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Date 1848-07-3, ascending sort newest first

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1848 last week
in Jul
Trial of the Báb

The Báb arrived in Tabríz and was brought before a panel of which the 17-year-old Crown Prince Násiri'd-Dín Mírzá was the president. The Báb publicly made His claim that He was the Qá'im. This claim had also been announced to those gathered at Badasht. [Bab140–7; BBR157; BBRSM23, 216; BW18:380; DB314–20; GPB21–2; TN14]
  • The purpose of the public forum was to force the Báb to recant His views; instead He took control of the hearing and embarrassed the clergy. After considerable argument and discussion, they decided He was devoid of reason. [GPB22; BBRSM216]
  • The Báb was bastinadoed. [B145; BBD44; DB320; GPB22; TN14–15] This is the first formal punishment He received. [BBRSM20]
  • This constituted the formal declaration of His mission. [GPB22]
  • The clergy issued a fatwa or legal pronouncement against the Báb condemning Him to death for heresy, but to no purpose as the civil authorities were unwilling to take action against Him. [BBRSM19–20]
  • See Trial of the Báb: Shi'ite Orthodoxy Confronts its Mirror Image by Denis MacEoin.
  • He was first attended by an Irish physician, Dr William Cormick, to ascertain His sanity and later to treat Him for a blow to the face that occurred during the bastinado. Cormick is the only Westerner to have met and conversed with Him. [Bab145; BBR74–5, 497–8 DBXXXIL–XXXIII]
  • For an account of the life of Dr. William Cormick see Connections by Brendan McNamara.
  • See the YouTube video The Irish Physician Who Met The Báb.
  • Báb, Life of (chronology); Báb, Trial of; Nasirid-Din Sháh; Qaim; Bastinado; William Cormick; Fatwa; Conference of Badasht (1848); Báb, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Tabríz, Iran; Badasht, Iran; Iran First formal punishment of the Báb
    1848 Jul - Sep Mullá Husayn and his companions, marching to Mázindarán, were joined by Bábís who had been at Badasht as well as newly-converted Bábís. [B171–2]
  • Their numbers rose to 300 and possibly beyond. [B172; BKG50]
  • The Black Standard was raised on the plain of Khurásán on the 21st of July. [B171, 176–7; BBD46; BBRSM52; MH175]
  • The Black Standard flew for some 11 months. [B176–7; DB351]
  • See DB326 and MH177–83 for details of the journey.
  • See MH182 for Mullá Husayn's prophecy of the death of Muhammad Sháh.
  • Mulla Husayn; Bábís; Black Standard (banner); Banners; Prophecies; Muhammad Sháh; Conference of Badasht (1848); Mazandaran, Iran; Badasht, Iran; Khurásan, Iran; Iran

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