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2019 (In the year)
Bahá'í Communities in a number of countries experienced persecution during 2019:
  • In Egypt where it had been estimated that there were between 1,000 and 2,000 believers, the law does not recognize the Bahá'í Faith or its religious laws and bans Bahá'í institutions and community activities. The law does not stipulate any penalties for banned religious groups or their members who engage in religious practices, but these groups are barred from rights granted to recognized groups, such as having their own houses of worship or other property, holding bank accounts, or importing religious literature. Since a 2009 court order, Baha'is are identified on their national identity cards by a dash where it indicates "Religion". Since the state does not recognize Bahá'í marriage, married Bahá'ís are denied the legal rights of married couples of other religious beliefs, including those pertaining to inheritance, divorce, and sponsoring a foreign spouse's permanent residence. Bahá'ís, in practice, file individual demands for recognition of marriages in civil court. The government continued to ban the importation and sale of Bahá'í literature and to authorize customs officials to confiscate their personally owned religious materials. [US State Department report]
  • In Brunei the Bahá'í community was banned as the Faith was considered "deviant."
  • In Iran, Bahá'ís faced multiple restrictions and were barred from certain types of work, especially in the food industry, because they were considered "unclean." Members of the faith also were blocked from government jobs, higher education institutions and receiving national pensions. They could not inherit property or have their marriages fully recognized.
  • In Eritrea, only four religious groups were officially recognized: the Eritrean Orthodox Church, Sunni Islam, the Roman Catholic Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eritrea. Other religious groups cannot register and are treated as illegal. [Pew Research Centre report 15 November 2021]
  • * Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Egypt; Persecution, Brunei; Persecution, Eritrea; Egypt; Brunei; Iran; Eritrea
    2019 19 Dec
    The US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated for sanctions, two judges presiding over branches of the Iranian regime's Revolutionary Court who, for years, had punished Iranian citizens and dual-nationals for exercising their freedoms of expression or assembly. In many cases, these judges sentenced political prisoners to death. Through their respective branches of the Revolutionary Courts, Abolghassem Salavati and Mohammad Moghisseh oversaw the Iranian regime's miscarriage of justice in show trials in which journalists, attorneys, political activists, and members of Iran's ethnic and religious minority groups were penalized for exercising their freedom of expression and assembly and sentenced to lengthy prison terms, lashes, and even execution.
  • Both Salavati and Moghisseh had been sanctioned by the European Union for presiding over a series of show trials following the June 2009 Iranian presidential election, which imposed long prison sentences and several death sentences for political activists and journalists.
  • Moghisseh, Head of Tehran Revolutionary Court, Branch 28, had also pressed questionable charges against several members of Iran's Bahá'í religious minority, prosecuting them for supposed participation in activities such as propaganda against the state and assembly and collusion against national security, after they reportedly held prayer and worship ceremonies with other members. [US Dept of the Treasury; Iran Press Watch 30 June 2017]
  • As the Head of Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, Judge Abdolghassem Salavati had been responsible for multiple human rights violations by presiding over unfair trials, suppressing protests, persecuting ethnic and religious minorities, making excessive use of the death penalty, and issuing heavy prison sentences for activists. He had prosecuted and delivered harsh sentences, including many death sentences, to scores of political prisoners, human rights activists, and peaceful demonstrators, earning him the moniker "the Judge of Death." Salavati is responsible for executing prison sentences for Bahá'í professors on the basis of their faith after they were charged with national security-related charges for their work at a virtual Bahá'í university. []
  • Abolghassem Salavati; Mohammad Moghisseh; * Persecution, Iran; Washington, DC, USA; United States (USA); Iran
    2019 24 Nov
    Progress Report on the construction of the national Bahá'í House of Worship for Papua New Guinea the first Mashriqul-Adhkár to be designated as a national Temple.

  • The House of Worship will be situated on a hilltop in the country's sprawling capital city, Port Moresby. It will be located on the same property as the Bahá'í community's national offices and will include gardens and other meditative spaces. The central edifice will have nine gabled-roof entrances made of timber.
  • After receiving formal approval to commence construction from National Capital District's building board in August, the excavation work began. At the time of the report, the Temple's foundation was being laid and it was expected to be complete by December. Work on the steel superstructure was scheduled to begin in January.
  • Slideshow. Mashriqul-Adhkar
  • Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Port Moresby; * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, National; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Design; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Architecture; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; Papua New Guinea
    2019 17 Nov
    About 2,000 people were joined by representatives of the national government and members of the National Spiritual Assembly for the groundbreaking ceremony at the Temple site at Lenakel, on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu. A traditional wooden spade called a kakel was used to turn the soil symbolizing the start of construction on the local Bahá'í House of Worship. Local chiefs had presented the kakel to the Bahá'í community in a customary ceremony the day before to honour the eight tribes of Tanna that together offered the land for the Temple. [BWNS1373]
  • Slideshow of the event.
  • Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Vanuatu; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Architecture; Foundation stones and groundbreaking; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Lenakel, Vanuatu; Vanuatu
    2019 29 Oct
    The commemoration of the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb gave rise to an outpouring of artistic expressions from people on every continent, a sure reminder of the profound influence that the life and mission of the Báb continues to have, and will increasingly exert, on artistic expression worldwide. This includes the following Bahá'í World articles:
  • Tales of Magnificent Heroism: The impact of the Báb and His followers on writers and artists by Robert Weinberg.
  • A Twofold Mission: Some Distinctive Characteristics of the Person and Teachings of the Báb by Elham Afnan.
  • * Báb, The (chronology); - Bahá'í World volumes
    2019 29 Oct
    The British Library published a blog to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb. It is a commentary on the Star Tablet of the Báb or the Haykal. British Museum and British Library; * Báb, Writings of; Talismans; Haykal and daira; Exhibitions of Bahá'í manuscripts and relics; Moojan Momen; Star Tablet of the Báb; London, England; United Kingdom
    29 Oct
    Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb

    The Bahá'í world commemorated the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Báb. The bicentenary website chronicled just some of the thousands of celebrations.
  • In early October the Universal House of Justice sent a message to all who have come to honour the Herald of a new Dawn.
  • A film called Dawn of the Light was commissioned. It was made available in 10 languages in a variety of formats. The film portrayed several individuals from different continents as they related their own personal search after truth and meaning. They shared their discovery that God had sent two Divine Manifestations Whose teachings were revolutionizing human thought and behaviour, changing darkness into light. The film showed glimpses of how this same discovery was inspiring the efforts of many across the globe to serve humanity and to contribute to building a new pattern of life.
  • The site also featured four articles The Mission of the Báb by former Universal House of Justice member Douglas Martin, Religion Renewed, Divine Revelation, and Bahá'í Teachings in Action...
  • ...and small sample from among the countless artistic expressions created by individuals and communities around the world for the occasion of the bicentenary.
  • During the celebrations there was live streaming of the services held the Bahá'í Houses of Worship.
  • In addition there was an official Facebook page and an Instagram account.
  • Some national communities had their own Facebook page such as the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom and the Bahá'ís of the United States.
  • On the 8th of November the Universal House of Justice sent a message to the Bahá'ís of the World commenting on the celebrations and activities held by the worldwide Bahá'í community to commemorate the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.
  • See the English translation of the message of the Universal House of Justice dated the 24th of October addressed to the followers of Bahá'u'lláh in the sacred land of Iran.
  • Twin Holy days; Holy days; Báb, Birth of; Centenaries; Dawn of the Light (film); Internet; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    2019 22 Oct
    The Bahá'í World News Service provided an update on the progress of the construction of the local Bahá'í House of Worship in Matunda, Kenya. Located just west of the town of Matunda, the site of the Bahá'í Temple is in a region that is home to some of Kenya's earliest Bahá'í communities, where patterns of worship and service to humanity have been fostered over decades.
  • The foundation of the central edifice has been laid and work on other structural elements of the building was advancing. The 1.5-meter central mound on which the 18-meter-tall Temple will stand had been completed. Work on columns had begun and construction of its auxiliary structures, such as a visitor's center, was well underway. [BWNS1363]
  • Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Matunda Soy, Kenya; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Kenya
    2019 11 Oct
    'Ali Nakhjavani, (b. 19 September, 1919 in Baku, Azerbaijan) former member of the Universal House of Justice (1963-2003), passed away in Molsheim, Alsace, France. He was 100 years old. The Universal House of Justice requested all National Assemblies that memorial services be held for him. [BWNS1361]
  • After his father's death when he was two years old, his family was advised by 'Abdu'l-Bahá to move to Haifa where he grew up. In 1939 he received the Bachelor of Arts degree with distinction from the American University of Beirut, and then in the early 1940s he relocated to Iran, residing first in Tehran, then Tabriz and finally in Shiraz. In 1950 he was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís Iran where he served until the following year.
  • In 1951 he and his family moved to Uganda to assist with the development of the Bahá'í community in that country. He made his living as a teacher and lecturer. During his early years there, Enoch Olinga became a Bahá'í, and in 1953 Mr Nakhjavání and his wife Violette, along with Mr Olinga and two other Bahá'ís, travelled from Uganda to Cameroon to help spread the Bahá'í Faith in that country.
  • From 1954-61 he was a member of the Auxiliary Board in Africa, and later from 1956 to 1961 he was served on the Bahá'í National Spiritual Assembly of Central and East Africa.
  • In 1961 he was elected to the International Bahá'í Council and so moved to Haifa. In 1963 he was elected to the Universal House of Justice during its inaugural convention, and served as a member of that body until 2003. [Find a grave]
  • For a video tribute to Mr Nakhjavani see YouTube.
  • See Shoghi Effendi: The Range and Power of His Pen by 'Ali Nakhjavani.
  • `Alí Nakhjavání; - In Memoriam; American University of Beirut; Enoch Olinga; Violette Nakhjavani; International Bahá'í Council; Auxiliary board members; Bandar Anzali, Iran; Azerbaijan; Beirut, Lebanon; Lebanon; Molsheim, France; France
    2019 2 Oct
    The British Library marked the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb with various initiatives alongside the launch of a new website, Discovering Sacred Texts. With the launch of this website there were companion exhibitions which featured examples of the Faith's original texts.
  • The library displayed three rare and exquisite pieces in its Treasures Gallery: an original of the Báb's own handwriting, in the shape of a five-pointed star; calligraphic exercises written by Bahá'u'lláh in His childhood; and an example of "Revelation Writing", the form in which Bahá'u'lláh's words were recorded at speed by His secretaries as they were revealed. These manuscripts were on display at the library for six months.
  • Coinciding with the launch of the site and the exhibition was the publication of an article by Moojan Momen, specially commissioned by the library for the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Báb. Dr. Momen wrote about the three original works on display at the exhibition, set in the context of a brief historical account of the life of the Bab.
  • To further mark the bicentenary, the library invited actor and comedian Omid Djalili to stage his one-man show A Strange Bit of History written by Annabel Knight. The play recounts events surrounding the appearance of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. This performance ran for four days. It was first performed at the 1993 Edinburgh Festival, where it won the Spirit of the Fringe Award. Over the next four years it was performed 109 times in 10 different countries. [BWNS1358]
  • Annabel Knight; Omid Djalili; Moojan Momen; Exhibitions of Bahá'í manuscripts and relics; British Museum and British Library; London, England; United Kingdom
    2019 1 Oct
    The Bahá'í International Community announced the appointment of Dr. David Rutstein as its new Secretary-General. He succeeded Dr. Joshua Lincoln who had been serving in this capacity since 2013. The role of the Secretary-General is to act on behalf of the Universal House of Justice in the conduct of its external affairs, including its relations with Israel. [BWNS1357] David Rutstein; Joshua Lincoln; Bahá'í International Community; - BIC Secretary-Generals; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 1 Oct
    The publication of the message from the Universal House of Justice marking the bicentenial of birth of the Báb.
  • An audio file of the message in English can be found on YouTube.
  • Twin Holy days; Holy days; Báb, Birth of; Centenaries; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 26 Sep
    By a resolution of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations the international community condemned the Houthi persecution of Bahá'ís on the basis of their religion or belief. This resolution passed just two weeks after the prosecutors in a Houthi-controlled appeals court in Sana'a, Yemen who defended a previous death sentence of a Bahá'í on the basis of his beliefs, argued for the expulsion of all Bahá'ís from the country and the confiscation of their properties. [BIC News 30 September, 2019] Hamed bin Haydara; Persecution, Yemen; - Persecution, Court cases; United Nations; Human Rights Council; Sanaa, Yemen; Yemen
    2019 20 Sep
    The film Dawn of the Light, a feature film commissioned by the Universal House of Justice for the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Báb, was released on the bicentenary website. It was made available in nine languages. [BWNS1354]
  • It was also made available on YouTube.
  • - Film; Dawn of the Light (film); Twin Holy days; Báb, Birth of; Centenaries; - Documentaries; - Documentaries, BWC; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 19 Sep
    The Universal House of Justice released the design concept for the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá by Hossein Amanat to all National Spiritual Assemblies.

    "'Abdu'l-Baha had expressed His wish regarding where He should be buried," explains Mr. Amanat, a distinguished Iranian-Canadian architect. "He had said to an early believer that if something should happen to Him and He should pass away, 'Abdu'l-Baha wanted to be buried under the sands between Haifa and Akka, which He described as the pathway trodden by the loved ones and the pilgrims." [BWNS1353]

  • Images
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Ascension of; Hossein Amanat (Husayn Amanat); - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; - Basic timeline, Expanded; * `Abdu'l-Bahá, Basic timeline; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 17 Sep
    The prosecutor in Mr. Haydara's appeal not only restated its support of the lower court decision to execute Mr. Haydara but also called to "immediately deport… all who are considered Bahá'ís" and to "ban their entry" into Yemen, significantly escalating the scope of the judicial prosecution far beyond the mandate of the appeal. In its written statement, the prosecution further requested the court to adopt any additional measures to discourage Bahá'í beliefs and their expression in the country. At a court hearing on 1 October 2019, the judge called for the listing of the assets of Mr. Haydara and of the Bahá'í National Assembly in advance of their seizure. [BIC News 10 October, 2019] Hamed bin Haydara; - Persecution, Court cases; Persecution, Yemen; Sanaa, Yemen; Yemen
    2019 10 Sep
    In the 42nd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council, the International Bahá'í Community presented an Oral Statement addressing the High Commissioner report on Yemen.
  • See as well the BIC's statement to the 40th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on the 20th of March, 2019.
  • Persecution, Yemen; Bahá'í International Community; New York City, NY; Yemen
    2019 6 Sep
    The Universal House of Justice announced the launch of a new website to provide information about the events held to commemorate the Twin Holy Days. The site was revealed over an eight week period and was made available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili. It provided live streaming during the hours that the Bahá'í communities around the world commemorated the Birth of the Báb and the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh on the 29th and 30th of October. [BWNS1350] Twin Holy days; Holy days; Báb, Birth of; Centenaries; Websites; Internet; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 30 Aug
    The passing of Dr Udo Schaefer (b. October 19, 1926 in Heidelberg, Germany). He enrolled as a Bahá'í in 1948 and became one of the most important contemporary theologians of the Bahá'í Faith, well known for his scholarship and his defence of the Faith. He came from a family of musicians and his early studies were in in that field but he changed streams and became a lawyer. [FaceBook]
  • English translations of his work include:
  • His publications in German.
  • His publications in French
  • His publications in Spanish
  • His publications in other languages, (Russian, Portuguese, Dutch and Farsi).
  • His articles.
  • His website.
  • Wikipedia.
  • - In Memoriam; Udo Schaefer; Heidelberg, Germany; Germany
    2019 16 Aug
    The United Nations Special Rapporteur on minority issues and the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief sent a message to the Government of Qatar. The letter brought forth allegations concerning the discriminatory treatment of the Bahá'í religious minority in Qatar, specifically involving deportations, blacklisting, the inability to build a cemetery, and issues with personal legal status.

    The Special Rapporteur's letter also discussed the restrictions on the construction of a Bahá'í cemetery on land that was granted by the Municipality of Doha. This cemetery has been an ongoing issue since 2009, when authorities broke into the cemetery, exhumed the remains, and relocated them on the instructions of the Doha Municipality. This caused many families emotional stress and has led to the inability to identify some remains. Later that year, the Minister of the Municipality did eventually apologize and stated that new land would be allocated. In 2010 and 2015 new locations were identified and budgets were allocated, however despite regular follow up from the Bahá'í community, there has been no construction and no progress made.

    Additionally, the Allegation Letter addressed the difficulties the Bahá'í community faces in upholding their personal legal status. Qatari authorities do not recognize Bahá'í documents like marriage licenses, divorces, or inheritance papers unless they have been attested to or obtained abroad. This requires extensive and expensive travel that delays and complicates legal obligations. An attempt has been made by the Bahá'í community to have the Ministry of Justice accept and authenticate Bahá'í documents, however the Minister has not decided on the matter.

    The government of Qatar did not respond to the Special Rapporteur's letter. [ Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain website]

    Persecution, Qatar; Qatar
    2019 8 - 11 Aug
    The 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Bahá'í Studies–North America was held in the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Canada. The four day conference was attended by some 1,400 persons. [BWNS1347]
    • Plenary session recordings of past sessions are available for free streaming and downloading on the ABS Vimeo page.
    • Photos.
    Association for Bahá'í Studies (North America); Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Ottawa, ON; Ontario, Canada; Canada
    2019 Aug
    Religions for Peace is the world's largest inter-religious coalition. Their mandate is to work to transform violent conflict, advance human development, promote just and harmonious societies. It is comprised of a world council of religious leaders and bodies from over 125 countries. Its organization, built over its 50-year history, comprises of six regional Interreligious Councils and is built on the principle of religious representation that reflects the fabric of religious demography.
  • The Bahá'í International Community's Principal Representative, Ms. Bani Dugal, was elected as a co-president and member of the World Council of Religions for Peace to become part of the 51 member council of co-presidents. The election, which is held every five years, was held in August in Lindau, Germany. Ms. Dugal was elected by over 700 voting delegates.
  • Dr. Azza Karam, Professor of Religion and Development at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, Netherlands and former senior advisor on culture at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was elected as the body's new secretary-general, becoming the first woman to hold the post. At UNFPA, she also served as chairperson of the UN task force on engagement with faith-based organizations. [BIC News]
  • Bahá'í International Community; Bani Dugal; Religions for Peace; Azza Karam; Lindau, Germany; Germany; Interfaith dialogue
    2019 26 Jul
    In a message from the secretariat of the Universal House of Justice to selected National Assemblies it was announced that a new portal had been opened on the pilgrimage website ( that would allow Bahá'ís to submit, track and update pilgrimage and visit requests directly. [CBN Vol 32 No 3 Fall 2019 p6] Pilgrimage; Internet; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 20 Jul
    The social media platform Twitter suspended several accounts linked to Iranian state media—including the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Mehr, and Young Journalists Club (YJC), which was run by the state broadcaster Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)—over their coordinated and targeted harassment of Bahá'ís. It was estimated that since 2014 more than 26,000 pieces of anti-Bahá'í media have appeared on official or semi-official Iranian television channels. [Aljazeera 21 July 2019] * Persecution, Iran; Twitter; Iran
    2019 Jun
    More than 30 representatives from Australia, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Germany, India, Panama, Samoa, Uganda, and the United States gathered for the consultations at the Bahá'í World Centre to explore what is being learned about every one of the Houses of Worship. The consultations touched on a range of topics, from practical requirements of managing a Temple to its profound spiritual and social impacts on surrounding populations. [BWNS1334]
  • The Baha'i World News Service interviewed representatives of Houses of Worship in Chile, India, and Uganda, which can be heard in a two-part podcast. Part one of the podcast, which focuses on the spiritual experiences people are having at Temples, can be found on SoundCloud.
  • An in depth exploration of Houses of Worship can be found in a newly published article For the Betterment of the World, to the Glory of God; The Emergence of Bahá'í Houses of Worship by Ann Boyles
  • * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 18 Jun
    About 8,000 people attended the European Development Days conference in Brussels. It was co-organized by World Vision International, ACT Alliance, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Brot für die Welt, EU-CORD Network, and the Bahá'í International Community. The Bahá'í International Community moderated one of the EDD panel discussions called What's religion got to do with it?
  • The panel discussion can be heard on SoundCloud.
  • Bahá'í International Community; - Conferences; Brussels, Belgium; Belgium
    2019 23 May
    The Baha'i World publication website was launched online this date.
  • The website made available a selection of thoughtful essays and long-form articles on a range of subjects of interest to the wider public, conveying advancements in Bahá'í thought and action and reflecting the Faith's purpose in the world. [BWNS1329]

    See 1996-07-01

  • - Bahá'í World volumes;; Websites; Internet; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 19 May
    The Universal House of Justice announced the appointment of the members of the International Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu'lláh for a five-year term to commence on the anniversary of the Declaration of the Báb, 24 May 2019.
  • Those appointed were: Ho Yuet Mee, Enos Makhele, Manijeh Reyhani, Adam Robarts, and William Wieties.
  • The Universal House of Justice express profound gratitude for the exemplary service rendered by Marzia Rowhani Dalalto the institution. [Bahá'í Canada posted 2019/05/27]
  • Huqúqu'lláh; Huququllah, Trustees of; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 7 May
    In a letter to all National Spiritual Assemblies, the House of Justice announced the appointment of Hossein Amanat as the architect chosen for the design of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. The distinguished Iranian-Canadian architect is best known for his designs of three of the buildings of the Arc on Mount Carmel in Haifa as well as the Azadi Tower in Tehran.
  • They also announced the inauguration of a Fund dedicated to the construction of the Shrine. [BWNS1325]
  • Photo Hossein Amanat.
  • Photo Ridván Gardens 1.
  • Photo Ridván Gardens 2.
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of; Hossein Amanat (Husayn Amanat); * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 28 Apr
    The passing of Don Otto Rogers (b. 1935 in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan) a former member of the International Teaching Centre, in Picton, Ontario. He was buried in the Rose Cemetery in Waupoos, Ontario.
    • He enrolled in the Faith in 1960 while a resident of Saskatoon. [CBN No 124 May 1960 p6]
    • He served as an Auxiliary Board member and then as a Continental Counsellor followed by a decade as a member of the International Teaching Centre and upon returning to Canada, served on the National Spiritual Assembly. [BWNS1323; Wikipedia.]
    • As an accomplished artist, he was known as "Otto Rogers". He taught at the University of Saskatchewan (1959-1988) after receiving his MA in Fine Art from the University of Wisconsin. Mr Rogers helped sustain the Emma Lake Workshops, a meeting place for some of North America's leading artists including Barnett Newman, Jules Olitski and Mr Rogers himself. His work was held in more than 30 public collections including: the Art Gallery of Ontario, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
    • His website.
    • His works at the Oeno Gallery in Prince Edward County.
    • Canadian Art.
    • Video The Artist In Us Interview—Painter Otto Rogers.
    • A talk by Otto Rogers entitled Artist's Studio.
    • The Canadian Encylopedia.
    • The National Gallery of Canada.

    His publications:

    A publications about his work.

    Don Rogers; Otto Rogers; Counsellors; - In Memoriam; Auxiliary board members; Kerrobert, SK; Milford, ON; Ontario, Canada; Waupoos, ON
    2019 Ridván
    In its Ridván Message the Universal House of Justice announced the intention of constructing a Shrine for 'Abdu'l-Bahá near the Ridván Garden on the crescent traced between the Holy Shrines in 'Akká and Haifa. The day after His passing in Haifa on 28 November 1921, 'Abdu'l-Bahá's remains were placed in a vault within the sacred Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel, a temporary arrangement until such time that a separate shrine would be erected in His honor.
  • "...Ridvan messages: As early as 1923 Shoghi Effendi sent a letter of encouragement and greeting to the American national Bahá'í convention at Ridvan. Later it was his regular practice to write a Ridvan letter to the Bahá'ís of the world summarizing the progress of the Faith in the previous year and setting out general directions for the coming year. The Universal House of Justice has continued this practice. Other Bahá'í institutions, especially national spiritual assemblies, also sometimes issue Ridvan letters." [SA241]
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Ascension of; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 6 - 7 Apr
    The Heroes Teaching Conference was an historic gathering of over 1,000 Baha'i adults, youth, junior youth and children, as well as some of their like-minded friends from all over Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales, Australia. It was organised by the Regional Bahá'í Council and Board of Counsellors, the program aimed to help its participants find their place in service to Bahá'u'lláh and humanity, by drawing on the heroism of the past, inspiring them to arise, through humble service, and become heroes of the Faith for this age. [Conference Website] Conferences, Teaching; - Conferences; Regional Bahá'í Councils; Brisbane, Australia; Australia
    2019 23 Mar
    A gathering of about 1,200 people attended the groundbreaking of the first local Bahá'í House of Worship in Africa located about 4 kilometers west of the town of Matunda in the Matunda Soy district of Kenya.
  •       Ruth Vuyiya, a much-loved Bahá'í known affectionately as "Mama Ruth", set the temple's cornerstone on the red soil. Ms. Vuyiya was joined by her daughter, members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Kenya, construction contractors and the temple's architect Neda Samimi. After the ceremonial groundbreaking, attendees celebrated the moment in song and ululations.
  •      The groundbreaking took place almost one year after its elegant and simple design, inspired by the region's traditional huts, was unveiled at the same site. The design incorporated an intricate and expressive pattern that used the diamond shape, a familiar motif in Kenyan culture. Exposed roof beams punctuating the nine sides of the edifice will be drawn together at an apex skylight. Inside, the skylight will sit atop a Greatest Name symbol, and 250 people can be seated. The temple will be built from local materials. [BWNS 1317]
  • Concept Drawing.
  • Progress Report dated October 23rd: The foundation of the central edifice had been laid and work on other structural elements was advancing. [BWNS1363]
  • Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Matunda Soy, Kenya; Foundation stones and groundbreaking; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Kenya first local Baha’i House of Worship in Africa
    2019 28 Feb
    Faruq Izadinia, Bahá'í scholar and translator, wrote an Open Letter after his court hearing in Tehran in which he described the process of his trial and the details of the court session. [Open Letter]
  • Subsequently, on 19 June 2020 Branch 36 of the Tehran Province Court of Appeals upheld the conviction and Mr. Izadinia was charged with "acting against national security through the Bahá'í Organization". He was sentenced to ten years in prison. [Faruq Izadinia Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison]
  • * Persecution, Iran; Faruq Izadinia; Tehran, Iran; Iran
    2019 28 Feb
    The Universal House of Justice announced the publication of a compilation of extracts on prayer and devotional life drawn from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb, and 'Abdu'l-Bahá and from the letters of the Guardian and the House of Justice that had been prepared by the Research Department at its request. It was made available on the Bahá'í Reference Library with a plan to produce printed editions. Prayer; Meditation; - Compilations; * Publications; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 2 Feb
    Hamed Bin Hayadara, who was facing a death sentence, appeared in a Sana'a court where he was charged with "foreign espionage" and "abandonment of religion". The judge adjourned the session until 12 March. He was among the six Bahá'ís detained in Sana'a. [SBSWorldNews] Hamed bin Haydara; - Persecution, Court cases; Persecution, Yemen; Sanaa, Yemen; Yemen
    2019 7 Feb
    An estimated 5,760 members of the Bahá'í Faith had been charged (and some even executed) for 'membership of a sect' in Iran between 1979 and 2009 according to a report by press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders. The Paris-based watchdog based their report on leaked digital files. [i24NEWS 7 February, 2019] * Persecution, Iran; Iran
    2019 5 Feb
    The announcement of the publication of The Call of the Divine Beloved by the Bahá'í World Centre. The book contained revised translations of The Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys as well as five newly published selections from Bahá'u'lláh's writings, including Rashḥ-i-'Amá (The Clouds of the Realms Above). This tablet is considered to be among the first if not the first revealed by Bahá'u'lláh after being apprised that He was to be the Manifestation of God.
  • For more information about this Tablet and its significance see 1852 (between Aug - Nov).
  • Call of the Divine Beloved (book); Haft Vadi (Seven Valleys); Chahar Vadi (Four Valleys); Rashh-i-Ama (Sprinkling from the Cloud of Unknowing); * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; * Publications; * Translation; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Mysticism; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2019 18 Jan
    On this, the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the Paris Peace Conference, the Universal House of Justice released a message regarding World Peace.
  • See BWNS1368 for a short video entitled 100 years on, remembering 'Abdu'l-Baha's call for peace in the First Tablet to The Hague. The Central Organization for a Durable Peace in The Hague was one of the preliminary steps taken that lead to the Paris Peace Conference.
  • * Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; Paris Peace Conference (1919); - International peace conferences; Promise of World Peace (statement); Peace; World peace; * Bahá'í World Centre; The Hague, Netherlands; Netherlands
    2019 08 Jan
    Imprisoned Bahá'í Hamed bin Haydara, 55, who had been sentenced to death, appeared in court in Sana'a for an unexpected hearing. Mr Haydara had been in Houthi detention in central Sana'a since December 2013. UN human rights representatives called for the rebels to overturn his death sentence.
  • In addition to Mr Haydara, five other Bahá'ís were held by the rebels in Sana'a, two of whom had been hidden since last April, They were Waleed Ayyash, 51, and Wael Al Al Ariki, 41, a human-rights activist, Sheikh Akram Ayyas, 37, had been in Houthi detention since October 2017, Badea Senai, 66, who was an urban planning adviser for the government, had been in prison since May 2017 and Qwan Mohammad Qadri, 45, who was arrested by the Houthis in August 2016. He is of Iranian descent and was an employee of the British Council in Yemen.
  • Under a prisoner exchange deal agreed at UN-led peace talks in Sweden in December, the government had repeatedly requested the release of all Bahá'í detainees held by the Houthi rebels. Each side submitted 8,000 names of Yemeni people they believe to be detained, dead or missing for the other side to locate and release as a confidence-building measure but the Iran-backed rebels have not responded to the government's request on the Bahá'í detainees. [The National 13JAN2019]
  • Persecution, Yemen; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; - Persecution, Court cases; Hamed bin Haydara; Yemen
    2019 (In the year)
    During the year, Edward Manasyan, a prominent member of the Bahá'í community, continued to face charges of facilitating illegal migration to the country by advising Iranians wishing to settle in Armenia.
  • He had been arrested and charged in 2017 and held under pretrial detention for eight months before the trial court judge released him on bail in July 2018.
  • Local NGOs and human rights lawyers shared concerns about the surveillance of Bahá'í community members preceding Manasyan's arrest, which they believed was approved in violation of the law because it violated lawyer-client privilege.
  • In April the Bahá'í community filed a countersuit against the NSS with the Court of Appeals, stating the National Security Service (NSS) illegally used wiretaps to surveil a Bahá'í community member and the community's office and used the information gathered as the basis to charge Manasyan. According to the documents provided to the Bahá'í community, the surveillance authorizations were approved based on the assertion that Manasyan was the head of a "religious-sectarian" organization and was "soul-hunting," but no charges were proffered on these grounds. [Armenia 2019 International Religious Freedom Report from the US Embassy]
  • Persecution, Armenia; Armenia
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