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TITLETransforming Environments from the Inside Out
AUTHOR 1Arthur Lyon Dahl
NOTES Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference "Environments," Washington, DC, August 13-16 2009.

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Author affiliation: President of the International Environment Forum and  Coordinator of the UNEP/University of Geneva Environmental Diplomacy Program

TAGSClimate change; Environment
Abstract: Climate change and the financial crisis are symptoms of an unsustainable world economy hitting planetary limits. The necessary rapid transformation faces barriers deeply rooted in our psyche, values and institutions, requiring spiritual as well as scientific solution. The Bahá’í concept of oneness requires an integrated perspective and a profound reconsideration of every dimension of our lives, society and environment. Rather than falling into a doomsday depression, we need to see the present chaos as an opportunity to provide spiritual and intellectual leadership to transform our personal lives, families, communities, nations and the emerging world society from the inside out. [Abstract taken from conference program.]

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