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Reviews by Kathleen Hite Babb
by Kathleen Hite Babb, U.S.A.
Childhood Songs from Japan review in Arts Dialogue, March 1999
Let´s Sing!, Japanese Songs for Kids: CD and songbook by Kamishibai for Kids, New York, U.S.A.
An excerpt of this review:
...Donna Kaneko Tamaki growing up in the U.S...had different childhood traditions...
as an elementary school teacher, she became interested in her cultural roots, she went to Japan to learn more. Now she is
part of a small business, Kamishibai for Kids, that produces materials to help share the Japanese culture and language with
English-speaking children...
...The songs are printed and sung in both English and Japanese...
Some songs reflect the Japanese sensitivity to nature, like Umi (The Sea) or Haru ga Kita
(Spring has Come), while others celebrate cultural traditions such as Ureshii Hina Matsure (The Doll Festival) or
Oshogatsu (New Year´s Day)...
All fourteen songs are masterfully sung by Janet Sono, who made the translations, and her eldest son, Maren. Janet, a Bahá´í
and longtime resident of Japan, teaches drama at Doshisha Women's College...
To purchase a copy contact: Kamishibai for Kids, P.O. Box 629, Cathedral Station, New York, NY 10025, U.S.A., tel: (1)212-6632471,
fax: (1) 212-662 5836 or email:
Other reviews, going from the latest to the earliest
Lady Blomfield...
excerpt to come...
Read the whole review at:
Email Kathleen at:
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands