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Keith Eldridge
visual artist, calligraphy, Canada
For Love... painting on plexiglass by Keith Eldridge.
After early training in art at the Nova Scotia College of Art, Halifax, and
later moving to England, Keith trained in commercial art at the Ipswitch
school of Arts and Crafts and worked in London as an illustrator. When the
war intervened, he served in the armed forces of Britain in the Far East.
Tablet of Ahmad painting by Keith Eldridge.
Returning to Canada in 1948 to pursue his art career in Toronto, Keith
worked in a variety of enterprises until he returned to the Atlantic area
with the intention of devoting himself to painting full time, taking various
positions in the display ad decorating fields to support himself.
Keith has exhibited widely in the Maritimes and has held one man shows in
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. His themes have been nature,
calligraphy, the human figure and manipulating light as an analogy for
spiritual awareness and progress.
Keith´s work is represented in many private collections in the Maritimes, as
well as in other parts of Canada, England, Scotland, the United States,
Africa and the Far East. He now lives in Sussex with his wife Janet, where
he devotes himself to studying art as a mental and spiritual activity, and
continues his interest in calligraphy. He has given numerous workshops on
the development and uses of calligraphy at the New Brunswick Craft School in
Frederiction NB.
One of his calligraphy pieces has recently been published in a collection in
the United States. It is called Lettering Arts.
Keith and his wife Janet have long been active in work promoting the United
Nations. "The duty if the Artist,´ says William Blake "is to have
visions, and dream dreams."
"My vision," says Keith "is to produce art that reflects
the mood of the 21st century, unity and reconciliation between peoples."
He is at present working on paintings that express concern over animal
habitat and environmental destruction.
Painting: "For Love...", Arts Dialogue, October 2000
Illustration: "Tablet of Ahmad", Arts Dialogue, March 1999
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands