- 1848-07-17 — The Babis left Badasht for Mazindaran. They were attacked by a mob of more than 500 outside the vill...
- 1850-04-00 — The house of Vahid in Yazd was attacked by crowds and pillaged. The crowd was dispersed by Mulla Muh...
- 1850-05-19 — The Governor sent a mob against Hujjat, (Mulla Muhammad-Ali) which was dispersed by Mir Salah. The G...
- 1869-12-25 — A mob attacked the Baha'is in Faran, Khurasan, Iran, and two were severely beaten. [BW18:383]
- 1890-00-02 — Haji Ákhúnd, Haji Amin and Ibn-i-Abhar were arrested. Haji Ákhúnd was imprisoned in Tihran for t...
- 1898-06-01 — Áqa Ghulam-Husayn-i-Banadaki was killed by a mob in Yazd after refusing to deny his faith. [BW18:38...
- 1903-05-23 — Upheaval in Isfahan: Muhammad-Javad-i-Sarraf seized was by students of Aqa Najafi and beaten severe...
- 1912-01-03 — In Sari, Mazandaran, a mob attacked houses of Baha'is and four Baha'is were killed; a few days later...
- 1917-02-17 — A mob in Najafabad disintered the bodies from two Baha'i graves. A general agitation against Baha'is...
- 1920-09-00 — The tombs of the King of Martyrs and the Beloved of Martyrs in Isfahan were demolished by a mob. [BB...
- 1941-10-18 — Four members of a Baha'i family were killed and several other family members were severely beaten in...
- 1944-05-12 — Baha'is were persecuted at Ábadih, Iran. The Baha'i centre was attacked by a mob of four thousand, ...
- 1948-00-00 — The Baha'i Centre in Yazd, Iran, was attacked by a mob incited by Shaykh Khalisizadih. He was a man ...
- 1948-00-05 — The Baha'i centre in Tihran was attacked by a mob incited by Áyatu'llah Kashani. [
- 1953-09-26 — The martyrdom of Rahman Kulayni Mamaqani. He was stabbed by a ruffian in a mob. [BW12p710-711]
- 1955-04-23 — Ramadan began. Shaykh Muhammad-Taqi known as "Falsafi" made an inflammatory speech against the Baha'...
- 1955-07-28 — Seven Baha'is were stabbed and beaten to death by a mob in Hurmuzak, Iran. [
- 1967-01-01 — A Baha'i was beaten to death by a mob in Saysan, Ádharbayjan, and other Baha'is were attacked and b...
- 1978-00-00 — Ten Baha'is were killed in Iran, seven by mobs. [BW18:291]
For the response of Baha'i institution...
- 1979-02-02 — A mob of some 5,000 armed with hatchets, spades and pickaxes converged on Hisar, Iran, intent on har...
- 1981-00-03 — The site of the House of the Bab, destroyed by a mob in 1979, was made into a road and public square...