- 1807-03-25 — The Bill to abolish the Atlantic slave trade received Royal Assent in the British Parliament. The A...
- 1845-11-01 — The Times of London carried an item on the arrest and torture of Quddús, Mulla Sadiq-i-Khurasani, M...
- 1855-03-05 — Birth of John Henry Hyde Dunn, Hand of the Cause, in London. [Baha'i Chronicles]
- 1869-05-12 — Birth of Clara Davis Dunn, Hand of the Cause, in London....
- 1889-06-01 — E. G. Browne gave a paper on the Baha'i Faith (`Babism') at the Royal Asiatic Society, London....
- 1891-02-15 — First public lecture in the West on the Baha'i Faith was given by E. G. Browne at the Southplace Ins...
- 1891-05-20 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Lawh-i-Times, Tablet to the Times in which He recounted the circumstances o...
- 1895-06-00 — Miss Marion Brown became a Baha'i in London, the first European to accept the Baha'i Faith. [BFA1:37...
- 1900-11-26 — Agnes Baldwin Alexander wrote to `Abdu'l-Baha declaring her belief in Baha'u'llah. [BFA2:159; SBR176...
- 1901-01-22 — The passing of Queen Victoria.
Of all the leaders addressed by Baha'u'llah only she is reputed to...
- 1902-05-08 — May Bolles married Sutherland Maxwell in London and moved to Montreal later in the year. [BW8:635; G...
- 1910-00-00 — The publication of God's Heroes: A Drama in Five Acts by Laura Clifford Barney, (London: Kegan Paul...
- 1910-00-00 — The publication of ...
- 1911-07-26 — The First Universal Races Congress was held at the University of London. It was the first important...
- 1911-08-11 — The beginning of `Abdu'l-Baha's first Western tour [AB139]
`Abdu'l-Baha departed from Egypt with a ...
- 1911-08-23 — `Abdu'l-Baha took up residence at Thonon-les-Bains on Lake Leman (Lake Geneva). [AB140; GPB280; SBR2...
- 1911-08-24 — Tammaddun'ul-Mulk and Juliet Thompson arrived in Thonon-les-Bains from London via Geneva. She had la...
- 1911-09-04 — `Abdu'l-Baha arrived in London accompanied by His secretary, Mirza Mahmúd and Khusraw, His servant....
- 1911-09-05 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was interviewed by the editor of The Christian Commonwealth, Mr Albert Dawson, and late
- 1911-09-08 — In the morning He received a small party in Lady Blomfield's drawing room. [SoW Vol 2 No 12 October ...
- 1911-09-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave His first public address in the West in the City Temple Church in Holborn, London ...
- 1911-09-11 — Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper gave an "At Home" to the believers and between fifty and sixty were present ...
- 1911-09-12 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at a meeting of the friends at the home of Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper in Londo
- 1911-09-13 — Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper gave a reception for 'Abdu'l-Baha at her home
31 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle ...
- 1911-09-14 — At a meeting at the office of the Editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Freemasons and Theosophists ...
- 1911-09-17 — `Abdu'l-Baha addressed the congregation of St John's, Westminster, His second address to a Western a...
- 1911-09-21 — Reverend Peter Z Easton called on Àbdu'l-Baha. Apparently he wanted a sparring match but Àbdu'l-Ba...
- 1911-09-21 — During 'Abdu'l-Baha's first visit to Britain, he was invited into churches and welcomed warmly by ma...
- 1911-09-22 — 'Abdu'l-Baha visited the home of Misses Marion Jack and Elizabeth Herrick, at 10 Cheniston Gardens,
- 1911-09-30 — `Abdu'l-Baha addressed the Theosophical Society in London, His last talk in England on this visit.
- 1911-10-01 — A young Persian couple asked 'Abdu'l-Baha to marry them. The union was blessed at the Higher Thought...
- 1911-10-02 — Abdu'l-Baha breakfasted with the Lord Mayor of London
at the Mansion House, City of London. The Lo...
- 1911-10-03 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk that has been entitled, "Eleven essentials: the Bahai principles as taught ...
- 1912-10-08 — The start of the the First Balkan War when Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia constituting the ...
- 1912-12-16 — 'Abdu'l-Baha and his entourage departed Liverpool for London by train from the Lime Street Station.
- 1912-12-17 — A Baha'i arrived from Ireland to see 'Abdu'l-Baha, possibly Joan Waring, after travelling all day an...
- 1912-12-18 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at which E. G. Browne was present. He visited `Abdu'l-Baha several more tim
- 1912-12-19 — Haji Amin, the Trustee of the Huqúqu'llah, presented 'Abdu'l-Baha with a gift from a poor workman i...
- 1912-12-20 — 'Abdu'l-Baha interviewed E. S. (Ethel Stefana) Stevens (later Lady Drower) who had come from Southha
- 1912-12-21 — 'Abdu'l-Baha witnessed His first dramatic performance. It was a mystery Christmas play entitled Eage
- 1912-12-22 — On another occasion He gave an outline for a play to his hostess for the evening, Mrs Gabrielle Enth...
- 1912-12-24 — `Abdu'l-Baha received many expensive Christmas gifts; He turned them all away by returning them and ...
- 1912-12-25 — 'Abdu'l-Baha paid a visit to Lord Lamington who was deeply touched by the message of peace and goodw
- 1912-12-26 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about prayer, evil, and the progress of the soul in a talk at 97 Cadogan Gardens.
- 1912-12-29 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha received a visit from the Maharajah or Jhalawar. [ABTM283]
In the...
- 1912-12-30 — The 19 Day Feast was held at the home of Mrs Robinson. [AB352]...
- 1913-01-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about The Four Kinds of Love in an address at 97 Cadogan Gardens. [PT17918
- 1913-01-05 — The Master spoke at the home of Miss Herrick's to some 150 people. He gave a very "spiritual" lectu...
- 1913-01-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha returned to London departing from Waverly Station at 11 AM and arriving at Euston Stati...
- 1913-01-11 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was most anxious that follow-up be done in Scotland. In and interview with Miss Buckto
- 1913-01-12 — He attended a dinner party at the home of Sir Richard and Lady Shapely, St. Martin's Lane, London. D...
- 1913-01-13 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke at Cadogan Gardens on the darkness of superstitions and imitations. [AB369, ABTM
- 1913-01-14 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke in the East End of London at a Congregational Church. [CH168, AB369, ABTM299]
- 1913-01-16 — `Abdu'l-Baha returned to London and spoke at 97 Cadogan Gardens. He spoke about the diversity of tho...
- 1913-01-17 — At some time during this short stay in London 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke at a meeting of the Women's Freedom...
- 1913-01-19 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was the guest of Rev Dr R J Campbell for luncheon. A number of divines had also been i
- 1913-01-20 — Dr Felix Mosscheles held a reception for 'Abdu'l-Baha in his home that was attended by a number of n...
- 1913-01-21 — `Abdu'l-Baha left London for Paris. [AB371]
The visit to Paris lasts several weeks. [AB372; SBR22...
- 1914-00-00 — The publication of The River of Life: A Selection from the teachings of Baha Allah and Abdul Baha as...
- 1914-06-22 — The defection of Dr Amin Farid, (b. 1882, d. 1953)`Abdu'l-Baha's translator while in America, becam...
- 1920-05-15 — Shoghi Effendi arrived in England to take up his studies at Oxford. His stated objective was:
"My ...
- 1920-07-28 — Shoghi Effendi journeyed from Oxford to London to attend the weekly public Baha'i meeting at Lindsay...
- 1921-06-20 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Long Vacation 1921
Those students who wished to continue their stu...
- 1921-11-30 — A cable was sent to London with news of `Abdu'l-Baha's passing. Shoghi Effendi was summonsed to the ...
- 1921-12-01 — Dr Esslemont made a trip from Bournemouth to London to visit Shoghi Effendi and offer support. He in...
- 1921-12-16 — Shoghi Effendi left England for Haifa in the company of Lady Blomfield and his sister Rouhangeze [RÃ...
- 1922-05-31 — The communities of London, Manchester and Bournemouth elected a Baha'i Spiritual Assembly for Englan...
- 1923-04-21 — The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of England. [GPB333]
The elect...
- 1924-09-22 — The conference `Some Living Religions within the British Empire' was held in London. [BW2:225; ER233...
- 1929-09-09 — The British Baha'is opened their new centre, at Walmar House, Upper Regent Street, London. [PSBW46â€...
- 1930-11-17 — Ethel Rosenberg, (b.6 August, 1858, Bath) Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Baha, 'England's outstanding Baha'i pi...
- 1931-05-20 — The passing of Mrs Claudia Coles in London. (b. 1863 or 1866 in Charleston, South Carolina). She ac...
- 1932-00-00 — The publication of The Religion of the Baha'is by J R Richards, a CMS Missionary in Shiraz. Publi...
- 1934-10-20 — The publication of the ...
- 1936-07-03 — The World Congress of Faiths was held in London under the auspices of the World Fellowship of Faiths...
- 1938-03-15 — Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper (Maryam Khanum), the first Baha'i of the British Isles, passed away...
- 1939-12-31 — Lady Sara Louisa Blomfield, entitled Sitarih Khanum, (b. County Tipperary, Ireland 1859) passed away...
- 1940-05-15 — Shoghi Effendi determined to go to England; he and Rúhiyyih Khanum left Haifa for Italy via aquapla...
- 1948-00-00 — The first publication of The Pattern of Baha'i Life in London by the Baha'i Publishing Trust. Reprin...
- 1950-03-26 — The British Community needed 22 declarations to complete the goals of their Six Year Plan. The Nati...
- 1957-11-04 — Passing of Shoghi Effendi
Shoghi Effendi passed away in London of coronary thrombosis after a bou...
- 1957-11-09 — The funeral of Shoghi Effendi took place in the Great Northern Cemetery, London. [BW13:222; PP448]
- 1957-11-10 — The Hands of the Cause met in London. [TG157]
See SDSC191-195 and SDSC430 note 8 for excerpts f...
- 1958-11-01 — The monument marking Shoghi Effendi's resting place was completed. [MC117]
Dust from the Shrine o...
- 1961-11-05 — The Hands of the Cause issued a message from their fifth Conclave. [MoC313–23]
They called for ...
- 1963-04-20 — The Ten Year Crusade was successfully completed. The achievements of the Ten Year Crusade were cele...
- 1963-04-28 — The first Baha'i World Congress, the 'Most Great Jubilee', was held in London to celebrate the cente...
- 1963-04-30 — The members of the Universal House of Justice were presented to the World Congress and the first sta...
- 1972-00-03 — The first Baha'i studies seminar was held in London. For an account of the development of these semi...
- 1975-02-05 — A strip of land facing the resting place of Shoghi Effendi was purchased by the Universal House of J...
- 1976-09-12 — His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa visited the resting place of Shoghi Effendi. [B...
- 1977-06-01 — At the behest of the Universal House of Justice, two conferences were held for Persian-speaking Baha...
- 1980-02-12 — Hasan M. Balyuzi, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in London. (b. 7 September, 1908, Shiraz, Ir...
- 1985-00-00 — The publication of Baha'i Focus on Human Rights by Philp Hainsworth. It has been described as the fi...
- 1987-07-01 — The passing of Dr Aziz Navidi (b. 9 September 1913 in Hamadan, Iran) in London. He was buried at the...
- 1988-00-00 — Branches of the Baha'i International Community's Office of Public Information were established in Pa...
- 1988-00-00 — 'Arts for Nature', a fund-raising programme held to benefit the work of the World Wide Fund for Natu
- 1988-06-30 — The Baha'i Arts Council, Canada, held the first arts festival, 'Invitation 88: A Festival of the Hum...
- 1989-11-04 — The European Baha'i Youth Council, comprised of seven youth and appointed by the Universal House of ...
- 1989-12-15 — A World Forestry Charter Gathering organized by the Offices of Public Information in London and New ...
- 1992-05-29 — The Centenary of the Ascension of Baha'u'llah was commemorated at the Guardian's Resting Place in Lo...
- 1992-09-15 — Amatu'l-Baha Rúhiyyih Khanum was officially invited to open the Exhibition of Baha'i Manuscripts at...
- 1994-07-28 — The World Forestry Charter Gatherings, established by Richard St. Barbe Baker in 1945, were re-insti...
- 1998-02-18 — World Faiths and Development Dialogue (WFDD) hosted an event at Lambeth Palace in London that brough...
- 1999-06-21 — The passing of Meherangiz Munsiff in London (b. 23 November, 1923 Bombay, India) Born into a Baha'i ...
- 2000-11-00 — Early in 2000 the eagle from the Guardian's Resting Place was stolen and the monument damaged in the...
- 2000-12-00 — A new eagle was placed atop the column at the Guardian's Resting Place and repair was done to the da...
- 2001-01-04 — The passing of Dr. Victor de Araujo of Vista, NY at the age of 78 years. He was born near London, En...
- 2001-05-15 — A tribute to Ruhiyyih Khanum, much in the form of music and drama, was held at Canada House in Trafa...
- 2003-07-00 — His Royal Highness Prince Andrew became the first member of the Royal Family to visit the National B...
- 2004-02-11 — A member of the British Baha'i community, Lois Hainsworth, received the award of Member of the Orde...
- 2008-04-00 — The publication of Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents by International ...
- 2009-01-03 — Regional Conferences were held in London, United Kingdom and Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. [BWNS686]...
- 2012-02-15 — Queen Elizabeth II launched the Diamond Jubilee of her reign with a multifaith reception at Lambeth ...
- 2017-11-06 — An exhibition of Baha'u'llah's writings opened at the John Addis Gallery in the British Museum.
- 2019-10-02 — The British Library marked the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with various initiatives alongsid...
- 2019-10-29 — The British Library published a blog to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab. It is a...
- 2020-09-22 — The Association for Baha'i Studies UK launched a new website. The core focus was on creating and sup...