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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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1981 (In the year)
The site of the House of the Báb, destroyed by a mob in 1979, was made into a road and public square. [BBD108] Báb, House of (Shiraz); Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Mobs; - Persecution, Destruction; - Persecution; Shíráz, Iran; Iran
1981 (In the year)
The National Assembly of Zaire was dissolved temporarily and three administrative committees were appointed in its place. [BW19:62, 147] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Congo, Democratic Republic of
1981 (In the year)
The persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92]
  • Forty–six Bahá'ís were executed and two assassinated. [BW18:292–3; BW19:230–1]
  • For pictures of the martyrs see BW18:295–305 and BW19:236–46.
  • For accounts of some of the martyrdoms see BW18:277–8, 281–4.
  • For excerpts from the wills of some of the martyrs see BW18:284–9.
  • For a list of resolutions adopted by the United Nations, regional bodies, national and provincial governments, and other actions taken, see BW18:92–6 and BW19:44–6.
  • For a list of the actions taken by the Bahá'í International Community, Bahá'í institutions and others see BW18:341–5, 417–20.
  • See Archives of Bahá'í Persecution in Iran for an edited video recording of the secret trial of the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran at Evin Prison in Tehran. (In Farsi)
  • During the year the Bahá'í International Community made its first appeal to the UN Commission in Human Rights to address the situation of the Bahá'í Community in Iran. [BIC History 1981]
  • Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; United Nations; Bahá'í International Community; Human Rights; NSA; Iran
    1981 1 Jan
    The publication of Der Bahā'ismus, Weltreligion der Zukunft?: Geschichte, Lehre und Organisation in Kritischer Anfrage (Bahá'ism-Religion of the Future? History, Doctrine and Organization: A Critical Inquiry) by Francesco Ficicchia under the auspices of the Central Office of the Protestant Church for Questions of Ideology in Germany. This book was distributed by the Protestant Church and became the most widespread book on the Bahá'í Faith in German, and as such was widely accepted as a critical academic publication. At the time of its distribution a decision was taken to not dignify the publication with a rebuttal. This proved to be an error. Making the Crooked Straight was published in 1995 in German and translated/published by George Ronald Publishers in 2000. The purpose of the book, as the name suggests, was to address the distorted views presented in Ficicchia's publication. [MCSintroduction]
  • See The Refutation of Francesco Ficicchia and the Dangers of Silence by Jack McLean.
  • Opposition; Criticism and apologetics; Making the Crooked Straight (book); Bahá'í Scholarship; Protestantism; - Christianity; Germany
    1981 1 Jan
    The European branch office of the Bahá'í International Community was established in Geneva. [BW19:33, VV54, BIC-History] Bahá'í International Community; Geneva, Switzerland; Switzerland
    1981 - 2002
    A Persian-language Bahá'í quarterly journal entitled `Andalíb was published from 1981 to 2012 under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada. From issue no. 69, responsibility for the publication was moved to the Association of Bahá'í Studies in Persian (an agency of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada).
  • Journals from Year 1 (138-9 BE, 1981-2), Issue 1: Winter to Year 23 (162 BE, 2005-6), Issue 90: Spring are available online at the Afnan Library website.
  • * Publications; Andalib (journal); Bahá'í studies; Thornhill, ON; Ottawa, ON; Canada
    1981 Apr
    In Pakistan a constitutional amendment named the Bahá'í Faith among the non-Muslim faiths of the country, thus according it legal recognition. [BW18:107; VV67] Constitutions (general); Recognition (legal); Pakistan
    1981 Apr
    The Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith was renamed the Association for Bahá'í Studies. [BBD202; VV24–5] Bahá'í Studies, Associations for; Association for Bahá'í Studies (North America); Canada
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Bophuthatswana was formed with its seat in Mmabatho. [BW18:107, 163; BN no606 November 1981 p10]
  • It was a Bantustan or nominally independent state established within South Africa. The South African government abolished Bantustans in 1994 and the Assembly of Bophuthatswana was disbanded in 1995 with the community falling under the administration of the National Spiritual Assembly of South Africa. [National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation by Graham Hassall]
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Mmabatho, South Africa; Bophuthatswana, South Africa; South Africa first NSA Bophuthatswana
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of South West Africa/Namibia was formed with its seat in Windhoek. [BW18:107, 163; BN no606 November 1981 p10] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Windhoek, Namibia; Namibia first NSA South West Africa/Namibia
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward Islands was formed with its seat in St John's, Antigua. [BW18:107, 171]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the Virgin Islands was formed. It has jurisdiction over both the British Virgin Islands and U.S. Virgin Islands. [Virgin Islands, U.S. and British by Patricia Paccassi; BN No 605 August 1981 p5]
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation; St. Johns, Antigua; Antigua; Leeward Islands first NSA Leeward Islands
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of the Windward Islands was formed with its seat in Kingstown, St Vincent. [BW18:171; BW18p515,; BN No 602 May 1981 p19]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the Barbados was formed. [Barbados by Patricia Paccassi]
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines; St. Vincent, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines first NSA Windward Islands
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Tuvalu was formed with its seat in Funafuti. [BW18:107; BW19:62]
  • Since 1981 they had been part of the Assembly of the Gilbert (Kiribati) and Ellice (Tuvalu) Islands. [Wikipedia]
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Funafuti, Tuvalu; Tuvalu first NSA Tuvalu
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Kiribati was formed. Since 1967 they had been part of the Assembly of the Gilbert (Kiribati) and Ellice (Tuvalu) Islands. [Wikipedia] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Kiribati; Gilbert and Ellice Islands first NSA in Kiribati
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Bermuda was formed with its seat in Hamilton. [BW18:107, 171] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Hamilton, ON; Bermuda first NSA Bermuda
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda was re-formed after a period of 19 months during which the Faith was banned. [BW18:107, 163; Ridván Message 1981] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Kampala, Uganda; Uganda
    1981 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of St Vincent and the Grenadines was established with its seat in Kingstown. [BW19p62] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    1981 23 May
    Helmut Winkelbach, Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for Belarus, married Olga Grigorevna Dolganova, a Russian, their wedding ceremony was the first Bahá'í wedding in the Soviet Union. Helmut Winkelbach; Olga Grigorevna Dolganova; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Firsts, other; Weddings; Soviet Union; Russia first Bahá’í wedding in Soviet Union
    1981 11 Jun
    All the title deeds, deeds of ownership and the plans [buildings] in various cities which were available and registered in the books of the Nawnahalan Company, were forfieted to the Iranian government. In addition, the title deed of Gypsum Mines in the Village of Mesgarabad, which belonged to the company, was also confiscated. [Archives of Bahá'í Persecution in Iran]

    Nawnahalan; Persecution, Iran; Tehran, Iran
    1981 14 Jun
    Seven members of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hamadan were executed by firing squad. These members were: Mr. Muhammad (Suhrab) Habibi, Mr. Muhammad-Baqir (Suhayl) Habibi, Mr. Husayn Khandil, Mr. Tarazu'llah Khuzayn, Mr. Husayn Mutlaq, Dr. Firuz Na'imi, and Dr. Nasir Vafa'i. The ribs of Tarazu'llah Khuzayn were crushed, and his hands were slashed. His legs and thighs had been pierced with a bayonet, and the injuries had turned his skin black and the tissues were swollen. [He was sixty-four when he died.] Suhrab Habibi's back had been branded with a hot ring – his own – and he had severe burns. The fingers of Husayn Khandil were slashed and his abdomen had been cut open. Dr. Na'imi's back had been broken and Dr. Vafa'i's thighs had been cut open; Suhayl Habibi's shoulders had been broken and smashed. Hossein Mutlaq had not been tortured but his body showed the greatest number of bullet wounds.
  • Prior to their execution all six had been held in a 6 X 71/2 ft. cell for 137 days. They had to sleep by turns and they were not allowed to bathe.
  • After their execution the bodies were dumped in the near-by hospital and were transported to the cemetery accompanied by a crowd of Bahá'ís and townspeople alike. Everyone was given an opportunity to view the tortured bodies. [Iran Press Watch; World Order, Series2, Volume_17 Issue 1 p14-31 written by Zhínús Mahmúdí.]
  • See the story of Dr Firouz Naeimi also in Track Persia.
  • See the story of Dr Naser Vafa'i.
  • - Persecution; Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; Hamadán, Iran; Iran
    1981 23 Jun
    Dr. Masih Farhangi had spent 502 days in the Evin Prison before his martyrdom by firing squad. For his execution he was accompanied by three other Baha'i souls: Mr. Badi'u'llah Farid, Yadu'llah Pustchi, and Varqa Tibyaniyan. Dr Farhangi was known as the "Prison Angel" for his service as the prison physician by treating his prison mates, who were clearly not receiving the medical care they needed by the prison establishment. [The Life and Services of Dr. Masih Farhangi by Dr. Farhang Farhangi (Jabbari); translated by: Farzin Farhangi; first edition 2020; publisher: Baran, Sweden].
  • See Iran Wire for details of Dr Farhangi's life. [BW20p393; Abdorrahman Boroumand Center; Bahaipedia]
  • Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; Tehran, Iran; Iran
    1981 Jul
    An International Chinese Teaching Committee was appointed by the Universal House of Justice. [BW19:76] Universal House of Justice
    1981 Jul
    The reconstituted Bahá'í Publishing Trust of Uganda met for the first time. [BW18:112] Publishing Trusts; Uganda
    1981 29 Jul
    See the story of the martyrdom of pharmacist Dr. Parviz Firouzi,.
  • See the story of the martyrdom of medical doctor Dr Masroor Dakhili.
  • Persecution, Iran; Martyrdom; Tabríz, Iran; Iran
    1981 15 Aug
    The passing of Muhamad Mustafá (b.1898 in El Dhahriya, Egypt), stalwart servant and mainstay of the Egyptian and Northern African communities. He was buried in the Bahá'í Cemetery in Cairo.

    The follow cable was received from the Universal House of Justice:

    In Memoriam; Muhamad Mustafa; Knight of Bahá'u'lláh; Continental Board of Counsellors; Zaytun (Zeitoun), Iran; Egypt
    1981 24 Aug
    The publication of the compilation entitled "The Assistance of God" by the Universal House of Justice. It was renamed "The Power of Divine Assistance" when published in the Vol 2 p201. [Messages63-86p504] Power of Divine Assistance (compilation); - Compilations; * Publications; - Bahá'í World Centre
    1981 16 Sep
    The Universal House of Justice addressed a message to all National Assemblies with the compilation of prayers and passages from the Bahá'í Writings with a view to have it translated and distributed where there was a dearth of Bahá'í literature. This was published by the Bahá'í World Centre under the title of "Words of God". [Messages63-86p486, 504-505] - Compilations; Teaching; Words of God (compilation); * Publications; * Translation; Prayer; - Bahá'í World Centre
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