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your query: RIS type is INTV, sorted by title DESC  [link]

26 results

Title RIS type
1. Work is Worship: Business is a Spiritual GameINTV
2. What A Young Man Learned from Laura Rumney Davis about Shoghi EffendiINTV
3. We Kept the Light Bulb On: An Interview with Ellerton and Marjorie HarmerINTV
4. Transcript of interview with Iranian President Mohammad KhatamiINTV
5. The Unity of Humanity: An Interview with Professor Todd LawsonINTV
6. The United Nations and the Baha'is: An Interview with Kofi AnnanINTV
7. The Place of Poetry in Religion and Society: An Interview of Robert E. Hayden with DouglasINTV
8. The Book of Certitude: An Interview with Hooper DunbarINTV
9. Orbison, Virginia: 40 years of service to FaithINTV
10. My Interview with Laura Dreyfus-BarneyINTV
11. Memories: Bill Sears interviews Mrs. TrueINTV
12. K. C. PorterINTV
13. Ita and the Sandinista RevolutionINTV
14. Interview with Ruhollah Geula regarding Robert ImbrieINTV
15. Interview with Lilian Crawford on the Knighthood of Abdu'l-BahaINTV
16. Interview with A.L.M. Nicolas of Paris: Translator of many important works of the BabINTV
17. Interview of Sachiro FujitaINTV
18. Exile from El Salvador: A Conversation with AntonioINTV
19. Excerpt from an interview with Raul PavonINTV
20. Center of the Covenant: Tablet to Mason Remey, interview with Badi'u'llahINTV
21. Baha'ism hopes to unite the world and religious conflicts: An interview with Hutan Hejazi INTV
22. Baha'i Studies in EuropeINTV
23. Anne Gordon Perry on Writing for FilmINTV
24. An Interview with 'Abdu'l-BahaINTV
25. Abdu'l-Baha on Christ and Christianity: An interview with Pasteur Monnier on the relationsINTV
26. A Visit to the Prophet of PersiaINTV

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