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Tag "Rowland Estall"

tag name: Rowland Estall type: People
web link: Rowland_Estall
variations: Rowland Ardouin Estall Q1697     Links to Bahá'í wikis:   Expand

"Rowland Estall" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (1 result)

  1. Rowland Estall: In Memoriam, by Various (1993). — Various materials assembled for a memorial service, from tributes written by Jameson Bond and Michae...

2.   from the Chronology (1 result)

  1. 1948-04-24 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Dominion of Canada was established. [BBRSM:186; BW13:856; MBW...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (32 results; expand)

  1. 1927-00-01 — The formation of a Baha'i Youth Group in Montreal, perhaps the first in the Western World. [OBCC78, ...
  2. 1929-12-25 — Willard and Doris McKay , then living in Geneva, NY, arrived in Montreal, the last stop on their fir...
  3. 1934-04-00 — The first homefront pioneers in Canada were Rowland and Stella Estall (née Delanti) who moved from...
  4. 1938-05-30 — A visiting Baha'i, Emeric Sala, gave a talk at "the Phoenix Club". On that same day Rowland Estal...
  5. 1939-09-00 — Kathy Moscrop, Rowland Estall, Miss Mae McKenna of Vancouver, and Miss Doris Skinner met together in...
  6. 1942-04-20 — The first Spiritual Assembly was formed in Winnipeg, the eighth in Canada. Members were: Beth Brook...
  7. 1947-10-07 — The first Baha'i wedding in Winnipeg took place between Rowland Estall and Yvonne Killins. Ross Wood...
  8. 1947-10-15 — Rowland Estall and his new wife Yvonne pioneered to St Boniface, a goal area for the Winnipeg commun...
  9. 1947-12-14 — Earnest Court, a member of the first Spiritual Assembly of Winnipeg, passed away and was given the f...
  10. 1948-04-24 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Dominion of Canada was established. [BBRSM:186; BW13:856; MBW...
  11. 1950-04-29 — The third National Convention was held in Toronto at 22 College Street with 19 delegates and a total...
  12. 1951-01-21 — The Ottawa community observed World Religion Day by securing a 15-minute slot on CFRA Radio where Ro...
  13. 1951-04-27 — Canada's fourth National Convention was held in the Vancouver Hotel. Those elected were; John Robar...
  14. 1952-03-29 — The funeral for Hand of the Cause Sutherland Maxwell was chaired by John Robarts, the then chairman ...
  15. 1953-04-29 — The sixth National Convention took place in the Unitarian Church of Forest Hill Village and was atte...
  16. 1954-02-00 — A by-election was held to replace National Spiritual Assembly members John Robarts, Rosemary Sala an...
  17. 1954-04-30 — The. seventh Canadian Baha'i National Convention was held at Victoria Hall, Westmount, Montreal. fol...
  18. 1954-06-00 — In June of 1954 it was announced in the American Baha'i News that the following had been appointed t...
  19. 1955-04-29 — The National Convention was held in Toronto with the meetings and the Public Congress held in the Ki...
  20. 1956-04-27 — The 9th National Convention was held in the King Edward Hotel and was attended by over 100 delegates...
  21. 1957-04-26 — The National Convention was held at the new Haziratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street. It was attended by...
  22. 1957-05-00 — About twenty-five different itineraries were arranged for Canadian Baha'i teachers who served on t...
  23. 1957-12-06 — In a letter to the National Spiritual Assemblies the Hands of the Cause in America announced the app...
  24. 1958-04-29 — The National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel, 475 Yonge Street in Toronto. Those elected t...
  25. 1959-04-24 — The National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. Those elected were: Lloyd Gardne...
  26. 1960-04-29 — The 13th National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. It was attended by Hand of t...
  27. 1961-04-28 — The fourteenth National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. Those elected were: A...
  28. 1963-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly announced that there would be no National Convention this year due t...
  29. 1967-04-27 — The site chosen for this year's National Convention was Fort William. The National Assembly felt tha...
  30. 1968-05-31 — The members of the twenty-first National Assembly elected were: Jameson Bond, Ronald Parsons, Dougla...
  31. 1969-05-20 — The National Convention was held in Regina and was delayed by the fact that the members of the Natio...
  32. 1970-04-30 — The National Convention was held in Glendon College at York University in Toronto. Those elected to ...
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