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Date 2009-02, sorted by events, ascending

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2009 11 Feb
An Iranian ISNA news agency report quoting Tehran's deputy public prosecutor, Hassan Haddad, reported that a case will be sent to the revolutionary courts in the coming week accusing the seven Bahá'ís of "espionage for Israel, insulting religious sanctities and propaganda against the Islamic republic."
  • For the first time after two decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran officially accused the leaders of the Bahá'í community of Iran of espionage, thus reverting its position to that of the 1980s. [Iran Press Watch 1407]
  • * Persecution, Iran; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
    2009 16 Feb
    Iran's Prosecutor General Qorban-Ali Dorri-Najafabadi made the claim that the members of the "banned Baha'i sect" have irrefutable links with Israel and that the seven will be tried on charges of "espionage for Israel, desecrating religious sanctities and propaganda against the Islamic Republic." His statement was in reaction to the resolution by the U.S. State Department condemning recent events. [Iran Press Watch 1215] * Persecution, Iran; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
    2009 14 – 15 Feb
    Regional Conference was held in Istanbul, Turkey. [BWNS698] - Conferences, Regional; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Istanbul, Turkey; Turkey
    2009 28 Feb – 1 Mar
    Regional Conference was held in Kyiv, Ukraine. [BWNS701] - Conferences, Regional; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Kyiv, Ukraine; Ukraine
    2009 21 – 22 Feb
    Regional Conferences were held in Baku, Azerbaijan and Accra, Ghana. [BWNS700] - Conferences, Regional; Accra, Ghana; Azerbaijan; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Bandar Anzali, Iran; Ghana
    2009 7 – 8 Feb
    Regional Conferences were held in Frankfurt, Germany and Padua, Italy. [Padua, Frankfurt] - Conferences, Regional; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Frankfurt, Germany; Germany; Italy; Padua, Italy
    2009 27 Feb
    Responding to the public outcry from western nations against Iran for the plight of seven imprisoned Bahá'í leaders, Qorban-Ali Dorri-Najafabadi, Iran's Prosecutor-General, stated, "These individuals have accepted the charges brought against them." This was later proved to be untrue. Meanwhile, the seven detained Bahá'ís continued to be deprived of due process and the opportunity to meet with their attorney. [Iran Press Watch 1547] * Persecution, Iran; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
    2009 24 Feb
    The Canadian Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights adopted a strongly worded motion demanding the immediate release of the seven Bahá'í leaders held now for more than nine months without formal charges and no access to lawyers. Appearing before the committee were the Bahá'í Community of Canada's Director of External Affairs, Susanne Tamas, and McGill Law Professor, Payam Akhavan. [Iran Press Watch 1597] * Persecution, Iran; Canada; Ottawa, ON; Payam Akhavan; Susanne Tamas; Yaran
    2009 17 Feb
    The European Union expressed their concerns that, after being held for so long without due process, the Yaran would not receive a fair trial. The EU therefore requested the Islamic Republic of Iran to allow independent observation of the judicial proceedings and to reconsider the charges brought against these individuals. [Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the trial with seven Bahá'í leaders in Iran ] * Persecution, Iran; Brussels, Belgium; European Union (EU); Yaran
    2009 3 Feb
    The publication of "We are Ashamed," an open letter from a group of academics, writers, artists, journalists and Iranian activists throughout the world to the Bahá'í community. This letter had been signed by a large number of the most prominent Iranian intellectuals. [Iran Press Watch 998, Text of Letter in pdf] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Human rights; Iran; Open letters
    2009 25 Feb
    The seven imprisoned Bahá'í leaders were given permission to meet with their families. [Iran Press Watch 1468] * Persecution, Iran; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
    2009 20 Feb
    The UN reviewed the Declaration of Copenhagen and Programme of Action for Social Development on November 26, 2007 and the United Nations General Assembly declared the 20th of February as the World Day of Social Justice. Its purpose was "to remember that social justice is necessary for peace, security, and development around the world" as an overall concept, and then more specifically to promote efforts to educate people about wide-ranging inequities such as poverty, gender equality, and social well-being. The intention was to not only raise individual awareness but to seek responses from institutions including governments. The concept was first proposed by the government of Kyrgyzstan. [Wikipedia] BIC Videos] Bahá'í International Community; Justice; New York, USA; Tahirih Naylor; United States (USA) first World Day of Social Justice
    2009 15 Feb
    The US House of Representatives introduced a resolution condemning the government of Iran for its state-sponsored persecution of its Bahá'í minority and its continued violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights. [Iran Press Watch 1203] * Persecution, Iran; Iran; United States (USA); Washington, DC, USA; Yaran
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