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COLLECTIONSPublished articles, Books
TITLEBab et les Babis, ou Le Soulevement politique et religieux en Perse, de 1845 à 1853
TITLE_1STBab i Babidui: religiozno-politicheskiya smutui v Persy v 1844-1852 godakh
AUTHOR 1Aleksandr Kazem-Beg
VOLUMEvolumes 7-8
TITLE_PARENTJournale Asiatique
ABSTRACTFrench translation, serialized in a journal, of a book first published in Russian on the origins of the Bábí Faith; the Mazandaran, Nayriz, and Zanjan events; the life of the Bab; and religious doctrine.
TAGSBábísm; Mírzá Kazem-Beg; Russia; St. Petersburg
Bibliographic info, from Denis MacEoin's The Babi and Bahá'í Religions: An Annotated Bibliography:
  • Kazem-Beg, Mirza Aleksandr. "'Bab et les Babis, ou Le Soulevement politique et religieux en Perse, de 1845 à 1853'." Journal Asiatique vol. 7 issues 26, 27 pp. 329-84, 457-522; vol. 8 issues 29, 30, 31 pp. 196-252, 357-400, 473-507 (1866). A French version of Kazem-Beg's history of Babism, published in Russian in 1865.
  • Kazem-Beg, Mirza Aleksandr. Bab i Babidui: religiozno-politicheskiya smutui v Persy v 1844-1852 godakh. St Petersburg: 1865. The first complete book published on Babism, serialized in a French version in 1866. Kazem-Beg covers the origins of the movement, the Mazandaran, Nayriz, and Zanjan insurrections, the life of the Bab, and religious doctrine. His chief source was the official Iranian history, Nasikh al-tawarikh, supplemented by two memoirs written by Europeans resident in Iran.

1. Journale Asiatique Volume 7, 1866 April-May, pp. 329-384

2. Journale Asiatique Volume 7, 1866 June, pp. 457-522

Click to download: kazem-beg_bab_babis_1866-06_457-522.pdf [9 MB].

3. Journale Asiatique Volume 8, 1866 August-September, pp. 196-252

Click to download: kazem-beg_bab_babis_1866-08_196-252.pdf [8 MB].

4. Journale Asiatique Volume 8, 1866 October-November, pp. 357-400

Click to download: kazem-beg_bab_babis_1866-10_357-400.pdf [6 MB].

5. Journale Asiatique Volume 8, 1866 December, pp. 473-507

Click to download: kazem-beg_bab_babis_1866-12_473-507.pdf [5 MB].
VIEWS932 views since 2021-04-27 (last edit 2021-04-29 00:09 UTC)
PERMISSIONpublic domain
LANG 1STRussian
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