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Tag "Netherlands"

tag name: Netherlands type: Geographic locations
web link: Netherlands
variations: Kingdom of the Netherlands; Holland
related tags: - Europe; Benelux, Europe; Caribbean
referring tags: Amsterdam, Netherlands; Bonaire; Dutch Guiana (Suriname); Dutch New Guinea; Frisian Islands; Groesbeek, Netherlands; Leiden, Netherlands; St. Maarten; St. Martin Island; The Hague, Netherlands; Utrecht, Netherlands Q5617     Links to Bahá'í wikis:   Expand

"Netherlands" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (16 results; expand)

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  1. A Pilgrimage Excerpt from the Story of Jeanne Kranen, by Jeanne Kranen Marion Pnevmatikou, trans. (2013).
  2. "And universal peace — in what Book is this written?": How and Why 'Abdu'l-Bahá Identified "New" and Distinctive Bahá'í Principles, by Christopher Buck (2022-09). — Reflections on ‘Abdu’l-Baha's answer to the question "What has Baha’u’llah brought that we h...
  3. Bahá'í Teachings, Aspects of, by Universal House of Justice (1997-08-06). — Authenticity of Statements; Mathnavi; Quranic quotations; Marriage Prayer; 'Sun' and 'Moon'; Hands o...
  4. Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, by Shoghi Effendi (2009). — Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).
  5. Dutch Library Holdings, Sen McGlinn, comp. (2000). — Complete list of items relating to Babi or Baha'i studies in multiple languages, housed in the three...
  6. Election and Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (1996). — Answers to three questions: Why were steps taken to elect a Universal House of Justice with the fore...
  7. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  8. Excerpts from Bahá'í Magazine Star of the West related to The Netherlands (1910-1935), Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2002).
  9. Jamal Effendi and Sayyid Mustafa Rumi in Celebes: The Context of Early Bahá'í Missionary Activity in Indonesia, by Jelle de Vries (2007-12). — Details of an early Baha'i missionary journey to the the island of Celebes (now Sulawesi) in what wa...
  10. Journey of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's "Tablet to the Hague", The: A Photo Chronology, Jelle de Vries, ed. (2019). — Link (offsite) to a visual tour of the history, people, and events relevant to Abdu'l-Baha's "Letter...
  11. Law and International Order: Proceedings of the First European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order: Review, by Joshua Lincoln (1997-10). — Review of conference proceedings, highlighting Baha'i law, governance, human rights, and future pers...
  12. Netherlands: History of the Baha'i Faith, by Will C. van den Hoonaard (1993-11).
  13. Overcoming Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity in Public Institutions: A Baha'i Perspective, by Bahá'í International Community (2001-05-28). — The displacement of a transcendent understanding of life by materialism is responsible for the skept...
  14. Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague), by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2019). — Updated, authorized translation of both Tablets (1919 and 1920), described by Shoghi Effendi as of "...
  15. Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague), by Abdu'l-Bahá (1919-12-17). — A letter written by ‘Abdu’l-Baha’ to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague, ...
  16. Universal Education, by Abdu'l-Bahá (1912). — Tablet to the second international congress on moral education in The Hague.

2.   from the Chronology (36 results; expand)

  1. 1870-00-00 — The Winkler Prins is a Dutch encyclopedia, founded by the Dutch poet and clergyman Anthony Winkler P...
  2. 1899-05-18 — At the suggestion of Czar Nicholas II of Russia, the First International Peace Conference was held i...
  3. 1907-06-15 — The Second Peace Conference in The Hague was attended by the representatives of 44 states. Again the...
  4. 1912-08-22 — The International Moral Education Congress was an international academic conference held in Europe s...
  5. 1913-08-28 — The opening of the Peace Palace in The Hague. It was built as
  6. 1913-10-14 — Daniel Jenkyn, from England, made a two-week trip through the Netherlands, the first time a Baha'i j...
  7. 1915-04-00 — The Central Organization for a Durable Peace was formed at The Hague (the Netherlands) in April 1915...
  8. 1915-05-00 — A third international peace conference was planned by the Central Organization for a Durable Peace i...
  9. 1916-02-11 — In 1915 Ahmad Yazdani and two other Baha'is had written a paper on Baha'i principles in French and s...
  10. 1919-12-17 — Due to the difficulty of communication during the war there was a long delay before the invitation w...
  11. 1920-05-17 — The Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace was delivered to the E
  12. 1920-07-01 — 'Abdu'l-Baha sent His second Tablet to The Hague. In this second Tablet `
  13. 1928-07-00 — The first International Religious Congress for World Peace was held at The Hague. It was attended by...
  14. 1946-00-00 — In the second Seven Year Plan from 1946 to 1952, the American Baha'i community was given the respons...
  15. 1948-04-20 — The formation of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Amsterdam, the first in the Netherlands. [BQYM204; ...
  16. 1953-10-42 — Geertrui Ankersmidt arrived in the Frisian Islands and was named Knight of Baha'u'llah. [BW13:452]
  17. 1957-04-21 — The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Benelux Countries was formed with its seat in Brussels, Belgi...
  18. 1962-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Netherlands was formed. Since 1957 it had come under the jur...
  19. 1969-07-15 — The European Dawnbreakers' Show, ''A Plea for One World," was conceived at a Swiss winter school by ...
  20. 1986-00-00 — The Baha'i Association for Arts (BAFA) was formed with its base in the Netherlands.
  21. 1987-02-15 — The passing of Eleanor Hollibaugh (b. 17 February 1897 in Hastings, Nebraska) in Montraux, Switzerla...
  22. 1988-07-14 — The Baha'i Association for Arts (BAFA) helds its first arts festival at the Baha'i conference centre...
  23. 1989-07-02 — The first European Baha'i Women's Conference was held at De Poort Conference Centre, the Netherlands...
  24. 1992-02-03 — The Association of Baha'i Publishers and Distributors was established at a Baha'i Publishers' Confer...
  25. 1993-10-02 — The first European Baha'i Medical Conference was held in De Poort, Netherlands, attended by people f...
  26. 1994-10-00 — The Baha'i Health Association for Central and Eastern Europe and the European Baha'i Dental Associat...
  27. 1995-06-08 — The First European Baha'i Conference on Law and International Order was held in De Poort, the Nether...
  28. 1997-10-24 — The International Environment Forum was launched at the first International Baha'i Environment Confe...
  29. 1998-07-17 — The International Criminal Court was established by the Rome Statue on this date and
  30. 1998-11-06 — The 2nd International Conference of the Environment Forum was held in the Netherlands with wide elec...
  31. 2000-06-29 — A first Earth Charter benchmark Draft was issued in March 1997 and a second Draft was issued in 1999...
  32. 2001-05-28 — Global Form on Fighting Corruption II was held in The Hague. [IAACA Web Site] The paper entitled
  33. 2003-07-25 — The passing of Elisabeth Charlotte (Lottie) Tobias. She was described by the National Spiritual Asse...
  34. 2011-07-06 — Mahvash Sabet and human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh as well as other victims of human right abuses...
  35. 2011-11-16 — The release of the documentary film Iranian Taboo about the persecution of Bahaʼis in Iran. It was ...
  36. 2019-01-18 — On this, the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the Paris Peace Conference, the Universal Hous...
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