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The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition.
A special thanks to Charles Hornby and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador for their generous permission allowing us to publicly post this invaluable Bahá'í resource as well as to those volunteers who originally typed up and proofread the digital document on which this formatted version was based.

For those who are interested to republish this work, we were informed of the following by the Publishing Trust: "Permission for publication of “Lights of Guidance” on the Internet is allowed, and if there is any cost involved in obtaining it, the usual 10% royalty applies, to the name of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador, as per the author’s request."

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Lights of Guidance:

A Bahá'í Reference File

Shoghi Effendi
Universal House of Justice [by or on behalf of]

Helen Bassett Hornby, compiler


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Material, Human (Personal, Social), Spiritual (Beliefs, Practices)

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Topical Contents

[Ed. - The following topical listing has been added here for convenience--it can give a bird's eye view of the types of contents and allow topics to be found more independently of terminology; its listings are based on those of the print document (reordered and grouped strictly by topic), but this was added by us and was not part of the print document. The other (subsequent) content listings below, however, are to be found in the print copy of the book.]



Teaching (the Faith)
Social Issues
Social Protagonists
Community Gatherings
External Affairs
Social and Economic Development
Theological Discussions
Mystical/Symbolic Realities
Covenant and Administration
Personal Spiritual Obligations

Teaching (the Faith)

Condensed Table of Contents


Extended Table of Contents

A. Administrative Order
B. Bahá'í Administration
C. Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assemblies
D. Formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies
E. Annual Conventions
F. Instruction of Tellers, Priority of Minorities, Approval of Outgoing Assembly
G. Officers of Local and National Assemblies
H. Local and National Administrators
I. Meetings of Bahá'í Assemblies, Attendance, Resignations
J. Administrative Rights, Sanctions, Dissimulation
K. Appeals
L. By-Laws
M. New Believers
N. The Believers' Relationship with the Assemblies
O. Inactive Believers
A. Bahá'í Archives
B. Bahá'í Arts and Drama*
C. Bahá'í Authors/Writers
D. Bahá'í Publication, Translation, Review and Copyright
E. Miscellaneous Subjects
A. Bahá'í Life
B. Ego-Self
C. Self-Defense
D. Self-Sacrifice and Service
A. Begging
B. Charity
C. The Poor
A. Adopted Children and Orphans
B. Godparents or Co-Parenthood
C. Education and Training of Children
E. Registration of Children
F. Miscellaneous Topics in Reference to Children
A. Appointing Committees
B. Election of Committee Officers
C. Structure and Function of National Committees
D. Special Committees (Administrative, Ad Hoc, Emergency - National and Regional Teaching Committees)
A. Bahá'í Covenant
B. Covenant Breakers-Expulsion
C. Believers Forbidden to Associate with Covenant Breakers
D. Expulsion and Reinstatement: Protection Responsibilities; Books written by Enemies of the Faith
A. Wills
B. Burial Laws
C. Bahá'í Cemeteries
D. Funeral Services
F. Suicide
G. Life after Death; the Soul
A. Academic and Spiritual
B. Universities and Colleges
A. Family Relationships
B. The Relationship Between Husband and Wife
C. Ancestors and Descendants
D. The Relationships Between Parents and Children
A. Nature and Function
B. Time for Holding Nineteen Day Feast
C. Programme for the Nineteen Day Feast
A. Contributions-Responsibility of Bahá'ís
B. Those Eligible to Contribute
C. The Treasurer and the Spiritual Assembly
D. Earmarked Funds
A. The Greatest Name
B. Ringstone Emblem and Jewellery
A. Spiritual and Physical Healing
B. Mental Illness
C. Doctors
D. Illnesses and Medical Practices
E. Physical Education
F. Diet and Nutrition
A. Institutions Defined
B. The Guardianship
C. The Universal House of Justice
D. Supreme Tribunal
E. Hands of the Cause of God
F. International Teaching Centre
G. Continental Boards of Counsellors
H. Auxiliary Boards for Protection and Propagation
I. Auxiliary Board Member Assistants
J. Relationships Between Counsellors, Auxiliary Board Members, Assistants, National and Local Assemblies and Committees
A. Introduction
B. Abortion
C. Adultery
D. Birth Control
E. Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
1. Alcohol
2. Drugs
3. Tobacco
F. Crime, Criminals and Prisoners
G. Gambling
H. Chastity and Sex Education
I. Homosexuality
J. Laws of Marriage
1. Parental Consent
2. Bahá'í Engagement
3. Bahá'í Marriage
K. Divorce
A. Politics
B. Governments and Civil Authorities
C. Government Employees
A. Prayer and Meditation
B. Obligatory Prayer
A. The Báb
B. Bahá'u'lláh
C. Explanation of Some Bahá'í Teachings
D. 'Abdu'l-Bahá
E. Hidden Words
F. Christ
G. Islám
H. Israel
I. Prophets and Prophecies of Various Religions
A. Reverence
B. Spirituality
A. Guidelines
B. Agriculture
C. Economics
D. Projects
E. Objectives for Social and Economic Development
F. Requisites for Success
G. Tutorial Schools
A. Summer Schools
B. Bahá'í Teaching Institutes
A. Deepening
B. Pioneers and Pioneering
C. Proclamation
D. Radio
E. Teaching
F. Mass Teaching
A. Founding of the Temple
B. Worship in the Temple
C. Temple Guiding and Other Activities
A. Work is Worship
B. Trade Unions and Strikes

Fully Extended Table of Contents

A. Administrative Order
1. Established First in America--Not American Production
2. Cannot Be Identified with Principles of Present-Day Democracies
B. Bahá'í Administration
3. The Ideal Instrument to Make Spiritual Laws Function Properly
4. Purpose of Administration
5. Social Order of Bahá'u'lláh
6. Relationship of the Cause to the Administration
C. Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assemblies
7. Assemblies Ordained by Bahá'u'lláh
8. Established in Every City--Counsellors to the Number of Baha (9)
9. Purpose of Spiritual Assemblies
10. Their Defender is Abdu'l-Bahá
11. Assemblies Styled Differently in Future
12. Assembly Operates at First Levels of Human Society
13. Strengthening of Local Spiritual Assemblies--Nerve Centres of Communities
14. Primary Purpose to Promote Teaching Work
15. Areas Under Jurisdiction of Local Spiritual Assemblies--National Spiritual Assembly Must Study
16. Local Spiritual Assemblies--Created by Bahá'u'lláh in His Kitab-i-Aqdas
D. Formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies
17. Forming Local Assemblies--Obligation to Establish
18. A Community of Nine Adult Believers Must Form an Assembly by Joint Declaration
19. Duty of Every Bahá'í to Take Part in Joint Declaration
20. Believer Must Be "a Resident" to Participate in the Formation of a Spiritual Assembly--Unusual Cases as Exceptions
21. Re-Formation by Election or Joint Declaration--Refusal of a Believer to Participate Does Not Prevent Re-Forming Assembly
22. Circumstances Under which an Assembly Should Not Be Immediately Dissolved
23. Members of Lapsed Assembly Are Responsible to Notify National Secretary
24. Spiritual Assembly Jurisdictions Changes As Civil Units Are Modified
25. Assemblies Cannot Be Formed in Prison
26. Qualifications of Assembly Members--Subject to Human Limitations
27. Qualifications Outlined Applicable to Anyone Elected
28. Auxiliary Board Members, Eligibility of
29. Board Members May Serve on Assembly Temporarily
30. Annual Elections Provide Opportunity to Remedy Defects the Assembly May Suffer
31. Absence of Nomination in Bahá'í Elections--A Distinguishing Feature
32. Bahá'í Electoral Procedures Develop Spirit of Responsibility
33. Freedom of Believers to Choose--Should Be Choicest, Most Varied Elements
34. Believers Should Become Intelligent, Well-Informed and Responsible Electors
35. Canvassing is Deprecated
36. Reference to Personalities Before Election
37. Avoid Intrigues
38. Election Day
39. Prayer and Reflection Before Voting
40. Procedure for Voting by Mail
41. No Quorum Required for Election of an Assembly
42. Bahá'í Elections for Spiritual Assemblies--Cast Nine Votes, Neither More nor Less
43. Believer Has Right to Vote for Himself
44. Votes Confidential
45. Secret Ballot
46. Results of Election Should Be Accepted
47. Breaking of Tie Votes
48. If Enrolled Believer Withdraws--Subsequently Elected to Spiritual Assembly
49. Mass Migrations
50. When Conditions Beyond Human Control Prevent Election of Assembly at Ridvan
51. Should Guide Believers During Year in Proper Administrative Procedures
E. Annual Conventions
52. The Functions of the National Convention
53. Election of Delegates to National Conventions
54. Area of Assembly Jurisdiction Not to be Subdivided for Electoral Districts
55. Delegates Assigned According to Numerical Strength
56. Inactivity Does Not Justify Removing Name from Voting List
57. Replacement of Delegates
58. National Spiritual Assembly Determines Timing in Respect to Unit Conventions
59. Consultation Between Delegates and the National Spiritual Assembly
60. Status of Members of the National Spiritual Assembly at the National Convention
61. Preferably Delegates Attend Convention in Person
62. If Delegate Cannot Pay Own Expenses
63. New Blood Adds to Energy of the Group
64. Election of New Members on the National Spiritual Assembly--Duty of Friends to Acquaint Themselves with Fellow Believers
65. Consultation Among Delegates of a Region Prior to Convention--No Objection, if the Bahá'ís Are Mature Enough
66. National Spiritual Assembly Present as an Institution at the National Convention
67. Only Delegates May Vote in the National Convention
68. Each Voter Must Vote for the Nine Best Suited for Election--Not Betray Sacred Trust
69. National Convention Must Be Convened During Ridvan
70. Election of National Spiritual Assembly to be Held at Midpoint in the Convention
71. National Teaching Conference and National Convention Should Not Be Held at the Same Time
72. Attendance Record of National Spiritual Assembly Members May Be Provided to Convention Delegates
73. Workshops During National Convention Not Suitable
74. Delegates Have Specific Administrative Duties
75. Non-Delegate Can Be Permitted to Address Convention--Permissiveness Not to be Abused
76. Auxiliary Board Members Present at National Convention
77. Desirable Auxiliary Board Members Be Left Free from Administrative Duties
78. Hands of the Cause and Counsellors' Participation in Conventions
79. Counsellors Ineligible for Membership on Administrative Bodies
F. Instruction of Tellers, Priority of Minorities, Approval of Outgoing Assembly
80. Tellers Should Be Given Guidelines--Recording of Identical Names
81. Convention Procedure in Connection with Tellers' Report
82. Under Certain Conditions One or More Names May Be Invalidated
83. Minority Accorded Priority Without Question
84. Definition of Minority and Majority at Discretion of the National Spiritual Assembly
85. Results Reported to National Assembly for Acceptance and Instruction to Tellers About Re-Voting
86. Only Names of Those Tied Appear on Subsequent Ballots
87. How to Report a Tie
88. First, New Assembly Must Consider Whether to Accept Resignation
89. By-Election Can Be Held During Convention Only if All Delegates Are Present
90. Tie for Ninth Member of the National Spiritual Assembly
91. Duty of Auxiliary Board Member to Advise Assembly, Not Delegates, that He Will Not Serve
92. Board Members Should Not Resign Before a Tie-Breaking Vote is Cast
93. Preservation of Ballots
94. Assembly Has Right to Examine Ballots
95. Delegates Should Be Given Opportunity to Report to the Community
G. Officers of Local and National Assemblies
96. If All Members Present, Permanent Officers Should Be Elected Immediately
97. Assembly or Committee Members May Excuse Themselves from Being Elected as Officers
98. It is Preferable that a Person Hold No More Than One Office
99. Complete Results of Each Vote Must Be Known to All Members of the Assembly Present
100. The Integrity of the Elector Must Be Relied Upon
101. Any Officer Elected Must Have Received at Least Five Votes
102. The Chairman of the Assembly
103. The Vice-Chairman
104. Duties of the National Secretary
105. The Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly is Its Chief Executive Officer
106. Full-Time Services of Secretary May Require Remuneration, about which the Agreement Should Be Duly Recorded
107. Secretary's Helper Can Be Non-Member of Assembly
108. Secretariat Should Be Situated in the Capital City
109. National Secretary Should Keep in Close Touch with Local Assemblies
110. Contents of Minutes
111. Secretary Should Be Careful to Convey Majority Decision
112. Treasurer of the Spiritual Assembly Receives All Donations and Contributions
113. Handling of Funds
114. Obligation of a Bahá'í Who is Elected to an Office which Requires Full-Time Service
115. Those Elected to an Assembly Should Consider It a Privilege and a Responsibility to Serve
116. Procedure for Assemblies When Dissatisfied with Officers
H. Local and National Administrators
117. Functions and Duties of Elected Representatives
118. They Must Uphold the Standard of Justice
119. Administrators of Faith Like Shepherds
120. The Ones in Real Authority Known by Humility and Self-Sacrifice
121. Keynote of Cause of God Not Dictatorial Authority
122. Assemblies Should Influence Believers to Confidently Present Their Problems
123. Breach of Trust by Assembly Members Will Destroy Confidence of Believers
124. Administrative Efficiency Should Be Accompanied by an Equal Amount of Love
125. Administrators Should Consider Themselves as Mere Channels Whereby God Protects and Guides His Faith
126. National Spiritual Assembly is Supreme Authority, Mainspring of Activities, Sole Link to the Universal House of Justice
127. Obedience to the National Spiritual Assembly is the Basis for Unity
128. The National Spiritual Assembly is the Head and the Local Spiritual Assemblies Are the Various Organs
129. Vital Function of National Spiritual Assembly
130. Authority and Influence of Assemblies Must Be Strengthened
131. A "Best" Assembly
132. Centralization of Authority Made Manifest in Master's Will
133. Fundamentals of Bahá'í Administration Must Be Adhered to
134. Tendency of All National Assemblies to Over-Administer
135. It is Not Necessary to Anticipate Situations
136. Over-Administration Worse than Under-Administration
137. National Spiritual Assemblies Should Be Uncompromising in Principle But Flexible in Procedures
138. National Assembly is Guardian of the Welfare of the Faith
139. Tendency of Late-Comers to Belittle Work Done
140. Each Believer Should Have Access to Communications from World Centre of His Faith
141. Legal Standing for Spiritual Assemblies
142. Local Assemblies Should Give Teachers Every Encouragement
143. Class Consciousness Contrary to Actual Teachings of Faith
144. Extension Teaching Goals, Local Assemblies Should Assume Responsibility for
145. Plans of the Assemblies Should Be Known to Counsellors and Auxiliary Board Members
146. Local Spiritual Assemblies' Relations with Auxiliary Board
147. All Local Spiritual Assemblies Should Collaborate with Auxiliary Board Members and Their Assistants
148. When Local Spiritual Assemblies Are Truly Effective
149. A Functioning Local Spiritual Assembly--Salient Objectives to be Attained
150. Prominent People, Foster Cordial Relations with
151. Public Figures
152. Individual Members of the Local Spiritual Assembly Should Deepen
153. Members of Spiritual Assembly Must Face Responsibilities
I. Meetings of Bahá'í Assemblies, Attendance, Resignations
154. Obligation of Assembly Members to Meet and Discharge Sacred Responsibilities
155. Membership in Bahá'í Assembly or Committee is a Sacred Obligation-- Should Endeavor to Attend All Meetings
156. Teaching Must Be Accorded Precedence When in Session
157. All Meetings Must Revolve Around One Focal Center--Teach
158. Principle on which to Conduct the Work of an Assembly
159. Why Some Local Assemblies Do Not Meet
160. How Often to Meet--The Spiritual Assembly Must Decide
161. Bahá'u'lláh's Promise
162. Not Possible to Have Non-Assembly Member in National Spiritual Assembly Meeting
163. Distribution of Minutes of Meetings
164. Access to Records of the Spiritual Assembly
165. Business Can Be Conducted with a Quorum
166. Assembly Quorum
167. Duties of Assembly Members
168. Abstaining Does Not Arise in Bahá'í Voting
169. Bahá'ís Not Required to Vote Against Consciences
170. Only Under Special Circumstances is It Permissible to Resign from the Spiritual Assembly
171. Differences of Opinion Should Not Deter One from Performing His Bahá'í Activities
172. There Should Be a Valid Reason for Resignation
173. Should National Assembly Members Be Relieved of Local Assembly Service?
174. Not Appropriate to Elect a Temporary Assembly Member
175. Non-Attendance of Assembly Members--No Time Limit Fixed
176. Repeated, Unjustified Absence Cause for Suspension of Voting Rights
177. Criticism, Opposition, Confusion Do Not Provide Grounds for Resignation --Sanction May Be Necessary
J. Administrative Rights, Sanctions, Dissimulation
178. Basis for Deprivation of Voting Rights
179. Assembly Should Not Deprive Believer of Rights Unless the Matter is Very Grave
180. No Bahá'í Can Swear to Bring Up His Children in Another Religion nor be Married in Church as a Christian
181. Alcoholic Beverages--Those Who Continue to Drink
182. Divorce
183. Ecclesiastical and Political Associations
184. Politics, Participation in
185. Homosexual Acts Condemned by Bahá'u'lláh
186. Immorality, Blatant Acts of
187. Criminal Offences, Believers Charged with
188. Should Be Given Chance to Improve--A Lesser Sanction May Be Applied
189. One Offence of Immorality Not Enough to Incur Heavy Penalty
190. Civil Marriage Ceremony Only
191. Parents' Voting Rights Can Be Suspended if Consent is Given Contrary to Bahá'í Law
192. Bahá'í Membership in Masonic, Theosophical, Rosicrucian, and Similar Societies
193. Mental Illness
194. Mental Unfitness
195. Withdrawal of Administrative Rights from One Mentally Ill is Not a Sanction
196. National Assembly Can Debar an Individual from Serving on a Local Assembly Without Removing Voting Rights
197. Voting Rights, Only National Assembly Can Deprive Believers of
198. Status of Those Who Lose Voting Rights
199. No Bahá'í Marriage if One is Deprived of Voting Rights--A Bahá'í in Good Standing Cannot Marry One So Deprived
200. Heaviest Sanction We Possess--Deprivation of Voting Rights
201. Before Anyone Deprived of Voting Rights Must Be Given Repeated Warnings
202. No Justification Suspension of Voting Rights Pending Investigation
203. Believer Cannot Escape Expulsion by Resignation in Order to Break Law with Impunity
204. Dissimulation is Not Withdrawal
205. Ignorance of the Law
206. Child Out of Wedlock
207. Loss of Voting Rights--Is to be Administratively Expelled
208. Cases Involving Only Civil Ceremony
209. Voting Rights Removed Mistakenly or Justifiably
210. Youth, Disciplinary Action Against
211. If Acts of Immorality Are Not Generally Known--Gossip
212. Community Attitude Toward Those Who Are Deprived of Voting Rights
213. The Assemblies Should Be Like the Master and the "Good Shepherd"
214. The Believer So Deprived Who Makes an Effort to Mend His Ways Should Be Helped
215. Bahá'ís Must Not Dissimulate Their Faith Under Any Circumstances
216. Summary of the Extent of Deprivation of Voting Rights
217. Summary of the Rights and Privileges Not Deprived
K. Appeals
218. Right to and Procedure for Appeal
219. Appeal from Local Assembly's Decision to the National Assembly
220. Infringement of Bahá'í Rights
221. Every Bahá'í May Write Directly to the Universal House of Justice, But Appeals Should Be Submitted Through the National Spiritual Assembly
222. The Appellant's Request for Referral of Appeal to the Universal House of Justice Cannot Be Refused
223. Committees Should Take Up Their Problems with the National Spiritual Assembly
L. By-Laws
224. Purpose of By-Laws
225. A Baby Can Be Considered a Bahá'í--Declaration Age 15 for Protection
226. New York Version of By-Laws More Correct
227. Matter of Belief in Bahá'u'lláh Not of Availability for Participation
228. The National Spiritual Assembly Must Defend and Uphold Provisions of By-Laws and Declaration of Trust
229. International Uniformity in the Essentials is to be Maintained--The Local By-Laws
230. Decisions of Local and National Assemblies Subject to Review by Higher Body--No Contradiction in By-Laws
231. Incorporation is Not Necessarily Lost by the Temporary Dissolution of the Local Spiritual Assembly
M. New Believers
232. The Cause of God Has Room for All
233. Abdu'l-Bahá's Example--Nurse New Believer Patiently
234. The Two Extremes in Bringing in New Bahá'ís
235. No Obstacles Should Be Placed Before Any Soul
236. Enrollments, New--Those Responsible for
237. The Process of Becoming a Bahá'í is an Evolutionary One
238. Admittance Into the Faith--Essential Prerequisites
239. On Becoming a Bahá'í
240. Warning to Every Beginner in the Faith
241. Not Sufficient to Accept Some Aspects of Teachings and Reject Others
242. When Enrolling New Believers, Must Be Wise and Gentle
243. If Requirements to Enroll Made Too Rigorous, Will Cool Off Initial Enthusiasm
244. A Bahá'í Must Be Wholly a Bahá'í; Must Not Be Insular
245. A True Bahá'í Should Justify His Claim to be a Bahá'í
246. The Primary Reason for Becoming a Bahá'í
247. Ploughing Up the Soil of the Heart
248. New Believers Must Not Be Left to Their Own Devices
249. Deepening the Spiritual Life of the Individual Believers
250. Assemblies and Committees Must Enable Believers to Carry Forth Message of God
251. If One Desires to Become a Bahá'í, His Past Should Not Be Held Against Him
252. Convert Advised Not to Become Alienated from Parents
253. Assembly Should Not Prevent Enrollment of Persons With Questionable Morals--When Accepted New Enrollees Should Henceforth Conduct Themselves As Bahá'ís
254. May Be Occasions When Enrollment Must Be Postponed
255. Qualifications of a Believer
256. The Process of Acceptance Varies--Stage of Conviction Important
257. Declarants Need Not Know All the Proofs--Spark of Faith
258. Acceptance of New Believers Left to Discretion of Assembly
259. Mental Instability Has No Bearing Upon Acceptance of an Enrollment
260. In These Special Cases, Steps Should Be Taken to Deepen Their Understanding
261. Declaration of Faith Normally Accepted from Those Living in Immoral Situation or from Member of an Organization Not Permissible--To Be Given Time to Rectify Situation
262. Children Are Accepted as Bahá'ís Regardless of Age
263. Prisoners, Declarations from
264. Signature on Card is to Satisfy Administrative Requirements--There is a Difference Between Character and Faith
265. Enrolment Card--Not a Universal Requirement
266. Duty of Assembly to Newly Enrolled Believer
N. The Believers' Relationship with the Assemblies
267. Being a Bahá'í Essentially an Inner Thing
268. Should Have Respect for National and Local Assemblies
269. This Great Prize, This Gift of God--Local Spiritual Assembly
270. Assembly is a Nascent House of Justice--Individuals Toward Each Other Governed by Love, Unity, etc.
271. Two Kinds of Bahá'ís
272. Spiritual Children Should Not Cling to Misconceptions of Their Teachers
273. Assemblies Should Inspire Confidence in Individual Believers
274. Buckets-Full of Administrative Information: Putting Out the First Sparks
275. Look to the Teachings
276. Two Principles to Follow: Doctrinal and Administrative Unity
277. Bahá'í Administration--Instrument of Spirit of the Faith
278. Bahá'í World Community Develops New Cells, New Organs
279. Believers Should Turn to Assemblies for Advice and Help
280. Mission of Bahá'u'lláh, Friends Are Trustees of
281. Believers Should Have Confidence in Assembly
282. If Assembly Makes Ill-Advised Decision It Must Be Upheld
283. If Assembly Makes a Mistake--God Will Right the Wrongs Done
284. Obedience, Patience and Restraint
285. Criticism to Assemblies--Bahá'ís Can Freely Air Their Views
286. No Protection for Faith Unless Friends Submit to Administrative Bodies
287. If Bahá'ís Undermine Leaders
288. Believers Have the Right to Express Their Criticism Action of Assembly, But Not in a Way to Undermine Its Authority
289. Obedience to the Decisions of the Local Assembly Should Be Unqualified and Whole-Hearted
290. Local Assembly Should Not Criticize Policy of National Assembly
291. Only One Remedy--Study the Administration
292. On Individual Believer Depends Fate of Community
O. Inactive Believers
293. Voting List, Names Should Not Be Removed from
294. Removal of Names from Voting List
295. Inactive and Unresponsive Believers Often Need Encouragement
296. Inactive Believers--Names Removed Only When Clearly Stated No Longer Believe in Bahá'u'lláh
297. Reasons for Inactivity Should Be Ascertained
298. Meetings Should Be Made So Interesting as to Attract the Old Believers
299. Must Aid Those with Unbecoming Conduct to Mend Their Ways
300. If Person Does Not Wish to be Considered Member
301. The Personal Situation of a Bahá'í May Preclude Activity
302. Those Who No Longer Believe in Bahá'u'lláh...
303. Believers Whose Whereabouts Are Unknown
304. The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh
305. Backbiting Defined
306. Abstain from Fault-Finding and Backbiting
307. Jealousy or Petty Attitudes Can Only Be Overcome by Love and Tact
308. Dealing with Bahá'ís Who Act in Ways Detrimental to the Cause
309. Learning Not to Concern Ourselves with the Faults of Others
310. The Believers Need More Peace-Makers Circulating Among Them--A Function of the Older and the More Mature Bahá'ís
311. To Be Forbearing, Patient, Merciful, Rather Than Succumbing to Backbiting and Criticism
312. Backbiting--The Most Great Sin
313. Backbiting "Quencheth the Light of the Heart"
314. Criticism a Calamity
315. Suppress Every Critical Thought and Every Harsh Word
316. An Unwise Act or Statement
317. Personal Differences and Petty Pre-Occupations
318. Like Ploughmen Each Has His Team to Manage
319. Be a Friend to the Whole Human Race
320. Bahá'ís Must Be Distinguished
321. Believers Should Draw on Each Other's Love
322. Worst Enemies of the Cause Are in the Cause
323. Backbiting is Divisive
324. When Criticism and Harsh Words Arise
325. If We Listen, We Are Guilty of Complicity
A. Bahá'í Archives
326. Bahá'u'lláh Admonishes Care in Preservation of the Tablets
327. Tablets and Verses to be Gathered into the Archives
328. Bahá'í Archives, Institution of
329. Future Generations Will Appreciate Archives
330. All Assembly Members Should Have Access to the Files--Certain Items Can Be Listed as "Confidential"
331. Every Believer Has Responsibility to Assist with Preservation of Sacred Relics
332. Bahá'í Archives to be Established in Each Bahá'í Administrative Centre
333. Documents of Historical Value Should Not Be Destroyed
B. Bahá'í Arts and Drama*
334. Three Central Figures Cannot Be Portrayed
335. Dramatic Works
336. Dancers Must Be Decently Clad
337. The Artistic Presentation of the Faith Will Attract a Certain Type of Individual
338. Art Can Better Awaken Noble Sentiments
339. Taking Part in Dramas--Dancing
340. Film Companies
341. Movies
342. Dramatizing Historic Episodes of the Faith
343. If Light Suggests Personification of the Manifestation, It Should Not Be Used
344. Prohibition on Representing Manifestations of God in Paintings or Drawings Applies to All Manifestations
345. Need for Skill to Produce an Effective Film about History of the Faith
*(See also: Chapter, Music)
C. Bahá'í Authors/Writers
346. Bahá'í Authors Should Write in Such Manner as to Attract the Souls
347. Bahá'í Writers Should Have Their Works Approved for Publication by National Assembly of Country Where Published
348. Bahá'í Authors/Writers Should Welcome Review of Their Works
349. Review of Magazine Articles Written by Individual Believers
350. The Reviewing Committee
351. Obligation of Bahá'ís to Present the Faith in Dignified Manner
352. The Function and Purpose of Reviewing
353. Purpose of Review
354. No Objection to Bahá'ís Writing Novels Portraying Historical Events
355. Journalists
356. Sciences that Begin and End with Words--Bahá'u'lláh Never Meant to Include Story Writing Under this Category
357. The Faith Needs Bahá'í Authors
358. Doctoral Theses and Similar Treatises
359. No Publisher Has the Right to Alter Author's Manuscript
D. Bahá'í Publication, Translation, Review and Copyright
360. Bahá'í Newsletters and Bulletins--Why Circulation is Restricted to "Bahá'ís Only"
361. Usage in Spanish Texts of Accents on Persian and Arabic Words
362. Publications from World Centre--No Restriction on Use of Quotations
363. Copyright Clearance on Sacred Writings Not Necessary for Assemblies and Bahá'í Believers
364. Capitalizing Pronouns in English
365. Capitalizing Pronouns in Other Languages
366. Quotation Marks--Must Uphold Rigid Standard Inculcated by the Cause
367. National Spiritual Assembly Authorizes Translations Through a Committee of Bahá'í Translators--The Guardian's Method of Transliteration Should Be Used
368. Guidelines for the Translation of Bahá'í Sacred Writings
369. An Individual Can Be Commissioned to Make Translations--Translations Become Property of the Assembly
370. Translation of Bahá'í Literature into Everyday Language-- Simplifications and Paraphrasing Not to be Published as Scripture
371. Translators Should Utilize Most Recent Editions of Books
E. Miscellaneous Subjects
372. Friday is Day of Rest in Bahá'í Calendar
373. Use of Bahá'í Dates
374. Bahá'í Faith, Designation of
375. Symbol of Bahá'í Faith--Five-Pointed Star
A. Bahá'í Life
376. The Great Thing is to "Live the Life"
377. If Health is Spent in Sensual Desires, Death Preferable to Such a Life
378. To Attract the Hearts of Others It is Necessary to Live Up to the Teachings
379. Bahá'ís Must Cling to Their Faith and to Each Other
380. The Advertisements for the Faith Are Love, Hospitality, Understanding and the Will to Help
381. How to Acquire Peace of Mind
382. One Should Not Give the Impression of Being Fanatic--Seek to be Many-Sided, Normal and Well-Balanced
383. The Inner Life of the Spirit is What Counts
384. Through Deep Study and Living the Life to Become Like Firm Rocks
385. Evolution of the Soul
B. Ego-Self
386. The Meaning of Self
387. The Ego is the Animal Within Us
388. Life is a Constant Struggle Against Forces Around Us and Our Own "Egos"
389. The Prophets Are the Only Ones Free of the "Dross of Self"
390. Self Mastery, Key to
391. Through the Search for God, We Become Acquainted with Ourselves
392. Becoming Conscious of Self is a Gradual Process
393. Man's Evolution is Both Individual and Collective
394. The Cause Has the Spiritual Power to Re-Create Us
395. Our Thoughts Should Be Turned Determinedly, Intelligently and Unemotionally to God
396. We Should Focus on the Glory of the Cause and Not on Our Failures
397. Do Not Dwell on Others' Thoughts and Attitudes
C. Self-Defense
398. Bahá'í Justified in Defending His Life in Emergency
399. Self-Defense
400. Pioneer Living in a Remote Area Lacking Protection: Circumstances Under which a Bahá'í is Justified in Defending Self
D. Self-Sacrifice and Service
401. The Mystery of Sacrifice
402. Self-Sacrifice, Meaning of
403. To What Extent Should We Sacrifice Our Lives for the Interest of the Cause?
404. Accepting to Suffer for Each Other's Sake
405. Service as Magnet for Divine Confirmation
406. Assistance of Hosts of Divine Concourse
407. An Irresistible Urge to Serve--Do Not Look at Your Shortcomings
408. There is No Rule or Standard Requiring a Believer to Serve in One Field at the Exclusion of Others
A. Begging
409. Begging is Forbidden--House of Justice to Provide for Disabled
410. Beggars--Most Despised of Men in the Sight of God
B. Charity
411. Charity is the Very Essence of the Teachings
412. Contributions to Charity by Assemblies and Individuals
413. Surest Way of Lifting Once and for All Burden of Hunger and Misery
414. There Are Many Ways that Help Can Be Rendered to Suffering Fellow-Men
415. Bahá'ís Have the Divinely-Given Remedy for the Ills of Mankind
416. When a Bahá'í Finds It Essential to Seek the Help of Others
417. Local Spiritual Assembly Should Extend Helping Hand to the Poor
418. How a Bahá'í May Help His Fellow-Believer Through the Institutions
C. The Poor
419. Those Possessed of Riches Must Have the Utmost Regard for the Poor
420. The Greatest Gift We Can Give to the Poor
421. Do Not Grieve for Being Poor--Some Great Souls Were of the Poorest in the World
422. The World is in Travail
423. Powerful Forces Are Operating to Bring to a Climax this Portentous Century
424. The People of Baha Are Assured of Divine Guidance
425. If Bahá'ís Fail They Are Partly Responsible for Agony of Mankind
426. The World Will Experience Travails and Testing as Never Before
427. Calamities Will Continue Until Mankind is Chastened Sufficiently...
428. Bahá'ís Should Not Waste Time Speculating on the Coming Calamity
429. It is Important that Bahá'ís Have Correct Attitude Regarding Pending Catastrophe
430. Should Bahá'ís Be Cut Off from World Centre or from One Another, They Will Be Guided by Spiritual Assemblies, Led by Counsellors, Auxiliary Board Members
431. Bahá'ís Can Help to Mitigate Suffering of Mankind
432. The People of Today Are Suffering for Their Own Sins of Omission and Commission
433. We Must Put the Faith First for Our Eternal Security and Happiness
434. We Do Not Know How Far-Reaching the Catastrophe Will Be
435. The Unification of Mankind
436. The Crisis is Serving a Great Purpose
437. The Guardian Does Not Think that God Will Permit Man to Annihilate Himself...
438. Hardship and Privation, Frustration and Despair Shall Encompass the People...
439. Apocalyptic Upheaval
440. World Condition Bringing Many Issues to a Head
441. Calamities and Crises
442. Internal Disintegration and External Chaos Being Accelerated
443. Worsening World Situation--Many Stand Aside and Wring Their Hands
444. A Yawning Gulf Threatens
445. Forces of a World Catastrophe--The Fire of Ordeal
446. When Crisis Sweeps Over the World, Bahá'ís Should Not Let Hardships Weaken Their Hope in the Future
447. Stage of Purgation is Indispensable--Bahá'ís Should Not Hope to Remain Unaffected
448. Dangers Facing America
449. Man's Outlook on Life Too Crude and Materialistic
450. Mental Tests to be Suffered by Believers in the West
451. A Civilization Torn by Strife
452. Fierce and Manifold Will Be Assaults Faith to Suffer
453. Our Duty to Redeem Fellow Men
454. Bahá'ís Are the Leaven of God, the Chosen People of God
455. Eyes of the World Focussed on Us
456. Bahá'ís Have Task of Cleansing Humanity by Precept and Example
457. Chosen Ones of God Should Not Be Content with Relative Distinction and Excellence
458. Obstacles that Stand in the Path
459. Civilization Undergoing Severe and Unparalleled Tests
460. Not Accurate to State that Bahá'í Faith Has No Ceremonies
461. Naming Ceremonies
462. Spiritual Baptism of Children
463. Baptism of Child
464. Bahá'ís May and Should Participate in Harmless Cultural, Traditional Observances
465. There Are Some Religious Ceremonies in which Bahá'ís Should Not Participate
466. Bahá'í Parent May Attend Baptismal Ceremony, but Cannot Make Any Commitment or Vow
A. Adopted Children and Orphans
467. "He that Bringeth Up His Son or the Son of Another..."
468. Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá Laud Those Who Adopt Children
469. Adopted Child and Its Natural Parents
470. A Bahá'í Cannot Take Vow to Educate Adopted Child in Another Religion
471. A Bahá'í Who Swears to Rear His Children in Another Faith is Subject to Administrative Sanction
472. Duty Towards Orphans
B. Godparents or Co-Parenthood
473. Bahá'ís Serving as Godparents
474. Bahá'í Couple Should Not Have Their Child Baptized
475. A Bahá'í May Become Godparent of a Non-Bahá'í Child if Conditions Are Clear
476. Those Who Took Vows as Godparents Prior to Becoming Bahá'ís
477. Non-Bahá'í Godparents of Bahá'í Children
478. Two Bahá'ís May Enter into a Co-Parental Agreement
C. Education and Training of Children
479. Must First Train Children in Principles of Religion
480. Encourage the Children from Early Childhood
481. Incumbent Upon Bahá'í Children to Surpass Other Children
482. Parents Held Responsible to God for Education of Children
483. Teachers of Children Serving Bahá'u'lláh
484. Failure to Educate Child is an Unpardonable Sin
485. Child Left in Natural State Grows Up in Ignorance...
486. If Babe Did Not Live at All, Better Than to Grow Ignorant
487. Training in Morals and Good Conduct is Far More Important Than Book Learning
488. Pupil Must Be Encouraged
489. Station of Those Who Serve and Teach Children
490. Methods of Teaching Children
491. A Wise Schoolmaster
492. Curriculum of Study: Must Follow Same Curriculum for Daughters and Sons
493. Beginning of Formal Education
494. Subjects to be Taught in Children's Classes
495. Formal Education Must Begin at the Age of Five
496. Nothing in Teachings States Child Must Not Be Separated from Parents for First Five Years
497. Mother Has Chief Responsibility for Bringing Up Child
498. Mothers Ordained Primary Trainers of Children and Infants
499. Training of Children in Case One of Parents is Non-Bahá'í
500. Greatest of All Services Rendered by Man to Almighty God--Teach Children to Deliver Speeches of High Quality
501. Preferable that Child Should Receive First Training at Home Under Mother Instead of in the Nursery
502. Spiritual Assemblies Should Provide Mothers with Well-Planned Programme
503. Difficult to Teach and Refine Character Once Puberty is Passed
504. Should Train Children to Memorize Prayers and Tablets
505. Sacred Duty of Children Towards Their Parents
506. Children Should Be Trained to Understand Spiritual Significance of Bahá'í Meetings
507. Few Children Are Really Bad
508. Children Fighting
509. Physical Punishment
510. Problem Child: Discipline of Some Sort Indispensable
511. It is Not Permissible to Strike a Child
E. Registration of Children
512. Bahá'í Children Do Not Automatically Inherit Faith of Parents
513. Children Whose Parents Become Bahá'ís
514. Status of Children Under the Age of 15
515. Age 15 Relates to Spiritual Functions and Obligations
516. Children Under 15 Cannot Marry
517. Children Are of Age at 15 as Far as Keeping Laws of Aqdas
518. Children of Bahá'í Parents Considered as Bahá'ís
519. Registering Children Upon Attaining Age 15
520. Upon Attainment of Age 15 Child Must Reaffirm His Faith
521. Registration of Children of Bahá'í Parents
522. May Be Circumstances in which Children Should Not Be Registered
F. Miscellaneous Topics in Reference to Children
523. Children Should Be Free to Choose Their Own Religion
524. Teach Child to Say Greatest Name in Moments of Crisis
525. Criticizing the Faith in Front of Children
526. The Real Object of Life--The Guardian Prays for Children
527. Teach Children to be Kind to Animals
528. Bahá'í Children Can Give to the Fund--Non-Bahá'í Children, No Ruling Made; Teacher to Solve Problem
529. The Universal House of Justice Responds to Children's Questions Regarding the Catastrophe
530. Bahá'ís Must Have No Affiliation with Churches
531. We Must Have the Courage of Our Convictions
532. On Becoming a Bahá'í Should Withdraw from Church
533. Bahá'ís Are Ardent Believers in Christ
534. Ministers Who Consider Themselves Bahá'ís Should Withdraw from Church Membership
535. Membership in Jewish Synagogue
536. Withdrawal of Bahá'í Youth from Church Membership
537. For Sake of Family Unity Concession Made for Youth
538. Bahá'í Attitude Toward the Church
539. On Being Expelled from Church
540. Paying Church Tax
541. Contributions to a Church
542. History of the Early Church
A. Appointing Committees
543. Freedom to Appoint Any Bahá'í Qualified for the Work
544. Continuity of Committee Personnel
545. Preferable Some Qualified Native Believers Serve on Committee
546. Desirability of Easy Meeting of National Teaching Committee--If Possible, Not to be Burdened with Other Duties
547. Committees Can Be Constituted with Eye for Improvement and Change
548. Assembly Should Use Discretion When Appointing Committee Members-- Incompatible Personalities on Committees
549. National Committees Ordinarily Appointed by and Responsible to the National Spiritual Assembly
550. Non-Members of Assemblies Should Be Given the Opportunity to Develop Administrative Skills
551. Not Necessary that Committee Appointments Expire at Ridvan
B. Election of Committee Officers
552. All Committee Members Must Be Given Opportunity to Cast Ballot-- Election of Officers by Majority, Not Plurality
553. If Member Has a Good Reason, He is Free to Suggest He Should Not Be Elected to Office
C. Structure and Function of National Committees
554. An Efficient Teaching Structure Must Be Adopted by the National Spiritual Assembly
555. Function of the National Teaching Committee
556. National Committees Constituted to Serve Needs of Local Assemblies
557. National Assembly Should Issue Instructions to National Teaching Committee to Avoid Confusion
558. Some Committees Need Larger Membership
D. Special Committees (Administrative, Ad Hoc, Emergency - National and Regional Teaching Committees)
559. Administrative Committees Have Authority Only as Given Them by National Spiritual Assembly
560. Ad Hoc Committees Can Be Appointed to Deal with Personal Problems
561. When an Assembly Lapses, Administrative Committee Can Be Named from Adult Believers of Community
562. Scope of the Functions of the Emergency Committee
563. Latitude of Actions that May Be Taken by an Emergency Committee
564. National Assembly Defines Limits Placed on Emergency Committee-- Decisions of Committee Are Subject to Subsequent Approval of Assembly as a Whole
565. Quorum of Emergency Committee Members
566. Special Committee Can Be Named to Assume Responsibility for Consolidation
567. Not Necessary for National Committees to be Centred at National Headquarters
568. Regional Committees--Sub-Committees of National Teaching Committee
569. Too Many Committees Confuse Rather Than Clarify the Work
570. Relationship of National Teaching Committee to Regional Teaching Committees
571. Auxiliary Board Member Can Serve on Certain Special Committees
572. Collaboration Between Auxiliary Board Members and National and Regional Teaching Committees
573. National Youth Committee
574. Young Bahá'ís Under 21 May Serve on Committees
575. Local Committees
576. Structure of National and Regional Teaching Committees
577. No Welfare, Well-Being Can Be Attained Except Through Consultation
578. Consultation and Compassion
579. Consultation, Frank and Unfettered
580. The Purpose of Consultation--Should the People of a Village Consult One Another...
581. Each Bosom Must Be a Telegraph Station
582. Any Person Can Refer a Matter to the Assembly
583. Every Member to Express Freely and Openly His Views
584. Abstaining Does Not Arise in Bahá'í Voting
585. Majority Decisions--Instances When Assembly May Decide that All Nine Members Must Be Present
586. No Dissenting Votes in the Cause
587. Suspend Consultation when Enmity and Threats Occur
588. Take No Important Step in Personal Affairs Without Consultation
589. When a Believer Has a Problem Several Courses Open to Him
590. Assembly Cannot Require a Member to Absent Himself from Consultation
591. A Member May Wish to Absent Himself While Own Situation Being Discussed
592. Frank, Full, Unprejudiced Consultation Must Govern Work
A. Bahá'í Covenant
593. The Bahá'í Covenant
594. Firmness in the Covenant--"Be He an Insignificant Ant..."
595. The Crimson Book
596. Regarding Covenant Entered into on Mount Paran
597. To Withstand Tests Believers Need to be Deepened in the Covenant
598. The Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá--Needs a Century to Comprehend
599. The Will and Testament Safeguards the Unity of the Cause
600. Speaking Against the Covenant
B. Covenant Breakers-Expulsion
601. Covenant-Breakers, Defined
602. Covenant-Breaking is a Spiritual Disease
603. Covenant-Breaking Like Contagious Consumption and Cancer
604. Afflicted with Contagious Spiritual Disease
605. Association with Non-Bahá'ís Who Are in Association with Covenant-Breakers
606. Enemies of the Faith
C. Believers Forbidden to Associate with Covenant Breakers
607. Ex-Communication
608. No One Has the Right to See Covenant-Breakers Without Permission
609. Bahá'ís Cannot Associate with Those Who Have Left the Cause and Are Associating with Covenant-Breakers
610. Bahá'í May Remain at Non-Bahá'í Meeting if Covenant-Breaker Appears
611. Personal Relations with Covenant-Breakers
612. All Covenant-Breakers Regardless of Nature of Disobedience Must Be Treated in Exactly the Same Manner
613. Opposition Due to Ignorance or Lack of Proper Training is Not Covenant-Breaking
614. Role of Auxiliary Board Member for Protection
615. God's Mercy Exceeds His Justice
616. To Be the Enemy of the Enemies of God is Good Characteristic
617. It is Better to be Too Vigilant Than to be Too Lax
618. Possibly No Group Have Softer Tongues Than the Covenant-Breakers
619. National Assembly Should Consider Itself as Committee of Vigilance
620. Bahá'ís Need More Than Anything Else in the World Deeper Understanding Covenants of Bahá'u'lláh and Master
D. Expulsion and Reinstatement: Protection Responsibilities; Books written by Enemies of the Faith
621. Expulsion of Covenant-Breakers
622. Protection Specific Function of the Hands of the Cause
623. Expulsion and Reinstatement
624. Accomplishments to be Attained with the Covenant of the Everlasting Father
625. Course on Covenant-Breaking Should Be Included in Summer School Curriculum
626. Should Not Accept Contributions from Those Who Lose Voting Rights: They Can Be Buried in Bahá'í Cemetery, Receive Charity
627. Literature Written by Enemies of the Faith
628. Books by Unenlightened Enemies of the Cause
629. Obedience to the Center of the Covenant
A. Wills
630. Every Bahá'í is Encouraged to Make a Will and Testament
631. By Preparing a Legal Will, the Believer Can Dispose of His Estate as He Chooses, Within Limits of Law
632. Neither National nor Local Assembly Should Be Named Executor, if the Institution So Prefers
633. Bahá'ís Should Make Their Will Specifying the Desire for a Bahá'í Funeral--Should Inform the Assembly and the Non-Bahá'í Relatives
634. The Spiritual Assembly Must Carefully Consider Bequest of the Testator-- Unreasonable Demands May Be Refused
635. A Provision in the Will Contrary to Bahá'í Law Should Be Declared Null and Void by the Assembly
636. Bahá'ís Are Free to Formulate Provisions of Their Wills--We Are Not Permitted to Challenge Provisions of Another's Will
B. Burial Laws
637. Forbidden to Carry Body More Than an Hour's Distance
638. Burial Law Binding on Believers in the West
639. Preparation for Burial--Embalming Not Permitted
640. Bahá'í Burial Law--Coffin Should Be of Crystal, Stone or Wood
641. Foetus to be Treated With Respect, No Matter How Young
642. Cremation is Contrary to Bahá'í Law--Bahá'í Relatives and the Spiritual Assembly Are Responsible
643. In Case of Death at Sea, Maritime Law is Applicable--Burial on Land is Preferable
644. Believer Should Ensure that He Will Be Buried According to Bahá'í Law
645. Enfolding the Body of the Deceased
646. Face of the Dead Should Be Turned Toward the Qiblih
647. Hour's Journey May Be Calculated from City Limits
648. Graveyard More Than an Hour on Foot from a Village
649. The Burial Stone
650. Bury the Dead in Silk
651. Should Advise Bahá'ís in Military Service of Burial Laws
C. Bahá'í Cemeteries
652. Bahá'ís Are Permitted to Accept Land from the Government for Cemetery
653. Disinterment
654. At Present No Definite Regulations for Bahá'í Cemeteries
655. Should Not Refuse to Bury Bahá'í Who Lost Voting Rights--Assembly May Permit Burial of Non-Bahá'ís
656. The Most Great Name or Ringstone Symbol Not Appropriate on Gravestones
D. Funeral Services
657. Official Bahá'í Funeral Service for Believers Only
658. Utmost Simplicity and Flexibility Should Be Observed...
659. No Objection to Bahá'ís Attending Non-Bahá'í Funeral of Bahá'ís
660. Obligatory Prayer for the Dead--Permissible to Change Gender
661. Prayer for the Dead to be Recited by One Believer
662. Non-Bahá'ís Can Be Present When Long Prayer for the Dead is Read
663. Prayer for the Dead--Special Conditions
664. Any Prayer May Be Said for a Woman--Text Must Not Change
665. Memorial Gatherings
E. Cremation
666. Cremation
667. Body Can Be Left to Medical Science, Remains Not to be Cremated
668. The Inner Temple Beholdeth Its Physical Frame
669. Body Formed Gradually, Must Decompose Gradually
670. Spiritual Assembly Cannot Arrange for the Cremation of the Remains of a Bahá'í
671. Word "Bahá'í" in Centre of Nine-Pointed Star Can Be Used
672. Can Use Quotations from the Teachings on Tombstones
673. Possible that Non-Bahá'í Relatives Can Be Buried in Bahá'í Cemetery
F. Suicide
674. Suicide Strongly Condemned in the Teachings
675. The Light Manifested by Bahá'u'lláh Can Ease Despair of Young People
676. Bahá'ís Are Free to Pray for the Dead
677. One Should Put All Thought of Suicide and Death Out of Mind
678. Consolation for the Bereaved Parent
G. Life after Death; the Soul
679. Gifts and Good Deeds in Memory of Those Passed On
680. Man is Destined by God to Develop Spiritually Through Eternity
681. Regarding Non-Bahá'í Traditions
682. The Soul Will Continue to Ascend Through Many Worlds
683. We Can Help Every Soul Attain High Station
684. Intercession in the Other World
685. Bequests to the Poor
686. The Nature of the Soul After Death Can Never Be Described
687. There Are No Earth-Bound Souls
688. There is No Power Exercised Over People by Evil Souls that Have Passed Away
689. Soul Mates
690. Influence of Holy and Spiritual Souls
691. The Soul Acts
692. The Other World is Within This World
693. The Soul of a Murderer
694. Union in the Next World
695. Death Can Lose Its Sting
696. With Vision to See Blessings of Other World, No One Would Care to Remain in This World
697. Good Souls Enter a State of Being Far Nobler and More Beautiful...
698. The Nature of the Soul
699. All Souls Progress Spiritually in the Next World--Relatives of the Believers Will at Least Partially Attain Kingdom
700. Certain Things Remain a Mystery to Us in Our Present Stage of Development
701. The Prophets Never Revealed What Happens to Us After Death--Belief in God and His Prophet Elicits Spiritual Growth
702. Our Speculations on the Nature of Life After Death Have Little Validity
703. God Can Be Known Only Through His Prophets--Heaven and Hell Are Conditions Within Our Own Beings
704. The Journey of Spiritual Progress is Endless
705. How to "Get to Heaven"--Is Dependent on Two Things
A. Academic and Spiritual
706. Education of Man
707. Education of the Physical and Intellectual, Spiritual and Ethical Aspects of Man
708. Man Said to be Greatest Representative of God
709. Modern Education Lacking in Ability to Produce a Mature Mind
710. Each Should Be Educated According to His Needs and Deserts
711. Education Extended to Prisoners
712. Humankind Are as Children in School, and Prophets Are Their Teachers
713. Learning is the Greatest Bestowal of God
B. Universities and Colleges
714. The Academic Life
715. There is No Bahá'í Curriculum as Yet
716. Three Cardinal Principles
717. Characteristics of Bahá'í College Students
718. Abdu'l-Bahá Enjoins Bahá'ís to Excel All Other Students--Emphasis on Truthfulness
719. Challenge to Persian Students
720. Teaching in Universities and Colleges
721. When Studying at School or University
722. Endowment Land Used for Site of Haziratu'l-Quds Ceases to be Endowment in the Bahá'í Sense
723. National Endowments
724. Local Endowments
725. Endowment Land--There is No Objection to Raising a Temporary Structure
726. Endowment Land to be Regarded as an Investment for Local Assemblies
727. Endowment Property May Be Used for Sports Facilities or to Produce Income for the Work of the Faith
728. Summary of Principles which Should Govern Acceptance of Free Land for Bahá'í Use
A. Family Relationships
729. Family Ties
730. The Family: A Special Kind of Community--Each Member Has Rights and Responsibilities
731. The Family Progresses When There is Unity
732. Bahá'u'lláh Provides Way to Remove Hostility and Dissension from the World
733. It is Important for Man to Raise a Family
734. Keys to Strengthening of Family
735. Mother-in-Law Problem
736. A Truly Bahá'í Home--A Fortress Upon which the Cause Can Rely
737. The Home is an Institution Bahá'u'lláh Has Come to Strengthen and Not to Weaken
738. Preserve Bahá'í Families: Harmony, Unity and Love Highest Ideals in Human Relationships
739. Rights and Prerogatives of Each Member of the Family
740. Violence in the Home
741. Love Can Change Vile, Mean Person into Heavenly Soul
742. Believer Must Be Patient with Non-Bahá'í Spouse, Attract with Loving Kindness, Wisdom, Tact
743. Teaching Relatives
744. Earn Right to Plead on Behalf of Family
745. One Should Not Be Deceptive with Non-Bahá'í Spouse or Parents
746. Duty of Believer to Endeavour to Lead Family to the Faith
747. If Family Members Are Hostile, Avoid Antagonizing Them, Leave Them to Themselves
B. The Relationship Between Husband and Wife
748. Keys to Strengthening of Family
749. Honour and Privilege Ordained for Women: Obedience to Husbands
750. Domination by Husband or Wife Not Right
751. Time When Wife Should Defer to Husband and Time When Husband Should Defer to Wife
752. In Tablet of the World Women and Men Envisaged as Breadwinners
753. Love Between Husband and Wife
754. The Institution of Marriage
755. Husband and Wife as a Single Soul
756. Wife Should Treat Husband with Kindness
757. Tolerate Cruel Actions, Ill Treatment, Demonstrate Loving Kindness
758. Pray to Bahá'u'lláh for Help, Think of Abdu'l-Bahá as Perfect Example
759. Bahá'ís Should Make Almost a Superhuman Effort to Avoid Divorce
C. Ancestors and Descendants
760. Faith of Believer Attracts God's Mercy to Souls of Parents
761. True Believer in Better Position to Intercede for Ancestors
D. The Relationships Between Parents and Children
762. The Most Important of All Duties After the Recognition of God--Due Regard for Rights of Parents
763. If Children Do Not Obey Parents--They Will Not Obey God
764. The Son Must Serve His Father
765. Consultation Between Father and Son
766. Father Must Give Son Advice--Son Must Obey Father
767. Parents Must Be Respected--Should Not Keep Child Back from Serving the Cause
768. If One Must Make Choice Between Service to Bahá'u'lláh or Service to Parents
769. It is a Privilege to Look After Parents
770. Pray for Parents
771. Father Who Fails to Educate His Children Forfeits Rights of Fatherhood
772. Mothers Are Not Necessarily Confined to the Home
773. Underage Child Needs Parental Consent to Pioneer
774. Parents and Children in the Pioneering Field
775. Fasting--Spiritual in Character
776. Observance of the Fast is a Universal Obligation--Bahá'u'lláh Permits Certain Exceptions to Fasting
777. Fasting has a Salutary Effect Both Physically and Spiritually
778. The Doctor's Advice Should Be Sought if There is a Health Problem
779. The Divine Wisdom in Fasting
780. Travellers Are Exempt from Fasting--If One Eats Unconsciously, Fast is Not Broken
781. Fasting in High Latitudes
782. Smoking is a Form of Drinking
783. Observance of Fast When Attending Military School
784. Prayer for the Fast
785. Fear of God and Sense of Shame Protect Man from Unseemly Conduct
786. Teach Children the Fear of God Through Concept of Oneness and the Laws
787. The Knowledge which Will Largely Eliminate Fear
788. Lack of Faith in Immortality is a Cause of Fear, Weakened Will Power and Human Degradation
789. Meaning of the Term "Fear of God"
790. Explaining Fear of God to Children
791. Fear Does Not Solve Problems
792. Overcoming Fear
793. Forget Fears, Teach and Serve the Faith
794. Fear of God--Human Beings Need Element of Fear
A. Nature and Function
795. Purpose of the Nineteen Day Feast
796. The Lord's Supper--The Nineteen Day Feast
797. Abdu'l-Bahá is Present in Heart and Soul
798. Attendance at Nineteen Day Feasts Not Obligatory
799. If Feasts Be Held in Proper Fashion...
800. Prophecies About Feasts
801. Visitors Can Take Part in Consultation, They Cannot Vote
802. Omit Consultative Part of Feast if Non-Bahá'í Appears
803. Voting Rights Cannot Be Removed for Failure to Attend Feast
804. Non-Bahá'í Attendance at Nineteen Day Feast
805. The Nineteen Day Feast for Bahá'ís Exclusively--No Variation from this Principle Permitted
806. Bahá'í Groups, Isolated Believers and Friends Should Observe the Nineteen Day Feast
807. Where Nineteen Day Feast Should Be Held
808. The Owner of the House Must Personally Serve
809. Children Up to Age Fifteen Permitted to Attend Feasts
810. District Nineteen Day Feasts
B. Time for Holding Nineteen Day Feast
811. Time for Holding the Nineteen Day Feast
812. If Feast Clashes with Regular Day for Public Meeting
813. Feast Should Be Held on Prescribed Day Before Sunset
814. Feast Can Be Celebrated During Intercalary Days, Also Month of Fasting
815. In High Latitudes Permissible to Go by the Clock
816. "Most Suitable" Day for Celebrations of the Nineteen Day Feast
C. Programme for the Nineteen Day Feast
817. Devotional Part of Feast
818. Programme for Devotions Outlined
819. Writings which Can Be Read in Spiritual Part of Feast
820. Reading from Writings of the Guardian at Feast in Persia
821. Advisable to Read from Our Own Holy Writings
822. Music at Bahá'í Feasts
823. Advisable Believers Make Use of Hymns, Poems and Chants
824. Instrumental Music May Be Used at Feasts
825. Shoghi Effendi Provided for the Period of Consultation
826. Consultation in the Nineteen Day Feast
827. Selling of Items at the Nineteen Day Feast
828. Firesides More Effective Than Publicity
829. Must Hold Fireside in Home Once in 19 Days
830. Service Once Rendered by Priest is the Service a Bahá'í is Expected to Render Individually to His Religion
831. That Home is a Garden of God
832. Fireside in Home is Example of Individual Goal
833. Must Aid New Believers to Become "True Bahá'ís"--Then Introduce Them to the Community
834. The Holy Spirit Quickens Friends--Must Become Channels for Its Diffusion
A. Contributions-Responsibility of Bahá'ís
835. To Give and to be Generous
836. God Does Not Ask from Any Soul Except According to His Ability
837. Responsibility of Every Bahá'í
838. There Can Be No Limit to One's Contributions
839. Service Every Believer Can Render
840. Commerce, Agriculture and Industries Blessed Many Times
841. Believers Alone Have Bounty of Contributing
842. Should Not Incur Debts for Purpose of Contributing to Fund
B. Those Eligible to Contribute
843. Distinguishing Features of the Cause of God
844. Giving to the Fund is a Spiritual Privilege
845. When a Soul Accepts Bahá'u'lláh He Becomes a Co-Worker in the Cause of God
846. Those Who Openly Proclaim Recognition of Bahá'u'lláh Permitted to Contribute
847. They Must Create a Sense of Belonging
848. Contributions from Children of Non-Bahá'ís or in Case One Parent is Bahá'í
849. Selling Items for the Benefit of the Bahá'í Fund
850. It is Not Proper for a Bahá'í Institution to Sponsor a Fund-Raising Sale Open to Public
851. Auctions Among Bahá'ís--Contributing to the Fund is a Spiritual Responsibility
852. Holding of Raffles
853. Guidelines Towards Establishing a Business Venture Owned by Bahá'ís
854. Reasons for Not Accepting Donations from Non-Bahá'ís for Administration of the Faith
855. Guidelines for Accepting Funds from Governmental and Other Non-Bahá'í Sources
856. Should Recipient of Public Charity Contribute to the Bahá'í Fund?
C. The Treasurer and the Spiritual Assembly
857. Trustworthiness--A Prime Requisite for Those Responsible for the Funds
858. Great Responsibility of Members of the National Spiritual Assembly-- Should Require Two Signatures for Withdrawal of Funds
859. The Treasurer of an Assembly Should Never Commingle His Own Funds and Those of the Faith
860. Local Assembly of a Large Community Might Appoint a Committee to Assist Treasurer
861. Treasury Committees, Functions of
862. National Treasury Committee
863. The Treasurer is Officer in Charge, but All National Spiritual Assembly Members Are Responsible
864. Teach Trustworthiness Through Writings--Explain to Individuals that They Will Be Held Responsible for Money They Handle
865. The National Spiritual Assembly Should Require Annual Audit of Treasuer's Accounts
866. Some Guidelines for Treasurers
867. Desirable for Assembly to Maintain Financial Reserve
868. Duty of the National Assembly Not to Allow National Interests to be Jeopardized by Individual Considerations
869. Assembly Should Neither Feel Embarrassed nor Ashamed in Turning to the Friends
870. The General and National Interests of the Cause Take Precedence Over the Local Ones--But It May Be Expedient to Develop Local Fund First
871. Assembly Obligated to Advise Believers of All Funds--International, Continental, National and Local
872. Contributions Can Be Sent Direct to Haifa
873. Continental Fund
874. Pledges Can Be a Useful Means of Encouraging Contributions
875. Friends in Mass Teaching Areas Should Know Their Blessings and Responsibilities
876. "Bring and Buy" Meetings
877. Assembly May Sell Contributions in Kind Through a Professional Auctioneer
878. It is Not Permissible to Impose a Tax or an Assessment on Local Spiritual Assemblies
879. Local Spiritual Assembly Decides for Itself How to Use Funds--National Spiritual Assembly Can Only Make a Suggestion
880. Soliciting Funds from Other Countries
881. Individual Bahá'ís Free to Contribute to Projects in Any Country They Wish
D. Earmarked Funds
882. Purpose of Earmarking Funds Should Not Be Defeated
883. Earmarked Funds for Specific Purchases or Projects
884. When Earmarked Contribution is Impractical or Unwise...
885. Proceeds from Sale of Property Purchased with Earmarked Funds Retain Same Earmarking
886. The Proper Accounting for Earmarked Funds is Very Important
887. Donor Has No Right to Change Earmarked Purpose Unless the Assembly Accepts the Request to Do So
888. The Assembly Should Try to Preserve Real Value of Funds in Its Care-- Especially True of Earmarked Funds
889. Often It is Better that the Friends Do Not Restrict Funds
890. Care to be Taken Not to Violate Right of Earmarking--Earmarked Contribution Should Be Over and Above Assembly's Allocation to a Fund
891. Confidentiality of Believers' Contributions, Earmarked or Otherwise, Must Be Respected
A. The Greatest Name
892. The Greatest Name is the Name of Comfort, Protection, etc.
893. Bahá'ís May Greet Each Other with "Allah-u-Abha"
894. The Greatest Name is the Name of Bahá'u'lláh
895. The Greatest Name is an Invocation and a Symbol of Our Faith
896. Use of Greatest Name Symbol--Not Appropriate on Articles Put to Common Use
897. Guidelines on the Use of the Symbols of the Greatest Name on Stationery and in Paintings
898. Stickers, Use of Not Encouraged
899. Tombstones Please Refer to No. 672.
900. Emblems
901. Believer Can Manufacture and Sell Items Using the Greatest Name
902. No Prohibition Against Use of Greatest Name, Names of the Manifestations or Names of Central Figures in Songs
903. Reproducing Greatest Names on Jewellery Commercially
904. Picture of the Greatest Name May Be Destroyed, if Necessary
905. Reciting the Greatest Name 95 Times Daily
906. The Greatest Name or Picture of Abdu'l-Bahá Should Be Placed in a Dignified Position
B. Ringstone Emblem and Jewellery
907. Ringstone Emblem is Form of the Greatest Name--Use of on Jewelry
908. Bahá'ís Not Required to Wear Ringstone
909. Ringstone Inscription Explained
910. The Significance of the Stars
911. Greatest Name--An Invocation
912. Haziratu'l-Quds--Its Main Function
913. Dancing Not Appropriate in Haziratu'l-Quds
914. Local and National Haziratu'l-Quds
915. Principles that Govern Acceptance of Gifts of Land
916. National Spiritual Assembly Should Budget Annually for Maintenance of Properties
917. Responsibility of National Spiritual Assembly to Maintain and Improve Properties--Individual Bahá'ís Can Help in Many Ways
918. Purchase and Sale of Haziratu'l-Quds
919. National Haziratu'l-Quds Need Not Serve Needs of Local Spiritual Assembly--Preferable that National Secretary Live in Haziratu'l-Quds
920. The National Spiritual Assembly Must Operate from the National Haziratu'l-Quds--Eventually, Full Time Service Will Be Required of the National Secretary
921. Preferable Arrangement and Bahá'í Norm that the National Secretary Live in the Haziratu'l-Quds--Not to be Considered a "Right of Office"
922. A District Haziratu'l-Quds Serves the Local Community as a Gathering Place for Bahá'ís of Wider Area
A. Spiritual and Physical Healing
923. Consult Competent Physicians When Ill
924. Prayers for Spiritual and Material Healing
925. The Greatest Name Influences Both Spiritual and Physical Matters
926. Two Ways of Healing Sickness
927. Two Processes of Healing--Prayer Alone Not Sufficient
928. Spiritual and Material Healing Essential and Complementary
929. Physical Healing Must Be Reinforced by Spiritual Healing
930. Healing of Illness--There is No Such Thing as "Bahá'í Healers"
931. To Associate Such Things with the Cause Ultimately Injures It
932. Not a Unique Phenomenon
933. To Be Able to Help Another Soul Who is Suffering
934. Try Not to Have the Faith Identified with Such Things
935. Should Not Become Healer
936. Healing by the Holy Spirit
937. Visiting the Sick
938. However Critical and Hopeless Consult and Follow Treatment of Competent Physician
939. Both Spiritual and Physical Forces Needed to Secure Speedy Recovery
940. Physical Ailments Have No Effect on the Soul
941. Bahá'ís Must Avoid Depleting Their Forces and Suffering Breakdowns
942. The Supreme Need of the World Today is for Spiritual Healing--Bahá'ís Are the Leaven that Must Leaven the Lump
943. Some Illnesses Have to Do with the Spiritual Development of the One Affected or of the Loved Ones
944. Physical Pain is Necessary to Existence and is Unavoidable--In Every Suffering One Can Find a Meaning and a Wisdom
945. Decree of Bahá'u'lláh Consult Competent Doctor
946. It is the Responsibility of the Believers to Look After the Sick
B. Mental Illness
947. Little is Known About the Mind and Its Workings
948. Mental Illness Does Not Affect Our Spirit or Our Inner Relation to God
949. Disease of Two Kinds--Madness Can Be Cured Through Prayer
950. Some Serious Deficiencies, Physical or Mental, Can Incapacitate One to Contract Marriage
951. No Objection to One Seeing a Psychiatrist
952. Bahá'ís Should Not Become Healers
953. The Mind Can Be Helped by Professionals, but the Soul is Not Aided by Psychotherapy
954. The Science of the Mind is in Its Relative Infancy--Therapy of Mental Disorders is Advancing
955. Mental Illness is Not Spiritual
956. Bahá'ís Should Not Take a Defeatist Attitude Toward Mental Illnesses
957. Psychiatry
C. Doctors
958. Physician is Blessed Who Heals in the Name of God
959. To Seek Medical Treatment and Obey the Doctor is a Divine Ordinance
960. One Must Obey Command of God and Submit to Medical Opinion
961. The Science of Medicine is Extremely Useful
962. The Sick Must Refer to a Skilled Doctor
963. The Physician Has Two Powers
964. When Giving Treatment, Turn to the Blessed Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh
965. It is Imperative to Consult a Doctor Even if One is an Eminent Physician
966. God Alone Has the Power to Give True Healing--Many Men Have Died of the Very Disease of Their Specialty
967. Service is Prayer
968. Doctors Versed in Medical Science Can Treat Case Better Than Loving Mothers
969. Powers Released by Bahá'u'lláh Destined to Reveal Themselves Through Instrumentality of His Followers
970. Doctors Should Not Work on 9 Holy Days
971. Corrupt Practices
D. Illnesses and Medical Practices
972. Medical Science Will Greatly Improve with the Spiritual Awakening of Man
973. Surrogate Mothers and Artificial Insemination
974. Artificial Production of Life
975. Conception Without Male Sperm
976. Hypnotism
977. Auto-Suggestion or Hypnotism
978. Cancer
979. Cancer--Not Stated It is a Spiritual Disease
980. Chiropractic
981. Circumcision
982. Reference to Certain Aspects of Medical Profession Not Found in Sacred Writings
983. Heart/Kidney Transplant
984. Organ Donor for Parts of the Body Including the Eyes
985. Euthanasia (Mercy Killing)
986. When Dissecting Human Body, It Must Be Treated with Respect
987. Life Support
988. Telepathy
989. Before Serious Operation Consult More Than One Physician
990. Protect Your Health by Sleeping Enough
991. Take Care of Health as a Necessary Means of Serving the Cause
992. Vaccination
993. Vivisection
994. Torture of Animals--When the Hearts of Men Change Medical Research Will Eliminate as Much Suffering of Animals as Possible
995. During Vivisection Animal Must Be Well Anaesthetized
996. Sins Are Potent Cause of Physical Ailments
E. Physical Education
997. Material Education
998. The Essentiality of Taking Proper Care of Child from the Early Days of His Life
999. Give Them Advantage of Every Useful Kind of Knowledge
1000. Training and Development of Physical Body Ensures Strength and Growth
1001. There Should Be a Program for the Development of Youth All Over the World
1002. Playing Games
F. Diet and Nutrition
1003. Treat Disease Through Diet, but Do Not Neglect Medical Care
1004. One Course Meal More Pleasing in the Sight of God
1005. Mother's Milk Normally is Best for the Child
1006. Abstinence from Eating Animal Flesh
1007. The Four Canine Teeth in Man
1008. The Bab Has Said that Bahá'ís Must Develop Medical Science So that Illness May Be Healed by Foods
1009. Medical Science is Only in Its Infancy
1010. Should One Kill Animals for Food?
1011. Many Ailments that Affect Man Also Afflict Animals--Animals Heal Themselves with Food and Aliments
1012. Eating of Pork is Not Forbidden
1013. The Body is Like a Horse that Carries the Personality and Spirit
1014. The Prophets of God Are Not Immune from Things which Men Suffer
1015. No Specific School of Nutrition or Medicine Has Been Associated with the Bahá'í Teachings
1016. We Have Guidelines, Indications and Principles which Experts Will Carefully Study in the Future
1017. Believers Should Seek Help and Advice of Experts--The Teachings Say Nothing About Eating Meat or Fish
1018. Two Holy Days When Work is Not Prohibited--The Significance of the Day of the Covenant Explained
1019. Suspension of Bahá'í Administrative Activities on Bahá'í Holy Days
1020. Bahá'í Radio Should Refrain from Work on Nine Holy Days--Volunteers May Present Special Programs
1021. Business Places Owned by Bahá'ís Must Close During the Nine Holy Days --In the Bahá'í Temple Minimal Essential Services May Be Provided
1022. Exceptions Can Be Made When Contract Demands Service
1023. Gift Giving is Not an Integral Part of Any of the Bahá'í Holy Days-- nor is There a Prohibition
1024. Proper Time to Hold Meetings of Commemoration
1025. Naw-Ruz
1026. Naw-Ruz Has Nothing to Do with the Nineteen Day Feast
1027. Naw-Ruz Should Be Celebrated According to the Vernal Equinox
1028. Naw-Ruz Cards
1029. Celebration of the Christian Holidays Among the Bahá'ís Should Be Discontinued
1030. Holy Days Are Appropriate Occasions to Found Institutions and Projects for Social and Economic Development
1031. Payment of Huququ'llah Purifies One's Property, Attracts Prosperity and Blessings
1032. A Bounty which Shall Remain with Every Soul in Every World of God
1033. Moderation Versus Extravagance
1034. Solicitation of the Huququ'llah is Not Permitted
1035. Trustworthiness in Huququ'llah--On Acquiring 100 Mithqals of Gold, 19 Belong Unto God
1036. Huququ'llah Designated as an Institution of the Cause--Calculation of Equivalent of One Mithqal of Gold
1037. Promulgation of the Huququ'llah a Responsibility of the Spiritual Assemblies--The Universal House of Justice Determines How Huququ'llah Can Be Used
1038. Personal Accounting Should Separate Huququ'llah from Contributions-- Huququ'llah Comes First
1039. As a Token of Mercy, Cost of Burial and Debts Take Precedence Over Huququ'llah
1040. The Trusteeship of the Huququ'llah--Cannot Be Turned Over to Every Person
1041. The Huquq is Not Payable on Entire Possessions Each Year
1042. Huquq is Not Payable on Agricultural Tools and Equipment
1043. Value of Residence, Furniture and Tools of Trade Exempt from Huququ'llah of Heir
1044. Payment of the Huququ'llah is a Binding Spiritual Obligation--Conduces to Prosperity and Honour, Ensures Attainment of True Happiness
A. Institutions Defined
1045. Definition of Institution
1046. Clarification of the Institutions Attendant to the Guardianship
B. The Guardianship
1047. The Guardianship--Acceptance of--Day that Will Not Be Followed by Night
1048. The Word "Guardianship" Used with Various Meanings
1049. Prerogatives and Duties Invested in the Guardian Are of Three Kinds
1050. Infallibility of the Guardian is Not for Individual Believers to Limit or to Judge
1051. Authoritative Interpretation of the Teachings is the Exclusive Right of the Guardian After Abdu'l-Bahá
1052. The Distinction Between Authoritative Interpretation and Individual Understanding
1053. God Ordained, in This Day, that Guidance Has Been Vouchsafed to Man Through Institutions
1054. Future Guardians
1055. The Guardian is Assured the Guidance of Both Bahá'u'lláh and the Bab
1056. He is the Interpreter of the Word: Divine Truth is Relative
1057. Guardianship Does Not Lose Significance nor Position Because There is No Living Guardian
1058. Station of Guardianship Cannot Be Claimed Ere the Expiration of 1000 Years
C. The Universal House of Justice
1059. The Universal House of Justice Called into Being by the Author of the Faith
1060. Apex of Bahá'u'lláh's World Order
1061. Legislative Functions
1062. Process of Legislating
1063. Has General Functions of Protecting and Administering the Cause
1064. Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice is Not Dependent on the Presence of the Guardian
1065. The Universal House of Justice Has Conferred Infallibility
1066. The Process of Deducing Subsidiary Laws from the Original Text is the Right of the House of Justice
1067. In the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh Certain Functions Are Reserved to Certain Institutions
1068. The Decisions and Laws Made by the Universal House of Justice Are Inspired and Confirmed by the Holy Spirit--This Exclusive Authority Will Preclude Errors of Past Dispensations
1069. The Strong Cord to which All Must Cling is the Covenant
1070. The Universal House of Justice is the "Last Refuge of a Tottering Civilization"
1071. The Chosen Successors of Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá
1072. The Universal House of Justice Bears Responsibility for Executive and Judicial Functions as Well as Legislative
1073. Appointment of a Successor to Shoghi Effendi or More Hands of the Cause Not Possible
D. Supreme Tribunal
1074. Factor in Establishing the Lesser Peace
1075. The Supreme Tribunal Will Fulfil Task of Establishing Universal Peace
1076. The Mission of the Supreme Tribunal is to Prevent War
1077. International Executive--A Step Leading to Bahá'í World Government
E. Hands of the Cause of God
1078. The Institution of "The Learned"
1079. The Hands of the Cause Not Heirs of Any Name or Title
1080. Tablet Revealed for the Hands of the Cause
1081. Auxiliary Institution of Guardianship
1082. Functions of the Hands of the Cause
1083. The Authority of Expulsion and Reinstatement Exercised by the Hands of the Cause
1084. Prerogative and Obligation of the Hands of the Cause to Consult with Boards of Counsellors and National Assemblies
1085. Inappropriate for Them to Serve on Administrative Institutions
1086. The Rank and Position of the Hands of the Cause of God
F. International Teaching Centre
1087. The International Teaching Centre Establishment and Duties
G. Continental Boards of Counsellors
1088. Duties of Continental Boards of Counsellors
1089. Terms of Office of the Continental Counsellors
1090. Relationship of Counsellors to National Spiritual Assemblies
1091. Relationship Between Boards of Counsellors and National Spiritual Assemblies
1092. The Counsellors and Auxiliary Board Members Are Free from Administrative Responsibilities
1093. The Counsellors and the National Spiritual Assemblies Have One Common Objective
1094. The Counsellors Follow in the Footsteps of the Hands of the Cause
1095. The Functions of the Counsellors and the Spiritual Assemblies Are Complementary
1096. The Proper Functioning of Society Requires Preservation of Ranks and Classes
1097. Pride and Self-Aggrandisement Are Among the Most Deadly of Sins
1098. Differentials of Rank Meant to Canalize, Not Obstruct the Work of the Cause
1099. Counsellors Should Give Wide Latitude to Auxiliary Board Members in Carrying Out Their Work
1100. Assemblies Plan and Direct the Work--The Plans Should Be Well Known to Counsellors and Auxiliary Board Members
1101. The Counsellors May Report Misconduct of Individuals to the National Spiritual Assembly Through Board Member
1102. Every Institution of This Divinely Created Order is One More Refuge for a Tottering Society
H. Auxiliary Boards for Protection and Propagation
1103. Two Auxiliary Boards with Distinct But Complementary Functions Established by the Guardian
1104. Areas for the Protection Board and Propagation Board Are Not Necessarily the Same
1105. In Exceptional Circumstances One Board Member Might Cover an Area
1106. Advisable that Auxiliary Board Member Reside in Area which He Serves
1107. Many of the Functions of Members of the Two Boards and Assemblies Are Held in Common
1108. The Members of the Boards Should Encourage the Friends and Assemblies to be Unified
1109. Auxiliary Boards Will Stimulate and Help Teaching Work
1110. Auxiliary Board Members Free to Have Direct Contact with Individuals and Local Assemblies
1111. The Friends Should Feel Free to Refer to Either Auxiliary Board Member
1112. Protection Board Members' Responsibilities
1113. Moral Problems Should Be Dealt with Only When They Arise
1114. Propagation Board Members' Responsibilities
1115. Members of Auxiliary Boards Should Be Freed from Administrative Responsibilities
1116. Auxiliary Board Member Must Decide What to Report to the Local Spiritual Assembly--Generally, the More Freely Information is Shared Between Institutions, the Better
1117. Board Member Should Feel Responsible Before God in the Discharge of His Responsibilities
I. Auxiliary Board Member Assistants
1118. Appointment of Auxiliary Board Members' Assistants
1119. Primary Aim of Assistants is to Stimulate and Assist the Believers
1120. An Assistant May Serve Two Board Members
1121. The House of Justice Prefers that Assistants Not Retire from Administrative Work
1122. Assistant Functions Individually, Does Not Function in Relation to National Assembly, Should Foster Warm Relationship Between Local Assembly and Board Member
1123. Principle of Confidentiality Applies to Assistant Who is Assembly Member --Most Subjects Dealt with Are Not Confidential
J. Relationships Between Counsellors, Auxiliary Board Members, Assistants, National and Local Assemblies and Committees
1124. Authority and Direction Flow from the Assemblies--Counsellors, Auxiliary Board Members and Assistants Advise, Stimulate and Assist
1125. Auxiliary Board Member May Meet with Local Spiritual Assembly Occasionally
1126. Relationship Between Auxiliary Board Members and Local Assemblies Should Not Be Hampered by Regulations
1127. Problems with Board Members to be Reported to Counsellors
1128. Counsellors Need Not Consult with National Spiritual Assembly About Appointments
1129. Gatherings of Counsellors, Board Members, National Assembly Members and Committee Members Encouraged
1130. Auxiliary Board Members and Committees Should Exchange Information
1131. Board Member Reports and Recommendations Are Sent to Counsellors, Not to National Assembly or Committees
1132. National Spiritual Assemblies Should Refer to Protection Board Member for Protection Matters
1133. Administrative Institutions May Request Auxiliary Board Member to Perform Certain Tasks
1134. Auxiliary Board Members Teach, Advise on, Observe and Report on Administration
1135. It is Not Necessary to Inform National Assembly When Board Members Are Working with a Local Spiritual Assembly
1136. National Assemblies Should Avail Themselves of Services of Auxiliary Board Members and Their Assistants
1137. Leave Granted to be Instructed in Divers Tongues
1138. The Utmost Importance of an Auxiliary Language
1139. Man's Speech is the Revealer of His Heart
1140. Esperanto
1141. The Present Need of an Auxiliary Language
1142. Esperanto Will Spread to a Certain Degree
1143. The Persian Tongue
A. Introduction
1144. Obedience to the Laws of Bahá'u'lláh Will Impose Hardships and Tests in Individual Cases
1145. Certain Laws Are Universally and Vitally Applicable at the Present Time
1146. Laws Governing Physical and Spiritual Lives
1147. It is Difficult to Follow the Laws of Bahá'u'lláh
1148. Punishments Decided by the House of Justice
1149. Laws Should Be Obeyed But Not Through Fear of Punishment
1150. We Must Obey Ordinances, Even Though at First We See No Need for Them
1151. One Cannot Continue Drinking As a Bahá'í--Should Be Made Aware Gradually
1152. Unfair to Require New Applicants for Membership to First Accept All Laws of the Faith
1153. Difference Between Advice (Exhortation, Counsel) and a Binding Command
B. Abortion
1154. Abortion Merely to Prevent the Birth of an Unwanted Child is Strictly Forbidden in the Cause
1155. Surgical Operation and Abortion--The Soul Appears at Conception
C. Adultery
1156. Faith Recognizes Sex Impulse But Condemns Its Illegitimate Expression
1157. Sex Relationships Outside of Marriage Not Permissible
1158. Sexual Intercourse Permissible Only Between Man and Wife
1159. Adultery Retards Progress of the Soul
D. Birth Control
1160. Question of Birth Control Not Specifically Answered in Writings
1161. Population Explosion, No Reference in Writings: Time of Appearance of Human Soul, etc.
1162. When Exercised to Prevent Procreation of Any Children
1163. Husband and Wife to Decide How Many Children to Have
1164. Vasectomy to Avoid Having Unwanted Children Not Permitted if It Results in Permanent Sterility
1165. Tubal Ligation
1166. Should Take into Consideration Availability, Reliability and Reversibility of Operation
1167. No Reference in Writings Regarding Contraception to Prevent Transmission of Undesirable Traits
1168. In-Vitro Fertilization and Surrogate Mothers
1169. Individuals Must Decide Hazards of Contraceptive Agents at Present: Permanent Sterilization
1170. Letter to a Physician Specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology
E. Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
1. Alcohol
1171. Both Light and Strong Drinks Prohibited Unless Prescribed by a Doctor
1172. In the Kitab-i-Aqdas It is Forbidden to Take Anything that Deranges the Mind
1173. Drinking Forbidden, No Excuse to Touch It Even in Plum Pudding
1174. Cake Flavours and Extracts
1175. Strictly Prohibited Foods Flavoured with Alcoholic Liquors
1176. Alcohol for Home Remedies, No Instruction Allowing Its Use
1177. The Serving of Alcoholic Drinks by Bahá'ís and Bahá'í Institutions
1178. A Business Partnership Between a Bahá'í and Non-Bahá'ís
1179. Assembly's Role Toward Those Who Continue to Drink
1180. Alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous
1181. Bahá'í Advertising Agent Should Use Wisdom in Avoiding the Promotion of Intoxicating Drinks
1182. The Right of the Non-Bahá'í Parent--The Serving of Champagne
2. Drugs
1183. Hallucinogens, a Form of Intoxication
1184. The Use of Marijuana, LSD and Other Psychedelic Products
1185. Peyote
1186. Opium Destroys the Conscience, the Mind and the Perceptions
1187. Dealing in Heroin and Other Narcotics Forbidden
1188. The Renouncing of Tobacco, Alcohol and Opium--Purity and Sanctity Should Distinguish the People of Baha
3. Tobacco
1189. Smoking is Discouraged, But Not Forbidden
1190. Smoking Has Nothing to Do with Firmness in the Covenant
1191. To New Bahá'ís, We Should Not Stress Giving Up Smoking
1192. Smoking by Degrees Injurious
1193. Guidelines for Individuals and Assemblies About Tobacco Smoking
F. Crime, Criminals and Prisoners
1194. Believers Charged with Criminal Offences
1195. Bahá'í Institutions Cannot Enforce Criminal Laws at Present--Such Cases Are Handled in Civil Court
1196. Rehabilitation of Criminals Left to Experts in that Field
1197. Administrative Action in Cases Involving Disobedience to Civil Law
1198. Penalty for Arson--Laws for a More Evolved Society
1199. Capital Punishment and the Criminally Insane
1200. Suicide is Forbidden in the Cause
G. Gambling
1201. The Sale or Purchasing of Lottery Tickets
1202. Horse Racing, Betting and Raffles
1203. Betting on Football Games, Bingo and the Like
1204. Bingo and Other Games of Chance for the Fund
H. Chastity and Sex Education
1205. Sex Education Requires Wisdom and Good Judgment on the Part of Parents
1206. Bahá'í Youth Should Stand Out Against the Laxity and Depravity of a Permissive Society
1207. The Individual Believer in Accordance with His Prayerful Understanding of the Writings Should Determine His Course of Conduct
1208. Bahá'ís Should Not Hesitate to Seek Advice from Assemblies When They Feel the Need and Must Learn Through Study and Prayer to Obtain a Clearer Vision of Their Mission
1209. One Must Learn to Control Animal Impulses, Not Be a Slave to Them
1210. Kissing in Modern Society is Detrimental to Morals
1211. Bahá'ís Must Set the Example and Lead the Way to a True Human Standard of Life
1212. Chastity Implies Before Marriage Absolutely Chaste, After Marriage Absolutely Faithful to One's Chosen Companion
1213. Bahá'í Youth Should Study the Teachings on Chastity for Guidance in Deciding which Intimacies Are Permissible and which Are Not
1214. Youth Should Be Taught Self-Control
1215. Chastity Should Be Strictly Practiced by Both Sexes
1216. Chastity is One of the Most Challenging Concepts in This Permissive Age
1217. Children Out of Wedlock
1218. In Sexual Morality People Often Stumble and Fall Short of the Ideal-- The Spiritual Assembly Should Act as a Loving Father Rather Than a Judge
1219. The Institutions Should Adopt Such Programs as Will Deepen the Believers in Their Understanding as to How to Attain to the High Standards of Spotless Chastity Inculcated by Bahá'u'lláh
1220. Masturbation
I. Homosexuality
1221. Acts of Immorality
1222. Homosexuality and Transsexuality
1223. Through Advice, Help of Doctors, and Prayer, Can Overcome This Handicap
1224. Bahá'í Law Protects and Strengthens Marriage
1225. The Question Should Not Be if a Practicing Homosexual Can Be a Bahá'í, But as Such Can He Overcome His Problem Through the Teachings
1226. Recognizing the Divine Origin of the Sex Impulse in Man, Religion Teaches It Must Be Controlled
1227. We Are Assured of the Guidance of God When We Make an Effort to Obey Him
1228. One Must Make an Effort to Resist Wayward Impulses When They Arise by Turning to the Sacred Writings to Divert One's Thoughts
1229. A Homosexual Relationship Subverts the Purpose of Human Life
1230. Homosexuality, Immorality and Adultery Are Forbidden in the Faith
J. Laws of Marriage
1. Parental Consent
1231. Knowledge of Character Responsibility of Two Parties and Parents
1232. Must Become Thoroughly Acquainted with Characters of Each Other
1233. Law Requiring Parental Consent Should Encourage Young People to Consider Marriage Seriously
1234. Consent Required of Parents for Adults, for Second Marriages, for Bahá'ís or Non-Bahá'ís
1235. The Law of Parental Consent is to Strengthen Family Relationships
1236. Consent of Parents Law of Great Importance Affecting the Foundation of Human Society
1237. Consent of All Living Parents Places a Grave Responsibility on Each Parent
1238. Parents May Seek Advice of Spiritual Assembly, But Decision Rests with the Parents
1239. The Opposition of Family Members Other Than Parents Does Not Affect Validity of the Marriage
1240. Marriage to Non-Bahá'í, Consent of Parents of Both Parties Required
1241. The Child May Ask Parents to Reconsider--May Request Assistance of Assembly
1242. Consent of Parents Often Withheld for Reasons of Bigotry
1243. If Parents Are Alive, Consent Must Be Obtained
1244. Circumstances Under which Parental Consent for Bahá'í Marriage Not Required
1245. Withdrawal from the Faith in Order to Evade Law of Bahá'u'lláh is Not Possible for True Believer
1246. Parents Give Consent to Marriage, Not to a Bahá'í Religious Ceremony
1247. Every Reasonable Avenue of Search Must Be Exhausted to Find Parent-- The Responsible Assembly Must Be Satisfied This Has Been Done
1248. One May Ask Others to Approach Parent on His or Her Behalf
1249. Marriages Are Supposed to Promote Unity and Harmony--Alienated Parent and Child Might Be Brought Together
1250. Summary of Requirements for Adopted Children in Respect to Consent
1251. Adopted Children and the Special Significance of Their Relationship with the Natural Parents
1252. Uniform Adoption Law
1253. Duty of Assembly to Ascertain if Consent is Freely Given. It is Desirable to Have Signed Consent, is Not Requirement Under Law
1254. If Parents Do Not Name Future Spouse in Letter of Consent
2. Bahá'í Engagement
1255. First You Must Select One
1256. Period of Engagement and Announcement of Engagement
1257. If Both Parties Are Persian Engagement Should Not Exceed 95 Days
1258. The Ninety-Five Days Should Commence When the Two Parties Have Been Betrothed
1259. The Breaking of an Engagement Does Not Violate Bahá'í Law
1260. It is Unlawful to Announce a Marriage Earlier Than 95 Days Before Wedding
1261. It is Unlawful to Become Engaged to a Girl Before She Attains Maturity
3. Bahá'í Marriage
1262. The Bahá'í Teachings Raise Marriage to the Status of a Divine Institution; However, There is a Small Section of Humanity Who Should Not Marry...
1263. The Institution of Marriage as Conceived and Established by Bahá'u'lláh Constitutes the Foundation of Social Life
1264. The Physical Aspect of Marital Union is Subordinate to the Moral and Spiritual Purposes and Functions
1265. Marriage Between Two Bahá'ís Can Be a Potent Force in the Lives of Others
1266. Bahá'í Union Must Be a True Relationship that Will Endure
1267. Moral Duty to Marry But Marriage is Not an Obligation
1268. Bahá'u'lláh Has Urged Marriage as the Natural and Rightful Way of Life
1269. The Bahá'í Faith Does Not Contemplate Any Form of "Trial Marriage"
1270. Regarding Couples Living Together Without Being Married
1271. The Basic Difference Between the Two Categories of Relationships
1272. Faith Accepts in Certain Cases Unions which Are "Immoral But Accepted" by Society in which the People Live
1273. Legalizing Existing Situation Does Not Require Bahá'í Marriage
1274. Difference Between Companionate Marriage and Common Law Marriage
1275. Companionate Marriage and Flagrantly Immoral Relationships
1276. Violation of Marriage Law, Ascertain if Bahá'í Informed of Requirements
1277. Incorrect Information Given by Assembly
1278. Bahá'ís Ignorant of Law in a Different Category Altogether
1279. Be Patient and Forbearing in Application of Laws to Indigenous People: Must Not Pry into People's Personal Lives
1280. Bigamy Not Permitted
1281. Summary of Bahá'í Requirements Concerning Marriages with Followers of Other Religions
1282. Mixed Marriages (i.e., Bahá'í and Non-Bahá'í)
1283. Roman Catholic Marriage Requirements with Non-Catholics
1284. In Reality No Individual Performs the Marriage Ceremony and if for Any Reason Non-Bahá'í Refuses to Recite Verse, Bahá'í Cannot Marry that Person
1285. Marriage of Bahá'í to Atheist
1286. Marriage by Proxy
1287. Hindu Ceremony is Possible for Bahá'í, Provided...
1288. Inter-Racial Marriage
1289. Marriage Between Relatives
1290. Marriage Ceremony for Two Non-Bahá'ís
1291. The "So-Called" Marriage Tablet
1292. Wedding Plans Should Be Left Entirely in the Hands of the Bride and Groom
1293. Believers Should Not Attend Weddings of Bahá'ís Marrying Contrary to Bahá'í Law
1294. The Compulsory Part of a Bahá'í Wedding is the Pledge of Marriage in the Presence of Two Assembly Witnesses
1295. When a Bahá'í Marries a Non-Bahá'í Both Ceremonies Can Be Held in the Place of Worship of Another Religion, if Requested, and Provided that...
1296. Witnesses Can Be Any Two Trustworthy People Acceptable to Assembly: Makes Possible for Lone Pioneer to Have Bahá'í Marriage in a Remote Post
1297. Two Essential Obligations Regarding Education of Children
1298. Bahá'í Ceremony Should Be as Simple as Possible, No Rituals
1299. Meaning of Consummation of Marriage
1300. Consummation of Marriage Must Take Place Within Twenty-Four Hours of Bahá'í Marriage Ceremony
1301. Reporting Bahá'í Marriage: Individual Only Acts for Assembly
K. Divorce
1302. Attitude of Present-Day Society Towards Divorce
1303. There Are No Grounds for Divorce in the Faith--Divorce Should Only Be Considered if There is a Strong "Aversion" to One's Partner
1304. Youth Should Be So Deepened in the Teachings that the Thought of Divorce Will Be Abhorrent to Them
1305. The Party Who is the Cause of Divorce Will Become Victim of Formidable Calamities
1306. The Friends Must Strictly Refrain from Divorce
1307. Divorce is Conditional Upon the Approval and Permission of the Spiritual Assembly
1308. Should Think of Future of Children
1309. Divorce Concerns Children's Entire Future and Their Attitude Towards Marriage
1310. One May Discover He Has Not Purchased Either Freedom or Happiness
1311. Cannot Use the Cause or Service to It as Reason for Divorce
1312. Every Effort Should Be Made to Salvage Marriage--In Case of Pioneers, It is Even More Important
1313. Bahá'í Family Should Be Preserved
1314. One Year of Waiting Whether Bahá'í When Married or Not
1315. If Divorce is Illegal Within a Country, Bahá'ís Are Bound by Law of the Country
1316. If One Party is Mentally Ill
1317. Bahá'ís Who Intend to Divorce Must Consult with Local or National Assembly
1318. The Believers Should Know that Although Divorce is Permitted in Bahá'í Law, It is Condemned
1319. The Assembly Should Determine that Irreconcilable Antipathy Exists Before Setting the Date of the Beginning of the Year of Waiting
1320. Procedure for an Assembly When Application for Divorce is Received
1321. The Setting of the Date of the Beginning of the Year of Patience is Not Automatic
1322. Beginning of the Year of Patience Normally Commences When Parties Notify Assembly of their Separation with Intent to Divorce
1323. Duties of Assembly or Committee on Divorce Procedures
1324. Dating During the Year of Patience
1325. Summary--Relating to the Fixing of the Date of Separation
1326. It is Not Possible to Shorten the Period of Waiting
1327. The Assembly is Obliged to Consider Application for a Year of Waiting
1328. During Period of Legal Separation Dating in the Spirit of Courtship is Outside Bounds of Propriety
1329. Parties May Withdraw Their Application for Divorce at Any Time During the Year of Waiting
1330. Assembly Should Not Interfere into Marital Affairs Until Believers Bring Their Problems to the Assembly
1331. There is No Law to Remove Voting Rights for Obtaining Civil Divorce Before the Year of Waiting Terminates
1332. Annulment or Divorce
1333. Refund of Marriage Expenses
1334. Not Wise to Announce New Marriage Plans Before Divorce is Final
1335. Guidance Regarding Financial Support in Divorce Cases
1336. It is Preferable that Couple Should Amicably Agree on the Custody of the Children--The Husband is Obligated to Support Wife and Children Until Divorce is Granted and He Has Continuing Obligation to Support His Children
1337. Wife Support During Year of Patience and After Divorce--Assembly Should Encourage Husband to Honor His Responsibilities in Paying Required Support Money
1338. No Husband Should Batter His Wife
1339. The Best Remedy for Hate is Love, as Hate is the Absence of Love
1340. The Standard which Must Govern the Conduct of Believers Toward Each Other is Love
1341. We Must Love God and Thus Love for All Men Becomes Possible
1342. The Kind of Love Every Believer Should Cultivate
1343. Abdu'l-Bahá Explained the Meaning of Bahá'u'lláh's Words Regarding Love of Humanity
1344. Spiritual Relationships Are Far More Important Than Rules and Regulations
1345. The People of the World Need to See the Love Engendered by the Faith in the Hearts of the Believers
1346. The Morbid and Turbulent Influence of the Dark Forces of the World is Felt by All
1347. We Must Pray to be Protected from the Contamination of Society
1348. Heroism is Needed by the Believers
1349. God's Ways Do Not Necessarily Coincide with Human Devices and Policies
1350. If Divided, Both Sides to a Difference Are Wrong; If United, They Are Both Right
1351. Bahá'ís Cannot Voluntarily Enlist Where Subject to Taking Human Life
1352. Bahá'ís Are Not Conscientious Objectors
1353. There Are Many Avenues Through which the Believers Can Assist in Time of War
1354. Bahá'ís Recognize the Right and Duty of Governments to Protect Their People
1355. It is Their Duty as Loyal and Devoted Citizens to Offer Their Services to Their Country
1356. "Specifically Aggressive or Directly Military" Activities Are to be Avoided
1357. A Bahá'í May Enlist in the Armed Forces if Not Made Liable for Combatant Service
1358. National Service Through Professions Useful to Mankind--National Spiritual Assembly Has Responsibility to Counsel Youth
1359. Bahá'ís Are Not Asking to be Given a Safe Berth During Hours of National Crisis
1360. Music is a Ladder by which Souls May Ascend
1361. Music is an Important Means to the Education and Development of Humanity
1362. It is Necessary that the Schools Teach Music
1363. Music as a Praiseworthy Science
1364. Music as One of the Arts
1365. Prayers Set to Music
1366. Singing and Chanting Prayers in Unison
1367. Not Appropriate to Set Obligatory Prayers to Music
1368. Standing on the Threshold of Bahá'í Culture, We Cannot Foresee Forms and Characteristics of the Future Arts
1369. The Greatest Name and the Names of the Manifestations of God or the Central Figures Should Be Used with Respect
1370. Music More Helpful Before a Talk
1371. Music Helps to Communicate with the Soul
1372. The Number Nine is Reverenced for Two Reasons by Bahá'ís
1373. The Number Nine is Considered by Bahá'ís as Sacred
1374. The Number Nine Symbolizes the Nine Great World Religions and Perfection and is the Numerical Value of Baha
1375. Nine as the Highest Digit Symbolizes Comprehensiveness, Culmination
1376. The Bab Utilized the Numerical Value of Words to Symbolize Spiritual Concepts
1377. Superstition Concerning the Number 13
1378. No Need to Fear Opposition if the Inner Life Be Sound and Vigorous
1379. Refuting Attacks and Criticisms Against the Cause Devolve Upon the National Spiritual Assembly to Consider
1380. The Cause Cannot Be Effectively Established Unless It Encounters and Triumphs Over the Forces of Opposition
1381. Bahá'í Wife Should Show Utmost Love and Kindness to Husband in Spite of His Opposition to Faith
1382. How to Rehabilitate Our Perturbed Society and Eliminate War
1383. The Church and the Clergy Often Are the Most Bitter Opponents of the Cause
1384. Affiliation with Faith Alone is Insufficient
1385. Affiliation with Non-Bahá'í Organizations
1386. Association and Affiliation Defined for Bahá'í Purposes
1387. Bahá'ís Belonging to Churches, Synagogues, Freemasonry and the Like
1388. Bahá'ís Requested to Withdraw from Masonic and Other Secret Societies
1389. Why Bahá'ís Are Requested to Withdraw from Membership in the Church, Synagogue, etc.
1390. Resignation from the Masonic Order
1391. The Believers Should Dissociate Themselves from Secret Organizations
1392. Theosophists: One Cannot Be Bahá'í and Theosophist at the Same Time
1393. World Government Organization--Should Be Non-Partisan and Non-Discriminatory
1394. New History Society--Avowed Enemies of the Faith
1395. Social Organizations, Relief Work--The Believers Are Building a Refuge for Mankind
1396. Membership in Non-Bahá'í Religious Organizations
1397. Teaching in a Mission School
1398. Bahá'ís Should Not Attack the Church
1399. A Bahá'í Cannot Be a Spiritist
1400. Relationship of Bahá'í Community to the United Nations
1401. All Social Movements Have Some Spark of Truth
1402. A Bahá'í Should Not Seek Financial Help from a Religious Organization as a Bahá'í
1403. Membership in Trade Unions--Election Procedures
1404. As to Participation in Strikes
1405. Warning Concerning Oriental Moslems
1406. The Mere Name of Bahá'í Does Not Constitute a Bahá'í
1407. Avoid Making Any Effort to Convert Orientals to the Faith--i.e., Muslims from the Middle East, Pakistan and India
1408. Iranian Bahá'ís Need Not Avoid All Contact with Iranian Muslims--However, They Should Not Seek Them Out for Friendly Contacts nor for Teaching
1409. In Certain Cases Iranian Muslims Could Be Considered for Enrolment--Each Instance to be Referred to the Universal House of Justice for Approval
1410. Bahá'í Professionals Should Not Refuse to Make Themselves Available Professionally to Iranian Muslims
1411. The Ministers of the House of Justice to Promote Peace
1412. The Time and Means Through which the Lesser and the Most Great Peace Will Be Established
1413. Unless the Message of Bahá'u'lláh Reaches into the Hearts of Men and Transforms Them, There Can Be No Peace
1414. Predictions of Peace, Prophecy of Daniel--1335 Days
1415. Prerequisite to Peace
1416. Radiation of Thought Will Not Bring Peace
1417. No Greater Bliss Than to Find One Has Become the Cause of Peace
1418. Volition and Action Are Necessary Before International Peace Can Be Established.
1419. Every Means that Produces War Must Be Checked
1420. Every Century Holds the Solution of One Predominating Problem
1421. Do Not Rest Until the Peace Foretold by the Prophets is Permanently Established
1422. To Disregard the Bahá'í Solution for Peace is to Build on Foundations of Sand
1423. The Unification of Mankind is Assured by Bahá'u'lláh and No Power Can Prevent It
1424. Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings Will Establish a Universal Consciousness and a Universal Way of Life
1425. Peace Will Come
1426. The Aims and Purpose of the Faith Are to Eliminate War and Establish Peace and Unity
1427. Nuclear Disarmament
1428. The Transition from the Present System of National Sovereignty to a System of World Government
1429. Bahá'ís Are Not Pacifists
1430. The Lesser Peace Will Initially Be a Political Unity
1431. Any Narrative Not Authenticated by a Text Should Not Be Trusted
1432. Privilege of Friends to Share Results of These Visits
1433. Pilgrims' Notes Are Hearsay and Cannot Claim the Authority of the Sacred Text
1434. The Notes of Pilgrims Are for Their Own Use
1435. The Difference Between Talks and Tablets
1436. Stories Told About Abdu'l-Bahá
1437. Only Signed or Sealed Tablets Are Considered Authentic
1438. Pilgrim's Notes Reporting the Master's Words on Embracing and Kissing
1439. Haifa Notes Collected by Mrs. Maxwell
A. Politics
1440. Political Figures
1441. Politicians: Non-Political Government Jobs
1442. No Bahá'í Can Be Regarded as Republican or Democrat
1443. Voting in Civil Elections
1444. Avoid Identification with Political Parties
1445. For Bahá'ís Living in Countries Where the Political Structure is Based on a One-Party System
1446. No Loyal Believer Should Commit Himself to a Political Program
1447. Bahá'ís Should Refrain from Voting, if They Must Identify with a Political Party or Doctrine
1448. Enrolment When Political Affiliation or Activities Are Involved
1449. Membership in Any Political Party Entails Repudiation of Principles of Peace and Unity
1450. Regarding a Bahá'í Producing Television Advertising for a Political Campaign
1451. Bahá'ís Can Neither Campaign for Office nor Undertake Partisan Political Activities--They May Hold Appointive Posts which Are Not Political
1452. No Objection to a Bahá'í Being Elected as a Neighbourhood Captain or Serving on a Neighbourhood Council, Provided...
B. Governments and Civil Authorities
1453. Shun Politics Like the Plague and be Obedient to the Government in Power
1454. The Bahá'í Cause is Above Political Parties, But the Believers Are Obliged to Whole-Heartedly Obey Existing Political Regime
1455. The Bahá'ís Should Obey the Government Even at Risk of Sacrificing Administrative Affairs--In Matters of Faith No Compromise Allowed, Even Though Outcome is Death
1456. Principle of Obedience to Government Does Not Oblige Bahá'í Teachings to be Identified with Political Program
1457. Employment with the Foreign Service
1458. Bahá'ís Must Be Loyal to Their Spiritual Assembly and at the Same Time to Civil Government, Whether Tribal Council, a Cacique or a Municipal Authority
1459. Elective or Appointive Posts in Government Should Be Accepted Only if They Do Not Contravene Given Guidelines
1460. The Faith is Not Opposed to True Interests of Any Nation
1461. Not Our Purpose to Violate Any Country's Constitution
1462. Bahá'ís Obey the Law, Federal or State
1463. Obedience to Just Governments--What It Means
1464. Taking of Oaths
1465. Implicit Obedience to Administrative Regulations
1466. There is No Objection to Taking Case to Civil Court if Assembly and Bahá'ís Are Unable to Negotiate a Settlement of a Dispute
1467. Let the World Know the Real Aim of Bahá'u'lláh
1468. Non-Interference in Political Affairs--We Must Shun Pronouncements About Systems of Politics and Not Write About Current Political Affairs
1469. One Method by which One Can Criticize the Present Day Socio-Political Order
1470. Kingship in the Future
1471. President Wilson and Dr. Jordan
C. Government Employees
1472. Those Engaged in Government Service Should Perform Their Duties with Utmost Fidelity, Trustworthiness...
1473. Government Employees Should Perform Deeds and Actions of the Highest Degree of Rectitude and Honesty
1474. Those Who Are Selected to Serve the Public Should Perform Their Duties in a Spirit of the True Servitude
1475. Those Who Enter Service of the Government Should Shun All Forms of Venality and Corruption
1476. If One Abuses His Position with the Government Through Corrupt or Mercenary Behavior...
1477. If a Man Deals Faithlessly with a Just Government, He Deals Faithlessly with God
1478. Content with Wages Received, They Should Not Stain Their Character Through Acts of Bribery and Fraud nor Misappropriate a Single Penny
A. Prayer and Meditation
1479. A Prayerful Condition is the Best of Conditions, Especially in Private and at Midnight
1480. The Reason for Privacy When Communing with God
1481. The More Detached and Pure the Prayer the More Acceptable to God
1482. The Inspiration Received Through Meditation
1483. With Prayer and Meditation Must Go Action and Example
1484. The Importance and Power of Meditation
1485. Every Day Upon Arising One Should Compare Today with Yesterday and Pray...
1486. How to Pray--One Must Start Out with the Right Concept of God
1487. Wiser to Use Meditations Given by Bahá'u'lláh--Not Set Form Recommended by Someone Else
1488. Turn to Manifestation
1489. Praying to Bahá'u'lláh
1490. Praying to Bahá'u'lláh--As the Door
1491. We May Turn to the Guardian in Prayer, But Should Not Confuse His Station with that of a Prophet
1492. Turning Toward the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh in Prayer
1493. Through Abdu'l-Bahá One Can Address Bahá'u'lláh
1494. People Who Desire to Meet and Pray
1495. Prayers Should Be Read as Printed
1496. Strictly Adhere to the Text of the Holy Writings
1497. In Quoting Prayers
1498. Specific Time for Remembrance of God
1499. Dawn Prayers
1500. Morning Prayers
1501. We Should Not Make a Practice of Saying Grace or of Teaching It to Our Children
1502. Congregational Prayer Only for the Dead
1503. Prayers May Be Recited in Unison
1504. One Person Should Read the Funeral Prayer
1505. Recital or Chanting of Prayers--Prayer is Essentially Communion Between God and Man
1506. Healing Prayer and Prayers for the Fast
1507. Effectiveness of Healing Prayer
1508. Prayers Answered Through Action
1509. Pray to be Protected from Contamination of Society
1510. Five Steps of Prayer
1511. Reciting Any Prayer Nine Times Not Obligatory
1512. The Spiritual Man Prays Only for Love of God
1513. Prayer Beads, Chanting, Congregational Prayer, etc.
1514. Reading Prayers on the Radio
1515. Bahá'í Children, Communes and Prayers
1516. Mothers or Others Delegated Should Choose Excerpts from the Sacred Word for Children to Memorize
1517. There Are No Special Instructions for Repeating Prayers of the Bab
1518. Community Prayer Sessions
1519. Bahá'ís Should Be Taught to Meditate, But Also to Guard Against Superstitious Practices
1520. "O Subduer of Winds", an Invocation for Moments of Danger
B. Obligatory Prayer
1521. There Are Mysteries and a Wisdom in Every Word and Movement of the Obligatory Prayers
1522. Obligatory Prayers
1523. Turning Towards Akka in Prayer is a Physical Symbol of an Inner Reality --One Who Does Not Understand the Acts Accompanying the Long Prayer Can Use the Short
1524. If a Believer is Ill or Physically Unable to Perform Genuflexions
1525. The Medium Prayer--Repeating the Greatest Name 95 times
1526. Physical Gestures and Washing Hands and Face in Connection with Obligatory Prayers Are Laws of Bahá'u'lláh
1527. Each One Must Say His Obligatory Prayer by Himself
1528. Regarding Reading the Bab's Prayer 500 Times
1529. The Medium Prayer to be Recited Morning, Noon and Evening--Three Times a Day
1530. Definition of "Morning", "Noon" and "Evening"
1531. In High Latitudes the National Spiritual Assembly May Fix Hours of Prayer and Fasting by the Clock.
1532. Based on Texts in the "Kitab-i-Aqdas" and "Questions and Answers"--The Universal House of Justice Permits Use of Clock
1533. "Allah-u-Abha" is the Form of the Greatest Name to be Used in the Long Obligatory Prayer
1534. Instructions in the Long Obligatory Prayer
1535. Instructions for the Medium Obligatory Prayer
1536. The Correct Position for "Sitting" During Obligatory Prayers
1537. Ablutions and Movements to Accompany the Recitation of the Long Obligatory Prayer
1538. Ablutions Before Obligatory Prayers and Repetition of the Greatest Name
1539. The Verse to be Recited When There is No Water
A. The Báb
1540. Duration of the Bab's Dispensation
1541. Declaration of the Bab
1542. The Declaration of the Bab and the Birthday of Abdu'l-Bahá
1543. The Bayan
1544. The Iqan and the Bayan
1545. Reason for Severe Laws Revealed by the Bab
1546. Portrait of the Bab
1547. Hour of Birth of the Bab
1548. The Term "Afnan" Refers to Relatives of the Bab
1549. The Sacrifice of 19 Lambs by the Bab Was Prior to His Revelation
B. Bahá'u'lláh
1550. No Prophet in Same Category as Bahá'u'lláh
1551. Bahá'u'lláh Has Appeared in God's Greatest Name
1552. Bahá'u'lláh Conversed with Moses in the Burning Bush
1553. Bahá'u'lláh is Not God--But Through Him We Can Know God
1554. Why He Uses the Pronoun "We"
1555. There is No Record of a Prophet Similar in Station to Bahá'u'lláh
1556. Hour of Bahá'u'lláh's Birth
1557. The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh, Certain Passages Clarified
1558. Reckoning of Days Mentioned in the "Dispensation"
1559. Bahá'u'lláh Was a Descendent of Abraham Through Both Katurah and Sarah--Jesse, Son of Sarah, Was the Father of David and Ancestor of Bahá'u'lláh
1560. As the Return of Christ
1561. Appearance of Later Prophets
1562. Fears for Next Manifestation
1563. He Does Not Ask Us to Follow Him Blindly
1564. Christ and Bahá'u'lláh
1565. Duration of the Bahá'í Cycle and Dispensation
1566. No Explanation Given for 500,000 Year Period of Bahá'í Cycle
1567. Identifies Himself with Other Prophets
1568. Bahá'u'lláh Did Not Name "Letters of the Living" for Himself
1569. The "Trustees" of Knowledge
1570. The Bahá'í Faith is a Way of Life Not a Mere Philosophical or Social Doctrine
1571. The Teachings Should Be Conceived of as One Great Whole with Many Facets
1572. The Whole Theory of Divine Revelation Rests on the Infallibility of the Prophets
1573. There Are a Minimum of Rituals in the Bahá'í Faith and No Man-Made Dogmas
C. Explanation of Some Bahá'í Teachings
1574. What is Meant by a Personal God--God is Not Anthropomorphic
1575. Man Lives in a Three Dimensional Plane of Consciousness
1576. Possibly Indians of America Were Influenced by Prophets in Asia
1577. Mustaghath
1578. Reference in Gospel of St. John to Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
1579. "Lord" and "God" Refer to the Creator in Bahá'í Writings
1580. Copper Can Be Transmuted into Gold
1581. Creatures Are to be Found on Every Planet
1582. "Dayspring" Defined
1583. Absolute Being Can Be Attributed Only to God--His Creation Has Relative Existence, a Separate Reality
1584. Meaning of "Sciences that Begin and End in Words"
1585. Atomic Energy--"A Strange and Wonderful Instrument"
1586. Bahá'u'lláh Exhorts Man to Try to Develop His Dormant Qualities
1587. The "Veils" Are Very Thin at the Time of the Manifestation
1588. Today It is a Greater Responsibility to Reject the Manifestation
1589. Cornerstone of All the Teachings--Oneness of Humanity
1590. "He Who Loves His Kind"
1591. "From It (Earth) We Have Created You"
1592. Second Time--Means the Spiritual Resurrection of Man
1593. The Day of Resurrection, of Judgement, and the Tomb
1594. Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh Primarily for This Planet
1595. Abha Kingdom
1596. "Singled Out"
1597. Evolution of the Soul
1598. "Perishing"
1599. "No Man Attaineth Everlasting Life"
1600. Differences of Station and Classes in Society
1601. "Hidden Words"
1602. Iqan, Kitab-I-Iqan--"City of God", Meaning of
1603. "Who Out of Utter Nothingness"
1604. "Hosts of His Testament" and "Cord"
1605. Sura of the Sun, Explanation of
1606. Intercession
1607. "Knowledge Consists of Twenty-Seven Letters..."
1608. Tablet of Ahmad--The Word "Ungodly"
1609. The Tablet of the Holy Mariner
1610. Tablet to the Presidents of the Republics of the Americas
1611. Tablet of Joseph
1612. Meaning of "Verities of the Faith"
1613. Meaning of the Word "Patron" in Seven Valleys
D. 'Abdu'l-Bahá
1614. Abdu'l-Bahá
1615. All Thy Doings Recorded
1616. Chief Objectives of Abdu'l-Bahá's Ministry
1617. Experiences with Abdu'l-Bahá
1618. Stories About Abdu'l-Bahá
1619. Day of the Covenant, Day of the Ascension
1620. When the Interpreter of the Writings Says Nothing on a Subject Then the Individual is Free to Accept or Refute
1621. Praying to Abdu'l-Bahá
1622. Through Him One Can Address Bahá'u'lláh
1623. Photographs of Abdu'l-Bahá
1624. Photograph Placed in a Dignified Position
1625. Preservation of Relics
1626. Ages of the Faith and Epochs of the Ages
1627. The Divine Plan
1628. The Tablets of the Divine Plan Are the Charter for Teaching
1629. Apostolic and Heroic Age of the Faith
1630. The Application of the Term "Iron Age"
E. Hidden Words
1631. The "Hidden Words"--A Collection of Gem-Like Utterances
1632. The Meaning of the Name "Hidden Words"
1633. The Hidden Words Have No Sequence
1634. Passages in which Bahá'u'lláh Refers to Man as "Son of Spirit"
1635. Hidden Words (Arabic) No. 13 Explained
F. Christ
1636. Date of Birth of Jesus Christ
1637. Christ, Virgin Birth of
1638. Miracles Are Always Possible
1639. Bahá'í Teachings in Agreement with Doctrines of Catholic Church Concerning the Virgin Birth
1640. Christ's Brothers and Sisters Were Born in the Natural Way
1641. High Station of Mary--False Accusations
1642. "Dove" Simply a Metaphor
1643. The Bahá'í Faith Recognizes the Divine Origin of Christianity and the Immaculacy of the Virgin Mary
1644. Regarding the Station of Jesus--All Prophets Can Be Regarded as Sons of God for They All Reflect His Light
1645. According to the Gospel Jesus Gave Only Two Material Ordinances
1646. The Crucifixion as Recorded in the New Testament is Correct
1647. The Father Himself Has Come and Fulfilled the Mission of Christ the Son
1648. Bahá'ís Do Not Believe in a Bodily Resurrection After the Crucifixion
1649. Bahá'ís Should Try to Find a Spiritual Meaning to the So-Called Miraculous Events Recorded in the Gospel
1650. Jesus Christ Established Beyond a Doubt the Primacy of Peter
1651. Regarding the Signs that Would Herald the Advent of the New Manifestation
1652. The Qur'an Concerning Christ
1653. The Reformation Was a Challenge to Man-Made Organization of the Church
1654. The Period of Turmoil which Accompanies a New Manifestation
1655. Ecclesiastics 12:6--Man's Neglect of God
1656. There is a Spark of Divinity in Man
1657. Reference to Bahá'u'lláh in St. John
1658. We Do Not Believe in Genesis Literally--The World Was Not Created in Seven Days
1659. The Years of Noah Are Not Years as We Count Them and We Cannot Substantiate Stories of the Old Testament
1660. When Abdu'l-Bahá States that We Believe What is in the Bible, He Means in Substance
G. Islám
1661. The Date of Birth of Muhammad is Unknown
1662. Biblical References to Muhammad and Ali
1663. Islam
1664. Muhammad's Teachings Heightened and Guarded the Cause of Human Development
1665. Clarification of Certain Issues Regarding Islam, the Imam Husayn, the Imamate, etc.
1666. How to Study the Qur'an
1667. Meaning of "Jin" or "Genii"
1668. Caliphate and Imamate
1669. Muhammad Says that the Jews Did Not Crucify Christ
1670. Muhammadanism is a Fuller Revelation Than Any One Preceding It
1671. Muhammad's Teachings Fostered the National State
1672. The Plurality of Wives in Muslim Countries Does Not Conform with the Teachings of Muhammad
1673. Imam Husayn
H. Israel
1674. Israel
1675. Position of Jerusalem
1676. All Palestine to Become Home
1677. Gathering of Israel
1678. Journey of the Israelites
1679. Erroneous Belief
1680. Ten Tribes of Israel
1681. The Jews Have a Great Spiritual Destiny and Will Enter the Faith in Large Groups
1682. Greek Philosophers Visited Israel's Scholars and Religious Leaders
I. Prophets and Prophecies of Various Religions
1683. Bahá'u'lláh is the Culmination of the Adamic Cycle and the Inaugurator of the Bahá'í Cycle
1684. Buddha Was a Manifestation Like Christ
1685. Confucius Was Not a Prophet But a Great Reformer
1686. Daniel, Prophecies of
1687. King David
1688. Genesis 22:9--Sacrifice of Ishmael
1689. Lot
1690. Zoroaster--Was Not Abraham
1691. Beginning of Zoroastrian Era
1692. Hindu Religion
1693. Sabeanism
1694. Lao-Tse and the Sabeans
1695. There Were No Followers of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh from the Far East During Their Ministry
1696. Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism (Following are some quotations taken from a compilation of extracts from letters written on behalf of the Guardian on these and related subjects, enclosed with a letter to an individual believer on November 30, 1980 from the Universal House of Justice)
1697. Existence is of Two Kinds
1698. Manifestations Had Some Consciousness of Their Station
1699. The Souls of the Prophets Are Pre-Existent
1700. Hadrat--His Holiness
1701. Fundamental Purpose of All Religions
1702. Fundamentals of Religions
1703. Cosmic Religion
1704. Core of Religious Faith
1705. Oneness of Mankind Cornerstone of Teachings
1706. Primary Importance of the Cause Among Existing Religions
1707. Meaning of "Mysterious Power that Creates New Spiritual Worlds"
1708. Meaning of Personal God: Value of Religion Please refer to No. 1574
1709. Religion Should Change Our Acts as Well as Our Thoughts
1710. World Religion Day, Purpose of
1711. Significance of Remains of the Prophets
1712. The Atoms of the Prophets Are Just Atoms
1713. The Four and Twenty Elders
1714. Perfection of God Found in His Prophets
1715. References to Bahá'u'lláh
1716. The Ark and the Flood
1717. Generation, the Word Has Different Meanings
1718. The Cross--This Figure Exists in All Things
1719. The Teachings of Swedenborg and Emerson Should Be Considered as Advanced Stirrings of the Time
1720. Emanuel Swedenborg
1721. Abdu'l-Bahá Praised Emanual Swedenborg for His Efforts for Social and Religious Reconstruction
1722. Because of the Progressiveness of the Teachings of Swedenborg He Can Be Considered a Herald of This Day
1723. People Like Emerson Were No Doubt Inspired by God
1724. The Difference Between the Gnostics and the Religionists
1725. Christ Referred to the World of the Prophets as the "Word", Abdu'l-Bahá Calls It the "Will"
1726. God Will Continue to Send His Prophets that Man May Obtain His Highest Goal
1727. Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon
1728. Status of Joseph Smith
1729. The Mormons Have High Principles and Ideals
1730. Source of Evil Thoughts
1731. Evil Spirits
1732. Influence of Evil Spirits
1733. Evil Spirits Refer to Lower Nature of Man
1734. Evil Exists
1735. Psychic Powers in Children--Dangerous to Cultivate
1736. The Fourth Dimension
1737. Avoid Psychic Phenomena
1738. Possession
1739. Should Strive to Have Pure Thoughts and Dreams
1740. Difficult to Distinguish Truth from Imagination
1741. Difference Between Divine Revelation and Personal Experience
1742. True Mystical Experiences Rare
1743. No Need for Individual Revelations
1744. Let the Future Take Care of Itself
1745. Development of Psychic Faculties Weakens Spiritual Capacities
1746. Astronomy is a Science, Astrology is Not
1747. Non-Sensical Pseudo-Science
1748. Horoscopes
1749. Fruitless Sciences
1750. Influence of the Stars and Planets
1751. Numerology
1752. Neither Numerology nor Astrology Needed by the Believers
1753. Automatic Writing
1754. World's Greatest Writers and Painters Have Not Been Under Psychic Influence
1755. Table Writing
1756. Spiritualism and Psychic Phenomena
1757. Numerology, Physiognomy--Too Much Exaggerated
1758. Telepathy
1759. Be Not Afraid Anyone Can Affect Your Mind
1760. Spiritualists
1761. Mesmerism or Trumpet Communications
1762. Materialization of Spirits Through Mediums
1763. "Masters" Behind the Scenes
1764. Pyramids
1765. Pyramid of Cheops
1766. Protection of the Holy Spirit
1767. Heaven and Hell Conditions Within Our Own Beings--The Prophets Know God...
1768. Psychic Arts--The Influence of Such Arts is Dependent on Conviction of the Person Affected
1769. Bahá'ís Recognize that Evil is Negative and Can Take Control of Our Life But We Have the Power to Become Free of Such Forces
1770. Evil Souls Who Have Passed Away Can Exercise No Power Over the People
1771. The Solution to Such Beliefs and Problems Involves a Process of Educating the Friends in the Teachings
1772. What is Commonly Called Evil Spirits is Normally an Imaginary Creation But Evil Influences Both in This World and the Next
1773. Occult Practices of Certain Hindus Introduced in the States Are Completely Contrary to the Teachings and Should Be Avoided by the Friends
1774. Spiritual Experiences Can Have Great Influence On Us But the Call Today is to Try to Save the Human Race--This is the Duty of Every Soul
1775. Aboriginal Inhabitants--Downtrodden People
1776. Tablets of the Divine Plan--Natives of America May Become Great Standard Bearers of the Faith
1777. Prejudice and Condescension--Contact with City Indians
1778. Afro-Americans and Amerindians
1779. First Member of His Race to Embrace the Cause
1780. Service of the Negro
1781. Guardian's Appeal to Negro Race
1782. Concentrate on Teaching the Negroes
1783. Compared with Pupil of the Eye
1784. Work of Negro Has Been of Greatest Help
1785. The Negroes Have a Contribution to Make to Bahá'u'lláh's World Order
1786. Pure-Hearted, Spiritually Receptive Negro Race
1787. Faces Are as Pupil of the Eye
1788. The Principle of the Oneness of Mankind Precludes Possibility of Considering Race as a Bar to Social Interaction
1789. The Guardian Addresses the Negro
1790. Addressed to Members of the White Race
1791. Let the White Make a Supreme Effort
1792. Unity in Diversity
1793. The Guardian Addresses Both Races--Neither Race Can Claim to be Absolved from Obligation
1794. God Makes No Distinction
1795. Prejudice Destroys Edifice of Humanity
1796. Object of Inter-Racial Work--Japanese, Americans, Mexicans, Chinese, Negroes
1797. Just Interest of Minorities
1798. The Coloured Friends Need the Faith--Have Suffered and Been Downtrodden
1799. Guilty Before God to Allow Prejudice to Manifest Itself
1800. To Be a Bahá'í is to be Different
1801. Bahá'ís Are Not Perfect
1802. Abdu'l-Bahá Foretold for the Indians of America a Great Future if They Accepted the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh
1803. Bahá'ís Approve of Inter-Racial Unions
1804. Campus Protest Against Racial Prejudice
1805. The Bahá'í Must Scrupulously Avoid Involvement in Political Issues Therefore Cannot Participate in Anti-Apartheid Demonstrations
1806. Teaching Multi-Racial Students in the Universities and Other Minority Groups in America, Such as Czechs, Poles, Russians...
1807. Racial Prejudice is Simply a Negation of Faith
1808. It is the Responsibility of the Believers to Combat and Uproot Racial Prejudice in Their Midst
1809. God Has Richly Endowed the Negro Race
1810. The Negro Race and the White Race Must Do All in Their Power to Destroy the Prejudice which Exists on Both Sides
1811. The Negro Bahá'ís Have a Great Responsibility Towards Their Own Race and Fellow Believers
1812. Principle of the Oneness of Mankind--Incompatible with Racial Prejudices
1813. The Evil Forces of Prejudice
1814. The Negroes Should Be Proud and Happy in the Praises which Bahá'u'lláh Bestowed Upon Them and Other Downtrodden Races
1815. The Guardian Encourages Participation with Non-Political Progressive Groups
1816. The Whites Should Welcome Negroes in Their Homes and Even Marry Them if They Wish--Both Sides Have Prejudice to Overcome
1817. The Sufferings and Tribulations of the Jews Will Terminate During the Bahá'í Era
1818. The Glorious Destiny of the Jews
1819. Believers of Jewish Descent Should Call Themselves Bahá'ís
1820. Bahá'í Position on Reincarnation
1821. Everybody is Entitled to Their Own Opinion
1822. Learning Can Be the Veil Between the Soul of Man and Truth
1823. Have Not Had Time to Evolve Bahá'í Scholars Who Can Deal with These Subjects
1824. Unlikely You Will Be Able to Convert People Who Study These Topics
1825. What Bahá'u'lláh Means by Faculty of Sight and Hearing
1826. Reincarnation Does Not Exist
1827. We Must Use Writings of the Prophets as Our Measurement
A. Reverence
1828. Reverence and Respect Toward the Holy Places
1829. The Record of Abdu'l-Bahá's Voice Should Be Listened to with the Utmost Reverence
1830. Viewing the Film of Abdu'l-Bahá
1831. Portrayal of Any of the Manifestations of God Forbidden
1832. Showing Reverence Differs from Culture to Culture
1833. Photograph of Bahá'u'lláh
B. Spirituality
1834. Man is at the Beginning of Spirituality
1835. Requisites for Spiritual Growth
1836. Points Towards the Attainment of True Spirituality--Spiritual Exercises of Prayer and Meditation
1837. Bahá'u'lláh Specified No Procedure to be Followed in Meditation and No Method Should Be Taught in Summer Schools
1838. For Private Meditation, Believer May Desire to Use the Greatest Name
1839. Cleanliness Contributes to Spirituality
1840. The Obligatory Prayers and Reading Sacred Scriptures Every Morning and Evening Nourish Growth of Spirituality
1841. The Foundation of Spirituality is Steadfastness in the Covenant
1842. People Are So Markedly Lacking in Spirituality These Days
1843. There is a Need for a True Spiritual Awareness
1844. Spiritual Education and Progress Depend on Recognition of the Infallibility of the Manifestation of God
1845. Prayer Absolutely Indispensable--To Attain Spirituality
A. Guidelines
1846. A Wider Horizon is Opening Before Us
1847. The Concept of Social and Economic Development is Enshrined in the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh
1848. His Teachings Emphasize Bringing into Being a World Unified in All Essential Aspects of Life
1849. Steps to be Taken to Attain This Goal Must Begin in the Bahá'í Community
1850. Establishment of Office of Social and Economic Development in the World Centre
1851. The Powers Released by Bahá'u'lláh Match the Needs of the Time
1852. Progress in Development Field Depends on Stirrings at the Grass Roots
1853. The Major Tasks of National Spiritual Assemblies
1854. Applying Systematically Principles of the Faith to Upraising Quality of Human Life
1855. Universal House of Justice Calls Individual to Action
1856. The Nature and Extent of Believers' Involvement Must Vary from Country to Country
B. Agriculture
1857. Strive to Become Proficient in the Science of Agriculture
1858. Solution to Economic Problem Should Begin with the Farmer
1859. A General Warehouse Will Be Founded which Will Have Seven Revenues
C. Economics
1860. Bahá'í System Prevents Extremes of Wealth and Poverty
1861. Should Not Confuse Methods Explained by Abdu'l-Bahá with Present Day Systems
1862. Regarding Problems of Ownership, Control and Distribution of Capital
1863. Voluntary Sharing
1864. Spirit that Permeates Economic Life Will Crystallize into Definite Institutions
1865. Social Inequality
1866. "Equality is a Chimera!"
1867. Wages
1868. Application of Spiritual Principles to Economic System
1869. Profit Sharing Recommended to Solve One Form of Economic Problems
1870. Man Will Always Have to Toil to Earn His Living
1871. Religion Alone Can Enable Man to Adjust the Economic Relationships of Society
1872. A New Universal Attitude Needs to be Fostered--Based on Spiritual Verities
D. Projects
1873. Participation in Projects Depends Largely on Certain Conditions in the Community
1874. The Primary Objective of Such Projects Should Be Service to the Community, Not as a Business
1875. Social and Economic Development Projects Should Meet Needs and Aspirations of Local Believers
1876. Two Fundamental Principles
1877. Social and Economic Development Must Be Placed on a Spiritual Basis to Prove Productive
1878. Suggestions for Projects Are Welcome
1879. Projects May Receive Help in Finances and Manpower from Bahá'í Sources
E. Objectives for Social and Economic Development
1880. The Preservation of Cultural Identities and Customs
1881. Arts, Crafts and Sciences
1882. Wealth is Praiseworthy--If Acquired by Efforts and Grace of God, and if Expended for Philanthropic Purposes
1883. The Promotion of Education
F. Requisites for Success
1884. The Mashriqu'l-Adhkar--The Spiritual Precedes the Material
1885. The Spiritual Principle Induces an Attitude, a Dynamic, a Will, an Aspiration
G. Tutorial Schools
1886. The Importance of Establishing Tutorial Schools
1887. Bahá'í Youth and Young Adults Should Be Willing to Become Teachers
1888. School Should Be Planned by Bahá'ís in Consultation with Non-Bahá'ís
1889. A Privately Owned Kindergarten Could Be Considered a Social and Economic Activity for Statistics
1890. Contributions from Non-Bahá'ís for Maintenance of Tutorial Schools
A. Summer Schools
1891. Purpose of Summer Schools
1892. Undue Time Should Not Be Spent on Philosophic and Esoteric Subjects
1893. Summer Schools Can Attract Many Souls
1894. Lecture Method Not Sufficient
1895. Supervised by National Assembly
1896. Summer Schools Inseparable Part of Teaching Campaign
1897. Introduce Bahá'í Atmosphere
1898. Dancing, Nothing in Teachings Against
1899. Topics to be Discussed
1900. The Summer School Curriculum Should Concentrate on Deepening the Student's Grasp of the Teachings
1901. It is Important that Courses on Covenant-Breaking Be Included in the Summer School Curriculum
1902. Indispensable for Students to Study the Pattern of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh
1903. The Importance of the Study of Islam--Need Competent Lecturers and Writers, Not Necessarily Bahá'ís
1904. Teaching of the Qur'an is Absolutely Indispensable
1905. Character Building and Ethics
1906. Few Days Not Sufficient to Learn Everything
1907. Bahá'í Youth Attendant at Louhelen Shoulder Responsibility in Connection with Development of the Bahá'í University
B. Bahá'í Teaching Institutes
1908. Teaching Institutes
1909. Institute Should Be Centre of Complex Activities
1910. Subjects to be Taught
1911. Issuing Diplomas Discouraged--Sometimes They Are Misused
1912. A Teaching Institute at Present is a Function and Not Necessarily a Building
A. Deepening
1913. Incumbent on Believers to Read Sacred Writings Daily
1914. Deepening--What It Means--No Limit to the Study of the Cause
1915. Deepening Generates Stimulus
1916. Study with Others
1917. Study Classes--Little Knowledge is Dangerous--Quote from the Tablets
1918. Deepen Their Knowledge
1919. Understanding the Import of His Teachings Motivates New Believers to Dedicate Their Lives to His Service
1920. Study and Application
1921. Spiritual Teachings of Faith--Will and Testament, Firm Grounding Needed
1922. Presenting the Master's Will to Newcomers
1923. The Cause Needs People Whose Faith Stands on a Rock, No Trial Can Move
1924. Education of New Believers
1925. Regarding Spiritual Children, Each Soul Receives Gift of Faith for Himself, Independent of Teachers
1926. One Cannot Catch the Spirit of the Cause Through the Reading of Books Alone
1927. Imperative Need to Deepen in the Cause--God's Purpose for Man
1928. The Study of Dawn-Breakers Will Arouse the Friends to Renewed Zeal
1929. Theme Pursued in Effort to Deepen--What is God's Purpose for the Human Race?
1930. Presenting Greatest Name Prematurely
1931. One Must Deepen His Knowledge of the Literature in Order to Teach Others and Render Service to the Faith
1932. The Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh Deal with Many Aspects of Man's Inner and Communal Life
1933. Progress of Cause Now to be Characterized by Increasing Relationship with Non-Bahá'í World--Our Preparation Must Be Continual Deepening
B. Pioneers and Pioneering
1934. Pioneers--Homeless and Wanderers in the Path of God
1935. Not for a Moment Are Ye Alone
1936. Flee Their Homelands
1937. House of Justice Defines "Pioneer" and "Pioneering"--There Can Be No Question of "Recalling" a Pioneer from His Field of Service
1938. Pioneer Status Clarified: Who is a Pioneer?
1939. Every Bahá'í, Especially Those Who Leave Their Homes to Serve in Foreign Lands, Should Turn Their Gaze to Marion Jack
1940. A Self-Supporting Pioneer Cannot Be Required to Settle in Any Given Locality
1941. Only if Especially Required for a Specific Locality Can a Pioneer Be Required to Settle There
1942. The Guardian's Exhortations to Bahá'ís to Leave Centres Where Large Numbers Had Congregated Were to Disperse Them to Needy Goals--The Spiritual Importance of Remaining at Their Posts
1943. All Bahá'ís Have the Duty to Teach and Serve; Some Who Settle for Personal Purposes May Fill Pioneer Goals
1944. Iranians Who Settle in the Americas
1945. Persians Can Render Utmost Service to the Teaching Work, But They Must Settle as Pioneers and be in the Minority
1946. Whether Youth and Children Should Be Listed as Pioneers
1947. The Native Believers Should Be Encouraged to Become the Pivot of the Teaching Activities
1948. Pioneering is the Highest Form of Bahá'í Cooperation in Marriage
1949. Neither Persian nor American Pioneers Should Congregate in a Few Chosen Places
1950. Pioneer Should Not Leave Post Until There is Nothing Else to Do--They Should Confirm Native People Like Enoch Olinga Who Will Ignite the Flame of Faith in Others
1951. Initial Obscurity Surrounding Work of Pioneer--Protection to Faith
1952. The Purpose of Dispersal
1953. Pioneers Entering Pioneer Field Should Realize They Go as National Spiritual Assembly Representatives--To Represent the Cause
1954. The Work of the Pioneer is the Most Important Task an Individual Can Perform; Its Blessings Are Great
1955. When an Administrative Body is Established, the Pioneer Ceases to Have a Unique Status
1956. Pioneers Enhance Prestige of Faith
1957. Perseverance of Pioneers Assured Reward in Both Worlds
1958. Isolated Pioneers Are Like a Lighthouse of Bahá'u'lláh
1959. Struggles of a Pioneer--God Will Assist All Those Who Arise to Serve Him
1960. Even if Bereft of Every Human Knowledge, Everyone Who with a Pure, Detached Heart Arises to Serve His Cause is Promised Bahá'u'lláh's Divine Assistance
1961. Bahá'u'lláh is Always on the Watch, Ready to Come to Our Assistance
1962. In the Best and Highest Sense of the Term "Missionary" It Can Be Applied to Our Teachers--There is No Objection to the Word Appearing on Passports
1963. Assembly Should Arrange to Replace Pioneer Before He Leaves Post
1964. No Service in Entire Bahá'í World as Important as Pioneering Work in Virgin Areas
1965. Pioneers in Virgin Areas Cannot Vote in National Elections
1966. Pioneers Should Work in Close Harmony with Local Believers
C. Proclamation
1967. Youth Should Not Be Stultified
1968. Mass Distribution of Reply Paid Inquiry Cards
1969. Importance of Reaching Distinguished Persons with the Teachings
1970. Eminent Men Are Often Captives of Their Cherished Ideas, But When the Pendulum Starts to Swing...
1971. Proclaiming the Faith to Modern Thinkers and Leaders of Society
D. Radio
1972. Power of Radio for Proclamation
1973. Historic Forward Step in Proclamation
1974. Bring to Attention of the Public the Fact that the Faith Exists
1975. Examples of Prudence to be Exercised in Presenting History and Teachings of the Faith
1976. Voluntary Contributions May Be Accepted--However, Fund-Raising Activities Should Not Be Carried Out by Bahá'í Radio
E. Teaching
1977. Arise to Serve His Cause
1978. Teaching Enjoined on Believers in Aqdas
1979. Meditate on Methods of Teaching
1980. The Teachings Are Not Given to Us to Treasure and Hide
1981. Abdu'l-Bahá Teaches How to Teach
1982. Recompense of Martyr Assuredly Recorded
1983. Teaching Not Conditioned by Occupation
1984. Intensive Work is of More Lasting Nature
1985. Teachers Must Be Satisfied with Little Food
1986. Develop a System of Travelling Teacher Circuits
1987. Travelling Teachers Reinforce Work of Pioneers
1988. What Visiting Teachers Are Supposed to Do
1989. Travelling Teachers Have No Special Status
1990. Travelling Expenses of Teachers
1991. No Bahá'í Teachers Permanently Employed by Faith
1992. Travelling Teachers Should Be Assisted Financially to Carry Out Assigned Projects
1993. We Have No One in the Faith Whose Position is Comparable to Professional Clergymen or Priests
1994. Support by the Fund Only Temporary
1995. Travelling Teachers and Believers Who Travel Frequently
1996. Spiritual Maturing is a Slow Process
1997. Each One of the Believers is Like an Ark of Salvation
1998. First Condition of a Religious Teacher
1999. Importance of Teaching--Terrible Problems Confronting Humanity
2000. Need Teachers of Spiritual Capacity, Knowledge of Covenant
2001. Everyone is a Potential Teacher
F. Mass Teaching
2002. Distribution of Bahá'í Material in Mail Boxes of Homes and Apartments
2003. Great Care Should Be Exercised in Selecting Teachers to Teach
2004. Exercise Care in Presenting Cause to Avoid Misconceptions
2005. Mankind Has the Right to Hear the Message of Bahá'u'lláh
2006. The Purpose of Consolidation
2007. True Consolidation
2008. Proclamation, Expansion and Consolidation
2009. Consolidation is that Aspect of Teaching which Assists Believers to Deepen Their Knowledge of the Teachings...
2010. Consolidation is an Essential and Inseparable Element of Teaching
2011. Expansion and Consolidation Are Co-Equal
2012. The Purpose of Teaching is Not Complete with a Declaration of Faith
2013. Qualities Necessary--Pure Spirit and Love--Illiterates Cannot Read for Themselves
2014. Simplicity in Giving the Message--The Unsophisticated People Form Majority
2015. Poorer Classes Should Be Taught--Confirm People
2016. Teaching Campaigns
2017. Aim of All Bahá'í Institutions and Teachers
2018. Challenge to Every Believer and Institution
2019. Challenge to Local and National Administrative Institutions
2020. Challenge to the Individual Bahá'í
2021. How Can True Believer Remain Silent
2022. Charitable and Humanitarian Aspects of Faith--Be Careful Not to Emphasize
2023. Honoraria or Expenses for Talking on the Faith at Non-Bahá'í Events
2024. Teachers as Administrators
2025. Bahá'ís Should Be Aware that Opening a New Territory or Town is Only the First Move
2026. The Basic Objective of Teaching
2027. The Guardian Encouraged Early Enrollment of New Believers
2028. Indirect Teaching: What It Constitutes
2029. The Teaching of the Indians in America
2030. Teaching the Muslims
2031. It is the Holy Spirit that Confirms and the Individual Should Become as a Reed Through which the Spirit May Descend
2032. Many People Are Ready for and Longing to Find These Teachings
2033. The Teacher Should Use Whatever Method of Expression that Will Attract the Listener
2034. Audacity in Teaching is Essential, But with Tact, Wisdom and Consideration
2035. Regarding Those Who Are Enrolled, But Do Not Consider Themselves Bahá'ís
2036. The Most Successful Way for the Individual to Carry on the Teaching Work
2037. Bahá'ís Often Each Other's Greatest Test
2038. Growing Pains Every Bahá'í Community Experiences
2039. Failures, Tests and Trials Are Means of Purifying Our Spirits
2040. God Sometimes Causes Us to Suffer Much that We May Become Strong in His Cause
2041. A Man May Forget God While Happy
2042. Difficulties Are Means for the Spirit to Grow
2043. Is It Right to Tell Untruth to Save Another?
2044. No Comfort in This World--Some Under Pressure Commit Suicide
2045. We Can Turn Our Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones
2046. Life Afflicts Us with Very Severe Trials which We Must Accept Patiently
2047. Many Tests Are Due to Our Own Nature
2048. Only Through Suffering Can Nobility of Character Be Made Manifest--The Energy We Spend Enduring the Intolerance of Others is Not Lost
2049. Suffering Seems to be Part of the Polish God Employs to Enable Us to Reflect More of His Attributes
2050. Sometimes Things which Seem Difficult to Understand Have a Simple, Reasonable Explanation
A. Founding of the Temple
2051. Founding of Temple Marks Inception Kingdom of God on Earth
2052. Temple Ordained to be Ark to Ride Tidal Wave
2053. First Institute by the Disciples Was a Temple
2054. Effect on Those Who Build It--Arise for the Service of Temple
2055. Accessories to the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar
2056. One of the Most Vital Institutions in the World is the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar
2057. The Relationship of an Administrative Building to the Temple is Worship and Service
B. Worship in the Temple
2058. The Reason for a Place of Worship
2059. The Character of Meetings in the Auditorium
2060. Non-Bahá'í Public Welcome
2061. Worship in Temple
2062. Talking in the Temple
2063. Scriptures of Other Religions, Readers, Music in the House of Worship
2064. The Auditorium May Be Used for Special Prayers by Visiting Groups, Bahá'í or Non-Bahá'í
2065. The Chanting of Tablets in the Temple
2066. Questions and Answers Concerning Services in the House of Worship
C. Temple Guiding and Other Activities
2067. The Temple Guide Has a Very Sacred Obligation
2068. Bahá'í Guides Should Be Well Informed
2069. The Essential Requisites for Guides
2070. Work at the Temple on Holy Days
2071. Land Grant from Government Not Acceptable for Temple Site
2072. Both Women and Men Have Been Created in the Image of God
2073. Clarification Exclusion of Women on House of Justice
2074. The Membership of the Universal House of Justice is Confined to Men; This is Not a Function Designated for Women
2075. Women Are Destined to Attain to the Very Highest Station of the World of Humanity--Bahá'u'lláh Has Willed It So!
2076. Reference to the "Men of Justice" Cited in the Kitab-i-Aqdas is Based on a Certain Principle Deriving from Bahá'u'lláh
2077. All Mankind Are the Creatures of One God--"Man" is a Generic Term Applying to All Humanity
2078. Bahá'u'lláh Made Women Respected by Proclaiming that All Women Be Educated--In Some Societies It was Preferable that She Should Not Know Reading and Writing
2079. The New Age Will Be an Age Less Masculine; the Feminine and Masculine Elements Will Be More Evenly Balanced
2080. Woman Would Be the Peer of Men if Equal Opportunity Were Granted
2081. With the Same Educational Advantages Women Will Show Equal Capacity for Scholarship
2082. She is the Coadjutor of Man
2083. The Need to Educate and Guide Women in Their Primary Responsibility as Mothers
2084. No Nation Can Achieve Success Unless Education is Accorded to All Its Citizens
2085. If Mother is Educated Then Her Children Will Be Well Taught
2086. The Assumption of Superiority by Men Will Continue to be Depressing to the Ambition of Women
2087. The Boldness which the Women Who Enlisted in the Ranks of the Faith Have Evinced is One of the Miracles which Distinguish This Sacred Dispensation
2088. The Women's Liberation Movement
2089. What Abdu'l-Bahá Meant by Women Arising for Peace
2090. The Emancipation of Women and the Achievement of Full Equality is One of the Most Important Prerequisites for Peace
2091. The Hearts of Women Are More Tender and Susceptible Than the Hearts of Men and They Are More Philanthropic and Responsive Toward the Needy and Suffering
2092. Woman by Nature is Opposed to War
2093. The Woman Has Greater Moral Courage Than Man and is of the Greater Importance to the Race
2094. The Duty of Women in Being the First Educators of Mankind
2095. At Present the Equality of Men and Women is Not Universally Applied
2096. One of the Factors in Bringing About International Peace is Woman's Suffrage
2097. Equality of Men and Women is Conducive to the Abolition of Warfare
2098. The Principle of Equality Can Be Effectively and Universally Established When Pursued in Conjunction with All Other Aspects of Bahá'í Life
2099. God Does Not Inquire, "Art Thou Woman or Art Thou Man?"
2100. Woman Must Study the Industrial and Agricultural Sciences in Order to Assist Mankind in that which is Most Needful
2101. When Woman Receives Education and Full Rights to the Prerogatives of Man, She Will Refuse to Send Her Sons to the Battlefield and She Will Abolish Warfare Among Mankind
2102. Abdu'l-Bahá Regards Such Inequalities as Remain Between the Sexes in This Age as Being "Negligible"
2103. The World of Humanity Consists of Two Complementary Parts: Male and Female. If One is Defective the Other Will Necessarily Be Incomplete
2104. Universal Peace is Impossible Without Universal Suffrage: It is Historically True that Every Influential Undertaking in the World Where Woman Was a Participant Has Attained Importance
A. Work is Worship
2105. Work is Worship
2106. Idle People Have No Place in the World Order
2107. Abdu'l-Bahá Advocates the Need for a Profession--He Said His Was Mat-Making
2108. Bahá'u'lláh Commands that Everyone Should Engage in Some Sort of Profession
2109. Division of Time
2110. Art is Worship
2111. Working for the Cause Does Not Constitute Professional Activity
2112. Practice Economy
2113. All Humanity Must Obtain a Livelihood
2114. Retirement from Work
2115. Work in the Cause at Whatever Age
2116. "Occupy Yourselves with that which Profiteth Yourselves and Others"
2117. Must a Wife and Mother Work for Her Livelihood as Her Husband Does?
2118. The Man Has Primary Responsibility for the Financial Support of the Family and the Woman is the Chief and Primary Educator of the Children
2119. Concerning the Amount of Time a Mother May Spend Outside the Home
2120. The Importance of the Mother's Role Derives from the Fact that She is the First Educator of the Child
B. Trade Unions and Strikes
2121. Guidelines in Respect to Membership in Trade Unions and Participation in Strikes
2122. Our Expectant Eyes Are Fixed on Bahá'í Youth!
2123. Teenagers
2124. Special Message and Mission for Youth
2125. Youth Should Open Their Eyes to Existing Situation of World Conditions and Inquire About What the Future is Going to Bring
2126. To Make Their Views Known to Others the Young People Should Keep in Touch with Local Youth Activities
2127. Youth Should Be Scholars of the Faith--Material Training and Material Progress Are Insufficient
2128. Saints, Heroes, Martyrs and Administrators
2129. Cause Doomed to Stagnation if Youth Fail
2130. The Responsibility for Teaching is Placed on the Shoulders of the Bahá'í Youth
2131. Youth Will Inherit the Work of the Older Bahá'ís
2132. The Need of Modern Youth for a Type of Ethics Founded on Pure Religious Faith
2133. Associate in a Friendly Spirit with Others
2134. From Beginning Bahá'í Era Youth Played Vital Part
2135. We May Well Emulate the Youth
2136. Upsurge of Bahá'í Youth
2137. Youth Should Be Encouraged to Think of Their Studies
2138. Youth Will Arise for the Sake of God
2139. The House of Justice Calls on the Bahá'í Youth as "Legatees of the Heroic Early Believers" to Redouble Their Efforts in Spreading the Divine Message
2140. Youth Should Not Indict Non-Bahá'í Friends for They Only See a World Crumbling But We See a New World Being Built Up
2141. Education, One of the Most Fundamental Factors of True Civilization
2142. Future Peace--Great Responsibility Borne by Youth
2143. The Universal House of Justice Calls on Bahá'í Youth to Rededicate Themselves to the Urgent Needs of the Cause
2144. The Bahá'í Youth of Today Have the Distinction of Seeing the Establishment of the Lesser Peace and the Reconciliation of Society
2145. The Key to Success is to Deepen Your Understanding of the Teachings and be Able to Explain Them to Your Peers
2146. Youth and Fellow Believers Exhorted to Arise and Revolutionize the Progress of the Cause
2147. Courses of Study that One Can Pursue to Acquire Skills Needed to Assist the Developing Countries
2148. Simultaneously with the Proclamation Engendered by the Persecutions in Iran, More People Are Seeking Their True Identity
2149. Persevere in Your Individual Efforts to Teach the Faith, Study the Writings, Serve Mankind, Volunteer for Projects
2150. The Assembly Should Encourage the Invaluable Aid of Youth as Travelling Teachers, to Hold Youth Class, Etc.
2151. Youth Must Be Encouraged to Devise and Execute Their Own Teaching Plans
2152. The House of Justice Applauds Efforts of Youth to Acquire Spiritual Qualities
2153. The Youth Have the Inescapable Duty of Reflecting the Transforming Power of the Faith to Society
2154. The Youth Must Aspire to Excellence, Move Towards Front Ranks of Professions, Trades, Arts and Crafts
2155. The Youth Must Constantly Strive to Exemplify a Bahá'í Life which is the Opposite of the Moral Decay of Society
2156. Contact with Racial Minorities in a Country with Such a Large Element of Prejudice is Important
2157. The Bahá'í Faith is a Religion that Belongs to the Youth
2158. Second Declaration: No Such Thing
2159. The Solution to Difficulties which Stand in the Way of Co-Operation Between Young and Old Believers
2160. Laws and Precepts which Some Young Believers Are Inclined to Resent
2161. After Each Prayer Supplicate God to Bestow Mercy and Forgiveness Upon Your Parents
2162. Reaching the Age of Nineteen
2163. Regarding a National Committee to Supervise the Work of the Youth

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