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Tag "London, England"

tag name: London, England type: Geographic locations
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referring tags: `Abdu'l-Bahá in London (book); Bahá'í World Congress, First (1963); British Museum and British Library; Buckingham Palace; Mayor of London; Penge, England; Shoghi Effendi, Resting place of (London); Southplace Institute, London

"London, England" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (28 results; expand)

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  1. 'Abdu'l-Bahá à Londres, by Abdu'l-Bahá. (1996/2016)
  2. 'Abdu'l-Baha in Britain, 1913: The Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, by Ahmad Sohrab. David Merrick, ed. (2018) Diary of the travels to Liverpool, London, Oxford, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Woking, 1912/12/05-1913/01/21. Presented as a "hybrid" book with internet links, maps, and QR codes. Includes copious notes, alternative accounts, and an appendix of the talks.
  3. 'Abdu'l-Bahá in London, by Abdu'l-Bahá. (1982) Notes on 'Abdu'l-Baha's visit to London and Bristol in 1911, his discourses and conversations; first published in 1912.
  4. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Encounter with Modernity during His Western Travels, by Wendi Momen. (2012) Abdu'l-Bahá's responses to the West's technology and innovations on the one hand, vs. its archaic racist and sexual philosophies on the other.
  5. Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024) 85 selections, last updated August 2024.
  6. Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents, by International Teaching Centre. (2008-04) This World Centre publication was used for consultation at the 10th International Bahá'í Convention. In pictures, case studies, testimonials, and analysis of programs of growth on 5 continents, it demonstrates the diverse conditions of Bahá'ís worldwide.
  7. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986) Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  8. Bahá'ís, The, by Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield. (1928) A "comprehensive account of the inspiration and ideals upon which Baha’ism is built up" — overview of the history and teachings of the Bahá'í Faith.
  9. Bahá'u'lláh and the Fourth Estate, by Roger White. (1986) Bahá'u'lláh's response to the martyrdom of seven Bahá'ís in Yazd in May, 1891, and his relationship with the media.
  10. Baha'u'llah's Ground Plan of World Fellowship, by George Townshend. (1936) This talk, proposing a practical scheme for addressing the problem of world-fellowship, was delivered at the first World Congress of Faiths conference in London in 1936 — one of the earliest Bahá'í papers to appear in a modern interfaith setting.
  11. Day of Victory, The, by Rúhíyyih Khánum, Amoz Gibson. (1963) Two notable talks given at the First Bahá'í World Congress (London, 1963).
  12. Drama of the Kingdom, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Mary Basil Hall. (1933) A play written in 1912 by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá while he was in London and adopted with permission by Mary Basil Hall (named Parvine by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá).
  13. Eagle and Pillar over Shoghi Effendi's resting place, and his visits to Scotland, by Rúhíyyih Khánum. David Merrick, comp. (1981) Transcript of Ruhiyyih Khanum talking about Shoghi Effendi's visits to Scotland and how the pillar and eagle came to be over his resting place
  14. Fact and Fiction: Interrelationships between History and Imagination, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání. (2000) On the tension between "fact" and "fiction," between objective history and our relative and subjective stories, between art as the representation of reality and faith based on the Word of God. We inherited a responsibility to resolve this tension.
  15. Jalal Khazeh Remembered, by Harry Liedtke. (2023-04) Memory of meeting a Hand of the Cause of God at the first Bahá'í World Congress, April 28, 1963, and a brief tangent on the history of Royal Albert Hall, London.
  16. Memoirs of Frances Bradford Jones Edelstein, by Frances Bradford Jones Edelstein. (1999) Memoirs of the first pioneer to Famagusta (as requested by Shoghi Effendi to pioneer from the City of the Covenant to the City of the Arch-Breaker of the Covenant), and pilgrim to Haifa in December 1953. First written June 1985, completed April 1999.
  17. New Cycle of Human Power, A: Abdu'l-Bahá's Encounters with Modernist Writers and Artists, by Robert Weinberg. (2021-01) On the impact of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on a number of individuals who were at the cultural vanguard of a society undergoing rapid, radical change.
  18. Report through the New Territories Committee to the Knight of Bahá'u'lláh, by Winifred Harvey. (1957-11-12) Winifred Harvey's report of the funeral services in London upon the passing of the Guardian.
  19. Signs of God on Earth, by Rúhíyyih Khánum. (1963) Talk presented at the First Bahá'í World Congress in London, 1963, about pioneering, teaching indigenous people, and about her memories of the Guardian.
  20. Speaking in Edinburgh, by Rúhíyyih Khánum. (1981-08) Address at Edinburgh Bahá'í Centre. Includes discussion of Shoghi Effendi in Scotland and the eagle and pillar at his resting place.
  21. Splendour of God, The: Being Extracts from the Sacred Writings of the Bahá'ís, Eric Hammond, comp. (1909/1911) An early overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history, along with early translations of Seven Valleys, Hidden Words, and selected texts from other tablets.
  22. Star Tablet of the Bab, The, by Moojan Momen. (2019-10-29) Guest post celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with an account of one of the Bahá'í Faith's most important manuscripts, the Star Tablet, written in his own hand.
  23. Tablet of the Báb found in British Museum, by Loulie Mathews. (1931-03) Anecdote about the discovery of the Star Tablet of the Báb at the British Museum in London.
  24. Tablet to The Times of London, by Bahá'u'lláh. Mehdi Wolf, ed. (1987) Short tablet calling newspapers to investigate the Truth.
  25. "This Glorious Harvest of Victory": The 1963 World Congress, by Adam Thorne. (2012-11) Brief history about the first international Bahá'í congress, including recollections of some participants.
  26. Thousand Years Must Elapse: Examining a Tablet by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Harry Liedtke. (2022) Commentary on a tablet by 'Abdu'l-Baha that addresses the present debasement of Persia and its future glory, and the Western world.
  27. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023) Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
  28. Unpublished Talks by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Abdu'l-Bahá. (1928) Four short talks given by ‘Abdu'l-Bahá in London, December 1912. These talks have not been published elsewhere and the translator is not identified. The original Persian text alluded to at the beginning seems not to be readily available.

2.   from the Chronology (118 results; expand)

  1. 1807-03-25 — The Bill to abolish the Atlantic slave trade received Royal Assent in the British Parliament. The A...
  2. 1845-11-01 — The Times of London carried an item on the arrest and torture of Quddús, Mulla Sadiq-i-Khurasani, M...
  3. 1855-03-05 — Birth of John Henry Hyde Dunn, Hand of the Cause, in London. [Baha'i Chronicles] ...
  4. 1869-05-12 — Birth of Clara Davis Dunn, Hand of the Cause, in London....
  5. 1889-06-01 — E. G. Browne gave a paper on the Baha'i Faith (`Babism') at the Royal Asiatic Society, London....
  6. 1891-02-15 — First public lecture in the West on the Baha'i Faith was given by E. G. Browne at the Southplace Ins...
  7. 1891-05-20 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Lawh-i-Times, Tablet to the Times in which He recounted the circumstances o...
  8. 1895-06-00 — Miss Marion Brown became a Baha'i in London, the first European to accept the Baha'i Faith. [BFA1:37...
  9. 1900-11-26 — Agnes Baldwin Alexander wrote to `Abdu'l-Baha declaring her belief in Baha'u'llah. [BFA2:159; SBR176...
  10. 1901-01-22 — The passing of Queen Victoria. Of all the leaders addressed by Baha'u'llah only she is reputed to...
  11. 1902-05-08 — May Bolles married Sutherland Maxwell in London and moved to Montreal later in the year. [BW8:635; G...
  12. 1910-00-00 — The publication of God's Heroes: A Drama in Five Acts by Laura Clifford Barney, (London: Kegan Paul...
  13. 1910-00-00 — The publication of ...
  14. 1911-07-26 — The First Universal Races Congress was held at the University of London. It was the first important...
  15. 1911-08-11 — The beginning of `Abdu'l-Baha's first Western tour [AB139] `Abdu'l-Baha departed from Egypt with a ...
  16. 1911-08-23 — `Abdu'l-Baha took up residence at Thonon-les-Bains on Lake Leman (Lake Geneva). [AB140; GPB280; SBR2...
  17. 1911-08-24 — Tammaddun'ul-Mulk and Juliet Thompson arrived in Thonon-les-Bains from London via Geneva. She had la...
  18. 1911-09-04 — `Abdu'l-Baha arrived in London accompanied by His secretary, Mirza Mahmúd and Khusraw, His servant....
  19. 1911-09-05 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was interviewed by the editor of The Christian Commonwealth, Mr Albert Dawson, and late
  20. 1911-09-08 — In the morning He received a small party in Lady Blomfield's drawing room. [SoW Vol 2 No 12 October ...
  21. 1911-09-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave His first public address in the West in the City Temple Church in Holborn, London ...
  22. 1911-09-11 — Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper gave an "At Home" to the believers and between fifty and sixty were present ...
  23. 1911-09-12 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at a meeting of the friends at the home of Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper in Londo
  24. 1911-09-13 — Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper gave a reception for 'Abdu'l-Baha at her home 31 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle ...
  25. 1911-09-14 — At a meeting at the office of the Editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Freemasons and Theosophists ...
  26. 1911-09-17 — `Abdu'l-Baha addressed the congregation of St John's, Westminster, His second address to a Western a...
  27. 1911-09-21 — Reverend Peter Z Easton called on Àbdu'l-Baha. Apparently he wanted a sparring match but Àbdu'l-Ba...
  28. 1911-09-21 — During 'Abdu'l-Baha's first visit to Britain, he was invited into churches and welcomed warmly by ma...
  29. 1911-09-22 — 'Abdu'l-Baha visited the home of Misses Marion Jack and Elizabeth Herrick, at 10 Cheniston Gardens,
  30. 1911-09-30 — `Abdu'l-Baha addressed the Theosophical Society in London, His last talk in England on this visit. ...
  31. 1911-10-01 — A young Persian couple asked 'Abdu'l-Baha to marry them. The union was blessed at the Higher Thought...
  32. 1911-10-02 — Abdu'l-Baha breakfasted with the Lord Mayor of London at the Mansion House, City of London. The Lo...
  33. 1911-10-03 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk that has been entitled, "Eleven essentials: the Bahai principles as taught ...
  34. 1912-10-08 — The start of the the First Balkan War when Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia constituting the ...
  35. 1912-12-16 — 'Abdu'l-Baha and his entourage departed Liverpool for London by train from the Lime Street Station.
  36. 1912-12-17 — A Baha'i arrived from Ireland to see 'Abdu'l-Baha, possibly Joan Waring, after travelling all day an...
  37. 1912-12-18 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at which E. G. Browne was present. He visited `Abdu'l-Baha several more tim
  38. 1912-12-19 — Haji Amin, the Trustee of the Huqúqu'llah, presented 'Abdu'l-Baha with a gift from a poor workman i...
  39. 1912-12-20 — 'Abdu'l-Baha interviewed E. S. (Ethel Stefana) Stevens (later Lady Drower) who had come from Southha
  40. 1912-12-21 — 'Abdu'l-Baha witnessed His first dramatic performance. It was a mystery Christmas play entitled Eage
  41. 1912-12-22 — On another occasion He gave an outline for a play to his hostess for the evening, Mrs Gabrielle Enth...
  42. 1912-12-24 — `Abdu'l-Baha received many expensive Christmas gifts; He turned them all away by returning them and ...
  43. 1912-12-25 — 'Abdu'l-Baha paid a visit to Lord Lamington who was deeply touched by the message of peace and goodw
  44. 1912-12-26 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about prayer, evil, and the progress of the soul in a talk at 97 Cadogan Gardens.
  45. 1912-12-29 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha received a visit from the Maharajah or Jhalawar. [ABTM283] In the...
  46. 1912-12-30 — The 19 Day Feast was held at the home of Mrs Robinson. [AB352]...
  47. 1913-01-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about The Four Kinds of Love in an address at 97 Cadogan Gardens. [PT17918
  48. 1913-01-05 — The Master spoke at the home of Miss Herrick's to some 150 people. He gave a very "spiritual" lectu...
  49. 1913-01-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha returned to London departing from Waverly Station at 11 AM and arriving at Euston Stati...
  50. 1913-01-11 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was most anxious that follow-up be done in Scotland. In and interview with Miss Buckto
  51. 1913-01-12 — He attended a dinner party at the home of Sir Richard and Lady Shapely, St. Martin's Lane, London. D...
  52. 1913-01-13 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke at Cadogan Gardens on the darkness of superstitions and imitations. [AB369, ABTM
  53. 1913-01-14 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke in the East End of London at a Congregational Church. [CH168, AB369, ABTM299]
  54. 1913-01-16 — `Abdu'l-Baha returned to London and spoke at 97 Cadogan Gardens. He spoke about the diversity of tho...
  55. 1913-01-17 — At some time during this short stay in London 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke at a meeting of the Women's Freedom...
  56. 1913-01-19 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was the guest of Rev Dr R J Campbell for luncheon. A number of divines had also been i
  57. 1913-01-20 — Dr Felix Mosscheles held a reception for 'Abdu'l-Baha in his home that was attended by a number of n...
  58. 1913-01-21 — `Abdu'l-Baha left London for Paris. [AB371] The visit to Paris lasts several weeks. [AB372; SBR22...
  59. 1914-00-00 — The publication of The River of Life: A Selection from the teachings of Baha Allah and Abdul Baha as...
  60. 1914-06-22 — The defection of Dr Amin Farid, (b. 1882, d. 1953)`Abdu'l-Baha's translator while in America, becam...
  61. 1920-05-15 — Shoghi Effendi arrived in England to take up his studies at Oxford. His stated objective was: "My ...
  62. 1920-07-28 — Shoghi Effendi journeyed from Oxford to London to attend the weekly public Baha'i meeting at Lindsay...
  63. 1921-06-20 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Long Vacation 1921 Those students who wished to continue their stu...
  64. 1921-11-30 — A cable was sent to London with news of `Abdu'l-Baha's passing. Shoghi Effendi was summonsed to the ...
  65. 1921-12-01 — Dr Esslemont made a trip from Bournemouth to London to visit Shoghi Effendi and offer support. He in...
  66. 1921-12-16 — Shoghi Effendi left England for Haifa in the company of Lady Blomfield and his sister Rouhangeze [RÃ...
  67. 1922-05-31 — The communities of London, Manchester and Bournemouth elected a Baha'i Spiritual Assembly for Englan...
  68. 1923-04-21 — The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of England. [GPB333] The elect...
  69. 1924-09-22 — The conference `Some Living Religions within the British Empire' was held in London. [BW2:225; ER233...
  70. 1929-09-09 — The British Baha'is opened their new centre, at Walmar House, Upper Regent Street, London. [PSBW46â€...
  71. 1930-11-17 — Ethel Rosenberg, (b.6 August, 1858, Bath) Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Baha, 'England's outstanding Baha'i pi...
  72. 1931-05-20 — The passing of Mrs Claudia Coles in London. (b. 1863 or 1866 in Charleston, South Carolina). She ac...
  73. 1932-00-00 — The publication of The Religion of the Baha'is by J R Richards, a CMS Missionary in Shiraz. Publi...
  74. 1934-10-20 — The publication of the ...
  75. 1936-07-03 — The World Congress of Faiths was held in London under the auspices of the World Fellowship of Faiths...
  76. 1938-03-15 — Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper (Maryam Khanum), the first Baha'i of the British Isles, passed away...
  77. 1939-12-31 — Lady Sara Louisa Blomfield, entitled Sitarih Khanum, (b. County Tipperary, Ireland 1859) passed away...
  78. 1940-05-15 — Shoghi Effendi determined to go to England; he and Rúhiyyih Khanum left Haifa for Italy via aquapla...
  79. 1948-00-00 — The first publication of The Pattern of Baha'i Life in London by the Baha'i Publishing Trust. Reprin...
  80. 1950-03-26 — The British Community needed 22 declarations to complete the goals of their Six Year Plan. The Nati...
  81. 1957-11-04 — Passing of Shoghi Effendi Shoghi Effendi passed away in London of coronary thrombosis after a bou...
  82. 1957-11-09 — The funeral of Shoghi Effendi took place in the Great Northern Cemetery, London. [BW13:222; PP448] ...
  83. 1957-11-10 — The Hands of the Cause met in London. [TG157] See SDSC191-195 and SDSC430 note 8 for excerpts f...
  84. 1958-11-01 — The monument marking Shoghi Effendi's resting place was completed. [MC117] Dust from the Shrine o...
  85. 1961-11-05 — The Hands of the Cause issued a message from their fifth Conclave. [MoC313–23] They called for ...
  86. 1963-04-20 — The Ten Year Crusade was successfully completed. The achievements of the Ten Year Crusade were cele...
  87. 1963-04-28 — The first Baha'i World Congress, the 'Most Great Jubilee', was held in London to celebrate the cente...
  88. 1963-04-30 — The members of the Universal House of Justice were presented to the World Congress and the first sta...
  89. 1972-00-03 — The first Baha'i studies seminar was held in London. For an account of the development of these semi...
  90. 1975-02-05 — A strip of land facing the resting place of Shoghi Effendi was purchased by the Universal House of J...
  91. 1976-09-12 — His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa visited the resting place of Shoghi Effendi. [B...
  92. 1977-06-01 — At the behest of the Universal House of Justice, two conferences were held for Persian-speaking Baha...
  93. 1980-02-12 — Hasan M. Balyuzi, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in London. (b. 7 September, 1908, Shiraz, Ir...
  94. 1985-00-00 — The publication of Baha'i Focus on Human Rights by Philp Hainsworth. It has been described as the fi...
  95. 1987-07-01 — The passing of Dr Aziz Navidi (b. 9 September 1913 in Hamadan, Iran) in London. He was buried at the...
  96. 1988-00-00 — Branches of the Baha'i International Community's Office of Public Information were established in Pa...
  97. 1988-00-00 — 'Arts for Nature', a fund-raising programme held to benefit the work of the World Wide Fund for Natu
  98. 1988-06-30 — The Baha'i Arts Council, Canada, held the first arts festival, 'Invitation 88: A Festival of the Hum...
  99. 1989-11-04 — The European Baha'i Youth Council, comprised of seven youth and appointed by the Universal House of ...
  100. 1989-12-15 — A World Forestry Charter Gathering organized by the Offices of Public Information in London and New ...
  101. 1992-05-29 — The Centenary of the Ascension of Baha'u'llah was commemorated at the Guardian's Resting Place in Lo...
  102. 1992-09-15 — Amatu'l-Baha Rúhiyyih Khanum was officially invited to open the Exhibition of Baha'i Manuscripts at...
  103. 1994-07-28 — The World Forestry Charter Gatherings, established by Richard St. Barbe Baker in 1945, were re-insti...
  104. 1998-02-18 — World Faiths and Development Dialogue (WFDD) hosted an event at Lambeth Palace in London that brough...
  105. 1999-06-21 — The passing of Meherangiz Munsiff in London (b. 23 November, 1923 Bombay, India) Born into a Baha'i ...
  106. 2000-11-00 — Early in 2000 the eagle from the Guardian's Resting Place was stolen and the monument damaged in the...
  107. 2000-12-00 — A new eagle was placed atop the column at the Guardian's Resting Place and repair was done to the da...
  108. 2001-01-04 — The passing of Dr. Victor de Araujo of Vista, NY at the age of 78 years. He was born near London, En...
  109. 2001-05-15 — A tribute to Ruhiyyih Khanum, much in the form of music and drama, was held at Canada House in Trafa...
  110. 2003-07-00 — His Royal Highness Prince Andrew became the first member of the Royal Family to visit the National B...
  111. 2004-02-11 — A member of the British Baha'i community, Lois Hainsworth, received the award of Member of the Orde...
  112. 2008-04-00 — The publication of Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents by International ...
  113. 2009-01-03 — Regional Conferences were held in London, United Kingdom and Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. [BWNS686]...
  114. 2012-02-15 — Queen Elizabeth II launched the Diamond Jubilee of her reign with a multifaith reception at Lambeth ...
  115. 2017-11-06 — An exhibition of Baha'u'llah's writings opened at the John Addis Gallery in the British Museum. ...
  116. 2019-10-02 — The British Library marked the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with various initiatives alongsid...
  117. 2019-10-29 — The British Library published a blog to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab. It is a...
  118. 2020-09-22 — The Association for Baha'i Studies UK launched a new website. The core focus was on creating and sup...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (2 results; expand)

  1. 1957-11-09 — The funeral for Shoghi Effendi was attended by Lloyd Gardner, Peggy Ross, Allan Raynor, Rowland Esta...
  2. 2001-05-15 — A tribute to Ruhiyyih Khanum, much in the form of music and drama, was held at Canada House in Trafa...
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