Visual Arts - drawing, installations, painting, printmaking, sculpture, etc.
Ilya Artamonov, painter, teaches at the Kazan school of visual arts, Russia.
Janita Appa, visual artist, multi-media performance U.K.
Jean-Pierre Aubert, painter, artiste visuelle, France.
Anne Bahrinipour, painter, sculptor, Germany.
Myriam Bargetze, sculptor, painter, performances, Lichtenstein.
Florence Béal-Nénakwé, painter, Cameroon / France.
Payam Beint, painter + musician, U.K.
Paula Bidwell, Native American Bahá´í artist - jewelery, paintings, drawings, prints, U.S.A.
Johannes Birringer, dancetheater, new media, video, writer/reviewer on art and dance, U.S.A.
Werner Bitzigeio, sculpture, performances, Germany.
Änni Langenhorst Blackmer, painter, France.
Margaret Bremner, painter, Canada.
Geoff Broadway, interactive installations, art project involving the wider community, U.K.
William Brown, printmaker, painter, Wales / U.K.
Sarah Buist, sculpture, installatons, performance, U.K.
Kathleen Bunin, collages, watercolour, Canada.
Estelle Cabannes, visual artist / bookmaker, France.
Clare Carswell, visual artist, U.K.
Ken Carter, painter, U.K.
Barbara Casterline, painter, illustrator, Japan.
Shaeron Caton-Rose, visual artist, curator, U.K.
Queenie (Makuini) Chadwick, T-shirt designer, Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Chae Myung-Sook, paperwork and painting, South Korea
Chen Yi, painting / watercolour, P.R. China.
Cheri-Cherin, painter, The Congo.
Kuljit "Kooj" Chuhan, visual artist, makes interactive CDroms and video installations, U.K.
Chris Clay, ceramicist, U.S.A.
Line Clément, performance, painting, sculpture, France.
Liz Coats painter, Australia / New Zealand.
Ionel Cojocariu, sculptor, teacher in ceramics, Romania.
Brian Corvin, performance / conceptual art, creative writing, poetry, Ireland.
Hervé Constant, painter, U.K.
Ropata Davis, carver, Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Zacarias Carvalho de Lima, painter, Brazil.
Martin Derbyshire, collages, installations, P.R. China.
Ute Dietmar, calligraphist, Germany.
Coskun Dogruluk, photographer, The Netherlands / Turkey.
Christophe Doucet, sculpture / forest installatons, France. Français
Andrzej Dudek-Durer, musician (sitar and synthesizer), performance artist, Poland.
Maxim Dumitras, sculptor, painter, performance, curator, Romania.
Terry Eichler, visual artist, Australia.
Keith Eldridge, visual artist, calligraphy, Canada.
Andrei Erofeev - Zaharovskij, painter, Siberia, Russia.
Dzintra Eze-Rozentale, painter, illustrator, Latvia.
Bonnie Fields, painter, U.S.A.
George Fleming, painter, Northern Ireland / U.K.
Foo Hong Tatt, painter, U.S.A.
Siron Franco, visual arts, Brazil.
Tahirih Fruchaud, photographs, paintings, drawings, installations, The Netherlands.
Yang Gang, painter, teacher, P.R. China.
Ashraf Geibatov, painter, Russia.
Mary Gregory, glass sculpture / installations / windows, Finland
Leidi Haaijer, visual artist, The Netherlands.
Jusuf Hadifejzović, installations, sculpture, performance, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Rob Hain painter, U.K.
Eddie Hall, collage, drawing, South Africa.
Sara Kay Hatch, painter, U.S.A.
Leenakaisu Hattunen, papermaker, installations, sculpture, Finland.
Eva Hemmerlein, painter, Germany.
Paula Henderson, painter, U.S.A.
Tina Herslund, visual arts, The Netherlands.
Joshua Homnick, filmmaker, visual artist, U.S.A.
Alexis Hunter, painter, U.K. / New Zealand.
Alhan Irwin, digital artist and illustrator, U.S.A. (Iraq)
Fuad Izadinia, visual artist, South Africa.
Theo Jansen, mobile sculputural "Beach Beasts", The Netherlands.
Claire Janssen, visual artist, The Netherlands.
J.J. Jannu, sculptor, Australia.
James Johnston, visual artist / architect, U.S.A.
Barbara Joyce, visual artist, The Dutch Antilles.
Karnik, visual artist, U.K.
Biggy Kapeta, sculptor, runs a sculpture residency, arts centre, Zimbabwe. Français
Louis Keller, poems, drawings, France.
Dietmar Kieven, painter, Germany.
Leo Klein, sculpture, curation, art gallery, The Netherlands / Belgium
Suzanne Klotz, painting, ceramics, sculpture, U.S.A.
Mikhail Kobyakov, illustrator, Belarussia.
Inge Kölle, visual artist, Germany.
Chiel Kuijl, sculpture, installation, The Netherlands.
Philip Kwesiga, paintings, ceramics, Uganda.
George Kyeyune, paintings, ceramics, Uganda.
Chuck Larson, stained glass sculpture, hangings, Alaska /Israel.
Lloyd Lawrence, performances, installations, sculpture, collages, drawing, U.S.A.
Juan Leyva, painter, Spain.
Liang Xiaoshan, printmaking (mostly etching), P.R. China
Ariane (Opitz) Link, sculptor, Germany.
Elaine Merrill Losey, singing, stain glass, South Korea / U.S.A.
Godfrey Machijli, sculptor, Zimbabwe.
Alexander Malgazhdarov, photographer, Kazakhstan.
Fritz Mann, painter, printmaker, U.S.A.
Dale Malner, installations / sculpture, U.S.A.
Audrey Marcus, drawing, painting, U.S.A.
Sabrina McCormick, processed photo images - visual artist, U.S.A.
Mary Lin McMahon, visual artist, Australia.
Uda Miller painting, U.S.A.
Frederick Mohler / Zoharo DeTafalla, installations, sculpture, carving, U.S.A.
Philip Moore, sculptor, painter, Guyana.
Ryozo Morishita, visual artist, Japan.
The Musa Carvers, carvers, Cameroon.
Margaret Nagawa, sculptor, painter, curator, arts organiser U.K. / Uganda.
Marco Naseman, photographic installations, The Netherlands.
Barbara Nessim, designer, illustrator, painter, teacher, U.S.A.
Edin Numankadić, painting, sculpture, installations, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Anna Oniszk, drawings, illustrations, Poland.
Elena Ostrer, painter, stage design, illustrator, Russia.
Nawruz Paguidopon, illustration, animation, webdesign, The Philippines.
Park Byoung-Uk, performance, sculpture, curation, South Korea.
Ruth Park, ceramicist, Australia.
Richard Paton, visual artist / curator, U.K.
Joanna Margaret Paul, poet, painter, New Zealand.
Bev Peden, visual artist (painter), Canada (Uganda).
Juanita Pichardo de Peralta, painter, Dominican Republic.
Marion Prentice, painting, printmaking, installations, U.K.
Oleg Podbereznyi, sculpture, painting, graphics and decorative arts, Russia.
Carwyn Ponga, painting, Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Jessy Rahman, visual artist, arts co-ordinator, curator, The Netherlands.
Miroslaw Rajkowski, performance artist, overtone singing, Poland.
Diana Ramaekers, abstracted photographic projections - visual artist, The Netherlands.
Corinne Randall, painter, printmaker, U.K.
Peter Randall-Page, sculptor, U.K.
Paul Rayner, painter, curator, New Zealand.
Conrad Reina, visual arts, design, illumination, Ireland.
Cary Enoch Reinstein,
graphic designer, website designer, visual artist, U.S.A.
Geraldine Robarts, paintings, drawings, illustrations, Kenya.
Reece Rongonui, sculptor, Aotearoa / New Zealand.
David Ruhe, watercolours, drawings, U.S.A.
Caroline Ruizeveld, sculptor, The Netherlands.
Asaph Rwiza, painter, Uganda.
Pooria Sabetazm, painter, U.S.A.
Adel Salmanzadeh painter, New Zealand
Alex Samyi, visual artist, Austria.
Birgitte Schaper, painting, Germany.
Shin Young-Gu, performance, installations, South Korea.
Brigitte Schirren, textiles, Germany.
Mustafa Skopljak, painting, sculpture, installations, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Bill Skuce, painter, Canada.
Anisa Skuce, paper-crafted, installations, Canada.
Song Mi Ryoung, ceramic 'paintings' and objects, South Korea.
Jacomien Souverijn, painter, The Netherlands.
Thea Souwer, paintings, cards, The Netherlands.
Pierre Spierckel, illustrator, painter, printmaker, bookbinder, France.
Jacqueline Stewart, glass artist, U.S.A.
Eugene Stijns, sculpture, The Netherlands.
Jasmina Stojanović, painting, installations, Serbia.
Justice St. Rain, graphic designer, U.S.A.
Monica Szymaniak, painter, printmaker, Poland.
David Taylor, painter, aesthetics, art history, U.S.A.
Jeff Thomson, sculptor, New Zealand.
Mária Titi, painter, Hungary.
Marion Traenkle, interactive media,
dance, architecture, public art projects, Germany / The Netherlands.
Mark Tobey, painter, U.S.A.
Filipe Tohi, sculptor, New Zealand.
Belinda Tournier, visual artist, curator, U.K.
Olesya Tsutskova, illustrator, painter, Russia.
Reginald Turvey, painter, South Africa.
Henk van der Voort, printmaker, painter, The Netherlands.
Sonja van Kerkhoff, visual artist, reviewer (visual arts), editor, The Netherlands.
Joke van Stuijvenberg, sculpture / installatons, performance, The Netherlands. Français
Tom van Teijlingen, sculpture / installatons, The Netherlands
Anne Verhoijsen, visual artist, performance art, the Netherlands
Mary Jane Volkmann, painter, Namibia.
Tine Waagaard, painter, Norway
Chris Wagg, textiles, paintings, Wales, U.K.
Wang Xin,"The Lotus Project", painting, sculpture, P.R. China.
Jacqueline Wassen, illustrator, painter, mail art, The Netherlands.
Tarasieh Werle - Vahdat, glass - visual artist, Ecuador.
Melies Wessels, sculptor / painter / children's art classes, The Netherlands.
Mary-Anne Westeneng, tapestry, New Zealand.
Thaya Whitten, painter, pianist, Canada.
Kaziek Wieckowski, sculptor, poet, Poland.
Sue Williamson, curator, installations, South Africa.
Beth Yazhari, painter, textiles, U.S.A.
Burhan Zahra'i, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, jewellery,
Qatar / Canada.
external LINKS: |
- A site with technical tips about drawing and painting by Ralph Larmann, Art dept, Evansville University.
- Art Throb - a regularly updated site on contemporary visual arts exhibitions and projects in South Africa.
-features seven Sydney-based contemporary art galleries, with a database of Australian-based artists.
- Links to Art Museums around the world -information about their collections, exhibitions, etc.
- Links to art galleries in the Netherlands with websites.
- Bahá´í run art gallery.
- Art Gallery on environmental / spiritual themes
- State of the arts Fortnightly
web newsletter - a summary of the best arts and
entertainment events in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and
selected international events.
- Grounds for Sculpture -Opened in June 1992, Grounds For
Sculpture is a public, not-for-profit
institution committed to promoting
contemporary sculpture through
exhibitions, publications and the education
of the general public about this art form.
The 22-acre, landscaped park includes
two 10,000 square foot museum facilities. Address: 18 Fairgrounds Road
Hamilton, NJ 08619, U.S.A.
- links to artists, locations and museums.
- 9 Dragonheads annual environments art festival and symposium. 2004 was the 9th edition.
Sound Art
- - London based, networking and magazine.
- July - September Manifesta, European
Biennale of Contemporary Art - 1996: The Netherlands, 1998: Luxemburg, 2000:Slovenia, 2002: Frankfurt, Germany.
- September - November International Instanbul Biennale 2001, 2003, etc, Istanbul, Turkey.
- September - October
Tirana Biennale International comtemporary art biennale, Tirana, Albania - approximately 200 artists selected by an international jury of 30 curators and artists.
Next one: 2003.
- 28 October - 14 November 8th (in 2004) Annual Bondi Beach Exhibition in Sydney, Australia. Entries close 20th April 2004
- November - December
Pixxelpoint Annual computer art festival (first was in 2000), in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Entries in 2D, 3D and vector static images, animation, interactive and MIDI and tracker music. Deadline each September.
- Edward "Ned" Bear: carver, sculptor, mask-maker, Canada
- Geoff Broadway installations, public art, based Birmingham, U.K.
- Brit Bunkley: American born sculptor, based in Wanganui, New Zealand.
- Barbara Curry: visual artist, graphic designer, teacher, based in McMurray, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
EMCO -Em Druiff performance/projects, installations, in London, U.K. The site is an umbrella for creating and facilitating art events that promote communication through participatory live art practice.
- Sara Hatch: paintings, based in Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.
- Sean Kerr, installations, sculpture, interventions, etc, New Zealand.
- Roya Movafegh: installations, based in New York, U.S.A.
- Andreas Pytlik: performance, installations, sculpture, based in Babensham, southern Germany.
- Geraldine Robarts paintings, South African-born, based in Nairobi, Kenya.
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands email: |