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Tag "British Museum and British Library"

tag name: British Museum and British Library type: General
web link: British_Museum_and_British_Library
related tags: Libraries; London, England; Museums; United Kingdom

"British Museum and British Library" appears in:

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  1. Bahá'í Sacred Texts, by Moojan Momen. (2019) The Baha’i Faith is a scriptural religion. Momen explains the Baha’i beliefs about sacred texts and prophets, the transmission and distribution of the scripture and its role in the community (archived copy, original offline).
  2. Central Figures of the Baha'i Faith, by Moojan Momen. (2019) Momen explores the life of the founder of the Baha’i Faith, as well as the lives of his forerunner and successor. He delves into the key events concerning their beliefs and teachings and reflects on their legacy (archived copy, original offline).
  3. Encouragement of the Arts During the Ministry of 'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Services of Master Calligrapher Mishkín-Qalam, by Nooshfar B. Afnan. (2023-10) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá promoted the arts, including through support of Mishkín-Qalam and artistic conceptions for the interment of the remains of the Báb, the construction of the first Bahá’í House of Worship, and transcription of Bahá’í literature.
  4. Introduction to the Baha'i Faith, by Peter Smith. (2019) A look at the central features of the Baha’i Faith, including its history, and the key beliefs, organisation and world-view of the Baha’i community (archived copy, original offline).
  5. Marking the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bāb, by Moojan Momen. (2019-09-24) Guest post for the launch of the British Library's "Discovering Sacred Texts" exhibition, on three unique haykal and calligraphy works of the Bāb and Bahā’u’llāh which are on display for the first time.
  6. Star Tablet of the Bab, The, by Moojan Momen. (2019-10-29) Guest post celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with an account of one of the Bahá'í Faith's most important manuscripts, the Star Tablet, written in his own hand.
  7. Tablet of the Báb found in British Museum, by Loulie Mathews. (1931-03) Anecdote about the discovery of the Star Tablet of the Báb at the British Museum in London.

2.   from the Chronology (4 results; expand)

  1. 1992-09-15 — Amatu'l-Baha Rúhiyyih Khanum was officially invited to open the Exhibition of Baha'i Manuscripts at...
  2. 2017-11-06 — An exhibition of Baha'u'llah's writings opened at the John Addis Gallery in the British Museum. ...
  3. 2019-10-02 — The British Library marked the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with various initiatives alongsid...
  4. 2019-10-29 — The British Library published a blog to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab. It is a...
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