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TAGS: * Translation; - Persian language; Dictionaries
Links to Google Books and for online versions of English-Persian dictionaries.
This is a sample of online English-Persian dictionaries. Search Google Books or Internet Archive for more, and for multiple editions of some of the books below. All Google links below used to give the entire book as a free download, but many are now only available as "preview".

Haim (below) was the Persian dictionary used in my university course, and Steingass is also a classic. [-J.W.]

See also English-Arabic dictionaries.




Behramji, Sohrabshah (Sorabshaw Byramji)
English and Persian Dictionary
Irish Presbyterian Mission Press, 1882
Hayyim, Sulayman (S. Haim)
English-Persian Dictionary
Tehran: Farhang Moaser, 1987
Hayyim, Sulayman (S. Haim)
Persian-English Dictionary
Tehran: Farhang Moaser, 1989

This book is also online as a searchable database at
Ibrahim, Muhammad (Meerza Mohammad Ibraheem)
A Grammar of the Persian Language
London: W. H. Allan & Co., 1841
Johnson, Francis
Dictionary: Persian, Arabic, and English
London: W.H. Allen & Co., 1852
Lambton, Ann K. S.
Persian Grammar
Cambridge University Press, 1953
Lambton, Ann K. S.
Persian Vocabulary
Cambridge University Press, 1953
Nourai, Ali
An Etymological Dictionary of Persian, English,
and other Indo-European Languages

n.p., n.d. (book is contemporary)
Palmer, Edward Henry
A concise dictionary, English-Persian: together with
a simplified grammar of the Persian language

London: Trubner & Co., 1883
Phillott, Douglas Craven
Colloquial English-Persian dictionary in the Roman character,
containing all English words in common use with their
meanings in modern Persian, with numerous examples

Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1914
Richardson, John
A Vocabulary: Persian, Arabic, and English
London: F. and C. Rivington, 1810
Schalfrouch, H. Zahedi (Husayn Záhidí Shálfurúsh)
English-Persian Dictionary
1928. Reprinted Asian Educational Services, 2001
Sen, Ramdhun
A dictionary in Persian and English, with pronunciation
Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1841
Steingass, Francis Joseph
A comprehensive Persian-English dictionary: including the
Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature

London: Routledge K. Paul, 1892. Reprint
Asian Educational Services, 1992

This book is also online as a searchable database at
Tucker, William Thornhill
A pocket dictionary of English and Persian
London: James Hayden, 1850
Turner, Colin
A Thematic Dictionary of Modern Persian
Routledge, 2003
Wollaston, Arthur Naylor
An English-Persian dictionary
London: W. H. Allan, 1882
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LANG THISEnglish and Persian
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