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Date 1853-04-08, sorted by events, descending

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Shortly after Bahá'u'lláh's arrival in Baghdad, the first messenger to reach Him was Shaykh Salmán who returned to his native Hindiyan with Tablets addressed to the friends. This became his habit, once a year he would set out on foot to see Bahá'u'lláh bringing letters and leaving wth Tablets, faithfully delivering each on for whom it was intended. He visited Him in Baghdad, Adrianople and Akka, carrying Tablets to many cities, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kashan, Tehran... During the 40 years that he continued this service and never lost a single letter or Tablet.

He always travelled on foot and ate noting but bread and onions. He earned the title "The Bábí's Angel Gabriel". After the passing of Bahá'u'lláh he continued to provide courier service between Persia and the Holy Land.

  • See An Illiterate Genius: The Early Baha'i Shaykh Salman.
  • See Bahá'í Chronicles.

    He died in Shiraz. [MoF13-16]

  • India; Iran; Shaykh Salman
    1853 or 1854
    Bahá'u'lláh revealed the Lawh-i Kullu't-ta'ám (Tablet of All Food). [BRSM:62; BKG112]
  • The revelation of this Tablet pointed out Mírzá Yahyá's lack of ability. [BKG 112]
  • This Tablet also describes five Worlds of God.
  • It is an esoteric scriptural Tablet expository of Qur'an 3:87 [93] and incorporating issues of Bábi authority and religiosity. It is addressed to the Bábi believer Ḥajjī Mīrzā Kamāl al-Dīn Narāqī (d. Narāq c.1298/1881). An inadequate printed text is found in Ishrāq Khavari (comp.) Mā'ida-yi āsmani IV :265-276 and a slightly better one in Rahiq-i makhtum II :416-426. A superior photocopied ms. is to be found in INBMC 36:268-277. [U of Cal. MERCED]
  • Tablet of All Food translated by Stephen Lamden.
  • * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; * Bahaullah (chronology); Baghdad, Iraq; Iraq; Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám (Tablet of All Food); Mírzá Yaḥyá (Subh-i-Azal)
    1853 8 Apr
    Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád

    Bahá'u'lláh and His family arrived in Baghdád. [BBR177; BKG106; GPB109; TN38]

  • See BBR177–83 for conditions in Baghdád during this period.
  • Shoghi Effendi describes this as being the lowest period of the faith of the Báb. [DB651, GPB113-114]
  • Shortly after the family's arrival in Baghdád Navváb gave birth to a son. [CB71; CH51–2]
  • * Bahá'u'lláh, Basic timeline; * Bahaullah (chronology); - Basic timeline, Expanded; Baghdad, Iraq; Iraq; Navvab (Asiyih Khanum)
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