- Analysis of the Salient Features of Risáliy-i-Ja'faríyyih, An, by Foad Seddigh (2019). — This treatise, one of the major writings of the Báb, was written before He had disclosed His compl...
- Arabic Bayan, The: From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation, by The Báb A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Peter Terry, trans. (1980).
- Arabic Grammar of the Báb, The, by William F. McCants (2002). — Muslim detractors of the Bab have often criticized his grammar. Did the Bab make grammatical errors ...
- Art and the Interconnectedness of All Things, by Todd Lawson (2020-03). — Art as a mode of divine revelation in the Wrings and Calligraphy of the Bab.
- Authority of the Feminine and Fatima's Place in an Early Work by the Bab, The, by Todd Lawson (2007). — While Tahirih inspired many in Europe and eventually America, she is very much a daughter of her own...
- Autobibliography in the Writings of the Báb: Translation of the Khutba Dhikriyya, by Vahid Brown (2005). — A discussion of four of the Bab's autobibliographical works (the Kitab al-Fihrist, al-Kitab al-`Ulam...
- Báb and 'Alí Muhammad, Islamic and Post-Islamic, The: Multiple Meanings in the Writings of Sayyid 'Alí Muhammad Shírází (1819-1850), by Zackery Mirza Heern (2023). — Writings of the Bab can be understood as a commentary on the Qur'an, the original Qur'an, and divine...
- Báb's Bayan, The: An Analytical Survey, by Muhammad Afnan (2000 Summer). — Analysis of the Bayan and its contents: fundamental beliefs and worldview, moral principles, laws, a...
- Báb's Epistle on the Spiritual Journey towards God, The, by Todd Lawson (2002). — A preliminary translation and discussion of the Bab's Risala fi's-Sulúk, one of his earliest extant...
- Báb's Farewell Address to the Letters of the Living, The, by The Báb, Nabil-i-A'zam (1844). — The Bab's farewell speech to the Letters of the Living, extracted from Nabil-i-A'zam's
- Background and Centrality of Apophatic Theology in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture, The, by Stephen Lambden (1997). — History of the theological position of the incomprehensibility-unknowability of God in past major Ab...
- Bahá'í Faith in the Arabic Speaking Middle East, The: Part 1 (1753-1863), by Ramsey Zeine (2006). — Babi and early Baha'i links to the Arab world and the Arabic language; the identity of the Faith is ...
- Bahá'í Revelation, The, Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986). — Passages from Fire and Light and Selections from the Writings of the Bab published in Baha'i World a...
- Bahá'í Sacred Texts, by Moojan Momen (2019). — The Baha’i Faith is a scriptural religion. Momen explains the Baha’i beliefs about sacred texts ...
- Baron Rosen's Archive Collection of Bábí and Bahá'í Materials, by Youli A. Ioannesyan (2007). — Baron V. R. Rosen's unpublished materials relating to Babi and Baha'i studies, including his corresp...
- Barstow Collection: Contents, Index, and Compiler's Notes, by Thellie Lovejoy (2000). — Introduction to and contents list of the 478 translated tablets and other English documents from the...
- Bayan (Bayán-i-Farsí and Bayán-i-'Arabí), The: Letters and Letters of the Living, by Universal House of Justice, Iraj Ayman, Muhammad Afnan, Robert Stockman (1994-10-02).
- Bábís of Persia, The: II. Their Literature and Doctrines, by E. G. Browne (1889-10). — Overview of Babi literature and doctrine.
- Catalogue and Description of 27 Bábí Manuscripts, by E. G. Browne (1892-07). — Categorization, descriptions, and excerpts of 27 manuscripts by the Bab, Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, a...
- Catalogue and Description of 27 Bábí Manuscripts 2 (Continued from Page 499), by E. G. Browne (1892-10). — Categorization, descriptions, and excerpts of 27 manuscripts by the Bab, Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, a...
- Dutch Library Holdings, Sen McGlinn, comp. (2000). — Complete list of items relating to Babi or Baha'i studies in multiple languages, housed in the three...
- Dwight Barstow Collection, Thellie Lovejoy, comp. (2000). — Partial scans of the 478 translated tablets and other English documents from the archive of American...
- Epistle of Sayyid 'Alí Muhammad 'the Báb' to Sultan Abdulmecid, by Necati Alkan (2003). — The Bab's Tablet to Sultan Abdulmecid and some notes on early Babis in the Ottoman Empire.
- Epistle of the Báb to Azal: Commentary and Translation, Mohammad Norozi, trans. (2025-02). — Introduction, background, and references to the Epistle by the Bab for Mirza Yahya, the Tawqi'a Vasy...
- Epistle of the Báb to His Uncles, Haji Mirza Siyyid Muhammad and Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali, by The Báb Mohammad Norozi, trans. (2025-02). — Introduction to and annotated provisional translation of the Epistle revealed by the Bab to His mate...
- Excerpts from the Risáliy-i-Dhahabiyyih, by The Báb Keven Brown, trans. (2001). — On effulgences, essence, and unity of existence.
- Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Jack McLean (2009). — Review of the book, expanded into an essay on the Bab's ethics, laws, and use of symbolism.
- Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Stephen Lambden (2010-04). — Though limited in scholastic accuracy, this book will be appreciated by those seeking an introductio...
- Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Robert Stockman (2010-08).
- Gnostic Apocalypse and Islam, by Todd Lawson: Review, by Christopher Buck (2012).
- Grammar of the Divine, A: Translation, Notes, and Semi-Critical Edition of the Báb's Risāla fī al-naḥw wa al-ṣarf, by William F. McCants (2012). — A critical edition of the Bāb’s "Treatise on Grammar" including the Arabic original, English tran...
- Haykal (pentacle talisman) Prayer for Protection, by The Báb (n.d.). — Original text of a prayer for protection, written in the Bab’s own hand, in the form of a pentacle...
- Haykal or "Star Tablet" Written in the Báb's Own Hand: Form, Content, and Provisional Translation, by Dergham Aqiqi, Todd Lawson (2021-11). — Detailed analysis of the content and translation of an undated haykal; the relation between the Bab...
- He Whom God Shall Make Manifest: Notes on Gematria, Tetractys, The Báb's identification of Him, and Opposition to Bahá'u'lláh, by Grover Gonzales (2020). — On the Bab's use of numerology and cabalistic interpretation of scripture, and his use of amulets an...
- Invocation 'Is There Any Remover of Difficulties Save God...', The, by Muhammad Afnan Adib Masumian, trans. (2023). — Short overview of the historical background of the Bab's invocation.
- Iranian National Bahá'í Archives (INBA), by Various (1976-1978). — 105 volumes of Baha'i writings and manuscripts, compiled before the Islamic revolution in Iran by th...
- Juan Cole manuscript and book collection: Shaykhi, Babi, and Baha'i texts, Juan Cole, comp. (1997). — Manuscripts and books in Cole's library and selected Iranian National Baha'i Archive contents.
- Kitab-i-Panj Sha'n, by John Walbridge (1996). — Brief essay on, and partial translation of, this work of the Bab.
- Languages of Revelation of the Bahá'í Writings, The, by Adib Masumian, Violetta Zein (2020). — Statistical analysis of the languages of revelation (Arabic and Persian) of all major works of the B...
- Le Béyan Persan, by The Báb A.L.M. Nicolas, trans. (1911-1914). — French translation of the Persian Bayan, one of the principal writings of the Bab.
- Letter of the Báb to His Wife, by The Báb Mohammad Norozi, trans. (2025-02). — Letter of the Bab to His wife, Khadijah Bagum, written sometime between June 1845 and September 1846...
- List of Bahá'í Studies and Translations, by Stephen Lambden Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2018). — A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links ...
- Loom of Reality: A Partial Inventory of the Works of the Central Figures of the Bahá'í Faith, Steven Phelps, comp. (2020/2025). — A website with thematic compilations of quotations from the Baha’i Writings and beyond, and a cat...
- Maid of Heaven, The: A Personal Compilation, by The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Anonymous, comp. (2020). — Compilation of texts related to the Maid of Heaven, a personification of the “Most Great Spirit."
- Marking the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bāb, by Moojan Momen (2019-09-24). — Guest post for the launch of the British Library's "Discovering Sacred Texts" exhibition, on three u...
- Mírzá Yahyá Azal, Designation of in the Writings of the Báb, by Universal House of Justice (2007).
- Mission of the Báb, The: Retrospective 1844-1994, by Douglas Martin (1996). — The revelation of the Bab in the context of its impact on the Western writers of the period and its ...
- Most Noble Pattern, A: Collected Essays on the Writings of the Báb, `Alí Muhammad Shirazi (1819-1850), Todd Lawson, ed, Omid Ghaemmaghami, ed. (2012). — Sixteen essays by many of the leading specialists on the sometimes very difficult and challenging wr...
- New Religions and Religious Movements: The Common Heritage, by Moshe Sharon (2004). — The 19th Century; Croce’s religion of liberty; modern religious activity; the Qur'an and classical...
- Notes and Commentary on the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh: Wilmette Institute study materials, Jonah Winters, comp. (2002). — Large collection of outlines, commentaries, and study guides prepared by Wilmette Institute faculty.
- Notes and Observations on some of the Writings of the Báb, by Moshe Sharon (2013). — Only a small portion of the Bab's writings are available in English. This is a summary of the untran...
- Notes on The Báb, Some, by Robert Stockman (1998). — Brief overview of sources on the Babi period, the Bab's history, and his writings.
- Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab, by Moojan Momen (2011). — The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions...
- Persian Bayan ("Exposition"): From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation, by The Báb Anonymous, trans. (2020). — Bayan-i-Farsi ("Persian Exposition"), translated from the original Persian into French by A.L.M. Nic...
- Persian Bayan, The: Partial translation, by The Báb Denis MacEoin, trans. (2000). — A partial provisional translation of the Persian Bayan.
- Persian Bayan, The: From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation, by The Báb A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Ismael Velasco, trans. (2001-06). — Four short chapters from The Bab's book of laws. Translation of Nicolas’s Le Beyan Persan, transla...
- "Point" and "Letter" in the Writings of the Báb, by Muhammad Afnan (2001). — In the Bab’s writings, the Point of Truth is the source of all existence in both the spiritual an...
- Prayer of the Bab "God Sufficeth...," Two versions of, by Universal House of Justice (1996-02-14). — The original text of the prayer "God Sufficeth" has not been found, and there may be two versions.
- Prayers and Tablets from the Báb, Some, by The Báb Mohammad Norozi, trans. (2025-02). — A provisional translation of the Tablet revealed by the Bab while He was confined in the castle of M...
- Prophet in Modern Times, A, by A.L.M. Nicolas Peter Terry, trans. (2008/2015). — Partial translation of A.L.M. Nicolas' Seyyed Ali Mohammed dit le Bab, with extensive notes and expl...
- Provisional Translations of Selected Writings of the Báb, Baháʼuʼlláh, and ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, by Peyman Sazedj (2009-2011). — Twenty-four translations from 2009, 2010, and 2011 copied from the defunct website peyman.sazedj.org...
- Qayyum al-Asma' Sura 93: Chapter of the Bees (Qayyum al-Asma 93: Surat al-nahl): A commentary on the Sura of Joseph, "The Best of Stories", by The Báb Todd Lawson, trans. (2002). — Translation, and lengthy commentary, on the Súratu’l-Nahl.
- Qur'an Commentary as Sacred Performance: The Bab's tafsirs of Qur'an 103 and 108, the Declining Day and the Abundance, by Todd Lawson (1998). — Quranic commentary played a major role in the formation of the Babi movement. Early Babis were impre...
- Qur'an Commentary of Sayyid 'Alí Muhammad, the Báb, The: Doctoral dissertation, by Todd Lawson (1987-07). — A study of the Bab's two earliest works, partial commentaries on the Qur'an entitled "Tafsir súrat ...
- Readings from the Writings of The Báb, by The Báb Muhammad Afnan, reader. (2012). — Link to audio recordings of a descendant of the Bab reading from two of his most important works, Qa...
- Religious Authority and Apocalypse: Tafsír as Experience in an Early Work by The Báb, by Todd Lawson (2013). — Analysis of the Bab's commentary on the Qur'an's longest chapter, Surat al-baqara, regarded as his f...
- Selección de los Escritos del Báb: Compilado por el Departamento de Investigación de la Casa Universal de Justicia, by The Báb Habib Taherzadeh, trans, Malihe Forghani, trans. (1982). — Spanish translation of Selections from the Writings of The Bab.
- Sélection des Écrits du Báb, by The Báb (1984/2016).
- Selections from the Writings of the Báb, by The Báb Habib Taherzadeh, trans, Committee at the Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (1982).
- Seven Proofs, The, by The Báb A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Peter Terry, trans. (2008). — English translation by Peter Terry of Nicolas' French translation of The Bab's "Seven Proofs."
- Seyyèd Ali Mohammed, dit le Bâb, by A.L.M. Nicolas (1905). — The first detailed biography of The Bab written in a Western language.
- Short Chronological List of the Báb's Writings, A, by Nader Saiedi Arjen Bolhuis, ed. (2024-11). — Overview of some of the major, or more frequently mentioned, works of the Bab in chronological order...
- Signs: Quranic Themes in the Writings of the Báb, by Todd Lawson (2017 Autumn). — With the composition of the Qayyum al-asma, the Bab demonstrated the incredible breadth and depth of...
- Sources for Early Bábí Doctrine and History, The: A Survey, by Denis MacEoin (1992). — Thorough, annotated list of writings and sources relevant to Baha'i historical research. Includes in...
- St. Petersburg 19th Century Orientalist Collection of Materials on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, The: Primary and Other Sources, by Youli A. Ioannesyan (2006). — The important work of Russian scholars up to 1917 in collecting Babi and Baha’i materials; a detai...
- Star Tablet of the Bab, The, by Moojan Momen (2019-10-29). — Guest post celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with an account of one of the Baha'i ...
- Stylistic Analysis of the Báb's Writings, A: Abridged Translation of Vahid Behmardi's Muqaddamih-yi dar bárih-yi sabk va siyáq-i áthár-i mubárakih-yi ḥaḍrat-i rabb a`lá, by Vahid Behmardi, William F. McCants (2007). — English translation by McCants of Behmardi's Persian article "Stylistic Analysis of the Bab’s Writ...
- Tablet of the Báb Lawh-i-Vasaya, "Will and Testament"; Titles of Mírzá Yahyá, by Universal House of Justice (2004-05-28). — Two questions: on the Tablet of the Bab "Lawh-i-Vasaya: The Will and Testament"; the nature of the a...
- Tablet of Visitation for Mulla Muhammad 'Ali-i-Barfurushi (Quddús) (Ziyarat-Namih-i-Mullá Muhammad \'Alí-i-Barfurushí), by The Báb (1994). — A tablet written by the Bab in honor of Quddus.
- Tablet of Visitation for the wife of the Bab, Khadijih Begum, by Bahá'u'lláh Ahang Rabbani, trans. (1997-10). — Translation of and brief commentary on a tablet in honor of Khadijeh Bagum.
- Tablet to Mullá Muhammad Báqir-i Tabrízí: Extracts, by The Báb Stephen Lambden, trans. (1998). — Extract from a Tablet of the Bab to the 13th Letter of the Living, in reply to his question about Ma...
- Talk given by Hand of the Cause of God A.Q. Faizi, Australia, by Abu'l-Qásim Faizí (1969-11-21). — Discussion of "Standards and Values, "Explanations from the Writings of the Bab," and "How to Study ...
- Text and Context in the Bahá'í Heroic Age, by Nader Saiedi Alison Marshall, ed. (2024-08). — Partial transcript of a 2014 talk, exploring the Baha'i writings, their vast unexplored corpus, and ...
- Texts, Sacred, Numbers and Classifications of, by Universal House of Justice (2002/2010/2013). — Three letters, from 2002, 2010, and 2013, about numbers of Sacred Texts catalogued by the Baha'i Wor...
- Textual Resurrection: Book, Imám, and Cosmos in the Qur'án Commentaries of the Báb, by Vahid Brown (2004). — on the notions of textuality underlying the Bab's Qur'anic commentaries; the history of Qur'anic com...
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
- Twofold Mission, A: Some Distinctive Characteristics of the Person and Teachings of the Báb, by Elham Afnan (2019). — Some features of the Bab's life and Writings highlighting the rare combination of qualities that hav...
- Will and Testament: Translation and Commentary, by The Báb Sepehr Manuchehri, trans. (2004-09). — Examination of four available manuscripts, dates of issue, variations, exclusions, verse numbering f...
- Will and Testament of The Báb, by The Báb (2007). — One-page scan of a document commonly, though inaccurately, referred to as the "Will and Testament."
- Women in the works of the Bab and in the Babi Movement, by Moojan Momen (2011). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
- Writings of the Bab, The: A Survey Based on English Language Sources, by Robert Stockman (2010). — PowerPoint presentation on the scope, style, and history of the Writings of The Bab.
- Yá 'Aliyyu'l-A'lá, by Universal House of Justice, Research Department (1991-10-03). — On the meaning and correct transliteration of "Ya 'Aliyyu'l-A'la" (O Thou Most High"), where it can ...
- Yá Alláhu'l-Mustagháth": Original Source, Correct Transliteration and Translation, by Universal House of Justice (2001-12-28). — About an invocation revealed by the Bab, prescribed for recitation in times of trouble and difficult...