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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1970, sorted by date, descending

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1970 Dec
One of the goals of the Canadian Bahá'í Community was to prepare its "daughter" community, Iceland, to achieve National Assembly status by Ridván 1972 with incorporation by 1973. To facilitate these goals the National Spiritual Assembly assigned Douglas and Elizabeth Martin to the project with Elizabeth as the principal executive. The opening phase of proclamation was launched at a Victory Conference which resulted in the enrollment of thirty people in January, 1971 thus doubling the numbers in Iceland.
  • In addition six Icelandic believers, three of them youth, were invited to attend the Canadian National Convention in Halifax at Ridván. They were: Gudmundur Bardarson, Anna Maggy Palsdottir, Baldur B. Bragason, Margret Bardardottir, Svana Einarsdottir, and Janina Njalsdottir. [BN485 6 August, 1971 pg 6]
  • The Icelandic community organized a team to undertake a summer teaching project in the Faroes Islands in cooperation with the UK Bahá'ís. [BW15335-336]
  • Three additional local assemblies were formed in Iceland in August 1971 and they were in Keflavik, Hafnarfjordur and Kopavogur. [HNWE26]
  • - Conferences; Anna Maggy Palsdottir; Baldur B. Bragason; Douglas Martin; Elizabeth Martin; Gudmundur Bardarson; Janina Njalsdottir; Margret Bardardottir; Reykjavik, Iceland; Svana Einarsdottir; Victory Conference
    1970 19 Oct
    Mr. Olinga departed Whitehorse for Alaska. [CBN244Nov1970p2] - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; Whitehorse, YT
    1970 18 Oct
    Mr. Olingo gave an address at the Whitehorse Flats Indian Village and another in the Elk's Hall in the evening. [CBN244Nov1970p2] - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; Whitehorse Flats Indian Village, YT
    1970 17 Oct
    The Hand of the Cause of God was greeted at the Whitehorse airport by 60 Bahá'ís. Later that evening there was a meeting in the Masonic Hall. [CBN244Nov1970p2] - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; Whitehorse, YT
    1970 Oct
    Mr. Olinga visited the Gleichen Reserve and attended a meeting in a private home. - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; Gleichen Reserve, AB
    1970 Oct
    Mr. Olinga visited the Blood Reserve near Cardston, AB. Six persons declared their Faith from the Reserve alone. [CBN244Nov1970p2] - Hands of the Cause; Blood Reserve, AB; Enoch Olinga
    1970 11 Oct
    Mr. Olinga attended the Alberta Regional Convention at Red Deer. He spoke of the essential spiritual nature of the Native people and how they will become strong teachers if visited on the reserves regularly to increase their knowledge of the Faith. [CBN244Nov1970p1-2] Conventions, District; Enoch Olinga; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Red Deer, AB
    1970 9-10 Oct
    Mr. Olinga was warmly received by about 200 people, mostly drawn from surrounding Reserves, in Fort Qu'Appelle. The next day he took part in a Feast for the Dead then the passing of the pipe and was presented with a beaded necklace by Dorothy Francis. [CBN244Nov1970p1] - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; Fort Qu'Appelle, SK
    1970 Oct
    After a stopover in Toronto Mr. Olinga visited the community of St. James-Assiniboia. [CBN244Nov1970p1] - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; St. James-Assiniboia, MB; Toronto, ON
    1970 (Early Oct)
    Hand of the Cause of God Enoch Olinga arrived in Halifax. The next day he gave an address at the Cherry Brook High School. [CBN244Nov1970p1] - Hands of the Cause; Enoch Olinga; Halifax, NS
    1970 26 Sept
    The passing of Florence Evaline (Lorol) Schopflocher (b.1886 in Montreal. QC) in the Green Acre area. She was buried at the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Eliot, Maine [Find a grave]
  • Wife of Hand of the Cause of God Siegfried Schopflocher. For his "In Memoriam" see BW7p664.
  • She circled the globe nine times on travel teaching tours and visited some 86 countries, many of them multiple times. She travelled to Iran twice visiting parts not previously visited by Western Bahá'ís.
  • She visited the Guardian 11 times.
  • She had several audiences with King Feisal in Iraq and discussed the question of the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád with him.
  • Favourite themes for her public talks were the World Order letters of Shoghi Effendi and the emancipation and education of women.
  • A radiant star went from the West to the East. [BW15p488-489]
  • See Bahá'í Chronicles.
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Eliot, ME; House of Bahá'u'lláh (Baghdad); Lorol Schopflocher; Montreal, QC; Siegfried Schopflocher
    1970 30 Apr - 3 May
    The National Convention was held in Glendon College at York University in Toronto. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Glen Eyford, Rowland Estall, Don Glen, Tom Anaquod, Michael Rochester, Husayn Banani, Angus Cowan, Douglas Martin, and Ed Muttart. [UC175] Angus Cowan; Don Glen; Douglas Martin; Ed Muttart; Glen Eyford; Husayn Banani; Michael Rochester; National Convention; National Spiritual Assembly, election of; Rowland Estall; Tom Anaquod; Toronto, ON
    1970 Ridván
    The formation of the first Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hull. In announcing the formation, Mr M. E. Muttart, General Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly stated:
      "We feel that it is of particular interest because the majority of the members are French speaking. Following 'Abdu'l-Bahá's exhortation to teach the French-speaking people of Canada our great hope has been to arrive at a more equitable representation from the two main language groups of this country."
    • The members were: Marjorie Merrick, Paul Hanbury, Winnifred Harvey, Lucille Leboeuf, Daniel Caillaud, Danielle Coinon, Paule Médori, Michel Larin and Janet Braithwaite. [CBN Issue 242? July 1970 p 9; [from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich]
    Daniel Caillaud; Danielle Coinon; Hull, QC; Janet Braithwaite; Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Lucille Leboeuf; Marjorie Merrick; Michel Larin; Outaouais Cluster; Paul Hanbury; Paule Medori; Winnifred Harvey first Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hull
    1970 1 Apr
    The Local Spiritual Assembly of Nepean Township achieved incorporation status. Members of the Assembly were: Lily Ann Irwin, Danielle Vafai, Wayne Irwin, Elizabeth Kerr-Wilson, James Atack, Johnny Jolly, Arthur Irwin, John Kerr-Wilson, and Monir Vafai. [CBN Dec 1970 p2] Arthur Irwin; Danielle Vafai; Elizabeth Kerr-Wilson; James Atack; John Kerr-Wilson; Johnny Jolly; Lily Ann Irwin; Local Spiritual Assembly, incorporation; Monir Vafai; Nepean, ON; Wayne Irwin
    1970 12 Jan
    An animated presentation entitled "The Community of Baha'u'llah" made its initial presentation at the Art Centre in Ottawa. They had just come from their trial run in St. Lambert, Quebec and had a plan to visit Oshawa, Hamilton, Guelph, North Bay, Fort William (Thunder Bay), Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Kelowna, Vancouver, Nanaimo and Victoria before doing their final presentation in Toronto just before the National Convention.
    • The hosts for the presentation were: Al Houdek, Gerry Bourassa; Leslie Houdek, Sandra Kostaschuk, Garry Berteig; Larry Brown, and Valerie Berteig with Dick Stanton as the Tour Manager.
    • Travelling exhibit was intended as a vehicle to introduce the Message of Baha'u'llah. They utilized film, sound and slides, as well as traditional art forms. The plan was to have the local communities integrate interested person into the community after the team had made the initial contact. The eight member team made the three month trip in two vehicles, an Econoline van and a station wagon. [CBN No 236 January-February 1970 BE 126 p1]
    • The tour continued into the Maritimes for several more months with some changes in the team to include Gale Bundy, Fred Ward, and Bob Kingdon. The tour ended at Rochdale College in Toronto. [email exchange with Garry Berteig 4 January 2020] iiiii
    Al Houdek; Bob Kingdon; Brandon, MB; Dick Stanton; Edmonton, AB; Fort William, ON; Fred Ward; Gale Bundy; Garry Brown; Gary Berteig; Gerry Bourrassa; Guelph, ON; Hamilton, ON; Kelowna, BC; Leslie Houdek; Lethbridge, AB; Nanaimo, BC; North Bay, ON; Oshawa, ON; Ottawa, ON; Proclamation; Regina, SK; Sandra Kostaschuk; Saskatoon, SK; St. Lambert, QC; Community of Bahá'u'lláh, The (presentation); Thunder Bay, ON; Toronto, ON; Valerie Berteig; Vancouver, BC; Victoria, BC; Winnipeg, MB
    1972 Jan
    Jalál was founded by three members of the Mozart Group, Larry Brown, Rodney Konopaki, and Garry Brown, and then joined by keyboardist Jack Lenz in July of the same year. After having toured across Canada for nine months and the group eventually settled in Toronto. [Facebook posting THE SPARK: 1967 - 1973 9 FEBRUARY 2020] Garry Brown; Jack Lenz; Jalal (musical group); Larry Brown; Mozart Group; Rodney Konopaki; Saskatoon, SK; Toronto, ON
    1970 's?
    Bijan Asdaghi was one of the first Persian Baha'is to immigrate to Canada prior to the Iranian revolution. [Edmonton Bahá'í History] Bijan Asdaghi; Immigration, Iranian
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