Title |
RIS type |
1. |
A Baha'i Glossary and Pronunciation Guide | SOUND |
2. |
A Baha'i Perspective on the Meaning of Work and Values | SOUND |
3. |
A Chaste and Holy Life | SOUND |
4. |
A Flame with Us | SOUND |
5. |
A Glimpse of Glory: Stories of the Life of Baha'u'llah | SOUND |
6. |
A Guide to Pronunciation | SOUND |
7. |
A View on Islam | SOUND |
8. |
Abdu'l-Baha's Travels | SOUND |
9. |
Abdu'l-Baha: pour toujours le Centre de l'Alliance | SOUND |
10. |
Abdu'l-Baha: The Mystery of God | SOUND |
11. |
Address to the 6th Annual ABS Conference in Canada | SOUND |
12. |
Address to the International Convention | SOUND |
13. |
Address to the National Convention | SOUND |
14. |
Address to the Youth | SOUND |
15. |
Africa | SOUND |
16. |
African American Baha'is, Race Relations and the Development of the Baha'i Community in th | SOUND |
17. |
Ahmad, The Flame of Fire | SOUND |
18. |
An Organic Order: An Approach to the Philosophy of Baha'u'llah through the Writings of Sho | SOUND |
19. |
Applying Christian Prophecy to Baha'u'llah | SOUND |
20. |
Art and Image in the Writings | SOUND |
21. |
Audio Versions of Letters from the Universal House of Justice | SOUND |
22. |
Baha'i Development Projects in Action | SOUND |
23. |
Baha'i History | SOUND |
24. |
Baha'i Holy Days | SOUND |
25. |
Baha'i holy days and commonalities among different religious traditions | SOUND |
26. |
Baha'i Reflections on Defamation of Religion | SOUND |
27. |
Baha'i Sources for the Study of Iranian Jewry during the Qajar Period | SOUND |
28. |
Baha'i Talks from the Heart | SOUND |
29. |
Basics of the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
30. |
Becoming a Baha'i | SOUND |
31. |
Becoming Champions of Justice | SOUND |
32. |
Bhagavad-Gita and the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
33. |
Carmel - the Mountain of God | SOUND |
34. |
Ce mystere qu'est l'amour | SOUND |
35. |
Changing Needs in a Changing World | SOUND |
36. |
Collective Consciousness, Human Maturity, and the Challenge of Sustainability: Response | SOUND |
37. |
Comment proteger nos jeunes? | SOUND |
38. |
Communication: The Key to Expansion | SOUND |
39. |
Community Development | SOUND |
40. |
Consciousness, Creation, and the Soul | SOUND |
41. |
Consciousness, Imagination and Gratitude: The Inexhaustible Sources of the Self | SOUND |
42. |
Constructiveness and Accomplishment in Social Relationships: The Baha'i Perspective on Alt | SOUND |
43. |
Consultation in the Quest for World Peace | SOUND |
44. |
Corporation and Community | SOUND |
45. |
Covenant Breaking | SOUND |
46. |
Creating a New Mind | SOUND |
47. |
Creating New World Order | SOUND |
48. |
Crisis and Opportunities | SOUND |
49. |
Declining Processes of the World | SOUND |
50. |
Definitions of Love | SOUND |
51. |
Development and the Baha'i International Community | SOUND |
52. |
Development of the Faith | SOUND |
53. |
Developmental Stages in Marriage | SOUND |
54. |
Divine Charisma | SOUND |
55. |
Divine Spirit, Forces of Our Age: Lecture Series | SOUND |
56. |
Doors to Teaching and Deepening | SOUND |
57. |
Echoes from the Lotus | SOUND |
58. |
Education of Children | SOUND |
59. |
Enregistrements audio en français | SOUND |
60. |
Enrolling the Masses | SOUND |
61. |
Épître du Bab aux Lettres du Vivant | SOUND |
62. |
Est-ce que l'au-delà sera ennuyeux? | SOUND |
63. |
Evening with Hands of the Cause | SOUND |
64. |
Fadl-i-Qa'ini: The Tamed Phoenix | SOUND |
65. |
Fadl-i-Shirazi: Guided By Dreams | SOUND |
66. |
Fiftieth Anniversary of The Master: Performance piece | SOUND |
67. |
Five Year Plan | SOUND |
68. |
Five Year Plan Approaching the Midway Point | SOUND |
69. |
Five-Year Plan: Three Talks | SOUND |
70. |
Forces of Light and Darkness | SOUND |
71. |
Forces of Our Time: Lecture Series | SOUND |
72. |
Foundation of Happiness | SOUND |
73. |
Freedom and Liberty | SOUND |
74. |
Freedom from Prejudice | SOUND |
75. |
Fruits of Creation | SOUND |
76. |
Gender in Babi and Baha'i Law | SOUND |
77. |
Gift of Teaching | SOUND |
78. |
Governance, Democracy and Social Change: A Baha'i Perspective | SOUND |
79. |
Growing in the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
80. |
Guerre et paix au XXI siecle | SOUND |
81. |
Healthy Communication in Marriage | SOUND |
82. |
Highlights from the Fourth Baha'i National Youth Conference: The Time is Now! | SOUND |
83. |
History of Baha'u'llah and the Uniqueness of the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
84. |
History of the Bab | SOUND |
85. |
Homosexuality and the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
86. |
Ibn 'Arabi's Joseph: Imagination as Holy Communion | SOUND |
87. |
Identity and the Spiritual Journey in the Badi Calendar | SOUND |
88. |
Immortality and the Human Soul: Lecture Series | SOUND |
89. |
In the Days of the Guardian | SOUND |
90. |
Institute on Islam | SOUND |
91. |
Integrating Ethics and International Law: A Baha'i Perspective | SOUND |
92. |
Interest (riba) in Islam and the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
93. |
Introduction to the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
94. |
Irish Baha'i Summer School | SOUND |
95. |
Jesus et Muhammad | SOUND |
96. |
Jesus, Fils de Dieu et Fils de l'homme | SOUND |
97. |
Justice | SOUND |
98. |
Keys to Harmony | SOUND |
99. |
Kitab-i-Íqan: 1992 Lecture Series | SOUND |
100. |
Kitab-i-Íqan: Undated Lecture Series | SOUND |
101. |
Knowledge | SOUND |
102. |
L'amour, le pouvoir et la justice | SOUND |
103. |
L'egoïsme versus l'estime de soi | SOUND |
104. |
L'environnement physique et spirituel | SOUND |
105. |
L'être humain naït-il tueur? | SOUND |
106. |
L'historique de la foi baha'ie | SOUND |
107. |
L'homme n'est pas un animal | SOUND |
108. |
L'infaillibilite et nous | SOUND |
109. |
La communion avec Dieu et le processus du detachement | SOUND |
110. |
La complementarite entre la science et l'art | SOUND |
111. |
La consultation | SOUND |
112. |
La contribution des femmes à la science moderne | SOUND |
113. |
La medisance, outil des faibles | SOUND |
114. |
La paix interieure | SOUND |
115. |
La poursuite de l'excellence | SOUND |
116. |
La predestination | SOUND |
117. |
La prière | SOUND |
118. |
La reincarnation | SOUND |
119. |
La religion a-t-elle echoue? | SOUND |
120. |
La sexualite et la spiritualite 1 | SOUND |
121. |
La sexualite et la spiritualite 2 | SOUND |
122. |
La spiritualite et la lutte pour la survie | SOUND |
123. |
La spiritualite et la sante mentale et physique | SOUND |
124. |
La veracite: le fondement du progres spiritual | SOUND |
125. |
La violence et la nature humaine | SOUND |
126. |
La volonte et la rationalite de Dieu | SOUND |
127. |
Le bien et le mal | SOUND |
128. |
Le clonage: vrai ou faux, bien ou mal? | SOUND |
129. |
Le mysticisme | SOUND |
130. |
Le pouvoir au sein de la famille | SOUND |
131. |
Le pouvoir et les relations humaines | SOUND |
132. |
Le rôle politique de la femme est-il meconnu? | SOUND |
133. |
Le sens de la vie | SOUND |
134. |
Learning and the Unfoldment of the Baha'i Community | SOUND |
135. |
Les cinq niveaux de l'esprit | SOUND |
136. |
Les etapes de l'unite mondiale | SOUND |
137. |
Les etapes de la vie | SOUND |
138. |
Les perturbations sociales et le vecu individuel | SOUND |
139. |
Love of God | SOUND |
140. |
Love, Power and Justice | SOUND |
141. |
Meaning of the Baha'i Ring Symbol | SOUND |
142. |
Methodologies and Development Strategies | SOUND |
143. |
Mind and Spirit: Convergence of Neuroscience and Revealed Knowledge | SOUND |
144. |
Mirza Abu'l-Fadl: The Greatest Scholar | SOUND |
145. |
Moral and Spiritual Development | SOUND |
146. |
Mulla Husayn Bushru'i: The Indomitable | SOUND |
147. |
Mulla Rida: The Indestructible | SOUND |
148. |
Navigating Two Worlds | SOUND |
149. |
Obedience | SOUND |
150. |
On the Study of the Baha'i Writings | SOUND |
151. |
Opposition and Perseverance | SOUND |
152. |
Oprah Winfrey's Soul Series Webcast | SOUND |
153. |
Ottoman Reform Movements and the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
154. |
Pattern of a New World Order: The Baha'i Administrative Order and Shoghi Effendi's Contrib | SOUND |
155. |
Persian Baha'i Poets and Poetry: A General Overview | SOUND |
156. |
Perspectives on Development | SOUND |
157. |
Peut-on reellement pardonner? | SOUND |
158. |
Pioneering | SOUND |
159. |
Pioneering in Latin America | SOUND |
160. |
Pourquoi l'être humain veut-il la paix mais fait la guerre? | SOUND |
161. |
Pourquoi s'appeler baha'i? | SOUND |
162. |
Pourquoi tenons-nous tellement à nos prejuges? | SOUND |
163. |
Power of Divine Assistance | SOUND |
164. |
Power of Prayer | SOUND |
165. |
Proclamation of Baha'u'llah | SOUND |
166. |
Prophecies Fullfilled by Baha'u'llah | SOUND |
167. |
Protecting the Cause of God | SOUND |
168. |
Prouver l'existence de Dieu 1 | SOUND |
169. |
Prouver l'existence de Dieu 2 | SOUND |
170. |
Readings from the Writings of The Bab | SOUND |
171. |
Recollection of Visits with 'Abdul-Baha | SOUND |
172. |
Recreating Ourselves in the Image of the Master | SOUND |
173. |
Rectitude of Conduct | SOUND |
174. |
Reflections on the Baha'i Peace Program | SOUND |
175. |
Reformist Movement in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Past, Present, and Future | SOUND |
176. |
Remember Bill Sears: musical meditations | SOUND |
177. |
Remembrances of Shoghi Effendi: An address from the Hand of the Cause | SOUND |
178. |
Reminiscences of Shoghi Effendi | SOUND |
179. |
Resisting Educational Exclusion: The Baha'i Institute of Higher Education in Iran | SOUND |
180. |
Ridvan 2010 comments | SOUND |
181. |
Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy | SOUND |
182. |
Sacrifice | SOUND |
183. |
Science and Prophecy | SOUND |
184. |
Service and Devotion: First talk in the Serving the Divine Plan program | SOUND |
185. |
Shaykh Hasan-i-Zunuzi: The Promises Fulfilled | SOUND |
186. |
Shoghi Effendi | SOUND |
187. |
Shoghi Effendi's Question | SOUND |
188. |
Shoghi Effendi's Works | SOUND |
189. |
Shoghi Effendi: Expounder of the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
190. |
Shoghi Effendi: Master Builder of World Civilization | SOUND |
191. |
Shoghi Effendi: The Guardian of the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
192. |
Shoghi Effendi: The Sign of God on Earth | SOUND |
193. |
Significance of the Kitab-i-Aqdas | SOUND |
194. |
Signs of God on Earth | SOUND |
195. |
Social and Economic Development | SOUND |
196. |
Some Aspects of the History of the Baha'i Faith in Switzerland | SOUND |
197. |
Some Early Believers in the West | SOUND |
198. |
Some Thoughts about Scholarship and Learning in a Far-from-Equilibrium State | SOUND |
199. |
Speaking in Edinburgh | SOUND |
200. |
Spirit of Service: Baha'is and Development | SOUND |
201. |
Spiritual Conquest of the Planet | SOUND |
202. |
Spiritual Dimensions of Health Science | SOUND |
203. |
Spiritual Education of Children (in Russian and English) | SOUND |
204. |
Spirituality of Games | SOUND |
205. |
Station and World Order of Baha'u'llah | SOUND |
206. |
Stories from the Dawn-Breakers: For Children | SOUND |
207. |
Stories of 'Abdul-Baha | SOUND |
208. |
Stories of 'Abdul-Baha and the Guardian | SOUND |
209. |
Stories of the Martyrdom | SOUND |
210. |
Story of Mulla Husayn | SOUND |
211. |
Story of Quddus | SOUND |
212. |
Tahirih, Letter of the Living, and Khadijih Bagum, Wife of the Bab | SOUND |
213. |
Talk Arise at Anchorage Conference | SOUND |
214. |
Talk at U.S. Baha'i National Convention | SOUND |
215. |
Talks at the United States National Baha'i Convention | SOUND |
216. |
Teaching Stories | SOUND |
217. |
Teaching The Masses | SOUND |
218. |
Temple Song | SOUND |
219. |
Text and Context in the Baha'i Heroic Age | SOUND |
220. |
That 'Eureka' Moment: The Role of Reflection and Inspiration in Scientific Discovery | SOUND |
221. |
The Attempted Assassination of Nasir al Din Shah in 1852: Millennialism and Violence | SOUND |
222. |
The Babi-State Conflicts of 1848-1853 | SOUND |
223. |
The Baha'i Community and the Life of the Mind | SOUND |
224. |
The Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
225. |
The Baha'i Faith: The Birth of a New World Religion | SOUND |
226. |
The Baha'i Settlements in the Jordan Valley, 1882-1954 | SOUND |
227. |
The Causality Principle in the World of Being | SOUND |
228. |
The Choice Wine | SOUND |
229. |
The Chosen Path: Tahirih of Persia and Her Search for God | SOUND |
230. |
The Concept of 'Light' in Iranian Religion | SOUND |
231. |
The Covenant | SOUND |
232. |
The Covenant | SOUND |
233. |
The Day of Victory | SOUND |
234. |
The Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World | SOUND |
235. |
The Greatest Holy Leaf | SOUND |
236. |
The Guardian of the Faith | SOUND |
237. |
The Human Soul | SOUND |
238. |
The Islamic Regime in Iran and the Baha'i Faith | SOUND |
239. |
The Life and Poetry of Robert Hayden: A Baha'i Perspective | SOUND |
240. |
The Long Obligatory Prayer | SOUND |
241. |
The Manifestation of God | SOUND |
242. |
The Mystery of Martyrdom | SOUND |
243. |
The Philosophical Basis of the ANISA Model | SOUND |
244. |
The Responsibility of Men in Achieving Equality Between the Sexes | SOUND |
245. |
The Scholar and the Plan | SOUND |
246. |
The Triumph of the Cause | SOUND |
247. |
The Wonder Lamp | SOUND |
248. |
To Build in the World of Things a Safe Home for the Children of Men | SOUND |
249. |
Transformation of Global Society | SOUND |
250. |
Transformation of the World | SOUND |
251. |
Transforming Environments from the Inside Out | SOUND |
252. |
Universal Religion and the Law of Love | SOUND |
253. |
Untitled (in Nashville) | SOUND |
254. |
Untitled (Talk at NebyFest) | SOUND |
255. |
Untitled talk | SOUND |
256. |
Varqa and Son: The Heavenly Doves | SOUND |
257. |
Victories and Crises | SOUND |
258. |
Vision of Shoghi Effendi as Reflected in The Advent of Divine Justice | SOUND |
259. |
Vision of Teaching | SOUND |
260. |
Vivre la vie de la perspective de l'eternite | SOUND |
261. |
Women's Education and Socio-Economic Development: The Pathways of Impact | SOUND |
262. |
Women: Equality and Peace | SOUND |
263. |
Working for Betterment of Society | SOUND |
264. |
World Peace and International Health | SOUND |
265. |
Your True Self | SOUND |
266. |
Zoroaster: Baha'u'llah's Ancestor | SOUND |
267. |
ندا باهل عالم | SOUND |