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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1980-00, sorted by date, descending

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1980 (In the year)
The film Jubilee, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice and made by Elizabeth Martin, documented the dedication of the cornerstone for the House of Worship in Samoa.
  • She also made a second version of this film entitled Blessed Is the Spot which focused more directly on the dedication ceremonies.
  • The film The Bahá'ís was an introductory film on the development activities of the Bahá'í communities around the world was edited by Elizabeth Martin. [HNWE45]
  • - Documentaries; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Canada; Elizabeth Martin; Foundation stones and groundbreaking; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Apia, Samoa; Toronto, ON
    1980 (In the year)
    The publication of Stories from the Delight of Hearts - The Memoirs of Hají Mírzá Haydar-Alí as translated by A Q Faizi and published by Kalimat in 1980. * Publications; * Translation; Abu'l-Qasim Faizi; Hájí Mírzá Haydar-`Alí (Angel of Carmel)
    1980 (In the year)
    The persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92]
  • Twenty–four Bahá'ís were executed or otherwise killed. [BW18:229–30]
  • BW18:291–2 shows a slightly different, incorrect list.
  • For pictures of the martyrs see BW18:293–305 and BW19:236–46.
  • For accounts of some of the martyrdoms see BW18:275–81.
  • Twelve Bahá'ís disappeared and were presumed dead. [BW19:235]
  • For a list of resolutions adopted by the United Nations, regional bodies, national and provincial governments, and other actions taken, see BW18:92–6.
  • For a list of the actions taken by the Bahá'í International Community, Bahá'í institutions and others see BW18:339–41, 415–17.
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Bahá'í International Community; Human rights; Iran; United Nations
    1980 (In the year)
    Yee Wah Sing, the first Fiji-born person to become a Bahá'í in Fiji, enrolled. [BN596:14] - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Fiji first indigenous Bahá’í in Fiji
    1980 (In the year)
    The first local spiritual assemblies in Guinea were formed. Guinea; Local Spiritual Assembly first Local Spiritual Assembly in Guinea
    1980 (In the year)
    The opening of the Native American Bahá'í Institute (NABI) on Navajo land in Arizona. The programs at NABi integrate Native American spirituality with that of the Bahá'i faith. It was designated an agency of the National Spiritual Assembly thereby becoming one of the five permanent school and institutes. Over the years it has been focused upon various goals.
  • Since 1998, it has been designated a Regional Training Institute by the National Spiritual Assembly, and has been immersed in advancing the goals of the Training Institute process among Native Americans. []
  • NABI campus is made up of 40 acres of Piñon/Juniper forest surrounded by the Navajo Nation. It's natural beauty has been preserved creating a serene setting in which to reflect and study both individually and collectively. [facebook]
  • Arizona, USA; Bahá'í Institutes; Houck, Arizona; Native American Bahá'í Institute
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