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Any vaguely arts-related event:
Performances, Projects, Exhibitions, Courses, Symposia, artist's travelling plans... if it is newsy,
submit it...
This page is updated when people send in material.
Email material for this page to:
bafa@bahai-library.comwith "For the art news webpage" in the subject line.
Submitted material will be edited. Links

PA, U.S.A.
A variety of arts workshops each summer
June - August
Little Pond Retreat
92 S. Penn Dixie Rd., Nazareth, PA 18064 610-837-2741
e-mail: litlpond@fast.net
Email or check their website for the latest programme.

The Netherlands
arts classes
Early July
Kunstweek (Arts week)
Courses in sculputure, dance, meditative drawing, music, drawling/watercolours, video, painting, youth workshop, and a musical for children, probably only in Dutch.
more info at www.depoort.org, or email info@depoort.org

arts courses,
One week in July -
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U.K. Bahá´í Academy for the Arts
courses on arts related topics, 2 children's programmes, theatre and music for youth, Advanced courses:
information about previous years on this site, more info on their site www.Bahá´í-artsacademy.com
Brochures and information: margaretappa@hotmail.com

U. K.
email listing & website announcing various arts related events.
updated each Thursday
A comprehensive exhibitions listings for UK shows plus further
documentation, ranging from press releases to virtual walk-thrus, of as
many exhibitions as we can!
To subscribe to The Gallery Channel's news service, send your e-mail
address to tgc@pinkink.net with 'SUBSCRIBE' in the subject line of your
message, or visit The Gallery Channel on-line at
more info about what The Gallery Channel is on this site

Creative Writing
deadline unknown
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Seeking Bahá´í writers Bahá´í English teacher at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida interested
in finding Bahá´í authors writing short fiction (English language only) at a
level appropriate for college freshmen for a literature textbook. Poetry
and drama will also be considered.
I'm interested in those who are dealing
with religious or spiritual themes in some way, though they need not be
explicitly Bahá´í. I'm looking generally for material related to seeking
God, developing spiritually, after life, soul, faith in action, religious
persecution & so on. Please note, this is a LONG-range project, perhaps a
matter of years. If you wish material returned should I decide it will not
work for the text, please enclose an SASE. I suggest, however, sending a
stamped (U.S. to wherever you are), self-addressed postcard and a disposable
manuscript so that I can let you know if I want to hold the manuscript for
possible inclusion. (I prefer hard copy submissions over e-mail if
possible.) Please also note that I am, at this time, working toward creating
a proposal for the text and so do not have a publisher yet.
arrangements for the use of your work will be made only after a publisher
has contracted the text. Send submissions to Gail Radley at 875 E. Church
St., DeLand, FL 32724 , U.S.A.
email: gradley@stetson.edu

New York City
performing arts,
25 June - 2 July, 2002
Bahá´í Festival of the Arts
Voices of Baha choir, Concert: Carnegie Hall, 30 June
Bahá´í Gospel Singers, Concert: Madison Square Garden Theater, 28 June
Concert of Persian Music: Madison Square Garden Theater, 29 June
Bahá´í Conference for the Arts, Madison Square Garden Theater, 27 - 30 June
Bahá´í Theater Festival, 25 - 26 June and 1 - 2 July.
Complete Details are at: www.global-music.org, or email info@global-music.org