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TAGS: Abrogation and confirmation of laws; Báb, Laws of; Bayan-i-Arabi (Arabic Bayan); Bayan-i-Farsi (Persian Bayan); Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book); Laws
List of 32 laws from the Báb's Persian Bayán or the Arabic Bayán which also appear in Bahá'u'lláh's book of laws.
Passages not contained in the Persian Bayán are located in the Arabic Bayán, which to-date has not been translated into English.

See also Laws Abrogated by Bahá'u'lláh.

Laws of the Bayán reflected in The Kitáb-i-Aqdas

Ahang Rabbani, compiler


  1. 19 day period of Fast at the last month of each year, and Naw-Rúz as the beginning of the year — (váhid 8, chapter 18; váhid 5, chapter 3; váhid 6, chapter 14)
  2. Allah’u’Abha to be said 95 times every day — (váhid 5, chapter 17)
  3. Division of inheritance among 7 classes if no will exists (see Synopsis and Codification of the Laws and Ordinances of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 43) — (váhid 8, chapter 2)
  4. Necessity to write a will — (váhid 5, chapter 13)
  5. Sites for pilgrimage compose of the House of the Báb and Baha’u’llah in Shiraz and Baghdad, respectively — (váhid 4, chapter 16; váhid 6, chapter 16)
  6. Law of Qiblih (i.e. Point of Adoration) — (not contained in the Persian Bayán)
  7. Determining the amount of dowry — (váhid 6, chapter 7)
  8. Burial law (i.e., body in crystal or wood coffin, ring on right hand, wrapping a shroud of silk or cotton of 5 pieces around the body) — (váhid 5, chapter 12)
  9. Provision for the prayer for the dead — (váhid 5, chapter 11)
  10. Huququ’lláh — (váhid 8, chapter 16)
  11. Meditating and reading the Writings daily — (váhid 8, chapter 14)
  12. Provision against ascending pulpits and exhorting believers to sit on chairs — (váhid 7, chapter 11)
  13. Not carrying a weapon [unless essential] — (váhid 7, chapter 6)
  14. Silk clothes are lawful and use of gold dishes and cups is permissible — (váhid 6, chapter 9)
  15. Repentance of sins to God only — (váhid 7, chapter 14)
  16. Provision exalting work to the level of worship, preventing believers from becoming beggars or contributing to them — (not contained in the Persian Bayán)
  17. One year of patience before divorce — (váhid 6, chapter 12)
  18. Not weighing the Book of God with the standards current amongst men — (váhid 2, chapter 1)
  19. Avoidance of liquor, opium, and mind-altering drugs — (váhid 9, chapter 8)
  20. Not entering others’ houses without permission — (váhid 6, chapter 16)
  21. Showing kindness to animals — (váhid 6, chapter 16)
  22. One mithqal equal to the weight of 19 dried chic peas — (váhid 5, chapter 19)
  23. 19 day feast — (not contained in the Persian Bayán)
  24. Not criticizing others — (not contained in the Persian Bayán)
  25. Provision abrogating Islamic law regarding the uncleanliness of semen — (váhid 5, chapter 15)
  26. Animal hair, sable, and bones do not nullify one’s prayer — (váhid 5, chapter 14)
  27. Provision exhorting believers to mourn in moderation at the passing of a relative — (not contained in the Persian Bayán)
  28. Provision permitting an interest charge on a loan — (váhid 5, chapter 18)
  29. Obligation of marriage — (váhid 8, chapter 15)
  30. Provision concerning cleanliness and encouraging the use of perfume — (váhid 8, chapter 6; váhid 6, chapter 2)
  31. Verses prescribed for missed obligatory prayer — (váhid 8, chapter 10)
  32. Renewing furnishings in one’s home every 19 years (if able) — (not contained in the Persian Bayán)
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