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COLLECTIONSBahá'í Writings, Historical documents
TITLEWill and Testament of The Báb
AUTHOR 1 Báb, The
VOLUMEVolume 8
TITLE_PARENTLights of Irfan
PUB_THISIrfan Colloquia
ABSTRACTOne-page scan of a document commonly, though inaccurately, referred to as the "Will and Testament."
NOTES This was included as an attachment to a Letter from the UHJ, Designation of Mirza Yahya in the Writings of the Bab. See also its other attachment Excerpt from Making the Crooked Straight.

Mirrored with permission from house of justice_yahya

TAGS* Báb, Writings of; Báb, Will and Testament of; Covenant; Mírzá Yahya (Subh-i-Azal)
Note: While this document is commonly referred to as the "Will and Testament of The Báb," the Universal House of Justice notes:
It is important to call attention to the fact that, while in some quarters this Tablet has become known as the Will and Testament of the Báb, the Research Department has, to date, found no explicit evidence to suggest that the Báb, Himself, designated the Tablet as such. Indeed, from a perusal of the attached material, […] will see that the Tablet bears no title.
See the previous appendix of Lights 8.
Download: lights8_bab.pdf.
VIEWS8065 views since 2010-07-18 (last edit 2023-06-27 17:24 UTC)
PERMISSIONpublic domain
LANG 1STArabic
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