Baha'i Library Online

COLLECTIONSBooks, Personal compilations
TITLEHidden Gifts: Finding Blessings in the Struggles of Life
AUTHOR 1Brian Kurzius
PUB_THISBahá'í Publishing
CITY_THISWilmette, Illinois
ABSTRACTCompilation of Bahá'í texts on the purpose of problems and tests in our lives.
NOTES Available as a free ePub from PDF file will appear here soon.
CROSSREFBahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality (compiled by Paul Lample)
TAGS* Virtues; - Basics; - Character; - E-books; - Metaphors and allegories; Anger; Behaviour; Calamities and catastrophes; Children; Death; Depression; Detachment; Disunity; Education; Ethics; Evil; Faith (general); Fire (metaphor); Gold; Happiness; Health and healing; Heart; Human nature; Humility; Ignorance; Intention; Jealousy; Knowledge; Laws; Life after death; Materialism; Mental health; Mirrors (metaphor); Moderation; Morality; Obedience; Oppression; Passion and desire; Plough (metaphor); Power; Prejudice; Pride; Purity; Purpose of life; Religion (general); Self; Service; Spirituality; Suffering; Teaching; Tests and difficulties; Transformation; Truthfulness; Unity; War (general); Wealth and poverty
About: Have you ever wondered why we have problems and tests in our lives? Where do they come from? What is the most effective way to handle them? We may not see it, but there just might be a multitude of gifts hidden among our problems and tests.

In Hidden Gifts: Finding Blessings in the Struggles of Life, author Brian Kurzius searches the Baha'i scriptures for answers to the meaning of human suffering. What is the value of suffering in our lives? How do we decide on the best course of action? Are there qualities and attributes we can develop to help us face life's challenges more effectively? The answers to these questions and others are found in this spiritually edifying collection of extracts from Baha'i Scripture. (from

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