-03-13 give Faith due position
  68. 1931-03-15 To Publishing Committee
  69. 1931-03-23 to May Maxwell - ignore Ahmad try to win back Chanler
  70. 1931-04-02 To USNSA
  71. 1931-04-02 various to NSA
  72. 1931-04-XX Ridvan greetings to German NSA
  73. 1931-04-XX Ridvan Greetings to Germany
  74. 1931-05-01 appeal for exterior ornamentation temple
  75. 1931-05-01 Greetings to U.S. Natl Conv
  76. 1931-05-02 response to election of NSA
  77. 1931-05-31 new era when temple completed
  78. 1931-05-XX greeting to German Convention
  79. 1931-05-XX passing of Claudia Coles
  80. 1931-06-04 re Limited Edition of Nabils Narrative
  81. 1931-06-20 Teaching and the Temple
  82. 1931-06-XX exterior ornamentation of Temple
  83. 1931-07-24 to British Bahais re Rosenburg and Coles
  84. 1931-07-31 to Latimer obo SE re Geyserville & public
  85. 1931-08-03 to Martha re Queen Maries response
  86. 1931-08-05 re Nabils narrative
  87. 1931-08-10 re Nancy Bowditch portrait of Esslemont
  88. 1931-08-10 To Nancy Bowditch re appreciation for named svcs
  89. 1931-08-22 to Martha
  90. 1931-08-25 NSA Palestine Branch incorporated
  91. 1931-08-25 Re True pilgrims notes of 1931
  92. 1931-08-29 to Corrine True various
  93. 1931-08-31 re new Plan of Unified Action
  94. 1931-09-05 to Mrs. Victoria Bedikian
  95. 1931-09-10 to Willard Hatch
  96. 1931-09-XX to USNSA various
  97. 1931-10-08 obo SE to Juanita Storch re effect of Geyserville
  98. 1931-10-19 re finances
  99. 1931-11-02 study Nabils Narrative
  100. 1931-11-09 prayers for new blfvs in Bulgaria
  101. 1931-11-11 Bahaullahs promise promise to regions around Adrianople
  102. 1931-11-11 thankful for work in Bulgaria
  103. 1931-11-13 to Illinois Wisconsin inter-assembly meeting
  104. 1931-11-15 great duty towards the Cause and then society
  105. 1931-11-15 world is reaching the verge of ruin
  106. 1931-11-17 Balkans a very fertile field
  107. 1931-11-19 Balkan states in awful condition
  108. 1931-11-20 inter-faith activities
  109. 1931-11-XX Calamity and suffering
  110. 1931-12-20 completion of Temple
  111. 1931-12-25 approve NYC Declaration of Trust
  112. 1931-12-25 Public speaking & contacts with social movements
  113. 1931-12-28 request photos of NYC LSA
  114. 1931-12-29 re Divine Art of Living
  115. 1931-XX-XX greetings to Herbert Hoover via Martha Root
  116. 1931-XX-XX Introduction To Nabils Narrative
  117. 1931-XX-XX plans for BW Vol IV
  118. 1932-01-04 to Emeric Sala re Montreal Youth activities
  119. 1932-01-13 sufferings make more receptive
  120. 1932-01-14 re recent general letter
  121. 1932-01-16 establishment of the international Bahai archives
  122. 1932-01-21 hope for Assembly in Budapest
  123. 1932-01-27 John Bosch re purpose of summer schools
  124. 1932-01-29 Central & Eastern Europe more receptive than western countries
  125. 1932-01-29 failure of material civilization
  126. 1932-01-31 to Miss Craighead on declaration
  127. 1932-01-XX finishing the temple
  128. 1932-01-XX to USNSA re write Iran to remove ban on literature
  129. 1932-02-02 Complete decoration of dome
  130. 1932-02-02 to Harlen Ober various
  131. 1932-02-03 crisis that exists in the world
  132. 1932-02-03 to an individual believer re distinguish btwn words of faithful and of evil wishers
  133. 1932-02-14 to Martha re translations
  134. 1932-02-20 need for capable and enlightened souls
  135. 1932-02-20 re 2nd Plan of Unified Action
  136. 1932-02-28 companionship
  137. 1932-02-XX Masters photo 9
  138. 1932-03-09 On Behalf Of To An Ind re contribs fm someone on public assistance
  139. 1932-03-09 Roy Wilhelm re inactive Bahais
  140. 1932-03-09 spiritual advantages of Convention consultation
  141. 1932-03-13 present condition of the world & youth
  142. 1932-03-14 appeal regarding new Plan
  143. 1932-03-14 To Martha re BNE translation languages
  144. 1932-03-14 Winthrop Lee re Esperanto
  145. 1932-03-15 not sufficient to have merely interested people
  146. 1932-04-04 economic world dislocated
  147. 1932-04-04 need for people who take responsibilities
  148. 1932-04-06 deepen before acting
  149. 1932-04-13 constantly urged to study the literature of the Cause
  150. 1932-04-14 it is with sacrifice that this Temple is to be built
  151. 1932-04-14 passing through difficult times
  152. 1932-04-14 to Louise Drake Wright
  153. 1932-04-14 to Louise Wright re svc in Germany and Holland
  154. 1932-04-14 to May Maxwell re photo & reports of Montreal youth
  155. 1932-04-18 to Coswell re teaching along with radio work
  156. 1932-04-21 Effect of martyrs blood on Germany
  157. 1932-04-26 providing financial assistance
  158. 1932-04-27 Marion Jacks teaching style
  159. 1932-04-27 membership of NSA
  160. 1932-04-XX teaching work in colleges and universities
  161. 1932-05-01 Summer Schools
  162. 1932-05-03 completion dome Mashriqul-Adhkar crown
  163. 1932-05-03 to Martha re effect of her contacts
  164. 1932-05-07 The Dawn-Breakers book
  165. 1932-05-08 results of teaching
  166. 1932-05-09 The Dawn Breakers and teaching
  167. 1932-05-13 Country people should be much readier for Message
  168. 1932-05-13 re country people
  169. 1932-05-22 to Martha re deluxe copy of Dawnbreakers for Marie
  170. 1932-05-28 On Collection of Bahai Funds
  171. 1932-05-30 on teaching
  172. 1932-05-XX advice to Leroy Ioas on election to NSA
  173. 1932-06-08 status of the national finances
  174. 1932-06-08 to NSA re gold investments
  175. 1932-06-10 re actions taken by Temple Trustees
  176. 1932-06-14 If the Jews study the teachings
  177. 1932-06-18 individual interpretation
  178. 1932-06-20 re two young architects in Prague
  179. 1932-06-20 to Nancy Bowditch re Dawnbreakers
  180. 1932-06-21 regarding study of Nabils Narrative
  181. 1932-06-XX to USNSA re write ltr introducing Ransom-Kehler as Bahai Representative
  182. 1932-07-15 meditation on passing of Bahiyyih Khanum
  184. 1932-07-18 response to condolences
  185. 1932-07-21 to John Bosch re format of Summer Schools not just lectures
  186. 1932-07-30 dont value teaching by number who embrace Cause.
  187. 1932-07-30 to Louise Drake Wright
  188. 1932-07-30 translation of Paris Talks
  189. 1932-08-03 To live to teach today is like being martyred
  190. 1932-08-05 to Ioas re Geyserville emphasis on both history and admin
  191. 1932-08-08 response to passing of Greatest Holy Leaf
  192. 1932-08-15 response to passing Greatest Holy Leaf
  193. 1932-08-15 to Louise Drake Wright
  194. 1932-08-15 to Nancy Bowditch re passing of Greatest Holy Leaf
  195. 1932-08-23 response to individual condolences
  196. 1932-08-23 response to ltr re passing Holy Leaf
  197. 1932-08-23 response to Younkers NY LSA condolences
  198. 1932-08-23 to Corinne True on passign of Holy Leaf
  199. 1932-08-25 response to individual condolences
  200. 1932-08-30 response to Berkeley CA LSA condolences
  201. 1932-08-30 response to individuals condolences
  202. 1932-08-30 response to Racine WI LSA condolences
  203. 1932-08-XX capitalize talents of all members of group
  204. 1932-08-XX to May Maxwell response her ltr re passing Greatest Holy Leaf
  205. 1932-09-01 proper response to passing of Bahiyyih Khanum
  206. 1932-09-01 response to Washington D.C. LSA condolences
  207. 1932-09-02 purchase of Mount Carmel lot
  208. 1932-09-05 Consolation on Passing of Bahiyyih Khanum
  209. 1932-09-09 effect of passing of Greatest Holy Leaf
  210. 1932-09-09 re passing of Greatest Holy Leaf
  211. 1932-09-10 development of local Bahai community life
  212. 1932-09-10 effect of Bahiyyihs passing on SE
  213. 1932-09-10 plea to prosecute temple project
  214. 1932-09-10 re Bahais of Monroe WA condolences
  215. 1932-09-10 re Jacksonville FL Bahais condolences
  216. 1932-09-10 Response to Glendale CA LSA condolences
  217. 1932-09-10 tnx for care of Bahiyyih Khanum
  218. 1932-09-15 Bahiyyih as token of spiritual attributes
  219. 1932-09-15 effect of Bahiyyih passing on SE
  220. 1932-09-15 Greatest Holy Leaf the Trust of Bahaullah amongst us
  221. 1932-09-15 suspension of religious festivity
  222. 1932-09-15 to Martha re gratitude for services in response to Holy Leafs death
  223. 1932-10-02 transferring Holy Land property
  224. 1932-10-04 Bahiyyih source of constant joy and inspiration
  225. 1932-10-04 loss of the Greatest Holy Leaf
  226. 1932-10-05 to May Maxwell re poss teaching trip to Nova Scotia
  227. 1932-10-06 Bahiyyih a precious soul
  228. 1932-10-07 Bahiyyih with us in spirit
  229. 1932-10-08 Cause in Central Europe needs well established centres
  230. 1932-10-08 loss of Bahiyyih bitterly felt
  231. 1932-10-10 Bahiyyih-very few such souls who have suffered so much
  232. 1932-10-10 the arts
  233. 1932-10-11 Bahiyyih undoubtedly conscious of our activities
  234. 1932-10-11 response to Teaneck LSA condolences
  235. 1932-10-11 unity of friends
  236. 1932-10-18 9 months of mourning for Bahiyyih
  237. 1932-10-18 academic fashions and fads
  238. 1932-10-18 need for deepening
  239. 1932-10-20 Louis Gregory- maintain the positive attitude and look to future
  240. 1932-10-21 the Covenant & inheritance
  241. 1932-10-22 re political involvement
  242. 1932-10-25 functioning of LSAs
  243. 1932-10-27 membership of Youth Committee
  244. 1932-10-27 re Shoghi Effendi tribute to Bahiyyih Khanum
  245. 1932-10-27 re tribute to Greatest Holy Leaf
  246. 1932-10-27 United Will and Concerted Action
  247. 1932-10-29 Bahiyyih services to mankind
  248. 1932-10-31 use of BNE in Bulgaria
  249. 1932-11-02 systematic study of early history and principles
  250. 1932-11-06 self-sacrificing servants not lukewarm followers
  251. 1932-11-09 Bahiyyih a source of courage and hope
  252. 1932-11-09 Bahiyyih-follow the example of her saintly life
  253. 1932-11-11 politics and letters to Guardian
  254. 1932-11-14 Bahai center of West Englewood
  255. 1932-11-15 effect of music
  256. 1932-11-16 letters to individuals
  257. 1932-11-16 publication of The Bahai World
  258. 1932-11-16 World Fellowship of Faiths
  259. 1932-11-17 to Martha re contribution & translations
  260. 1932-11-17 to Martha re Marie and Nabils Narrative
  261. 1932-11-20 to Keith-Roche re monument to Bahiyyih Khanum
  262. 1932-11-22 to Keith-Roche re exemption fm duty of materials for Bahji
  263. 1932-11-22 to Keith-Roche re monument to Bahiyyih Khanum delivered
  264. 1932-11-30 Bahiyyih a source of comfort and inspiration
  265. 1932-11-30 sacrifice
  266. 1932-11-30 work by Earley on Temple
  267. 1932-11-XX Poona India contrib to Temple
  268. 1932-12-04 photograph of exterior decoration of Temple dome
  269. 1932-12-13 tribute to Greatest Holy Leaf
  270. 1932-12-27 NSAs and translations
  271. 1932-19-18 deepening after declaration
  272. 1932-XX-XX use of material resources
  273. 1933-01-11 activities of the Economics Committee
  274. 1933-01-11 re Trues request for pilgrimage
  275. 1933-01-12 beginning Vol V of The Bahai World
  276. 1933-01-14 re passages about Greatest Holy Leaf
  277. 1933-01-15 attaining peace
  278. 1933-01-18 BNE being translated into Balkan languages
  279. 1933-01-26 ltr of Abdul-Baha to Chase in 1907
  280. 1933-01-27 Persia re Bahais Constantinople and Adana
  281. 1933-01-27 re Bahais Constantinople and Adana
  282. 1933-01-28 Ismat Pasha re Bahais Constantinople and Adana
  283. 1933-02-02 date for Natl Conv
  284. 1933-02-23 conclusions of scholars
  285. 1933-02-25 Cause will need more people really versed in branch of learning
  286. 1933-02-26 All spiritual movements have some spark of truth
  287. 1933-02-27 obedience to the Assemblies
  288. 1933-03-05 Istanbul friends acquitted
  289. 1933-03-05 progress of the Temple work
  290. 1933-03-07 ever-increasing efforts of the American believers
  291. 1933-03-07 Istanbul friends acquitted
  292. 1933-03-11 Eastern and Northern Europe
  293. 1933-03-11 to Louise Drake Wright
  294. 1933-03-14 suggest travel teach in Adrianople
  295. 1933-03-15 SE deprived of sustaining influence
  296. 1933-03-16 construction of the dome
  297. 1933-03-16 re NSA statement on politics
  298. 1933-03-18 to Martha re BNE her services & bottle of attar of roses.
  299. 1933-03-24 to Martha re followup on bottle of attar of rose for Marie
  300. 1933-03-25 direct attention towards Europe
  301. 1933-03-27 role of Green Acre
  302. 1933-03-28 to Inez Greeven
  303. 1933-04-02 Adana friends released
  304. 1933-04-02 to May Maxwell re poss Shoghi Effendi trip to America
  305. 1933-04-04 to Sydney Sprague re progress on Temple
  306. 1933-04-10 Martha Root in central Europe
  307. 1933-04-11 various
  308. 1933-04-12 to Louise Drake Wright
  309. 1933-04-15 to True re poss trip to America
  310. 1933-04-20 teaching and training of Bahai children
  311. 1933-04-22 wonderful progress in Germany
  312. 1933-04-24 to Louise Wright re pub of Iqan in Dutch
  313. 1933-04-30 reportsw of Bulgaria and countries of Eastern Europe
  314. 1933-05-06 every book should obtain sanctionof NSA
  315. 1933-05-07 to Louise Drake Wright
  316. 1933-05-11 concerning the mind the self and the soul
  317. 1933-05-15 to Martha re BNE translations
  318. 1933-05-16 to Martha re follow-up to BNE translations
  319. 1933-05-18 Persian Brethren still Maltreated
  320. 1933-05-18 to Louise Wright re pub of Iqan
  321. 1933-05-29 memory saintly life Bahiyyih will sustain and feed
  322. 1933-05-29 to Louise Drake Wright
  323. 1933-06-01 to U.S. Natl Convention
  324. 1933-06-05 to incoming National Spiritual Assembly
  325. 1933-06-08 travel teaching
  326. 1933-06-09 re Tree of Anisa in HW Persian 19
  327. 1933-06-12 take care in presentation of teachings
  328. 1933-06-13 to Inez Greeven
  329. 1933-06-14 consolidation activities
  330. 1933-06-17 uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation work
  331. 1933-06-17 association with the World Fellowship of Faiths
  332. 1933-06-17 difference between taxes and spiritual offerings
  333. 1933-06-27 to Louise Drake Wright
  334. 1933-06-XX The World Religion
  335. 1933-07-10 to Martha re Marie & Princesses
  336. 1933-07-25 confident supreme continuous effort will be exerted
  337. 1933-07-XX completion of the Temple dome
  338. 1933-07-XX Critical situation
  339. 1933-08-06 on behalf of to an individual believer compare principles to philosophy & science
  340. 1933-08-11 those few parsons who are specially receptive
  341. 1933-08-11 those few who are specially receptive
  342. 1933-08-12 Lunt re adminstrative issues
  343. 1933-08-12 relationship of NSA & Natl Conv
  344. 1933-08-12 the Cause and personalities
  345. 1933-08-13 to Caroline Nelson re service in Holland
  346. 1933-08-13 to Caroline Nelson re work of sister in Holland
  347. 1933-08-27 two lts in HW Persian 77
  348. 1933-08-30 approaching well-known and important persons
  349. 1933-08-XX some incidents at the recent Convention
  350. 1933-08-XX to Youth Committee regarding Bahai Youth
  351. 1933-09-06 Congregational prayer 19 Day Feast
  352. 1933-09-06 re contribs to Temple Fund
  353. 1933-09-10 more re two Checkoslovakian brothers
  354. 1933-09-10 to Nancy Bowditch re two Czeck brothers
  355. 1933-09-11 shining stars in the dark and gloomy sky of the Balkans
  356. 1933-09-25 Bahai summer schools
  357. 1933-09-29 teaching suggestions
  358. 1933-09-XX greetings to Cabin John Maryland
  359. 1933-10-05 extend your stay in the Balkans
  360. 1933-10-05 to Martha re translations of BNE emphasize Romanian
  361. 1933-10-23 passing Alice Ives Breed
  362. 1933-10-24 race amity activities
  363. 1933-10-25 to S Oglesby re race
  364. 1933-10-26 role of teachers
  365. 1933-10-27 progress on Temple
  366. 1933-10-28 re Security for a Failing World
  367. 1933-10-31 Temple has achieved one of its fundamental purposes
  368. 1933-11-01 appeal re Temple Fund
  369. 1933-11-03 deep interest which this glorious Edifice has created
  370. 1933-11-03 interment of Keith Ransom-Kehler
  371. 1933-11-03 Keith Ransom-Kehlers passing
  372. 1933-11-03 to Martha re BNE translations and his financial support
  373. 1933-11-04 Shoghi Effendi getting Cobb book
  374. 1933-11-07 for SE to Horace Holley re Faith and democratic liberalism
  375. 1933-11-08 period of systematic persecution in Iran
  376. 1933-11-09 liberation of persecuted Persian brethren
  377. 1933-11-10 to Corinne True re what is true and authentic
  378. 1933-11-13 to Emeric Sala re travel to Europe
  379. 1933-11-17 Bahaullah present in deliberations
  380. 1933-11-17 re Marion Jack trip to Adrianople
  381. 1933-11-17 to Martha re Romanian & Greek trans BNE
  382. 1933-11-18 response to contribs to Temple Fund
  383. 1933-11-18 status rights and prerogatives of Convention
  384. 1933-11-24 to May Maxwell re Temple & Sprague illness
  385. 1933-12-01 Progress of Faith in Sophia
  386. 1933-12-04 to Martha sending 70 for Romanian trans BNE
  387. 1933-12-10 individual bahais and the Guardian
  388. 1933-12-14 three aims and five teachers
  389. 1933-12-15 to Coswell re travel teaching activities
  390. 1933-12-20 re- bulletin A New World Order
  391. 1933-12-25 status of members of the N.S.A. at Convention sessions
  392. 1933-XX-XX Bahai youth committees
  393. 1933-XX-XX entertainment given in honor of the N.S.A.C.P [sic]
  394. 1933-XX-XX teaching the Maori
  395. 1933-XX-XX to USNSA re Tablet of Bahaullah to Greatest Holy Leaf
  396. 1934-01-17 re proceeding with the ornamentation
  397. 1934-01-18 to May Maxwell re Princess de Broglies and Mary article for BW
  398. 1934-01-23 to Marie re her appreciation & enclosing illuminated Tablet of Bahaullah
  399. 1934-01-24 to Martha re Maries appreciation
  400. 1934-01-27 passing of Agnes Parsons
  401. 1934-01-27 response to Temple plans
  402. 1934-01-28 assist new believers
  403. 1934-01-28 Mrs. Parson service
  404. 1934-01-28 new believers assisted and guided to deepen their knowledge
  405. 1934-01-29 re Persian youth traveling with o credentials
  406. 1934-02-02 Change of Natl Conv date
  407. 1934-02-02 to Keith-Roche re exemption fm taxes of Shrine of the Bab and environs
  408. 1934-02-02 to Keith-Roche re tnx for help with exemption fm taxes of Shrine of the Bab and environs
  409. 1934-02-08 to Martha re delivery of illuminated Tablet of Bahaullah to Marie
  410. 1934-02-09 to Louise Drake Wright
  411. 1934-02-13 new contract on Temple signed
  412. 1934-02-17 To whom it may concern re- Wim Grosfeld
  413. 1934-02-19 local newsletter SanFrancisco
  414. 1934-02-20 Local Newsletters NYC
  415. 1934-03-05 paid national teachers
  416. 1934-03-10 to Martha re Queen Maries ltr and Romanian pamphlet by Princess Ileana
  417. 1934-03-13 to Sir Arthur Wauchope High Commissioner re recent court case
  418. 1934-03-15 Germany destined to lead Europe spiritually
  419. 1934-03-17 re prejudice
  420. 1934-03-21 to USNSA various
  421. 1934-03-24 re- five teachers in America and the Most Great Peace
  422. 1934-03-XX re proposal to borrow money to make March payments
  423. 1934-04-14 Americas Contribution to Purchase of Mt. Carmel Land
  424. 1934-05-01 to Sir Arthur Wauchope re support in Dumit case
  425. 1934-05-02 local newsletters USNSA
  426. 1934-05-02 to two believers re position of Guardianship in Admin Order
  427. 1934-05-05 University training will be of immense help
  428. 1934-05-07 epochmaking achievement
  429. 1934-05-09 to a National Spiritual Assembly re inner & outer meaning of Admin Order
  430. 1934-05-10 to NSA various
  431. 1934-05-11 to an individual believer re continue to study the Dispensation
  432. 1934-05-11 to Sir Arthur Wauchope re support of tax exemption of Bahai properties
  433. 1934-05-12 re anonymous letters
  434. 1934-05-18 exemption from taxation area surrounding Shrines
  435. 1934-05-19 authority of NSA
  436. 1934-05-31 Bahaullah as descendant of Joseph
  437. 1934-05-XX to new NSA
  438. 1934-06-04 Message to the Convention
  439. 1934-06-04 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re suggestions welcome
  440. 1934-06-06 projected formation of spiritual assembly in Sofia
  441. 1934-06-11 authority of NSA
  442. 1934-06-XX to Leroy Ioas
  443. 1934-07-02 German blvrs destined to take leading part
  444. 1934-07-06 on behalf of to an individual re authenticity of the Quran
  445. 1934-07-06 to Martha re Princess Ileanas appreciation
  446. 1934-08-08 to May Maxwell re response to ltr she sent fm Portland
  447. 1934-08-10 on behalf of to an individual re Indian & Sufi reincarnation doctrines
  448. 1934-08-14 names of Prophets in Dispensation
  449. 1934-08-20 re- Alfred Lunt on USNSA
  450. 1934-09-09 extending area lands surrounding Shrines
  451. 1934-09-09 to Martha in appreciation of svcs
  452. 1934-09-16 various
  453. 1934-09-25 maintaining flow of contributions to Temple
  454. 1934-09-30 international expenses of the Faith
  455. 1934-10-04 future teaching by M Jack in Bulgaria
  456. 1934-10-04 re continuance Temple construction
  457. 1934-10-24 to Persian NSA re Susan Moody
  458. 1934-10-31 to Blomfield re contact with Queen Marie
  459. 1934-10-31 to Martha re contacts with Marie
  460. 1934-11-05 directions certain prayers great spiritual help
  461. 1934-11-06 Importance Of Bahai Summer Schools
  462. 1934-11-12 to Martha with books for Ileana
  463. 1934-12-01 various
  464. 1934-12-XX to USNSA re Tarbiyat School closing
  465. 1935-01-04 association with orientals
  466. 1935-01-19 to Blomfield re Drama of the Kingdom
  467. 1935-01-19 to Lady Blomfield re capital punishment
  468. 1935-01-22 to USNSA requesting purchases of Drama of the Kingdom
  469. 1935-01-23 to May Maxwell re proposed teaching trip to Belgium & Europe
  470. 1935-01-27 attending LSA meetings
  471. 1935-01-27 dramas; inter-racial marriage
  472. 1935-03-17 to Martha re Ileanas response to Shoghi Effendis gift of Dawnbreakers & Iqan
  473. 1935-03-25 Dumit contract
  474. 1935-03-28 to USNSA request contrib for purchase of Dumit property
  475. 1935-03-30 contract for Dumit property
  476. 1935-03-31 re I Mary Magdalen
  477. 1935-03-XX immediate objective to establish group of well-confirmed believers
  478. 1935-04-27 msg to convention
  479. 1935-04-28 Day of the Covenant
  480. 1935-04-29 msg to convention
  481. 1935-04-XX devotions in support of Persian Bahais
  482. 1935-05-22 To Philip Sprague
  483. 1935-05-26 title of Mt Carmel land transferred to USNSA
  484. 1935-05-31 study and application of the Administration
  485. 1935-06-15 membership in non-Bahai religious associations
  486. 1935-06-21 to Keith-Roche requesting help with unidentified court case
  487. 1935-06-25 Esslingen Summer School & Bahai Home
  488. 1935-07-05 gifts to your National Archives
  489. 1935-07-29 teachers vs administrators
  490. 1935-07-31 re I Mary Magdalen
  491. 1935-08-03 adoption of Esperanto by entire world is by no means inevitable
  492. 1935-08-03 more widespread use of Esperanto
  493. 1935-08-03 response to completion of clerestory section
  494. 1935-08-03 Rest assured and persevere
  495. 1935-08-11 Application of laws of the Aqdas
  496. 1935-08-11 Laws of Aqdas
  497. 1935-09-01 meaning of the name Hidden Words
  498. 1935-09-14 to Coswell re travel teaching activities
  499. 1935-09-15 encouragement to Daisy Smythe
  500. 1935-09-25 apprehensions concerning the coming war
  501. 1935-09-25 great conflagration is inevitable
  502. 1935-10-02 books refing the Faith
  503. 1935-10-02 Closing of Tarbiat Schools
  504. 1935-10-14 to ind re birth control
  505. 1935-10-28 to May Maxwell re work in Germany
  506. 1935-11-03 to May Maxwell re health & report fm Germany
  507. 1935-11-05 your going to Esslingen
  508. 1935-11-12 on trans of Seven Valleys into German
  509. 1935-11-14 To Leroy loas
  510. 1935-11-15 passage Arabic No. 13 of the Arabic Hidden Words
  511. 1935-11-15 references to Paran and Zaman
  512. 1935-11-15 various to Moffett
  513. 1935-11-17 to Eve Nicklin on her leaving the Methodist Church
  514. 1935-11-24 Carmel Fund
  515. 1935-11-XX decoration of dome unit finished
  516. 1935-11-XX publishing ltrs from the Guardian
  517. 1935-12-08 To Edris Rice-Wray Carson
  518. 1935-12-18 on death of Howard Carpenter
  519. 1935-12-26 various economic questions
  520. 1935-12-31 concerning contributions to Temple fund
  521. 1935-XX-XX o Keith-Roach District Commissioner re best wishes and invite to tea
  522. 1936-01-04 difficulties that stand in the way of cooperation
  523. 1936-01-10 instructions that accompany prayers
  524. 1936-01-10 obligatory prayers and fasting
  525. 1936-01-10 obligatory prayers
  526. 1936-01-10 re Obligatory Prayers
  527. 1936-01-10 regarding funeral service
  528. 1936-01-10 Statement on war
  529. 1936-01-21 to May Maxwell re teaching in France & invite on pilgrimage
  530. 1936-01-30 approval of plans of Rouhani family to leave Nayriz
  531. 1936-02-18 to Marie expressing appreciation for her work
  532. 1936-02-20 to Martha re contacts with Marie & involvement of Lilian McNeil
  533. 1936-02-XX to Paul Peroff Berlin
  534. 1936-03-21 to Martha re Naw-Ruz greetings & sympathy for Queen Marie
  535. 1936-04-11 to Martha re copies of BW to Marie and Ileana
  536. 1936-04-17 Concerning study of Esperanto
  537. 1936-04-26 to Corinne True gratitutde for services
  538. 1936-05-01 To Mary Maxwell re suitable literature for Cause
  539. 1936-05-11 resurrection of Christ
  540. 1936-05-29 to May Maxwell re postpone pilgrimage and Europe teaching
  541. 1936-05-30 disputes btwn blvrs
  542. 1936-05-30 various
  543. 1936-06-26 to Alfred Lunt
  544. 1936-06-29 to May Maxwell re focus efforts on Lyon vs Paris
  545. 1936-06-29 to Wim Grosfeld
  546. 1936-07-05 exert utmost effort
  547. 1936-07-05 forming new LSAs
  548. 1936-07-26 to George Spendlove re praise
  549. 1936-07-26 to George Spendlove
  550. 1936-07-27 arrival of Martha Root
  551. 1936-07-28 local archives under direct supervision Local Assemblies.
  552. 1936-07-28 teaching relics Nashville meeting
  553. 1936-07-28 to Mrs Russell
  554. 1936-07-XX to Lidia Zamenhof re poss trip to U.S.
  555. 1936-07-XX to USNSA - American Bahai Community should rise as never befo
  556. 1936-08-XX to May Maxwell re teaching in Germany
  557. 1936-09-04 to Wim Grosfeld
  558. 1936-09-11 German community attracting attention
  559. 1936-09-14 to Leroy Ioas re effect summer schools must have on public
  560. 1936-09-19teaching work in Austria Germany and Central Europe
  561. 1936-09-25 importance of Bahai Archives
  562. 1936-09-25 institution of Bahai Archives
  563. 1936-09-25 NSA to appeal for Tablets
  564. 1936-10-12 what to to stress in talks
  565. 1936-10-14 for SE to ind re exact translations
  566. 1936-11-11 Concerning the racial amity conferences
  567. 1936-11-11 Obligatory prayers facing Shrine of Bahaullah at Bahji
  568. 1936-11-21 pacifism
  569. 1936-11-XX to Lidia Zamenhof re trip to U.S.
  570. 1936-12-08 to May Maxwell re pilgrimage
  571. 1936-12-24 to Blomfield re into to The Chosen Highway
  572. 1936-12-26 Regarding the teaching of Esperanto
  573. 1936-XX-XX racial issues
  574. 1937-03-22 engagement in profession
  575. 1937-03-22 southern teaching
  576. 1937-04-05 response to marriage
  577. 1937-04-23 to Keith-Roche in response to marriage greetings
  578. 1937-04-24 Moved to the Very Depth of His Heart
  579. 1937-04-XX to Coswell re teaching trip to Nashville
  580. 1937-05-06 Tablet of Ahmad addressee
  581. 1937-05-15 to Coswell reponse to Nashville teaching
  582. 1937-05-19 Divine Plan pamphlet
  583. 1937-05-28 what constitutes indirect teaching_
  584. 1937-05-29 trusts Marion Jacks teaching efforts
  585. 1937-07-04 Seven year plan steps
  586. 1937-07-10 to Coswell to stay longer in Tennessee
  588. 1937-08-14 to an individual believer re two Bible verses about resurrection.
  589. 1937-09-06 tend my raven locks
  590. 1937-09-07 to an individual re just government
  591. 1937-09-22 establish contacts with Jewish fellow-citizens
  592. 1937-10-25 to May Maxwell re activities for the winter
  593. 1937-10-25 to May Maxwell re response to report of NYC meeting
  594. 1937-10-30 progress of Temple Fund
  595. 1937-11-03 Lyon offers many peculiar difficulties
  596. 1937-11-08 for SE to Marian Holley re communism
  597. 1937-11-12 to Safa Vafa Kinney re reception given to M M Maxwell in NYC
  598. 1937-11-13 concerning the future of the Jews
  599. 1937-11-17 to Inez Greeven re publishing
  600. 1937-11-20 to Amelie Willard Bodmer
  601. 1937-11-23 man upon the earth only 300000 years
  602. 1937-11-25 increasing number of delegates
  603. 1937-12-31 on behalf of to an individual re start of the human soul
  604. 1938-01-14 give message to all
  605. 1938-01-14 passage in The Hidden Words no. 19
  606. 1938-01-15 To May Maxwell re reassurances regarding Mary
  607. 1938-01-15 to May Maxwell re reports of those affected by Sohrab
  608. 1938-01-30 CERTAIN VITAL REQUIREMENTS and various
  609. 1938-02-25 to Sutherland Maxwell re working with other org
  610. 1938-02-27 on behalf of to an individual re conception with o sperm
  611. 1938-03-20 days of stress and trial in Germany
  612. 1938-03-27 eschew all fellowship with the ungodly
  613. 1938-04-01 printed calendar 1938-39
  614. 1938-04-14 Quran & two-fold task
  615. 1938-04-XX to All Faiths League via Martha Root
  616. 1938-05-25 Church missionaries
  617. 1938-05-25 ornamentation work on Temple
  618. 1938-05-25 progress of ornamentation work
  619. 1938-07-07 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to NSA Persia re divorce
  620. 1938-07-13 for SE re Melchizedek
  621. 1938-07-14 revelation of Bahaullah is primarily for this planet
  622. 1938-08-07 to Martha on Maries passing & response of Marie of Jugoslavija
  623. 1938-09-05 to an individual re Bahai concept of sex
  624. 1938-10-27 to Coswell to continue consolidation in Knoxville
  625. 1938-11-10 to Max Greeven re situation in Germany
  626. 1938-11-11 to Blomfield re talk to Society for the Study of Comparative Religions
  627. 1938-11-13 to May Maxwell re support for hospitality
  628. 1938-11-27 Bahai Calendadr
  629. 1938-11-27 this historic enterprise
  630. 1938-12-14 for SE to ind re Spanish translations
  631. 1938-12-14 re Temerity Ranch
  632. 1938-XX-XX hopes for P & M
  633. 1939-01-09 Cobbs Character
  634. 1939-01-26 questions of Kaukab H. A. MacCutcheon
  635. 1939-02-06 Hindrances can be overcome
  636. 1939-02-11 three homefront pioneers
  637. 1939-02-25 to May Maxwell re poss of Shoghi Effendi travel to America
  638. 1939-03-19 several To Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards
  639. 1939-04-14 Bahai World Order & social aspects
  640. 1939-04-17 pioneer teaching in Northern and Southern America
  641. 1939-04-21 meaning of certain phrases
  642. 1939-04-22 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re some economic topics
  643. 1939-04-24 be very careful in contacts with Esperantists
  644. 1939-04-27 racial problem in America
  645. 1939-05-12 importance of Panama
  646. 1939-05-14 supreme objective
  647. 1939-05-20 to May Maxwell re her health
  648. 1939-05-22 Inter-American teaching campaign
  649. 1939-05-30 to M M Ellsworth Blackwell on their volunteering to pioneer
  650. 1939-07-04 various to USNSA
  651. 1939-07-11 through difficulties enabled to deepen devotion to Cause
  652. 1939-07-11 to May Maxwell re greatest svc of May is deepening others
  653. 1939-07-11 To May Maxwell re Marys progress
  654. 1939-07-11 to May Maxwell re Sutherlands illness
  655. 1939-07-20 Lydia Martin re teaching in Pine Bluff Ark
  656. 1939-07-29 to Coswell re pleasure at her going to Panama
  657. 1939-08-07 pylon contract
  658. 1939-08-09 to May Maxwell re death of brother Randolph
  659. 1939-08-09 to Sutherland Maxwell re activities and health
  660. 1939-08-25 for SE to ind re abortion
  661. 1939-09-24 to May Maxwell re services
  662. 1939-10-10 to Persian Bahai re death of Martha
  663. 1939-10-11 to Sutherland Maxwell re making plans for Terraces
  664. 1939-10-20 passing of Martha Root
  665. 1939-11-18 Marion Jack can stay in Burgaria
  666. 1939-11-20 to Max Greeven re war situation
  667. 1939-11-26 on behalf of to an individual re evolution of individual
  668. 1939-11-28 admittance of applicants into Cause
  669. 1939-12-07 physically unable to observe regulations Obligatory Prayer
  670. 1939-12-11 to Coswell and Cora Oliver in grateful thanks
  671. 1939-12-24 various to USNSA
  672. 1939-12-25 interment of Purest Branch & Navvab
  673. 1939-12-28 Nancy Bowditch re artistic endeavors
  674. 1939-12-28 to Nancy Bowditch re work in the arts
  675. 1939-XX-XX impartiality in the matter of political parties


  1. 194X-XX-XX time limit on Assembly non-attendance
  2. 194X-XX-XX to Amelia Collins re Fast
  3. 194X-XX-XX to Mildred Mottahedeh
  4. 1940-01-03 Martha Root memorial
  5. 1940-01-15 to USNSA re Edna Belmont
  6. 1940-01-24 to May Maxwell re trip to Buenos Aires
  7. 1940-02-27 to Townshend to write tribute to Marie for BW with suggestions
  8. 1940-02-27 use of Haziratul-Quds
  9. 1940-03-02 to Sutherland Maxwell on passing of May
  10. 1940-04-06 Max and Inez Greeven
  11. 1940-04-07 Nancy Bowditch re passing May Maxwell
  12. 1940-04-07 to Nancy Bowditch re passing of May Maxwell
  13. 1940-04-11 action on pylons & Maxwell memorial
  14. 1940-04-15 various to USNSA
  15. 1940-04-22 main story ornamentation of the Temple
  16. 1940-04-XX to Lee & Margot Worley on passing of May Maxwell
  17. 1940-05-07 new trans of Son of the Wolf
  18. 1940-05-15 various to USNSA
  19. 1940-05-27 response to difficulties of Rouhani family in Darab
  20. 1940-08-22 Ismailiyyih reports believers assigned cemetery.
  21. 1940-08-23 tribute to Florence Morton
  22. 1940-10-21 completion of pylons
  23. 1940-11-03 to Raymond Rouse on becoming a Bahai
  24. 1940-11-07 situation in middle east
  25. 1940-11-20 effect of war conditions
  26. 1940-11-21 position of America in coming war
  27. 1940-12-02 re funds
  28. 1940-12-13 work on temple and grounds
  29. 1941-01-18 construction work
  30. 1941-02-02 Regional Teaching Committees
  31. 1941-02-03 state of the National Fund
  32. 1941-02-XX to Race Unity Committee
  33. 1941-03-12 pageants are of value to the Cause
  34. 1941-03-12 to Nancy Bowditch re pageants
  35. 1941-04-19 on behalf of to an individual re Abdul-Bahas statement about Socrates
  36. 1941-04-19 tribute to Marion Jack
  37. 1941-04-23 to Badiullah Khan of Abadih re four questions
  38. 1941-05-02 Assemblys supreme objective
  39. 1941-05-04 fund story; teaching
  40. 1941-05-22 Florence Mortons donation & Inter-American campaign
  41. 1941-05-25 various to USNSA
  42. 1941-06-03 appreciation of Milly Collins
  43. 1941-06-15 transfer of Luas remains
  44. 1941-07-18 importance of the teaching work
  45. 1941-07-19 to Gayle Woolson re teaching successes
  46. 1941-08-01 people will take sides for and against Faith
  47. 1941-08-12 consent of parents; Latin teaching
  48. 1941-08-13 effect of donations of Collins & Morton
  49. 1941-08-14 to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Rouse on their marriage
  50. 1941-09-30 prayers for Nicklin & Cheney
  51. 1941-10-05 Mrs. Greenleafs passing
  52. 1941-10-11 to Safa Kinney re declaration of Pacora Blue Mountain
  53. 1941-10-14 insure completion December sixth & seventh faces
  54. 1941-10-26 heroism is needed
  55. 1941-10-26 state of the National Fund
  56. 1941-10-26 temple & teaching work
  57. 1941-11-07 gratified process on Temple
  58. 1941-11-10 flagrant disloyalty Ruhis family
  59. 1941-11-10 Ruhis sister married covenant-breaker Feyzi
  60. 1941-11-21 vital importance increasing number of pioneers
  61. 1941-12-17 to LSA San Jose Costa Rica re its significance
  62. 1942-01-01 Faithless sister Mehrangiz
  63. 1942-01-03 Parents strongly condemn Mehrangiz
  64. 1942-01-08 Comforted by fervent messages
  65. 1942-01-13 donations of the N.S.A
  66. 1942-01-15 various to USNSA
  67. 1942-01-25 to M M Clarence E Baker name for baby
  68. 1942-02-03 end of the First Bahai Century approaches
  69. 1942-02-09 to Sarah Oglesby re the race issue
  70. 1942-02-28 hope for more pioneers and teachers
  71. 1942-03-19 sufferings so piteously afflicting humanity
  72. 1942-03-26 not the time for a Bahai village
  73. 1942-03-28 to Safa Kinney re teaching work of Pacora Blue Mountain
  74. 1942-04-30 rejoice formation new Assemblies
  75. 1942-05-05 Welcome renewed determination NSA
  76. 1942-05-08 Turn to your Bahai brothers and sisters
  77. 1942-05-12 Bahai World received
  78. 1942-05-15 Convention response encouraging
  79. 1942-05-26 various to USNSA
  80. 1942-06-16 To John Eichenauer Jr
  81. 1942-06-17 re work on Temple
  82. 1942-06-17 Remaining copies of The Bahai World received
  83. 1942-06-20 Overjoyed pioneer activity
  84. 1942-07-05 Regarding teaching Faith in South
  85. 1942-07-05 to Mabel Ives southern teaching
  86. 1942-07-06 must put administrative machinery to real use
  87. 1942-07-08 to Mr. Raymond C. Rouse pioneering
  88. 1942-07-26 to San Jose Costa Rica LSA re progress made
  89. 1942-07-31 To Roan Orloff family ties
  90. 1942-08-15 importance of present pioneer activity
  91. 1942-08-15 support for new pioneers
  92. 1942-09-18 hopes meetings in Temple will be national attraction
  93. 1942-10-14 trial and suffering insignificant to blessing of serving Cause
  94. 1942-10-24 to Marzieh Gail re teaching activities
  95. 1942-12-21 strengthen the work of pioneers
  96. 1943-01-08 New History society & civil disobedience
  97. 1943-01-08 re marriage words
  98. 1943-01-25 meditation & teaching
  99. 1943-01-25 primary importance is teaching Cause
  100. 1943-01-25 regarding individual guidance
  101. 1943-01-30 newsletter size
  102. 1943-02-08 re-establishment of LSAs
  103. 1943-02-22 to Eve Nicklin re getting established in Peru
  104. 1943-02-27 Celebration of Declaration of the Bab
  105. 1943-03-01 Temple pamphlet
  106. 1943-03-25 value of Bahai work and any other form of service to humanity
  107. 1943-03-28 ltr to U.S. NTC re keep BWC well informed on details of teaching
  108. 1943-03-28 mostly about aspects of Centennary
  109. 1943-03-28 teaching work in North Central and South America
  110. 1943-03-28 to Leroy Ioas need pioneers in field quickly
  111. 1943-05-02 acclaim magnificent victory
  112. 1943-05-03 properly evaluate the work they are doing
  113. 1943-05-04 fervent prayers for unprecedented victories
  114. 1943-06-25 pioneer may resign administrative post
  115. 1943-08-02 Bahai Natl Headquarters established Delhi
  116. 1943-08-08 West Indies & Latin republics
  117. 1943-09-26 to an individual believer re be tolerant of each other
  118. 1943-11-16 Convention delegates & LSA formation
  119. 1943-12-17 all the battle of life is within the individual
  120. 1943-12-24 vaccinations calendar studies
  121. 1943-XX-XX obo SE to Loulie Mathews re how to view Cause
  122. 1944-01-14 importance of these endowments in Jordan valley
  123. 1944-01-23 how much of Gospels are accurate
  124. 1944-02-11 for SE to ind re Confucius
  125. 1944-02-11 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re tax on inheritance
  126. 1944-03-13 Delighted at notable successes
  127. 1944-03-14 locket with Babs hair
  128. 1944-04-13 re formation of LSAs
  129. 1944-04-22 on behalf of to an individual re psychic experiences
  130. 1944-05-12 world after this war to be in terrible condition
  131. 1944-05-27 to Virginia Orbison for formation of Lima Peru LSA
  132. 1944-05-29 to Eve Nicklin on election of 1st LSA in Peru.
  133. 1944-07-06 membership of elected institutions
  134. 1944-07-07 need for unity
  135. 1944-07-28 to Virginia Orbison on formation of Lima Peru LSA
  136. 1944-08-06 French have great capacity for religious feeling
  137. 1944-08-09 dark forces in the world today
  138. 1944-08-19 to Latin America Bahais re sigifficance of July teaching conf
  139. 1944-08-25 to Louhelen Junior Youth Session
  140. 1944-08-XX to an individual believer re value of studying history of the Cause
  141. 1944-09-24 noble determination of Committees and Assemblies
  142. 1944-10-16 to participants at Louhelen Summer School Aug 1944 re study GPB
  143. 1944-10-17 function according to Bahai laws & principles
  144. 1944-10-17 infallibility guidance consultation
  145. 1944-10-17 Regarding international language
  146. 1944-10-22 land donated by Mirza Enayatullah
  147. 1944-11-13 Significance of Remains of Prophets
  148. 1944-11-18 triumph of arduous Seven Year Plan
  149. 1944-11-27 to Phillip Hainsworth re teaching in British Isles
  150. 1944-11-30 forgiveness of Covenant-breakers
  151. 1944-11-XX passing of John Stearns
  152. 1944-12-24 mostly about teaching
  153. 1944-XX-XX formation and dissolution of Spiritual Assemblies
  154. 1945-01-01 participation erection shrine of Bab
  155. 1945-01-01 school session at Englewood
  156. 1945-01-14 warnings concerning Orientals
  157. 1945-01-23 Future generations will recall Marion Jack stewardship
  158. 1945-02-25 meaning of suffering
  159. 1945-02-28 Youth on committees
  160. 1945-03-06 Bahiyyih monument represent BAO
  161. 1945-03-19 better not to read books by Covenant Breakers
  162. 1945-03-19 on behalf of to an individual re take teachings as a whole
  163. 1945-03-19 Regret failure hold Convention
  164. 1945-03-24 Status of Pioneer
  165. 1945-03-29 maintenance of goals won crucial
  166. 1945-03-29 nation-wide teaching campaigns
  167. 1945-04-05 April 1945 on behalf of to an individual believer re Greek contact with prophets
  168. 1945-04-05 Prolonged absence of Assembly member
  169. 1945-04-30 congratulations to Inter-America Committee
  170. 1945-06-12 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa
  171. 1945-07-01 formation of Buenos Aires Summer School
  172. 1945-07-05 to Coswell re form 1st LSA in Panama
  173. 1945-08-10 Orlova San Francisco Conference
  174. 1945-08-14 to Eve Nicklin re report on John Stearns and his activities
  175. 1945-08-XX to Senior Youth Session at Louhelen School
  176. 1945-09-24 Greatly cheered by evidences of progress
  177. 1945-11-13 Burmese Bahai community needs assistance
  178. 1945-11-17 to Eve Nicklin re politics and Guillermo Aguilar
  179. 1945-11-19 questions fm Glenn Shook
  180. 1945-11-19 Undertow of Materialism
  181. 1945-12-03 welcome consolidation activities
  182. 1945-12-19 Peoples Peace Conference
  183. 1945-12-21 conditions in Europe
  184. 1945-12-30 Object of Inter-Racial Work
  185. 1945-12-30 to a National Teaching Committee re devise new suggestions for teaching
  186. 1945-XX-XX to unknown re pictures of Shoghi Effendi
  187. 1946-03-05 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek on decision to pioneer
  188. 1946-03-18 to Ellsworth Blackwell re guidelines about meetings at the Temple.
  189. 1946-03-19 two factors Gods Will and our will
  190. 1946-03-24 to Emeric Sala re teaching in Latin America
  191. 1946-03-25 various to USNSA
  192. 1946-04-01 on behalf of to an individual re soul does not go to another planet
  193. 1946-04-13 literature review
  195. 1946-05-02 Reply to Convention Message
  196. 1946-05-05 to USNSA re beginning 2nd Seven Year Plan
  197. 1946-05-09 welcome responses new Plan
  198. 1946-05-XX NSA eliminate unnecessary administrative details
  199. 1946-06-07 on behalf of to an individual re Abdul-Bahas statements as dogmatic finalities
  200. 1946-06-07 to Dr. J. W. Freudenberg
  201. 1946-07-01 anxious for growth throughout France.
  202. 1946-07-03 To Robert L. Gulick
  203. 1946-07-19 To Geyserville Junior Youth Class
  204. 1946-07-20 various to USNSA
  205. 1946-07-26 attitude towards the Jewish question
  206. 1946-07-27 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in England
  207. 1946-07-29 loyal Bahais do not become carriers of CB
  208. 1946-09-02 to Anita Ioas to pioneer in Europe
  209. 1946-09-30 to Melanie Humbert plans to pioneer to Belgium
  210. 1946-10-06 Need for Pioneers
  211. 1946-10-XX to Northampton England community re able to form LSA
  212. 1946-11-20 to Arnold van Ogtrop on moving to Nederlands
  213. 1946-11-22 to Amelia Collins naming as Hand of the Cause
  214. 1946-12-13 to Emeric Sala re Latin Americans
  215. 1946-12-28 slides of our Bahai Temple
  216. 1947-01-XX to Melanie Humbert on pioneering to Belgium
  217. 1947-02-02 to Rita Sombeek re translation of BNE
  218. 1947-02-05 like soldiers under attack
  219. 1947-02-15 on behalf of to an individual believer re statements about Greek contacts with Holy Land
  220. 1947-02-18 to Alberto Lobaton re Buenos Aires Conf
  221. 1947-02-18 to Phillip Hainsworth re teaching in England
  222. 1947-02-24 to Corinne True appreciation for services
  223. 1947-03-28 to an individual believer re discourage photos of paintings of Master7
  224. 1947-04-05 to Melanie Humbert Belgian successes
  225. 1947-04-05 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek contacts with Esperantists
  226. 1947-04-05 to Van Bleyswijk Sombeek re Esperantists
  227. 1947-04-08 to community of Nottingham re successes
  228. 1947-04-10 deepening admiration for
  229. 1947-04-14 to Melanie Humbert
  230. 1947-04-15 to Horace Holley re financial aspects of construction of Shrine of the Bab
  231. 1947-04-19 for SE to ind re trans GPB into Arabic
  232. 1947-04-24 to Theo Durieux first Belgian Bahai
  233. 1947-04-28 Personal Participation or Appointment of Deputies
  234. 1947-04-28 to Charlotte Stirrat on arrival in Netherlands
  235. 1947-05-03 re- Hidden Words Arabic No. 63
  236. 1947-05-04 to U.S. Natl Conv
  237. 1947-05-07 To the Canadian Bahais
  238. 1947-05-08 To the National Spiritual Assembly
  239. 1947-05-08 to UKNSA re George Townshend
  240. 1947-05-09 Assistance to Philippine Bahais
  241. 1947-05-09 association with the United Nations
  242. 1947-05-09 Begin Temple Work
  243. 1947-05-09 Credentials for orientals
  244. 1947-05-09 Importance of Direct Bahai Activity
  245. 1947-06-16 national committee membership
  246. 1947-07-03 Temple inspired by the Taj Mahal
  247. 1947-07-04 authenticity of any of phrases in Old or New Testament
  248. 1947-07-05 on behalf of to an individual believer subjects to study
  249. 1947-07-05 To an individual believer re areas of study
  250. 1947-07-07 circulation of the statement on communism
  251. 1947-07-07 observe nine Holy Days
  252. 1947-07-07 statement regarding Orientals
  253. 1947-07-14 Cover letter
  254. 1947-07-14 Faith of Bahaullah
  255. 1947-07-15 for SE to ind re trans Qayyumul-Asma into English
  256. 1947-10-19 to Corinne True blessing family
  257. 1947-10-19 to John Bernard Corne
  258. 1947-10-24 meeting with the grandchild of Subhi Azal
  259. 1947-10-24 to a National Spiritual Assembly re assoc with grandchild of Subhi Azal
  260. 1947-10-25 long Healing Prayer
  261. 1947-10-25 Marriage ceremony & prayer
  262. 1947-10-25 prerequisites for Assembly
  263. 1947-10-25 Relief to European Pioneers
  264. 1947-10-25 year 1335
  265. 1947-11-15 Overjoyed at recent victories
  266. 1947-11-16 pamphlets of the Covenant-breakers
  267. 1947-11-23 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek on recovering fm surgery
  268. 1947-12-07 to Haifa Planning Commission re Shrine of the Bab
  269. 1947-12-15 19 Day Feasts
  270. 1947-12-18 Louis Gregory svc at GreenAcre
  271. 1947-12-27 Committees must assume more responsibility
  272. 1947-XX-XX Extend assistance Marion Jack
  273. 1948-01-04 to Ellsworth Blackwell re anti-racism protests
  274. 1948-01-05 Crimson Book
  275. 1948-01-30 to Eve Nicklin re move to Punta Areas Chile
  276. 1948-01-XX Ltr to Ellsworth Blackwell copyconfidential
  277. 1948-01-XX Ltr to Ellsworth Blackwell
  278. 1948-03-04 to Philip Hainsworth re state of the world etc
  279. 1948-04-02 to Ugo Giachery re travels of Sutherland Maxwell & Ben Weeden
  280. 1948-04-05 To the Believers of Amsterdam on election of 1st Assembly
  281. 1948-04-06 to Ugo Giachery re difficulties with construction of Shrine of Bab
  282. 1948-04-11 text of ltr of intro for Sutherland Maxwell & Ben Weeden while in Israel
  283. 1948-04-26 to European Teaching Conference
  285. 1948-04-29 to first Brussels assembly
  286. 1948-04-XX loss of Fannie Lesch
  287. 1948-05-02 response to convention meeting
  288. 1948-05-02 to European Teaching Conference
  289. 1948-05-05 Egypt Five Year Plan
  290. 1948-05-06 Praying for magnificent victories
  291. 1948-05-08 condition of world like a great negative undertow
  292. 1948-05-18 re-revising BNE
  293. 1948-05-18 recognition given Assembly by United Nations
  294. 1948-05-18 to a National Spiritual Assembly re making rules
  295. 1948-06-04 to Charlotte Stirrat on progress in Nederlands
  296. 1948-06-08 healing methods; peace
  297. 1948-06-20 to European Teaching Committee conf in Geneva
  298. 1948-06-23 deplore passing George Latimer
  299. 1948-07-03 obedience to government
  300. 1948-07-06 to LSAssembly of Brussels on being formed
  301. 1948-07-06 to Shurcliffs & Doris Lohse re successes in Europe
  302. 1948-07-07 to Townshend on his resignation
  303. 1948-07-29 Increased Responsibility of American Bahais
  304. 1948-10-01 re first shipment marble for Shrine of Bab
  305. 1948-10-14 to Jim Loft re teaching Indians
  306. 1948-10-17 to Philip Hainsworth re sympathy for family deaths
  307. 1948-11-08 spirit of Marion Jack
  308. 1948-11-25 include as much info as poss about things in archives
  309. 1948-11-30 hopes France to have 1st center in Europe
  310. 1948-12-06 to Eve Nicklin re suggested teaching methods in Punta Arenas
  311. 1948-12-09 non-association with descendant of Azal
  312. 1948-12-22 rapid completion of Temple interior
  313. 1948-12-26 on behalf of to an individual re transmigration of the soul
  314. 1948-12-26 to Graeffe Hipp & Nys to work with French
  315. 1948-12-XX encouraging Townshend to write
  316. 1949-01-31 daily prayers
  317. 1949-01-31 The Daily Prayers
  318. 1949-01-XX to Guatemala Congress
  319. 1949-02-08 stations of prophets
  320. 1949-03-06 to Regional Youth Conference
  321. 1949-03-24 contact with the Esperantists
  322. 1949-04-11 Expulsion and Reinstatement of Covenant-Breakers
  323. 1949-04-11 in connection with dome of Temple
  324. 1949-04-11 Temple project impact on Guardian
  325. 1949-04-24 Direct Teaching
  326. 1949-04-25 concentrate maintenance status elected Assemblies
  327. 1949-06-06 some work must now be sacrificed
  328. 1949-07-03 for SE to ind re Bahai scholarship
  329. 1949-07-04 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek
  330. 1949-07-05 on behalf of To an individual re we need to be much better informed
  331. 1949-07-29 to Second European Teaching Conference
  332. 1949-08-05 translation of Bayan is difficult
  333. 1949-08-07 Second Message to the Brussels Conference
  334. 1949-08-18 friends naive and superficial in approach to Covenant-breakers
  335. 1949-08-XX to Sutherland Maxwell to take care of health
  336. 1949-09-30 theocratic systems
  337. 1949-10-20 to Lea Nys re translations into French
  338. 1949-10-23 memoirs & experiences with the Master
  339. 1949-10-23 old Bahais should accurately record their experiences
  340. 1949-10-23 Thornton Chases resting-place & anniversary
  341. 1949-10-25 heart austerity
  342. 1949-10-25 to Henk Buys re going to Indonesia
  343. 1949-10-27 to Lea Nys re dont pressure people to become Bahais
  344. 1949-10-28 the number nine
  345. 1949-10-30 to Philip Hainsworth re his plans
  346. 1949-10-31 hopes France can play a more important part in affairs of Cause
  347. 1949-11-05 correction to printed version of msg to 2nd European Teaching Conf
  348. 1949-11-30 to Josephine Diebold re dealing with disharmony
  349. 1949-12-14 Fanny Knohlochs Passing
  350. 1949-12-25 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re Bahai healers


  1. 1950-02-15 To Luxembourg LSA response to photo
  2. 1950-03-19 to Ellsworth Blackwell re writing to NSA
  3. 1950-03-28 to Philip Hainsworth re strains Guardian facing
  4. 1950-04-05 tests often come from each other
  5. 1950-05-07 to 4th South America Congress
  6. 1950-05-11 to Amelia Collins re Sutherland Maxwell illness
  7. 1950-06-23 to NSA Canada re Sutherland Maxwell illness
  8. 1950-06-28 to Australia NSA re Sutherland Maxwell illness
  9. 1950-07-05 to New Zealand NSA re Sutherland Maxwell illness
  10. 1950-07-05 various to USNSA
  12. 1950-07-12 gen ltr to Regional Assemblies of Latin America
  14. 1950-07-17 to National Area Teaching Committees
  15. 1950-07-20 to Third European Teaching Conference Copenhagen
  16. 1950-07-28 whether to remain a Bahai
  17. 1950-08-23 re JOSEPH PERDU
  18. 1950-08-25 American believers grown up at last
  20. 1950-09-05 to Ned Blackmer re responsibilities to family
  21. 1950-09-30 on behalf of to an individual believer re medical treatments
  22. 1950-10-30 to Jim Loft re moving
  23. 1950-11-02 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re the Clarks and the Faith in Holland
  24. 1950-11-02 to Jeanne Kranen re Clarks leaving Holland
  25. 1950-11-02 to Rita Sombeek re field of service
  26. 1950-11-19 to Second All-Swiss Conference
  27. 1950-12-15 delivery of keys of Mazraih
  28. 1951-01-04 New Step in Building Babs Shrine
  29. 1951-01-08 to LaFontaines re poss pioneers to Latin America
  30. 1951-01-XX to Claire Gung on pioneering to Africa Tanganyika
  31. 1951-02-16 to an individual believer re criticism and harsh words
  32. 1951-02-18 for SE re Confusius
  33. 1951-03-29 policy on peace and unity conferences
  34. 1951-04-02 hail success of 9 terraces
  35. 1951-04-05 to an NSA on preserving marriages
  36. 1951-04-16 American believers showing their dedication
  37. 1951-04-26 to delegates first South American Convention
  38. 1951-04-26 To first South American NSA
  39. 1951-04-XX to first two Latin American Natl Conv
  40. 1951-05-03 response to US Natl Conv message
  41. 1951-06-04 to Wm Foster on pioneering to Africa
  42. 1951-06-16 to Lea Nys re supposed pict of the Bab
  43. 1951-06-17 Delighted progress Temple ornamentation
  44. 1951-07-11 to Meso-America-Antilles NSA re Goals of two year plan
  45. 1951-07-13 Letter To Louhelen Junior Youth Session
  46. 1951-07-17 be united and love for sake of God
  47. 1951-07-27 to Bahais of Dar-es-Salaam re first group formed in heart of Africa
  48. 1951-08-05 drawing of the hearts together
  49. 1951-08-30 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa
  50. 1951-09-01 To Fourth European Teaching Conference
  51. 1951-09-06 offering aid progress in world beyond.
  52. 1951-09-11 Delighted progress manifold undertakings
  53. 1951-09-23 Temple landscaping leave embellishment until later
  54. 1951-09-28 to Africa teacher training session
  55. 1951-10-02 to Bahais of Kampala
  56. 1951-10-30 response to 4th European Teaching Conference msg
  57. 1951-10-31 re Callao LSA
  58. 1951-11-23 first pioneer from America under African campaign
  59. 1951-11-23 The Year Nine
  60. 1951-11-24 very pleased with the plans for Temple grounds
  61. 1951-12-23 Mr. Grossman named Hand
  62. 1951-12-23 to Sutherland Maxwell naming Hand of the Cause
  63. 1951-12-24 Horace Holley Hand of Cause
  64. 1951-12-24 notify Townshend Hand of Cause
  65. 1951-12-24 to Leroy Ioas naming as Hand of the Cause
  66. 1951-12-25 restrictions pilgrimage being gradually removed
  67. 1951-12-25 to Bahais of the Hague re teaching efforts
  68. 1952-01-01 welcome to Kampala Bahai group
  69. 1952-01-13 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re poss pioneer to NZ
  70. 1952-01-29 Appreciate Readiness
  71. 1952-02-04 to Honor Kempton re teaching confs
  72. 1952-02-06 encouragement to Philip Hainsworth
  73. 1952-02-06 to Kampala Bahai group in appreciation
  74. 1952-02-15 invites Leroy Ioas to BWC as secretary-general of International Council
  75. 1952-02-28 to Corinne True naming Hand
  76. 1952-03-08 obo SE to Eve Nicklin hoping will stay in Latin America longer
  77. 1952-03-13 to LaFontaines re poss pioneer to Surinam
  78. 1952-03-26 to Siegfried Scholopflocher re Sutherland Maxwell funeral
  79. 1952-03-27 to Bahais at Amsterdam Feast re response to greetings
  80. 1952-03-27 to Luis de Fretes re progress of Faith
  81. 1952-04-14 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re praying will be of service
  82. 1952-04-16 greetings to 1st Benelux Conf Brussels
  83. 1952-04-22 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re have Assembly in the Hague
  84. 1952-04-30 to Ulrich & Aukje Fontaine re support for desire to pioneer
  85. 1952-05-03 Deeply touched reconsecration readiness to sacrifice
  86. 1952-05-12 Deeply appreciate noble determination
  87. 1952-05-12 ubable attend Temple dedication
  88. 1952-05-22 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re passing of Sutherland Maxwell & poss of pioneering
  89. 1952-06-02 teaching work to be done on firmest basis
  90. 1952-06-05 Delighted To Hear Liberian News
  91. 1952-06-10 To Eve Nicklin & Margot Maklin re working in Montevideo
  92. 1952-06-11 removal ruins Shrine of Bahaullah
  93. 1952-06-30 Latin American Communities still on threshold
  94. 1952-06-30 Mature teachers are greatest need everywhere
  95. 1952-06-30 obo SE to South American NSA
  96. 1952-06-30 prophecy of Daniel in Esslemont
  97. 1952-07-03 To Louhelen Junior Youth Session
  98. 1952-08-05 consider trade that ensure post in pioneer field
  99. 1952-08-05 Junior Pioneer Class
  100. 1952-08-19 choose a place and prepare yourself
  101. 1952-08-19 To Louhelen Second Junior Youth Session of 1952
  102. 1952-08-23 to Luxembourg Teaching Conference
  103. 1952-08-XX response to msg fm 5th European Teaching Conf
  104. 1952-09-19 to Kampala Assembly re progress
  105. 1952-10-08 MARION JACK ILLNESS
  106. 1952-10-14 PROGRESS ON SHRINE OF BAB
  107. 1952-11-02 African teaching effort
  108. 1952-11-11 to Rita Sombeek re teaching in Holland and Milano
  109. 1952-11-21 to Arnold van Ogtrop re contacts with some Siamese
  110. 1952-12-07 to Haifa Mayor re support of Hebrew Tech Symposium on illumination
  112. 1953-02-XX Epoch-Making Africa International Conference
  113. 1953-03-06 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re Holland flood & plans to go to Australia fall thru
  114. 1953-03-13 to Rita Sombeek re Queen of Holland
  115. 1953-03-16 grateful for Tablets of Abdul-Baha
  116. 1953-03-16 on behalf of the Guardian to an individual re repentance of CB
  117. 1953-04-22 to 2nd Benelux Conf in Overschie
  118. 1953-04-23 To The First Italo-Swiss Convention
  119. 1953-04-26 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Uganda
  120. 1953-05-09 to Ruhiyyih Khanum in Montreal for fathers funeral
  121. 1953-05-22 American pioneering
  122. 1953-05-31 to Marthe Molitor-Noury after her meeting the Khadems and Bananis
  123. 1953-05-XX to Persian NSA re dont let west Bahais surpass accomplishments
  124. 1953-06-02 hour for America demonstrate spiritual primacy
  125. 1953-06-06 Arden Lee re pilgrimage
  126. 1953-06-10 Bahais of Italy and Switzerland have very great future
  127. 1953-06-19 epoch-making Convention in Florence
  128. 1953-06-21 effort to get someone off to Greece
  129. 1953-06-21 German and Austrian in 10 year crusade
  130. 1953-06-25 Shrine Bab & Panama Temple site
  132. 1953-07-21 ltr To The Third Intercontinental Teaching Conference - Stockholm
  134. 1953-09-20 pioneers to date
  135. 1953-09-27 to the Aug 1953 Benelux Conf
  136. 1953-09-XX To Louhelen Junior Youth of 10 July 1953
  137. 1953-10-07 Message To The New Delhi Intercontinental Conference
  138. 1953-10-14 Cable To Hands Of The Cause At New Delhi
  139. 1953-10-27 to Elly Becking re poss pioneering to Dutch New Guinea
  140. 1953-10-XX Cable To The Fourth Intercontinental Teaching Conference
  141. 1953-11-14 to the Hague and Rotterdam response to Birth of Bahaullah greetings
  142. 1953-12-13 response to Dunning Knight to Orkneys
  143. 1954-01-24 follow in footsteps of Dorothy Baker
  144. 1954-04-04 Translated From The Persian re purpose of Huququllah
  145. 1954-04-21 Spiritual soulsl will gather together verses of God
  146. 1954-04-22 on behalf of To an individual re not rely on others categorical assertions
  147. 1954-04-22 to Marie Claudet re abilities of Bahai scholars
  148. 1954-04-29 to Israeli Pres Ben Zvi offering to visit
  149. 1954-04-XX The Continent Of Africa Is Pre-Eminent
  150. 1954-04-XX to Enoch Olinga re African Believer Virgin Territories
  151. 1954-05-05 to the Salas re pioneering in Comoros and Zululand
  152. 1954-05-06 Guardian Expects An Upsurge Of Activity
  153. 1954-05-07 to Meerburgs re pioneering to New Guinea Indonesia
  154. 1954-05-11 to Uganda Teaching Committee re proud of achievements
  155. 1954-05-23 Most Import Ant Thing For Bahai Schools
  156. 1954-05-24 share example Marion Jack
  157. 1954-05-24 to Philip Hainsworth re photos of Africa Bahais
  158. 1954-05-24 tomb of Marian Jack to become national shrine
  159. 1954-05-XX Mashriqul-Adhkar for Persia
  160. 1954-06-03 to President Ben Zvi re tnx for hospitality
  161. 1954-06-10 for Shoghi Effendi to individual believer re the seed of the spirit
  162. 1954-06-20 various to NSA
  163. 1954-06-24 to Central America NSA re general goals
  164. 1954-06-25 future of Marion Jacks tomb
  165. 1954-07-17 Hands authority overrule Guardian_
  166. 1954-07-23 Maintenance Of Assemblies
  167. 1954-07-24 to Central America NSA re various
  168. 1954-08-05 Delighted progress manifold activities
  169. 1954-08-13 To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 16 July 1954
  170. 1954-08-22 goal is rapid multiplicity of number of Bahais
  171. 1955-01-31 no mention of permission of anybody else for marriage
  172. 1955-01-31 on behalf of To an individual believer re not try to understand everything
  173. 1955-01-31 various symbolic allusions in Bible
  174. 1955-02-17 when physically incapable of performing genuflexions
  175. 1955-03-03 attaining spiritual goals
  176. 1955-03-06 persevere and make it plain re permission
  177. 1955-04-09 regarding the Temple to be built in Frankfurt
  178. 1955-04-21 This magnificent Edifice [the Shrine of the Bab]
  179. 1955-04-26 grateful magnificent achievements valiant friends African Continent
  180. 1955-07-09 Julia Goldmans death
  181. 1955-07-12 If one cannot perform postures for long prayer
  182. 1955-07-15 to Central America NSA re goals and future
  183. 1955-08-13 to Philip Hainsworth re concerns about construction of Uganda Temple
  184. 1955-08-26 To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 14 July 1955
  185. 1955-08-XX If Faith held down in one land
  186. 1955-11-05 to John B. Cornell re divorce
  187. 1955-11-10 prayers for teaching work in Greece
  188. 1955-XX-XX contacting intl figures
  189. 1955-XX-XX Deplore loss Edith Sanderson.
  190. 1955-XX-XX loss precious pioneer Elsa Vento
  191. 1956-03-26 He is trying to assist the friends to build up National Archives
  192. 1956-04-XX Supplementary Message To Four Africa Conventions
  193. 1956-06-10 to Conv delegates of the Bahais of Central and East Africa
  194. 1956-07-19 The Past Bahai Administrative Year
  195. 1956-09-01 first Bahai in Greece
  196. 1956-09-28 to Philip Hainsworth on his marriage to Lois
  197. 1956-10-06 to Jane Boekhoudt re homosexuality
  198. 1956-11-09 re building Temple
  199. 1956-12-06 to USNSA re passing of Juliet Thompson
  200. 1956-XX-XX to a national Assembly re Temple design must have dignity and grace
  201. 1956-XX-XX to a national Assembly re Temple design
  202. 1957-02-15 for SE re trans into European languages
  203. 1957-05-25 to an individual re spreading msg among own people
  204. 1957-05-27 attitude toward teaching Faith in southern states
  205. 1957-05-27 interracial teaching
  206. 1957-06-30 NSA should be loving parent not stern judge
  207. 1957-07-04 Baltic States destined to play memorable part
  208. 1957-07-28 to Central America RSA
  209. 1957-07-29 to a National Spiritual Assembly re refrain from introducing rules
  210. 1957-07-XX to an African Regional Assembly re additional Haziratul-Quds
  211. 1957-08-08 to an African Regional Assembly re purpose of new African Assemblies
  212. 1957-08-12 role of Italy and Switzerland
  213. 1957-08-12 to NSA Italy and Switzerland re Temple site
  214. 1957-08-14 German Bahais to provide support for those inEasternZone
  215. 1957-09-21 particular attention devoted attracting colored people

Date unknown

  1. re Hidden Word Arabic No. 71
  2. re whether you should have more children or not


Note: some of these quotes are found in more than one source. In those cases, I have tried to cite the earliest published source. [-D.C.]
Agriculture And Rural Life
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
The Artist’s Daughter
Nancy Douglas Bowditch
Arts And Architecture
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
The Babi Question you mentioned
Jelle de Vries
Baha’i Procedure (1937)
Compiled by the U.S. Baha’i National Center
Baha’i World
[various vol, incomplete]
Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation
Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly of The Bahá’ís of The United States (1973)
Bahiyyih Khanum
Compiled By The Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Bible: Extracts On The Old On New Testaments
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Champions of Oneness
Janet Ruhe-Schoen
China Comp (Macau 2000)
Published By The Baha’i Committee For China
Claire Gung: Mother of Africa
Adrienne Morgan
Collected Passages On Business, Development And The Bahá'í Funds, 2nd Edition
USNSA Dept of the Treasurer, 1993
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Crown of Glory, Memoirs of Jinab-i-Aziz'u'llah Azizi
Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries
Divine Springtime - Louise Coswell Recalls
Daniel Nelson Wegener, ed.
Eastern Europe And The Soviet Union A Compilation From The Bahá'í Writings
Compiled By The Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart
Boris Handal
Fire And Gold: Benefiting From Life’s Tests
Compiled By Brian Kurzius [Part from “Extracts From The Bahá’í Writings And Letters of The Guardian And House of Justice On Suffering And Tests"]
George Townshend
David Hofman
Germany, France, Italy, And Switzerland
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice. Published In Bahá'í Studies Review 4:1
Growing Up Baha’i
Diana Rouse Kaufman
Guardian's Seven Year Plan for the American Bahá'ís
Guidance Regarding Bahá'í Archives
Compiled By Bahá'í International Archives
Haziratu'l-Quds: Uses And Functions
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice October 1997
Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Baha’i Faith
Della L Marcus
Hermann Grossman: Hand of The Cause of God
Susanne Pfaff-Grossman
Hidden Words, References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá And Shoghi Effendi
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice. Published In Bahá'í Studies Review 9, 1999
Holocaust And The Greater Plan of God (Revised 1998)
A Compilation By The Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Ḥuqúqu’lláh—The Right of God
Compiled By The Research Department of The Universal House of Justice, April 2007
International Auxiliary Language, The Principle of
Compiled by the Research Department at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?)
Islands of the North Sea
compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Baha'i Studies Review 6, 1996
Islands of the South Pacific
compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá'í Studies Review 6, 1996
Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times
Robert Weinberg
Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God
Anita Chapman
Lidia: The Life of Lidia Zamenhof, Daughter of Esperanto
Wendy Heller
Looking back in Wonder
Philip Hainsworth
Holy Places At The Bahá'í World Centre
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Marriage, Consent of Parents To
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold
M. R. Garis
The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II
Violette Nakhjavani
Never Be Afraid To Dare
Jan Jasion
Non-association with Covenant-breakers
Compiled by Continental Board of Counsellors
Notes On Obligatory Prayers And Ablutions
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice In A Letter To An Individual from The House of Justice 15 April 1987. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin Vol. 4:3-4 2 January 1991
Obligatory Prayer Exemption
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Planning Progress: Lessons from Shoghi Effendi
June Manning Thomas
Priceless Pearl
Ruhiyyih Khanum
Redistribution of Wealth
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress of The Soul
Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Representation of the Manifestations of God and the Master
Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department
Reproduction and other Biological Subjects
Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
The Resurrection
Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá’í Pioneers
Evelyn Loft Watts & Patricia Verge
Reviewing:: Practice and Functions of Literature Review
Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department. 1990-05
Ruth Moffett typescript
Scholarship (BSB)
Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Baha’i Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1, June 1982
Science and Technology
Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Scriptures of Previous Dispensations
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Shirin Bowman
Tahirih K Vajdi
Shoghi Effendi - Recollections
Ugo Giachery
Compiled By Research Department of The Universal House of Justice
Spiritual Institutions: The Foundation for Oneness
compiled by USNSA, 2000
Star of the West
Stewardship and Development
compiled for the USNSA 2005
Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi
compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian ed. M. Bergsmo
To Move The World: Louis Gregory And The Advancement of Race Unity In America
Gayle Morrison
U.S. Baha’i News
Unlocking the Power of Action
Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Unrestrained as the Wind: A life dedicated to Baháʼuʼlláh
compiled by U.S. Bahá'í National Youth Committee
White and Negro Alike (Kindle edition)
Audrey Mike
William Henry Randall
Bahiyyih Randall-Winkler
World Order Magazine [incomplete]
Writings of Covenant-breakers and other Enemies of the Faith
Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice
Writings, Bahá'í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding
Compiled by Bahá'í International Archives., published in Bahá'í Studies Review 11, pp. 100-102
Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi
Youth In The Vanguard
Marion Carpenter Yazdi
Zikrullah Khadem, Itinerant Hand of The Cause
Javidukht Khadem
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