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Tag "`Alí Kulí Khán"

tag name: `Alí Kulí Khán type: People
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variations: Mirzá 'Alí Kulí Khán; ‘Alí
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Ali Kuli Khan

"`Alí Kulí Khán" appears in:

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  1. 'Abdu'l-Bahá: Portrayals from East and West, by Ali Kuli Khan, John Bosch, Louise Bosch. Marzieh Gail, ed. (1971 Fall) Recollections of Abdu'l-Bahá, taken from papers of Ali-Kuli Khan and the conversations of John and Louise Bosch.
  2. Arches of the Years, by Marzieh Gail. (1991) Early days of the Bahá'í Faith in America and of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit in 1912; Phoebe Hearst; Versailles Conference; and about Marzieh Gail herself.
  3. Book of Ighan, The: (The Kitáb-i-Íqán), by Bahá'u'lláh. Ali Kuli Khan, trans, Howard MacNutt, trans. (1915) An early edition of the Book of Certitude, prepared with supervision of Abdu'l-Bahá (editions: 1904, 1907 and 1915).
  4. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays, by Marzieh Gail. (1976) A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Bahá'í studies and history. Most of these were first published in Star of the West and World Order between 1929 and 1971.
  5. Fire Tablet, by Bahá'u'lláh. Ali Kuli Khan, trans, Marzieh Gail, trans. (1937) Tablet of "The Hearts of the Sincere are Consumed in the Fire" (Lawh-i-Qad-Ihtaraqa`l-Mukhlisún).
  6. Kitáb-i-Íqán: The Book of Certitude, by Bahá'u'lláh: Interlinear Presentation, Daniel Azim Pschaida, comp. (2022) Parallel translations of Ali Kuli Khan (1904) and the authorized one by Shoghi Effendi (1931), and the Persian text.
  7. Long Healing Prayer: an early provisional translation, by Bahá'u'lláh. Ali Kuli Khan, trans, Marzieh Gail, trans. (1945)
  8. Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl in America, by Ali Kuli Khan, Marzieh Gail. (1945) Khan's personal recollections of Gulpaygani, with mentions of other early American Bahá'ís.
  9. Notes on Persian Love Poems, by Marzieh Gail. (1968 Spring) A short history of Persian poetry. Includes a selection of poems by Hafiz, Rumi, Ali-Kuli Khan, and others, many related to the Bahá'í Faith or quoted by Bahá'u'lláh or Abdu'l-Bahá, and one written for Abdu'l-Bahá.
  10. Summon Up Remembrance, by Marzieh Gail. (1987) Memoir left by Ali-Kuli Khan, one of the first translators of Bahá'í Writings; writings of his wife Florence; other family papers and memories.
  11. Tablet of the Bell (Tablet for the Feast of Ridvan), by Bahá'u'lláh. Ali Kuli Khan, trans, Marzieh Gail, trans. (n.d.) Tablet revealed in declaration of Bahá'u'lláh's mission; to be recited at the Feast of Ridván. More commonly known as the "Tablet of the Bell," Khan and Gail titled this translation "Tablet for the Feast of Ridvan" because of the word Paradise in line 1.
  12. Who Will Bell the Cat?: 'Abdu'l-Bahá at Lake Mohonk, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen. (2012) History of the Lake Mohonk conference center and addresses there by Alí Kulí Khán in 1911 and Abdu'l-Bahá and 1912.
  13. Wisdom of Burying the Dead in the Earth: Tablet of Cremation, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Ali Kuli Khan, trans, Marzieh Gail, trans. (1902/1987) Tablet to Laura Clifford Barney regarding the wisdom of burying the dead in the Earth, also known as Tablet of Cremation, in two translations: one by Marzieh Gail, one by ‘Alí Kulí Khán.

2.   from the Chronology (16 results; expand)

  1. 1899-05-01 — Kheiralla returned to the United States from `Akka. [BFA1:xxix, 158] (After his departure from Pales...
  2. 1904-00-00 — The publication of The Book of Ighan (Kitab-i-Íqan) by George V. Blackburne Co in New York. It h...
  3. 1904-10-28 — Ali Kuli Khan married Florence Breed, the first marriage between a Persian and a Western Baha'i. [BF...
  4. 1906-00-00 — The first translation of The Seven Valleys into English was done Ali Kuli Khan and reprinted frequen...
  5. 1911-05-11 — W. Morgan Shuster was an American chosen by the Persian Chargé d'Affaires at Washington, Mirza Ali...
  6. 1911-08-09 — When 'Abdu'l-Baha was about to depart on his first voyage to the West, He wrote to Albert Smiley, ho...
  7. 1912-04-11 — `Abdu'l-Baha arrived in New York. [AB172; GPB281; APD3-5; SoW Vol 3 No 3 p3; Mahmúd's Diary p38-39...
  8. 1912-04-23 — Talk at Howard University, Washington, D.C. Howard University had been founded in 1867 to educate th...
  9. 1912-04-24 — Talk at Children's Reception, Studio Hall, 1219 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C. [PUP54; Sow Vol...
  10. 1924-00-00 — The publication of The Book of Assurance (The Book of Ighan) translated by Ali Kuli Khan with assist...
  11. 1925-07-04 — The Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada was held at Green A...
  12. 1926-03-21 — The National Convention was held at the Hotel Whitcomb on Market Street in San Francisco. Because o...
  13. 1936-00-05 — The Seven Valleys was published in revised translation by Ali Kuli Khan by the US Baha'i Publishing ...
  14. 1945-00-00 — Marzieh Gail and her father, 'Ali Kuli Khan made a provisional translation of the Long Healing Praye...
  15. 1966-04-07 — The passing of Ali Kuli Khan (b. Kashan Persia, about 1879) in Washington, DC. [BW14p351] For inf...
  16. 1993-10-16 — The passing of Marzieh Nabil Carpenter Gail, the second child and eldest daughter of the first Persi...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (2 results; expand)

  1. 1906-00-01 — Ali Kuli Khan, his wife Florence Breed and son Rahim, then living in Washington, DC, visited Montrea...
  2. 1912-08-21 — Ali Kuli Khan, a Persian Baha'i diplomat posted to Washington,DC, visited Lethbridge to attend an ag...
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