- 1771-00-00 — Birth of Fath-`Ali Khan (later Shah) in Shiraz. He ruled from 1797 (or 1798) to 1834....
- 1778-00-00 — Birth of Mirza Muhammad Riday-i-Shirazi, the father of the Bab. ...
- 1783-00-00 — Birth of Mirza `Abbas-i-Irivani, later Prime Minister Haji Mirza Áqasi, in Mah-Kú.
- 1797-00-00 — Birth of Siyyid Kazim-i-Rashti, in Rasht.
- 1797-06-17 — Áqa Muhammad Khan, leader of the Qajars, (b. 5 September, 1772, d. 23 October, 1834) proclaimed him...
- 1797-08-00 — Crown Prince Fath-`Ali Mirza assumed leadership of Persia. (1797 (or 1798) to 1834)...
- 1798-03-21 — Fath-`Ali Khan was crowned second Qajar Shah during Naw-Rúz festival. ...
- 1799-03-21 — Fath-`Ali Shah's son, `Abbas Mirza (aged 9), was designated Crown Prince of Persia.
- 1804-00-00 — Russo-Persian War resulted in a Russian victory. The Battle of Aslan Duz on 31 October 1812 was the ...
- 1806-00-00 — Birth of Mirza Muhammad Taqi Khan-i-Farahani, later Prime Minister of Persia, in Hizavih. ...
- 1808-01-05 — Birth of Muhammad Mirza (later Shah), son of Crown Prince `Abbas Mirza and grandson of Fath-`Ali Sha...
- 1812-00-00 — Birth of Mulla Muhammad-`Aliy-i-Zanjani, Hujjat. ...
- 1813-00-00 — Birth of Muhammad Husayn-i-Bushrú'i (Mulla Husayn).
See Light of Faith: A collection of stories...
- 1815-00-00 — Early history of the House of the Bab
RoB4p240 states that the Bab's father, Áqa Mirza Muhammad ...
- 1817-00-00 — Shaykh Ahmad traveled to Persia and visits Shiraz and Tihran. He was in Tihran when Baha'u'llah is b...
- 1817-00-00 — Birth of Hand of the Cause Mulla Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikani (Haji Amin), in Ardikan, near Yazd. ...
- 1817-00-02 — The birth of Fatimih Umm-Salamih, Tahirih (the Pure One), Qurratu'l-'Ayn (Solace of the Eyes), Zarri...
- 1817-11-12 — Birth of Mirza Husayn `Aliy-i-Núri (Baha'u'llah) in Tehran, called by Him the "Land of Ta" (Ard-i-T...
- 1818-05-00 — Birth of Mulla Zaynu'l-`Ábidin (Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin), Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Najafabad. ...
- 1819-00-00 — Death of Shaykh `Ali, son of Shaykh Ahmad. Shaykh Ahmad considered this loss as a sacrifice for `the...
- 1819-10-20 — Birth of Siyyid `Ali-Muhammad (The Bab), before dawn, in Shiraz. [B32; GH13; DB14, 72]
The Pri...
- 1820-00-01 — Birth of Khadijih Bagum (daughter of Mirza `Ali, a merchant of Shiraz), first wife of the Bab, in Sh...
- 1820-00-02 — Birth of Ásiyih Khanum (Navvab), first wife of Baha'u'llah, in Yalrúd. The only daughter of Mirza ...
- 1822-00-00 — Birth of Mirza-`Aliy-i-Barfurúshi (Quddús), the 18th Letter of the Living in Barfurush (now called...
- 1823-00-00 — Baha'u'llah's father dreamed that his son was swimming in a sea with multitudes of fish clinging to ...
- 1825-00-00 — Birth of Áqa Husayn-i-Isfahani (Mishkin-Qalam), Apostle of Baha'u'llah and well-known calligrapher,...
- 1828-00-01 — Passing of Mirza Muhammad Rida, the father of the Bab.
The Bab was placed in the care of His ma...
- 1828-02-10 — Defeat of the Persians at the hands of the Russians.
The Russo-Persian War of 1826–28 was the ...
- 1829-03-29 — Birth of Áqa Muhammad-i-Qa'ini (Nabil-i-Akbar), Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Naw-Firist, near Birjand...
- 1830-00-00 — Marriage of Tahirih to her cousin Mulla Muhammad, the son of Mulla Taqi. [TB25]...
- 1831-00-00 — Birth of Mirza Yahya (Subh-i-Azal), half brother of Baha'u'llah. ...
- 1831-00-00 — At the age of 12 Mulla Husayn finished his studies in Bushihr and went to Mashhad, the most prestigi...
- 1831-07-17 — Birth of Nasiri'd-Din Mirza, later Shah. ...
- 1831-07-29 — Birth of Nabil-i-A`zam, Muhammad-i-Zarandi, Apostle of Baha'u'llah. ["Nabil-e Aʿẓam Zarandi, Moll...
- 1832-00-00 — The first of the American missionaries went to Persia to explore the possibility of establishing a b...
- 1834-09-09 — The end of the reign of Fath-`Ali Shah and the accession of his grandson, Muhammad Shah. [B7; BBD83,...
- 1835-00-01 — Birth of Haji Siyyid Muhammad-Husayn, Mahbúbu'sh-Shuhada' (`Beloved of Martyrs'), in Isfahan. ...
- 1835-10-01 — Siyyid 'Ali Muhammad (the Bab) moved to Bushihr to manage his uncles' business interests in that cit...
- 1835-11-00 — Haji Mirza Áqasi, the former tutor of the Shah became the Prime Minister of Persia. His inexperienc...
- 1837-00-00 — Birth of Haji Siyyid Muhammad-Hasan, Sultanu'sh-Shuhada' (`King of Martyrs'), in Isfahan. ...
- 1838-00-00 — Manúchihr Khan was appointed Governor of Isfahan. [BBR167] ...
- 1839-00-01 — Defeat of Persia at the hands of the British. [BBRSM55] ...
- 1839-00-02 — As the eldest son, after the passing of Mirza Buzurg, Baha'u'llah assumed His place as the head of t...
- 1842-00-00 — Birth of Haji Ákhúnd (Mulla `Ali-Akbar Shahmirzadi), (d. 4 March 1910 in Tehran) in Shahmirzad, n...
- 1842-08-00 — The marriage of Siyyid `Ali Muhammad (the Bab) in Shiraz to Khadijih-Bagum (b. 1821) the daughter of...
- 1843-00-01 — Birth of Ahmad, son of the Bab. He passed away shortly after he was born (or was still-born). [Bab4...
- 1843-01-10 — The Bab dreamed that He drank a few drops of blood from the wounds of the martyred Imam Husayn. Afte...
- 1844-00-00 — Birth of Mirza Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Gulpaygan. ...
- 1844-01-22 — Mulla Husayn returned to Karbila after a journey of two years in Persia. He had been on a mission in...
- 1844-02-07 — Birth of Shaykh Kazim-i-Samandari, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Qazvin. ...
- 1844-04-03 — In Kitab Fihrist, the Bab stated that the first descent of Spirit on Him was on 15th of the third mo...
- 1844-05-22 — Declaration of the Bab's Mission
Two hours and eleven minutes after sunset Siyyid `Ali-Muhammad ma...
- 1844-05-23 — The birth of `Abdu'l-Baha in a rented house near the Shimran Gate in Tihran. He was born at midnight...
- 1844-07-01 — Forty days after the Declaration of the Bab, the second Letter of the Living, Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami,...
- 1844-07-02 — The intention of the Bab was to introduce the new Revelation slowly so as not to cause estrangement....
- 1844-07-03 — To promote the Cause of the Bab, Baha'u'llah immediately journeyed to the village of Takur in the pr...
- 1844-09-30 — The Bab received the letter from Mulla Husayn giving Him details of his journey and meeting with Bah...
- 1844-10-00 — Pigrimage of the Bab
The Bab, Quddús (Haji Mulla Muhammad-`Aliy-i-Barfurúshi) and the Bab's Eth...
- 1845-01-10 — The beginning of the Islamic new year. Messianic fervour grew, particularly among Shaykhis. [BBRSM15...
- 1845-02-28 — The Bab returned to Búshihr. He sent Quddús to Shiraz with a letter addressed to His uncle Haji Mi...
- 1845-06-24 — After expelling Mulla Husayn and Mulla Sadiq the governor of Fars, Hasayn Khan-i-Irvani ordered that...
- 1845-06-28 — Prince Dolgorukov was appointed Russian ambassador to Tihran. He was previously first secretary of t...
- 1845-06-30 — At Dalaki, some 40 miles northeast of the Búshihr, the Bab met the soldiers of the governor of Fars...
- 1845-07-01 — In Kirman, Karim Khan, the self-appointed leading Shaykhi cleric, had a number of Babis expelled fro...
- 1845-07-02 — Karim Khan wrote a number of refutations of the Bab. The first, Ishaqu'l-Batil (The Crushing of Fals...
- 1845-07-07 — The Bab arrived in Shiraz.
Note: Other estimates for the time of His arrival in Shiraz are fr...
- 1845-08-00 — The Bab was released to the custody of His uncle, Haji Mirza Siyyid 'Ali. [DB151, LTDT13]
Bab was...
- 1845-11-01 — The Times of London carried an item on the arrest and torture of Quddús, Mulla Sadiq-i-Khurasani, M...
- 1846-00-01 — The birth of Bahiyyih Khanum, the Greatest Holy Leaf, eldest daughter of Baha'u'llah and Navvab, and...
- 1846-03-19 — The Bab bequeathed all His possessions to His mother and His wife and revealed a special prayer for ...
- 1846-03-19 — After the Bab left Shiraz, His wife, Khadijih Bagum, mother, Fatimah Bagum, maternal grandmother, Za...
- 1846-06-23 — Quddús met Mulla Sadiq-i-Muqaddas in Shiraz to whom he entrusted a copy of Khasa'il-i-Sab`ih (`the ...
- 1846-07-00 — The Chief Constable, 'Abdu'l-Hamid Khan, was instructed by order of the governor, Hasayn Khan, to br...
- 1846-09-23 — Up to this point the Bab had not been critical of the civil government but considering that His denu...
- 1846-09-24 — The Bab departed for Isfahan after a sojourn in Shiraz of less than 15 months. [B105–6; BBRSM216; ...
- 1846-10-00 — On His approach to Isfahan the Bab wrote to Manúchihr Khan, the governor-general of Isfahan, and as...
- 1846-11-00 — Manúchihr Khan arranged a meeting between the Bab and the clerics to silence their opposition. Afte...
- 1846-12-03 — The Shah had already instructed the governor, Manúchihr Khan to send the Bab to Tihran. Seeking to ...
- 1847-03-04 — The passing of Manúchihr Khan. His death had been predicted by the Bab 87 days earlier. The governo...
- 1847-03-21 — En route to Tihran Haji Mirza Áqasi instructed the Bab to break His journey by stopping in the vill...
- 1847-03-28 — The Bab and His escort arrived at the fortress of Kinar-Gird, 28 miles from Tihran. Muhammad Big, th...
- 1847-03-29 — The Bab arrived in Kulayn where He stayed for 20 days. [Bab120; DB227; TN11] ...
- 1847-03-31 — Tahirih's activities in Iraq so alarm some Babis of Kazimayn that they agitated against her. Siyyid ...
- 1847-04-00 — The Bab received a courteous message from the Shah, who, on the advice of his prime minister, Haji M...
- 1847-04-01 — The Bab received a letter and gifts from Baha'u'llah in Tihran delivered to His Hands by Mulla Muham...
- 1847-04-01 — One night the Bab disappeared and was found the next morning on the road coming from the direction o...
- 1847-04-17 — The Bab sent a letter to the Shah requesting an audience. [B121; DB229; TN11]
Some accounts main...
- 1847-05-00 — Birth of Fatimih (Munirih) Khanum, wife of `Abdu'l-Baha, in Isfahan.
Daughter of Mirza Muhammad-...
- 1847-05-01 — The Bab arrived in Tabriz en route to Mah-Kú and was handed over to the officials of Nasir al-Din M...
- 1847-07-00 — The Bab in Mah-Kú
The Bab arrived at the prison fortress of Mah-Kú (the Open Mountain). [Bab128...
- 1847-07-00 — The people of Mah-Kú show markeded hostility to the Bab on His arrival. Later they were won over by...
- 1847-08-00 — Tahirih sent Mulla Ibrahim Mahallati to present to the chief mujtahid of Hamadan her dissertation in...
- 1847-08-00 — On her departure from Hamadan Tahirih asked most of the Arab Babis travelling with her to return to ...
- 1847-09-00 — The murder of Haji Mulla Muhammad Taqi, the powerful uncle of Tahirih, by Mulla `Abdu'llah of Shiraz...
- 1847-10-00 — Tahirih was accused of instigating the assassination of her uncle, Muhammad Taqi Baraghani, and was...
- 1847-11-00 — Baha'u'llah, who was living in Tihran, visited the detainees from Qazvin and gave them money. [BKG41...
- 1848-00-00 — The birth of Mirza Mihdi, `the Purest Branch', the son of Baha'u'llah and His wife Ásiyih Khanum (N...
- 1848-00-02 — Baha'u'llah planed Tahirih's escape, giving the task to Mirza Hadiy-i-Farhadi, the nephew of Haji As...
- 1848-03-20 — Mulla Husayn and his companion, walking from Mashhad, arrived at Mah-Kú on the eve of Naw-Rúz. The...
- 1848-03-30 — Mulla Husayn departed for Mazindaran, setting out on foot as the Bab has directed. [DB260; MH144]
- 1848-04-09 — The Bab was removed from Mah-Kú. Prior to this He had communicated His higher claims to His followe...
- 1848-04-10 — The Bab in Chihriq
The Bab was transferred to the fortress of Chihriq, `Jabal-i-Shadid' (the Grie...
- 1848-04-11 — The presence of the Bab in Chihriq attracted much notice. Eventually Yahya Khan softened his attitud...
- 1848-05-00 — Mulla Husayn went to the house of Quddús in Barfurúsh (now called Babol), Mazindaran, and realized...
- 1848-06-00 — Quddús left Mashhad for Badasht. Mulla Husayn was prevented from attending. He was invited to stay ...
- 1848-06-26 — The Conference of Badasht Baha'u'llah, who hosted and directed the event, rented three gardens, one ...
- 1848-07-00 — After three months in Chihriq, the Bab, on the order of Haji Mirza Áqasi was taken under escort to ...
- 1848-07-01 — Quddús was arrested and taken to Sari where he was placed under house arrest in the home of Mirza M...
- 1848-07-17 — The Babis left Badasht for Mazindaran. They were attacked by a mob of more than 500 outside the vill...
- 1848-07-19 — The Women's Rights Convention was held in the Wesleyan Chapel at Seneca Falls, NY. The principle org...
- 1848-07-21 — Mulla Husayn and his 202 companions left Mashhad for Mazindaran under the Black Standard. They arriv...
- 1848-07-30 — Trial of the Bab
The Bab arrived in Tabriz and was brought before a panel of which the 17-year-ol...
- 1848-07-31 — Mulla Husayn and his companions, marching to Mazindaran, were joined by Babis who had been at Badash...
- 1848-08-00 — The Bab was taken back to Chihriq, where He remained until June/July 1850. [Bab147; DB322; TN15]
- 1848-09-00 — Birth of Mirza Muhammad-Hasan Talaqani, (b. Aug-Sep 1848 in Karkabúd, near Talaqan, d.3 August 1919...
- 1848-09-00 — Baha'u'llah was in Bandar-Jaz (now Bandar-e Gaz). An edict came from Muhammad Shah ordering His arre...
- 1848-09-04 — The death of the chronically ill Muhammad Shah whom Shoghi Effendi described as bigoted, sickly and ...
- 1848-09-12 — The accession of Nasiri'd-Din Shah at Tabriz. [BBR482]
He was 17 years old. [BBR158; GPB37]
- 1848-10-11 — Mulla Husayn and his company from Mashhad arrived near Barfurúsh (now called Babol). [DB345] MH188 ...
- 1848-10-12 — The band of 72 Babis took refuge in the shrine of Shaykh Tabarsi which was located about 14 miles so...
- 1848-10-19 — Entry of Nasiri'd-Din Shah into Tihran. [BBR482]
MH240 says it took him 45 days to travel to Tih...
- 1848-12-00 — Baha'u'llah set out from Tihran with 11 companions to reinforce the Babis at Shaykh Tabarsi. Nine mi...
- 1848-12-19 — The siege of the Shrine of Shaykh Tabarsi began in earnest with the arrival of `Abdu'llah Khan's for...
- 1848-12-21 — The Babis, led by Quddús, made a mounted attack on the army. All of the officers were killed includ...
- 1849-00-00 — Baha'u'llah married his second wife, Fatimih Khanum Mahd-i-'Ulya (1828–1904), His cousin, the daug...
- 1849-01-00 — Arrival of Mihdi-Quli Mirza and 3,000 royal troops in the vicinity of the shrine of Shaykh Tabarsi. ...
- 1849-01-11 — Quddús and Mulla Husayn led a night attack on the encamped army. Two hundred and two Babis disperse...
- 1849-01-27 — Reinforcements arrived for the besiegers under the leadership of 'Abbas-Quli Khan-i-Larijani. [BW18:...
- 1849-02-01 — The well was completed. Mulla Husayn performed his ablutions and put on clean clothes and the turban...
- 1849-02-02 — Soon after midnight, Mulla Husayn led a charge of 313 men that again routed the king's army. He was ...
- 1849-03-11 — On learning through a traitor of the death of Mulla Husayn, 'Abbas-Quli Khan launched a fresh attack...
- 1849-03-27 — Renewed forces under Mihdi-Quli Mirza encamped in the neighbourhood of the fort, built fortification...
- 1849-03-31 — The army continued to fire on the shrine for a few days. Mirza Muhammad-Baqir and 18 others attacked...
- 1849-04-00 — Sulayman Khan-i-Afshar arrived with more troops. [BW18:381]...
- 1849-04-26 — A charge by the forces of Sulayman Khan was repulsed by 37 Babis led by Mirza Muhammad-Baqir. [BW18:...
- 1849-05-09 — Mihdi-Quli Mirza sent an emissary to the fort to invite two representatives to his camp to conduct n...
- 1849-05-10 — The end of the siege of the fort at Shaykh Tabarsi. Two hundred and two Babis were tricked into leav...
- 1849-05-11 — Quddús was taken to Barfurúsh (now called Babol) and handed over to the priests. [DB408]...
- 1849-05-16 — Quddús was tortured and, in the public square, he was struck down with an axe, dismembered and burn...
- 1849-06-00 — The Bab, in prison in the castle of Chihriq, learned of the massacre at Shaykh Tabarsi and the marty...
- 1849-08-01 — Death of Haji Mirza Áqasi at Karbala. [Bab147; BBD19; BBR156]
The Bab, in a letter to the Shah c...
- 1849-11-26 — The Bab sent Mulla Ádi-Guzal to the graves of Quddús and Mulla Husayn to make a pilgrimage on His ...
- 1850-00-00 — Vahid clashed with the authorities in Yazd. He escaped and made a missionary journey through Fars. [...
- 1850-00-00 — Birth of Mirza `Ali-Muhammad-i-Khurasani, (b. 1850-1851 Mashad, d. 2 April 1928 in Tehran) later kno...
- 1850-01-15 — Mulla Ádi-Guzal arrived in Mazindaran and carried out the Bab's request. [DB432]...
- 1850-02-19 — The Babi group in Tehran had been infiltrated by an informer who betrayed about fifty of its members...
- 1850-02-20 — Martyrdom of the Seven Martyrs of Tihran. Seven of the Babis were executed in Tihran on the false ch...
- 1850-04-00 — The house of Vahid in Yazd was attacked by crowds and pillaged. The crowd was dispersed by Mulla Muh...
- 1850-05-00 — The start of the Zanjan upheaval. Hujjat had converted a sizeable proportion of the town and tension...
- 1850-05-16 — Martyrdom of Shaykh Muhammad-i-Túb-Chi in Zanjan, the first of the martyrs. [BBR115; DB542–3]...
- 1850-05-19 — The Governor sent a mob against Hujjat, (Mulla Muhammad-Ali) which was dispersed by Mir Salah. The G...
- 1850-05-27 — First Nayriz upheaval. Vahid traveled from Yazd towards Shiraz, eventually coming to Nayriz. He went...
- 1850-06-00 — The Amir-Nizam, Mirza Taqi Khan was determined to execute the Bab to halt the progress of His religi...
- 1850-06-17 — At Nayriz, Vahid received a message from the Governor offering a truce and a promise of safety writt...
- 1850-06-21 — End of the first Nayriz upheaval. [BBRXXIX, 112]
Vahid was forced to write to his companions i...
- 1850-06-24 — The severed heads of 13 Babis arrived in Shiraz from Nayriz. They were raised on lances and paraded ...
- 1850-06-27 — The first known written Babi marriage certificate was between Mirza Muhammad Ja'far Khan and Tuba Kh...
- 1850-06-29 — Vahid was martyred in Nayriz. [Bab182; BW18:381; DB495, 499; GPB42; RB1:265]
See DB494 for detai...
- 1850-06-29 — The Bab arrived in Tabriz. [BBR76]
BBRXXIX says He arrived on 19 June.
RR397 says He arrived t...
- 1850-07-08 — The Bab, divested of His turban and sash, was taken on foot to the barracks in Tabriz. Mirza Muhamma...
- 1850-07-09 — Martyrdom of the Bab
In the morning the Bab was taken to the homes of the leading clerics to obt...
- 1850-07-10 — The Russian Consul had an artist make a sketch of the body of the Bab. [Bab159; DB518; TN28; Sunbur...
- 1850-07-11 — During the evening the bodies were wrapped in a cloak and removed to a silk factory owned by one of ...
- 1850-07-31 — The Faith of the Bab had spread to two countries at this point, Iran and Iraq. [MBW147]
- 1850-08-25 — The arrival of 'Aziz Khan-i-Mukri, commander-in-chief of Iran's army, in Zanjan where the fighting b...
- 1850-10-03 — Two of Vahid's companions were executed in Shiraz....
- 1850-11-00 — Muhammad Khan, the commander of the government forces at Zanjan, tried to deceive Hujjat into surren...
- 1850-12-00 — Hujjat was wounded in the arm. His companions laid down their arms and rushed to his assistance. The...
- 1850-12-29 — Hujjat died of his wounds. [B187; BRR122; BW18:382]
DB573 says this was on 8 January 1851....
- 1851-00-00 — Mulla Zaynu'l-'Abidin (Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin), a prominent mujtahid, became a Babi, in Najafabad....
- 1851-01-02 — End of the Zanjan upheaval. [BW18:382]
Hujjat, wounded in the right arm by a bullet 19 days previ...
- 1851-03-02 — Four Babis brought from Zanjan were executed in Tihran. [BW18:382]...
- 1851-04-30 — Mulla Hasan-i-Fadil was executed in Yazd when he refused to recant. [BW18:382]...
- 1851-05-01 — Áqa Husayn was blown from a canon in Yazd. [BW18:382]...
- 1851-06-00 — Mirza Taqi Khan met with Baha'u'llah and told Him that it would be advisable for Baha'u'llah to leav...
- 1851-07-23 — Áqa Muhammad-Sadiq-i-Yúzdarani was beaten to death in Yazd after refusing to recant. [BW18:382]...
- 1851-08-00 — Baha'u'llah spent most of August in Kirmanshah. [BKG67; DB90, 591]...
- 1851-11-00 — Siyyid Basir-Hindi, a blind Indian, was put to death by Ildirim Mirza. [BW18:382]
For details of...
- 1852-00-00 — Birth of Aqa Buzurg Khurasani (Badi'), Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Mashhad....
- 1852-01-00 — Mirza Taqi Khan was killed in the public bath in Kashan by order of the Shah on the instigation of t...
- 1852-04-00 — Baha'u'llah returned to Iran from Karbala. [DB598]
He was the guest of the Grand Vizier for one...
- 1852-06-00 — Baha'u'llah stayed at the summer residence of Ja'far-Quli Khan, the brother of the Grand Vizier, in ...
- 1852-08-15 — Attempt on the life of the Shah in Afcha, near Tehran. [BBR128; BBRSM:30; BKG74–5; DB599; ESW20; G...
- 1852-08-15 — "In the hecatomb of 1852-1853 the ranks of the Babis were drastically thinned.
Most of the leading
- 1852-08-16 — Baha'u'llah rode out towards the headquarters of the imperial army. At the time, He had been in 'The...
- 1852-08-16 — The martyrdom of Tahirih (Qurratu'l-'Ayn) in Tihran. [BBR172–3; BBRSM:30; BW18:382; BKG87; MF203] ...
- 1852-08-17 — Baha'u'llah was then taken on foot and in chains, with bared head and bare feet' to Tihran, a distan...
- 1852-08-18 — A large number of Babis were arrested in Tihran and its environs following the attempt on the life o...
- 1852-08-22 — After the initial executions, about 20 or more Babis were distributed among the various courtiers an...
- 1852-08-26 — An account of the punishment meted out to those who participated in the attempt on the life of the S...
- 1852-08-30 — In Milan, Iran, 15 Babis were arrested and imprisoned. [BW18:382]
Many Babis were tortured and k...
- 1852-08-31 — Baha'u'llah's imprisonment in the Siyah-Chal
See AB10–11, BBD211–12, BKG79–83, CH41–2, ...
- 1852-10-00 — Baha'u'llah had a vision of the Maiden, who announced to Him that He was the Manifestation of God fo...
- 1852-10-01 — The revelation of Rashh-i-Ama (The Clouds of the Realms Above) while in the Siyah-Chal in Tehran. Th...
- 1852-12-00 — Baha'u'llah was released from the Siyah-Chal.
This was owing to: the efforts of the Russian Minist...
- 1853-01-12 — Baha'u'llah and His family departed for Baghdad after a one month respite in the home of his half-br...
- 1853-03-26 — Five Babis, acting on their own initiative, murdered the governor of Nayriz, providing the spark for...
- 1853-04-08 — Shortly after Baha'u'llah's arrival in Baghdad, the first messenger to reach Him was Shaykh Salman w...
- 1853-10-00 — Second Nayriz upheaval. [BBR147–51; BBRSM:217; BW18:382; DB642–5;]
The new governor of Nayri...
- 1853-10-31 — Some 600 female and 80 to 180 male Babis are taken prisoner at Nayriz and marched to Shiraz, along w...
- 1853-11-24 — The prisoners from Nayriz and the heads of the martyrs arrived in Shiraz. More Babis were executed a...
- 1853-12-30 — The birth of Áqa Mirza Muhammad-Taqi Abhari, (b. 1853-1854 in Abhar, d. 30 January 1919 in Tehran),...
- 1855-00-00 — At some point during the retirement of Baha'u'llah, Mirza 'Aqa Jan was engaged in the service of Mir...
- 1856-00-04 — The Anglo-Persian War. [BBR165, 263]...
- 1858-08-00 — The dismissal of Mirza Áqa Khan, the prime minister who had directed the persecution of the Babis t...
- 1860-00-00 — Mirza Mihdi, the son of Baha'u'llah, was taken from Tihran to join his family in Baghdad. He was abo...
- 1860-00-00 — Birth of Shaykh Muhammad-'Aliy-i-Qa'ini, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Naw Firist, near Birjand. [EB273...
- 1861-01-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Kitab-i-Íqan (The Book of Certitude), 'a comprehensive exposition of the n...
- 1862-00-01 — Baha'u'llah sent a ring and cashmere shawl to His niece, Shahr-Banú, the daughter of Mirza Muhammad...
- 1862-08-22 — Concessions by the Persian government in the Qajar period (1789-1925) included grants of political a...
- 1863-00-00 — The passing of Haji Mubarak, the servant of the Bab. He was born in 1823 and died at the age of 40. ...
- 1863-04-26 — Mirza Yahya fled Baghdad, travelling to Mosul in disguise. [BKG158; RB252–5]
Mirza Yahya had, s...
- 1863-05-03 — Baha'u'llah left the Garden of Ridvan.
This initiated the holy day the Twelfth Day of Ridvan, to...
- 1864-00-00 — Birth of Mirza Hadi Shirazi, the father of Shoghi Effendi, in Shiraz....
- 1864-03-27 — Birth of A. L. M. Nicolas (pen name of Louis Alphonse Daniel Nicolas), who later became an important...
- 1864-04-00 — Upheaval at Najafabad
Several hundred Baha'is were arrested by Shaykh Muhammad-Baqir (later stig...
- 1864-04-10 — Shaykh Muhammad-Baqir, 'the Wolf', ordered the arrest of several hundred Babis and had them brought...
- 1865-00-00 — French diplomat Joseph Comte de Gobineau published Religions et les Philosophies dans l'Asie Central...
- 1865-00-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Arabic Tablet of Ahmad (Lawh-i-Ahmad) for Ahmad, a believer from Yazd. [RB2...
- 1865-03-00 — Death of former Prime Minister Mirza Áqa Khan, in Qum. He was buried at Karbala. [BBR165]...
- 1865-11-00 — Nabil Zarandi arrived in Tehran where he remained for four months. At that time the proclamation of ...
- 1866-02-22 — Nabil Zarandi received a letter from Baha'u'llah giving him permission to proclaim the new religion ...
- 1866-12-00 — About a hundred Baha'is were arrested in Tabriz following a disturbance in which a Babi is killed. [...
- 1867-01-11 — Three Baha'is were executed in Tabriz. Their arrest was precipitated by conflict and rivalry between...
- 1867-01-31 — Mirza Muhammad-'Ali, a Baha'i physician, was executed in Zanjan. [BBR253; BKG238; BW18:383]Áqa Naja...
- 1867-09-01 — Baha'u'llah addressed a Tablet to to Mulla-'Ali Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi and Jamal-i-Burújirdi in Tehra...
- 1867-09-05 — In this period the extent of the Faith was enlarged with expansion in the Caucasus, the establishmen...
- 1867-09-05 — Persecutions began anew in Ádharbayjan, Zanjan, Nishapúr and Tihran. [GPB178]...
- 1867-09-06 — Nabil-i-A'zam was dispatched to Iraq and Iran to inform the Babis of the advent of Baha'u'llah. He w...
- 1868-00-00 — Haji Mulla `Ali-i-Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi (later Hand of the Cause Haji Ákhúnd) was imprisoned in Tihr...
- 1868-08-01 — Mulla Muhammad-Rida, Rida'r-Rúh was poisoned in Yazd. [BW18:383]...
- 1869-00-00 — A great famine occurred in Iran in which about 10 per cent of the population died and a further 10 p...
- 1869-00-00 — The 17-year-old Áqa Buzurg-i-Nishapúri, Badi`, arrived in `Akka having walked from Mosul. He was a...
- 1869-07-00 — Badi` delivered the Tablet of Baha'u'llah to the Shah. He was tortured and executed. [BBRXXXIX; BKG3...
- 1869-12-25 — A mob attacked the Baha'is in Faran, Khurasan, Iran, and two were severely beaten. [BW18:383]...
- 1870-00-00 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah maded a pilgrimage to the shrines in Iraq. In preparation for his visit the Baha'i...
- 1870-00-00 — In Zanjan, Áqa Siyyid Ashraf was arrested, condemned to death as a Babi and executed. [BWG470]
- 1871-00-00 — Muhammad-Hasan Khan-i-Kashi died in Burújird, Iran, after being bastinadoed. [BW18:383]
Three Ba...
- 1872-00-01 — Restoration of the House of the Bab began at the request of Khadijih Bigum with the permission and t...
- 1872-00-02 — Baha'u'llah tasked Shaykh Salman to escort Munirih Khanum (Fatimih Khanum) to `Akka to marry `Abdu'l...
- 1872-07-25 — The Baron de Reuter concession in 1872 was a significant agreement between the government of Persia ...
- 1873-00-00 — Ibn-i-Abhar was arrested in Tihran and imprisoned for 14 months and 15 days. [BW18:383]...
- 1874-00-00 — The passing of Mulla Sadiq-i-Muqaddas-i-Khurasani entitled by Baha'u'llah Ism'llah'l-Asdaq (In the N...
- 1874-04-00 — Shaykh Muhammad-Baqir, the Wolf, has 20 or more Baha'is arrested in Isfahan. [BW18:383]...
- 1874-05-08 — The arrival of the eldest son of Nasiri'd-Din Shah, Sultan-Mas'úd Mirza, Zillu's-Sultan, in Isfahan...
- 1875-00-00 — Ḥakim Áqa Jan was the first Jewish believer from Hamadan. Given his position of leadership in th...
- 1875-00-01 — The `ulama arouse the rabble against the Baha'is in Sidih, Isfahan. Several Baha'is were imprisoned,...
- 1875-00-04 — At the request of Baha'u'llah,`Abdu'l-Baha wrote The Mysterious Forces of Civilization, a treatise o...
- 1875-10-16 — Birth of Tarazu'llah Samandari, Hand of the Cause of God, in Qazvin....
- 1876-00-01 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Tihran and imprisoned for three months and 17 days. [BW18:383]...
- 1876-00-02 — The conversion of Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani, a leading clerical philosopher. [BBRSM88; EB264]
- 1877-09-00 — Haji `Abdu'l-Majid-i-Nishapúri was executed in Mashhad. [BW18:383]...
- 1878-00-00 — The law of the Huqúqu'llah was put into practice because the work of teaching the Cause began to ex...
- 1878-00-00 — It was not until 1878 that the Baha'is of Tehran received copies of the Kitab-i Aqdas and began to i...
- 1879-00-01 — Sarih Khanum, the faithful sister of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Tihran. She was buried a short dist...
- 1879-03-17 — The martyrdom of Haji Siyyid Muhammad-Hasan, the `King of Martyrs' (Sultanu'sh-Shuhada), and Haji Si...
- 1880-00-00 — The first Zoroastrians became Baha'is, in Persia. [SBBH2:67; RoB3p268]
For information on these c...
- 1880-00-00 — Martyrdom of seven Baha'is in Sultanabad. [BW18:383]
Three Baha'is were killed on the orders of S...
- 1881-00-00 — Michele Lessona (b. 20 September 1923 in Turin Italy, d. 20 July 1894 in Turin) was a writer, a phil...
- 1882-00-00 — Mirza `Ali-Muhammad Varqa was arrested in Yazd. He is sent to Isfahan where he was imprisoned for a ...
- 1882-11-11 — The passing of Khadijih-Bagum, the wife of the Bab, in Shiraz in the house of her Husband. [BBD127; ...
- 1882-12-31 — The Tihran Upheaval.
A number of leading members of the Tihran Baha'i community were arrested and...
- 1883-00-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Yazd and sent to Isfahan in chains. BW18:383]
Four Baha'is were arre...
- 1883-03-19 — Sixteen Baha'i traders of the bazaar were arrested in Rasht; three others are brought from Lahijan. ...
- 1884-00-00 — Birth of Valiyu'llah Varqa, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tabriz. [BW18:381-834]...
- 1885-03-27 — Martyrdom of Mulla `Aliy-i-Namiqi in Namiq, Turbat-i-Haydari, Khurasan. [BW18:383]...
- 1887-00-00 — Karbala'i Hasan Khan and Karbala'i Sadiq were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and imprisoned for two ye...
- 1887-10-27 — "When Baha'u'llah revealed the Kitab-i-Aqdas He withheld the publication of certain laws. These incl
- 1887-12-31 — E. G. Browne, the noted Orientalist, spent 12 months in Persia. An important purpose of his journey ...
- 1888-07 — Two Baha'is were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and were sent to Shiraz, where one was imprisoned. [BW...
- 1888-10-23 — The martyrdom of Mirza Ashraf of Ábadih in Isfahan. He was hanged, his body burnt and left hanging ...
- 1889-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause Mulla Sadiq Maqaddas Khurasani also known by the designation Jinab-...
- 1889-06-02 — Áqa Najafi, the `Son of the Wolf', initiated a campaign against the Baha'is in Isfahan, Sidih and N...
- 1889-07-17 — Upheaval in Najafabad: Áqa Najafi, the `Son of the Wolf', drove over a hundred Baha'is out of Sidih...
- 1889-07-18 — The Baha'is were persuaded to leave the Telegraph Office in Isfahan after being assured that they wo...
- 1889-08-00 — Baha'is of Sidih and Najafabad, after having received no help or protection, went to Tihran to petit...
- 1889-08-19 — Baron Julius de Reuter, a British-German financier with a history of financial agreements in Persia,...
- 1889-11-19 — Birth of General Shu`a`u'llah `Ala'i, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran....
- 1890-00-02 — Haji Ákhúnd, Haji Amin and Ibn-i-Abhar were arrested. Haji Ákhúnd was imprisoned in Tihran for t...
- 1890-02-25 — Seven Baha'is from Sidih who had gone to Tihran to petition the Shah for protection, secured a decre...
- 1890-03-00 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah entered into contract of 50 years duration with British interests that would provi...
- 1890-08-00 — Mulla Hasan and his two brothers were arrested and beaten in Sarchah, Birjand. [BW18:383]...
- 1891-00-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed Epistle to the Son of the Wolf addressed to Shaykh Muhammad-Taqiy-i-Najafi (Sha...
- 1891-05-19 — The execution of the Seven Martyrs of Yazd. [BBRXXIX, BW18:384]
Seven Baha'is were executed on th...
- 1891-05-20 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Lawh-i-Times, Tablet to the Times in which He recounted the circumstances o...
- 1891-05-25 — Two believers were arrested during the same period of intense persecution. Haji Amin was sent to th...
- 1891-10-03 — Mulla Muhammad-`Aliy-i-Dihabadi was martyred, one of the Seven Martyrs of Yazd who were killed at th...
- 1892-00-01 — Mu'tuminu's-Saltanih was poisoned in Tihran on the orders of Nasiri'd-Din Shah. [BW18:384]...
- 1892-07-02 — Áqa Murtada of Sarvistan, who had been in prison for five years, was executed in Shiraz. [BW18:384]...
- 1892-07-05 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Nabil-i-Akbar Áqa Muhammed-i-Qa'ini. He was born in Naw-Fir...
- 1893-00-02 — `Abdu'l-Baha wrote Risaliy-i-Siyasiyyih (variously translated as "Treatise on Politics", "A Treatise...
- 1893-06-17 — Áqa Muhammad-Riday-i-Muhammadabadi was killed by three men on the orders of two of the `ulama of Ya...
- 1894-00-02 — Two Baha'is were arrested and bastinadoed in Nishapúr. One died seven days later, the other two yea...
- 1896-00-03 — Baha'is in Hisar, Khurasan were persecuted and imprisoned. [BW18:384]...
- 1896-00-04 — Áqa Siyyid Mihdiy-i-Yazdi was martyred in Tabriz. [BW18:384]...
- 1896-00-05 — Mulla Hasan Khaza'i was arrested in Khúzistan. [BW18:384]...
- 1896-04-19 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah was assassinated on the eve of the celebration of his jubilee. He had ascended to ...
- 1896-05-01 — Muzaffari'd-Din became the shah of Persia. He was the son of Nasiri'd-Din Shah. He had been sent as ...
- 1896-05-02 — The martyrdom of Hand of the Cause of God Varqa ('Dove'), Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad. (b.1856 in Yazd, d. i...
- 1896-06-00 — Several Baha'is were beaten and four were imprisoned in Turbat-i-Haydari when two mujtahids stirred ...
- 1896-07-21 — Haji Muhammad Sadiq was stabbed to death in Turbat-i-Haydari. [BW18:384]...
- 1896-07-24 — Four Baha'is were executed in Turbat-i-Haydari on the order of the mujtahid. [BW18:384; BBR405]
- 1897-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Shaykh Muhammad-Riday-i-Yazdi (Mulla Rida) while incarcerate...
- 1897-00-00 — The Hands of the Cause appointed by Baha'u'llah were instructed by `Abdu'l-Baha to gather to begin t...
- 1897-00-00 — Fifteen Baha'is were arrested in Saysan, Ádharbayjan. They were taken to Tabriz, imprisoned and fin...
- 1897-02-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Mamaqan, Ádharbayjan. Three were bastinadoed and three were imprisoned...
- 1897-02-24 — Birth of Jalal Khazeh (Jalal Khadih), Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran....
- 1897-03-26 — From the time of the passing of Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha endured significant family opposition to Hi...
- 1897-12-00 — In a gathering in Akka, 'Abdu'l-Baha informed the friends of the threats of Siyyid Jamalud-Din-i-Afg...
- 1898-00-01 — `Abdu'l-Baha instructed that the remains of the Bab be brought from their hiding place in Tihran to ...
- 1898-00-02 — The first anti-Baha'i polemical tracts were published by Christian missionaries in Iran. [SBB111:69]...
- 1898-00-03 — The Tarbiyat School for boys was established in Tihran by the Baha'is. [BBD221]...
- 1898-00-04 — Several Baha'is were arrested and imprisoned in Qazvin. [BW18:384]Haji Muhammad was set upon and kil...
- 1898-04-00 — Nine Baha'is attending a Ridvan meeting were arrested, beaten and imprisoned in Hamadan. [BW18:384]...
- 1898-06-01 — Áqa Ghulam-Husayn-i-Banadaki was killed by a mob in Yazd after refusing to deny his faith. [BW18:38...
- 1899-00-03 — A local spiritual assembly called "The Consulting Assembly of Tihran", a forerunner of the National ...
- 1899-04-09 — Upheaval at Najafabad. [BBRXXX, 426; BW18:384–5]
Mirza Baqir-i-Ha'i was arrested, several Baha'...
- 1900-00-00 — See Summon up Remembrance p10-15 by Marzieh Gail for a description of life in Persia 1880s -> early ...
- 1901-00-00 — William Hoar, one of the first Baha'is in America, was asked by `Abdu'l-Baha to meet with the Persia...
- 1901-05-00 — Ghulam-Rida was killed in Najafabad. [BW18:385]...
- 1901-05-01 — 'Aqa Jamal Burújirdi had been a member of the Islamic clergy in Burujerd and was widely known and r
- 1902-00-02 — In Shiraz, Haji Abu'l-Hasan was beaten so severely on the order of the mujtahid that he died a few m...
- 1902-03-18 — Áqa Muhammad-Zama-i-Sabbagh and Siyyid Ja`far were executed in Isfandabad and Abarqú, Fars. Severa...
- 1902-10-12 — Birth of `Abdu'l-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari, Baha'i scholar, author and translator, in Mashhad....
- 1903-00-00 — The passing of Mulla Zaynu'l-'Ábidin, surnamed Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin (the Ornament of the Near Ones) i...
- 1903-05-03 — Upheaval at Rasht. [BBRXXX, 373]
See ...
- 1903-05-23 — Upheaval in Isfahan: Muhammad-Javad-i-Sarraf seized was by students of Aqa Najafi and beaten severe...
- 1903-06-08 — Baha'is in Malayir, Hamadan, are attacked, beaten and imprisoned. Two are killed. [BW18:385]...
- 1903-06-14 — The Yazd Upheaval and in surrounding villages. [BBRXXX]
See ...
- 1903-07-20 — `Abdu'l-Baha commissioned the second restoration of the House of the Bab in Shiraz under the supervi...
- 1903-09-00 — At the request of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Haji Mirza Hadar-'Ali wrote Baha'i Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year ...
- 1903-12-00 — Lua Getsinger made a second petition to the Shah. It was presented through usual official channels....
- 1904-00-00 — The publication of Baha'i Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 AD by Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali Isfahani...
- 1904-00-02 — The birth of Zikrullah Khadem, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran. [ZK3]...
- 1904-00-03 — At this point there were separate Spiritual Assemblies for the Jewish and Zoroastrian Baha'is in Ham...
- 1905-00-00 — The passing of Ahmad (of "Tablet of Ahmad" fame) in Tehran at the age of 100. He was born in Yazd in...
- 1905-03-30 — Haji Kalb-`Ali was shot and killed in Najafabad. [BW18:386]...
- 1905-04-29 — Birth of `Ali-Akbar Furútan, Hand of the Cause of God, in Sabzivar, Khurasan....
- 1905-12-31 — The `Constitutional Revolution' took place in Iran. [BBRSM:87, 219]
The direct influence of the B...
- 1906-00-00 — Birth of `Abu'l-Qasim Faizi, Hand of the Cause of God, in Qum....
- 1906-06-00 — Baha'is in Sangsar, Khurasan, were persecuted such that they took refuge in the hills. [BW18:386]...
- 1906-06-01 — Hippolyte Dreyfus, Marianne Jerard and Laura Barney visited Russian Turkistan and Iran, specifically...
- 1906-08-05 — After an almost bloodless revolution Muzaffari'd-Din Shah was forced to sign a royal decree called ...
- 1906-10-00 — Several Baha'is in Sangsar and Shahmirzad were killed or injured by bullets; six Baha'is were arrest...
- 1906-12-30 — The Constitution of Iran was re-established. The Baha'is were not included among the recognized reli...
- 1907-00-00 — Hajar, an elderly Baha'i woman, was shot dead in Nayriz. [BW18:386]...
- 1907-00-00 — The first Baha'i fund (Šerkat-e ḵayrīya) was established in Tehran to financially support Baha'i...
- 1907-01-08 — The death of Muzaffari'd-Din Shah just a few days after he had signed the constitution. [BBR354, 482...
- 1907-01-19 — The accession of Muhammad-`Ali Shah to the throne of Iran. He reigned until 1909. He attempted to re...
- 1907-04-25 — Karbala'i Sadiq was martyred in Tabriz. [BW18:386]...
- 1907-08-31 — Anglo-Russian Convention relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet, was signed in Saint Petersburg,...
- 1908-00-00 — `Ali Ádhari was martyred in Kirman. [BW18:386]...
- 1908-04-25 — Charles Mason Remey and Sydney Sprague sailed from New York for Iran and Russia. [BFA2:289]
For d...
- 1908-06-23 — Muhammad-`Ali Shah undertook a successful coup d'état in Iran and abolished the Constitution. [BBR3...
- 1909-01-00 — Isabella Brittingham organized 12 Baha'i women into a `Unity Band' to write monthly to the 12 Baha'i...
- 1909-03-00 — The third upheaval in Nayriz. Eighteen or nineteen Baha'is were brutally assassinated in Nayriz whe...
- 1909-04-01 — Baha'is of Namiq, Khurasan, were attacked and Kad-khuda Isma'il was killed. [BW18:386]...
- 1909-04-22 — Three Baha'is are killed in Hisar, Khurasan, and their wives seriously injured. [BW18:386]...
- 1909-07-16 — After an armed revolt, Muhammad-`Ali Shah abdicated and the Iranian Constitution was resurrected. [B...
- 1909-07-18 — The accession of Ahmad Shah Qajar, the boy-king, to the throne of Iran. He was twelve years old and ...
- 1909-07-28 — Baha'is in Namiq, Khurasan, were killed. [BW18:386]...
- 1909-10-00 — The Persian-American Educational Society was founded and inaugurated in Washington DC on the Januar...
- 1909-11-08 — Haji Haydar, a leading Baha'i of Najafabad, was shot and killed at Isfahan. [BBR432]
BRXXX and BW...
- 1909-11-25 — Dr Susan Moody, a famed American homeopathist, arrived in Tihran. She and four Persian Baha'i docto...
- 1909-11-26 — Within a year of her arrival in Persia, Dr. Susan Moody opened the Tarbiyat School for Girls in Tihr...
- 1909-12-24 — The constitutional revolution effectively ended when the Shah's minister oversaw the expulsion of th...
- 1910-03-04 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Haji Mulla 'Ali-Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi, (Haji Akhund). He was...
- 1910-09-20 — Muhammad-Ja`far-i-Sabbagh was martyred at Najafabad. [BW18:387]...
- 1911-05-11 — W. Morgan Shuster was an American chosen by the Persian Chargé d'Affaires at Washington, Mirza Ali...
- 1911-06-03 — Ghodsea Khanoum Ashraf (Qudsiyyih Ashraf) (b. 22 November 1889 in Majidābād, d. 16 April 1976 in T...
- 1911-08-23 — 'Abdu'l-Baha went for a carriage ride in the nearby hills. ["With 'Abdu'l-Baha in Switzerland" by Ju
- 1911-08-28 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha's visitor was Sultan-Husayn Mirza, the eldest son of Zillu's-Sultan. Bet...
- 1912-00-00 — Birth of `Ali Muhammad Varqa, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran....
- 1912-00-00 — Mirza Muhammad-`Ali and his wife were killed in Barfurúsh (now called Babol), Mazandaran. [BW18:387...
- 1912-01-03 — In Sari, Mazandaran, a mob attacked houses of Baha'is and four Baha'is were killed; a few days later...
- 1912-02-04 — Two Baha'is were killed in Mahfurúzak, Mazandaran. [BW18:387]...
- 1912-04-20 — During `Abdu'l-Baha's eleven days in New York He gave 15 formal talks and countless informal one in ...
- 1913-08-01 — With his final year of high school over, Shoghi Effendi hastened from Beirut to Ramleh to join the M...
- 1913-12-00 — Áqa Abu'l-Qasim-i-Isfandabadi was killed by two assailants in Qúzih-Kúh, Bavanat, Fars. [BW18:387...
- 1913-12-00 — "Tamaddunu'l-Mulk (Mirza 'Abdu'l-Husayn Khan Qalati Shirazi) caused mischief amongst the friends and
- 1914-00-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was forced to expel Tammaddun'ul-Mulk for corrupt behaviour. He was from Shiraz and ha
- 1914-08-27 — Áqa Mirza Yúsif-i-Qa'ini was killed in Mashhad. [BW18:387]...
- 1915-00-03 — Mirza Husayn-i-Huda was martyred in Urúmiyyih. [BW18:387]...
- 1915-03-14 — Shaykh 'Ali Akbar-i-Qúchani was shot to death in Mashhad. Considerable anti-Baha'i agitation follow...
- 1916-02-11 — In 1915 Ahmad Yazdani and two other Baha'is had written a paper on Baha'i principles in French and s...
- 1916-02-22 — In Sultanabad, Mirza `Ali-Akbar, his wife, his sister-in-law (aged 12) and their four children (aged...
- 1916-07-28 — Mulla Nasru'llah-i-Shahmirzadi was martyred in his home in Shahmirzad, Khurasan. [BW18:387]
- 1917-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Haji Mirza Muhammad-Taqiy-i-Abhari (Ibn-i-Abhar). He was bo...
- 1917-00-00 — Foreign troops occupied nearly all of neutral Iran. [AB416; BBRSM:87] ...
- 1917-00-00 — A Children's Savings Company, which later was registered as Šerkat-e Now-nahālān, (literally `sap...
- 1917-02-17 — A mob in Najafabad disintered the bodies from two Baha'i graves. A general agitation against Baha'is...
- 1917-05-02 — The martyrdom of Mirza Muhammad-i-Bulúr-Furúsh in Yazd. [BBRXXX, BBR443]...
- 1918-00-00 — Shaykh Kazim-i-Samandar, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away early in the year.
For the story of...
- 1918-03-15 — Áqa Mirza Javad, I`timadu't-Tujjar, was shot in Bandar Jaz and the houses of the Baha'is were loote...
- 1918-11-11 — The end of the First World War or the Great War.
It was a global conflict originating in Europe ...
- 1919-08-13 — The passing of Mirza Muhammad-Hasan Taliqani, Hand of the Cause of God, entitled Adibu'l-'Ulama, kno...
- 1919-08-19 — The Anglo-Persian agreement was signed whereby Persia would get advisors for every department and g...
- 1920-00-00 — Mirza Ibrahim Khan, Ibtihaju'l-Mulk, was martyred in Rasht at the hands of the Jangalis. [BW18:387] ...
- 1920-04-03 — The founders of Teheran branch of Societé Nonahalan 'Children's Savings Fund' were Mirza Mohammed T...
- 1920-05-21 — The execution at Sultanabad of Haji `Arab by hanging. [BBRXXX, 444-6; BW18:387]...
- 1920-09-00 — The tombs of the King of Martyrs and the Beloved of Martyrs in Isfahan were demolished by a mob. [BB...
- 1920-10-02 — Mirza Mustafa was killed at Farúgh, Fars, and other Baha'is were imprisoned. [BW18:387]
He was a...
- 1920-12-01 — Lillian Frances Kappes,(b. 1878 in Hoboken, New Jersey), died of typhus fever in Tihran. [BFA2:361; ...
- 1921-00-00 — The Baha'i community of Iran began publishing a monthly magazine called Aḵbār-e amrī, a publicat...
- 1921-01-23 — Mirza Ya`qúb-i-Muttahidih was assassinated in Kirmanshah. [BBRXXX, 446-50; BW18:387; GPB299]
- 1921-02-02 — Ahmad Shah, who succeeded to the throne at age 11, (reigned 1909–25) was deposed in a coup d'état...
- 1921-04-00 — Dr Genevieve Coy was chosen as the director of the Tarbiyat School for Girls in Tihran to replace Li...
- 1921-07-00 — Baha'is of Zoroastrian background were harassed by the Zoroastrian agent in Qum. [BW18:388]...
- 1921-10-20 — Áqa Siyyid Mustafa Tabataba'i was poisoned in Sangsar. Continual agitation prevented the burial of ...
- 1922-00-01 — Oswald Whitaker, a Sydney optometrist, and Euphemia Eleanor `Effie' Baker, a photographer, become Ba...
- 1922-01-24 — Dr Sarah A. Clock passed away in Tihran. She had gone there in 1911 to assist Dr Moody at the Tarbiy...
- 1924-03-09 — Two Baha'is were imprisoned for several months in Maraghih, Iran, after two mullas stirred up troubl...
- 1924-04-02 — Baha'is in Turbat-i-Haydari, Iran, were attacked; some were arrested and imprisoned and others were ...
- 1924-04-05 — Shaykh `Abdu'l-Majid was beaten to death in Turshiz, Khurasan, Iran. [BW18:388]...
- 1924-06-22 — Aqa Husayn-`Ali was martyred in Firúzabad, Fars, Iran. [BW18:388]...
- 1924-07-18 — American Vice-Consul Major Robert Imbrie was murdered in Tihran for being a Baha'i, which he was not...
- 1925-10-31 — Ahmad Shah was deposed and the Qajar dynasty (1785-1925) was formerly terminated by declaration of ...
- 1925-12-13 — Rida (or Reza) Shah acceded to the throne of Iran. The Pahlavi dynasty commenced. [BBR482]
- 1926-04-07 — Eight or perhaps as many as twelve Baha'is were beaten to death in Jahrum, Fars, Iran. [BW18:388, SE...
- 1926-06-29 — Three Baha'is were martyred in Zavarih, near Isfahan. [BW18:388]...
- 1926-07-12 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada made representations ...
- 1926-08-06 — The Shah of Iran was asked to "stay the slaying of Baha'is." The Press notice of the appeal to the S...
- 1926-09-00 — In a letter addressed to the Persian Baha'is he emphasizes the importance of compiling a general his...
- 1927-00-00 — Abu'l-Qasim Faizi, a 19-year-old student who had attended the Tarbiyat School in Tehran but was now ...
- 1927-03-25 — Áqa 'Abdu'l-'A'zim, Aminu'l-'Ulama' was martyred in Ardibil, Iran, by the order of the mujtahid. [B...
- 1927-06-19 — Karbala'i Asadu'llah-i-Saqat-furúsh was martyred in Kirman, Iran. [BW18:388]...
- 1928-00-00 — The third Trustee of the Huqúqu'llah was Haji Ghulam-Rida (entitled Amin-i-Amin) (Trustee of the Tr...
- 1928-01-17 — A Covenant-breaker, Jamil Irani, tried to stir up trouble by implicating the Baha'is with Salaru'd-D...
- 1928-04-02 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad, known as Ibn-i-Asdaq. He was born in M...
- 1928-05-27 — Haji Amin, Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikani, Hand of the Cause of God and Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away ...
- 1929-00-02 — The passing of Gulsurkh Bagum, given name Fatimih-Sultan Bagum (b. 1855 Isfahan)
- 1930-00-00 — In Iran " [i]n the early years of the 1930s Baha'i women joined the movement of discarding the veil ...
- 1931-00-00 — The publication of Baha'ism: Its Origins, History and Teachings by Reverend William McElwee Miller,...
- 1932-00-00 — The Iranian government introduced measures against the Baha'is throughout Iran. Restrictions were pl...
- 1932-00-00 — Land for a Mashriqu'l-Adhkar was purchased at Ḥadiqa, northeast of Tehran, and a design for this b...
- 1932-06-10 — The American National Spiritual Assembly addresseed a petition to the Shah of Iran requesting that t...
- 1932-08-15 — Keith Ransom-Kehler met the Iranian Court Minister Taymur Tash. [BW5:392]
She presented the Ameri...
- 1933-00-01 — Baha'is in Gulpaygan, Iran, were refused admission to the public baths. Shaykh Ja'far Hidayat was be...
- 1933-00-02 — The Tavakkul Baha'i School in Qazvin, Iran, was closed. [BW18:388]...
- 1933-10-23 — Keith Ransom-Kehler died of smallpox in Isfahan after a year of intensive travel around Iran. [BW5:2...
- 1934-00-03 — The first National Spiritual Assembly of Iran was elected. [BBRSM:121; BW6:268]
For a picture see...
- 1934-00-04 — The government of Iran took several measures against the Baha'is throughout the country. [...
- 1934-04-26 — The first national convention of the Baha'is of Iran was held in Tehran over a period of eight days....
- 1934-10-23 — Dr Susan Moody (b. Amsterdam, NY 20 November 1851) passed away in Iran. She had become a Baha'i in M...
- 1934-12-06 — The Tarbiyat Baha'i Schools in Tihran and all other Baha'i schools across the country were closed by...
- 1935-00-02 — The persecution against the Baha'is in Iran continued. [...
- 1935-09-20 — The passing of Jinab-i-Fadil-i-Shirazi (Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim) (b.1863) in Tehran. [ARG109, M9YA4...
- 1935-11-24 — The passing of Dr. Howard Luxmoore Carpenter (b. 1906, d. 24 November 1935). He was buried at the Su...
- 1936-06-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued. [...
- 1937-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran continued throughout the country. [...
- 1937-05-01 — Several prominent Baha'is were arrested in Yazd. [BW18:389]
They were imprisoned in Tihran for fo...
- 1937-07-00 — Nine Baha'is were imprisoned in Sangsar, Khurasan, Iran, for closing their shops on Baha'i holy days...
- 1937-12-00 — The writing of Episodes in the History of the Covenant by Shoghi Effendi originally written as "Waqa...
- 1937-12-20 — Mirza Ḥusayn-'Aliy-i-Jahrumi represented the arch-breaker of the Covenant, Mirza Muhammad-'Ali, in...
- 1938-00-00 — The fourth Trustee of the Huqúqu'llah was Jinab-i-Valiyu'llah Varqa, the third son of Varqa the mar...
- 1938-00-00 — Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the country. [...
- 1938-02-05 — Baha'is in the Soviet Union were persecuted by the authorities. [BBR473, BW8p87-90, 179-81, BW14p479...
- 1939-02-28 — The passing of Louis Alphonse Daniel Nicolas, signing A.L.M. Nicolas , (b. March 27 , 1864 in Rasht,...
- 1940-00-00 — ʿAbd-al-Mīṯāq Mīṯāqīya, ( 'Abdu'l-Missagh Missaghiyeh) a well-known Baha'i of Tehran, bui
- 1940-00-00 — An institution for Baha'i orphans in Iran was founded which served the community for many years. [BW...
- 1940-04-21 — Annual Report National Spiritual Assembly of the Bah...
- 1941-01-00 — Nine Baha'is were arrested in Sangsar, Khurasan, Iran, and banished to other towns for closing their...
- 1941-09-16 — In Iran, Rida Shah abdicated and Muhammad-Rida Shah ascended to the throne. His rule was to last unt...
- 1941-10-18 — Four members of a Baha'i family were killed and several other family members were severely beaten in...
- 1942-00-00 — The House of the Bab in Shiraz was attacked and damaged by fire. [BBD108; ...
- 1942-00-00 — The publication in Iran of The Political Confessions or Memoirs of Prince Dolgoruki (or, simply, Dol...
- 1942-02-13 — Ustad Habibu'llah Mu'ammari was martyred in Nayriz, Iran. [BW18:389]...
- 1943-00-00 — Fereidoon Adamiyyat, one of the most influential and widely acknowledged Iranian historians of the 2...
- 1943-04-05 — Sir Ronald Storrs visited the House of the Bab in Shiraz. [BW 11:461]...
- 1944-00-00 — In Iran a Central Women's Progress Committee was formed to organize women's activities throughout th...
- 1944-00-00 — A Baha'i committee in Tihran identified the House of Baha'u'llah in the city and purchased it....
- 1944-01-00 — A Memorial to Keith Ransom-Kehler was erected in Isfahan to
commemorate her work in Iran. She was ...
- 1944-03-21 — On the occasion of the Centenary of the Declaration of the Bab, the Guardian provided two gifts to t...
- 1944-05-12 — Baha'is were persecuted at Ábadih, Iran. The Baha'i centre was attacked by a mob of four thousand, ...
- 1944-05-22 — The Centenary of the Declaration of the Bab was celebrated at the House of the Bab in Shiraz. [BW10:...
- 1944-08-08 — Three Baha'is were murdered in Shahrúd, Iran, after three weeks of anti-Baha'i agitation. Many Baha...
- 1944-09-00 — Following the murder of Baha'is at Shahrúd, Iran, and the widespread publicity on the outcome of th...
- 1945-00-00 — The Persian Baha'i community published several periodicals. One of the most popular, aiming at the e...
- 1945-00-00 — Baha'is throughout Iran were dismissed from National Teacher Training Colleges by the National Board...
- 1946-00-00 — The restoration of the House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran was completed....
- 1946-10-11 — The Baha'is of Iran launched a Forty-five Month Plan, the Persian 45 Month Plan ( 11 October 1946 to...
- 1946-10-11 — The Persian Women's Four Year Plan (1946-1950) was launched. Some goals were to:
-Hold liter...
- 1947-00-00 — The Haziratu'l-Quds of Tihran was completed. [BW11:588]...
- 1947-07-04 — 'Abbas Shahidzadih was martyred in Shahi, Mazandaran, Iran and a fellow Baha'i, Habib Allah Hushmand
- 1948-00-00 — Starting in 1948 the Baha'i women of Iran published a monthly magazine called Tarāna-ye omīd. Its ...
- 1948-00-00 — The Baha'i Centre in Yazd, Iran, was attacked by a mob incited by Shaykh Khalisizadih. He was a man ...
- 1948-00-05 — The Baha'i centre in Tihran was attacked by a mob incited by Áyatu'llah Kashani. [...
- 1948-00-07 — A Baha'i was killed after an attack on his home at Chalih-Zamin, Iran. [...
- 1948-01-11 — Habibu'llah Húshmand was martyred in Sarvistan, Iran. [BW18:390]...
- 1949-00-00 — The Misaghieh Hospital was gifted to the Baha'i community in 1949 by a Baha'i named Abdolmisagh Misa...
- 1949-02-04 — There was an attempt on the life of the Shah during a ceremony commemorating the founding of Tehran ...
- 1950-00-00 — In Iran, the Hujjatiyya Society was started by Shaykh Mahmúd Halabi to persecute and harass the Bah...
- 1950-00-00 — Ghulam Reza Akhzari and his son Nur Allah were killed near Yazd and Bahram Rawhani was murdered in T...
- 1950-01-03 — A woman named Sughra and her five children were brutally murdered. Members of the Spiritual Assembl...
- 1950-02-03 — Dr Sulayman Birgis was martyred in Kashan, Iran. [BW18:390]
For his obituary see BW12:684–5.
- 1950-07-09 — The Centenary of the Martyrdom of the Bab was commemorated.
For Shoghi Effendi's message to the B...
- 1950-09-00 — Four Baha'is in Iran were arrested on trumped-up charges. The trial lasted until 1954, when the accu...
- 1951-00-02 — Muhammad Kayvani was murdered in Najafabad. [...
- 1951-00-04 — Throughout Iran, the government introduced repressive measures against Baha'is. [BW18:390]
- 1951-00-05 — Baha'is in Áran, Kashan, Iran, were attacked, and one died. [BW18:390]...
- 1951-03-07 — The Prime Minister of Iran, Haj 'Ali Razmara was assassinated during a memorial service in a mosque ...
- 1951-03-12 — Baha'is in Taft, Iran, were attacked and one was killed. [BW18:390]...
- 1951-04-21 — Several National Spiritual Assemblies-Britain, Egypt, India, Iran and the United States, joined forc...
- 1951-06-00 — Baha'is in Faran, Iran, were attacked and several houses burned. [BW18:390]...
- 1952-00-03 — Baha'is and their homes were attacked in Najafabad, Iran, and several houses were set on fire. [BW18...
- 1952-08-26 — The martyrdom of Nuri'd-Din Fath-'Azam near Tehran. [BW12p690-692]...
- 1953-00-00 — Baha'is and their houses were attacked in Bushrúyih and Faran, Iran. [BW18:390]...
- 1953-00-00 — Áqa Rahman Kulayni-Mamaqani was martyred in Durúd, Iran. [BW18:390]...
- 1953-00-00 — Anjoman-e Hojjatieh ("Society of Allah's Proof Over Creation"), also called the Hojjatieh Society wa...
- 1953-04-29 — In a moving ceremony, Shoghi Effendi placed a silver box containing a fragment of plaster from the c...
- 1953-09-26 — The martyrdom of Rahman Kulayni Mamaqani. He was stabbed by a ruffian in a mob. [BW12p710-711]...
- 1954-00-14 — "The sacred dust of the Bab's infant son, extolled in the Qayyum-i-Asma, was respectfully and ceremo
- 1954-03-00 — The Siyah-Chal and some surrounding property was acquired by the Baha'is. [BW12:64–5; SE153; SS45]...
- 1954-04-00 — Baha'i women in Iran were accorded full rights to participate in membership of both national and loc...
- 1954-04-21 — Adelaide Sharp, who had been in Iran since 1929, was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of I...
- 1954-12-16 — Shoghi Effendi announced the death of Avarih in Iran, "CONDEMNED POSTERITY MOST SHAMELESS, VICIOUS, ...
- 1955-01-18 — Five Baha'is were arrested and beaten in Hisar, Khurasan, Iran; four of these are dragged around the...
- 1955-02-04 — Baha'i women in Hisar, Khurasan, Iran, were assaulted. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-04-18 — After the violent storm of persecutions against the Baha'i's in Iran broke loose, the Baha'i Interna...
- 1955-04-21 — In 1843, the Bab's only child, Ahmad, was still-born or died soon after birth. Khadijih Bagum had a...
- 1955-04-23 — Ramadan began. Shaykh Muhammad-Taqi known as "Falsafi" made an inflammatory speech against the Baha'...
- 1955-05-00 — Persecutions against the Baha'is continued throughout Iran. [...
- 1955-05-02 — The police locked the doors of the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran thus preventing the holding of t...
- 1955-05-07 — The Iranian army occupied the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-05-08 — Baha'is were beaten at Damghan, Khurasan, Iran. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-05-08 — The Baha'i centre at Rasht, Iran, was attacked and taken over. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-05-09 — Baha'i houses were attacked and looted at Shiraz, Iran. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-05-09 — The Baha'i centre at Ahvaz, Iran, was taken over. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-05-16 — The Baha'i centre at Isfahan, Iran, was taken over. [BW18:390]...
- 1955-05-17 — The Iranian Minister of the Interior announced in parliament that the Government had issued orders f...
- 1955-05-22 — The dome of the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran was demolished with the personal participation of s...
- 1955-05-24 — The Baha'i centre at Karaj, Iran, was taken over. [...
- 1955-05-27 — The Baha'i centre at Mahfurúzak, Iran, was demolished. [...
- 1955-05-30 — Baha'is were attacked and wounded and their houses attacked at Ábadih, Iran. [...
- 1955-06-01 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Takur, Mazandaran, Iran, was taken over. [...
- 1955-07-28 — Seven Baha'is were stabbed and beaten to death by a mob in Hurmuzak, Iran. [...
- 1955-08-00 — Appeals were made by National Spiritual Assemblies around the world through the Baha'i International...
- 1955-08-23 — Shoghi Effendi announced plans to begin construction on the House of Worship in Kampala, Uganda in l...
- 1955-09-00 — Baha'is in Iran continued to be dismissed from their employment. Baha'i students were expelled from ...
- 1956-07-21 — As a result of the intervention of the UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold in July of 1955, promis...
- 1957-07-18 — It was reported in the Canadian Baha'i News, based on the Guardian's message of the 18th of July, th...
- 1957-12-26 — The passing of Mirzā Asad-Allāh, known as Fāżel Māzandarāni (b. Babol, Persia 1881).
He bec...
- 1959-00-00 — The establishment of a Baha'i Publishing Trust in Iran.
Since 1899, Baha'i sacred texts had been ...
- 1963-00-01 — 15 years after the establishment of Israel and during the course of the unrest that swept through Ir...
- 1963-06-05 — Throughout Iran, advantage is taken of the general anti-government disorder to launch attacks on Bah...
- 1966-04-07 — The passing of Ali Kuli Khan (b. Kashan Persia, about 1879) in Washington, DC. [BW14p351]
For inf...
- 1967-00-00 — The beginning of the publication of a magazine for the Baha'i children of Iran called Varqā. The ma...
- 1968-00-00 — Throughout Iran, pressure on Baha'is intensified. [...
- 1968-00-00 — Našrīya was a news bulletin of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Tehran. It was distributed free of ...
- 1970-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran underwent major repair and a fundamental restoration of both exte...
- 1971-10-16 — The inauguration of Shahyad Tower ("King's Memorial Tower") in Tehran. The tower was built in honou...
- 1972-08-06 — 'Abdu'l-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari, Iranian scholar, author, translator and promoter of the Baha'i Faith,
- 1973-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran and its adjacent birúni (reception area) were completely restore...
- 1974-08-28 — The conference held in St Louis, Missouri, to launch the Five Year Plan in the United States attract...
- 1975-00-00 — Following the creation of the Rastakhiz political party by the Shah of Iran and the refusal of the B...
- 1975-06-24 — Iran became one of the first countries in the world to ratify the International Covenant on Civil an...
- 1975-11-01 — In Iran, the house of the maternal uncle of the Bab and the adjacent house in which the Bab was born...
- 1976-10-05 — The passing of Adelaide Sharp (b. Texas, 1896) in Tehran.
In 1929 she accompanied Dr Susan Mood...
- 1977-05-14 — The house of a Baha'i in Fadilabad, Iran, was attacked; the Baha'i was killed and his sister severel...
- 1977-07-05 — The passing of Mirza Ahmad Khan Yazdani Kasrawi (b. April 24, 1891) in Tehran. Born into a Muslim fa...
- 1978-00-00 — Ten Baha'is were killed in Iran, seven by mobs. [BW18:291]
For the response of Baha'i institution...
- 1978-00-00 — In Iran, many local Baha'i centres were seized by armed men of the revolutionary committees, along w...
- 1978-10-01 — Three hundred Baha'i homes near Shiraz were burned or destroyed and in another 200 homes the Baha'is...
- 1978-10-02 — Mobs destroyed the Haziratu'l-Quds in Mihan-du-´Ab followed by the burning or looting of 80 homes a...
- 1978-11-07 — The murder of Major-General Ali Mohammad Khademi (b. 16 December, 1913 in Jahrom, Fars.) After a bri...
- 1978-12-03 — Baha'i homes in Andarún, Iran, were besieged; one Baha'i was badly beaten. [BW18:275–6]...
- 1978-12-15 — A cabled message was sent to 93 national spiritual assemblies stating that the Baha'is in Iran and t...
- 1979-00-00 — After the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the persecution of Baha'is significantly intensified due ...
- 1979-00-00 — Five Baha'is were killed in Iran, two by execution. [BW18:291]
For the response of Baha'i institu...
- 1979-00-00 — The Siyah-Chal in Tihran and the houses of Quddús and Hujjat were seized and occupied by members of...
- 1979-00-00 — Baha'i cemeteries across Iran were confiscated, including the cemetery in Tihran, which contains the...
- 1979-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran was confiscated by the revolutionary government of Iran. [BW17:79...
- 1979-01-12 — Baha'i members of the Sadat-Mahmúdi clan of the Buyr-Ahmad tribe of central Iran were driven from t...
- 1979-01-17 — Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi, known as Mohammad Reza Shah, entitled Shāhanshāh ("Emperor" or "King of...
- 1979-02-00 — In Iran, Baha'i representatives met with high-ranking clergy in Shiraz, Qum and Mashhad to combat th...
- 1979-02-01 — Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran from exile in France. On the 11th of February, the revolutionar...
- 1979-02-02 — A mob of some 5,000 armed with hatchets, spades and pickaxes converged on Hisar, Iran, intent on har...
- 1979-02-03 — Revolutionary Guards raided the offices of Nawnahalan, a Baha'i investment company, and the Umana' C...
- 1979-02-15 — The National Haziratu'l-Quds of Iran was seized by the Revolutionary Guards. [BW18:250]
All the r...
- 1979-03-01 — Yúsif Subhani, a well-known Baha'i businessman, was imprisoned in Tihran. [BW18:278]...
- 1979-03-30 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Takur, Iran, was confiscated by the Revolutionary Government. [BW18:289]...
- 1979-04-01 — The declaration of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran after a referendum with a 98.2% ...
- 1979-04-03 — Revolutionary Guards in Iran occupied the House of the Bab in Shiraz and neighbouring Baha'i propert...
- 1979-05-24 — Shaykh Muhammad Muvahhid, a well-known Baha'i, was kidnapped in Tihran. [BW18:254, 294]...
- 1979-06-21 — In Iran, the offices of Nawnahalan and the Umana' Corporation were taken over by Revolutionary Guard...
- 1979-08-21 — The arrest of the nine members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran by an unknown armed group ...
- 1979-09-00 — Bahar Vujdani was executed in Mahabad, Iran. [BW18:255]...
- 1979-09-01 — Revolutionary committees in Shahsavar, 'Ábadan and Tabriz, Iran, ordered the arrest of Baha'is. [BW...
- 1979-09-08 — The House of the Bab in Shiraz was attacked and substantially demolished by a crowd accompanied by 2...
- 1979-10-01 — In Iran, Baha'is in the ministries of education, health and social administration were dismissed fro...
- 1979-11-00 — Baha'i meetings were prohibited in Shasavar, Iran. [BW18:255]...
- 1979-11-11 — Dr 'Alimurad Davúdi, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran, was kidnapped in Tihran a...
- 1979-11-11 — Starting just months after the revolution, seven members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the B...
- 1979-11-21 — The assets of three smaller institutions owned by the Baha'i community, the Vahhaj, Matla and Huqúq...
- 1979-12-00 — Work on the demolition of the House of the Bab in Shiraz was resumed and the building almost razed t...
- 1979-12-02 — 'Azamatu'llah Fahandizh was executed in Tihran. [BW18:255]
- 1979-12-03 — The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from which all civil rights stem and which did not...
- 1979-12-29 — Rahmatu'llah Muhajir, Hand of the Cause of God and Knight of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Quito, Ecua...
- 1980-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92]
Twenty–four Bah...
- 1980-02-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran entered a new, more dangerous phase. [BW18:255]
Prominent ...
- 1980-02-10 — Message from the Universal House of Justice addressed to the Baha'is of Iran and Iranian believers r...
- 1980-04-00 — Eight Baha'is were arrested in Tabriz; five were released after signing an agreement not to take par...
- 1980-06-10 — The martyrdom of Yúsuf Subhani in Ivin Prison in Tehran. For an account of his execution and the ev...
- 1980-07-13 — The execution by firing squad of Dr. Faramarz Samandari as well as another Baha'i by the name of Yad...
- 1980-07-14 — Two of the Baha'is arrested in Tabriz in April were executed. [BW18:256]...
- 1980-08-21 — The members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran were arrested along with two colleagues. They...
- 1980-09-00 — The European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the United Nations ...
- 1981-00-03 — The site of the House of the Bab, destroyed by a mob in 1979, was made into a road and public square...
- 1981-00-05 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92]
Forty–six Baha'...
- 1981-06-14 — Seven members of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Hamadan were executed by firing squa...
- 1981-06-23 — Dr. Masih Farhangi had spent 502 days in the Evin Prison before his martyrdom by firing squad. For h...
- 1981-07-29 — See the story of the martyrdom of pharmacist Dr. Parviz Firouzi,.
See the story of the martyrdom ...
- 1981-12-05 — The Baha'i cemetery in Tehran was seized "by order of the Revolutionary Court". Five caretakers and ...
- 1981-12-10 — The Universal House of Justice announced that the House of Baha'u'llah in Takur, Núr, Iran, had bee...
- 1981-12-27 — Eight of the nine members of the replacement National Spiritual Assembly of Iran were executed. They...
- 1982-00-00 — Soon after the Islamic Revolution's victory in 1979, Baha'i cemeteries in various cities and village...
- 1982-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92]
Thirty–two Baha...
- 1982-01-04 — The martyrdom of Fatollah Ferdowsi. (See above)
Interview with the author, Farsheed Ferdowsi on ...
- 1982-05-25 — The Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations of the Foreign Affairs Committee of...
- 1982-09-07 — The Revolutionary Prosecutor General, Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, banned all Baha'i community ac...
- 1982-10-23 — Authorities arrested 45 Baha'is in Shiraz on the order of the prosecutor. On October 30th another 40...
- 1982-10-23 — Akhtar Sabet was born into a Baha'i family. Her father owned a small shop and she assisted him while...
- 1983-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92; BW19:177–226]
- 1983-00-06 — During its first decade in power, the Islamic regime openly persecuted and killed Baha'is. These per...
- 1983-04-29 — The Universal House of Justice was elected for the fifth time at the International Convention held i...
- 1983-06-18 — In Shiraz, ten Baha'i women ranging in age from 17 to 57, were hanged. All of the women had been tor...
- 1983-07-12 — The Hojjatiyeh society, also known as Hojjatieh or Hojjatiyeh Movement, was a religious and politica...
- 1983-08-23 — Seyyed Hussein Musavi Tabrizi, the Attorney General of Iran, declared all Baha'i administrative acti...
- 1983-08-29 — In Iran the Baha'i Faith was banned in Iran and membership of Baha'i institutions made a criminal of...
- 1983-09-03 — In response to the Iranian authorities banning all Baha'i administrative and community activities an...
- 1983-09-04 — All property and endowments owed by the Baha'i administration in Iran was seized.
The acquisitio...
- 1983-09-05 — Persian Bahaʾis have made great contributions in international Baha'i fields. The Persian Baha'i co...
- 1984-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226]
Thirty Bah...
- 1984-12-00 — Dr. Ruhollah Taelim, a popular physician living in Kermanshah, was hanged in Tehran in 1984 at the a...
- 1985-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226]
Seven Baha...
- 1985-08-28 — Mr Rahmatu'llah Vujdani, a 57 year old teacher, was executed by firing squad in Bandar 'Abbas. He ...
- 1985-12-13 — For the first time, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human rights sit...
- 1986-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226]
One Baha'i...
- 1986-00-00 — Iran's hugely unsuccessful attempt to convince the international community that Baha'is were indeed ...
- 1986-03-13 — The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution asking its chairman to appoint a ...
- 1987-00-01 — Faced with unrelenting religious persecution involving a wide range of human rights violations, the ...
- 1987-09-23 — Three members of the Yaran-e Iran, Mr. Jamaluddin Khanjani, Mr. Hasan Mahboobi and Mr. Changeez Fan...
- 1988-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice was elected for the sixth time at the International Convention held i...
- 1988-07-26 — In the final phases of the Iran-Iraq war Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini felt that defeat was immin...
- 1988-07-26 — The paper, Iranian Baha'is and the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) was presented by Dr Kamali Sarvestan...
- 1988-12-08 — The plenary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution concerning hu...
- 1989-03-09 — The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution expressing grave concern at human rights violati...
- 1989-04-04 — The Universal House of Justice announced a vast majority of prisoners that had been held by authorit...
- 1990-00-23 — For the first time a representative of the United Nations was able to officially meet with a represe...
- 1990-05-00 — The US Senate unanimously adopted a concurrent resolution condemning Iran's continued repression of ...
- 1991-02-25 — In Iran, a secret government memorandum (known as the Golpaygani Memorandum) was drawn up by Iran's ...
- 1992-03-18 — The martyrdom of Mr. Bahman Samandari in the Evin prison in Tehran. Mr. Samandari was executed with ...
- 1993-01-00 — Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, the United Nations' special representative in charge of monitoring the human ...
- 1993-02-22 — At the 49th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations in Geneva released a re...
- 1993-06-00 — The bodies of Baha'is buried in the Baha'i section of a Tihran cemetery were exhumed and taken by lo...
- 1993-07-00 — A section of the Baha'i cemetery in Tihran was bulldozed to make way for the construction of an Isla...
- 1993-12-08 — In Iran, death sentences were pronounced against two Baha'is on the grounds of their membership in t...
- 1995-09-00 — The arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Zabihullah Mahrami in Yazd because of his adherence to the Baha'i...
- 1997-07-04 — Masha'llah Enayati, a 63-year-old man, died in custody while in prison in Isfahan after being severe...
- 1997-07-06 — Shahram Reza'i, a conscript in the army, was shot in the head by his superior officer at a military ...
- 1998-02-01 — The Baha'i Open University resumed activities after the seizure of much of their assets four months ...
- 1998-07-21 — Mr. Ruhu'llah Rawhani, a 52-year-old medical supplies salesman was hanged in Mashhad solely for reli...
- 1998-09-29 — Starting this date until October 2nd, in Iran, the government raided some 500 private homes and the ...
- 1999-04-19 — The Islamic Revolutionary Court in Isfahan sentenced Sina Hakiman (10 yrs), Farzad Khajeh Sharifabad...
- 2000-02-17 — Iran's Supreme Court rejected death sentences imposed upon Sirus Zabihi-Moghadam, Hadayet Kashefi-Ma...
- 2003-09-00 — The publication of History of Baha'ism in Iran by Abdullah Shahbazi, the then head of the Political ...
- 2003-11-26 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Ali Akbar Furútan in Haifa at the age of 98. [BWNS261, BW'...
- 2003-12-16 — Shirin Ebadi, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the first Muslim woman to win the coveted distincti...
- 2004-00-00 — The publication of the paper Conspiracies and Forgeries: The Attack upon the Baha'i Community in Ira...
- 2004-02-00 — In Babul, Iran, the destruction of the gravesite of Quddús, a house-like structure that marked the ...
- 2004-02-07 — The release of Mr. Bihnam Mithaqi and Mr. Kayvan Khalajabadi who had been imprisoned on April 29, 19...
- 2004-04-00 — The completion of the destruction of the gravesite of Mulla Muhammad-'Ali Barfurushi, known as Quddu...
- 2004-04-19 — The passing of Mr Aziz Ismayn Yazdi (b. Alexandria, Egypt in 1909) in Vancouver, Canada at the age o...
- 2004-06-20 — By order of Ayatollah Kani, director of the Marvi School and the Endowments Office, destruction of...
- 2004-11-15 — The Iranian Baha'i Community addressed a letter to Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, outlining the...
- 2004-12-20 — United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution expressing "serious concern" over the human righ...
- 2005-00-02 — The official campaign to malign the name of the Faith in Iran through the mass media, newspaper arti...
- 2005-10-29 — Letter from the Iranian military headquarters to various Revolutionary Guard and police forces and s...
- 2005-12-15 — The death of Mr. Dhabihu'llah Mahrami, 59, who had been held in a government prison in Yazd under ha...
- 2006-00-00 — For more than two decades young Baha'is had been barred from entering university through an applicat...
- 2006-05-02 — Letter, from the Trades, Production, and Technical Services Society of Kermanshah to the Iranian Uni...
- 2006-05-19 — Iranian security officials arrested 54 Baha'is in the city of Shiraz who were involved in a communit...
- 2006-08-19 — Iran's Ministry of Interior ordered officials throughout the country to step up the surveillance of ...
- 2006-12-00 — The publication of A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran by the Iran Human Rights D...
- 2006-12-22 — The Education Department Management Security Office in Shiraz circulated a form to be completed by a...
- 2007-00-00 — This increase in the activities of the Yaran-e Iran mandated the addition of more members; as a resu...
- 2007-03-17 — In a confidential letter from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology to the Central Securi...
- 2007-04-09 — In a memorandum from the office of Intelligence and National Security to the commanders of police fo...
- 2007-05-18 — A letter marked "Confidential" was sent from the academic counseling and higher education office at ...
- 2007-05-24 — The passing of Hadi Rahmani-Shirazi (b. 1914) in the United Kingdom. He was buried in New Southgate ...
- 2007-09-09 — A Baha'i cemetery near Najafabad, Iran was destroyed using heavy equipment. More than 100 graves wer...
- 2007-09-09 — In its message to the Baha'i students deprived of access to higher education in Iran of the 9th of S...
- 2007-10-02 — An event was organized by the Defenders of Human Rights Centre in Iran to publicize the plight of al...
- 2007-11-21 — The Universal House of Justice responded to a communications from the Baha'is attending event of th...
- 2008-03-05 — Mahvash Sabet – a schoolteacher and mother of two and a member of the national-level administrativ...
- 2008-05-14 — The six men and a women, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naeimi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mr. Behrouz Tav...
- 2008-05-14 — Iranian Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri issued a fatwa stating that, since (Baha'is) were the ...
- 2008-05-15 — The arrest of the Baha'i leadership took place in the context of a severely and rapidly escalating s...
- 2008-06-00 — In a show of solidarity for the imprisoned Yaran, an open letter was sent from a number of members o...
- 2008-06-03 — Mrs. Mahvash Sabet and Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi were permitted to make short phone calls to their fami...
- 2008-07-27 — The results of the nationwide university entrance examination were made available on the National Or...
- 2008-09-00 — After enduring 3.5 months of solitary confinement, the imprisoned members of the Yaran were transfer...
- 2008-09-28 — The Baha'i Cemetery of Isfahan, known as Gulestan-e Javid [Eternal Garden], was attacked by a certai...
- 2008-10-31 — The Universal House of Justice sent a message of encouragement to the besieged Baha'i Community of I...
- 2008-11-00 — Ameed Saadat sat Iran's 2008 national university entrance examination. He was accepted to study hote...
- 2009-00-00 — Over 200 articles appeared in the Iranian newspaper Kayhan* in the years 2007-2009 that attacked eve...
- 2009-00-00 — The publication of ...
- 2009-02-03 — The publication of "We are Ashamed," an open letter from a group of academics, writers, artists, jou...
- 2009-02-11 — An Iranian ISNA news agency report quoting Tehran's deputy public prosecutor, Hassan Haddad, reporte...
- 2009-02-15 — The US House of Representatives introduced a resolution condemning the government of Iran for its st...
- 2009-02-16 — Iran's Prosecutor General Qorban-Ali Dorri-Najafabadi made the claim that the members of the "banned...
- 2009-02-25 — The seven imprisoned Baha'i leaders were given permission to meet with their families. [Iran Press W...
- 2009-02-27 — Responding to the public outcry from western nations against Iran for the plight of seven imprisoned...
- 2009-03-00 — The Yaran decided that, as a measure of goodwill, to disband all Baha'i organizations in Iran. This...
- 2009-03-04 — The Baha'i International Community at the United Nations sent an open letter to Ayatollah Qorban-Ali...
- 2009-03-30 — The first meeting of the imprisoned Yaran with their families took place and was in person. It is c...
- 2009-05-11 — After a year in jail without formal charges the Baha'i leaders faced an additional accusation, 'the ...
- 2009-07-10 — Iranian officials told the families of the seven Baha'i leaders being held in Evin prison in Tehran ...
- 2009-08-17 — The trial of seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned in Iran was further postponed until 18 October.
- 2009-10-18 — Attorneys and families of the seven arrived at court in Tehran for the trial to be told that it woul...
- 2009-11-24 — In a message the Universal House of Justice called on the Baha'is in Iran to active participation in...
- 2010-01-12 — The trial of Iran's seven Baha'i leaders, Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid...
- 2010-02-01 — On February 1st, 2010, Iran's Channel 3 began to air a series named "Saalhaaye Mashrooteh," which co...
- 2010-02-07 — Seven imprisoned Baha'i leaders appeared in court for a second session of their trial.
The sessio...
- 2010-04-12 — The seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders arrived at the court for their third appearance and thei...
- 2010-04-27 — The passing of Dr Nossrat Peseschkian (b. 18 June, 1933 in Iran d. 27 April, 2010 in Wiesbaden, Germ...
- 2010-05-10 — New information was obtained regarding the conditions in which the seven Baha'i prisoners were being...
- 2010-06-12 — The seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned for more than two years in Iran made their fourth court appearan...
- 2010-06-28 — Homes belonging to some 50 Baha'i families in the remote village of Ivel in northern Iran have been ...
- 2010-07-24 — The imprisonment of seven Baha'i leaders in Iran was extended for a further two months after the law...
- 2010-08-08 — The sentence of 20 years in prison was announced for members of the "Yaran-i-Iran" or "Friends of Ir...
- 2010-09-04 — A prominent human rights lawyer in Iran, Nasrin Sotoudeh, was detained by the authorities on charges...
- 2010-09-15 — In the face of the chorus of condemnation from governments and human rights organizations around the...
- 2010-09-16 — Following the reduction of his sentence, Vahid Tizfahm was transferred to Rajai-Shahr prison, where ...
- 2010-12-07 — In an open letter to Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Larijani, the Head of the Judiciary, the Baha'i Intern...
- 2011-02-12 — Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi were transferred to the notorious Section 200 of Gohardasht Pris...
- 2011-03-10 — The passing of Mrs. Ashraf Khanjani, wife of imprisoned Jamaloddin Khanjani at the age of 81 In Tehr...
- 2011-03-24 — The UN Human Rights Council voted to create a Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Ir...
- 2011-03-30 — Six months after Iran's Appeal Court reduced their sentences from 20 to 10 years, the seven Baha'i l...
- 2011-05-00 — Some 39 homes of Baha'is associated with the Baha'i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE) were raide...
- 2011-05-20 — Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet were returned to Evin Prison in Tehran. They had spent a brief t...
- 2011-08-00 — As of this time the Baha'i community of Tabriz had been prohibited from burying their dead in that c...
- 2011-09-24 — The arrest of Abdolfattah Soltani, a senior member of the legal team (4 lawyers) representing a numb...
- 2011-11-01 — The film Education Under Fire by Jeffrey Kaufman and co-sponsored by Amnesty International, profiles...
- 2012-05-11 — The Universal House of Justice sent a message to the Baha'is of Iran near the four-year anniversary ...
- 2012-10-29 — The Baha'i International Community published a special report on The Baha'is of Semnan: A Case Study...
- 2012-12-15 — Sangesar's old Baha'i cemetery was thoroughly covered in soil and rubble by bulldozers and trucks an...
- 2013-05-14 — The Baha'i International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year ...
- 2013-07-15 — Iranian filmmaker and blogger as well as a former Islamist hardliner who has become an outspoken cri...
- 2013-08-24 — Mr. Ataollah Rezvani, a well-known Baha'i in the city of Bandar Abbas disappeared and the next day t...
- 2013-12-00 — The imprisoned members of the Yaran sent a letter addressed to Iranian President, Dr. Hassan Rouhani...
- 2013-12-12 — After confirmation of a court order in Sanandaj and confiscation of the land belonging to the Baha'i...
- 2014-00-00 — The release of the film To Light a Candle produced by Maziar Bahari which expo...
- 2014-03-00 — The Baha'i cemetery in Ahwaz was closed and the alley leading to it was blocked by heavy cement bloc...
- 2014-04-00 — In Shiraz, the Revolutionary Guard began excavation of some 200 square meters of the Baha'i cemetery...
- 2014-05-07 — The imprisoned Yaran addressed a letter to Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of Human Rights Divisio...
- 2014-05-08 — Despite a worldwide outcry, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards continued destroying an historic Baha'i...
- 2014-05-09 — Vahid Tizfahm, a former member of the imprisoned Yaran, wrote to his son, Samim, in which he recount...
- 2014-09-00 — The exclusion of Shadan Shirazi, an exemplary student who placed exceptionally well in the college e...
- 2014-09-08 — Ayatollah Hamid Masoumi Tehrani presented an illuminated calligraphic work of the words of Baha'u'll...
- 2014-11-00 — Fariba Kamalabadi, after having her fourth request to join her daughter Taraneh for her wedding deni...
- 2015-04-22 — Pressures on Jamaleddin Khanjani's family had increased since his arrest in 2008. Their country h...
- 2015-05-14 — A global campaign called "Seven Days in Remembrance of Seven Years in Prison for the Seven Baha'i Le...
- 2015-07-24 — The Qom Seminary* announced the planning of classes called "Understanding Baha'ism" and "Understandi...
- 2015-08-26 — See Iran Press Watch for an article entitled Shi'ite Clerics and The "Problem" of Baha'ism for an i...
- 2015-11-16 — The arrest and disappearance of Navid Aqdasi, a cousin of 'Ata'ollah Rezvani who was murdered on the...
- 2015-12-21 — Ayatollah Abdol-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani, a senior Muslim cleric in Iran, had courageously called on hi...
- 2016-00-00 — The Islamic Republic of Iran has been responsible for the deaths of at least 225 Baha'is since its e...
- 2016-04-29 — In observance of the eighth anniversary of the arrest and incarceration of seven Iranian Baha'i lead...
- 2016-05-12 — In commemoration of the incarceration of the Yaran in Iran in 2008 the International Baha'i Communit...
- 2016-05-13 — Fariba Kamalabadi, while on a five-day furlough from Evin Prison, met with former Tehran MP Faezeh H...
- 2016-07-14 — The Ghorveh Baha'i cemetery, in the province of Kurdistan, was destroyed by government agents.
- 2016-09-26 — The murder of Farhang Amiri in Yazd. [BWNS1133; Arch...
- 2016-10-26 — The report from the offices of the Baha'i International Community entitled The Baha'i Question Revis...
- 2016-11-24 — From her cell in Evin prison, In a open letter to her six-month old granddaughter, Bajar, Fariba Kam...
- 2017-01-07 — The body of Ahmad Fanaiyan was found with numerous burns all over his body in Semnan, Semnan Provinc...
- 2017-02-15 — The Baha'i International Community announced the launch of a website for the Baha'is of Iran at Baha...
- 2017-05-12 — The Baha'i International Community launched a global campaign calling for the immediate release of t...
- 2017-07-15 — The men who admitted to stabbing and killing Farhang Amiri, a 63-year-old father of four children, i...
- 2017-08-01 — The release of the film The Cost of Discrimination by Arash Azizi and Maziar Bahari which compared t...
- 2017-09-19 — Mahvash Sabet, one of the seven members of the former leadership group of the Baha'is in Iran known ...
- 2017-10-18 — The Iranian Baha'i community was targeted during the bicentenary period. Between 18 and 21 October, ...
- 2017-10-23 — Yemeni security forces raided a Baha'i gathering in Sana'a opening fire on the small group of people...
- 2017-10-31 — Fariba Kamalabadi, a member of the former leadership group of the Baha'is called the "Yaran", conclu...
- 2017-11-04 — Three young Iranians who complained to state officials after being denied university entrance for be...
- 2017-12-05 — The release of Behrooz Tavakkoli, 66, from prison after serving a 10-year term. He was the third me...
- 2018-00-00 — The Baha'i International Community established a web site, Archives of Baha'i Persecution in Iran to...
- 2018-02-00 — Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), an NGO working to promote the right to freedom of religion or ...
- 2018-02-16 — The release of Saeid Rezaie, one of the seven members of the Yaran, the former leadership group of t...
- 2018-02-18 — In an open letter, twenty-five prominent international lawyers and human right activists appe...
- 2018-02-20 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a former member of the Yaran, was transferred from Evin Prison to a hospita...
- 2018-03-15 — The Baha'i cemetery in the city of Kerman was sealed by order of the Kerman judicial authorities and...
- 2018-03-16 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, at 85 the oldest member of the Yaran to be imprisoned, was released after s...
- 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
- 2018-04-23 — Afif Naeimi, the seventh and last imprisoned member of the Yaran, returned to Rajaee Shahr Prison (a...
- 2018-06-13 — Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested on charges of collusion and propaganda against Iran's rulers.
- 2018-09-06 — The passing of Lily Ayman (b. 17 May 1929 in Tehran) in Chicago. She was buried in the Oakwood cemet...
- 2018-10-24 — The body of a Baha'i citizen, Shamsi Aghdasi Azamian, from Gilavand, a suburb of the city of Damavan...
- 2018-12-00 — During a dialogue with the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination as it considered a ...
- 2018-12-20 — The last imprisoned member of the former leadership body of the Baha'i community in Iran was release...
- 2019-02-07 — An estimated 5,760 members of the Baha'i Faith had been charged (and some even executed) for 'membe...
- 2019-02-28 — Faruq Izadinia, Baha'i scholar and translator, wrote an Open Letter after his court hearing in Tehra...
- 2019-07-20 — The social media platform Twitter suspended several accounts linked to Iranian state media—includi...
- 2019-12-19 — The US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated for sanctions...
- 2019-12-31 — Baha'i Communities in a number of countries experienced persecution during 2019:
In Egypt where i...
- 2020-01-27 — The Baha'i International Community expressed its concern with the surge in persecution by the Irania...
- 2020-04-11 — The Iranian government released a number of prisoners of conscience in the country as a result of he...
- 2020-04-28 — The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom is an independent, bipartisan federa...
- 2020-06-00 — The Baha'i community in Iran experienced increased pressures since the COVID-19 epidemic began in Ir...
- 2020-06-08 — In a report by the Baha'i International Community about the intensification of persecution in Iran, ...
- 2020-09-18 — The passing of Talat Bassari (b. 1923 Babol, Iran) in Los Angeles. She was an Iranian Baha'i poet, f...
- 2020-09-21 — The German news agency DW obtained a leaked document that appeared to be the minutes of a meeting th...
- 2020-10-01 — The release of the documentary film Nasrin, about the Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, i...
- 2020-10-13 — The Mazandaran Court of Appeal, in northern Iran, validated the expropriation of 27 Baha'i farming f...
- 2020-11-18 — The United Nations General Assembly had passed a resolution condemning human rights violations in Ir...
- 2020-11-22 — Over a hundred government agents raided the shops and homes of tens of Baha'is across Iran, on 22 No...
- 2020-12-16 — The U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution expressing "serious concern about ongoing severe lim...
- 2021-01-29 — Mr Turaj Amini began serving his sentence at the Central Prison in Karaj, Mehrshahr, located about a...
- 2021-02-05 — More than 40 prominent members of Canada's legal community, including former Supreme Court judges an...
- 2021-03-09 — Javaid Rehman, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of...
- 2021-04-26 — It was reported that the murder case of Ata'u'llah Rezvani, a Baha'i citizen of Bandar Abbas, had be...
- 2021-06-08 — Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced Baha'i Iranian motocross champion Shahrzad Nazifi, a Baha'i c...
- 2021-08-25 — The Baha'i International Community submitted formal letters of concern to United Nations Special Rap...
- 2021-11-04 — The US premiere of the short film entitled The Prisoner in the Cinema Paradisl in Hollywood. The fi...
- 2021-11-14 — Update on the BIHE: The Institute has adapted using today's technology. As of this date 955 staff me...
- 2021-12-05 — A three-day poster design workshop was held in Shiraz for the purpose of inciting hatred against Bah...
- 2021-12-06 — Thirteen irrigated farmland plots belonging to Baha'is in the village of Kata in Iran's southwest ha...
- 2021-12-16 — The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has called on the Iranian government to end its discriminat...
- 2022-04-20 — The International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance issued a statement noting "with grave concern...
- 2022-06-10 — A campaign by Iranian authorities to uproot the Baha'i community in Shiraz took a dark step forward,...
- 2022-07-31 — The arrest of Mahvash Sabet (Shahriari) and Fariba Kamalabadi alongside five other Baha'i individual...
- 2022-09-13 — Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian-Kurdish woman, was arrested in Tehran while visiting the Iranian ...
- 2022-09-16 — The death fo 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, an Iranian Kurdish woman, while being held by Iran's religious...
- 2022-11-21 — The sentencing of Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi in Revolutionary Court's Branch 26 in Tehran w...
- 2022-12-31 — HRANA's (Human Rights Activists News Agency) annual report in 2022 has highlighted a concerning tren...
- 2022-12-31 — For a review of the treatment of the Baha'is in Iran during the year see the US State Department's ...
- 2023-03-30 — A deceased Baha'i was buried on 30 March at Khavaran cemetery near Tehran by an agent of the Ministr...
- 2023-04-11 — After the trial, Fariba Kamalabadi, tried with Mahvash Sabet, was transferred to the women's ward fo...
- 2023-05-15 — The Baha'i International Community announced the launching a global campaign, called #OurStoryIsOne,...
- 2023-08-05 — On July 31, 2022, the Ministry of Intelligence conducted a large-scale, systematic raid on the homes...
- 2023-08-11 — The Tehran Court of Appeal maintained the original rulings against Baha'i citizens, Mahvash Sabet (S...
- 2023-08-13 — The arrest of Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a 90-year-old Baha'i in failing health who had already served...
- 2023-11-00 — Mahvash Sabet, from her prison cell, sent an open letter to the people of Iran. [Letter]...
- 2023-12-04 — In a statement released by the Baha'i Community titled, A Change in Tactics: The Iranian Gove...