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1963 - 1986
The end of the Second Epoch and the beginning of The Third Epoch of the Formative Age. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 5 February 1986; Mess63-86 p710-716]
  • See the attachment for the above-referenced message entitled The Epochs of the Formative Age prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice.
  • This Epoch included the Nine, Five, and Seven Year Plans formulated by the Universal House of Justice. [Mess86-01p815]
  • Formative Age; Ages and Epochs
    1963 - 1964
    1963 - 1963 was a Year of Preparation and a time to consolidate the victories of the Ten Year Crusade. [Mess63-86pxli] - Teaching Plans
    1963 (In the year)
    15 years after the establishment of Israel and during the course of the unrest that swept through Iran in response to a set of far-reaching reforms launched by Muhammad-Ridá Sháh, Ayatollah Khomeini and the Association of Iranian Clerics, in two separate declarations, denounced Bahá'ís as agents and representatives of Israel, and demanded their severe repression.
          During the 1960s and 70s almost everything that troubled Iranian clerics was seen as evidence of a Bahá'í-Israeli plot against Islam. The Shah, who was harshly rebuked by the 'ulama for his regime's strong ties with Israel, was accused of being a Bahá'í because of some of the reforms he had introduced, notably his giving voting rights to women, and providing blue-collar industrial workers with a share of the profits earned by their companies. Various cultural events launched by the administration, some of which had clear Western tones, were seen as Bahá'í plots to undermine the Islamic identity of Iranians. Iranian ministers and courtiers were almost collectively accused of being Bahá'ís. Even Iran's notorious intelligence agency, SAVAK, whose strong anti-leftist agenda had naturally led to its inclination to recruit people with Islamic ties, and which had obvious connections with the Hujjatieh society – the self-professed arch-enemies of the Bahá'ís – was seen as nothing more than a Bahá'í puppet. Consequently, the 1979 Islamic Revolution came about not just as an uprising against the Shah, but supposedly as a reaction to an Israeli-Bahá'í threat. [Iran Press Watch 1407]
    Conspiracy theories; Ayatollah Khomeini; - Shahs; Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi; Reform; History (general); Iran, General history; Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Iran; Israel
    1963 (In the year)
    In Angola, Antonio Francesco Ebo and seven other Bahá'ís were arrested and imprisoned in a penal colony off the coast of southern Angola.
  • They remained in confinement for eight years.
  • Persecution, Angola; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution; Angola
    1963 Jan
    The publication of Freedom of Religion on Trial in Morocco: The Nador Case by Bahá'í International Community. It was a report on the situation in Morocco to that point in time. Bahá'í International Community; Persecution, Morocco; Morocco
    1963 1 Jan
    The Custodians ask all national and local spiritual assemblies to cable the King of Morocco appealing for justice for the Bahá'ís under sentence of death and imprisoned for life in his country. [BW14:97; MoC19] Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; Custodians; National Spiritual Assembly; Local Spiritual Assembly; Morocco; - Worldwide
    1963 18 Jan
    First Bahá'í marriage in Taiwan was between Miss Yeh Chan-ching and Mr Yang Su-thou. Official government recognition of the Bahá'í marriage was obtained in 1973. [The Taiwan Bahá'í Chronicle by Barbara R. Sims p37] Weddings; Firsts, other; Recognition (legal); Taiwan First Bahá'í marriage in Taiwan
    1963 31 Jan
    Roger Baldwin, Chairman of the International League for the Rights of Man, appeared before the UN sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and stated that, as far they know; the Bahá'í prisoners in Morocco were the only example in recent history where members of a religion had been condemned to death solely for holding and expressing religious views regarded as heretical. [MoC415–16] Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; United Nations; Morocco
    1963 31 Mar
    King Hassan II of Morocco stated in a televised interview in the United States that the Bahá'í Faith was not a religion and was 'against good order and also morals'. [MoC415] King Hassan II; Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Morocco
    1963 2 Apr
    King Hassan II of Morocco made a public statement promising that if the Supreme Court upheld the decision condemning three Bahá'í prisoners to death, he would grant them a royal pardon. [MoC416] King Hassan II; Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution; Court cases; Human rights; Morocco
    1963 4 Apr
    The Custodians issued a statement of information to the national spiritual assemblies of the United States and Europe regarding the Bahá'ís imprisoned in Morocco and under threat of death, reminding them that clemency or a pardon are not sufficient, as the condemned Bahá'ís cannot be pardoned for a crime they did not commit. [MoC414]
  • For text of statement see MC414–20.
  • Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; Custodians; National Spiritual Assembly; Morocco
    1963 9 Apr
    The sixth Conclave of the Hands of the Cause of God was convened at Bahjí.
  • For the agenda see MoC404.
  • For cabled message from the Conclave see MoC420.
  • * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Hands of the Cause, Conclaves; Bahji, Israel; Akka, Israel
    1963 20 Apr
    The Ten Year Crusade was successfully completed. The achievements of the Ten Year Crusade were celebrated at the Most Great Jubilee in April and May 1963, which commemorated the Centenary of the Declaration of Baha'u'llah's Mission. Two historic events transpired during that time: the International Convention, convened in Haifa, Israel, to elect the first Universal House of Justice; and the World Congress held in London, England.
  • For a summary of achievements during the Crusade see BW13:459–60.
  • For countries, islands and dependencies opened to the Faith during the Crusade see BW13:461–2. (259)
    • During the Ten Year Crusade the Faith had expanded to 93 more countries and major territories. bringing the total to 259. [Patheos website]
  • For number of localities in which Bahá'ís reside in different parts of the world see BW13:462. (from 2,000 to more than 11,000)
  • For languages into which Bahá'í literature has been translated see BW13:462–4.
  • For races represented in the Bahá'í world community see BW13:464.
  • For national spiritual assemblies at the end of the plan see BW13:468–9. (from 12 to 56)
  • See The Bahá'í Faith: 1844-1963: Information Statistical and Comparative, Including the Achievements of the Ten Year International Bahá'í Teaching & Consolidation Plan 1953-1963 compiled by the Hands of the Cause Residing in the Holy Land.
  • See also Addenda to Statistical Information Published by the Hands of the Cause of God Residing in the Holy Land in Ridván 1963. This publication shows the countries and territories opened by the Faith as well as "supplementary accomplishments".
  • Ten Year Crusade; Most Great Jubilee (1963); Conventions, International; Growth; Statistics; - Teaching Plans; - Basic timeline, Expanded; * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; Shoghi Effendi, Works of; - Worldwide; * Bahá'í World Centre; London, England; United Kingdom
    1963 20 Apr
    The number of believers in East and Central Africa numbered well over 40.000 with half of these in the Congo. Similar growth could be seen in countries like British Cameroons, Ethiopia, and Northern Rhodesia. Bahá'ís now resided in well over 30 countries and territories, and consisted largely of tribal peoples that had entered the Faith through the combined efforts of international and native pioneers. The end of the Ten Year Crusade left Africa spiritually and politically transformed. Devoted individuals, operating in daunting conditions, had succeeded in establishing the Faith on the continent while preparing for the next phase in its advancement—continued large-scale expansion would be accompanied by the formation and strengthening of the foundational institutions of the Faith. [A Brief Account of the Progress of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nancy Oloro-Robarts and Selam Ahderom p6-7] Statistics; Shoghi Effendi, Works of; - Africa; Congo, Democratic Republic of; British Cameroon; Ethiopia; Northern Rhodesia
    1963 21 Apr
    Establishment of the Universal House of Justice
  • The Universal House of Justice was elected for the first time. [BW14:427; MoC424]
      Those elected were: Charles Wolcott, ‘Alí’ Nakhjavani, H. Barrah Kavelin, Ian Semple, Luṭfu’lláh Ḥakím, David Hofman, Hugh Chance, Amoz Gibson, and Ḥushmand Fatheazam. [BW14p425]
  • The election was held at 9:30 in the morning at the home of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 7 Haparsim Street, Haifa. [BW14:427; MoC425]
  • Ballots were received from all 56 national spiritual assemblies. [BW14:427]
  • 288 members of 51 national spiritual assemblies were present at the election. [BW14:427]
  • For a list of the electors see MoC406–13.
  • For details of the election see BW14:425–9 and MoC20–1.
  • The election marked the end of the Second Epoch during which time the Faith had spread globally. The Third Epoch began.
  • Universal House of Justice, Election of; Conventions, International; Elections; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Firsts, other; Appointed arm; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; Covenant; * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; Ages and Epochs; Formative Age; Haifa, Israel; * Bahá'í World Centre; Charles Wolcott; Amoz Gibson; Hushmand Fatheazam; Hugh Chance; Borah Kavelin; Ian Semple; Lutfullah Hakim; David Hofman; `Alí Nakhjavání first Universal House of Justice elected.
    1963 21 – 23 Apr
    The First International Convention was convened in Haifa. [MoC424]
  • For programme see MoC424–5.
  • For details of the Convention and pictures see BW14:425–30.
  • Conventions, International; First conventions; Haifa, Israel; * Bahá'í World Centre first International Convention
    1963 22 Apr
    The results of the election of the Universal House of Justice were announced at the close of the morning session of the International Convention: Charles Wolcott, 'Alí Nakhjavání, H. Borrah Kavelin, Ian Semple, Lutfu'lláh Hakím, David Hofman, Hugh Chance, Amoz Gibson and Hushmand Fatheazam. [BBD231–3; BBRSM131; BW14:425 MoC425; SS50; VVXI-XII]
  • For a picture of the Hands of the Cause of God with the Universal House of Justice see ZK123.
  • Charles Wolcott; `Alí Nakhjavání; H. Borrah Kavelin; Ian Semple; Lutfullah Hakim; David Hofman; Hugh Chance; Amoz Gibson; Hushmand Fatheazam; Universal House of Justice, Election of; Elections; Conventions, International; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Firsts, other; Haifa, Israel; * Bahá'í World Centre Mr Amos Gibson was the first black member of the Universal House of Justice
    1963 23 Apr
    The State funeral of Izhak Ben Zvi, second President of Israel was attended by two Hands of the Cause and two members of the Universal House of Justice. [BW14:92–3]
  • This was the first official act of the Universal House of Justice. [BW14:92–3]
  • Izhak Ben Zvi; Israel first official act of UHJ
    1963 28 Apr - 2 May
    The first Bahá'í World Congress, the 'Most Great Jubilee', was held in London to celebrate the centenary of the declaration of Bahá'u'lláh. The beloved Guardian had wanted this long-planned gathering to take place in Baghdad, but the situation did not allow the gathering to take place there. In 1961, the Hands of the Cause of God residing at the Holy Land decided to hold the Congress in London, which would also enable the participants to visit the resting place of the Guardian. [BW14:57]
  • For a detailed account and many pictures see BW14:57–80.
  • For the programme of speakers see BW14:60–1.
  • Some 6,000 Bahá'ís attend.
  • The closing talk at the Bahá'í world congress by Hand of the cause Abu'l-Qasim Faizi.
  • Conferences, Bahá'í; Most Great Jubilee (1963); Bahá'í World Congress, First (1963); Centenaries; Bahá'u'lláh, Declaration of; - First conferences; - Basic timeline, Expanded; London, England; United Kingdom first Bahá’í World Congress
    1963 30 Apr
    The members of the Universal House of Justice were presented to the World Congress and the first statement of the House of Justice was read by David Hofman. [BW14:68]
  • For the text of the statement see BW14:431–2 and WG1–3.
  • David Hofman; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Bahá'í World Congress, First (1963); London, England; United Kingdom first statement of UHJ
    1963 7 May
    The Universal House of Justice issued its first message to national conventions. [WG4–8]
  • It announced that the body had no officers and that its communications will be signed 'Universal House of Justice' over an embossed seal. [WG6]
  • It paid tribute to the Hands of the Cause. [WG5]
    • See the message from the Universal House of Justice dated 26 November, 2007 for a list of accomplishments of the Hands of the Cause during the period between the passing of the Guardian and the election of the Universal House of Justice.
  • * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice; * Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; * Bahá'í World Centre first message to national conventions by UHJ
    1963 9 May
    The Hands of the Cause of God passed a resolution regarding the principles that will apply between the body of the Hands and the Hands Residing in the Holy Land and the activities of the Hands in the Holy Land. [MoC426]
  • Five Hands of the Cause were assigned to the Holy Land.
  • * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Haifa, Israel
    1963 19 May
    The Hands of the Cause cabled the annual conventions with the names of the five Hands chosen to reside in the Holy Land: Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, Leroy Ioas, 'Alí-Akbar Furútan, Paul Haney and Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. [MoC427] * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum; Leroy Ioas; `Alí-Akbar Furútan; Paul Haney; Abu'l-Qasim Faizi; Haifa, Israel
    1963 5 Jun onwards
    Throughout Iran, advantage is taken of the general anti-government disorder to launch attacks on Bahá'ís in several localities under the cover of these disturbances. [BW18p391]
  • The Bahá'í cemetery in Tihrán was attacked, its buildings burnt and graves desecrated. [BW18:391]
  • Bahá'í houses were attacked and burned at Árán and the local Bahá'í centre was attacked. [BW18:391]
  • The Bahá'í centre at Isfahán was attacked. [BW18:391]
  • Several Bahá'í homes and businesses were attacked in Shíráz. BW18:391]
  • An attack on the House of the Báb in Shíráz was attempted. BW18:391]
  • Bahá'ís were dismissed from government employment. [BW18:391]
  • Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Destruction; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Iran
    1963 7 Jun
    The Custodians published a Declaration 'releasing all their functions, rights and powers conferred upon them by the Declaration of the Hands, November 25, 1957, to the Universal House of Justice'. [MoC433]
  • This was in accordance with the terms of the original document which provided for the Hands to exercise these functions until the election of the Universal House of Justice. [MoC431]
  • Custodians; Haifa, Israel; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1963 16 Jun
    The Universal House of Justice announced that it will for the present time, use the Western Pilgrim House at 10 Haparsim Street, Haifa, as its seat and that both the Eastern and Western pilgrims will be housed in the Haifa Pilgrim House. [WG9] Pilgrim Houses; Pilgrim House, Western; Pilgrim House, Eastern; Universal House of Justice, Seat of; Pilgrimage; Haifa, Israel
    1963 31 Jul
    The passing of Dr Genevieve Coy (b.1886) in Harare, Zimbabwe. [Bahá'í Chronicles, Baha'i Heroes & Heroines, grave]
  • See as well In His Presence: Visits to 'Abdu'l-Bahá by Roy Wilhelm, Stanwood Cobb, and Genevieve L. Coy published by Kalimat Press in 1989.
  • Genevieve Coy; In Memoriam; Harare, Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe
    1963 25 Aug
    The Universal House of Justice announceed the demolition of the House of Worship in 'Ishqábád (now Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) by the Soviet authorities owing to earthquake damage. [BBD122; BW14:479–81]
  • For a picture of the damaged Temple see BW14:481.
  • Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Ishqabad; Earthquakes; * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Ashgabat; Turkmenistan; Soviet Union; Russia
    1963 Oct
    After the International Conference in London, those members of the newly elected Universal House of Justice who were not already resident in Haifa returned to their homes to make plans to relocate. This was finally completed by October.
  • The Universal House of Justice announced the launch, at Ridván 1964, of the Nine Year Plan. [WG14]
  • As a preliminary step 19 new national spiritual assemblies were to be formed at Ridván 1964. [WG15–17]
  • The next election of the Universal House of Justice will be in spring 1968. [WG17]
  • The Faith had now entered the third epoch of the Formative Age. [WG17]
  • Nine Year Plan (1964-1973); Formative Age; Ages and Epochs; Universal House of Justice; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1963 6 Oct
    The Universal House of Justice cabled that it found that 'there is no way to appoint or to legislate to make it possible to appoint a second Guardian to succeed Shoghi Effendi'. [WG11; 6 October 1963]
  • See an interview with Mr Ian Semple in which he provides background to the decision and the process by which it was made.
  • Subsequent messages on this subject were dated: 9 March 1965, 27 May 1966, 7 December 1969, 25 October 1984, and 6 January 1998. iiiii
  • Also see: Wellspring of Guidance, p44–56, 81–91, Messages of the Universal House of Justice: 1968–1973, p37–44, Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l‑Bahá p20
  • Guardianship; * Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel
    1963 1 Nov
    The first person on Saipan to become a Bahá'í, Patience Robinson, enrolled. First Bahá'ís by country or area; Saipan, Mariana Islands; Mariana Islands first Bahá’í, on Saipan
    1963 23 Nov
    At the request of the Universal House of Justice, Bahá'ís around the world prayed at the Feast of Qawl for favourable action to be taken in the case of the Bahá'ís under threat of death and imprisoned in Morocco. [BW14:98]
  • Shortly after the Feast the Moroccan Supreme Court heard the appeals, reversed the decision of the trial court and ordered the release of the prisoners. [BW14:98]
  • Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Court cases; Human rights; Custodians; Universal House of Justice; Morocco
    1963 13 Dec
    The Bahá'í prisoners in Morocco were released on order of the Supreme Court. [BW14:98; MoC19]
  • For a picture of the release of the Moroccan Bahá'í prisoners see BW14:97.
  • Persecution, Morocco; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Court cases; Human rights; Morocco
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