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Tag "- In Memoriam"

tag name: - In Memoriam type: People
web link: -_In_Memoriam
related tags: Biographies (general)
referring tags: Births and deaths

"- In Memoriam" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (34 results; expand)

  1. Universal House of Justice. Ali Akbar Furutan, In Memoriam (2003-11-27). — Obituary containing a brief biography of Ali Akbar Furutan, one of the longest surviving Hands of th...
  2. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983) (1986). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  3. Sandra S. Fotos. Barbara Sims' Contribution to Bahá'í Scholarship in Asia Pacific (2003-03). — Two memorial articles for Barbara Sims, Pioneer to Japan from 1953-2002, biographer of Agnes Alexand...
  4. Shoghi Effendi. Citadel of Faith: Messages to America 1947-1957 (1980). — A collection of messages from the Guardian to the Baha’is of the United States, written between 19...
  5. In Memoriam (1978). — Ahmadpur, 'Inayatu'llah; Arbab, Ruhi; Ashen, Elizabeth Anna; Azamikhah, Qudratu'llah; Baghdadi, 'Abb...
  6. In Memoriam (1981). — Anderson, Angela Annette; Azzavi, Siyyid Muḥammad; Battrick, Jeannette Hilda; Blackwell, Ellsworth...
  7. In Memoriam (1930). — Hippolyte Dreyfus Barney, Mirza Mahmud Zargani, William H. Randall.
  8. In Memoriam (1952). — Fannie Lesch, Walter Olitzki, Fanny Knobloch, Marta Brauns-Forel, Fred Mortensen, Haj Taha El-Hamams...
  9. In Memoriam (1948). — Siyyid Mustafa Rumi, Henrietta Emogene Martin Hoagg, Azizu'llah Mesbah, Muhammad Sa'id Adham, Ali-As...
  10. In Memoriam (1939). — Alfred E. Lunt, Zia Bagdadi, Laurie C. Wilhelm, Mary Hanford Ford, Elmore E. Duckett, Colonel I. Pir...
  11. In Memoriam (1945). — John Henry Hyde Dunn, Abdu'l-Jalil Bey Sa'ad, Mirza Buzurg Afnan Ala'i, Margaret Stevenson, Mary Rev...
  12. In Memoriam (1942). — May Ellis Maxwell, Lua Getsinger, Martha Root, Thornburgh-Cropper, Lady Blomfield, Rahmatu’lláh ...
  13. In Memoriam (1937). — Susan I. Moody, Hooper Harris, Harry H. Romer, Howard Luxmoore Carpenter, Edward C. Getsinger, Sarah...
  14. In Memoriam (1936). — Bahiyyih Khanum, Keith Ransom-Kehler, Agnes Parsons, Yusuf Khan-i-Vujdani, Arastu Khan Hakim, George...
  15. In Memoriam (1932). — Ethel Rosenberg, Claudia Stuart Coles, Consul Albert Schwarz.
  16. In Memoriam (1956). — William Sutherland Maxwell, Roy Wilhelm, Siegfried Schopflocher, Louis Gregory, Dorothy Baker, Mario...
  17. In Memoriam (1974). — Leroy Ioas, Jessie Revell, Mildred Eileen Clark, Marcia Steward de Matamoros, Charles William Dunnin...
  18. In Memoriam (1986). — 95 biographies from Baha'i World 18. Includes detailed bios of H.M. Balyuzi, A.Q. Faizi, Robert Hayd...
  19. In Memoriam (1976). — 'Ala'i, Ni'mat; Alexander, Agnes Baldwin; Allen, Jeanne Gwendolin; Almond, Percy Meade; Backwell, Ri...
  20. In Memoriam (1970). — Valiyu'llah Varqa, Amelia Collins, George Townshend, Corinne Knight True, Horace Holley, Clara Dunn,...
  21. Universal House of Justice, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia. In Memoriam: Bill Washington (2014-11). — Messages of condolence from the Universal House of Justice and the National Assembly of Australia.
  22. In Memoriam: Dr. Zia M. Bagdadi (1938). — Biography of one-time editor of Star of the West.
  23. Ismael Velasco. In Memoriam: Hugh McKinley (2007). — McKinley (1924-1999) was a British Baha'i pioneer to Cyprus during the Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963).
  24. In Memoriam: Muhammad Afnan (1930-2017) (2018). — Overview of the life of a supporter, active collaborator, and advisor for the Irfan Colloquia and it...
  25. Paul Vreeland, ed. In Memoriam 1992-1997 (2010). — The first In Memoriam supplement to Baha'i World after the journal converted to a shorter, annual fo...
  26. Universal House of Justice, Sheridan Sims, Sandra S. Fotos. In memoriam Barbara Sims (2002-05-10). — Two obituaries of a prominent American Baha'i teacher and pioneer to Japan.
  27. Patricia Paccassi, comp, Frank Paccassi, comp. Indexes to Bahá'í World volumes: Obituaries, chronologies, contents, illustrations (2013). — Seven separate indexes for Baha'i World, in PDF, Word, and Excel versions.
  28. Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age (1996).
  29. Miriam Haney. Moody, Susan I., 1851-1934: Obituary (1935-03). — Tribute to a travel-teacher who was especially known for bringing education and medical care to wome...
  30. Constance M. Chen. Obituary: Marzieh Nabil Carpenter Gail (1908-1993): Translator and Author, "Patron Saint" of Women Bahá'í Scholars (1996). — A short biography of a famous female Baha'i scholar and translator.
  31. Anonymous, Universal House of Justice. Semple, Ian Chalmers: In Memoriam (2012). — Biography of long-serving member of the Universal House of Justice and frequent contributor to schol...
  32. Willard P. Hatch. Sydney Sprague: In Memoriam (1945). — Sprague (1875-1943) was an American Baha’i who traveled the East to promote the religion in the ea...
  33. Abdu'l-Bahá. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans. Tablet on the Passing of Mirza 'Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpáygání (Lawh-i-az Hadrat-i-‘Abdu‘l-Bahá‘ pas az Su‘udi-i-Mírzá Abu‘l-Fadl-i-Gulpáygání) (2000).
  34. Iraj Ayman. Varqá, Ali-Mohammad (2017). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.

2.   from the Chronology (260 results; expand)

  1. 1826-06-27 — Passing of Shaykh Ahmad-i-Ahsa'i, the leader of the Shaykhis, in Haddiyyih near Medina near the tomb...
  2. 1828-00-01 — Passing of Mirza Muhammad Rida, the father of the Bab. The Bab was placed in the care of His ma...
  3. 1839-00-00 — Passing of Mirza Buzurg. His body was taken to Najaf, Iraq where he was interred. [BBD49; BKG17; BNE...
  4. 1843-00-01 — Birth of Ahmad, son of the Bab. He passed away shortly after he was born (or was still-born). [Bab4...
  5. 1843-12-31 — Passing of Siyyid Kazim-i-Rashti, the disciple and self-proclaimed successor of Shaykh Ahmad, in Kar...
  6. 1847-03-04 — The passing of Manúchihr Khan. His death had been predicted by the Bab 87 days earlier. The governo...
  7. 1863-00-00 — The passing of Haji Mubarak, the servant of the Bab. He was born in 1823 and died at the age of 40. ...
  8. 1870-06-23 — Mirza Mihdi died from his injuries 22 hours after his fall. [BKG311–12; GPB188; RB3:208] See ...
  9. 1872-11-22 — Muhammad-Baqir-i-Mahallati, one of the Baha'is imprisoned in Cyprus, died. [BBR306] He had begun ...
  10. 1874-00-00 — The passing of Mulla Sadiq-i-Muqaddas-i-Khurasani entitled by Baha'u'llah Ism'llah'l-Asdaq (In the N...
  11. 1879-00-01 — Sarih Khanum, the faithful sister of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Tihran. She was buried a short dist...
  12. 1881-00-00 — The passing of Faṭimih Bagum, the mother of the Bab in Karbila. She herself was from a prominent S...
  13. 1882-11-11 — The passing of Khadijih-Bagum, the wife of the Bab, in Shiraz in the house of her Husband. [BBD127; ...
  14. 1886-00-05 — The passing of the wife of Baha'u'llah, Ásiyih Khanum, entitled Navvab (the Most Exalted Leaf) in t...
  15. 1887-00-00 — Mirza Músa, Áqay-i-Kalim, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, the faithful brother of Baha'u'llah, passed away...
  16. 1889-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause Mulla Sadiq Maqaddas Khurasani also known by the designation Jinab-...
  17. 1892-05-29 — The Ascension of Baha'u'llah   Baha'u'llah passed away at Bahji in His seventy–fifth year. [AB...
  18. 1892-07-05 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Nabil-i-Akbar Áqa Muhammed-i-Qa'ini. He was born in Naw-Fir...
  19. 1892-09-03 — Nabil, inconsolable at the death of Baha'u'llah, committed suicide by drowning himself in the sea. [...
  20. 1896-05-02 — The martyrdom of Hand of the Cause of God Varqa ('Dove'), Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad. (b.1856 in Yazd, d. i...
  21. 1897-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Shaykh Muhammad-Riday-i-Yazdi (Mulla Rida) while incarcerate...
  22. 1897-00-00 — Haji Mirza Muhammad-`Ali, the first Baha'i to have settled China, died in Bombay on his way back to ...
  23. 1898-08-20 — Jamal Effendi passed away in `Akka. [EB128; Momen-Jamal Effendi] Note: Balyuzi gives the date of ...
  24. 1901-01-22 — The passing of Queen Victoria. Of all the leaders addressed by Baha'u'llah only she is reputed to...
  25. 1902-06-13 — Thomas Breakwell died from tuberculosis in Paris. (b. 31 May, 1872 in Woking) [AB77; BBD46; SEBW70] ...
  26. 1903-00-00 — The passing of Mulla Zaynu'l-'Ábidin, surnamed Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin (the Ornament of the Near Ones) i...
  27. 1905-00-00 — The passing of Ahmad (of "Tablet of Ahmad" fame) in Tehran at the age of 100. He was born in Yazd in...
  28. 1908-09-30 — The passing of Amalie Knobloch (b.Böblitz Germany 11 May 1858 d. 30 September 1908 in Washington, D...
  29. 1909-00-00 — The passing of Robert Turner (b. 15 October, 1855 or 1856, Virginia d. 1909 California) the fi...
  30. 1910-03-04 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Haji Mulla 'Ali-Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi, (Haji Akhund). He was...
  31. 1911-08-00 — Haji Muhammad-Taqi Afnan, Vakilu'd-Dawlih, the cousin of the Bab largely responsible for the buildin...
  32. 1912-00-00 — Mishkin-Qalam (b.1826, Shiraz, Iran) passed away in the Holy Land. He was buried in the Baha'i Cemet...
  33. 1912-09-30 — Thornton Chase, the first American Baha'i, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away in California befor...
  34. 1914-01-21 — Mirza Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Cairo. [AB404; BBD67] ... lea...
  35. 1915-10-11 — Arthur Pillsbury Dodge, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away in Freeport, New York. [SBR15] He ...
  36. 1916-05-02 — Louisa Aurora "Lua" Moore Getsinger, (b. 1 November, 1872 in Hume, Allegany County, New York) Disci...
  37. 1917-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Haji Mirza Muhammad-Taqiy-i-Abhari (Ibn-i-Abhar). He was bo...
  38. 1918-00-00 — Shaykh Kazim-i-Samandar, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away early in the year. For the story of...
  39. 1919-04-13 — The passing of Phoebe Apperson Hearst (b. 3 December, 1842) in her home in Pleasanton, California du...
  40. 1919-08-13 — The passing of Mirza Muhammad-Hasan Taliqani, Hand of the Cause of God, entitled Adibu'l-'Ulama, kno...
  41. 1920-01-27 — The passing of Joseph H. Hannen, (b. January 27, 1920, Allegheny, Pennsylvania) Disciple of 'Abdu'l-...
  42. 1920-05-24 — Charles Greenleaf, (b. 6 May, 1857 in Wisconsin), Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away at the home ...
  43. 1920-12-00 — The passing of Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali Isfahani known as 'the Angel of Mount Carmel' in Haifa. He was ...
  44. 1920-12-01 — Lillian Frances Kappes,(b. 1878 in Hoboken, New Jersey), died of typhus fever in Tihran. [BFA2:361; ...
  45. 1922-01-09 — William H. Hoar, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away in Fanwood, New Jersey. [SW12, 19:310] F...
  46. 1922-01-24 — Dr Sarah A. Clock passed away in Tihran. She had gone there in 1911 to assist Dr Moody at the Tarbiy...
  47. 1922-02-19 — Helen Goodall, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away in San Francisco. [SEBW33] See SEBW21-33 fo...
  48. 1924-00-00 — The passing of Mirza Mahmúd-i-Zarqani (b. c1875). He was 'Abdu'l-Baha's secretary on his weste...
  49. 1924-01-28 — Isabella Brittingham, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away at the Revell home in Philadelphia. [SEB...
  50. 1925-09-01 — Dr. Arthur Eduard Heinrich Brauns (b. March 15, 1883 Goslar, Germany d. September 1, 1925 Switzerlan...
  51. 1925-11-22 — John Esslemont, Hand of the Cause of God, Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Baha, passed away in Haifa. [BW3p84-85...
  52. 1926-01-25 — The passing of Professor Edward Granville Browne, (b. on the family estate in Gloucestershire, 7 Feb...
  53. 1926-12-26 — Howard MacNutt, Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Baha, (b. 13 July, 1858 in Philadelphia) passed away in Florida ...
  54. 1927-09-13 — Dr George Augur, (b. 1 Oct 1853 New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA d. 13 Sep 1927 Honolul...
  55. 1928-04-02 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad, known as Ibn-i-Asdaq. He was born in M...
  56. 1928-05-27 — Haji Amin, Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikani, Hand of the Cause of God and Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away ...
  57. 1928-12-20 — Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney, (b. 12 Apr 1873, Paris, France, d. 20 Dec 1928, Paris, France), Disciple o...
  58. 1929-02-11 — William 'Harry' Randall, (b. 1863), passed away in Medford, MA. After his death, Shoghi Effendi nam...
  59. 1930-08-19 — Jean-Baptiste Louis Bourgeois, (b. 19 March 1856, Staint-Célestin de Nicolet, QC. d. Wilmette, IL)...
  60. 1930-08-20 — Louis Jean-Baptiste Bourgeois, (19 March, 1856, Saint-Célestin, Quebec, Canada) designer of the Mas...
  61. 1930-11-17 — Ethel Rosenberg, (b.6 August, 1858, Bath) Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Baha, 'England's outstanding Baha'i pi...
  62. 1931-01-13 — Consul Albert Schwarz, (b. December 14, 1871, Stuttgart, Germany), Disciple of Abdu'l-Baha, 'Germany...
  63. 1931-05-20 — The passing of Mrs Claudia Coles in London. (b. 1863 or 1866 in Charleston, South Carolina). She ac...
  64. 1931-07-27 — Swiss Baha'i Auguste Forel, (b. 1 September, 1848 Morges, Switzerland, d. 27 July, 1931 Yvorne Switz...
  65. 1932-07-15 — The Greatest Holy Leaf, Bahiyyih Khanum, 'outstanding heroine of the Baha'i Dispensation' passed awa...
  66. 1932-11-23 — The passing of George Adam Benke (b. Fredericksfelt, south Russia in 1878) in Sofia, Bulgaria. Shog...
  67. 1933-10-23 — Keith Ransom-Kehler died of smallpox in Isfahan after a year of intensive travel around Iran. [BW5:2...
  68. 1934-01-24 — Agnes S. Parsons died after an automobile accident. [BW5:410; SBR96; BN No 82 April 1934 p4] She ...
  69. 1934-10-23 — Dr Susan Moody (b. Amsterdam, NY 20 November 1851) passed away in Iran. She had become a Baha'i in M...
  70. 1935-09-20 — The passing of Jinab-i-Fadil-i-Shirazi (Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim) (b.1863) in Tehran. [ARG109, M9YA4...
  71. 1935-11-24 — The passing of Dr. Howard Luxmoore Carpenter (b. 1906, d. 24 November 1935). He was buried at the Su...
  72. 1936-12-31 — Khusraw Biman (Thabit) passed away in Bombay at the age of 103 or 104. [Imm:56] He is the first Z...
  73. 1937-02-02 — The passing of Mary Hanford Finney Ford (b. 1 November, 1856, in Meadville, PA) in Clearwater, FL. S...
  74. 1937-04-11 — The passing of Dr. Zia Bagdadi (b. February 9, 1882, Beirut, Lebanon) in Augusta, Georgia. He was bu...
  75. 1938-03-15 — Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper (Maryam Khanum), the first Baha'i of the British Isles, passed away...
  76. 1938-04-30 — Munirih Khanum, the Holy Mother, wife of 'Abdu'l-Baha, passed away. [BBD166; BW8:260; CB358; DH161] ...
  77. 1938-05-01 — The National Convention was held in Chicago. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: ...
  78. 1938-07-25 — The passing of Queen Marie of Romania. [BBD144; GPB395] For her services to the Baha'i Faith see ...
  79. 1938-11-11 — The passing of Pocahontas Kay (Grizzard) Pope (b. 1864 or 1865 Pocahontas Kay in Halifax County, NC,...
  80. 1939-02-28 — The passing of Louis Alphonse Daniel Nicolas, signing A.L.M. Nicolas , (b. March 27 , 1864 in Rasht,...
  81. 1939-09-28 — Martha Root, 'foremost Hand raised by Baha'u'llah', passed away in Honolulu. (b. 10 August,1872 Rich...
  82. 1939-12-30 — The passing of Grace Crossman Krug (b. 1870 Brooklyn, d. 30 December 1939 Chester, NY). [Find a Gra...
  83. 1939-12-31 — Lady Sara Louisa Blomfield, entitled Sitarih Khanum, (b. 1859) passed away in London. She was buried...
  84. 1941-02-11 — The passing of Margaret Stevenson, the first New Zealand Baha'i (b. 30 November 1865, in Onehunga) i...
  85. 1941-02-17 — John Henry Hyde Dunn, passed away in Sydney. [BW9:595; SBR166] Shortly after his passing Shoghi E...
  86. 1941-04-08 — The passing of Urbain Joseph Ledoux (b. August 13, 1874 in Ste Hélène de Bagot, Quebec). He was b...
  87. 1941-06-20 — The passing of Howard Colby Ives (b. 11 Oct 1867, Brooklyn, New York, d. Pulaski County, Arkansas, ...
  88. 1941-08-06 — The passing of Elizabeth Roemer Greenleaf (b. 1863) in Eliot Maine. She was buried at the Rosehill ...
  89. 1942-06-25 — 'Abdu'l-Jalil Bey Sa'ad died in Egypt and Shoghi Effendi appointed him to the rank of Hand of the Ca
  90. 1942-12-18 — The Assembly of Egypt, after obtaining government permission to maintain a Baha'i cemetery, arranged...
  91. 1943-05-02 — The passing of Narayanrao Rangnath (Shethji) Vakil (b. Navsari, 1866) in Poona. He was the first pe...
  92. 1943-06-18 — The passing of Mabel Rice-Wray Ives (Rizwanea) (b. in St. Louis, MO in 1878) in Oklahoma, OK. She wa...
  93. 1943-08-16 — The passing of Sydney Sprague (b. Oshkosh WI in 1875) in Los Angeles. He was buried in Inglewood Cem...
  94. 1943-12-22 — The passing of Disciple of Àbdu'l-Baha Alma Knobloch (b. 1864 Bautzen; Germany d. 23 December 1943 ...
  95. 1944-01-00 — A Memorial to Keith Ransom-Kehler was erected in Isfahan to commemorate her work in Iran. She was ...
  96. — The passing of John Stearns, pioneer to Quito while in Lima, Peru for medical treatment. He was bur...
  97. 1945-03-13 — The murder of Siyyid Mustafa Rúmi (b. Baghdad 1846 d. Mandalay Region, Myammar). He became a Baha'...
  98. 1945-12-15 — The passing of Emogene Hoagg (Henrietta Emogene Martin Hoagg) [BW10p520]...
  99. 1946-07-22 — The passing of John David Bosch (named "Núrani by 'Abdu'l-Baha) at his home near Geyserville, Calif...
  100. 1946-08-11 — The passing of Orcella Rexford (b. Louise Cutts-Powell, 12 Jun 1887 in Tracey, Minnesota) in Los Ang...
  101. 1946-11-22 — Amelia Collins was appointed a Hand of the Cause of God by Shoghi Effendi. [PP258; PSBW878] He dI...
  102. 1946-12-13 — The passing of Muhammad Taqi Isfahani. He had been born in Persia and was horrified by the behaviou...
  103. 1947-09-13 — The passing of Haji Mahmúd Qassabchi. In 1933 Qassabchi had suffered a severe attack of paralysis ...
  104. 1949-04-24 — The passing of Montfort Mills. He had been a believer since 1906 and by 1909 he had made two pil...
  105. 1949-08-16 — The passing of Lilian Vaughan McNeill (b.1 December, 1879). In May, 1931 she and her husband, Brigad...
  106. 1951-07-30 — Louis Gregory, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Eliot, Maine, near Green Acre. [CoF163; BW12...
  107. 1951-12-20 — Hand of the Cause Roy C. Wilhelm, (b.17 September, 1875) passed away in Lovel, Maine. He was buried ...
  108. 1952-01-10 — The passing of Honoré Jaxon (b. 1861 as William Henry Jackson in the village of Wingham, ON). He d...
  109. 1952-03-25 — Sutherland Maxwell, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal. He died in the very room that...
  110. 1952-11-12 — Dagmar Dole, pioneer to Alaska and Denmark, passed away in Glion, Switzerland. Shoghi Effendi sai...
  111. 1953-07-27 — Siegfried (Fred) Schopflocher, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal and was buried besi...
  112. 1953-08-02 — Fred Schechter, an American, arrived in Djibouti and was named a Knight of Baha'u'llah for French So...
  113. 1953-08-06 — Amin and Sheila Banani, a Persian-American couple, settled in Athens-Kifissia in August 1953 and wer...
  114. 1953-08-26 — Ella Bailey (b. 16 December, 1864, Houston, Harris County, Texas) passed away in Tripoli, Tarabulus,...
  115. 1954-01-03 — The passing of Helen "Nellie" Stevison French (b.19 Oct 1868 Peoria, Illinois) in Monaco. She was b...
  116. 1954-01-10 — Dorothy Baker, (b. Montclair, Essex County, New Jersey, USA 21 December, 1898) Hand of the Cause of ...
  117. 1954-03-25 — The passing of Marion Jack (General Jack) (b. St. John, New Brunswick) at her pioneer post in Sofia,...
  118. 1954-06-09 — The passing of Alain LeRoy Locke (b. September 13, 1885, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.) in New York...
  119. 1955-08-15 — The passing of Mabel Hyde Paine (b. 7 December 1877 in Rockville, CT, d. 15 August 1955 in Urbana, I...
  120. 1955-11-12 — Hand of the Cause of God Valiyu'llah Varqa passed away in Stuttgart. For his obituary see BW13:83...
  121. 1956-02-25 — Husayn Uskuli, (b. 1875) long-time pioneer to Shanghai from 'Ishqabad, passed away in Shanghai at th...
  122. 1956-03-09 — The passing of Albert R Windust (b. 28 March 1874 in Chicago) in Berrien County, Michigan. He was ...
  123. 1956-12-09 — The passing of Juliet Thompson (b. Washington, DC 1873 - d. December 9th, 1956 New York). [BW13:862-...
  124. 1957-03-25 — Hand of the Cause of God George Townshend passed away in Dublin, Ireland. (b.14 June, 1896) [BBD226,...
  125. 1957-12-26 — The passing of Mirzā Asad-Allāh, known as Fāżel Māzandarāni (b. Babol, Persia 1881). He bec...
  126. 1958-01-01 — The passing of Lillian Stevens, a founding member of the first Torquay Spiritual Assembly in 1938. ...
  127. 1958-04-26 — The passing of Dr M Khodad Fozdar in Singapore. He was the first Indian Parsi to accept the Faith...
  128. 1960-07-12 — Horace Hotchkiss Holley, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Haifa. (b. 7 April, 1887 in Torrin...
  129. 1960-11-18 — Clara Dunn, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Sydney. (b.12 May 1869) [BW13:859; MoC245] F...
  130. 1961-04-03 — Corinne Knight True, Hand of the Cause of God, (b. 1 November 1861 Louisville, KY d. Chicago, IL 3 A...
  131. 1962-01-01 — Amelia Collins passed away in Haifa. (b. 7 June, 1873) [BW13:399, 840; MC12] For her obituary see...
  132. 1962-05-10 — The passing of F. St. George Spendlove (b. 23 April, 1897 in Montreal) in Toronto. [BW13p895-899] ...
  133. 1962-07-20 — The passing of Harlan Foster Ober (b. October 6, 1881 in Beverly, Massachusetts) in Pretoria, Gauten...
  134. 1963-07-31 — The passing of Dr Genevieve Coy (b.1886) in Harare, Zimbabwe. [Baha'i Chronicles, ...
  135. 1965-07-22 — Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Haifa. (b.15 February 1896 in Wilmington, IL). ...
  136. 1966-04-07 — The passing of Ali Kuli Khan (b. Kashan Persia, about 1879) in Washington, DC. [BW14p351] For inf...
  137. 1966-09-11 — The rescue of six Tongan boys from the uninhabited island of 'Ata by Peter Warner and his crew on hi...
  138. 1967-10-25 — The passing of Canadian pioneer Catherine Huxtable (b. 6 January, 1932 Carlwood, Surrey, England) at...
  139. 1967-12-25 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Charles Dunning (b.27 March, 1885 need Leeds). [BW14p305-308] ...
  140. 1968-01-01 — The passing of Euphemia (Effie) Eleanor Baker (b.25 March 1880 at Goldsborough, Victoria) in Waverle...
  141. 1968-07-07 — The passing of Hand of the Cause Hermann Grossmann in Neckargemünd, near Heidelberg, (b.16 February...
  142. 1968-08-10 — Dr Lutfu'llah Hakim (1888 - 1968), former member of the Universal House of Justice, passed away in H...
  143. 1968-09-02 — Tarazu'llah Samandari, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Haifa. (b.1874 in Qazvin, Persia) ...
  144. 1968-09-12 — The passing of Wellesley Tudor Pole (b. 23 April 1884 in Weston Super Mare, UK) in Hurstpierpoint, S...
  145. 1970-02-20 — The passing of Curtis Demude Kelsey (b. 6 March, 1894 in Salt Lake City, UT) in Bradenton, FL. He...
  146. 1970-03-18 — The passing of Hilda Yank Sing Yen Male (b. 29 Nov or 29 Nov 1902, 1904 or 1906 in China, d. Riverda...
  147. 1970-08-03 — The passing of Haik (Haig) Kevorkian (b.1 October 1916 in Aleppo, Syria) in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos ...
  148. 1970-09-26 — The passing of Florence Evaline (Lorol) Schopflocher (b.1886 in Montreal. QC) in the Green Acre are...
  149. 1971-01-01 — The passing of Agnes Baldwin Alexander, (b. 26July 1875 in Hawaii) Hand of the Cause; "the daughter ...
  150. 1971-09-04 — Músa Banani, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Kampala, Uganda. (b.1886) [BW15:42; VV7] F...
  151. 1972-08-06 — 'Abdu'l-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari, Iranian scholar, author, translator and promoter of the Baha'i Faith,
  152. 1972-12-17 — The passing of Matthew Washington Bullock (b. 11 September, 1881 in Dabney, North Carolina) in Detro...
  153. 1973-09-05 — John Ferraby, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Cambridge, England. (b. 9 January,1914) [BW16...
  154. 1974-02-01 — The passing of Daoud Toeg (b. Baghdad, Iraq in 1897) in Hull, Quebec (now Gatineau). After he had...
  155. 1974-08-18 — Laura Clifford Dreyfus-Barney, (b. 30 Nov 1879, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA) passed away ...
  156. 1976-04-24 — The passing of Mark George Tobey (b. December 11, 1890 Centerville, Wisconsin – d. April 24, 1976 ...
  157. 1976-05-07 — Saichiro Fujita, (b. 1886) the second Japanese to become a Baha'i, passed away in Haifa. [BW17:406; ...
  158. 1976-10-05 — The passing of Adelaide Sharp (b. Texas, 1896) in Tehran. In 1929 she accompanied Dr Susan Mood...
  159. 1977-07-05 — The passing of Mirza Ahmad Khan Yazdani Kasrawi (b. April 24, 1891) in Tehran. Born into a Muslim fa...
  160. 1977-08-16 — The passing of Annamarie Honnold (b. 23 December 1914 in Urbana, Illinois) in Kennet Square, PA, USA...
  161. 1978-07-05 — The passing of Ruth J. Ellis Moffet (b. 19 January 1880 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin). She was buried ...
  162. 1978-11-07 — The murder of Major-General Ali Mohammad Khademi (b. 16 December, 1913 in Jahrom, Fars.) After a bri...
  163. 1979-05-06 — Bernard Howell Leach CBE, (b.5 Jan 1887 Hong Kong), internationally known potter, artist and author,...
  164. 1979-09-16 — Enoch Olinga—Hand of the Cause of God and Knight of Baha'u'llah—his wife and three of his childr...
  165. 1979-12-29 — Rahmatu'llah Muhajir, Hand of the Cause of God and Knight of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Quito, Ecua...
  166. 1980-02-12 — Hasan M. Balyuzi, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in London. (b. 7 September, 1908, Shiraz, Ir...
  167. 1980-02-25 — Robert Hayden, much-honoured American poet, passed away in Ann Arbor, Michigan. [BW18:717] For hi...
  168. 1980-07-29 — Adelbert Mühlschlegel, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away at his pioneer post in Athens, Greece....
  169. 1980-10-17 — Leonora Stirling Holsapple Armstrong, (b.June 23, 1895, Hudson, New York), the 'spiritual mother of...
  170. 1980-11-20 — Abu'l-Qasim Faizi, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Haifa. (b.1906) [BW18:659; VV52] Sho...
  171. 1981-08-15 — The passing of Muhamad Mustafa (b.1898 in El Dhahriya, Egypt), stalwart servant and mainstay of the ...
  172. 1981-10-02 — The passing of Hazel Scott (b. 11 June 1920 in Port of Spain and raised in Harlem) in Manhattan. She...
  173. 1981-11-21 — The passing of 'Abdu'l-Missagh Missaghiyeh (b.1880 in Kashan) in Tehran. [BW18p779-781] He made ...
  174. 1982-05-14 — Amoz Gibson, (b. 3 Aug 1918 Washington), a member of the Universal House of Justice from 1963 until ...
  175. 1982-06-09 — The passing of Richard Edward St. Barbe Baker (b. 9 October, 1889 West End, Hampshire, England d. Sa...
  176. 1982-10-22 — The murder of Daniel Jordon in New York. The crime was unsolved. Mr. Jordon was on the National Spi...
  177. 1982-12-03 — Paul Haney, Hand of the Cause of God, died in Haifa in an automobile accident. [BW18:617; VV52] P...
  178. 1982-12-29 — The passing of Stanwood Cobb, (b. November 6 Newton, Massachusetts, 1881 – d. December 29, 1982) n...
  179. 1983-06-25 — The passing of Reginald "Rex" Collison (b. 3 May 1884 in Ohio). He was buried in Oak Mound Cemetery,...
  180. 1983-07-17 — The passing of Counsellor William Mmutle Masetlha (b.February 21, 1921 in Sophiatown, a township of...
  181. 1984-02-28 — The passing of Renée Szanto-Felbermann (b 21 June, 1900, d. 28 February, 1984) in Freiburg, Germany...
  182. 1984-11-16 — Shu'a'u'llah 'Ala'i, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Scottsdale, Arizona. (b. 16 November 1...
  183. 1985-02-06 — The passing of Claire Gung (b. 3 November, 1904, Gladbeck, Ruhrgebeit, Germany, d. Kampala, Uganda)....
  184. 1985-03-07 — The passing of Continental Board of Counsellor Lloyd Gardner. [Mess63-68p660] See ...
  185. 1986-03-09 — The passing of Continental Board of Counsellor member Angus Welldon Cowan (b.12 September 1914 in Bi...
  186. 1986-11-13 — Zikrullah Khadem (Dhikru'llah Khadem), Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Skokie, Illinois. (b...
  187. 1987-01-26 — Charles Wolcott (b. September 29, 1906 in Flint, MI) member of the Universal House of Justice, passe...
  188. 1987-02-15 — The passing of Eleanor Hollibaugh (b. 17 February 1897 in Hastings, Nebraska) in Montraux, Switzerla...
  189. 1987-07-01 — The passing of Dr Aziz Navidi (b. 9 September 1913 in Hamadan, Iran) in London. He was buried at the...
  190. 1988-03-11 — The passing of Italian orientalist, scholar and linguist Alessandro Bausani. As an orientalist he ma...
  191. 1988-12-09 — The passing of Edna M. True, (b. July 29, 1888, in Grand Rapids, Michigan) She was a daughter of the...
  192. 1988-12-18 — H. Borrah Kavelin, (b. 18 March, 1906, Russia), former member of the first House of Justice, passed ...
  193. 1989-07-03 — The passing of Bobbie Cowan in Invermere, BC. [AC297]...
  194. 1989-07-05 — Dr Ugo Giachery (b. 13 May, 1896, Palermo, Sicily), Hand of the Cause of God, passed away while on a...
  195. 1990-02-21 — Jalal Khazeh, (b. 24 February, 1897, Tihran) Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Toronto. He wa...
  196. 1990-09-29 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God H. Collis Featherstone in Katmandu, Nepal. He was born at Qu...
  197. 1991-06-18 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God, Knight of Baha'u'llah, John Aldham Robarts at Rawdon, Quebe...
  198. 1992-03-25 — William Benard Sears, (b.28 Mar 1911), Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Tucson, Arizona. He ...
  199. 1992-06-18 — The passing of Counsellor Isobel Sabri, (b. 19 July, 1924) member of the International Teaching Cent...
  200. 1992-07-28 — The passing of Léa Nys (b. 27 December 1910 in Brussels). She was the first to accept the Faith in ...
  201. 1992-09-02 — The passing of Shirin Fozdar (b. 1 March 1905 in Bombay (now Mumbai)) in Singapore. She was an Indi...
  202. 1992-10-17 — The passing of Helen Hornby, compiler of Lights of Guidance (1) and ...
  203. 1993-01-06 — The passing of John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie (b. 21 October 1917, Cheraw, South Carolina). He was bur...
  204. 1993-04-10 — The passing of Roger White, writer, editor and "poet laureate" of the Baha'i community, in Richmond,...
  205. 1993-04-15 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Stanley Theodore Bagley, (b.2 February, 1912 in Bertrand, Misso...
  206. 1993-10-16 — The passing of Marzieh Nabil Carpenter Gail, the second child and eldest daughter of the first Persi...
  207. 1998-03-25 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member (1963-1993) Mr. Hugh E Chance (b. 28 Decembe...
  208. 1998-04-08 — The passing of Florence Virginia Wilson Mayberry (b. 18 September 1906 in Sleeper, Missouri) in Mars...
  209. 2000-01-19 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Amatu'l-Baha Rúhiyyih Khanum (born Mary Sutherland Maxwell)...
  210. 2000-01-26 — The passing of Adib Taherzadeh (b.29 April 1921 in Yazd, Iran). He was buried in the Baha'i Cemetery...
  211. 2000-02-17 — The passing of Mildred Mottahedeh in New York. She had been elected to the International Baha'i Coun...
  212. 2000-08-22 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Audrey Robarts (née FitzGerald) in her 96th year. She was buri...
  213. 2001-01-04 — The passing of Dr. Victor de Araujo of Vista, NY at the age of 78 years. He was born near London, En...
  214. 2001-12-13 — The passing of Giovanni (Gianni) Ballerio (b. 15 February 1943 in Asmara, Eritrea) in Geneva after a...
  215. 2001-12-16 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Philip Hainsworth (b. 27 July 1919) at the age of 82 in Sevenoa...
  216. 2002-04-24 — The passing of Barbara Helen Rutledge Sims (b. 17 April, 1918 in San Francisco) in Tokyo. She was a ...
  217. 2003-03-09 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Una Dean, née Townshend, in Edmonton, Canada. Una lived a full...
  218. 2003-05-09 — The passing of David Hofman (b.1908 in Poona, India) in Oxford, England. [BW03-04p234-235] He was o...
  219. 2003-06-20 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Ursula Samandari (b. Ursula Newman 29 December, 1909 in Mitcham...
  220. 2003-07-18 — The passing of Dr David Kelly. He was buried in Mt Mary's churchyard in Longworth, near Farringdon ...
  221. 2003-08-22 — The passing of Ruth Yancey Pringle in Ciudad, Costa Rica at the age of 83 after 5 decades of service...
  222. 2003-11-26 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Ali Akbar Furútan in Haifa at the age of 98. [BWNS261, BW'...
  223. 2004-04-19 — The passing of Mr Aziz Ismayn Yazdi (b. Alexandria, Egypt in 1909) in Vancouver, Canada at the age o...
  224. 2004-06-29 — The passing of Gloria Faizi (b. Gloria Ala'i on 12 March, 1921 in Tehran) in Brisbane, Australia. Th...
  225. 2004-10-26 — The passing of Dr. Helen Elsie Austin (b. 10 May 1908 in Alabama) in San Antonio, Texas. She was a p...
  226. 2005-09-06 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member David S. Ruhe (b. 3 January, 1913) near Newb...
  227. 2005-11-27 — The passing of prolific author and founding member of the Association for Baha'i Studies of North Am...
  228. 2007-05-11 — The passing of His Highness Susuga Malietoa Tanumafili II, the Samoan head of state. He was one of t...
  229. 2007-05-24 — The passing of Hadi Rahmani-Shirazi (b. 1914) in the United Kingdom. He was buried in New Southgate ...
  230. 2007-06-01 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Jameson (Jamie) Bond (b. 6 November, 1917 Toronto, ON) in Dunca...
  231. 2007-09-22 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Dr. Ali-Muhammad Varqa (b.1911 or 1912) at his home in Haifa...
  232. 2009-04-14 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Gale Bond, née Keass (b. 13 November, 1919 in Emod, Hungary) i...
  233. 2010-04-27 — The passing of Dr Nossrat Peseschkian (b. 18 June, 1933 in Iran d. 27 April, 2010 in Wiesbaden, Germ...
  234. 2011-03-10 — The passing of Mrs. Ashraf Khanjani, wife of imprisoned Jamaloddin Khanjani at the age of 81 In Tehr...
  235. 2011-05-30 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Gayle Wollson (b. 2 June 1913 Crookston MN) in Wilmette, IL. ...
  236. 2011-07-15 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Dr. Peter J. Khan (b. 2 November, 1936 in Ne...
  237. 2011-12-01 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Ian C. Semple (b. 2 December 1928 in New...
  238. 2012-02-20 — The passing of Anneliese Bopp, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre at Bad ...
  239. 2013-03-05 — The passing of Mas'ud Khamsi, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre in Lima,...
  240. 2013-07-28 — The passing of Amin Banani (b. 23 September 1926 in Tehran) in Santa Monica. He was survived by his ...
  241. 2013-08-13 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam in Vancouver, Canada....
  242. 2016-04-25 — The passing of former member of the International Teaching Centre, Joy Stevenson (b. 1919) in Queanb...
  243. 2017-12-17 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the passing of former House member Mr. Hartmut...
  244. 2018-09-06 — The passing of Lily Ayman (b. 17 May 1929 in Tehran) in Chicago. She was buried in the Oakwood cemet...
  245. 2018-11-15 — The passing of Shapoor Monadjem, (b. 3 October, 1933, Shiraz, Iran) at his last pioneer post in Mari...
  246. 2019-04-28 — The passing of Don Otto Rogers (b. 1935 in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan) a former member of the Internati...
  247. 2019-08-30 — The passing of Dr Udo Schaefer (b. October 19, 1926 in Heidelberg, Germany). He enrolled as a Baha'i...
  248. 2019-10-11 — 'Ali Nakhjavani, (b. 19 September, 1919 in Baku, Azerbaijan) former member of the Universal House of
  249. 2020-03-23 — The passing of prominent jazz musician Mike Longo. He had a distinguished jazz career as a pianist,...
  250. 2020-07-03 — The passing of Sir Earl Cameron (b. 8th August 1917 in Pembrooke Parish, Bermuda) at his home in Ken...
  251. 2020-09-18 — The passing of Talat Bassari (b. 1923 Babol, Iran) in Los Angeles. She was an Iranian Baha'i poet, f...
  252. 2020-09-24 — The passing of former member of the International Teaching Centre Violette Haake (b.1928 in Iran) in...
  253. 2020-09-25 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Farzam Arbab (b. 1941 in Tehran) in San Dieg...
  254. 2020-09-28 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member James Douglas Martin (b. 24 February 1927 in...
  255. 2021-06-03 — The passing of John Kolstoe in Livingstone, Montana. [Baha'is of Montana and Surrounding Areas Faceb...
  256. 2022-06-06 — The passing of Jim (James Eugene) Seals, (b. 17 October 1941 or 1942 in Sidney, Texas) singer, music...
  257. 2022-09-08 — The passing of Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (b. 21 Ap...
  258. 2022-10-01 — The passing of Kevin Locke, (b. Los Angeles, CA 1983) renowned Native American hoop dancer, self-tau...
  259. 2023-05-07 — The passing of Jack Edwards McCants (b. Dallas, Texas 19 January 1930) in the Houston area. He was b...
  260. 2023-09-27 — The passing of Mavis Cox Changawa (b. 1922 Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago) in Nairobi at the age of abo...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (78 results; expand)

  1. 1922-03-22 — William Edward Harris was a farmer who had homesteaded in the Gull Lake area (specifically Carmich
  2. 1930-08-19 — Jean-Baptiste Louis Bourgeois, (b. 19 March 1856, Staint-Célestin de Nicolet, QC. d. Wilmette, IL)...
  3. 1938-04-30 — The passing of Grace Robarts Ober (b.19 February, 1869 Ontario, Canada) in Wilmette, IL). She was
  4. 1941-06-20 — The passing of Howard Colby Ives (b. 11 Oct 1867, Brooklyn, New York, d. Pulaski County, Arkansas
  5. 1943-06-18 — The passing of Mabel Rice-Wray Ives (Rizwanea) (b. in St. Louis, MI in 1878) in Oklahoma, OK. She wa...
  6. 1947-12-14 — Earnest Court, a member of the first Spiritual Assembly of Winnipeg, passed away and was given the f...
  7. 1952-01-10 — The passing of Honoré Jaxon (b. 1861 as William Henry Jackson in the village of Wingham, ON). He d...
  8. 1952-03-25 — Sutherland Maxwell, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal. (b.14 November, 1874) [DH143;...
  9. 1953-07-10 — The accidental death of Eddie Elliot, the first African-Canadian Baha'i. He was a hydro-line worker ...
  10. 1953-07-27 — Siegfried (Fred) Schopflocher, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal and was buried besi...
  11. 1954-00-00 — The passing of Mrs Christine Monroe, the first Baha'i in West Vancouver. She passed away at the age...
  12. 1954-03-25 — The passing of Marion Jack (General Jack) at her pioneer post in Sofia, Bulgaria at the age of 87. S...
  13. 1955-07-03 — Over two hundred friends attended a memorial service at the House of Worship in Wilmette to honour ...
  14. 1956-01-07 — The National Spiritual Assembly made arrangements for the erection of a memorial stone on the grave ...
  15. 1956-06-16 — A group of friends from the Montreal area gathered at the grave the beloved Hand of the Cause of God...
  16. 1956-12-00 — The passing of Leslie Silversides. Leslie became a Baha'i in 1945 and while visiting Emeric and...
  17. 1957-10-00 — At the request of the National Spiritual Assembly, the Department of External Affairs arranged for t...
  18. 1959-03-00 — The passing of Jean Graham (b. 1916) in Burlington. She was buried in White Chapel Gardens in Anca...
  19. 1959-06-20 — The passing of Ernest Vernon Harrison (b. 22 November, 1880 in Bengal, India) in Charlottetown. H...
  20. 1960-07-12 — The passing of the Hand of the Cause Horace Holley in Haifa. In 1948, as the secretary of the Na...
  21. 1962-05-10 — The passing of F. St. George Spendlove (b. 23 April 1897 in Montreal) [BW13p895-899; Baha'is of Can...
  22. 1967-10-25 — The passing of Canadian pioneer and Knight of Baha'u'llah Catherine Huxtable (b. 6 January, 1932 C
  23. 1970-09-26 — The passing of Florence Evaline (Lorol) Schopflocher (b.1886 in Montreal. QC) in the Green Acre are...
  24. 1971-01-09 — The passing of Albert (Bert) Rakovsky (Radowsky). [CBN No 247 February 1971]...
  25. 1973-05-22 — The passing of Alfred "Jim" Loft (b. 13 July 1908 in Hiawatha, Ontario) on Tyendinaga First Nation [...
  26. 1974-02-01 — The passing of Daoud Toeg (b. Baghdad, Iraq in 1897) in Hull, Quebec (now Gatineau). After he
  27. 1975-07-21 — The passing of Fred Graham (b. 26 August, 1913 Rose Valley, PE) at his cottage, KirKonKotta, near Ki...
  28. 1979-09-25 — The passing of Allan Raynor (b. 31 August, 1910 in Toronto) His first acquaintance with Baha'is w...
  29. 1979-10-02 — The passing of Thomas Peigan, one of Canada's early native believers. He was known for his devot
  30. 1980-02-20 — The passing of Rosemary Sala (b. Mary Gillies Glasgow, Scotland 1906) at her pioneer post in Guadala...
  31. 1982-01-20 — The passing of Mabel Harriet Pine (b. 1882 Bristol, England) in the Norword Auxiliary Hospital in Ed...
  32. 1985-03-07 — The passing of Continental Board of Counsellor Lloyd Gardner. [Mess63-68p660] See
  33. 1985-04-28 — The passing of Samson Knowlton in his eighty-third year. Samson and his wife Rosie, who died in 1981...
  34. 1985-11-22 — The passing of Melba Whetung Loft 'Kinaaj-Kwe' (b. 24 December 1912 Curve Lake First Nation) at the ...
  35. 1986-03-09 — The passing of Continental Board of Counsellor member Angus Welldon Cowan (b.12 September 1914 in Bi...
  36. 1987-12-31 — The passing of Bill Waugh (b. 18 March 1904 Verdun, QC). He was buried in the Cap-aux-Meules cemeter...
  37. 1988-01-18 — The passing of Tlingit elder Johnnie Johns (b. 10 July 1898 at Tagish, YT). He was a member of the C...
  38. 1989-00-00 — The passing of Roberta (Bobbie) Mary Millay Cowan, (b, 1915). She was buried in the Mount View Cemet...
  39. 1989-04-22 — The passing of Sam Bald Eagle Augustine, (Sam Gitpu), (b. Big Cove, New Brunswick on November 3, 19...
  40. 1990-02-21 — Jalal Khazeh, (b. 24 February, 1897, Tihran) Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Toronto. H
  41. 1990-09-05 — The passing of Emeric Sala (Emereich Szalvetz ) (b.12 November, 1906 in Havas Dombrovitza, Hungary (...
  42. 1990-10-16 — The passing of Dorothy Maquabeak Francis (b. 22 March 1912 Waywayseecappo First Nation) in New Westm...
  43. 1991-06-18 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God, Knight of Baha'u'llah, John Aldham Robarts at Rawdon, Q
  44. 1992-11-30 — The passing of Doris McKay (b. Doris
  45. 1993-04-10 — The passing of Roger White, writer, editor and "poet laureate" of the Baha'i community, in Richmond,...
  46. 1994-03-13 — The passing of Gladys Isabel McLean (b 8 June 1912 Edmonton, AB) in hospital in Edmonton. She first ...
  47. 1996-01-07 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Mary Zabolotny McCulloch (b. 9 November 1918 in The Pas, MN). ...
  48. 1996-01-10 — The passing of Ruth Eyford in St. Albert, AB. (b. Ruth Monk 12 June, 1930, NS). [Find a grave] She ...
  49. 1996-07-13 — The passing of Novella Rose Hyde at home in Courtney. She was buried at the Courtenay Civic Cemeter...
  50. 1997-07-09 — The passing of Ronald James Parsons (b. 8 May, 1926, Moose Jaw, SK). Mr Parsons had been an ordai...
  51. 1998-04-08 — The passing of Florence Virginia Wilson Mayberry (b. 18 September 1906 in Sleeper, Missouri) in Mars...
  52. 2000-01-24 — The passing of Margaret (Peggy) MacGregor Ross (b. 9 January 1909 in Dundee, Scotland). She served o...
  53. 2000-08-22 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Audrey Robarts (née FitzGerald) in her 96th year. She was bu
  54. 2003-03-03 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Una Dean, née Townshend, in Edmonton, Canada. Una lived a
  55. 2004-04-19 — The passing of Mr Aziz Ismayn Yazdi (b. Alexandria, Egypt in 1909) in Vancouver, Canada at the a
  56. 2005-11-27 — The passing of prolific author and founding member of the Association for Baha'i Studies of Nort
  57. 2006-11-21 — The passing of Earl "Black Crow" Healy (b. 1937 on the Kainai First Nations (Blood Reserve). He was ...
  58. 2007-06-01 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Jameson (Jamie) Bond (b. 6 November, 1917 Toronto, ON) in D
  59. 2007-10-16 — The passing of Charlotte A "Gale" Burland in Milton, ON. She was buried at the Victoria Lawn Cemeter...
  60. 2007-11-29 — The passing of Angéla Szepesi (b. 9 April 1920, Igló, Hungary (now Spisska-Fova-Ves, Slovakia)). S...
  61. 2008-06-27 — The passing of Eric Norman Hyde (b. 2 January 1923) in Courtney, BC. Eric was the son of Reginald an...
  62. 2009-04-14 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Gale Bond, née Keass (b. 13 November, 1919 in Emod, Hungary)
  63. 2013-08-13 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam in Vancouver, Canad
  64. 2013-10-09 — The passing of Redwan Moqbel in Winnipeg. He was recruited to the Department of Medicine, Univers
  65. 2014-03-20 — The passing of Dr Ross Woodman, (b. 28 November 1922 Port William, Nova Scotia), at his home in Lond...
  66. 2015-02-10 — The passing of William (Bill) Skuce (b. 30 August 1935 in Ottawa) in his home in Sooke, BC. He was a...
  67. 2017-09-21 — The passing of Raymond Theodore (Ted) Anderson (b. 5 August 1924 Mount Horb, WN) in Innisfail, AB. [...
  68. 2019-04-28 — The passing of Don Otto Rogers (b. 1935 in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan) a former member of the Internati...
  69. 2020-06-02 — The passing of Hossain Banadaki Danesh in Victoria, BC His major publications were: The Viol...
  70. 2020-09-28 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member James Douglas Martin (b. 24 February 1927 in...
  71. 2020-12-22 — The passing of William (Billie) Ekomiak (b. 23 December 1943 in Cape Jones, QC (now Pointe Louis-XIV...
  72. 2020-12-30 — The passing of Rene A. Steiner (b. 1922) in Grand Bend, Ontario. He was predeceased by Nura, his wif...
  73. 2021-01-10 — The passing of Marlene Marie Macke in St. Marys, Ontario, She had been a member of the Baha'i Faith ...
  74. 2021-08-13 — The passing of Bruce Kenneth Filson (b. 4 December 1952 in Saskatoon). He was interred at the Valley...
  75. 2022-03-06 — The passing of Mr. Bahram Gustaspi, a devoted, steadfast servant of the Cause. At the time of his p...
  76. 2022-03-15 — The passing of John Charles (Jack) Bastow (b. 21 April 1929 Montreal) in Nelson, BC. Jack was a teac...
  77. 2022-09-08 — The passing of Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (b. 21 Ap...
  78. 2022-11-19 — The passing of Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford (neé Moar)(b. 17 March 1929 Indian Head, SK) from complicatio...
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