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Tag "Iran, General history"

tag name: Iran, General history type: General
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referring tags: Anglo-Persian agreement; Constitutional Movement (Iran); Constitutional Revolution (Iran, 1905-1911); Iranian revolution (1979)

"Iran, General history" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (23 results; expand)

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  1. Account of the Main Events in Persia during October 1912 to October 1913, An, by G. D. Turner (1913-10). — Overview of developments in Iran in 1913, with passing references to Abdu'l-Baha and E.G. Browne.
  2. Baha'is and the Constitutional Revolution, The: The Case of Sari, Mazandaran, 1906-1913, by Moojan Momen (2008-06). — Accounts of the Constitutional Revolution in Iran have tended to ignore the role of the Baha’is. T...
  3. British influence in Persia in the 19th century, by Abbas Amanat (2003). — Includes various mentions of the Babi context. Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  4. Browne, Edward Granville: Persian Constitutional movement, by Kamran Ekbal (1990). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  5. Crossroads of Civilization: 3000 Years of Persian History, by Clive Irving (1979). — Passing mentions of Babi history and the word "Babi" being used as a label to tarnish political diss...
  6. Crowning Anguish: Memoirs of a Persian Princess from the Harem to Modernity 1884-1914, by Taj al-Saltana Abbas Amanat, ed, Anna Vanzan, trans. (1993). — Passing references to the Babis in Amanat's introduction to, and in the autobiography of, Nasir al-D...
  7. En Perse: La Constitution, by A.L.M. Nicolas (1906-11). — Three documents related to the first Iranian Constitution, with passing mentions of Babis.
  8. Exposition of the Tablet of the World (Lawh-i-Dunyá), An, by James B. Thomas (2003). — To fully appreciate the historical significance of the Tablet of the World, this essay first portray...
  9. Footprints in the Sands of Time, by Shahla Gillbanks (2019). — Memoir of time as a Baha'i in Iran and pioneer to other countries around the world, and a historical...
  10. Hints for Residents and Travellers in Persia, by A. R. Neligan (1914). — 2-sentence mention of Babis/Baha'is.
  11. History of Persia from the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Year 1858, A, by Robert Grant Watson (1866). — A review of the events that led to the establishment of the Qajar dynasty, with discussion of the Ba...
  12. Introduction to the History and Culture of Iran, An, by John Walbridge (2002). — The Iranian context of the Babi and Baha'i religions; the geography, history, and culture of Iran.
  13. Iran between Two Revolutions, by Ervand Abrahamian (1982). — Multiple references to the Baha'i Faith, in an academic book of history.
  14. Left in Contemporary Iran, The, by Sepehr Zabih (1986). — Discussion of "urban guerilla warfare" pre-1979 with one passing mention of an unnamed Baha'i busine...
  15. Paranoid Style in Iranian Politics, The, by Ervand Abrahamian (1993). — A seminal essay which mentions contemporary Iranian attitudes toward the Baha'is. Includes three oth...
  16. Persia, by Richard N. Frye (1968). — Excerpt from a book on the history of Iran. Includes mention of Baha'i schools in the early twentiet...
  17. Persia and the Persian Question, volume I, by George N. Curzon (1892). — In Moojan Momen's "The Babi and Baha'i Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts" (198...
  18. Persian Revolution of 1905-1909, The, by E. G. Browne (1910). — Includes discussion of Baha'is and Babis in "Attitude of Bahá’ís towards Persian Politics" (pp...
  19. Persian Revolution of 1905-1909, The, by E. G. Browne: Reviews, by Various (1996/1997). — Three reviews, published in CIRA Bulletin, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, and Jour...
  20. Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian Monarchy 1831-1896, by Abbas Amanat: Review, by Sholeh A. Quinn (1998).
  21. Religious Background of the 1979 Revolution in Iran, by Moojan Momen (1995).
  22. Representing the Unpresentable: Historical Images of National Reform, by Negar Mottaheddeh: Review, by Jack Kalpakian (2008). — Book review that touches on the Islamic Republic's treatment of judgment day and how it relates to B...
  23. Social Basis of the Bábí Upheavals in Iran (1848-1953): A Preliminary Analysis, by Moojan Momen (1983). — In the mid-19th century, Iran was shaken by unrest caused by the Babi movement, which set off a chai...

2.   from the Chronology (41 results; expand)

  1. 1797-06-17 — Áqa Muhammad Khan, leader of the Qajars, (b. 5 September, 1772, d. 23 October, 1834) proclaimed him...
  2. 1797-08-00 — Crown Prince Fath-`Ali Mirza assumed leadership of Persia. (1797 (or 1798) to 1834)
  3. 1798-03-21 — Fath-`Ali Khan was crowned second Qajar Shah during Naw-Rúz festival.
  4. 1799-03-21 — Fath-`Ali Shah's son, `Abbas Mirza (aged 9), was designated Crown Prince of Persia.
  5. 1804-00-00 — Russo-Persian War resulted in a Russian victory. The Battle of Aslan Duz on 31 October 1812 was the ...
  6. 1828-02-10 — Defeat of the Persians at the hands of the Russians. The Russo-Persian War of 1826–28 was the ...
  7. 1834-09-09 — The end of the reign of Fath-`Ali Shah and the accession of his grandson, Muhammad Shah. [B7; BBD83,...
  8. 1839-00-01 — Defeat of Persia at the hands of the British. [BBRSM55]
  9. 1845-06-28 — Prince Dolgorukov was appointed Russian ambassador to Tihran. He was previously first secretary of t...
  10. 1848-09-04 — The death of the chronically ill Muhammad Shah whom Shoghi Effendi described as bigoted, sickly and ...
  11. 1848-09-12 — The accession of Nasiri'd-Din Shah at Tabriz. [BBR482] He was 17 years old. [BBR158; GPB37] ...
  12. 1848-10-19 — Entry of Nasiri'd-Din Shah into Tihran. [BBR482] MH240 says it took him 45 days to travel to Tih...
  13. 1852-08-15 — Attempt on the life of the Shah in Afcha, near Tehran. [BBR128; BBRSM:30; BKG74–5; DB599; ESW20; G...
  14. 1856-00-04 — The Anglo-Persian War. [BBR165, 263]
  15. 1862-08-22 — Concessions by the Persian government in the Qajar period (1789-1925) included grants of political a...
  16. 1869-00-00 — A great famine occurred in Iran in which about 10 per cent of the population died and a further 10 p...
  17. 1872-07-25 — The Baron de Reuter concession in 1872 was a significant agreement between the government of Persia ...
  18. 1875-00-04 — At the request of Baha'u'llah,`Abdu'l-Baha wrote The Mysterious Forces of Civilization, a treatise o...
  19. 1889-08-19 — Baron Julius de Reuter, a British-German financier with a history of financial agreements in Persia,...
  20. 1890-03-00 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah entered into contract of 50 years duration with British interests that would provi...
  21. 1896-04-19 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah was assassinated on the eve of the celebration of his jubilee. He had ascended to ...
  22. 1896-05-01 — Muzaffari'd-Din became the shah of Persia. He was the son of Nasiri'd-Din Shah. He had been sent as ...
  23. 1906-08-05 — After an almost bloodless revolution Muzaffari'd-Din Shah was forced to sign a royal decree called ...
  24. 1907-01-08 — The death of Muzaffari'd-Din Shah just a few days after he had signed the constitution. [BBR354, 482...
  25. 1907-01-19 — The accession of Muhammad-`Ali Shah to the throne of Iran. He reigned until 1909. He attempted to re...
  26. 1907-08-31 — Anglo-Russian Convention relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet, was signed in Saint Petersburg,...
  27. 1908-06-23 — Muhammad-`Ali Shah undertook a successful coup d'état in Iran and abolished the Constitution. [BBR3...
  28. 1909-07-18 — The accession of Ahmad Shah Qajar, the boy-king, to the throne of Iran. He was twelve years old and ...
  29. 1909-12-24 — The constitutional revolution effectively ended when the Shah's minister oversaw the expulsion of th...
  30. 1911-05-11 — W. Morgan Shuster was an American chosen by the Persian Chargé d'Affaires at Washington, Mirza Ali...
  31. 1917-00-00 — Foreign troops occupied nearly all of neutral Iran. [AB416; BBRSM:87]
  32. 1919-08-19 — The Anglo-Persian agreement was signed whereby Persia would get advisors for every department and g...
  33. 1921-02-02 — Ahmad Shah, who succeeded to the throne at age 11, (reigned 1909–25) was deposed in a coup d'état...
  34. 1925-10-31 — Ahmad Shah was deposed and the Qajar dynasty (1785-1925) was formerly terminated by declaration of ...
  35. 1925-12-13 — Rida (or Reza) Shah acceded to the throne of Iran. The Pahlavi dynasty commenced. [BBR482] During...
  36. 1941-09-16 — In Iran, Rida Shah abdicated and Muhammad-Rida Shah ascended to the throne. His rule was to last unt...
  37. 1963-00-01 — 15 years after the establishment of Israel and during the course of the unrest that swept through Ir...
  38. 1979-01-17 — Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi‎, known as Mohammad Reza Shah, entitled Shāhanshāh ("Emperor" or "King of...
  39. 1979-02-01 — Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran from exile in France. On the 11th of February, the revolutionar...
  40. 1979-04-01 — The declaration of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran after a referendum with a 98.2% ...
  41. 2025-02-26 — The U.S. House of Representatives, with bipartisan support from over 150 lawmakers, including commit...
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