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TITLECommunity Development
AUTHOR 1Paul Lample
ABSTRACTTalk by a member of the House of Justice on improving the plight of humanity in light of the Five-Year Plan.
NOTES Title of talk provided by the file name of the audio file when I received it.

Date and location of this talk not known; contact me if you know. One clue to the date is around the 1:12:25 mark where Lample refers to a recent Ridvan message from the House calling for Bahá'ís to "seize this process of learning ... in the few remaining months of the Plan." As Lample was elected to the House in 2005, this would have to be a reference to the 2001-2006 Five-Year Plan.

One email received by the Library said "...I think it's from 2005. Mrs. Javidukht Khadem is in the audience, who Lample acknowledges, and she died in 2007. He later also speaks about sixteen years left to the sequences of plans in motion, ending in 2021. Also, Robert Henderson was no longer the Secretary after 2007, so he would most likely not be in Chicago in 2010 and Ken Bowers, as the NSA secretary would have introduced him." [-J.W. 2022]

Download: lample_community_development.mp3 [68 MB, 1:13 hours]
VIEWS5353 views since 2013-07-08 (last edit 2022-04-04 16:32 UTC)
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