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  1. Posted 2024-07-25 in Notable talks:   Ali Nakhjavani. Thoughts on the Lesser Peace, Some (1984). Lengthy talk given at the World Centre for the Ihtifál (celebration) programme on general guidelines on peace and world unity, and statements from the Writings that appear to be contradictory.
  2. Posted 2024-07-25 in Glossaries & Dictionaries:   Hamed Eshraghian, comp. مجموعۀ لغات منتخبه از آثار امری بزبانهای فارسی، عربی و انگلیسی (Majmú'iy-i-Lughát-i-Muntakhabih az Áthár-i-Amrí bih Zabán-háy-i-Fársí, 'Arabí, va Inglísí): A Collection of Selected Words from the Bahá'í Writings in Persian, Arabic, and English (1989). Glossary with more than 2,200 words in the original languages of the Writings and their corresponding translations into English per authorized precedent.
  3. Posted 2024-07-24 in BIC documents:   Bahá'í International Community. Common Goal of Universal Peace in Buddhism and the Baha'i Faith, The: A Paper delivered to the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (1990). Statement on the launching of "The Promise of World Peace" initiative, shared principles of Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith, and some of the barriers to world peace and the role that religions must play.
  4. Posted 2024-07-24 in Essays and short articles:   Ted Cardell. Highly Significant Celebrations at the World Center (1992). Report of activities at the World Centre in May 1992: commemoration of the ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, placing of a scroll to honour the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh, and a procession of pilgrims up Mount Carmel.
  5. Posted 2024-07-24 in Pilgrims' notes:   Ted Cardell. Pilgrim Notes (1952). Notes from a visit with the Guardian, likely written in 1990 from journal entries taken while on pilgrimage in 1952 from a pioneering post in Kenya.
  6. Posted 2024-07-24 in Essays and short articles:   Ted Cardell. Report of the International Teaching Team to the Far East (1987). Summary of activities of 36 Bahá'ís who left the United States in November 1987 to visit Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.
  7. Posted 2024-07-22 in Unpublished articles:   Wm. Keith Bookwalter. Consciousness (1996). Thoughts on a Bahá'í approach to human consciousness which the author terms "A Physical / Psychospiritual Theory of Consciousness"; Bahá'u'lláh's teachings on consciousness and the body / brain / mind / soul connection; the "ghost in the human machine."
  8. Posted 2024-07-15 in Library Miscellany:   Jonah Winters. Proposed Changes for Version 6 (2024). Some structural or systemic improvements necessary for future Bahá'í Library expansion 2025-.
  9. Posted 2024-07-11 in Letters from the Guardian:   Shoghi Effendi. Letter to Dr J. W. Freudenberg, Auckland, New Zealand (1946). Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi about philosophy, body, mind, soul, evolution, and about not taking many of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's statements as dogmatic finalities.
  10. Posted 2024-06-30 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Filip Holm. Baha'i Faith (Part Two), The: Baha'u'llah and His Teachings (2020). Part two of an academically-minded yet accessible video essay on the Babi and Baha'i Faiths as a work of public scholarship by a religious studies scholar who is part of the popular 'Religious Studies YouTube' community.
  11. Posted 2024-06-29 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Filip Holm. Baha'i Faith (Part One), The: Origins and the Bab (2020). Part one of an academically-minded yet accessible video essay on the Babi and Baha'i Faiths as a work of public scholarship by a religious studies scholar who is part of the popular 'Religious Studies YouTube' community.
  12. Posted 2024-06-28 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Rainn Wilson and Tom Power. Rainn Wilson on His Baha'i Faith and Why His Success is Connected to His Spirituality (2023).
  13. Posted 2024-06-27 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Mishkin Berteig. Work is Worship: Business is a Spiritual Game (2022). Fireside interview with the CEO and chief scientist at the Berteig Institute, an education company that helps improve business and beautify work environments, on the spiritual aspects of work, business, profit, and cooperative capitalism.
  14. Posted 2024-06-27 in Historical documents:   Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman. Maryam Rouhani Seysan, trans. صبح بيداری تاریخ دیانت بابی و بهائي در نی‌ریز (Subh-i Bídárí: Táríkh-i Díyánat-i Bábí va Baháʼí dar Nayríz): Awakening: A History of the Bábi and Baháʼí Faiths in Nayriz (2014). An historical account of the brutal persecutions of 1850, 1853, and 1909 in the town of Nayriz, Iran, against its Bábi and Baháʼí residents. Features accounts from survivors. Translation into Farsi of the original English work.
  15. Posted 2024-06-27 in Biographies:   Hussein Ahdieh. طاهره پیشتار آزادی زنان شرق (Táhirih Písh-tár Ázádí-yi Zanán-i Sharq): Tahirih: Forerunner of Women's Liberation in the East (2019). A biographical work on the life of Tahirih detailing significant moments including her early years, marriage, the murder of her uncle, the events at Badasht, and final years leading to her martyrdom. Features appendices including excerpts of her writings.
  16. Posted 2024-06-27 in Biographies:   Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman. غریب از تیریز تا نیویورک (Gharib az Nayriz ta New York): Foreigner: From Nayriz to New York (2020). A memoir detailing the author's life journey from a rural village in Iran to the director of a University in New York, offering intimate firsthand glimpses of the history of the Faith in Iran and the immigrant experience in America.
  17. Posted 2024-06-26 in Unpublished articles:   Pierre Daoust. Le Verbe de Dieu, au coeur de l'existence (2024). Le présent essai examine les pouvoirs et l'influence du Verbe de Dieu (ou Parole divine) au sein de la création. Le Verbe est à la fois créateur, transformateur et régénérateur et la difficulté est de comprendre et analyser comment il agit.
  18. Posted 2024-06-24 in Books:   Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman. Maryam Rouhani Seysan, trans. حضرت عبد البهاء در نیویورک (Hadrat 'Abdu'l-Bahá dar New York): 'Abdu'l-Bahá in New York (2014). Translation in 'Abdu'l-Bahá in New York, a history of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to the city, concepts and principles he spoke about, the social context of New York at the time, and personal stories of the lives of early American Bahá'ís.
  19. Posted 2024-06-23 in Personal compilations:   Wm. Keith Bookwalter, comp. Potentialities and their Manifestation: A Selection of Passages from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb and from the Writings and Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2024). The primary principle of the Anisa Model of Education is "the actualization of potentiality" or "the translation of potentiality into actuality." This compilation is to help train teachers of Bahá'í-based schools.
  20. Posted 2024-06-22 in Published articles:   Alain Locke. Impressions of Haifa (1926). Locke reflects on his visit to the Bahá'í shrines in November 1923.
  21. Posted 2024-06-14 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   QED Communications. Bahai: A Documentary on Lotus Temple (2012).
  22. Posted 2024-06-14 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Religion World Talks. Lotus Temple, New Delhi: The Gates of God (2022). Transcript prepared by Doug Couper from video online at
  23. Posted 2024-06-11 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Alan's Theory. Baha'i: The Religion of the Future (2021). Very short introduction to the Bahá'í Faith from a presenter who interviewed a Bahá'í couple.
  24. Posted 2024-06-11 in Personal compilations:   Universal House of Justice. Badi Shams, comp. Directrices para la Economía de la Vida: Mensajes de la Casa Universal de Justicia relacionados con la Economía. Recopilación de mensajes de la Casa Universal de Justicia, recopilados por un autor de libros y títulos en economía.
  25. Posted 2024-06-10 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Mason Stahl. Who are the Bahá'ís?: The Forgotten 4th Abrahamic Faith (2019). An introductory educational video on the history and community of Bahá'ís, the 4th (or 5th) Abrahamic religion with several million followers worldwide and communities in nearly every nation.
  26. Posted 2024-06-09 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Drew Binsky. What Is Baha'i?: World's Newest Major Religion (2020).
  27. Posted 2024-06-07 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   I Am Your Target Demographic. What is the Baha'i Faith?: History, overview, and more! (2022).
  28. Posted 2024-06-06 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Religion For Breakfast. Pilgrimage or Tourism at the Baha'i Gardens? (2018).
  29. Posted 2024-06-05 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Cameron Sabet. Harmony of Science and Religion, The: A Baha'i Perspective (2018). TED talk by a Maryland high school student on the Baha'i concept of unity, knowledge, cultural historical perspectives, modern secular society, and the education of children.
  30. Posted 2024-06-05 in Pilgrims' notes:   Mary Hanford Ford. Interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, An (1933).
  31. Posted 2024-06-04 in Historical documents:   Muhammad Husayn Nayrizi. وقایع حیرت‌انگیز قصبه نی‌ریزمشکبیز (Vaqáyi`-yi Hayratangíz-i Qasbih-yi Nayríz-i Mishkbíz): "The Astonishing Events in the Town of Nayriz the Perfumed". Account written by the grandfather of Hossein Ahdieh, who describes this book as an authentic and detailed history of the three upheavals of Nayriz (1850, 1853 and 1909), covering the story of Vahid and the 1853 massacre up to 1926.
  32. Posted 2024-06-03 in Published articles:   Shofiyullah Muzammil. Baha'i Religion, The: Maqasid Syariah of Social Religious Frictions in Indonesia (2023). Analyzing socio-religious tensions involving Bahá'ís in Indonesia, advocating for government accommodation and societal dialogue to promote coexistence and multicultural values.
  33. Posted 2024-06-03 in Books:   Brian Kurzius. Hidden Gifts: Finding Blessings in the Struggles of Life (2007). Compilation of Bahá'í texts on the purpose of problems and tests in our lives.
  34. Posted 2024-06-03 in Books:   al-Sharif al-Radi. Tahera Qutbuddin, trans. Nahj al-Balághah: The Wisdom and Eloquence of 'Alí (2024). Critical edition and translation Imam Ali's orations and reflections, showcasing his wisdom on piety, virtue, and governance. No mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  35. Posted 2024-06-03 in Theses:   Elizabeth Kostina. Sacred spaces and secular visions in the Bahá'í Holy Gardens (2024). Exploring the interplay between religious practice and heritage tourism at the Bahá’í Holy Gardens in Haifa, revealing a trend towards shared 'spirituality' among pilgrims and tourists.
  36. Posted 2024-06-02 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Bahá'í Inspiration. Báb's Business Etiquette, The. Anecdote about how the Bab changed unseemly business practices while he was a merchant in Bushihr, as quoted by Mirza Habibu'llah Afnan.
  37. Posted 2024-06-02 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Anthony Hill. Baha'i: A Look into the World's Newest Religion, and Why Followers Find it Appealing (2022). TV news report summarizing Baha'i history and practice, and breaking the fast with some Baha'is in Florida.
  38. Posted 2024-06-02 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Baha'i Architect (82) Receives Honorary Degree: Transcript (2024). Graduation ceremony at the University of British Columbia honoring Dr. Hossein Amanat, architect of the Seat of the Universal House of Justice, who shares his insightful perspective.
  39. Posted 2024-06-02 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Jerome Socolovsky. Baha'is Mark Centenary of Visit to America by Religious Leader (2012). Short TV report on the Bahá'í Faith, Abdu'l-Baha's visit, and Persian believers.
  40. Posted 2024-06-02 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Bahá'í World News Service. United Kingdom: Restoration Project Honors enduring impact of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Message of Peace (2024). Story on the restoration of an apartment now open for public visits in Bristol, UK, where Abdu'l-Baha stayed and gave public presentations in 1911 and 1913.
  41. Posted 2024-06-02 in Transcripts of videos and audio:   Madeleine Kapsalis. We Shouldn't Be Afraid to Talk about Religion (2022). Excerpt from a longer talk, describing a Christian's interfaith encounter with Bahá'ís and being invited to teach Sunday school at Wilmette.
  42. Posted 2024-06-01 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith (2010). Regarding subjects such as family life, wealth, materialism, and justice.
  43. Posted 2024-06-01 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith (2009). Regarding the family and its role in the advancement of civilization.
  44. Posted 2024-06-01 in Books:   Abdul-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari, comp. اذکار المقربین (Adhkáru'l-Muqarrabín): "Remembrances of the Near Ones" vol. 2 (Collected Prayers of `Abdu'l-Baha) (1959). This three-volume compilation features a collection of prayers in Arabic (with diacritics) and Persian from Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdul-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi, totaling some 163 prayers across 375 pages. Compiled by Ishraq Khavari in the 1950s.
  45. Posted 2024-05-30 in Books:   Abdul-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari, comp. اذکار المقربین (Adhkáru'l-Muqarrabín): "Remembrances of the Near Ones" vol. 1 (Collected Prayers of Baháʼu'lláh) (1953). This three-volume compilation features a collection of prayers in Arabic (with diacritics) and Persian from Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdul-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi, totaling some 163 prayers across 375 pages. Compiled by Ishraq Khavari in the 1950s.
  46. Posted 2024-05-27 in Pilgrims' notes:   Edward C. Getsinger, comp. 'Abdu'l-Bahá in the Holy Land answers questions of Dr. Edward C. Getsinger in 1915 (1915). The importance of humility, spiritual guidance, unity, and self-sacrifice over rigid adherence to law; the dangers of envy and ambition, true authority in the Faith is characterized by humility and service, not personal ambition.
  47. Posted 2024-05-27 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Animal Spirits (1995). Letter to an individual believer on the question if animals possess a surviving spiritual reality.
  48. Posted 2024-05-15 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Permissibility of Circulating Photographs of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Online (2024). Guidance and quotations regarding the use of images of Abdu'l-Baha in print, newsletters, and social media.
  49. Posted 2024-05-07 in Bahá'í Writings:   Adib Masumian, comp. A Supplement to 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Europe, 1912-1913 (2023). A supplement to ‘Abdu'l-Bahá in Europe, 1912–1913 comprising about 200 of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá's talks and other oral remarks, approved translations of 27 selections from His Tablets about His journey to the West, and a biography of Mírzá Maḥmúd Zarqání.
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