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date | event | tags | firsts |
1989 25 – 29 Dec
198- |
The first International Bahá'í Summer School of Bophuthatswana was held at the Pilanesberg National Game Reserve, attended by 263 people from 12 countries. [BINS215:1–2] | Bophuthatswana, South Africa; First summer and winter schools; South Africa; Summer schools | first International Bahá’í Summer School of Bophuthatswana |
1989 18 Dec - 1990 2 Jan
198- |
West Berlin Bahá'í communities were joined by 26 Bahá'ís from six European countries and the United States in proclamation and teaching activities among East Germans. [BINS215:2]
Berlin, Germany; Germany; Promise of World Peace (statement); Teaching | |
1989 18 Dec - 1990 2 Jan
198- |
During the Youth Winter School in Traben-Trarback participants from 12 countries including East Germany, Romania, Hungary and the Soviet Union gathered for the first time since the Second World War. [BINS215:2] | - Conferences, International; - First conferences; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; Eastern Europe; Germany; Russia; Soviet Union; Traben-Trarbach, Germany; Winter schools; Youth | first gathering soviet-bloc countries since WW II |
1989 15 Dec
198- |
A World Forestry Charter Gathering organized by the Offices of Public Information in London and New York took place in London. [AWH75; BINS214:1–2]
Environment; London, England; Richard St. Barbe Baker; United Kingdom | |
1989 (Late in the year)
198- |
The Local Spiritual Assembly of Budapest was re-elected for the first time since the proscription of 1950. [BINS223:4; Letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Austria, 6 December 1989 Note 68]
Budapest, Hungary; Hungary; Local Spiritual Assembly, re-formed | |
1989 28 Nov - 8 Dec
198- |
In 1988, when 14 young Soviets youth were hosted by the Bahá'ís at a summer camp in Hawaii, they were introduced to the Universal House of Justice's peace statement, found it to be supportive of their mission, and invited the Bahá'ís to come and share it with Soviet youth. In return, under the auspices of Youth Ambassadors International (YAI) and Foundation for Social Innovation (FSI), 62 Bahá'ís from eight Pacific Island nations made a return trip to the Soviet Union. The project was called the "Promise of World Peace Tour". They spent five days in Moscow and four in Kazan, capital of the Tatar ASSR. Their activities were: The group was invited to visit Kazan, at that time a "closed city", where they spent four days touring schools and visiting private homes. |
1989 4 Nov
198- |
Half a million citizens had gathered in East Berlin's public square Alexanderplatz, calling for change. Five days later, the German Democratic Republic, facing mounting public pressure from its people, relented. They thought they could calm the protests by loosening the border controls, making it easier for East Berliners to travel, without opening the border up completely. A spokesperson for the East German government, Günter Schabowski, held a hastily arranged press conference to announce the changes. But in a moment that would alter the course of history, he mistakenly declared that East Germans would be allowed to cross the border freely, effective immediately.
The announcement stunned the journalists at the press conference, who greeted it with first disbelief and then elation. The news spread like wildfire and within hours, thousands of East Germans began flocking to the checkpoints along the wall. They were met by bewildered border guards, struggling to understand what their instructions were regarding this new policy. At around 22:45, overwhelmed by the sheer number of people arriving and lacking any clear orders, the border guards finally opened the gates and overjoyed East Germans flowed over into West Berlin. [BBC] |
Berlin, Germany; Berlin Wall, Germany; East Germany | |
1989 4 – 6 Nov
198- |
The European Bahá'í Youth Council, comprised of seven youth and appointed by the Universal House of Justice to coordinate those European youth activities that have a continental impact, met for the first time, in London. [BINS213:4; BW93–4:121] | - Europe; European Bahá'í Youth Council; London, England; United Kingdom; Youth | first meeting European Bahá’í Youth Council |
1989 26 Oct
198- |
The Universal House of Justice issued statement on the environment. [AWH144] | - Statements; Environment; Nature; Universal House of Justice | |
1989 21 – 22 Oct
198- |
The Southern African Bahá'í Association for the Advancement of Women was formed in Johannesburg. [BINS210:8] | Johannesburg, South Africa; South Africa; Women | |
1989 Oct
198- |
One Country, the newsletter of the Bahá'í International Community, started publication in five other languages - French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and German. The first French language edition of the publication was launched in Paris in October, 1989. Each issue contained two or three in-depth feature stories on the United Nations, noteworthy social and economic development projects, environmental efforts or educational programs, along with an editorial that addresses world problems from a Bahá'í point of view. | * Publications; - First publications; - Newsletters; Bahá'í International Community; One Country (magazine) | First French language edition of One Country |
1989 Oct
198- |
The National Spiritual Assembly of Bangladesh reported the enrolment of 7,500 people in the year since November 1988. [BINS210:1] | Bangladesh; Mass conversion | |
1989 Oct - Nov
198- |
In India, 4,300 people became Bahá'ís in the State of Orissa. [BINS213:3] | India; Mass conversion; Orissa, India | |
1989 16 – 17 Sep
198- |
Bahá'ís in Liechtenstein mounted a display of Bahá'í books and an exhibition at an international festival for peace, justice and the preservation of creation held in Balzers, the first time they have been allowed to have a booth or stand of any kind in public. [BINS209:8] | Exhibitions; Firsts, other; Liechtenstein | first pubic display booth or stand Liechtenstein |
1989 Sep
198- |
The Bahá'í Office of the Environment was established as part of the Bahá'í International Community in New York. [AWH75; VV54, 106] | Bahá'í International Community; Bahá'í Office of the Environment; Environment; New York, USA; United States (USA) | |
1989 (Summer)
198- |
The founding of the Maxwell International Bahá'í School. It was a co-ed Bahá'í school located on Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia, Canada. It offered day students and boarding students from many parts of the world instruction from grades 7-12. Its educational philosophy was based on the principles of the Bahá'í Faith. The school was opened in a ceremony with guest of honour Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum (Mary Maxwell, daughter of May and Sutherland) and wife of the Bahá'í Faith's Guardian, Shoghi Effendi). A tree was planted in dedication to the opening of the school. In the early 2006-2007 school year, the school board decided to drop "Bahá'í" from its name, changing it to "Maxwell International School". The school closed on its 20th anniversary in 2008. [Wiki] | - Bahá'í inspired schools; Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum; British Columbia, Canada; Canada; Maxwell International School, Canada; Maxwell International School, Canada; Shawnigan Lake, BC | |
1989 27 Aug
198- |
The Universal House of Justice sent a message offering clarification on the subject of the Nineteen Day Feast. [Universal House of Justice 27 August, 1989, AWH192-4] | - Bahá'í World Centre; Nineteen Day Feast | |
1989 3 Aug
198- |
The first Latvian resident in Latvia to become a Bahá'í, Lilita Postaza, a renowned tapestry artist, enrolled after visiting the Bahá'í temple in India. | - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Latvia; Lilita Postaza; Lotus temple, New Delhi; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Delhi | first Latvian Bahá'í resident in Latvia |
1989 Aug
198- |
The first Mongolian to become a Bahá'í, Ms Oyundelger, a 22-year-old English-language pupil of Sean Hinton, enrolled in Ulaan Baator. [VV101] | - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Mongolia; Sean Hinton; Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia | first Bahá’í in Mongolia |
1989 Aug
198- |
Forty Bahá'ís from Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles and France joined a teaching campaign in Madagascar during which 724 people become Bahá'ís. [BINS217:4] | Madagascar; Mass conversion | |
1989 23 Jul
198- |
The first meeting of Bahá'í women in Mauritius took place at the Bahá'í Institute. [BINS215:6] | Mauritius | first meeting of Bahá’í women in Mauritius |
1989 10 Jul
198- |
The Universal House of Justice issued statement on literacy. [AWH142-3] | - Statements; Literacy; Universal House of Justice | |
1989 5 Jul
198- |
Dr Ugo Giachery (b. 13 May, 1896, Palermo, Sicily), Hand of the Cause of God, passed away while on a visit to Western Samoa. [BINS204:1; VV123]
- Biography; - Births and deaths; - Hands of the Cause; - In Memoriam; Apia, Samoa; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Hands of the Cause, First Contingent; Samoa; Tiapapata, Samoa; Ugo Giachery | |
1989 Jul
198- |
Sean Hinton, the first Bahá'í to reside in Mongolia, was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh by the Universal House of Justice. | - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Mongolia; Sean Hinton | first Bahá’í to reside in Mongolia |
1989 3 Jul
198- |
The passing of Bobbie Cowan in Invermere, BC. [AC297] | - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Bobbie Cowan; British Columbia, Canada; Canada; Invermere, BC | |
1989 1 – 2 Jul
198- |
The first European Bahá'í Women's Conference was held at De Poort Conference Centre, the Netherlands. [BINS203:2] | - Conferences, International; - Europe; - First conferences; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Women; De Poort, Netherlands; Groesbeek, Netherlands; Netherlands | first European Bahá’í Women’s Conference |
1989 Jul - Aug
198- |
Five European Regional 'Peace Moves' Youth Conferences were held in different parts of the continent. | - Europe; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; Peace; Youth | |
1989 25 Jun
198- |
The Universal House of Justice said in a message it was timely for the knowledge of the Bahá'í Faith to be disseminated on the mainland of China as quickly as possible. [PH80]
China; Universal House of Justice | |
1989 6 May
198- |
The Bahá'í World Centre received one of six awards given by the Council for a "Beautiful Israel" in a ceremony in Jerusalem. [BINS199:2] | - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre; Awards; Jerusalem, Israel | |
1989 May
198- |
The Olinga Teaching Project was launched in Fiji, resulting in over a thousand people becoming Bahá'ís. [BINS204:3] | Fiji; Mass conversion | |
1989 May
198- |
Nearly 880 people became Bahá'ís in Guyana. [BINS202:8] | Guyana; Mass conversion | |
1989 Ridván
198- |
The Universal House of Justice reported that nearly half a million people had became Bahá'ís in the past year. [AWH60] | Statistics | |
1989 Ridván
198- |
The Local Spiritual Assembly of 'Ishqábád (now Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) was re-formed after a lapse of 61 years, the first local assembly to be formed in the Soviet Union. [AWH73; VV111] | Ashgabat; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Russia; Soviet Union; Turkmenistan | first Local Spiritual Assembly to in the former Soviet Union. |
1989 Ridván
198- |
The National Spiritual Assembly of Guinea-Bissau was formed. [PH73; BW20p249; AWH62; BINS199:1, 4]
In 1975 Senegal had jurisdiction over Mauritania (1978), Cape Verde Islands (1984) and Guinea-Bissau (1989). With the last of its territories gone this left Senegal alone hence the National Spiritual Assembly of Senegal was formed with its seat in Dakar. |
Dakar, Senegal; Guinea Bissau; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Senegal | first NSA Guinea-Bissau |
1989 9 Apr
198- |
The Bahá'ís of Moscow celebrated the first Feast since the 1930s. The event took place in the Hainsworth home. [BW20p229] | Feasts; Moscow, Russia | first Feast in Moscow since the 1930s |
1989 Apr
198- |
Some four million persons had visited the House of Worship in New Delhi to this date. [AWH61] | - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); India; Lotus temple, New Delhi; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Delhi; New Delhi, India; Statistics | |
1989 Apr
198- |
The Universal House of Justice announced a vast majority of prisoners that had been held by authorities in Irán had been released. [AWH62] | * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Iran; Universal House of Justice | |
1989 Ridván
198- |
The first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Macau was formed. [PH73; AWH62] | Macau; National Spiritual Assembly, formation | first NSA of Macau |
1989 Apr
198- |
The Association for Bahá'í Studies of Malaysia was established. [BINS206:8] | - Asia; Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Malaysia | |
1989 Apr
198- |
Nearly one half million new believers were enrolled since last Ridván. [AWH60] | - Worldwide; Growth; Statistics | |
1989 24 – 27 Mar
198- |
The first All-Ireland Youth Spring School was held in Closkelt, Northern Ireland. [BINS197:51] | Closkelt, Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland, UK | first All-Ireland Youth Spring School |
1989 23 – 26 Mar
198- |
The First National Women's Conference of Spain was held in Madrid. [BINS201:6] | - Conferences, National; - First conferences; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Women; Madrid, Spain; Spain; Women | first National Women’s Conference of Spain |
1989 17 Mar
198- |
The Bahá'í International Community entered into a 'working relationship' with the World Health Organization (WHO) for the period 1989–91. [AWH61; BINS201:1] | Bahá'í International Community; World Health Organization (WHO) | |
1989 9 Mar
198- |
The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution expressing grave concern at human rights violations in Iran, mentioning the Bahá'ís three times. [BINS195:1] | * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Bahá'í International Community; Human rights; Iran; United Nations | |
1989 (Prior to Ridván)
198- |
The Office of the Project Manager for the Arc Project was established, and a technical staff was assembled. Geological testing at the sites of the designated buildings on the Arc began—a step preliminary to the ground breaking anticipated by the entire Bahá’í world. [Ridván Message 1989] | Arc project; Mount Carmel | |
1989 15 Feb
198- |
The publication of the statement by the Bahá'í International Community, "Creating a Universal Culture of Human Rights", to the fourty-fifth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. | - BIC statements; - Statements; Bahá'í International Community; Geneva, Switzerland; Human rights; United Nations | |
1989 9 Feb
198- |
The publication of the statement by the Bahá'í International Community, "Right to Development", to the forty-fifth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. | - BIC statements; - Statements; Bahá'í International Community; Geneva, Switzerland; Human rights; Switzerland; United Nations | |
1989 8 Feb
198- |
The publication of the statement by the Bahá'í International Community, "Eliminating Racism", to the forty-fifth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. | - BIC statements; Bahá'í International Community; Geneva, Switzerland; Racism; Switzerland; United Nations | |
1989 Feb
198- |
The inaugural publication of One Country, the newsletter of the Bahá'í International Community. It was a publication of the Office of Public Information of the Bahá'í International Community in New York. The periodical reported mainly on activities of the worldwide Bahá'í community in relation to issues of sustainable development, peace and world order, human rights, and the advancement of women. [BW'86-'92 p.539] | * Publications; - First publications; - Newsletters; - Periodicals; Bahá'í International Community; New York, USA; One Country (magazine); United States (USA) | |
1989 7 Jan
198- |
A week-long teaching project was launched in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands resulting in 43 enrolments and the re-formation of two local spiritual assemblies. [BINS191:7] | Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India; Local Spiritual Assembly, re-formed; Teaching | |
1989 Jan
198- |
Three per cent of the population of North Tarawa, Kiribati, 70 people, became Bahá'ís. [BINS193:3] | Kiribati; North Tarawa, Kiribati | |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
The establishment of the Bahá'í International Community's Office of the Environment in New York. Ridván Message 1992 [AWH75; VV54 106] | Bahá'í International Community; Environment; New York, USA; United States (USA) | |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
Three International Music Festivals were held in Africa. [BINS215] | * Arts and crafts; - Africa; - Music; Music festivals | |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
A branch of the Bahá'í International Community's Office of Public Information was established in Hong Kong in anticipation of the time when the Bahá'í Faith can be proclaimed on the mainland of China. [AWH61; VV54] | Bahá'í International Community; China; Hong Kong; Office of Public Information | |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
The New Era Foundation was formed by the US National Spiritual Assembly to sponsor a wide range of development projects in several continents. [VV81] | New Era Foundation; United States (USA) | |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
The first travel teachers to visit Albania since World War II arrived from Italy. | Albania | first travel teachers visit Albania since WW II |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
During a three-week teaching effort on the island of Tobago, 450 people became Bahá'ís. [BINS201:7] | Mass conversion; Teaching; Trinidad and Tobago | |
1989 (In the year)
198- |
More than 250 people became Bahá'ís in Zambia in the first three months of the year. [BINS201:6] | Mass conversion; Zambia | |
1989 (In the Year)
198- |
The Bahá'ís of Warwick (U.K.) began producing a series of leaflets known informally as the "Warwick leaflets", and marketed in North America as the "Star Series". They were designed to be given out to seekers and new believers, and cover many introductory aspects of the Bahá'í Faith. For a list of titles see Bahá'i Library.
For the history of the Warwick Leaflets see Bahaipedia. |
* Publications; * Publishing; United Kingdom; Warwick, England | |
1988 30 Dec - 1989 1 Jan
198- |
Senior officers of the Bahá'í International Community in the Holy Land, Geneva, and New York met with representatives of five national spiritual assemblies to discuss their collaboration with the United Nations, its agencies and their governments. | Bahá'í International Community | |
1988 29 Dec
198- |
The Universal House of Justice issued a letter to the Bahá'ís in the United States published as Individual Rights and Freedoms in the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. [Mess86-01p60] | * Publications; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Ethics; - Publishing, Review; Administration; Administrative Order; Authority; Bahá'í Faith, Evolutionary nature of; Consultation; Criticism and apologetics; Culture, Western; Freedom and liberty; Freedom of expression; Human rights; Individualism; Moderation; United States (USA); Unity; Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages | |
1988 28 Dec
198- |
Sean Hinton, a British Bahá'í youth of 22 years, arrived in Ulaan Baator, Mongolia, as an official research scholar in ethnomusicology from the University of Cambridge, the first Bahá'í to reside in Mongolia. [VV101]
- Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Mongolia; Sean Hinton; Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia | first Bahá’í to reside in Mongolia |
1988 24 Dec
198- |
The first National Youth Conference of Côte d'Ivoire took place. [BINS196:9] | - First conferences; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; Ivory Coast; Youth | first National Youth Conference of Côte d’Ivoire |
1988 18 Dec
198- |
H. Borrah Kavelin, (b. 18 March, 1906, Russia), former member of the first House of Justice, passed away in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was buried in Fairview Memorial Park in Albuquerque. [VV97]
- Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Albuquerque, NM; H. Borrah Kavelin; New Mexico, USA; United States (USA); Universal House of Justice, Members of | |
1988 9 Dec
198- |
The passing of Edna M. True, (b. July 29, 1888, in Grand Rapids, Michigan) She was a daughter of the Hand of the Cause of God Corinne Knight True whose valiant work from 1909-25 as financial secretary of Bahá'í Temple Unity was instrumental in building the House of Worship in Wilmette.
- Biography; - In Memoriam; Corinne True; Counsellors; Edna True; European Teaching Committee; Grand Rapids, MI; National Spiritual Assemblies; United States (USA); Wilmette, IL | |
1988 8 Dec
198- |
The plenary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution concerning human rights in Iran which specifically mentions the suffering of the Bahá'ís. [BINS189:2] | * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Bahá'í International Community; Human rights; Iran; United Nations | |
1988 4 Dec
198- |
A two-week teaching project was launched, resulting in 414 people becoming Bahá'ís, including ten chiefs. [BINS192:4] | Mass conversion | |
1988 Dec c.
198- |
The Government of Western Samoa published a Christmas issue of four stamps of religious buildings, among them the Bahá'í House of Worship in Samoa. [BINS196:8] | Apia, Samoa; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Apia, Samoa; Samoa; Stamps (philately) | |
1988 Nov - 1989 Feb
198- |
Teaching projects were launched in the Philippines, resulting in 3,847 people becoming Bahá'ís. [BINS195:4] | Mass conversion; Philippines | |
1988 30 Nov
198- |
The Bahá'í International Community was elected Secretary of the Board of the 'Conference on Non-Governmental Organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations' (CONGO) for the period 1988–91. [BINS189:2] | Bahá'í International Community; New York, USA; Social and economic development; United Nations | |
1988 26 Nov - 4 Dec
198- |
Over a thousand people became Bahá'ís in Bolivia during a teaching project. [BINS189:2]
Bolivia; Mass conversion | |
1988 Nov - Dec
198- |
Six hundred people became Bahá'ís in West Bengal and 5,150 in Orissa, India. [BINS189:4–5] | India; Mass conversion; Orissa, India; West Bengal, India | |
1988 Nov - Dec
198- |
One thousand one hundred people became Bahá'ís in the State of Gujarat, India. [BINS190:5] | Gujarat, India; India; Mass conversion | |
1988 Nov
198- |
More than 2,500 people enrolled in Bangladesh. [BINS190:5]
Bangladesh; LSA; Mass conversion | |
1988 Nov c.
198- |
Pietro Pandolfini, the first from the Albanian minority in Sicily to become a Bahá'í, enrolled. [BINS189:5] | - First believers by background; Sicily, Italy | first from Albanian minority Sicily |
1988 Nov - Dec
198- |
The first members of the Jhana tribe to become Bahá'ís enrolled in India. [BINS189:5] | - First believers by background; India | |
1988 Oct
198- |
Thirteen Romanies became Bahá'ís in northern Spain. [BINS186:7] | Gypsies; Minorities; Spain | |
1988 Oct
198- |
One hundred and twenty people in Hong Kong and 280 in Macau become Bahá'ís as a result of teaching institutes. [BINS189:8]
Hong Kong; Macau; Mass conversion; Teaching institutes | |
1988 Oct
198- |
In the State of Orissa, India, 2,600 people became Bahá'ís and 16 new local spiritual assemblies were formed in 15 days. | India; LSA; Mass conversion; Orissa, India | |
1988 24 – 25 Sep
198- |
The first annual Bahá'í Studies Conference of Spain was held in Barcelona. [BINS192:5] | - First conferences; Bahá'í studies; Barcelona, Spain; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Other; Spain | first annual Bahá’í Studies Conference of Spain |
1988 24 Sep
198- |
The six-week Manicaland Teaching Campaign was launched in Zimbabwe and reported 166 enrolments in the first three weeks. [BINS188:8] | Zimbabwe | |
1988 10 Sep
198- |
A three-month teaching project was launched in Colombia, resulting in 1,245 people becoming Bahá'ís. [BINS193:1] | Colombia | |
1988 Sep
198- |
A five-day teaching project in the Lake Titicaca region of Peru enrolled 738 youth and 1,026 adults, almost half of whom were women. [BINS184:10]
Lake Titicaca; Peru | |
1988 Sep
198- |
An intensive teaching campaign in Kenya enrolled 448 new Bahá'ís. [BINS184:8] | Kenya | |
1988 Sep
198- |
A teaching project in Maddhya Pradesh, India, enrolled 20,000 new Bahá'ís in Morena District. [BINS185:4] | India; Madhya Pradesh, India; Mass conversion | |
1988 3 – 7 Aug
198- |
The first Iberian Youth Conference was held in Lisbon, attended by 120 Bahá'ís from nine European countries. [BINS181:6] | - Conferences, International; - Europe; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; Lisbon, Portugal; Portugal; Youth | first Iberian Youth Conference |
1988 Aug
198- |
A 20-day teaching project in Coro, Falcon State, Venezuela, enrolled 120 people in the first two days. [BINS182:7] | Falcón, Venezuela; Venezuela | |
1988 Jul - Aug
198- |
Over 500 people became Bahá'ís in Liberia. [BINS184:8] | Liberia | |
1980 -1988
198- |
The paper, Iranian Baha'is and the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) was presented by Dr Kamali Sarvestani at the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association on November 4th, 2023. The study examines the Iranian Bahá'ís engagement in the Iran-Iraq War.
An abstract can be found at myMESA. |
* Persecution, Iran; Iran; Iraq | |
1988 26 Jul
198- |
In the final phases of the Iran-Iraq war Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini felt that defeat was imminent and decided to take his revenge on the political prisoners. He issued fatwas ordering the execution of anyone who had not "repented" and who was not willing to collaborate entirely with the regime. The massacres began, and every day hundreds of political prisoners were hanged and their corpses were buried hurriedly in mass graves all over major cities, in particular, Tehran. By the time it ended in the autumn of 1988, some 30,000 political prisoners, the overwhelming majority activists of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), had been slaughtered. On August 9, 2016, an audiotape was released by Khomeini's former heir, Hossein-Ali Montazeri, acknowledging that that massacre took place and had been ordered at the highest levels. [National Council of Resistance in Iran website; Facebook - Iran Gathering]
* Persecution, Iran; Ayatollah Bahaoddin Mahallati; Iran; Mohammad Jaffar Mahallati | |
1988 15 Jul
198- |
The first International Women's Conference of Paraguay opened, attended by 130 women from seven countries. [BINS180:5] | Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Women; Latin America; Paraguay; Women | first International Women’s Conference of Paraguay |
1988 14 – 17 Jul
198- |
The Bahá'í Association for Arts (BAFA) helds its first arts festival at the Bahá'í conference centre De Poort, Netherlands. [BINS180:4] | - First conferences; Bahá'í Association for Arts (BAFA); Conferences, Arts; Conferences, Bahá'í; De Poort, Netherlands; Groesbeek, Netherlands; Netherlands | first arts festival Netherlands |
1988 7 – 10 Jul
198- |
The first Youth Convention of Spain was held in Madrid. [BINS180:5] | Madrid, Spain | first Youth Convention of Spain |
1988 Jul
198- |
In 18 days of teaching, 876 adults, youth and children became Bahá'ís in Haiti. [BINS181:7]
Haiti; Mass conversion | |
1988 Jul
198- |
Eighty–nine people became Bahá'ís in Belize. [BINS186:2] | Belize | |
1988 Jul
198- |
Nearly 50 people became Bahá'ís in Saipan, Mariana Islands. [BINS181:5]
Mariana Islands; Saipan, Mariana Islands | |
1988 30 Jun - 3 Jul
198- |
The Bahá'í Arts Council, Canada, held the first arts festival, 'Invitation 88: A Festival of the Human Spirit' at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. [BINS179:2] | * Arts and crafts; Canada; Firsts, other; London, England; Ontario, Canada | first arts festival Canada |
1988 Jun
198- |
The founding of the Virtues Project by Dr. Dan Popov, Linda Kavelin-Popov and her brother John Kavelin. The project spawned a number of books by Linda Kavelin-Popov:
Dan Popov; John Kavelin; Linda Kavelin Popov; Virtues Project | |
1988 Jun
198- |
Over 100,000 people, including large numbers of women, youth and families, became Bahá'ís in Uttar Pradesh, India. [BINS179:4] | India; Mass conversion; Uttar Pradesh, India | |
1988 31 May
198- |
The Universal House of Justice wrote to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of New Zealand to comment on a paper titled The Service of Women on the Institutions of the Baha'i Faith presented at the New Zealand Bahai Studies Association Conference in Christchurch earlier that month.
The paper raised the possibility that the ineligibility of women for membership on the Universal House of Justice may be a temporary provision subject to change through a process of progressive unfoldment of the divine purpose. [31 May 1988] |
Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Christchurch, NZ; New Zealand; Universal House of Justice, Membership on; Women | |
1988 19 May
198- |
The Universal House of Justice announced changes in the membership of the International Teaching Centre.
- Bahá'í World Centre; Anneliese Bopp; Aziz Yazdi; Donald Rogers; Farzam Arbab; Hartmut Grossmann; International Teaching Centre; Isobel Sabri; Joy Stevenson; Lauretta King; Magdalene Carney; Masud Khamsi; Peter Vuyiya | |
1988 8 May
198- |
The passing of Beatrice Owen Ashton (b. 17 May, 1890, Cleveland). She was buried in the Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland. [BW20p896-899]
- Biography; Beatrice Ashton; Beatrice Owen Ashton; Canada; Cleveland, OH; Lethbridge, AB; Ohio, USA; Summer schools; Travel Teaching | |
1988 Ridván
198- |
The Universal House of Justice was elected for the sixth time at the International Convention held in Haifa. Delegates from 148 National/Regional Assemblies participated. [BINS176; VV97]
- Bahá'í World Centre; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Conventions, International; David Hofman; Elections; Gifts; H. Borrah Kavelin; Haifa, Israel; Hooper Dunbar; Iran; Retirements; Roses; Universal House of Justice, Election of; Universal House of Justice, Members of | |
1988 11 - 15 Apr
198- |
The Global Survival Conference in Oxford attracted 200 spiritual and legislative leaders. For five days parliamentarians and cabinet members met with cardinals, metropolitans, bishops, swamis, rabbis, imams and elders. Among them were the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the High Priest of Togo's Sacred Forest, Cardinal Koenig of Vienna and Native American spiritual leader Chief Oren Lyons of the Onondaga. They conferred with renowned experts on the issues: astronomer Carl Sagan, Soviet scientist Evguenij Velikhov, women's leader Wangari Maathai, environmental scientist James Lovelock, Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and population specialist Fred Sai. [] | Calamities and catastrophes; Carl Sagan; Global Survival Conference; Interfaith dialogue; Oxford, England; United Kingdom | |
1988 Apr
198- |
The House of Abdu'lláh Páshá was open for the Bahá'ís to visit for the first time on the occasion of the Sixth International Convention. [ARG61-62] | - Bahá'í World Centre; Conventions, International; Haifa, Israel; House of `Abdu'lláh Páshá (Akká) | |
1988 11 Mar
198- |
The passing of Italian orientalist, scholar and linguist Alessandro Bausani. As an orientalist he made contributions in several fields: Persian Literature, Islam, linguistics, the history of Islamic science, Urdu, Indonesian, and other Islamic literatures. He was a polyglot having studied all the main European languages plus Basque, Arabic, Turkish, Persian as well as Latin and Greek.
- Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Alessandro Bausani; Italy | |
1988 8 Mar
198- |
Shirin Fozdar, ardent champion of women's rights and influential women's leader, was honoured for her work for equality and women's advancement at a ceremony organized by the Singapore Council of Women, which she founded in 1952. [BINS176:7] | Awards; Shirin Fozdar; Singapore; Women | |
1988 Mar
198- |
The publication of the first edition of the trilingual publication The Journal of Bahá'í Studies under the auspices of the Association for Bahá'í Studies in North America.
Association for Bahá'í Studies (North America); Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Bahá'í studies; Canada; Journal of Bahá'í Studies; North America; United States (USA) | |
1988 19 Feb
198- |
The publication of the statement by the Bahá'í International Community, "Eliminating Torture", for the forty-fourth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. | - BIC statements; Bahá'í International Community; Geneva, Switzerland; Torture; United Nations | |
1988 17 Feb
198- |
The publication of the statement by the Bahá'í International Community, "Eliminating Religious Intolerance", for the forty-fourth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. | * Publications; - BIC statements; Bahá'í International Community; Geneva, Switzerland; Religious intolerance; Switzerland; United Nations | |
1988 1 Jan
198- |
The publication of Fountain of Wisdom: A Collection of Writings from Bahá'u'lláh by the Bahá'í Publishing Trust in Wilmette. It is a re-printed and re-titled Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas. | * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of | |
1988 Jan
198- |
A teaching campaign was launched in Chad, resulting in 1,340 new Bahá'ís and 33 new local spiritual assemblies. [BINS187:1] | Chad; Local Spiritual Assemblies | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
Hand of the Cause of God William Sears and his wife Marguerite Reimer Sears initiated the first Desert Rose Bahá'í School with the assistance of a core group of dedicated friends. This became an annual event for the Southern Arizona Bahá'í's each Thanksgiving weekend and was held in a rented hall in Tucson, Arizona. in 1992, after the passing of her husband, Mrs Sears was encouraged by the Universal House of Justice to expand the four-day Desert Rose Bahá'í school to a permanent institute. In 1996 Mrs Sears, with the help of many friends, purchased land near Eloy, Arizona for the development of the Desert Rose Bahá'í Institute, which she envisioned as an Institute for education in the arts and agriculture. When the land was purchased, the Round House was the only building on the property. A cottage was constructed for Mrs. Sears that provided both comfortable living space and room where she could work with partners on cataloguing and publishing some of Bill Sears' remaining works while building a library. The following year the Desert Rose Bahá'í Institute was incorporated with Not-for-Profit status. Since that time a Meeting and Dining Hall was built and a Guest House was constructed near the Sears Cottage was built by David Hadden for use by him and his family. In 2018 this Guest House was converted into and Art Gallery. In 2001 a 16 rental apartment was built to help offset the operating costs. In 2004 the William Sears Pavilion was dedicated. It was designed as a place were people could go to reflect, pray, meditate, or celebrate. More accommodations were built in 2005 in the name of the Guffey Center, honouring two volunteers, Ray and Gloria Guffey. In 2017 the DRBI was granted a licence to operate a low power (LP) radio station for Eloy Arizona to serve the community. Radio station KURE was licensed to operate on 106.1 FM as part of the Institute. In 2019 DRBI Board member Dwight Cox initiated an agricultural project to grow organic produce. [DRBI website; Desert Rose Bahá'í Institute - History] |
Bahá'í-owned radio; Bahá'í Radio; Institutes; Tucson, AZ; United States (USA) | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
The publication of La terre n'est qu'un seul pays! by Andre Brugiroux. Brugiroux, a French traveller, set out in 1955 at the age of 17 with 10 Francs in his pocket to fulfill his dream of travelling to every country in the world. He did so purely by hitchhiking and spent no more than a dollar a day on his journey. He travelled a total of 240,000 miles and ended his journey in South Sudan in 2011, having visited 251 countries and territories. He went on to write several books, this being the first. It was published in English as One People, One Planet: The Adventures of a World Citizen. [Wikipedia]
Andre Brugiroux | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
The Bahá'í International Community became a founding member of 'Advocates for African Food Security: Lessening the Burden for Women, a coalition of agencies and organizations formed to act on behalf of farm women in Africa, and is convener for 1988–92. | - Africa; Bahá'í International Community; Rural development; Social and economic development; Women | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
More than a thousand people became Bahá'ís in Taiwan as a result of the Muhájir Teaching Project. [BINS187:4] | Muhajir Teaching Project; Taiwan | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
'Arts for Nature', a fund-raising programme held to benefit the work of the World Wide Fund for Nature, was held in London with the collaboration of the Bahá'í International Community. [AWH61; VV106] | * Arts and crafts; Bahá'í International Community; Environment; London, England; Nature; United Kingdom; World Wide Fund for Nature | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
Branches of the Bahá'í International Community's Office of Public Information were established in Paris and London. [VV54] | Bahá'í International Community; London, England; Paris, France | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
The first Caribbean Bahá'í Women's conference took place in Antigua. | - First conferences; Antigua; Caribbean; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Women | first Caribbean Bahá’í Women’s conference |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
The government of Niger authorized the resumption of Bahá'í activities and Bahá'í administration under an administrative committee. | Niger; Recognition (legal) | |
1988 (In the year)
198- |
The opening of the School of the Nations in Taipa, Macau with 5 students enrolled in kindergarten and operated out of an apartment. The teachers outnumbered the students.
- Bahá'í inspired schools; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Macau; School of the Nations, Macau; Taipa, Macau | |
1987 Dec
198- |
The first Children's Conference of Uganda was held in Kikaaya, Kampala. [BINS173:7] | - First conferences; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Children; Kampala, Uganda; Kikaaya, Uganda; Uganda | first Children’s Conference of Uganda |
1987 17 Nov
198- |
The Universal House of Justice announced the retirement of Mr. David Hofman and Mr. Borrah Kavelin. [Mess86-01p43; VV97] | - Bahá'í World Centre; David Hofman; H. Borrah Kavelin; Universal House of Justice, Members of | |
1987 Nov
198- |
Representatives of 17 national spiritual assemblies in Europe and North America, together with senior representatives of the Offices of the Bahá'í International Community, met in Germany to discuss their external affairs. [AWH56; VV105] | External affairs; Germany | |
1987 3 Oct
198- |
The Bahá'í International Community joined the Network on Conservation and Religion of the World Wide Fund for Nature, the sixth major religion to do so. [AWH56; BBD38; VV106] | Bahá'í International Community; Environment; Nature; World Wide Fund for Nature | |
1987 Oct 1987
198- |
Lynda Godwin made her first journey to the Soviet Union, travelling under the auspices of a programme called Citizen Diplomacy, which encouraged individuals to design projects of cultural exchange between Americans and Soviets. She developed one project, called the Soviet/American Teachers Task Force, which brought American teachers to the Soviet Union to team teach in Soviet class rooms, and another called Birthday Friends for Peace, which made pen pals out of Soviet and American children with common birth dates. The projects were so successful that she was invited back numerous times, making more friends each visit as she worked with Soviet guides and translators and arranged for visitors to stay in Soviet homes. Between October 1987 and April 1992, Lynda Godwin made at least twenty trips into what became the former Soviet Union, each time introducing a new group to the region and finding different avenues for exchange. [BW20p199] | Lynda Godwin; Soviet Union | |
1987 Oct
198- |
The first local spiritual assembly on the island of São Tomé was formed at São Tomé. | Local Spiritual Assemblies; Sao Tome and Principe | first Local Spiritual Assembly São Tomé |
1987 (Autumn)
198- |
The National Spiritual Assembly of Brazil submitted proposals based on Bahá'í principles such as human rights to the National Constitutional Assembly drafting the new constitution. [BINS174:2]
Brazil; Constitutions (general); National Spiritual Assemblies | |
1987 (Autumn)
198- |
The Post Office of the United Kingdom issued a commemorative stamp honouring Bernard Leach, Bahá'í and world-renowned potter. [BINS173:8] | * Arts and crafts; - Artists; Bernard Leach; Stamps (philately); United Kingdom | |
1987 23 Sep
198- |
Three members of the Yaran-e Iran, Mr. Jamaluddin Khanjani, Mr. Hasan Mahboobi and Mr. Changeez Fanaeyan, along with two other Bahá'í citizens, were arrested. After spending 59 days in jail, they were released on November 11th. One of the two Bahá'ís arrested with the members of the Yaran, Mr. Bahman Samandari, was jailed and later executed in March of 1991. Authorities announced that his incarceration and execution was in connection to the 1987 case. Mr. Hasan Mahboobi was killed in a hit-and-run accident as he was heading to a meeting of the Yaran in August 1992. After the release of the Yaran-e Iran until their next arrest in May 2008, the Iranian government was in close contact with them and had complete and detailed knowledge of all Bahá'í activities. On that basisBahá'ís were able to refute the charges of "illegal activities" or "illegal organization" against the security of the nation. [Iran Press Watch 10561] | * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Yaran | |
1987 Sep
198- |
The United Nations Secretary-General designated the Bahá'í International Community and the National Spiritual Assemblies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Kenya and Lesotho as Peace Messengers, an honour given to only 300 organizations worldwide for their support of the UN Year of Peace 1986. [BINS173:4] | Australia; Bahá'í International Community; Belgium; Brazil; International Year of Peace; Kenya; Lesotho, South Africa; New York, USA; Peace; United Nations; United States (USA) | |
1987 31 Aug
198- |
The Universal House of Justice called for the erection of the remaining three buildings along the Arc at the Bahá'í World Centre—the Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts, the Seat of the International Teaching Centre and the International Bahá'í Library—as well as an expansion of the International Archives building and the creation of 19 monumental terraces from the foot of Mount Carmel to its crest. [AWH50–4, 90; BBD21; VV96; Message 31 August 1987]
The Guardian, in a message to the Bahá'ís of the World dated 27 November 1954, written after the expropriation of the plot of land owned by the Covenant-breaker Farahangiz Khanum, (the daughter of Mírzá Asadu’llah Isfahani, sister of Fareed and wife of Sydney Sprague) who had refused to sell for more than thirty years, said that the way was now clear to construct the International Archives Building. He went on to say,:
This vast and irresistible process, unexampled in the spiritual history of mankind, and which will synchronize with two no less significant developments—the establishment of the Lesser Peace and the evolution of Bahá’í national and local institutions—the one outside and the other within the Bahá’í world—will attain its final consummation, in the Golden Age of the Faith, through the raising of the standard of the Most Great Peace, and the emergence, in the plenitude of its power and glory, of the focal Center of the agencies constituting the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. The final establishment of this seat of the future Bahá’í World Commonwealth will signalize at once the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Founder of our Faith and the advent of the Kingdom of the Father repeatedly lauded and promised by Jesus Christ. [Messages to the Bahá'í World p74-75]
In a message to the Project Manager of the Mount Carmel projects dated 31 May 1987, the Universal House of Justice indicated that "...the institutions mentioned by the beloved Guardian in the passage in which he spoke of the completion of the Arc being contemporaneous with the establishment of the Lesser Peace did not include the Library. And there is no reason in principle why it should not be constructed at a later date." In addition, given the proximity of the International Teaching Centre to the future site of the International Bahá'í Library, if they were to be constructed simultaneously it would further congest an already busy building site and access to the Seat of the Universal House of Justice. [Vineyard of the Lord No 4 July 1994 p8] |
- Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Arc (World Centre); Arc project; Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts (Haifa); International Bahá'í Archives; International Bahá'í Library; International Bahá'í Library building (future); International Teaching Centre, Seat (Haifa); Mount Carmel; Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb (Haifa) | |
1987 1 Jul
198- |
The passing of Dr Aziz Navidi (b. 9 September 1913 in Hamadan, Iran) in London. He was buried at the Great Northern Cemetery near the Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi. He studied law and started his legal practice in Iran at the age of 24. The National Spiritual Assembly asked him to defend the oppressed Bahá'ís of Sháhrúd, where, on 8 August 1944, three friends had been martyred and 17 Bahá'í homes had been plundered and set on fire. 'Aziz defended them with great eloquence and undaunted courage, braving the vicious opposition of the clergy. Later he was asked to defend the Bahá'ís of Shiraz and still later those in Yazd. His unceasing endeavours won him the praise of the beloved Guardian who later designated him the "Shield of the Cause of God" and predicted that future historians would study his achievements. In 1953 he and his wife Shamsi pioneered to Monte Carlo in Monaco to replace Mrs French who had passed away. While at this post he studied international law at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. In 1955 the Guardian appointed him to the Commission that appealed to the United Nations in Geneva and New York about the Iranian attempt to exterminate the Bahá'í community. In 1962 he became involved with the imprisoned Bahá'ís in Algeria and Morocco. In 1968 Dr. Navidi became a representative of the Iranian Oil Company for its operations in the Indian Ocean and the family made their new home in Mauritius from where he worked to secure legal recognition of several of the new National Assemblies in the Indian Ocean region as he did with various African states. He fearlessly visited countries hostile to the Bahá'ís with no protection except his faith and his credentials as official lawyer to the Universal House of Justice with special status at the United Nations. His missions took him to Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Congo, Gabon, the Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zaire, and many, many other countries throughout the world. He was successful time and again in persuading democratic governments and dictators alike to alter their laws and constitutions and to officially recognize the Bahá'í Faith. [BW20p866; Navidi, Dr. Aziz (1913-1987): Intrepid Pioneer, Knight of Bahá'u'lláh by Graham Walker; KoB341-344] |
- Biography; - In Memoriam; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Aziz Navidi; London, England; Names and titles; United Kingdom | |
1987 28 Jun
198- |
The Universal House of Justice sent a message regarding the requirements for membership in the Bahá'í Community. [Mess86-01p32] | - Bahá'í World Centre; Membership | |
1987 30 Apr
198- |
The Universal House of Justice indicated that the way was open to erect the remaining buildings on the arc at the Bahá'í World Centre. [AWH51; Message 30 April 1987] | - Bahá'í World Centre; Arc project; Mount Carmel | |
1987 22 Apr
198- |
A ceremony was held to sign a 'status agreement' between the Bahá'í International Community and the Government of Israel defining the relationship of the Bahá'í World Centre with the State of Israel. [Message of the Universal House of Justice 30 April 1987]
- Bahá'í World Centre; Bahá'í International Community; Donald Barrett; Haifa, Israel; Israel; Shimon Peres; Status agreement | This agreement was the first "International Agreement" signed by the BWC with a sovereign government. |
1987 Ridván
198- |
The National Spiritual Assembly of Zaire was re-formed. [AWH48; BW20p249] | Congo, Democratic Republic of; National Spiritual Assembly, formation | |
1987 Ridván
198- |
A reorganization of the areas of jurisdiction of local spiritual assemblies in India resulted in the loss of 5,000 assemblies, substantially reducing the overall number of local assemblies in the world. | India; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Statistics | |
1987 Ridván
198- |
The National Convention of Turkey was held for the first time with the official permission of the Turkish government. | Conventions, National; First conventions; Recognition (legal); Turkey | first National Convention held with official permission of Turkish government |
1987 27 Mar
198- |
A National Spiritual Assembly with its seat in Johannesburg had been in existence continually since 1956. The first Assembly for this region was the National Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa which included several other countries and territories. The name of the Assembly was changed on this date to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South Africa. [BW20p548]
Johannesburg, South Africa; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; South Africa | |
1987 24 Mar
198- |
Radio Bahá'í of Liberia (ELRB), the first Bahá'í-owned radio station in Africa, was inaugurated in Paynesville. [BINS164:6; BW19:121; VV77]
Bahá'í-owned radio; Bahá'í Radio; Firsts, other; Liberia; Paynesville, Liberia | first Bahá’í radio station in Africa |
1987 20 Mar
198- |
Dr Peter Khan was elected to the Universal House of Justice. [Mess86-01p18]
- Bahá'í World Centre; Auxiliary board members; Peter Khan; Universal House of Justice, Election of | |
1987 Mar
198- |
The first Bahá'í Winter School held on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, took place. [BINS164:11] | Bahamas; First summer and winter schools; San Salvador Island | first Bahá’í Winter School on San Salvador Island |
1987 24 Feb
198- |
The Bahá'í Cultural Centre was opened in the Guaymi area of Panama. | Bahá'í Cultural Centres; Panama | |
1987 15 Feb
198- |
The passing of Eleanor Hollibaugh (b. 17 February 1897 in Hastings, Nebraska) in Montraux, Switzerland. She was a pioneer to La Paz, Bolivia but when she had to return for reasons of health, she settled in Reno, Nevada. At the end of World War II the European Teaching Committee asked her to join fellow American Dagmar Dole in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1949 they asked her to move to the Netherlands and in 1958, again at their request, she moved to France where she remained until 1960 when the Committee requested that she go to Switzerland. [BW20p868-871] Find a Grave. | - Biography; - In Memoriam; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Bolivia; Copenhagen, Denmark; Denmark; Eleanor Hollibaugh; France; Hastings, NE; La Paz, Bolivia; Montreux, Switzerland; Nebraska, USA; Netherlands; Nevada, USA; Reno, NV; Switzerland | |
1987 6 – 8 Feb
198- |
Maori women held the first National Women's Hui in the tribal area of Ngati Tuwharetoa, New Zealand. [BINS163:8] | - Indigenous people; Firsts, other; Maori people; New Zealand; Ngāti Tūwharetoa, NZ | first National Women’s Hui in Ngati Tuwaretoa, New Zealand |
1987 26 Jan
198- |
Charles Wolcott (b. September 29, 1906 in Flint, MI) member of the Universal House of Justice, passed away in Haifa. [BINS162:1; VV97]
- Bahá'í World Centre; - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Auxiliary board members; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Charles Wolcott; Peter Khan; Universal House of Justice, Members of | |
1987 16 – 17 Jan
198- |
The first Youth Conference of the Bahamas was held with representation from three islands. [BINS173:9] | - First conferences; Bahamas; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; Youth | first Youth Conference of the Bahamas |
1987 Jan
198- |
The first Huqúqu'lláh Conference was held at the World Centre.
- Bahá'í World Centre; Huqúqu'lláh; Huququllah, Basic timeline; Varqá, `Alí-Muhammad | |
1987 (In the year)
198- |
The first Pygmy local spiritual assembly in the Central African Republic was formed. [BINS173:1] | Central African Republic; Local Spiritual Assemblies | first Pygmy Local Spiritual Assembly Central African Republic |
1987 (In the year)
198- |
The first conference on the production of Bahá'í literature in Spanish was held in Argentina. | * Publishing; * Translation; Argentina; Firsts, other; Spanish language | first conference on the production of Bahá’í literature in Spanish |
1987 (In the year)
198- |
The film, Heart of the Lotus, made by Elizabeth Martin, documented the dedication of the House of Worship in New Delhi. [HNWE45] | - Bahá'í World Centre; - Documentaries; Elizabeth Martin; Haifa, Israel; India; Lotus temple, New Delhi; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Delhi; New Delhi, India | |
1987 (In the year)
198- |
The first National Children's Camp in Australia was held in Yerrinbool School with 36 children between 9 and 13 years of age in attendance. [BINS173:10] | - Bahá'í inspired schools; Australia; Children; Yerrinbool, New South Wales; Yerrinbool Bahá'í School | first National Children’s Camp in Australia |
1987 (In the year)
198- |
The Bayan Hospital, the first Bahá'í hospital in Honduras, opened in Palacios. | Bayan Hospital, Honduras; Honduras; Palacios, Honduras | first Bahá’í hospital in Honduras |
1987 (In the year)
198- |
Faced with unrelenting religious persecution involving a wide range of human rights violations, the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE) was founded in response to the Iranian government's continuing campaign to deny Iranian Bahá'ís access to higher education.
* Persecution, Iran; - BIC statements; - Persecution; - Persecution; - Persecution, Education; Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE); Education; Human rights; Iran | |
1986 24 Dec
198- |
The House of Worship in New Delhi, the Mother Temple of the Indian Subcontinent, was dedicated in the presence of Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum and more than 8,000 Bahá'ís from 114 countries. [AWH47; BINS161; BW19:102 BW20p732-733, VV92]
Foundation Stone: 17 October 1977 (Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum) Construction Period: April 1980 - December 1986 Site Dedication:24 December 1986 (Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum placed a silver casket containing Dust from the Shrines of Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb into the crown of the Prayer Hall arch facing 'Akká) Architect/Project Manager: Fariburz Sahbá Seating: 1200 Dimensions:Inner buds are 34.3m high, the outer leaves are 15.4m wide and 22.5m high. Cost: $10m Dependencies: References: BW16p486-487, BW17p368-370, BW18p103-104, 571-584, BW19p559-568, BW20p731-753 |
- Architects; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Mother Temples; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Quick facts; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Bahá'u'lláh, Shrine of (Bahjí); Boxes containing dust, earth or plaster; Chiampo, Italy; Dedications; Fariborz Sahba; Gifts; India; Italy; Lotus temple, New Delhi; Marble; Margraf; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Continental; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Delhi; New Delhi, India | |
1986 23 - 27 Dec
198- |
International Teaching Conference was held in New Delhi in conjunction with the opening of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár. It was attended by 8,000 Bahá'ís from 114 countries. [BW20p731-753] | - Conferences, International; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Teaching; India; Lotus temple, New Delhi; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Delhi; New Delhi, India; Teaching | |
1986 20 Dec
198- |
The official opening of Radio Bahá'í Chile in Labranza, Commune of Temuco.
Bahá'í-owned radio; Bahá'í Radio; Chile; Temuco, Chile | |
1986 Dec
198- |
The National Spiritual Assembly of Mauritania and all ten local spiritual assemblies in the country were dissolved. | Local Spiritual Assembly, dissolved; Mauritania; National Spiritual Assembly, dissolved | |
1986 13 Nov
198- |
Zikrullah Khadem (Dhikru'lláh Khádem), Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Skokie, Illinois. (b.1904 in Tehran) [VV123; ZK151]
- Biography; - Births and deaths; - Hands of the Cause; - In Memoriam; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Hands of the Cause, Second Contingent; Illinois, USA; Skokie, IL; United States (USA); Zikrullah Khadem | |
1986 19 Oct
198- |
Lorraine Kahn of Pine Springs, Arizona, is elected a delegate to the United States National Convention, the first Navajo woman to serve in this capacity. [BINS161:19] | Conventions, National; Firsts, other; Lorraine Kahn; Native Americans; United States (USA) | first Navajo woman delegate national convention |
1986 6 Aug
198- |
The Indo-Chinese Refugee Committee of Thailand estimates that five to six thousand people are Bahá'ís in the refugee camps on the Thai border. [BINS158:17] | Indo-Chinese Refugee Committee; Thailand | |
1986 6 Aug
198- |
The Brazilian Society of Physicians for Peace is formed by Bahá'í physicians in Pôrto Alegre at a ceremony attended by 120 medical professionals. [BINS159:2–3] | Bahá'í associations; Brazil; Conferences, Health; Porto Alegre, Brazil | |
1986 3 – 4 Aug
198- |
The Honourable Sir Thomas David, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, at his request, consulted with the Universal House of Justice at the Bahá'í World Centre about world peace, 'the most concrete response to date by a political leader to the Peace Statement'. BINS157:1; VV88]
- Bahá'í World Centre; Cook Islands; Haifa, Israel; Prominent visitors; Universal House of Justice | |
1986 18 – 24 Jul
198- |
The European Bahá'í Youth Movement is launched at the Bahá'í Youth School, Landegg Conference Centre, Switzerland. [BINS157:9–10; BINS158:10] | - Europe; Landegg, Switzerland; Landegg Academy, Switzerland; Switzerland; Youth | |
1986 Jul
198- |
Jack Malardy, 88-year-old tribal leader of the Karradjarrie people of Australia, and his wife Lilly become Bahá'ís in Lagrange, Australia. [BINS156:3; BINS179:1] | Australia; Jack Malardy; Lilly Malardy | |
1986 23 May
198- |
Fourteen State Bahá'í Councils were elected in India by members of local spiritual assemblies. [BW19:162; VV99–100]
India; Regional Bahá'í Councils; State Bahá'í Councils | |
1986 28 Apr
198- |
In 2008, the Bahá'í International Community published the names of 221 Iranian Bahá'ís who had been murdered or executed in the three decades since the Islamic Revolution. (The Bahá'í Question: Cultural Cleansing in Iran) The youngest on this list was Payman Sobhani Ezabadi, a resident of Saravan in the southwestern province of Sistan and Baluchistan, who was only 15 at the time. This story from Iranwire, untold before, is based on his father's written memoirs. | * Persecution, Iran; Payman Ezabadi; Saravan, Iran | |
1986 - 1992
198- |
The Six Year Plan (1986-1992) was launched. [AWH40, 42–4; BBRSM159; VV91]
* Teaching Plans; - Bahá'í World Centre; Six Year Plan (1986-1992) | |
1986 Ridván
198- |
The Seven Year Plan was successfully completed. (1979-1986) [BW19:23]
* Teaching Plans; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Restoration and renovation; Seven Year Plan (1979-1986) | |
1986 Ridván
198- |
The heroic steadfastness of the Persian friends has been the mainspring of tremendous international attention focused on the Cause, eventually bringing it to the agenda of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and, together with world-wide publicity in all the media, accomplishing its emergence from the obscurity which characterized and sheltered the first period of its life.[Ridván Message] |
- Bahá'í World Centre; Emergence from obscurity | |
1986 20 Apr
198- |
The world population of Bahá'ís was estimated to be 4,335,000. [BW19p67] | Statistics | |
1986 Apr
198- |
The first province-wide gathering of Bahá'í youth in Northern Ireland convenes. [BINS154:15] | Northern Ireland, UK; Youth | first province-wide gathering Bahá’í youth in Northern Ireland |
1986 13 Mar
198- |
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution asking its chairman to appoint a new special representative to report to the General Assembly in November 1986 on the human rights situation in Iran, including the situation of the Bahá'ís. [BINS153:12] | Iran; United Nations Commission on Human Rights | |
1986 9 Mar
198- |
The passing of Continental Board of Counsellor member Angus Welldon Cowan (b.12 September 1914 in Bishopton, Quebec) at his home in Invermere, BC. [BW19p703–70; BCNS]
- Biography; - In Memoriam; Angus Cowan; Bishopton, QC; British Columbia, Canada; Invermere, BC; Quebec, Canada | |
1986 5 Feb
198- |
The publication of Epochs of the Formative Age by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice which explained that the epochs of the Formative Age mark progressive stages in the evolution of the organic Bahá'í community and signal the maturation of its institutions. The timing of each epoch is designated by the Head of the Faith, and given the organic nature of evolutionary development, the transition from one epoch to another may not be abrupt, but may well occur over a period of time. [Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986 p710-716] | - Bahá'í World Centre; Historical overviews by Central Figures or BWC | |
1986 5 Feb
198- |
The message from the Universal House of Justice addressed to all National Assemblies with the compilation entitled The Epochs of the Formative Age prepared by the Research Department. [Messages63-86p710-716] | - Bahá'í World Centre; - Compilations; Cycles, Eras, Ages and Epochs; Formative Age | |
1986 31 Jan
198- |
The announcement of the inaugural broadcast of Radio Bahá'í Panama. [Mess63-86p710]
Bahá'í-owned radio; Bahá'í Radio; Boca del Monte, Panama; Panama; Teaching institutes | |
1986 28 Jan
198- |
The death of NASA Astronaut Ronald Erwin McNair (b. 21 October, 1951 in Lake City, SC) when Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated nine miles above the Atlantic Ocean just 73 seconds after liftoff. Prior to this launch he had served 7 days, 23 minutes in space. He was buried in Rest Lawn Memorial Park in Lake City, South Carolina. []
* Science; - Famous Bahá'ís; African Americans; Cape Canaveral, FL; Florida, USA; Lake City, SC; Ronald McNair; South Carolina, USA; Space exploration; United States (USA) | |
1986 21 Jan
198- |
The Islamic Research Academy at the Azhar University in Cairo published in a number of newspapers a lengthy opinion about the Bahá'í Faith in advance of the court cases of Bahá'ís due to be heard in February. [BW19:286]
- Persecution; - Persecution, Court cases; Bahá'í International Community; Court cases; Criticism and apologetics; Egypt; Moshen Enayat; Persecution, Egypt | |
1986 2 Jan
198- |
The Universal House of Justice ended the Counsellors' Conference at the Bahá'í World Centre by announcing in a letter that the Bahá'í world has entered the fourth epoch in the Formative Age of the Cause. [AWH39–42; BBD79, 85; BW19:29; VV91]
- Bahá'í World Centre; Conferences, Counsellors; Cycles, Eras, Ages and Epochs; Formative Age; Haifa, Israel; Holy Years; Six Year Plan (1986-1992) | |
1986 1 Jan
198- |
The publication of the compilation entitled "Women" by the Universal House of Justice. [Messages63-86p704, Compilation of CompilationsVol 2 p355]
* Publications; - Compilations; Peace; Universal House of Justice, Membership on; Women | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
Iran's hugely unsuccessful attempt to convince the international community that Bahá'ís were indeed spies was probably one of the reasons that convinced Iranian officials to review Iran's contemporary history. The aim of this review was in no way to reconsider age-old beliefs and assumptions, but to generate so-called "objective" facts and data which would ultimately serve to justify those assumptions. It was in light of this conviction that, the Institute for Cultural Research and Studies was founded "with a mandate to maintain, organize and catalogue valuable historical documents acquired during and after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In 1996, it was replaced by the Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies (IICHS), a professional research centre devoted to the study of contemporary Iranian history. Its objective is to undertake various research projects regarding social, political, economic and cultural aspects of post-eighteenth-century Iran, using its collection of primary sources." Another such organization, the Political Studies and Research Institute, was founded in 1988. [Iran Press Watch 1407; the institute's website] |
* Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Conspiracy theories; Iran | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
The founding of the Ruaha Secondary School in southwestern rural Tanzania near Iringa, about 500 km from Dar-es-salaam. The school was operated under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly. [The Mona Project (information on the Iringa School no longer available on this web site), One Country]
- Bahá'í inspired schools; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania; Iringa, Tanzania; Mona Foundation; Tanzania | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
The persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226]
* Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Bahá'í International Community; Human rights; Iran | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
The Bahá'í Association for Arts (BAFA) was formed with its base in the Netherlands. | * Arts and crafts; Bahá'í Association for Arts (BAFA); Bahá'í associations; Netherlands | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
The first local spiritual assembly of San Salvador Island, mentioned in the Tablets of the Divine Plan as Watling Island, was formed. | Local Spiritual Assemblies; San Salvador Island | first Local Spiritual Assembly San Salvador Island |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
The Sri Lanka post office issued a commemorative postage stamp featuring the Bahá'í-sponsored World Religion Day. [BINS176:4] | Sri Lanka; Stamps (philately); World Religion Day | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
Community-based Bahá'í health care programmes were launched in Kenya, Uganda and Swaziland, spearheaded by Dr Ethel Martens of Canada. | Ethel Martens; Kenya; Swaziland; Uganda | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
Hundreds of members of the Aeta tribe in Tarlac and Pampanga, Philippines, became Bahá'ís. [BINS158:13] | - First believers by background; Philippines | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, a prominent diplomat, and professor of law from El Salvador served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran from 1986 to 1995. He visited Iran three times between 1990 and 1992, but after his third visit, he was barred from visiting Iran.
Bahá'í International Community; Galindo Pohl; New York City, NY; Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran; United Nations | |
1986 (In the year)
198- |
The Bayán Association started in Honduras in the mid-1980s by two Bahá'í families - the Smiths and the Sabripours. [Website]
- Social and Economic Development Organizations; Bayan Association; Honduras; La Ceiba, Honduras | |
1986 -2001
198- |
The end of the Third Epoch and the beginning of The Fourth Epoch of the Formative Age. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 5 February 1986; Mess63-86 p710-716]
Cycles, Eras, Ages and Epochs; Formative Age | |
1985 27 Dec - 1986 2 Jan
198- |
The Universal House of Justice convened a Counsellors' Conference at the Bahá'í World Centre. [AWH39; BW19:29; VV122]
- Bahá'í World Centre; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Counsellors; Counsellors; Haifa, Israel | The first international Conference for Counselors from all Continental Boards |
1985 13 Dec
198- |
For the first time, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in Iran which contained specific references to the Bahá'ís. [BW19:38; VV55] | * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Bahá'í International Community; Human rights; Iran; United Nations | first resolution on human rights that specifically mentions the situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran. |
1985 22 Nov
198- |
The Promise of World Peace was presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Javier Perez de Cuellar by Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum and representatives of the Bahá'í International Community. [BW19:33, 382; VV87] | Bahá'í International Community; Javier Perez de Cuellar; Promise of World Peace (statement); United Nations; United Nations, Secretary-Generals | |
1985 24 Oct
198- |
In anticipation of the United Nations International Year of Peace, and on the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations, the Universal House of Justice addressed a message "To the Peoples of the World" inviting them to consider that a new social order can be fostered by all peoples' seeing themselves as members of one universal family. This message, The Promise of World Peace was presented to world leaders and countless others during the United Nations International Year of Peace. [BBD174, 187–8; BW19:139, 155; VV59, 86–8, The Promise of World Peace]
* Publications; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Statements; - Worldwide; Bahá'í International Community; Peace; Promise of World Peace (statement); United Nations; Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; World peace | |
1985 22 - 23 Oct
198- |
The 14th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia discussed the Bahá'í doctrine and decided that the Bahá'í doctrine was not part of Islam. Muslims involved in this teaching were deemed as apostates. Therefore, Muslims are prohibited from following this teaching and anyone involved in it must denounce it at once and repent. [Fatwa] | - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Fatwa; Malaysia; Persecution, Malaysia | |
1985 19 Oct
198- |
The Association for Bahá'í Studies, Chile, was established in Santiago. [BW19:358–9] | Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Chile; Latin America; Santiago, Chile | |
1985 18 Oct
198- |
Dr. Rudolph Kirchlaeger, the President of Austria, was the first head of state to receive The Promise of World Peace. [Mess63-86p681; Mess 63-86p698] | Firsts, other; Promise of World Peace (statement) | the first head of state to receive "The Promise of World Peace" |
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