- 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, by Bahá'í International Community (2008-02-06). Bahá'í International Community’s Statement on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights
- ['Abdu'l-Bahá] Declares Zionists Must Work with Other Races: From the Globe and Commercial Advertiser (New York, July 17, 1919), by Marion Weinstein (1919-09-08). An interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the League of Nations, Bahá'í ideas for peace, and the Holy Land. [Note: at this time in history, years before the Second World War, the terms "Zionist" and "Palestine" had somewhat different meanings.]
- Another Look at Achieving Peace by the Year 2000, by John Huddleston (1999). The process of globalization in terms of trade, culture, corporations, migration, environment, and crime; how to maintain peace; the failure of the world's leaders to achieve peace; institutional frameworks for peace and restructuring the United Nations.
- Bahá'í Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International Relations, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten (2005). On Western cosmopolitan thought from its infancy to the present day and on a Bahá’í cosmopolitan model to International Relations (IR), which reinforces ideas based on essential oneness.
- Bahá'í Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International Relations, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten (2006-11-14). A Bahá’í approach to the cosmopolitan tradition in International Relations theory; contributions the Bahá’í model can offer to this growing tradition; cosmopolitanism as articulated by the Cynics in ancient Greece and by Enlightenment philosophies.
- Bahá'í Approach to Non-Involvement in Partisan Political Activity, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States United States Bahá'í National Center, comp. (2022-10). Resource for individual and group study, in light of the current civil and political unrest in the U.S., Iran, and the world; reasons for the Bahá’í stance against partisan activity and its approach to social change; Bahá'í use of social media.
- Bahá'í Contribution to Cosmopolitan International Relations Theory, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten (2007). Bahá’í concepts of global governance, unity in diversity, and ethical reform as contributions to a cosmopolitan International Relations theory.
- Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Changing Needs in a Changing World, by Rúhíyyih Khánum (1960). Talk given in New York City in 1960, on bringing peace to the world.
- Economic Justice and the Creation of a New International Economic Order, by Keith Suter (1996). The "New Right," history of economic philosophy and the role of the Church in Europe, challenges of the global economy, the failure of the UN to deal with the problems of the globalized economy, and how NGOs and individuals can work for economic justice.
- Embracing Interdependence: Foundations for a World in Transition, by Bahá'í International Community (2024-09-04). Statement on the occasion of the United Nations Summit of the Future, advocating for global governance reform centered on humanity's oneness, urging leaders to prioritize unity, justice, and interdependence for lasting peace.
- Extract from Brochure "One World, One People - A Bahá'í View", by Bahá'í International Community (1974). Short selection from a brochure presented by the Baha’i International Community to delegates attending the United Nations World Population Conference and World Food Conference in 1974.
- Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, The: A World Religion, by Shoghi Effendi (1947-07). A summary of the origin, teachings and institutions of the Bahá'í Faith, prepared in 1947 for the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine by Shoghi Effendi in his capacity as Head of the Bahá'í Faith.
- Gender perspectives and the work of the United Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (2007-09-20). Statement to the UN Human Rights Council on integrating gender perspectives.
- Historia de su Cooperacion con las Naciones Unidas, by Bahá'í International Community (n.d.).
- Hora Decisiva para todas las Naciones, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-10). Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í con motivo del 50 aniversario de Naciones Unidas Octubre 1995
- Human Rights in the Bahá'í Writings, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi Universal House of Justice, comp. (2001-01-14). Brief compilation on human rights from the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi.
- Ideas, Religion, and Social Change, by Julia Berger (2021). Links to a book chapter and video presentation and presentation notes (offsite) presented for the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities, on meaning-making processes driving NGO behavior and the Bahá'í Faith's pursuit of social change.
- Letter to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, by Shoghi Effendi, Horace Holley (1947/1948). Shoghi Effendi's summary of the relationship of the Bahá'í Faith to Palestine, written as an introduction to the pamphlet "The Faith of Bahá'u'lláh: A World Religion." Includes Holley's letter to the UN the next year on Bahá'í shrines in Palestine.
- Message on World Peace, by Universal House of Justice (2019-01-18). Letter about important steps the world made towards world peace, and the current situation, in relation to the activities the Bahá'ís are involved with.
- Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996).
- Millennium Forum, by Universal House of Justice (2000-09-24).
- More Constructive Encounter, A: A Bahá'í View of Religion and Human Rights, by Barney Leith (2007). Relationship between religion and human rights, and the work of the Bahá’í community in wholeheartedly supporting the theory and practice of universal rights.
- Next Stage, The, by Douglas Martin (2013). Bahá'í scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a discourse that is free of "haughty intellectualism." The Association for Bahá’í Studies can help promote the Bahá'í cause to institutions of higher learning.
- Non-Governmental Perspective on the Relative Effectiveness of Multilateral and Bilateral Measures to Combat Hate Speech, A: An Analysis of Tools Deployed in Response to Religious Hate Speech in Iran, by Bani Dugal Morten Bergsmo, ed, Kishan Manocha, ed. (2023-07). International Human Rights framework; Iran's obligations under international law; history of Bahá'í persecution; connections between media, propaganda, and violence; reactions and responses to hate speech from the United Nations and the global community.
- Proposals to the United Nations for Charter Revision, by Bahá'í International Community (1955-05-23). Proposals from the Bahai International Community for revision of the U.N. charter in its capacity as a non-governmental organization with consultative status at the U.N.
- Protecting the Human Family: Humanitarian Intervention, International Law, and Bahá'í Principles, by Brian D. Lepard (2003). The moral and legal problems raised by the use of military force to aid human rights victims. Relevant Bahá’í ethical principles and how these might assist us to reform existing international law to better protect all members of the human family.
- Reflections of Our Values: Digital Technologies and a Just Transition, by Bahá'í International Community (2021-02). A statement to the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development on technological innovation, consultation on technological adoption, and working inclusively between communities and governments.
- Reflections on Human Rights, Moral Development, and the Global Campaign to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence, by Michael L. Penn (2001). A review some of the most significant developments in human rights law designed to contribute to the advancement of women and the eradication of gender-based violence; insufficient attention has been given to the psycho-spiritual dimensions.
- Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (2023-11-28). Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guardianship, global expansion, community building and development, participation in societal discourse, and construction of the Bahá'í World Centre.
- Religious Freedom in the Asia Pacific: The Experience of the Bahá'í Community, by Graham Hassall (1998-11). Some aspects of the Bahá'í Community's approach to one human rights initiative, the "Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief."
- Rights to Human and Social Development: A Survey of the Activities of the Bahá'í International Community, by Graham Hassall (2001). BIC contributions to thinking about human rights and social development have centered on 6 themes: a global complex systems approach, oneness of humanity, role of religious belief, primacy of education, values-based approach, and effectiveness of the U.N.
- Rise of the Terrorism and Secessionism in South Asia: A Baha'i Viewpoint, by Ali K. Merchant (2000). A short article about causes of terrorism, its history in India, understanding the terrorist mindset, and some Bahá'í solutions.
- Search for Values in an Age of Transition, The: includes Study Guide, by Bahá'í International Community (2005-10). A statement on the 60th anniversary of the United Nations, new paradigms taking hold, and the place of the UN. Includes study guide to assist readers in their understanding and examination of the concepts presented in the statement.
- Statement in Rebuttal of Accusations Made against the Bahá'í Faith by the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (1982-11-30). In a document distributed to the UN, "Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran," Iran made a number of false and damaging statements concerning the Bahá'í Faith. The BIC wishes to refute these false statements and to present the true facts.
- Supreme Tribunal (Mahkamiy-i-Kubra), by `Alí Nakhjavání (2012). Meaning of "Bahá'í Court" in the writings of the Guardian and how it compares with the General Assembly of the United Nations.
- Television Address of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, by Universal House of Justice, Bahá'í International Community (1998-07). Questions and answers about a historically unique television interview of Iranian President Khatami, given on CNN Wednesday, Jan 7, 1998.
- The Cause of Universal Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Enduring Impact, by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson (2021-02-23). On Abdu'l-Bahá's interest in the Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration in New York, 1912, and the Quaker founders Albert and Alfred Smiley; Leroy Ioas and the World Unity Conferences; World Unity magazine (later World Order).
- Turning Point for All Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-10). A statement on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, about the scope, function, and mandate of the UN, and world concerns it must address.
- United Nations and the Bahá'ís, The: An Interview with Kofi Annan, by Kofi Annan Sahba Sobhani, ed. (1999 Spring). Annan's vision for the institution of the U.N., and mentions of the Bahá'ís in Iran.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Cultural Relativism and the Persecution of the Bahá'ís in Iran, The, by Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims (2001). Are the Human Rights of the Universal Declaration universal: a comparison of Western and Islamic notions of human rights; the religious justifications provided by the Islamic regime for the persecution of the Bahá’ís in Iran.
- World Into One Nation, The: World Peace and the Bahá'í Faith, by Nahzy Abadi Buck (1981-06). How a whole human society, united and cooperative, can be like a single family. Includes overview of opinions of world leaders on the Bahá'í Faith, essential elements of the Faith, cooperation of the Bahá'í International Community with the United Nations.