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Tag "Congo, Democratic Republic of"

tag name: Congo, Democratic Republic of type: Geographic locations
web link: Congo,_Democratic_Republic_of
variations: Zaire; Democratic Republic of the Congo; DRC; D.R.C.
related tags: - Africa; Congo, Republic of the
referring tags: Baraka, Democratic Republic of Congo; Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo; Congo, Republic of the; Kabongo, Democratic Republic of Congo; Kamina, Democratic Republic of Congo; Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo; Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo; Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Congo, Democratic Republic of" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (6 results; expand)

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  1. Bahá'í Communities by Country: Research Notes, by Graham Hassall Jonah Winters, ed. (2000). — Brief notes on the history of Baha'i activities and the dates of NSA formation in Africa, China, Aus...
  2. Baháʼí Houses of Worship: A Visual Overview, Anonymous, comp. (2020). — A collection of collages, exterior and interior images of Bahaʼi Houses of Worship constructed, und...
  3. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2022-11-01). — Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, humanity's crisis...
  4. Namibia, Pacific Islands, Queen Marie, and Emeric Sala, by Various (2005-02).
  5. Paying Special Regard to Agriculture: Collective Action-Research in Africa, by Sanem Kavrul (2021-05-07). — On Baha’i-inspired agricultural social action initiatives in Africa. Includes photo gallery of dev...
  6. Singular Room, A: An Exploration of Bahá'í Houses of Worship, by Sama Shodjai (2023-12). — Overview of the design principles followed in building the Baha'i temples, and the intricacies and c...

2.   from the Chronology (38 results; expand)

  1. 1940-00-00 — The first Baha'is to reside in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) were Mr Rajah Ali Vahdat and Mme Marthe Mol...
  2. 1940-00-00 — Ruth and Ellsworth Blackwell were the first Baha'i pioneers to move to Haiti, where they spent more ...
  3. 1940-07-28 — Shoghi Effendi, Rúhiyyih Khanum and Sutherland Maxwell left England for South Africa aboard the SS ...
  4. 1951-10-00 — Marthe Jeanne Molitor, the first Belgian Baha'i to settle in another country, left for the Belgian C...
  5. 1953-08-00 — The Congo-Belgian colony had its first believers, identified under the term "The Spiritual Sowers". ...
  6. 1953-08-25 — Soon after becoming a Baha'i in Kampala, Enoch Olinga, together with fellow new believers Max Kanyer...
  7. 1953-09-20 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Mr. Max Kanyerezi in Middle Congo (now called Republic of Congo...
  8. 1955-00-06 — Twenty–two African Baha'is were expelled from the Belgian Congo.
  9. 1963-04-20 — The number of believers in East and Central Africa numbered well over 40.000 with half of these in t...
  10. 1964-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda and Central Africa was formed with its seat in Kampala. [
  11. 1967-04-21 — The formation of the first Spiritual Assembly in Kinshasa, DRC. [A Remarkable Response Film 31:20]
  12. 1970-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Zaire was formed with its seat in Kinshasa. (Formerly Belgian Co...
  13. 1971-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Congo and Gabon was formed with its seat in Brazzaville, the Cong...
  14. 1972-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Republic of the Congo was formed with its seat in Brazzaville...
  15. 1972-06-09 — A National Spiritual Assembly had been formed in Zaire at Ridvan 1970 but the Faith did not receive ...
  16. 1978-02-00 — The government of the Congo banned the majority of smaller religious groups, including the Baha'i Fa...
  17. 1981-00-04 — The National Assembly of Zaire was dissolved temporarily and three administrative committees were ap...
  18. 1983-07-22 — The number of Local Spiritual Assemblies in Africa rose to some 7,200 and localities where Baha'is ...
  19. 1987-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Zaire was re-formed. [AWH48; BW20p2
  20. 1991-04-21 — The administration of the Baha'i Faith in Zaire was devolved to a system of subordinate regional cou...
  21. 1991-12-00 — The first Music Festival for Youth of Zaire was held. [BINS288:8]
  22. 1992-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Congo Republic was reformed after 14 years suspension of the ...
  23. 2003-08-29 — The celebration of the Jubilee of the opening of the Faith in the Republic of the Congo was commemor...
  24. 2003-09-06 — The celebration of the Jubilee of the opening of the Faith in the Democratic Republic of the Congo w...
  25. 2004-04-02 — The passing of Ola Pawlowska (b. Ola Clemens 14 February, 1910 in Lakta, outside Cacow, Poland) in N...
  26. 2006-04 — The Preparation for Social Action programme that was implemented at the beginning of the Five Year P...
  27. 2008-11-15 — Regional Conferences were held in Bangui, Central African Republic, Bangalore, India and Uvira, Demo...
  28. 2008-11-22 — Regional Conferences were held in Quito, Ecuador, New Delhi, India, Kolkata, India, and Lubumbashi, ...
  29. 2012-04-21 — Plans were announced for the building of the first two national Mashriqul-Adhkars that were to be ra...
  30. 2018-01-18 — The publication of A Vision of Peace: Stories from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is a br...
  31. 2020-06-12 — In Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the temple site was being prepared for the cons...
  32. 2020-07-02 — The design for the national Baha'i House of Worship to be built in the Democratic Republic of the Co...
  33. 2020-10-18 — The groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the future national Mashriqul-Adhkar was held at the temp...
  34. 2021-02-28 — The Baha'i World News Service provided an update on the construction of the National Temple in Kinsh...
  35. 2021-07-29 — A report on the progress of the construction of the National Mashriqul-Adhkar was provided. The c...
  36. 2021-08-31 — A four-day gathering, attended by some 2,000 participants was held in
  37. 2022-01-26 — The BWC released a progress report on the construction of the national Baha'i House of Worship in Ki...
  38. 2022-11-01 — The Universal House of Justice addressed the Followers of Baha'u'llah in the Democratic Republic of ...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (1 result)

  1. 2004-04-02 — The passing of Ola Pawlowska (b. Ola Clemens 14 February, 1910 in Lakta, outside Cacow, Poland) in N...
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