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TITLEThe Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World
AUTHOR 1Peter Adriance
NOTES Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference "Environments," Washington, DC, August 13-16 2009.

Mirrored with permission from

Author affiliation: NGO liaison for the NSA of the United States

TAGSSustainable Development
About this paper: On Friday, August 14 2009, from 9:30am-noon, the ABS conference hosted a panel titled "Collective Consciousness, Human Maturity, and the Challenge of Sustainability." The format consisted of two papers — Adriance's "The Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World" and Peter Brown's "Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy" — followed by a "Dialogue and Response" by Arthur Lyon Dahl, moderated by Tahirih Naylor. This document is Adriance's paper, and the following question-and-answer session with responses from all three speakers. [-J.W.]

Abstract: A reflective multimedia presentation on environmental stewardship from a faith perspective introduces this talk on the essential role of religion in advancing a sustainable world. Religious communities are experiencing a vital reawakening to the moral imperatives that ensure sustainability including the recognition that religion and science must work harmoniously to resolve pressing environmental problems. A variety of responses are evident, including examples from the Bahá’í community. The processes of expansion and consolidation, currently the major focus of the community, lay the essential foundation for even greater levels of social action. [Abstract taken from conference program.]

1. Adriance's paper: download MP3 file [50 MB, 40 min.]
2. Question-and-answer session: download MP3 file [39 MB, 31 min.]

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