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Date 1799, sorted by date, descending

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1799 21 Mar
Fath-`Alí Sháh's son, `Abbás Mírzá (aged 9), was designated Crown Prince of Persia. - Shahs; Abbas Mírzá; Fath-`Alí Sháh; History (general); Iran; Iran, General history; Qajar dynasty
1799 in the year
Napoleon, returning from Egypt, captured Jaffa and laid siege to Acre.

At this juncture the French in Egypt were being threatened by the British Fleet under Commodore Sir Sidney Smith, while a Turkish army was assembling in Syria. Napoleon's object was to compel the Ottoman Government to come to terms with France. He defeated the Turks on the Plain of Jezreel, and advanced as far as Nazareth and Safed; but he failed to capture Acre after a two month siege and the loss of most of his best soldiers, gallantly defended by Sidney Smith. By the beginning of June, 1799, Napoleon had withdrawn from Palestine. [Handbook of Palestine edited by H C Luke and E Keith Roach, McMillan, London, 1922 pp22-23]

Akka, Israel; History (general); Israel; Napoleon I; Palestine; War
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