BAFA © 2010. All material here is copyrighted. See conditions above. |
Leenakaisu Hattunen
papermaker, installations, sculpture, Finland.

Odotushuone / Waitingroom, 1998.
Hand-made paper. She taught herself papermaking and now teaches this in Helsinki.
A lot of her work combines Bahá´í and feminist perspectives, -often with wit.
...article to come....

Nevernefer, 1998, hand-made paper.
...text to come....

Picking up the pieces, paper and wire construction.
- Paper work: Nevernefer, Arts Dialogue, June 2001
- Paper work: Odotushuone, Arts Dialogue, June 2000
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands