Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1990-01-15, descending sort earliest first

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1990 15 Jan Carl Sagan, a professor of astronomy and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University, appealed for religion and science to join hands in preserving the global environment. He was joined in his appeal by 22 well-known scientists. He made this appeal on the first day of a conference on the environment and economic development sponsored by the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival. More than a thousand religious, political and scientific leaders from 83 nations attended the conference. [NY Times 16Jan90; The Global Forum on Environment and Development for Survival] Carl Sagan; Science; Environment; Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival; Moscow, Russia; Russia

Try also a shorter date like 1990-01-1 or 1990-01

try also the Chronology Canada — 1990-01-15 or 1990-01-1 or 1990-01

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