1912 30 Sep 191- |
Thornton Chase, the first American Bahá'í, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Bahá, passed away in California before 'Abdu'l-Bahá'í and His retinue arrive. He was buried at Inglewood. He had been named Thábit (Steadfast) by the Master. [BBD71; BFA2:XVII]
See SoW Vol 3 No 12 16 October, 1912 p1-7 for a tribute to him upon his passing.
For a brief biography see Bahá'í Chronicles.
See as well Bahá'í Encyclopedia.
See "Disciples of 'Abdu'l-Bahá" . [BW3p84–85; BW4p118–119]
See the article Chase, Thornton: The First Bahá'í from the Western Hemisphere by Richard Francis.
For a biography see Thornton Chase: First American Bahá'í by Robert H Stockman, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, Wilmette, 2002.
During the early years of the Faith in North America the Bahá'ís were unclear about the station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. There were those who thought Him an ordinary man who had applied the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh flawlessly through His effort. Others believed Him to be the return of Christ. See ABF244-246 for his letter to Wellesly Tudor-Pole on the station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
And a draft of a portion of the Stockman book, Love's Odyssey: The Life of Thornton Chase.
Upon hearing of his passing 'Abdu'l-Bahá is reported to have said, "This revered personage was the first Bahá'í in America. He served the Cause faithfully and his services will ever be remembered throughout ages and cycles." [SoW Vol 4 No 11 p.189]
Photos of the grave of Thornton Chase in Inglewood Park Cemetery.
Directions to his grave. Find a grave.
His publications:
- A number of pamphlets, See Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, 1844–1985 by William Collins, George Ronald, Oxford, 1990 page 66-67.
- In Galilee and In Spirit and In Truth, first published in 1908. This was a record of his pilgrimage. [Collins7.634]
- The Bahai Revelation, first published in 1909. This book was an introduction to the Faith intended for a Christian audience. [BEL7.629]
See the trailer for a film entitled Steadfast-The Thornton Chase Story by Mithaq Kazimi and produced by Sam Baldoni.
See the Thornton Chase Website created by the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Inglewood, California and The Thornton Chase Committee to honour the legacy of Thornton Chase.
`Abdu'l-Bahá, Travels of; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Second Western tour; Thornton Chase; - Disciples of `Abdu'l-Bahá; Births and deaths; In Memoriam; Cemeteries and graves; Los Angeles, CA; California, USA; USA |