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TITLEThat ‘Eureka' Moment: The Role of Reflection and Inspiration in Scientific Discovery
AUTHOR 1Redwan Moqbel
NOTES Delivered at the 29th ABS Annual Conference "Science, Religion and Social Transformation," Cambridge MA, August 11-14 2005.

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Author affiliation: professor of medicine, and director of the pulmonary research group at the University of Alberta

TAGSInspiration; Science
Abstract: This presentation addresses the role of inspiration in the convergence of intellect and spirit leading to scientific discovery. It examines inspiration as a means for a gradual and ever-expanding revelation of truth from the Source of sciences and arts for those committed to scientific endeavor and discovery. A better appreciation and acceptance of inspiration and viewing ourselves, as scientists, as conduits of revealed truth may contribute to engendering humility and gratitude in pursuit of excellence in research and discovery. This connection is traced to outstanding and world-renowned scientists including Albert Einstein and his view that a true scientist could not be irreligious. [Abstract taken from conference program.]

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